HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-06-03, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1987. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: M i n i m u m $2.50 f or 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c wil I be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED [TENDERS WANTED 1979 DODGE D50, INSULATED cap, good condition, automatic transmission, bucket seats. Phone 887-9232 after 6. 22-lp ONE 10’ x 7’ WOODEN ONTARIO garage door, parts and accessories included, One Coleco swimming pool filter for 12’ x 3’ pool in excellent condition. Phone 523-4508. 22-lp 45 GALLON BARRELS. APPLY to R. Carter, Belgrave. Phone 357-2706 (evenings). 22-2p NEW RIDING LAWN MOWER 5 h.p., pull start, 26” cut, summer specialjust$l,199. BelgraveCo-op 523-4454 or 357-2711. 22-1 HAY FOR SALE, IN LONDES- boro area, 12 acres, mostly red clover. Phone 523-4537. 22-lp CORNER CHINA CABINET. Phone 887-9051. 22-1 GELDING HACKNEY PONY. Phone 887-9051. 22-1 QUILT FOR SALE, ANTIQUE pattern. Phone 482-3159. 22-1 8 H.P. NEW RIDING MOWER featuring electric start, full 30” cut, summer special $1,497. Bel­ grave Co-op, 523-4454 or 357-2711. 22-1 46 ACRES OF MIXED HAY, south of Belgrave. Phone 357-1279 22-1 BOWES ELECTRONIC SHOP IN Blyth are introducing a line of decorator candles. Drop into their shopandbrowsearound. Phone 523-4412. 22-2 REGISTERED EVANS SOY- beans - 80% germination, $10 per 25 kg. bag. Also available Canada #1 white bean seed. Belgrave Co-op 523-4454 or 357-2711. 22-1 32 ACRES OF MIXED HAY AND 2 - 16acre fields in West Wawanosh. Phone 357-1899. 21-2 35 ACRES ALFALFA HAY FOR sale. Phone 887-6348. 21-2 SAVE DOLLARS! OUR LOCA- tion saves money, in addition this ad is good for 20% off regular price: gifts & music boxes. Phone 482-3079,5 to 7 p.m. 21-2 1974 IMPALA, 4 DOOR, IN GOOD condition inside and out. New car, new battery, less than 65,000 miles on odometer, good tires. Phone 887-6590 or see George Wesen- berg, Brussels. 21-3 RAINBOW TROUT. WE SELL trout 3 ways! - freshly cleaned (6 for $10); - pond stockers; - fish your own: no fishing licence required, no closed season. One concession south, 3 sideroads west of Bel­ grave. Gloria and Dave Hedley, Wingham, 357-2329. 12-14p HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn STEEL FRAMES FOR ST-WALL buildings 60 GSL. 32 x 40’ (16) $2,990; 40’ x 60’ (16) $4,990; 40’ x 100’ (14) $6,990; 50 x 100 (14) $10,990; 60 x 100 $14,990; 60 x 120 (20)$17,990. Toronto (416)431- 6236 Days, 265-2160 Nite. 22-lp HOMES. YOUR DREAM HOME is only 60 hours away. Prestige Homes 500 to 5000 sq. ft. West coast Cedar. Open beam or conventional truss roof kits. R-40 and R-20 wall systems wood or dry wall interiors. Free quote on your custom drawings. Send $4 for 65 design Plan Book. Established 25 years, shipped worldwide. Linwood Homes Ltd., 8250 River Rd. Delta, B.C. V4G 1B5 (604) 946-5421. 22-lp MIRACLE SPAN SPRING SALE on all steel buildings. Many sizes with industrial sliding doors. For best selection, call Miracle Span 1-800-387-4910. 22-lp STEEL BUILDINGS - SPRING Clearance - As low as $1.99 per sq. ft. for complete building - Save thousands while steel supplies last. All styles available. Pioneer/ Econospan 1-800-387-6986. 22-lp HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grow shop. Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2737 Weston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4 (416) 745-5007. 22-lp A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free Brochures. 22-lp $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $3,996; 40 x 60 x 14 $6,500; 46 x 80 x 14 $9,250; 70 x 90 x 24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387- 2115 or (416) 858-2446. 22-lp FOR RENT GRASS FOR 15TO 20 HEAD OF young cattle 50c a day per head. Phone357-1899. 21-2 HOG BARN FOR 400 HOGS, close to Blyth. Phone 523-9499. 21-2p WANTED WANTED TO RENT: HOUSE OR 2-bedroom apartment in Brussels area. Required by June 15. Phone 887-6303. 22-2 MOTHER WILL BABYSIT NEAR Cranbrook, in her home, Monday to Friday, lots of T.L.C. to give. Phone 887-9108. 21-2 WANTED TO BUY: WEEK TO 10 day old Dairy and Beef calves. Phone 482-7301. 08-tfn OLD WRIST WATCHES WANT- ed. Any make - Men’s Only. One or One Hundred. Old Rolex wrist watches wanted. Also wanted Eaton’s ‘‘Quarter Century” square wrist watches (25 years service). Will pay $750 - up for this watch. Will also buy straps, crystals, parts, etc. for old wrist watches. Write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2(416)365-724O. 22-lp HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job Search Assis­ tance available. Kitchener 720 KingE., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. HELP WANTED Volunteer Board Members for the Wingham & Area Day Centre for the Homebound Call 357-1440 for more information INSURANCE AGENT Local Mutual Insurance Company requires a commissioned Sales Agent. Successfulapplicantmusthaveorobtaina General Agent licence. Insurance sales experience an asset, but not essential. Applications and resume [marked “Application”] to be in the hands of the Manager of the Company by June 10, 1987. c/o James Cardiff, Manager, McKillop Mutual Insurance Company, P.O. Box 819, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1W0 WANTED: COACH AND MANAGER FOR JUNIOR D HOCKEY TEAM IN BRUSSELS FOR 1987-1988 SEASON Send all applications in writing to: Marlene Rutledge, Queen St., Brussels, Ont. NOG 1 HO on or before June 5,1987. Anyone interested in an executive position or helping with the team for 87/88 season should attend the annual meeting on June 11/87 at the Legion in Brussels at 8:00 p.m.. CLASS ‘‘A” TRUCK DRIVER for U.S. haulage. Must have good driving record and U.S. experience with references. Applicant must be willing to spend a lot of time away from home. Wages to be negotia­ ted. Workto start immediately. Apply to Box A, The Citizen, Box 152, Brussels, Ontario. 21-2 NEEDLECRAFTLOVERS! EARN money selling Panda Stitchcraft. Good income and fun, too! Repre­ sentatives needed in rural com­ munities. Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Avenue, Burlington, Ont.L7RlT5. 22-lp TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF GREY SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. Monday, June 15,1987 for loading and hauling of 25,000 cubic yards pit run gravel to Concession Road 15-16, lots 3 to 10. Work to be completed by August 14,1987 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. Contractor must be capable of 1,200 cubic yards per day. Tenders must be submitted on Township tender forms, available at the Municipal Office, and must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to M.T.C. approval. Roy Williamson Road Superintendent Township of Grey TOWNSH1POF EASTWAWANOSH FOR RENT For Sale by Tender - Standing Firewood at Westfield gravel pit, part lot 33, Cone. 4. Information and Tender forms to be obtained at the municipal office. Tenders to be submitted by 12 noon June 12, 1987. Winona Thompson, Clerk-Treasurer. 357-2880 21-2 HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons needed immed­ iately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 22-lp PRODUCTION MANAGER. RE- sponsibilities will include all as­ pects of design, layout, typeset, and camera departments, co-ordi­ nating a staff of 15 employees and 10 publications. Apply to: Don Smith, Muskoka Publications Group, Box 1600, Bracebridge, Ont.POBICO. 22-lp TENDERS WANTED! AVAILABLE JULY 1, LARGE three bedroom apartment in Blyth, fully carpeted, large yard, no pets. For appointment, phone 523-9640. 21-tfn HULLETTTOWNSHIP TENDERS WANTED For loading and hauling of approx. 18,000 cu. yds of B gravel, and about 12,000 cu. yds. of shoulder clay for road construction in Hullett Twp. at the rate of 1500 cu. yds or more per day. The material to be supplied by the Township of Hullett. Work to start around the firstof August, and be complete by the end of August 1987. Contact the Road Superintendent for ten­ der forms and they must be received by the Road Superinten­ dent containing a certified cheque of 10% of the enclosed bid by 12:00 noon June 16, 1987. Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted and must be approved by M.T.C. Jim Johnston Road Superintendent Londesboro, Ont. N0M 2H0 523-4404 21-2 HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked sealed ten­ ders will be received by the undersigned prior to noon on Friday, June 12, 1987 for contracting custodial serv­ ices at Turnberry Central Public School, RR 4, Wing­ ham. All tenders must be submitted on the official tender forms which are availableat the Huron Coun­ ty Board of Education, 103 AlbertSt., Clinton, Ont. and at Turnberry Central Public School. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. Giannandrea, Personnel Administrator, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. N0M 1L0 R.B.Allan, A.Clark, Directorof Chair Education. MINISTRYOF HOUSING HURONCOUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY B05 P.T. 87-08 Exterior Door Replacement at FP4 Goderich, 0H-1 Goderich, FP1 Clinton & 0H-3 Wingham, |49 Family Units] Tenderswill be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Friday, June 5th, 1987 by the Ministry of Housing South­ western Regional Housing Pro­ grams Office, 380 Wellington Street, Suite 1100, London, Ontario. N6A 5B5 [519-679- 7110|. Details and specifica­ tions may be obtained quoting reference number as above. Tenders may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A1M5 1519-524-2637] Tender Opening to be in London Office. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED.