HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-19, Page 71 f 1 COULD
o qij ,4l
Geo. Westbrook & Son
Builders and Contractors
We meet ialttr in the ld'. Ing
01 Ilex
Hardwood Floors
for sanding nevi and old
Window Caulking
Geo. Westbrook & Son
Phone 366w
Trafalgar St. Goderic h
• ...,end_.e,.Uel,,,,,.r•.v„w......•wti,.s-.r'•»w•
.,.I.rr...-- v.•
County and District
St. George, Anglican church. Vial- on the fano on the Bronson liar re-
fou. ,n June __1/,1 will ,•elebrute ltisltently purchased from F. Talbot.
fiftieth anniversary. II m."
Thr death of John 'teary Cottle. of
Thanwa (toad. ,,•ruJune une slit, of
pneumonia. i1/ his thirty-first year.
1 11. leaves his w44.• Mud tiny young J. W. Tr.seaveu, who, for a number
of e,,r.. tuns ,.•diol i1/ 1iwwius. has
1 children.
Thor. Roger Richardson died at, his; bought theTeuuaui rr.idruee ud la
i home at Hen+all on Thursday teat, at! vuming. hack to live in• hem
s native
the age of seventy -tour years. He 1s' t" %II.
survived by his wife, two suns and two' %V. 11. cook. whip linsl r'wlle north
daughters. i of Lucku.w, ,pied suddenly on Tine-
' Iloruce 4k4bridg.•, of 14slor411•. Ind Iter. June 11th, from heart failure.
i ail a,rldtent 1/111. day hist week whit.• I Mr. 4'ouk was widely kuuwu as a
sura•ssful• sales nI I u of uurw•ry 'tuck.
lgrr 1...:i n ought it waw'. hl' right I He 18 niirvivesl by ht.s wife. our sou
1:,,I. Is•i•'ii ...ought it, -1 the 1 and the i mud • daughter.
hour 1/u the IJ„hi, •t the haul cut Inn weiliwsday. June ith. -a pretty
Mr -°1/d lin, John 11. Galbraith, of wedding hs.k place 1/t I,ucknow l'rer-
I1ntr14Pls• adongh•p the lniagEliza of Inn'rbui nein«.•. Bev. t'. H. %1ac1Am-
thrlr only dunghtrr. N'llma Elizabeth um oiteiilftg, when- Itlnuehr Jain-
Notice to Water
The Water and Light Co!1
mission is pleased to annoult•c
a reduction of one dollar per
anglon on house water rates
from January lid ()wing to
the large number of taken
thtlr reduction means con-
siderable less revenue, and
consumers are asked to co--
operate in the economical
operation of the plant• by see-
ing that the water is not
wasted and.that all leaky.laps
or service* are fined at .tree
L. L. Knox.
W T Harney,
Juue 19, IMO
NOW A J. 1'.
Adlel tiaartinakl Rounded Fleet Fin-
nish Church In Toronto.
Adiel SaarinwkI. • vice-consul of
Finland in Toronto, and leader of the
city's F;nnlah colony. is the first Fin-
lander in Canada to be appointed Jur-
Lice Qt the peace. Yet when he Mit.
cyine to Toronto with his bride. he
found he wall so unwelcome that no-
body would rent hint a house to live
in, although any number were va-
cant. That was nearly thirty years
ago; when Toronto was anythfug but
-osmopulttan, and foreigners were
objects of curiosity and open of aver-
sion. In the whole city there wow -
not wore than a dozen or so Fiutfmh'
people. To -day there are about seven
Mr. Saariwakl, who landed n , -
Juhu F:. Gewwill, n lifelong res
Iff l 1 By Betittattclky
drat of this dlrtrlct, died on Thura•
1 last at the age of sietv$wo
Orange Cream 8lisrbst
year. 11.. it survived' by his wife. 1 teaspoon granulated gelatine
uric by 'tour suer., and seven % cup cups boiling water rad how out. w..•nais teat 28 lbs. of
water -
brut he: s. 154 { Wt, teething diet, without dangerous
• lib cups Aygar
• SEAFYFRTH (rated rind of 2 urasges -doom, or eaeniara-
- 1\y imps °rauge juice " 1 take t► daily dose of Kn.,chen, and
The death oeurr.d on 'rue.day. 1 cup lemur Jutte I have bet two Inches n 1 the wart
1 pin tresm and hips and !M lbs. slime last eunnner.
June nee of Mrs. John Kerr: it her 1 feel very well of it and people tell
i t. i•
residence here. Mrs. Kerr who erns t, 4, cup sugar
saeIlook very St. Iam5 u
her eighty-fifth of fifth ymm will a lifelong n, t.•,rop'cu alt height, M1 years „pd, and come of a
resident of this community, the d*ugh- • 2 egg, stout (nerdy " Miss E. L.
' r of the late Mr and Mrs. John Soak gelatine I) hr t g,l lumlrnng
HOW I LOST 28 li1S.
1. a Safi, Easy Way
t told water 5 min shout with •
Lapnlle, of McKillop, aud was boru 1/u ales. Dissolve In `boillug water ; add hurler of unhealthy, a:cess fat -you
the'Irpslle homestead near S.atorth. 1t>s cups sugar, orange rigid aud Julie can Kot rid of a easily it You get the
whirr she Itv,d until her uunrrfalft t1/ and lemon Julie. t'.ol end freest. W • Krowlien habit.
h thirty year ago mush Beat cream until stiff and add.IC 1 n irlta pnlvrid tete •'easiest•
Juhu Kerr, more than r q s aur n,
They lived on the 11th tonce*sluu of ,_ enle -11:a.11 and ,alt. Poen( yolks
of fc*l and 14urest way to kre tat NMt
M •Klllop until Mr. Kerr's doth eggs until light and whites until stiff you can possibly desire. Bxx purifyia1
' d t cream. Turn Into orange blood of hsrtnhd weds, PI°:
1 Ti
Couto as a youth of nineteen and got twent7 Yrar14 ago, when she movwt le and yl " . your
Seatorth. mixture aud continue tr..•zing Ute liver, kidneys and bowels to throw
t job in a Balani establishment, or&l re- A quiet wedding took {lame o1/ •R wase nnatrru►1 they
turned to Finland 14 year or sip later I e deposits whkh
to bring back his bride. Arrived in Thursday, Juue 5th, at the home of A Delicacy with ,Fresh Berrie*
Toronto, the young couple set out ells- Dr. W. l 111.Rptr, in Kltehrurr. when 1 1,a -Lag, . anllle junket
Orly to look for a house. their hopes 'Ruth V Wettlauter, eldest daughter of . 1 pito mink
• Blip.'(, to Elliott Hilliard Bredh,•
Jesuit 'laughter of Mr. and Ml -n, .luhn° high with the prospect of establishing
n 1/t Mr and Mn.. Mark Breda, the Jumhwu, became the bride of Ern r h In the city of opportunity.
marriage to take place early lip +uly. est \\'ilu.ul. of Saskatoon. The beide They had not reckoned with the ve-
death of Mr. Wm. A. Metall. of wear attetalwl by her lice,,. 1Iro. How•- judice then current. The enc land-
litrntrerry. oc,'urrrd 'June 9th at the want Hur,-is, moat Sl r. Howard flarris lord to whom they applied rudely
- • "f fttty•81x years. Deceased wall aup►urted the groom. After a dinner dashed their hopes with a curt refusal
,.,rn In East Wawanosh, a daughter of at the home 1/t the bride's parents to rent thew a hour, under any usa-
•1 a late Jame. Martin of Whlteehureh. the happy' .'"tole left for a _trip b1 Their t ttrmpt wall
-1 • is survived by '4er husband. one ocher to outline {'Juts. They 'will
ciihr.•r. Nr. Reuben Appleby. of wake their hour at Saskutorn.
Ttgnlwrry, and two.0411l,•Norman, of 'rhe bylaw to provide for an kW
San Francisco. and Ahad. at boor. prove, waterworks system for 'Luck'-
.\ quiet- welding took -place In the
manse. Walton. o1/ Wednesday. Julie
4th. when Anode. youngest daughter of
' Mr. aud Mrs (hnldlle. near Walton.
...time •the bride of George William-
son. only won 1/1 Mr. and Mrs. John
Williamson. The ceremony was per,
II(oared by Itev W. J. Vainer. Mr. mid
Mrs. Williamson will reside near Wel-
Tire, whelcle started from n evert: In
the chiuuu•v. der•troyel the tine feria
house belonging to Paul Prime, lith
e,,I,.�1.1111n o' Hon4.k. five wiles
Worth of Gorrie•, on Saturday after -
11.14111 la.l. 4414 • of this contents
were saved. Ruth 11,111,0 Had eoutrnt14
were insured. end Mr. Prior lut('ud14
to rebuild. :e. the .tone walls are Still
standing and amain -401y' i1/ g.ssl roll -
wlw• is again being •subwittel• to the
ratepayers mud the vier will lie taken
on JMy 7ttr-Th-tewtwut- t')v1tred. for
which it in promeed to issue thirty-
year debentures, is $1:..44441. Sinle•dhr
proposition ass defeated to the rural•
.'r vote taken in April IanL'thrre has
bow more or Iris disr•ussien of the
matter. and the c •11 reedier] a
largely -signed pa•Ilt' asking for au-
otl,er vote.
ler. Jas. Gunton. of [tattle ('reek,
Mich., is visiting friends aud rela-
tives herr for a'few days.
(Devine sold his farm reeestls% it.
Sl,•Mlllan Iles moved t.. his hotter In
Mr. and Mrs. \'. %\'ettlaufer, of that $trawt.e'rrlee
city, was united in marriage to Dr. B I'owdrr.d sugar slowly. Iw/t surely -and you
Gillespie. only sun of Jo1w Gillespie of Make junket aiserdlug to dtrectloua Mel wswy '-buterfully healthy, vital and
Seaforth. Rev. J. ;k'hnelder, pastor of „u laek:ig.• When ready to .erv,•. divot feel tw more w than ever before
St. Matthew's Lutheran chltreli. offi- berries with powdered augur aud-flll enelip ,getyoulifer.
elated. Dr. and Mrs. Gillespie lett for a up the glasses
three mouths' trip to the Hawaiian Prult• like oranges, pineapple aud, -
islands. Upon their return they will strawberries .hnuld- not he put into the
natural way the fatty episi
poiraawtr waste matter has produced.
Not only do you I. pounds m weight.
but you Orr years in nppe•reace.
'Little by little. the ugly fat disappears--
isappears -
alderali.on. e r nes a ,retie 1n Kitchener. • milk when waking JuukrL as the truth
tey more discouraging. theiug. . Theirf r -e Mrs. .1. It. Gevenio14'k missend away causer It to whey. t'rushed•and sweet- ASPHALT SHINGLES
they went 1t was for same. Their t fur- ,111 Sunday at her home. here. in her , rood thew fruits' wake tasty toppings
butign frigid
brought them nothing eightietl, year She is surviied by her
w elates and hash moria. husbnud aud a anion up family. pip Y
1llintl the 1/r raspberries es ley be ROLLED ROOFING
t 1414, 44.4. deew•rt, also called or
At last, when the were W worn
out Mr. and Sirs. John Beattie a11- pr..level berric, peaches 1/r other to -Cs -WOOD
n tit:i CLIIJI►i(vl L'
with Alsarehl•g and be•rt-broken uutllay the rtlgag,•nu.•n,t ,.l' this!, only' .fruits.
with the unkindllneas ihOwb-Zi1Pm' daughter. Florence Isithel, j James _-
lruuld Stewart. se'Wnl sou of Mr. Lamm Rowe
Ing the city forever, they encounter- nisi Slrs. Harry Steaart of yk'afer4Ii. i table.pon cornstar,•b
ed a landlord who agreed. atter much the marriage to take plater early in ti e.ul, .hl4ar
hesitation to rent them a dilapidated July.
thiuP' they wore on the point of leas- I -
.. i tra.l,....n crags! :ereoe r of l
house In the ward. But the landlord --r-- - 1 cup boiling water
apparently regretted his action, for Cse _ tabl.•yx.)ns lemon Juice
at the end of the 11ret month. In an Reflect dist life. Itke every other . 2 tablespoons butter
effort to Set his tenants to vacate, he blr.,ng, derives Its value from its Sprinkling nutmeg
raked the rent, and kept on raising It use alnue.-Pr. Johnson. Sprinkling malt
regularly at the end of each month -
for a whole year. when the ilaarl-
dtakls were fortunate enough to get
$ better house,
Mr. Saarlmakl founded the first
Finnish church is Toronto, which Is
I now the Chareh of All Nations.
At•Neep•wa,'Amniotic on June 11th, Shortly after tithing tl)hi once 111
the manse. Molesworth. 00 'tat°rday, there passed away a former resident Toronto, he gathered
June 7th, when Rev. John A. Pritchard of Blyth In the person of Margaret tiny 4reup of his fellow -countrymen.
naked to marriage Janet Irene. 7o13211 -Johnston. relict of the late J. S. blab- rented • hall, aud formed w congress-
1 lest daughter of Vim. Stewart and the' kirk. horn at Ayr, In 1940, and after nun. The congregation was too poor-
late /*etd F. tttewart, and Wtlitan, Y•1 her marriage coiniug to lotideslslro.' to afford the service@ of a pastor. so
1 Simpson. eldest son of Yr. nnit Moil with her husband. who taught In Hol -i It tell to lar. Saarlmakl to ell [bat
Thos. Simpson. The young couple wUl; Irtt, she later lived
at Atlburs and all lion•, which he 114 to the she city
realse on the genomes furor near Motel -
ole• Blyth. After Mr. Habkirk's death Ude-Ilion of everybody. But an the city
ty years ago she ltved in Brussels for I grew and more Finnish people carne,
worth ; trip years More gong to the West.! the church was able to expand. More
On Batnrday, May 3ttb, e t the Ilan=1 yhe Is .survived by two sons and twirl commodious quarters were obtained.
fns pathleege, the marriage took plaice ,darighters, John and Joseph of Fort; aad a regular pastor Installed. To -day
of Kathleen V. Wbntt. daughter oft William Mrs. Walker. of Prince Ali there are several Sourtshl°g F9oot*h
I the late (`apt. Walter George Whyan• bPrt, Sask.. and 31".'Rttltlrk, of lea coairegatlonx in the city.
oMothers. ol. England.
and John rRoF. iehlM.' paws. Saanitoba. Another sari With Yr. Baarlmakl was firstagpo
Ktrkroneell, of London. eon of Yrs'
deed in GoderlCr In 1914. The ,omens, •Ice-tooaul In 11114 Hb appointment
were brought to Rlytb for tutermeut l as justice of the peace for York couu-
, Klrkconnell of Grey township. • yarn. (Rev.) Weil' sae returned Isom ty woe made this year.
George C. int tri officiated. After 113. Toronto. where she visited her sou`
short wedding trip the youm; couple Stewart, who underwent an operation!
will reside n London recently. She mus amon ganiel 011her
i turn, by her sofa, who will spend a Palestine Woman Oalne Right to
The 'sudden doth 1/a Saturday
morning. June 7th. of MIN Margaret A rt elite -here ret.overing his strength.' 4�� In Courts'.
PPohale, of the Bronson line. Stanley. Thecae instrumental in holding the When Yrs limply Ferguson Mur-
wns swhack to the community. annual memorial service I1/ Mhave
phy and her four associates Iaunchad
,wueee of death waw heart failure. 1>~I H•11 nn Sunday, June 29th. have tecta their litigation four
w establish
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
that woe
was4,1, who was In her fifty-seventh', fortunate in securing for the occasion men w re DPrsons ,d, conawquept•
veer, Ls survived by thaw brothers and be services of Rev. W. R. McIntosh, of I eligible to sit la the Canadian
three sisters Robert_ of Bayfield:,' London. an outstanding minister of the p n►tP- they may (and also inay
Be Consistent -
1 ell R HOME.
Estimates cheerfully
John Pinder
Phone 127. Boa No. 131
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto 6.50
Globe __ ......
The Signal end nil Toronto
Daily Star •
The Signal and The London
Advertiser 6 50
Thr, Si
Thgust and The tendon 6 z0
Free Press
The Signal and The Toronto 6 SO
Mail and Empire .
The Signal and The Fame's' 3 25
The Signal aid Ths'Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Signal and Saturday
Night ...............
The Signal and The New
Outlook .._ . C. 3.90
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardens 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic ........,,
Record Mdaa's
a . 3.75
The Signal � 3,75
Magazine `'
Th• Signal andM'"'3 Wit-
ness renewal 3.85
sew _ 3.50
The Signal • n d World
Wide renewal 4.25
new, 3.5
The Signal end Youth's
3 RO
Th. Signal and The Tensto11 75
Star Weekly '
The Spat sea Red sad
Gall. ....._ _.
The Signal awl The Cassaba
Ci•►hins Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Be Had on
Jobs and Harold. of the 13ron*oe tine:' 17nited Church. not) have visualized the presence of
MM. T. N. Snowden and lied. A. 14.I A pretty wedding utas solemnized al Hon Calrlue Wilson to that body t'1. Brookville. Ont
\\'ratlake. of the Sauble line, and Mrs. l Christ church. Brampton, on Wednes- But they assuredly did not realise the •
P HobRon, of St. Thomas. tl , day, June 4th. when Rev. R. W. Allen
Easy Way Out
"I Just swallowed a wlehhone and
now 1 won't bP able to make a wish."
"Nonsense. Just wish you hadn't
swallowed It " ,
Mil ,ornstarcb, sugar and grated
lemon rind , add water gradually. stir
ring eon.'ttantly. Roll :1 minutia. lie-'
move from fire. *dd lemon juice, bal.!
ter. nutmeg and Halt. Serve hot.
Orange Fritterw
2 oranges
1 cup flour
1 teusis'lu haling powder
14 teaspoon ,IIIb
2 eggs
1f your I)ealtb is poor: if 701 are {k cup milk
pale. nervous and,.1+ily tired: If yowl 1 tablrepo,u melted butter
Sift dry ingredients. Add eggs. intik
'lifter from headaches and baekachat:, and melted batter and .elle until well
It your digit -glob Is bail you may de -1 mixed. PI In orange wr•tbni4 Fry lu
pend upon It that these symptoms P ng
some from an impoverished state of the' deep fat
blood. ' That tiler" this condition 1+
remedied s ,.lmplrtr hero y- e u hortrnl°R
follow. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a . P s
perfect medicine for anyone in thio 14t cups sugar
condition. They enrich and purify the 2 eggs
blood and thus promote health mond ti tablespoons
orinsd tt1 on1 1,•,•
strength. 3 cepa flour
Mrs. G. M. Andrews, Halifax. N S
I,wrltes: "1 always keep IW. Willi/nn.' I tablespoon haking pow -ler
Pink Pills n the honer. When 1 was a '/s teaspoon soda
kdowu may Lemon Marshmallow Cookies
v7lnag anaemic girl they t.eomple•telr 4i teaspoon as
restored my health After °ahrringe my Marshmallows
health bneke down clot once mon•, Cream shortening: add sugar and
add lemon
thew• pill. brnitght me beek to health., cream agar. Re at lip PgR«.
Sty friends all tell me how well i look', Juice and rind Fold In Rifted dry in
and for this Dr. W Illium+' fink Pine gredient*. Roll
heard end eto 11out
linkr in slightly floured
deserve all credit."
You can -get these pills at all mell•l ly hot oven (4(4) degrees, for 10 min
Not dealers
M. K�ill llia4is'Me•.lit in a 0t marshmao,llowf In thev,s•ntre .,( ea half
and return to oven to brown.
Hardwood Flooring
ast Street Phone 369 Goderic`
Window Shades
Curtain Rods
t Floor Covering
Electric Lamps
Electric Washers
Vier an illn,•s• of several m,m Is possible far -Sung consequences of ---�
1 rotted In marriage Patience .nM their now (amour test ease.
Mr. John McIntosh. 11th ionissie lit goo. daughter of Mrs C. J. Ross and It was last September that lila Ma-
ni Ilni.' township, diet June Nth. i1/ the late Mr. Koss. and Rev. Lawrence jesty'a Privy council, neat legal ilio
per seventy Atilt year. 'pArwnswl. I
Vietor Pocock. of Blyth. Atter a motor
whose - maiden nano- was F:Ilaxtwth i cop toNew Ontario Mr. and Mrs.
1- .11,1 al. n daughter of the hits Pocock will reside In Myth, where Mr,.
\1r :Ind Mr. . Wne Je•hh•tott •noel wits
f r I Pocock Ls rector of the Anglican
judicial committee thereof. made Ila
unanimous decision that women are
Many people may not realize -the
hero near Nile. Shits her wsrr ng
fifty4w1/• years ,dao she int her hits- ; ehuRrP h. T. W- ..Crwtdwlll has lett tura fall, but that decision automatically
hand had resided In Huron township established either a cleattut lar or
al Ieaat a rather subetantlal Judicial
Besidesi'l. her .1 ti. 1/1, she leaves• two; dayshin Toronto with hisspending
family he and preced4nt for the entire British Em- I
.langhti•rs soil fink.• sons.
_ Slrs. I:esslw-ill will visit their old home plre. For even with those p)omnloss li
at Charlottetown. P.M. Rev. R. Gracie. that have done away with appeals to '
1/t Clinton. will tyonduet the services to :-
toe Privy Council, the decisions of
/ - •I tyld14t. .t,Iilrew's Presbyterian church that august body inevitably carry tre-
.\ pretty 14..1,14111 t's.k plae nit tor the next few weeks. IIIPndoIN weight. -
Saturday hist „i 11,in .ln.•t Melted Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Hoover an In the brief silt months since the
chny,pr. when Trate 44.. May. ,•Id,•st 1 nounie the engagement of their dauih- ,decision was given, It has produced
d nt herr of Mr. 1/",I ,Sirs. \\' '' ,.ter. Muriel. to Dr. Chester Clark. of startling results even 1n the Orient.
I•earce, foram.: the !oriole of 5.50
\\'e•w •
Weide,: East Lansing. Mich., the wedding to A* *Ones* the case of Mrs. [lora
s'nrti;,,_Itt'tlnrond of Syraeus.', 'N'; •' take plate the latter part of June. Ginsberg In Palestine.
,,,uug',^'t sen of Mr. and Mrs. C. ,\Mrs. Ginsberg claimed the right to
Redmond of Stilyi•ttou. tont. 19111 es n - CLINTON appear In the courts of Palestine ind
u,nuv "ons p14•rfor1,14 by Rev. C. J. y__ to plead there as an advocate. She
\bsrn•b. s,s,. roil hIs brother. ltev. A.
els Wednesday. June 11th. Charles possessed all the recognized qualf5ca-
N.strt,,tr,• or Sbalkton. lions but one.
Arthur •1. Rollins. a (orifice wilt- Cook. of Rattenbnry street, paawd She wall a woman.
known resident of Exeter. diol 1 away at his home, at the age of sew -'1 Sh when questions were asked In the
11th ,It Ih•hidt.hl his rlghty•fiflhIenty-beentinetheabest of health fordo mel Rrltleh Parliament about the rlghtx
cell,. • r.f women to appear In Lha courts of
Eyelet's n.•Ii. pestoffiee• war op14•ne.l time, and a week before his death III Palestine. the Minister eald-that the
for h11•ims• •ah Thnrstlny Inst. 'there hada fall resulting' in a fractured rib
moil no forum! es•re•mony In ,'.'nn.s•tlon which pierced his lung; from the of-' local opinion in Palestine was ip ainnt
w On the opening The office. hod been te,•ts of the a,rid.'nt he war unable to any extension of rights to women and
io Ib•• bnihlilll 4011c11 has now been rally. Mr. Cook was torn in 9uftnik, that therefore the Colonial Office
P to Con nide In Ift7:, would do nothing to make poesIble.
mid resided in Goderlch township for their entry Into the legal profession.
ndon1esl for
«, n•a•I 4f(ty y• mors- I England and cam
it'$I(H ; forty-six years. Lest November he re- Mrs. Crjosherg persisted and ali-
moved to Clinton. Resides his wife. he pealed loIlie courts. She contended
The Zurich public school piCtile W*' %wivel four110133 and d'onee daughter. Fred . that absencen 1 roe due women cushrm rather
held of Grand Bend on Wednesday 11'., of Tncke•rsmlth: I',•rnivul .\., of i' plan to legal disqualification. 'And In
a pro -
lust week
3.110 -es Erh, who re•ently had an op Winnipeg: Edgar F., ..r SI,141.e .low• support
o` der srlrrnKt'stnargtm-tt.'d
ersttnn at Lindon for appendicitis. has and Mrs* .1. W. Me't'omn••I1, of Ceder-
the JoAgm,•n( of the Privy Council In
recovered sufficiently to he removed t'ingland, of Toronto, has the Canadian case.
Atsthe Zurichhome en li,,Rithernln rt (parsonage. purchased -411e law praetlre of the latee
{hat Case helped my point a great
„n snturday, June ith, the marriage of Wtlltam tirydone, K.C. Mr. ringland deal," she stated In a letter to Mrs.
Margaret Anna Delchert, eldest dough- pa a son of John Fingland. clerk of Murphy. "l owe you my Aral erati-
t;r of Slr. and Mrs. Peter 1helchert, sr..' Hallett township. and his wife 1s • lode not only for eheerintt,.me 1/P
f Hay
township. to William Altos' Inughter of J. G. Chowea, of Clinton. wh,•n 4
onr was very mach depre**fad, but
1'fnlf.•'i,Illy .on of Sir, and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. A. T. -Cooper left last also flip strong 'weapon which
Pfaff r4 the same Iliktiship. efts ..•r week for Montreal. whence they sailed helped hue to win coy case.'
11111107 .l ley Ilia-. t•.,. 1 nrkheln'. \1r ,
. t'1/ the ,\usonia for Englund. to attend
win it she did. -Toronto star
•nl \Irl Pfaff isle make their home the wedding of their son. Willis C. Weekly.
ir. 1 in Cooper, to Miss ,Fhorenee (',aini, (laugh...
,ii the I411n.1 Ili ll,4 toe
rIn .4r Cxinl.
,flip home the K Mr.
Ilin , Stanley. which takes place In WImbhe• parish
«'.'.be Scene
was the of a Quirt wedding o1/ cherub on Saturday. July 12thMr. end
aahirday;"June 7th. when their daugb• ors. Cooper will ,visit the former's
Ler \fury
was milted'�11 marriage
3I 'i '' hfsther hrldefnwlll vlwtt ClintonlII4 Cooper and
later In the
Ion Si, MI., -yep „
:1,., IA,.. of this same lime. The s.•re-' +inner. ,.
, was 1'•'rfort'IwI' I1y posy. 4•. After n long -period of falling health
T,,,. ,.. yi,nnt ..'nple w111 resi,b• William Itryrlone, K. r., passel Away
nt his home here on Snndny In., Ile
wos one of Clinton's leading citizens.
SCIA'T'ICA? interetted interestedhinmelf In IDan mvnit7nd nn rt Ino practice. and
enterprises. ile was born In M'll•,i-
Itig4* t tewn.Illp It) 14417, attended
Stratford Collegiate inrfinite• : Id the
1'nhrrslt'• of Toronto, a''' arc (loll
You can stop ithis agony o -
ly and speedily
Mr. S. Davidson; Ileathoote, Ont., had
terrible pain Often felt Y though -the
vpwt would split hie ankle bone. Alts
inking the first Ansi of Ternpleton's
Rheumatic ('ap•tilee," he writes, "i got
i • Mist. 1 kept on taking them -hem never
hada return of the t91$tin*."ually
mood for Neuritis, Neuralgia, ago,
Rheumatism No halmfnl drugs. 1500
' sad Si at your dealer's. 1�Afjt114
The 1'yraenlds.
-I'xce•pt for fragments of the
Ma'isoleuni at Haltearl,asatis and the
Temple of Dianna at Ephesus, the
pyramids al" 1' r.'mat11 of the -Seven
Wonders" of 144iq i.;y.
Church for Treat -Motes,
A clinic:, for ti.- i f a".1 r1 lrth.
where all the dl etre, including the ,
se•rnion„ Is carried on In sign ran -i
gunge, exists' la Deptford, F:nRLaM4-
King George's (kdlrtl.wl,
Kai.; George's collection of ..tamps,
paw at (hgw,H4. 111.11 81"1 lin th..nf-. the vatuw of which hak never ieen '
Hee of ()liver Slownt. then 1.1x4.,..
of Ontario. In 1!414* he weeded In ('lin- 1
ton. where he had airs, rtwidrd in I
11100. he elnrrlovl Story M(Mnrchle.
daughter of the Iah• Ar le Me .l.,r•
eMP of Clinton. who «uretv"e him. lie
was appointed a King's 1' i used IA
'192S. lie hook en active Intr'n••y In
e11nc-tipnal matters rind had boon l
I chalrmon of file Coll•_•g, Ins' (IIh•
'bard trd for many years.
rah Mated, ells something like 104
X nsnu Is mule or mnrred•'b0 his; ,
sew of fico-mlmtte-P(;rhol• 1 •
Slotl14•r "1'l.•.e I,,.•;1 y,n..;, son. . my
head is just aleett to .e) lit."
Small tsfhprro., ".I 1 ..-
Phones Store :435. Hes :155w
Hamilton Street Gederick, Ont.
.-These THREE Ways
Scarfe's Varnishes
give lasting beauty
and protection to
floors. Hot water,
acids or grease leave
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the hard
gleaming sur-
faces. They
stand up
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Three kinds -
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Brantine No. 16 Satin
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Brantine Floor Varnish
An exceptionally popular
floorfinish. Gives
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ingsurface. Well
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nish - A quick
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varnish of un-
equalled quality.
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