HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-19, Page 321.111111111011‘111011/.."...•""•••••••1111111P•••••Pr,__•t.•.• -••.• The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. Till t{1&VAL PRINTING 00., L1Y1TE.D,:,Yubllahera. ivat. Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchandising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The Signal is unsui passed. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, TUNE 19, 1930 I:lI,uLL •riiii t., 11_11;. N1,.Les 1 lasers Your Automobile arab F. WOOLLCOMBE OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET roast 2170 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Cruwblr lour (•earkera It was perfectly proper for father II or grandfather to crumble their crack•? ers or break their bread tutu their soup -and how they did m el joy this cr,blio adult.adult.Soule stylist, however, has hurtled an . dict that craekcr crumbs most not be, ch allowed to full Into soup of any kind; -411111 ser pour earthworms, who allow tt stylists to take away 410414,041 of liberties, 111 ha the towpiainaut. The whistle of Lis, ACROSS AFRICA 1 twauut roaster got ou the nerves ut BY AUTOMOBILE New York Notes • IDr. R r. Henning, a deut1?t, sad he haled!MItS. J.\ .X di 11ETAAX'ER I the Greek to court. Tbls Is odd. How'; Older resident., of (;Iderlcu will be, uu whistle disturb Wall street? R. V. Bingham Returns to Canada to interested in the following from. The OBITUARY One Imagines 1t to be bedlam. And Address Keswick Conference 1 Ilnwlltuu Spevtutor: The annual parade of Sunday school the good doctor, who inflicts such tor- To travel, across Africa by motor„ Thr death of ales. Minter.' ..f West IWrru took glace last week. It was tore on u[hrrr-bow eau he b.► su Sen.1 ear from Lagos to the borders of Abys- sinia 1'htmt"oro, which rsrr[rrwl on Thunxhly. happy , , and btlprc•wfh'r show, 1„riu11*t sill's? Nothing Is raid of toe victim 144 n tent [hat hat ber•u uccowP' June 5th, brought to a close the life et { 13 it the chair, to shout any nol�c or die- I 'Robed 4'y fete people. Wren in [Leer dal. n Ind 1 1 ' each seagull. smile and forego a pleas- ure that our family has enjoyed file .ears. Now what difference does it mako whether 1'eruilble a cracker" au11 de posit it' in my dish of soup, or hold That cracker h, the proper matiber be- tween thumb and forefinger and nibble „t it utter each spoonful of w,np--441 c tio• millet In my mouth -rather 'han le my 'dish? That's what 1 `olt{d C like to know. They have put a atlff cvflnr around t my neck, cinch buttvfa on my sleeve lug air for the pends. though u without caths•, forced long trousers m- Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL IIIKF.('TORK AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or MilleMilleI'Hp,NL` -More 1.111 Res. 21 .411,E 1111' H i J. R. Wheeler Fungal Director and Embalmer ce 1- promptly attecdrd t.. Slay or nlgLt PHONES Store lti5 Residence 35,w Hamilton attest, Goderich W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, insurance and Real Estate Car. Life •nd .re Insurane AT1MtI ISTE4'_MED1C1M FOR OVER HALF ACENTURY TMISPROV EN PRESCRIPTION MAS BEEN RECOGNIZED AS THE MOST EFFECTIVE RE - •.1 t who, family Is of the u c • GULATOR OF THE LIVER Brooklyn. I belieof modern ,nivel.• 4)10 of the few 1sj,,,t n, the Went north district. airs, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS d Its own local demou41tratlon, and •tu3wu3- Mr. Peter Letoudia was told , K. V. Binglptm, wall knr.wu No , h►s w'hls[!r, else he should Te- Ih:ln.,lt 1':u:..l ❑• 1t•slu'al 11n•.•.9or {11ss Jt ue . ve. Richmond J111? t;,,•lfuo may be aasnmKal to be' a relief. Messer. before her marriage. was a Oa.CIfASES DULPIl1.S Jones, the daughter of George air was toll uf,mlls c and r' sive a severe sentence the next tittle., or tl..• Sud„u lutcri.,r \Ir.u,n :owl , Ina? Rachel .1 1011P., of Nest Flemho,o aurlluudn3 schools hod elaht+rato There Is au uu I { I tt n o 1 1 tl Keswi•k bat the1 l color. to 1 Sr ants. with o in New Yurt ; but nue who know, HIV •4'. r.'1 11. 14111 t u• 1•Waal ou ire. , .•n hrktleu eo-oir•rntioll, luu•ruatlonat din of this city must smile even. ut the, 1• IIlf,•n•uce. Ferndale. Muskoka. I the .loud of the wise for iml••ilrudenn 11 l'. a disturbance M Bingham left Toronto last Oe hung offer the Slates ice the latter part - uaY movewcyte, and the like. anJ - . � . r, A car alttrl- him at Lagos, ,•f tho lith century Mr. Jones. loyal I 1111 4,411 01184'. standing on the tvrb.► sags 111 h British traditions nnd the 'r+, Relieve 1t or not, as Rlph•f and in this he made his remarkable elided the ..west• sllllllllg tut+. 14114? I"'• an eve111u1; paper, but a gang of Jewel journey through the heart of what c ti -noise crusade on now! president of Evn41110111911 ?Mbit*4hers.i tbor Recut great grandfather lo.? ls•eo i 1 1 f wuridw ids fl H idea tht{t a calliope ol.e s r R l 1 tole 1 011, 10l e r was :Ind traria[ that the Itrltish were 40 •uutlu d •fe l.rl. •sruf lily fuu1i13 over to ante a3s o s w4' e 1 Hotel Commodore and arrested rut," but which Is uuw bridged Canada that a• u' In peace wo hof stolen jewels reminiscent het, of the lour -ace., rvdd"•1w was surprised dud capturarl to formerly known as ' the dark t I I n b Id d a41dl t I t tl ) 1141111 Ilse d f 1 1 faith Onward Chris- the 1 under the Union Jack. The family e.1wl tau Suldlers,•' WAIN u favorite marl with 1}.iW(K10 rtr . I .I f.�r � lnnlred• „! notes and Int 1- w 1 their p,sri•aslun Cot so astounding. a few yeah will be as safe for mucor• I to this eouutry is. tar Sear 1111M. -et •. r, upon me t•w•ua4e ut a bow-legged Eng- lish king, end inflicted many other 111.11 juries upon uiy person. ' Ilm w hcu. It comes to crackers au,t w.hp-well, I'm going to •crumble 'ego slid rip 'cm In the manner einployedl t.y geod old grandad. .! uU ou the approach of the detectives,' Isis as the roads of Ontario are toda7l thug near :Niagara 1:11 s. Mr Jou. f, gracious hand blared forth the -stein 1 -safer. {eras{w, as farm Is no news •uui[uuK in the Stals to fight for it, Snug." Au 1w•ouIsIIo" , to t"• su i us tar d.s,r was Uurst o ,rn. our fu the Jet. for traffic policemen In Central itritish. lir, fortlu+ately -urtio*.l the out everyone whistles it nowadays. thievu8 suddenly flung a handful of Africa Five timet ctrl Bingham 1*. war and was „We -to jofu hi. emit) t hich reminds HIP tlult :1 dear old dry Ij10(101?s- bills out of the window'. uu the visited Africa in connection with the in 1 ;u+adu u few Sears later. Rut the lady of Baltimore protested -fine ugah,st'.b 111,1• fluttered down on the sopa,of mielliun wl,rk he was Instrumental In hardship. of the war and the dlffieult Its preseutntlon by. the -fate ..n for LufldSnRs and on to street-. 1 11111,,,h,.... wer•' rstablfshltlg• there tu,me thirty Years nip w this cuuilurf had undermined his Band, and it Is now tattoo on the r•rolcr•rl ,::cel .•'. 41 . I 4,, r.••ago. Bon ilia la tar flat tfmr 6e has health, and he 11..41 but three years Washington air program. • Here's hoping for the entrees uf the In the new land. The tawny 1114114 used an automobile Crossing Africa Int ., 1.,.. .1...... sit at.,. .,.: d SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and foc- i %VIII an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They rel tree quick- ly•l.ut affect the heart -and are very dangerous. They are depressing and. only give temporary relief. the cause' a the headache still remains within. 'The sane and harmless way. First • correct the cause, sweeten the seer. and acid stomach. relieve the intes- tines of the -decayed and poisoneus 4°04 matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile Bowing and the bowels pass a the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. Nelson Mreet, Goderich The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency for Sale ' ' Large number hsted to choose from iAfght-trwun Cottage an.I tut, tine con- i , damn, bathroom, natty, light... ' Price 01:460 -Pill cash. balance good (korai Fottanii., modern votoetwencels, 7 lots, (pia.' Prior flaw; 51;41 terse. Choler of nnonter go.s1 lie -story tonler,.jtd) growing crop of grain and 'hay, ogee. gar. len. etc. Sitalsted on tine t. good village, Convenient to R. Il. station, 1 • • e Kcal Estate Box 59 Geo. Williams Dealer In elUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Flee. Aceldeot. Automobile, and tieseesi Insurance Agent Phone 53 Godericli editor of The siguat at the ',mon,: record time. be entered Abyselnia-dur- moved to H 1PN 1110 v. II 11./. II Nivs a sham at ta.1,...leleciiOn. Ins the recent turbulent period lin the . farm shunted just west of Christie's, t.f college. but a serious nffair. intend- 1 4... H. history of that nation, but was unable corner. Then- the father oft the tale „f the; Richmond Hill, N.Y . June 9. 1930. t to proceed by esr, this mode of travel Mrs. }hinter wits beirii. and spent the Cite. ld an air bombardment All kiwis! • , - •, being prohibited. The trip to tbe esP-1 whole ef his netlfve life. The twine farm • Rai (Addis Ababa) was made by mule 114IW OWIle11 1,Y hIS SOIL T. W .14ines. Of air machines were used. POMO at., THE 1140vEmENT 01 train PIO1 occupied flee weeks. , , In the -year 1SS4 the late Mrs. Betziter peossehing I.v stealth 10 .1100 to the mil SETTLERS' EFFECTS Amongat his many miperienees- was! married her first husband. Andrew his contact with the race of prinatee; ii. Gccoi. They resided in Coderich, prim. attack. New Yorkers love a show. - . Vino inhabit the solitudes of the great. 4vhere their seven children were 1,,,rii I Iturl fiirest. It was of these Name' I 1:4,tor of the children are tom thing I ht our denizen of the ...Wive. - MI • settlera. ruoi,i. away from tlw 1 1 0 t Stanley wrote when de- lit...tree. of liamilion: Robert. of Mork • 1114111 lines The roots noire ironfied. and Dominion of 1.'8111141a (Nell Viet VP up- scribing his hOtorie expedition to Midi ham: Harvey. ot 1;0111•111'11. 1111.1 Id.. of (.urious worsts. craned. their neck% IQ 1 II Pll Ily Mr. Bennett they Livingstone Toriny there a e-plenclilli Marguerite. sit 11010e Mr, 1;0•41 for stew, and a multitude of small take ....Hain items aith them ale are road through their domain. sod the , deeeweed hie vs ire fifty-one veers boys were late on errandoe classified as "settlers' effects." natives are hemming accustomed to', and ghe later worried Jaya' itetzniv, • • • . contact with white men, although they sho died tweety-five years ago. 1 The resord of the export of settler. are still bard to reach. owing to their 1 ..-- York with • fifty -six -sere park at the -olrieett," ,i "They have no desire whatever to be SCHOOL ' REPORT Mr. Rockefeller ham presented New , ;limed away from their own mode ofl also pity for Be landscoping find for ID,,vcineut or calla,ean.„ life in the everglades of Africa. With I Of course, the movement itself rtiouldj their homy and arrows and their hunt -1 thediullding of a replica of Kenilworth not 1* taken Teo seriously. 'wean*. in' ing knives then little MPH will tackle I 1.Castle to house (*Hain ILicithic and ee- riesitottlettl. art treason-. nnw kept in! two countries lying side-by-side --. I ic-I . the largest denizens of the forest. Thel4 one. to cost $12.000.000. and im tios.t 'ne- 1 tom.. there will aiwayr he a r, fierceness of the Bon. the strength a . na sale:. She wild elephant AN Ile DU terrors for' retail of Art. The gift is a liondsomellith4pCamtland: aiiindligrubseg:!..uitita"dt,ttTast":„; l':ith Ow basement of the Metropolitan Mu., movement from 01br 1.101011, 10 111, iwid will oppreome all that cornea 'of other. and let us hope nothing will' their way in their natural home." ---,. "Ile Rittmleti, Who are expert 'hunters ' It Is poosible today, Hr. Ithighan: eentabie. it will be a blese441 breathing *dace for th.• iseeirttnent dwellers of the limier end uf New York. , Whet, wetilers e"W"Z•40.1 1.4 United gam to motor practically aeroms the. The pending proud/Mire tariff bill lel :411110'.• itlin Canada they -Tiring wilhi continent, a distance ef.between 3.0001 ' causing great (-uneven to the American! them -settlers' effects." A strange and 4.000 miles. With careful planwitilt 1 ppople ' Th.. prominent Independent ' form of political. intelleetind strabia- one may stop either at a hotel or rest daily pregs, aimed without exception., no.. prerente_kir. Bennett from swe- , bowie every nisttlt-if nothing spiel' anti mane staunch RePubllesn poblica- lug this movement la its tine form. ; wrong with the plans. There are gam - Mee illi well. hare relteoted•ly warned Still. the recorded fao., an. there.. line-stationo, though these are nellber the Administration at NVashington and from time to time the facts arei 44, lllll nerous nor ..0 ornate a... In tontar. 1 that the irlerells411 lilliii, Will work worth examining. There i- no real 1... The prim charged fori."Int." i-..,.... 40 the harm of international trade. reason why we sl Id 111.PI.I a P11/10-, sidOrably wore than iii 1 111. 1.0111,1,. Not PO long ago tariff-roising was' meat frOL11.0VPII HIP II1001 l.II VOIlliiiina 1111111,4, Of OM. looill1 Mr. ititiel....., • - safely indulged In by coeli succeeding' .if our statesmen without looting It , party- was charged *2.00 pee- seelion Republican Adminbanstion; an4 the:over ratter carefully. k:terte..; sigh' Despite the inroade of civilization. I till Prell the tirriff-for.rev.i lance is the ones. 'siderite& afrainet 1 Africa still remolno s land of wild. THE COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENT SHOP has removed to new quarters on Kingston' street. Implement. and Repairs, General Espert Service on all Coc,kitihny Machinery. • Allis-Chalmerstoarndi. United TRIM - TELEPHONE 598 • • rXF'ERIENCED' travellers use Travel - leis' Cheques. They are as good as cash anywhere, and far safer. ,Before going away, buy Travellers' theques at The Royal Bank of, Caneda and avoid worry while travelling. 4) 4401 The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch • 1. D. Eastman, Manager • yl K i.se.CIMASE�S � Mz701 Aq r+�' it l► 57. \ We carry a good stcek Electrical Appliances Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds 'Fetinostes given on application burn eoutinusUon class for the month F.lidu19.4.w:ing Is tbe error( of the Ate, Annie Stratighan Gra Seottv en R. -Vela May Wilson in.5,• hill Robinson fro.5. Form 14 Beth Mary 11. -Mary Houston 95. Dorritikrt Wilson "2.1. Dori.. Wegner 7(1.3. Eileen - i "Thine Weir nal.. ?noted Itobilletson 02.! Verna Uhamnei.•61.9. 1'313..111s Taylnei Frank McArthut West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 G.oderich t.gt:up.e.-roalhlyPtilsom0Ocrats. evinced hut alight I having yourself elesnified smong the natural twenty. of romance and exegete But that day is past. Every foreigei The year 1922 *ow the, last of the tope, ts one speeds along the fine Gov. country is now tarlff-con.vions. and, einoservative adininietration. This was ernment highway -iv The'hIPpopotamur threatens tbe United Stateg with CP -1,1114 a period of good theta. nor did still rears its snout in her great rivera,` prigs's; end this nwtitire hos slarme.II good times follow immediately upon The 1 it.li AIM the elephant -till, stalk thcOutlitful ninnufacturers one readg ' 1n• eleetion of the Ltherair. In ooVver. through the ions grain that hord-eril with almost a shock that the motor F( mic conditions are not altered the highways. Zebrss may ntill fie seen ea r unienfaet 'trees protest the Increiew.1 overnight by s change of goverrunent. hs immenne herder on the 'broad plains and Hint .1.04. lore.. ....meth, the Stutz, .1 1922 our export of "menders' ef-'' and deer of all opeeles •re still found ds.we of Its plant if mates are Increased., The import of "settlers' effect." dor. Mr. Bingbam is now ton his way Appsails are made io President Hoover der the San"' perbsl amoented to back to Canaria. After spending a, khprt ' time st Missies. headnuartern. 306 Ray to veto tite bill. lu the meantime. our good. friends the Reelthlken Sr111110r• lo the ti.ctil year ending Mardi 31st.1, st reit. T.,r..10... _he will le:0e Yor 'Fern- and Congressmien wre unibarrassed at P.00. the 4•Iciport of -mettlefs' effef 10.! dale. Moskoka, So tell his interesting - the Wooing tide of entagotsigm t.. ,lonnted to $0.304,1110. apd`the insfssrt ' -tory to guests at the Cernadian Res; -.tidy fl end Antrum 94. His addrennes , ilt be illustrated by moths!) pictures' nod' are_ hoping that their politica I facet; ray Lie Aaved by ii Pri-iiirlitimi .-0. fairly 1•10•O to an even balance in taken by hlm during bin 'wonderful 1 vvto or some other good .foytune. The 1922: imports exceeded exports 1.3 ' trip it,VrOb!._ e_fries_._._i_ 7 4 anon. IF up for the okl-time politician only 20 tier vent. The mus,,.n11.,,s it, my, . whose stock -in -trade W/14 high alai yet showed import. higher tariffs. The widespread slump ef .741 Per erne - A' in business whieli the United States is .1.,Tiluten.f.1..inifiir,e17(rhene•eawalrthheilofatiti•et rtilglaattit,s.t.' , (.,,,144. 1...ts11.11.:i.w;‘,11„,.1‘,Nui4.4:4111tok n. :1 now etperieticIng 4111• 108110 Ailler1(110P le** sure of their Ithth tariff, and more movement been po mvich in our favor . , , „( 1'0%1.1411 ,111 110. p•w7Pigoolit countries. I. remember thenghtful 4a1k "" "tiss4"ia-ti"IlY in 6"r". "f 8 ,,i• „1., -rations 34k. (I tor, the coott ot pipers ouch The SPIV York Times. the ' Connell resumed nod 4,11nary Ion. truth. and ofti'll. 11 aPpeared, trilkit11,-118•18efit "f 41"' """tf"v"ft".- in 8 1881 mfvfing n•ere read . ttftfl appriwaylo ter of that 4441141 le. .011 III 10411 1111.v Jill to a very 41mIteil foihrwing. And now, im um.. „mut._ John Wightunin sits 11W:1111141 the PHWIPIIIHr.; there . "" ....Menet ovi the Wightnuto, drain at al1W ;with him. the engineer -. isr te awl the tender ' Our Mayor has take', the lentlersktkp In the 'campaign . of the New York 'Vora all.4 summer resort -to thothest of 4, 2. era.] simtem.. No*. that lo.droll. 111 •1111 n ro. hit' Kinitttut farnwrt` It" 4 Ittlt: .las. entitling. payment 'in. the f;.' Gillespie._ misfit.- distame from the 4,,a. Alit t,i fr di" it tinit"• '4' "!i'''',;1171'. w"nlit a"" lug grader. 55: Sant Elafeltketi. its l., two-Ittiltdrtml-ticer form whiell in"' pairaig clasher. A13 2:i: A. E. Pordeb. s.. beauty 'Tote that your geograph) di tttss lici.tnntly. les vine here Tnesday :0,1;w. from subways and brick., and „stone A. 14 1RTER VI Ehlt, clerk. 011 the Mackenzie farm, awl he hopes I to be hark Ilini-alf with , skiff. awl 1 -theme June &ye. it 01 ...i.i. tont a gl Will 11101110101 Will - 'Bank robberies scarcely startle us he %%ill impert by the first ef Septette mitwildays. unless they are chive by.libor. tainly can'titake is hole in 11.1.atik Ise- /1ere I llive was robbed "Pt boldly which is farming iiii a fairly . _ ...____-_- Super Values in New Furniture We offer you the best values in Ontario. itivcly -save yosi -money. BLACKSTONE'S _Furniture Exchange "Ott* Ilmaity of Wench Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada The Wisest Investrrent • It admitte.1 bY malty 4. -day that Lily In.oratice 1. the nate.t va-annt.pt (hat can I.e mode. (Idler invekenentr fluty fluctuate in vaiiie. .1.. 1-1de I itsiirancs• thit neitia:r sone 001 l'Ire01014410(V• can alter. :t help. • te create An estate which led folly anon!. pr..teelii.0) for r...iliyinft:taiiid. 'up • cast* reveille. for !lie Nino.. • , Residence See • Commit us almost this ins r.tinent. • Disttict Agent 417.000 And much negotiable paper I v i . ii lor I No von 1411 Mr'. anything • men wilt) had loitered idly by the front appears loo IIHI, Ili.. (.1.41 of forming doe,: awl followed the watehnici 111,, in is Isere way her... tie is o nom in elderly poking guns In his back. As the n11.11114. life. and few. an officer in the I don't wear any in 'the summer maneger and other plIlliloyep, come German tinny during the war. nlong they were one by one hand , Mr. MiseKi.nzie. who hos ris•illes1 In I etiffNI and ghoved IMO 0 back room :1100 0 for the last fca yenr.. had Ills the nianagef, on a threat Of Lis life, farm largely In grilse Nir. NINeintyre opening the vanit doors. The villains a III retusin on the term until fall. esenped in n stolen ear. This' method, looking rater the eerily. and .ti.en omit of following the watchman into the tweeted last week because of -horribiel portant than tnere gond looke in Itirl. and moet unnatural noises" -to quote' who wish to take up a husinetia career. • • A Tribute to The Farmer TN 192i and'1922 condi tions affecting the farrner were -very serious. Wheat dropped to less than $1.00 per bushel, cattle to 6 cents •per poi.ind, butter to 31 cents owq living costs did not 'declines° abruptly. For three years he struggled against a combination of difficulties .which *ould have driven less • cdurageous men to despair. Gradually, howeyer, the far- mer u orked himself out of depression and to -day, the Canadian 'farmer is regarded as the most successful ir the world. The farmer won his biggest fight. own efforts counted most, but he had help from. some people and institutions . . *rho had unbounded faith in ' film. 'This Bank stood by`him, because of its unchanging policy to further his interests in every possible way. 111 THE CANADIAN BANK OF .COMMERCE THE sTzsii6;.s.3-6;ciot OP CANALiA) sp. limey le ay or steHt. "hem druggist toillsy. N.. bomb marmot 800 Branches in Canada •