HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-19, Page 2• 4. 3 -Thursday. June 1$. 1(1[10 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. 10etabavhed 13I8 GOUKK1VH : CANAD.t Member of ('anadian Weekb \etlrie papers Association Published every Thursday IDo111106. "abler i in tun prior $2.110 per year strictly in advance THE SIGNAL PRINTING T'O.. LTD. Telephone SS : Goderich, Ont. W. H. Robertson, Editor and. Manager I'Lursd.,>. .laws 19. 1'[tIl EDITORIAL NOTES 1'he gnat issue of til, present 1l.e- tion campaign is inter -i at ri I trade, Don't forget that Goderich is going to have a big Lkometion Day e•1.lell•a- t ion. • • • • •each ole. fur should make mitre that his (or herr name is on the voters' bit. • • • • one wonders. thaw -June days. it thele is Anywhere on. God'e green earth a finer bit of territory than this county of Huron? • • • There are *aid to be 100.1100 unem- ployed meu in Thenrit at the precept time. Does Mr ltennett hold the King Government responsible for thi.+? • • • . Premier King's to.Knificent ep'.ch at Brantford, opening the cemllaigu on Iwhall of the Government. wae heard by thousands of radio listeners. • • • Under the Australian treaty Can- ada sells four times rs much to Alts- bar just returned from a trip in the traria-'s4 she pinJiase' from that Mother Country. The Dunning budget is tooled upon as indicating a turn - west into effect thin week. and auto- matically. under the Dunning tariff. Canadian duties on live stock, eggs. butter and other products from the Paned States are raised to the slime level. The hest teatime of the situu- ttou Is that, if the United States re- duce. Its tintless. the Canadian duties will at once be reduced to an equal extent. • • • The Liberals of aoulheasl Grey are holding a cunveutiuu to .uusider the• taming of a candidate to oppose Alias Agnes \lacphail. They hare 110 prus- peer of electing their wan. and the only result of their htterpoeition wu..ld be the defeat of Milts Macphall \1' THE TALE OP A BLUSTER constructing: a speech in the hen& key tits his mood and sults hes mind. He must be left alone. We shall go tor- %srd expanding our foreign trade by couitructive and not destructive meth- doubtedly the lues[ all-round garden oodaw de lease the "blasters" to tMtr fertiliser. except possibly with s,we own devices. • A STUDY IN TILtlll: •II.:THuUS ity 11..1. 1I.ve•hwuu Speaking at Winnipeg lu the opening meeting of his ,sips igu. Mr Itenn •t1 Said: "You may say our Writes are only for the manufacturers -1 will make them fight for you as well -I will use thew to '(44.41 a way into the markets which have been closed to you." Noe these' are heroic words. Also they are not new. We have heard of old of one who took the sword and mien perished by the sward. Iltasttng a Progressive revolt ag,itnst the Liberal privity market way tax tlee ea- tarty because some delegates wpre dye Irtrltc of rt. Wt daring a blaster s. sntl•fiet with the de•Isloll' The farm - Mr. Bennett. Int u+ w.• haw It murk+. ors of Huron are not deceived by this Perhaps blasting may bra rather cost - byplay, or by the *ulna tears shwl flop. There are other ways of or '"flare t, through lhl a mon gettingR Gardening Hints Well -rotted stable immure 1s un- russets like potanoea which aorta Fle(Con Are Net Deeeltrtd leer rusceptlbtr to +, ab 1f commercial (London Advertiser) fertilizer U used. 1'o get around (1114 Lost week Progrer,owe eonvedtlons 1• dllflcultS• ut eoitrte•, the stable manure 4.441 Of each variety from the Kurth and South the voted dump should be applied the year before the plantluK+, Iweause one Is almu.t sure sertptltat' to take the onfield. The onto potatoes are piloted. Good manure, t„ find sour misses ,•ru+et by wash wcryntltr prows lu Loudon and Toronto tole. to ,rtneral Ila chagr c by per- however, is getting se•aree•r, and it h tion drought, orse to, tLlat SP."stud s `chits 4euding to tae In the pnxvedings s 1 IIle1 in 11 stalk* to a hill. and the hills require at (east eighteen Inches each way It grow lu drills. allow about ten inches het ween pinnt.r (leans must have thaw shuald r be gireu about a13 u diucha cavil asy ' 'ryrothertp ant for the first *ilk and later ul rttr`t, and keep this up until the now is used • Ke -planting , It ie very impatient tient to save n little , I tint almost Ito rod+ib1e to ubtaln It in the ,ore 14 still plenty of finis• larger towns and 'ltirs. Commercial to plait most of the common typed of fertilizers offer a good substitute, and vegetable. with the possible exception to hasten many of our leaf -vegetables. of leaf lettuce. spluarh. onions from along some of theme chemical =mitres s,.,.,1 nod n11) 341141 III the flower KIIrd are almost indispensable. For the ev- ,.u, there will a1W. be many gaps' t., In the 1'onwrrtvulc,• candidate. r , o ly opera 1, t yativPs over the alleged 11 Iwo!. h h stone wall besides treatment of 'the Progressives and crake' garden. a good 'e•imloletF' or, fill in' in the perennial sn.1 Iris+. iy nil .n ad- .•1, Ir lt Ir 1 r Inlv, • Ilzr••e 1, art,i • 1 ttil r/ eft la ser ' r nim '1111 ! t•s 1- rest r d.Now . pert, by any un•aus, alma, R •Ipundldg II with your b w t F. O. by the ftheLiberals. The fart •tis+ I) independent but .he i. clever and The United States tried blasting. Forvise+. A11 of thew*' are Wrid *1111 the with ,luiek growinlf annuals. S r Ise perennial 'o Orr at u M DP ( D plans t t the aD + o In- Ina K 1 is that r W t t 11 u IJral I , aur uhe sturdily independent in her views. �I f 1 tt 1 1 xut lel busy: also up tlt D'ast lour ps r cru t.irt d quite a while she cheapen the era hoard of strategy aro not working out nr,nu a N ae 1w because the rent of 11e world was u y: t. n11ro(*'ll. •. a for (44,x4 year. MINI. we Is•Iirt•e• Iha�re would be g,•i1. rill Still the mills of the gods. although 1n Western Ontario because the major edglit par crus. phoaphurut, and tate fel Lawn Iowa FrrqueOtlT 1 regret were the Ilouw• ut l'uuaw04,s Ify tit Prowalk yr and r(•r.0. .OPdurlt p During the ,ri,l weather ahrn 1D. nut 1n haste, de a bit of grinding wiles reliW t.. walk into the trop and seri tete to eight ter neat. of potash. Tech - The sh,,,•f deprived of her pr.'sa•u.r- they start. niftily. this Is known as a 4-S4 to a lawn Is growing rapidly. coos • • • • e U. 8.8�y not enamored of the Rrnnet'gv sl-ot+o•' a- Ism. effect of Hitt -Igen n on the allluur. The board of stratrg3 sl•onldi ~� Iris alth a sharp Inwn-Mower .1. 1t. Fairbairn. Deputy Minister of The morning Papers of June 10th twat In mind that (herr Is more thaw growth of a phut Is more quickly {aur ur five days nccondiug.t„ Pride, marked than that oLelther of the uth.•r ,or A, 11. Tomlinson. of the Outer', Agriculture tot 4/Mario. forecasts n contained the report of Bennett's' average polltleal intelligens' to vCrst'•I t*41 rlPwrnts,'ttatr4 the regular Reye (.•rlculturol 1'ullegr. Where this pone ' table Gardening nK lice i. a nw ,r ,. . `- -- Ontario reef Agricultural influents. the develop- be left on the grows.. they loofa talo seri PARAMOUNT Ins a Jirw•t nithu•nre on the decrlup- able fertilizer 141141 aro not 1,■, lone r" bill nient of the leafy parts of the plant smuttier the lawn. Later on, howrcrr rand Imparts a deep green color to the; as the hot *earlier develops. 111.' grass 'Urate+ It ie. therefore. Very valnablrj as the will-not grow as r dove and it shout.' there iu Uutrrlu. During the war to this dry 1New 'York) of more than 11,I.44'r. who is assl.iln11 at Arvhlr 1 u there• was • very active market for flax. of whkh tills rrouuty supplied a large -quantity, and ever since, al- though the amOulit grown has de- creased. there has always been a con- siderable a. rang" in this crop in Duron considerable increase in the• growing of fiaz in lt'e'teru,tiutario. There 1* J tobe a varlet in Nurtla,•ru Ire. "Tariff reprisals threatened by for - land for the °uteri.. pr.stuct. Huron � powers 1f the Hawley -Smoot Stat• en. Most of them 'irrfed also a , rn Outset" 1 I Bulletin 1'sued by the f 11 t its, a. Iliquluis •ho,d,l statement trent The New York World which contains these trite remarks: is ane of the greatest nal -growing ! should become law would mean a lass P.tlt.e•ItorN1'. Jim, tn. -- • billion dollars annually." 1'ourtney's. spent Sunday tit her home for those leafy types of vegetable. and of be cut +,r cit.+sly tier s. often altar a+ .1 tonic Iu tranaplautlug all' Voce a weekor errs every ten day, "Already, shipments of automobiles, near L11cknnw' vegetables. With later -maturing W,rt+. will be sufficient. "It 1+ most movie• to foreign countries have fallen off Mr. Tom Irwin. ot-Dear Lnclnnw. tai such as t. Withs and 'omen. n wine t„ ,.tit the grass few. chew *t this time. bitty ter `rut, as tariff wd11s have Is ID underwent lyssa minor 1l, :ohm 1 4114,u14 Is• ,tppltel Ill the early stages xw burning is sure test che' at thi ori,. been rayed against [often Suttee. beFr inelrenr a minor a ail h,n 4111(3 Phosphorus fertilizers are nsnall3 Prnte+sur Tomlinson if a hose Is machlnery.' Friends hope be will surto be utile fol found t„ he tatnablr for growing rage available. this 1+ the {amuse time t• "Canada has ,passe! a measure return home. table. on practically all 4ollt. Tld.+ els• uses It. and one I+ rtrottgly advised t which affects adversely j•-^-'...4MM),IMMi of Mrs. Robt. Struthers and family and! went hastens maturity. 1ncrPesw root' um' the lova ,u lour iva•nxl, ruHn•r the annual s with th let trade of the Nary eats rn, of l.ttekuuw-, were TP-I,hevelopment and bulkls up resistants.' than dilly 'twinkling lug It .t to.l. water- ing • States with the Dominion." ,war guests of Nr. and,Mr+. Jtick HI's- • to disease. l',1tN+li, the thin) element In ing from time to lime *ill prevent the Canada Shows the Way Jake 8. Bache. New York banker Canada is the "white-haired toy" in •Od"dlrectOr of many large Industrie& England just now. according to Pro- rrsu•rrus. railed the tariff bill-"r,•vult- [essor C- T. Curren,. director of the Ing." He added: Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. wbo country. Yet Mr. !Sennett ways he would do away with this treaty. , • • • Karl Homnth. who oi1141ses Hon. W. 11. Euler in North 'Waterloo, was at nue time, a irts.r weather of the 'Legislature; then because a 1'unyerv- ative member, and next will be an ex - member • • • Aimee Mrl'herson. the mucletalked• of 1, .. Angeles evalgrlist. w*s fined for smuggling on her return from a lug point whereby the Empire might work togetber and lane. competitive wftb much greater success. • # In Case et Accident t Monter Pities Stars For refusing to give his name to the usher party following a motor sc- alene, a %Viud.or roan has had to pry u Ems, fine in leiug.ville. The case el 1d be a waruill4 to woto:lsts. 1)u net forger that. if you figure Iu a col• limiest with another ear. the law he mends that you Rive your nurse and address iu writing• if the other parlf "Not only would the export business of the Uette1 Star,•s Le dwtuabed di.. ,Mrs. Tom Moore and Mrs. M.Gregor.', ,lallc deficient In this valuable rle- rectly, but reprisals and tariff wan of Whitechurch, and IkoniFinlnyson. of: itt.t1r r would de untold damage. The• farmers ifo•halsh. ser.• pipet., of Mr. ,end Mr+.. Karp Well TMhvwli w,t•..l,galn 'h,thle_ null woe,ld .utter Jack Henderson during the week-. I Tu„ muyh pipes+i+ cannot he bald with the great' army of consumers who Mr. and Mn. Richard M. -Outten. n .. thinning. i all cann4 t 1 and would have to pay the b111." who had a suc erwful anetlon sale., [items replier space fur fall herei- n( Charles Hodges, associate. professor have moved into Lnek•'ow. We w.Irnme tptwe s. rt' flitwers, the general rule Is prlltics at New York 1'nIxer+dry, bas Mr. Al,'.cStanley to our burg- to allow' . Ira.` half as much settee, voiced the tenor of these protests by Mla+ Sarah McAuley. who 11a+ fin.! each way a+ the plant i+ much Ine the assertion lahe41 at evontlnustlun tl hood. is /spend- "duce wards, a rrwlmn4 or dahlia aid' h "We now have a strange spectacle Ing the holidays 1t her hump in Para- re•ncbrs four or torr Amt In 6e1g1�r re of a sick world. so to speak, rising from mount. u,'1b. at Irast two feet each any for Its economic bed to make war os lt. Mr. George and Miss Linda (ant.lon,1 quiteop 1 h' Wen feet ei veway for self as a near cure for the business of .Clinton. Mr*. Webster. of Winnipeg] develIll" IPmentittier. ta'r's and those ve which and Nr. Hutton. of T,wwMr.•r, were n.rnt vteoto of Mr. and Mrs. .fns 1 are u.e1 when ver) ',mall require ,1 Tee l7sYr little distance hetwwn plant*. Other yT.lowtrr. icer Lurk little they aro Ihetwel M be weal and, !t I* well to remember (hal la pro•, Mr. Wellington Wetslter. of near rl 11 lel 1 t 1 i uJ+ It rnllnre portion to pwtpulatlon our export trade 1•n*know. visited with friends In De, spindly. and in the ease of the larger!.. flat tv a prey to the fir+tl A (arch formation. and greeulptan patches. IrT, were gpests of rtlelr Wen, Mr. Will; � 1 arson. I wmntnercial fertilizer. Is ewseutlal to dev,•lopmept Mr. and Mr*. Wm Kempton. of Ri{t-1 tr and Kempton. ,old \Its. Ken' r'a't crops particularly nes it. 1►n sand!' and muck soils especially. pot Nn. McKenzie. of Detroit. Mr. and; n+h is ndct-eh 114 these Wails art II4.1 trip to the Holl Laud. Probably, 7• a to the ccs en , e n° y much greater than American export': molt at the we•etttld. I growing stberr, she considers being caught to do Wo curries with It amusky. tad Therefore a policy possible 1' Mr. Tom Webster. of Detrol( i+. strung wind ,1r heavy rain Torn thnmld smuggling an indiscretion rather MAD You have nothing , to fetor from til!•. trade. 1 visiting with friend's in f.ueknow I be thinned t„ aloud three or four It you *PrP put in the wrong in the Baugh not profitable, to them might 1M� a sin ne•cident, Riving full particulars as to ! madness or worse for us. Really Ie • • • I:xawivaUous, to many *Indents. throw a shadow aerosol the otherwise happy summer -time. The way to di- vert the 'shadow -ix. not to abollwh the e'iawivatiou4, but 10 (rake such pre•parutiuu for them that they will nut tie terrifying • • • - Major `(*'grate, whet held the world'■ inutur cur speed record, was making a r..•urd for motor boats whim bis craft overturned and he add his mechanician were killed. His Price of butter -fat In *ream and the boat showed :a peel. .of nearly one low price of butter is due to the 1m- IortatiuD of butter from New Zealand and the farmers readily ae•ept the prote•tlutisl theory no far ■s butter t* conternel. Intl just as surely as New Zealand butter to the rain*. of your identity will usually only aid ID clearing you from blame. Your refus- e! to supply the information will only make It inconvenient for 7,111, but it 1 mayeabe. weigh heavily, in the eyes of a court should a suit ensue. Juries quite often will take this as NO /11- (1k:111011 1udk:111011 of guilt.• iM not forget that you bare the right to demand the name and address of the luau wins tangle' with you. view of the facts the blasting buslneaill should not be taken too seriously. Then sometimes the soft pedal on a� nation'. rashness turas away wrath. • Up to date we have not done mach of •d a June 201, and Saturday, June this Town. have diff our trade meth Fri y bas grown. We Dave • different meth ' od. 1ts dlsttneuishIDg characteristic 1s that 1t works. Trade Growth unsightly brown Wheea you need new aaegy when you are hot and movable en u h s ssokw. The increased flow of waive feeds new emength to ebe hood. you can do more - you feel piJ• W HilL IY VR 6;14, IT %bett``••OH v.1Nu('t tit i V1 Karp ~aka with Wrigley's (X 14 Art latilk Cleaning and Pressing Exprit service on ladies' anal nuns clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phone 339 FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 1930 - Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding cor- rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There are many outstanding features in the coming season's style situation. These features are to be found in the new models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines are to be found here at most reasonable prices. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH Our total exports In 1V2'2-01. that Can't Beat tie Game was the last year the policies of Mr., ( Luc►Dow Ret4tiuel s Bennett's friends, "the blasters," were At the prre•nt time fanners aro In torr` --amounted to ST54.000,000. I being told that the prevailing low By 1930 -done without blasting - these exports have grown to $1,141.-1 000,000. Remember, too, 1900 was all no mean% a banner year. We held over; an abnormal amount of wheat that year We sePm w have made progress just the same. hundred adv.:, au hour • • • The signing of the new I:tilted States tarlff 1.111 was Immediately tol- low.sl by 11 1.nd break in the .tts•k markets. Opinion in business circles, [Liltgee/114iu the [Lilted States gee/114 to Is. t1111 the politicians have gime t.et far in raising barrirte,' 1111411i411111411i41 imports and that the trade o1 the country will 'gaffer hi coconsequence.consequence.• • • The Ku Klin Khan evidently dem- inatea the (*.mservatiye party do Wentworth conitrify. T. .1. Mnhuney, who. was 111,' presto.tire candidate for this conservative Federal nuluiun- tiou, bus been 1.1'»«.l til retire ter no othern•Nsun than 'tenpin!'ui that he is n'ten'tenpin!'ln Citthol ic. • • • • The 1Liw•ley-Smoot tariff 1.i11. under wh►eh the United States jacks it• tariff up t.. a new high level, Rut what about tike American tnar-- 11 fevv buudrwl thonsanrl dollars Is kat'• 114.11. in the day+ of the hla+ter.." +hut out of Canada, Canadian produce ,.r st least friends of the "blasters," to that value will i1P shut in. So th.•re we sold ,p the /� Americans goods valved at you are • when one industry is bene- $29211NB.000. That was In 1922. In 1930 filed by giving. It more ,1r less of a we sold to the United States good. monopoly. some attire Is Injorel: 111141 a big part of that injury ultimately comes urnund to the 0414 ,411111113.43.1 when to be benefited. Fur example, exports from Canada are cut hewn the buying power of thine in the maidak of things for etln,rt is re- dness,- They will buy less butler, for exruglle. and the expected 1i•ueflt 1.1 nut I...alit: d. Further competition „ g fumeI In which we hare been boring our wily producers of butter and all that goes g,s tutu other markets. We seem to have' into it will s.n.m glut the ho • mar- dose pretty well. kat MA the prior• w111 drop h. au ec• 1 What hies He Mese purr Nisi,. where competition from,; Now Mr. Bennett ought to be asked New % •aloud and all the rest of the to explain just what he meant by his' eortd will have to 1e• met. other markets " No doubt he would say worth 5516,000,000. Here's another? Consider the exports' to "other foreign countries"--otheri titan the United States. We sold these countries go o.1 valued at $10L816.000I . In 1022 and they took from us over $225.000,000 In 1930. Doubled without blrsIIDg." This give', some idea of the manner _ _ propoclthrn of '•blasting a way into within than front wltbout. -J F. that he would do this by refusing toI cess to their markets. Still this is • Happinc*s comes far more from Clarke. A Message from the Prime Minister W. 11. • Ito Bit new) N, Goderich, Ontario As we enter upon the poli- tical eAnlhaigo of the present year, neap 1 extend to you and 'through you 1n the Liberals of Huron North the very hearty congratulations of my colleagues in the Govern- ment and myself 'Upon your s'Ieetion as the candidate --of the Liberal party in the con- stituency. The record of the present Administration and the fat -reaching ennse'quenees of, this main issue of the prevent contest Tend A Swtrength to our cause whic•h' should make a strong spread jo the e1Prtorr of Huron Noflf}1., i �h1.11 be grateful if you will say to the people of the con- stituency that if returned to power' the preae'nt Adminis- tration will do it% .titmn't to continue to nlrrit the confi- dence thus expressed by the citizen* of our Dominion. W. 1,. M ACK.ENZi E KING, Prime Miini'ter deal with netiune which refused us ac - pretty big world. We do a sizable' I business with dzty-tire countries. They do business with ns. Suppose mime day a "blaster" gets his back up and re- fu*ee to play. The world 1s pretty like- ly to say to him -%'There yon are, and that's that -we are sorry, but we can't help it Go yoer any a,• g,• oar That Is precisely what we are doing to- day eitl, til.• 1 .5. The U.S. outnumber - us twelve times over, yet the United States etinnot "blast' 1ts way into our market. When it trios blasting It sine, ! ply loser a market. Still that *1117 game 1s the one Mr. 'Bennett wants ,'nnnda to play with other count*es.l' Now Canada 1s in bustdess in a big way. A policy such as that may be all , right for a little self-contalned nation -It's no good for ns. We are the larg-1 est, per capita, exporters of madufatel Lured products In .the world. We are fifth in the total export and import trade. In total per valeta trade we • rank scnud. Nation* with little to lose in the big International markets of the world may play a reckless hand- out place 1s too big for us t.. start throwing stones We might smash our own windows Mr. itennett may think such things are bend, They may be In a comic opera; but the government of this country Is not opera testate 1.P"mo. of }lister, But the Great Blasters of history have never made headway. Mohamrn tried -It: bat his Influence was a frau- sleet force In the world &empw•rel with that of Jeans who (111.41 with warmly a reference to the "Mg stick" 1 end never a word ahmt MaatIng. • Kaiser Wilhelm tried It, het the world i sent him In n country tnwn to aft for the test of hes days and think of Hal sins The Americans harp tried it In the a*y Mr Bennett wants to exper-i Iment. but the wisest among them see' the folly of the mood and the held-' long eonne Mems likely to he ehe•ked. The gentleman who lead* the (:oneerv- iattire party 1s Setter at hla*ting than WE WILL HOLD A SPECIAL i a afire .: Demonstration 21 •. I .4t • Desserts and salads will be served. New re- cipe books will be given away. Be sure to ttend. The famous "Frigidaire Cold Control" OPEN UNTIL 10 P. Mt The days of the demonstration our showroom will be open un- til 10 p. m. Come early.- Let us give you full information. includ- ing our easy payment plan. ��ERE'S your opportunity to find out all about the marvellous new Frigidaire Hy- drator and Frigidaire Cold Con- trol. On Friday, June 20th, and Saturday, June '2I st, we will hold a special 2 -day demonstration one of the moat interesting ever held in our showroom. We will show the Hydra- tor in actual use -just as you would use it in your home. You will see how lettnce is made ten- der and brittle by the Hydrator's moist reviving cold. Ynu will see how celery and radishes take on added crispness - how tomatoes are improved in texture and flavor. And that Is see. not all you will The latest household cabinets in Porcelain -on -steel will be on display. The famous Frigidaire Cold Control will he demonstrated. You will he show how this device freezes ice cubes faster - how it permits you to make scores of unusual desserts that re- quire extreme cold. O. JOHANN Show Rooms - West Side of Square Will you be our guest? - Goderich sit .1 1 •