HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-05-27, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1987. Wl hears Dairy Princess The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the Community Hall on Tuesday, May 19. The topic was Public Relations by Mrs. Lawrence Plaezter. The president Mrs. Len Ar­ chambault chaired the meeting. She opened with a poem “May”. Then the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and O Canada were sung with Marjorie McDougall as pian­ ist. Th ere were llmembersand two guests present. The minutes and financial statement were given by the secretary Mrs. Robert Peck. Correspondence was read and dealt with. The card report was given by Lillian Leatherland. There was a social time of games of euchreandscrabble. June Peck was high lady and Mildred Lawlor, low. A card was signed by all for Dorothy Bennett. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer intro­ duced the guest speaker Huron County Dairy Princess Angela Nethery. She spoke on milk and cream products and on the disease Osteoporosis. She gave the story on ice cream and also told of her life as a Dairy Princess. She conducted a quizz and read a poem on “Road of Life”. She gave each person a copy of booklets on milk and the Osteoporosis disease and for a cheese dip which members had a taste of later. Mrs. Elliott Lapp thanked Angela and presented her with a gift. Collection was received. Queen and Grace was sung. Mrs. Law­ rence Plaetzer Lillian Leatherland andMrs. ElliottLappservedice cream and cake. Prizes were won by Marjorie McDougall. Mildred Lawlor and Ruth J ardin and a social time enjoyed. AND The Auburn and District Lions Club took time out from its induction of officers for 1987-88 last Wednesday to pose for a picture beneath the sign they donated [along with the Auburn Ladies’ Softball Team] to the village’s community park. The new officers are [front row, from left], Steve Campbell, past president; Don Haines, director; Dave Cartwright, president; John Bos, 1st vice-president; Gord Daer, treasurer; Charlie Shaw, Blyth Lions Club, past deputy and past District Governor; and George Collins, director [back row, from left], Bob Worsell, secretary; Keith Lapp, director; Walter Marchl, Lion Tamer; Marinus Bakker, second vice-president; and Bill Robinson, Tail Twister. Auburn Auburn gets new young resident Congratulations to Dana and Joyce Bean of Auburn on the birth of a son in Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, May 17. Sympathy is extended to the friends and relatives of Earl Raithby who passed away last week in his 91st year. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson FcLIp"nSAVe""cL|”n SAVE.T.CLIP7N SAVe”"cLIp"n SAVE.".l and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Park visited last weekend with William Anderson of Newmarket and atten­ ded the Anne Murray concert. Mr. Harold Baechler of RR 3, Auburn returned home Saturday from Alexandra Marine and Gen­ eral Hospital following surgery last Tuesday. He is wished a speedy recovery. Compiled by Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589 Youth Group conducts Knox Church service The Youth Group of the Church conducted the morning service at Knox United Church with Mrs. Gordon Gross as organist. Call to Worship was given by Rose Marie Young. Prayer of Invocation was by Lori Armstrong andreadresponsively. She also gave the Life and Work of the Church. The hymn, “In Christ there is no East or West’’ was sung. The prayer of confession was read by Karen Bakker. Words of assurance was by Julia Cunning-; ham. The youth group sang “Lord Make us Worthy’’ with Mrs. Gordon Gross as pianist. The Holy Word of God from John 15: 12-17 was given by Angela Schneider. Thechildren’s hymn, “Jesus Friend of Little Children’’ was sung. Leona Cunningham told the children’s story and they went to Junior Congregation with teachers Mrs. Teadde Bakker, Karen Bak­ ker and Kerry Bakker. Devotional Thoughts were given by Tammy Shuttleworth who spoke on “Friendship”. A prayer of com­ mitment and concern were given by Nicole Middelkamp. The hymn “Blest Be the Ties” was sung. The offertory prayer was read by AngelaSchneider. Theoffering was received by Anita Gross, Janice Cunningham, Rose Marie Young and Lori Amrstrong. Tam­ my Shuttleworth pronounced the Benediction and the service closed with the congregational benedic­ tion “Lord We Prav.” Cancer Society drive 4-H club prepares for achievement day -I 5!"* : I 1 I I I I I >1 <• mi : I “Ol 5: m | : ■ I tCLIP’NSAVE^. CUP NSAVE.^. CLirNSAVEJ:._CUP HSAVE...; Took g Equipment HOMEFARMCONTRACTOR *Houto ent oert I owo for fotoro mfororrco □ Sanders & Saws □ Painting Equipment □ Post Hole Augers □ Auto Tools □ Compaction Equipment □ Concrete and Masonry [Power Trowels Drills and Saws] □ Hoists and Jacks □ Ladders □ Lawn and Garden Equipment □ Handling and Moving Equipment □ Plaster Sprayers nets $1549 The Cancer Society Campaign in the Auburn Community collected $1,549. Sincere thanks was issued by organizers to all those who were so generous when the canvassers called and also to the canvassers who gave so generously of their time. The canvassers were Eunice Arthur, Ethel Ball, Linda Durnin, Kay Lapp, Jennifer Lutz, Viola Raithby, Bess Slater, Christine Shuttleworth, Anne Vincent and Frances Clark. A 4H meeting of the Auburn Stitcheroos was held on May 6 at the home of Glenyce McClinchey. For meeting four, members discussed sewing techniques for collars, seams and hems. Meeting five was an information meeting about different types of closers members could use for their shirts. They chose a title page for their club which was designed by Glenyce McClinchey. They also read information concerning laun­ dry tips. Meeting six was also held on May 6. All members practised “being the judge” as they judged different pencils, scissors and shirts. This is the last meeting of the AuburnStitcheroos. The4H Achievement Program will be on June 2 at the F.E. Madill Secon­ dary School in Wingham. □ Scaffolding □ Heaters □ Fastening Tools □ Saws □ Water Pumps □ Generators □ Drills and Rotary Hammer Drills □ Grinders and Sanders □ Miscellaneous □ Demolition Equipment □ Canoes □ Floor Sanders □ Pavement and Concrete BreakersMANYOTHERITEMSTOO NUMEROUSTO MENTION!! Two great locations to serve you better! NEED IT? RENT IT! B&M Rentals and Sales We’re Located: MainStreet, N., Wingham [519] 357-1666 AfterHOUrS: Sh.pH.urs:7a.m..,p.m., [519] 357-2335 OPEN Sundays9a.m. -9p.m.