HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-12, Page 71
Weak After
"I was very weak after an op-
eration. My nerves were so bad
I would sit down and cry and
my husband would not go out
and leave me alone. Now ml
nerves are much better, thanks
to a booklet that was lett
under the door. Lydia E. Pink -
ham's VegetableC..ompound
surely put me on my fee.. I
have taken eight bottles. My
Mends tell me Hook fine. My
rater hu taken this medicine
talo."—Mn. Annie Walton, 67
Stnaley St, Kingston, Ontario.
LyA E, Pinkhani's
11 Gaetabip Compound
Rolls, etc.
The purity of the in-
gredients used. plus the
expert baking. assures you
the beat quality bakery
Phase 114 West Street
County and District
'Phomas Fisher. e1 i7sborne, fell from
!le loft in his hurts to the floor be- a
'teeth and fractural the lwlvis (rune.
Mrs. Madge. wife of Philip Sledge of
•bnrue, died Juni. itis i, the az. of
..•yenty•nlne years. Shl• had suffered
a Intrlytle stroke the previous week
The death ,o+•urrcl suddeu1) Int
Atgood on June :ird of .1utueyt lken-
mlk0. a resident .14;rey tow:whip until
six year, ago. when behoove( tt, At-
wlaal'111e was he his seventy-first yteur
and ii suriivel l.y his wife and threedaughters. '
The wettadipg . of Mabel 1;., .ulv
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. John Giles
of ilowt•l,, . 10 T. Alex. Murray of
Mint. writ., 41' I Iutazed b) Rev.
411 Il Iler.11t.the fulled church parsuu
age, Ford wick.' Mr. and Mrs. Murray
I will reside near Harriston.
The Zurich Herald says that Harvey,
Bossenberry. who has !well chosen as
the Liberal candidate for the coming
['Wenn e•Iwe Pincher Creek'
tiou he th c e k'
was 14 wowan of mere than ordinary
bllitf awl took au active part In pollt
(cal work In 11ouuw•t1011 with the c.v.()
She was an Intimate friend of Misr
►Jfues Mae•pltall. Ma'. airs, Glenn Is
survived by herr husIuud, her aged
mother. Ih lug in Loudon. a *later and
tour brothers.
(Alberta 1 rieling. is a former reeident
of, Grand Rend and a son tot Hxrry
} 13osbenberry, new resldi,g nt Port
.l welding took 111100 011 Wet1110s,ltty,,
.Irmo F. at the United church pareom
age. 1•aob•sh,ro, Catherine 11:, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Mary Brown and thea
late Jolui Itr.wn, becoming the bride.
of Albert F• Austin. eldest stn of Mr.I
Be Consistent
Estimates cheerfully
John Pinder
Phone 127. Box No. 131
and Mrs, .kafreil Austin. of Varna. The
penile /smote will redder .0 the farm'
of tie bride', mother near Lunderla.ro I
Mrs. T. Pepper. of Hensel'. 11iw1 no,
Runday at Clinton. itt her a ight••4,4•4mnd l
year. last .September Mrs. Pepper;
broke her hip hs at fail down the cellar!
"steps 01 her 144,141, at Hen'l11 and Abel
was treated for some time In 1111• Clln-
' 1.1 hospital. later going to the home
of a friend. where her death corurred.
She is .survived by her husband. four
.ens and one daughter.
The wedding of Lela May Lawson.
only daughter of James f1ws,n and
Ow late Mrs. Lawson of Morris town•
ship. to Harry C. Johnson. ells*, sen
of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnson ut Gry'
township. ,teak pitwe nt the AWN...
manse. on June 5th. Re••. W. .1
1laines officiating. On their rwtnni
from the honeymoon trip. Mr. and firs.
Johnson will r1'sidr 41ts the 8tt: Pl.. of
late --Curb
.t happy ۥvent hook place at fife Ev-
angelical parsonage,! -.:t ::, ;., June
3rd. when Miss 'F,illtb 41te11, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb,
tear wedded to Hugh T. Love, second
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lore, of
the Grand Bend neighborhood. Rev.
\\' Y. t/n'ier oftldatwl. After the cere-
mony the wedding dinner was served
to a large number of guests at the
home of this bride's parents. 1`pon their
return from the 'honeymoon trip. Mr.
and Mrs. love will make their home on
•h.• gr'sn'- farts) In Stephen luwu4hip.
Meati( •f Mrs. W. N. Gleam
The death .lsrured et June 3rd of
4,111110 4' •!diorite, wife of Wm. N.
,lens. of the Illbtwrt township boun-
dary. In her .sixtieth year. Deceased
was a daughter of 41)e late Robert Mc-
fl41nli,, who lived for many years on
the London road north of HeuaaU. Site
'les, Solomon J. Sh:nuw1 passed
away at her home In Seuforth on
Tuesday. June 311, 111 her sixty-ninth
year. She was a native ot.• feKtllop
teuti lllp, but had lived In town the
Last (welt)' years. Ilei huebutnl died
shortly after their removal to town.
and surviving I one. out.--t''llllaw
Shannon, on the howeatead ha McKU-
lop. Mrs. William $volt nud Mos Mary
I.. Henderson. of $euf.rth, are slaters
of deceased.
lir. and Mrs. William Kruse an-
nounce the engagement of their daugh-
ter. Mabel Marie, to Edward Neubauer.
only sou of Mr. and Mra. William
Neubauer .4f Niagara l•':tlts, N.Y., the
wurriege to take phtee June 314th.•
Thr --death of Mrs. W. E. Chapman
un May :30th renewed a much reegect-
yd resident of Seaf.rth at the ages of
seventy years.
(Continued from page tel ' •1 II Hints on Gardenin
the Wardell to enter actlona in the l
courts to expropriate hinds and to
enforce any rights which the county Mau) a be•aua' .: flower garden and
may 1111,• agalnst auy individual ora highly satisfactory stand of Teat"
cons,rttion In connection with Use table, has been pa-rtielly or totally de-
ceumty road system—fu the tlwnshlp stn.) lel Iq *4ttai•ks of Insert and fungus
of Hon irk, the road leading ?aster!) tests which might easily have been con -
from the wear town line near Day's trolled. Roughly' apeakhlg, the inset.* .
bred_. o F'ralteb street in Wroxeter. eneutle, are divided into two groups--,
Them- ,.n Franck street to Glbs.0 11►us(' that eat holes ill the foliage and
street. We have purchased nine .Ian- those that stick out the juice.. For the
ones 41110 1k,mlulou 1t1o4d tower grader firs -Caned, psdsou is usually app llcd,'
and one IRB. 3-1,414 1rIII•k. He danger while the suckers are attached with a
0.11111a 1111 county roads. w0 rev •11d burning spray witch penetrates their
that the uulante pa) 810 per light to-, hides Often when loth are pre•4eut 1*
wards the upkeep of two lights ut combination of poison and, something
Hayfield, Illuewalr, Wroxeter, Ethel i that burns. such as lime sulphur and
and Walton. The estimate) exp•udl- arsenate. tires the Joest results. The
tures for 1t*30 are 5117.501 for mane; damage front the biting lnae•ts le us -
tenants., 511401:5 for anaeldnery, 41't.000 Cally quite appar"ut, but the pr.esenee
gy,rage and shed, 55.*t&41 superiuleIof the other kind Is only slww•u at tiro
doter, construction 11.3‘.0.2 1. legal, by a witting or withering of the foliage.
costs,' workmen's comtepsation. in-.gu
surface, road 0011111111044111.0011111111044111. $:30011.1
When fungus aFuntfncRss the planta. the
e utfic einehs. tallausutints yellow or brown,
f51,4(rafflx111. Thrr. eSl.use►,tnrcllt41urest workcargepna-j ,r wgehlte spot.ally like mildew cover the
`1.,retl caudat+ "1 the fnllowiuc: leaves. On ,•loser examination. tete un-
to Wiugbaw and [tenant!. $O.-1 der side of the beaver will abets. tiny
Aq_1 .\n.1..M Killu •Improvement! ppun•». Fungus s altatk»are usually
at jog. Pion: Net. 3, I abormr and 11lb- most common In warm. murky wench•
pert. 2 wiles, $43,(ap: No. 35. "Wan and r. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture.
Grey. 2 miles, 50,4110: Ni'. 27. Ashfl4d ,;r• dusting _with especially finely
and W. Wawauosh. IN mile'. tS.:4*1: ground sulphur Is adv'isw1. Sulphur'
No. 1, Exeter, widening grad.. A1wa _dtsat will also pn.h•ct hollyhocks Sud.
Hrldgrs No. L'1 Grey and fV:lltace• phlox frnm'rnat, 1f appliwl when Thr'
545111: No. 21, Grey and Howl.k•, 5411)0: dis0aw• first Showa itself..,n ordinary'
No. 7. Hay and Stephen. 5:100: No. 9 tlei can with the top perforated like a
Hay. 57'00; No. 2, Colborne and Ash- malt shaker makes a stool dusterl'or
field. /AD: No. 2, (:Wench gulley flowers. it Is well to add a dry" Ia.l i.n
- -- bridge. 551,(100. such as nrse•uate of lead or t"Io►e•o
parade of the Holy 'Name :society Thr property committer re•torrted dust to the sulphur, so that Insects
for bbl; district. r,mprhlug the par l,verything in good ,s,uditlon at. the will also be t•outrolled.
lahea ,4t Srn[urth, St. Columbnu, Ih11' jail and 111 the magistrate's office and Sucking Pests
Ile. 4'1111ton. Blyth. I•,gau and Mltehell, reeuwluendwl that the eefliug and F..r sucking pests. chief of which
was head herr un Sunday. .leen(( one walls of 111• court room he retlecor- are the aphids' or plant fit's', spray
thousand members gathered In Itwn•u- (•tell, an,1 the w,odwork varnishel. the wltlt whaletdl soap, a quarter pound .(
flan Park, where addresses were leiceu ewtrad t" Io Ire by trndre so4p to a gallon anti alialt of water..
b) 'lay'r 4'om,w and R,+v. M. Sullivan. The exe•(tive committee reported nicotine sulphate, or 'slack Leaf 40.
lite mrworlal tablet was deetrated on as f/!lows: Re grant to the Scott or an)- other repellent str•ureil from ,
the way to St. Joseph's elipreb, where Memorial Hospital of Seufurth• Amite reliabl4 aced store. Cold water from a
the sermon was delivered by Rev. N. by this counell at Its January meeting. fine Chair. under high pre•asure, trill
Goetz. o[ t(eatortb. 'I
)tr. end• Mrs, Thomas K. Mair ,on
we recommend that name be paid as s.mrllmr. wash off the {est,
June 2nd celebrate( the fiftieth an- ftt,ou as matter of legality of name is Eathig Insect
uhlt•rsary ,.of their Merriam, with a ('hared' up by our county aulk•itor. For eating ismeetm, m41• may spray
gathering .f relative.. !nal ntsd friends.
Re' request of East 'Huron Women's with purls green, arsenate of lead,I
They were married at 3fadac, 4Mt., and institute. we recommend that same be hellebore, or some' of the mens patent,
bald over as we are not aware bowl INA, .nona preparations. Tar's green Is'
liotueti11ately-afterwai><1s settled ou the mane branches are to this money. it usually applied it the rate of one'
Maitland years"slots, where they lived .nmmuulcsttion of 4R. Higgins, Reevel ounce dissolved in ten gallons of water.'
for fort) seen. Tel )rats ago they of II,•nstll. we heel that Mr. Higgins, It is well to add a couple of ounces of
came to ('pluton to rr"Ide. (if their six should not he out the amuust of hit+ fn•shls slacked lime to make the mix•
children. five survive. and all were t'osts, 51'27. as the 0381' was cause! by lure stick 44414 i
prescut on the anniversary. the Proyfndal As[ not I*l g clear. prevt•nt burning of
the• foliage. Arsenate of iead In pate•
We recommend that our county att.. dead form is applied at the rate of
N'INGHAM clans. do everything possible to helplane scant omlce to a full gallon ,of
Mr. tilgglus recover tido remount from „mil.. With hellebore. wake sure that
The ileath of Mary Ann Stott. a res the Provincial Government. tic w. afresh supply is secured, as It rapid-
ly of Wlugham for the last fifty tion of Measles. Francis and CUTS- weakens when ...mouseto the air
years, ,ornrrerl in her eeventleth year. tborpe re pay of committees, w1r re and apply at the rate of our ounce to
• $he was found dead in her Lest by commend that the mileage hound to j, gallon of warn( water. ..r it may •
frteads' lw
,ho had tnisy1 her and the 10 ants peer mile each way and that dilated neer plants damp with molstur••
doctor who was called thought she bad the pay of council and meulers of Cut worms, which eat through the
passed away during the previous night. e•ommtttees be as at present Ceder Baur s o,f lants r1• tthe surface and
Thos. Scutt,. of Wingham, la a brother. bylaws, mileage to be estimated D7 ste*54014m.• prpesemr are,4w. Indlcateff by the,
Marvin L. Craig. son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 the most direct route. Re motion i,f plants toppling over, require ape,•ial
' W. Logan Craig, was successful in his Messrs. Turner and Henderson fora treatment. Theae•-grubs are about three -i
final examinntion, in the Faculty of grant to the National institute for quarters of an inch long. grey In color
Dentistry and is now licensed to prat, the Blind. we recommrud that Snae and about one-third of an Inch In dlnm-
' 11st' dentistry in the Province of On- tae granted. Re application of llr. ,,ter Cultivate thorough', 11041 sprinklri
tarto. I Whir. turnkey at tin- jail. wr recent- a lit tie poison, bran around the
Miss Elisabeth Wellwood of Newt mend that a grant of Vie be given. planta. MIs one quart of bran with one
York. who had just returned from a'this making his salary 1.$t4.'a► per. an- h•nspluonfut of pans greets and one
trip to Europe. arrived. in Witgbam' untotablespoou of molasses with enough',.
last week to visit her mother. -1 The education ..mmltt0e townie,' water to moisten the bran. Larger
ftichard 1'anstone. K.C.. was taken, mended that high School by'- ,i,uulriti. ..f c.nan.. will Lt used In
setroualy 1l1 loot week •nd was takenfes tet paid when verified by plautattona of canning tomatoes and
' to Toronto by 1)r. ('ofl,orme to consult! the clerk, together with the addition- market gardens. I0 small gardens. or
!a tgtec•lalist. a1 grant or refund per se'. 35. chapter n herr parth'ularly vnlual,i.• plants have
I • J. A. McLean. who for the Inst few 334, 8.8.0. 1[137. 'Chat the norieriell been 11"e1. puller enliars 1. .4,4y plied
weeks Inas been renovating the plan- ani! Exeter' accounts he referred bark around the stem and x11111. Into the roil
I int milt which was gutted 6y fire.in' -lis their respective secretaries for cor ,,. to t&rpth of *bout hill an loch will
' .tprtl. again ha.. It in operation. i reetlon. That the folLwing levies ward tit attacks.
----------- ------ •• for adjoining county high schools for Nat Tea Late to Start
EXETER Huron ,r.41114y pupils; Listowel, if for some reason or other it has,
$101:.10; St. Marys. 5544.11: Park- leen Impossible to !!o any gardening`
While inldressiug-'a meeting 'of the hill. $:320.:.3: Ilarrlso11, $41'.2.33: yet, it is not too 'late to {wit In many
ROMPrl's lnstiiute in the towel hall Stratford. 311.3.::5; Luckno*-, $1748.03; vegetables and flowers. While the "rn•
here on Friday evening. .1. S. {fain- London. 5'.74.1$: he pall when seri-, s11i, Is fairly well adtaned now, ern
mond. field se•retary of the National fled. In the case of Elmira. it not evilly sdti•nkint many of our se,l8 nrl•
Institute f.r the 1111011. amee1114„1 that being an adjoining moots. we refuse nsnally pot In ton sloop and a garden
he felt III :led then. fainted. A 41.n•tnr pay meta 011, their amount. We wish started nt Oils 1alue',4een 111,4 a” well
was stunne.114,1 a1,1 the leet,lre•r r.-' to -draw the attention of the come 'II as one set"7int .early. The „'ntmemer'
rovereel e0ll+eionsues- jtls'1 as he ar to 011? instance Of a pupil leaving vegetables Ma•11 as carrots. ieets. on-
• I The'rirruth organised branch ..f the Florio' comity to attend a London iO4, sets. corn, melons, cucunllters nod
' -.hod. passing lx.th Clinton and Exeter ',meth -ally all of he phn,t" like loam -
1:. 1•:. S. L. *aa+formally presented with 1iigh 1,411ads. A hill was sent to us for i.e.. 1.:11•1010; 111141 cnnliflnwt•r with all
its charter of Pridny night last. when this pupil of 5137.22. and we recom- give good results If pelf In wel1•pre-
l'rraldeut Wray mei other memlera of trend that thia he dis•.nrag,rl as i,nre,l ground. With these lntl'•eOWII.
the 1..,ud.n !.,boil -perf.rtn,l 11e erre- crunch a, p,.ssible• v044ot,yidcs, how++ver. If Ir ndylanbl0 to
mony in the town halt. The se,' 1 report of the good hot.0 Rernlhmfl.11 by weaken¢ the aced
• After a loot Illness Caleb Haywood. nods e,uuuls+ion md
ae the folio*- ;t ren hours 1pf.rc planting. find fr-
o *ell -known residrut of Exeter. diel ing recommendation'.: ire l.ttstr ..if gttetit cedtivinl"n and an npi' 11' tIIn of
at his home here .11 Sunday night. De- ;the superintendent .f the ('.N.R.. some, quickly available fertilizer are
.1 4•a -w"" s.
5 ww.uty v':.r" of age.' Eley- •stn':,4ford. re' gravel -writ' eel .n to rail- also mayo••atml. 1'1114•." 11,e mason l•
en years ago he watered a !tight idroke w•11y cr„sstugs. while 'it Ir not Iellevesl eery dry, It Is ,remarkable the results
and at intervals be had n •t,md and Ilett any such cnsew have orcurrwl inthat eats 1n• achieved ,•s-,•1 when the
third: and for the last four eir.he this county. It Is• proposed to send'v.rgeinbles are not sown much before
lad leant Ilrlridd,n. III' ens a nlltive.f u.1lcc+ to old ogn•rutors of grndrrs the first .f July. lu lite f1.w,•r garden.
1'sh.rne 1104'104111m but 11/141 II ei In' nd'l"Ing them of the danger in this I.,'w•,•II-grown plants s'rnretl from
Ext•ter for fifty-two years nnd.nr- regard. Re motion of ..Messrs. Goetz any seei"man or florist. if po.wible. n"'
Hod .n. n 1111141110.04 :,s ltulld0e nud ,','n- and Sweltzer that n . bituminous sur• these will come Into bloom sooner. nl-
tractor. lie is survived by his wife. fl\e face he placed north of Grand (tend. though n brilliant show from August
sots and twp,dnugliters: also by tw)-1 we yecominettil that this le given coon- 'a1 01111 he yritnd from zlnnlne. nutrl-
broth•re, Joshua and rsl1: of Ex,eter.'•siderntl.i when placing dust layers. golds...it-mos, nasturtiums, and "Imil:nr
And two sisters, Mrs. Harry Parsons Kr 11114 1011 411 Messrs. Dodds and flowers fr.m seed sown now.
I of Exeter and Mrs. Ell Lnwso1 01 A mstr.ng r, 1, 01111dar• bridges. we
------- -
redlt.a rrcointnend thnt the nrclasnry work The esti la to" of hop.• tor the
en tl '".• bridges he 0 '. Ire 114111 mot, 1'110 hn. h,gw'a f.} I.io14eIf. .1
_ 111.111t,-- .f flesors. Robert "and W. 1'. Thomp- Ilrlerl.y. .
-- — •'m :nld Sl,s,rs. Amist r.ng and --- -- --- . .-. - -
,Afteer it bot period of failing health. 'Mole,, that Hrinw No. 13. 1027,- be
., Mrs. oleo. R[, Ren u w, 1 awv May again submitted to the 110etrem
Terrified 'L•ald : '4 111).
'r. McPh,r•tirotr Thrift
"tat in tier eevesity-ninth year. Th'- we rerunmt'nd that this be d.ne.
sot.. there's" n
mon nt the door
.rnat1 when w J 1cand with her motion f """ gn, 'rl'tse" he'll either nit "nlr d, .r
4'1-1111141.0111111of Turmlo rr
• t" r. m 'i
r rth env ale- that [h 1151money!"
. e 1 an*• ..n•, ' ser ..w • m n
,rlI,,. to Ilnllett township. In Iw4.4 she h• a comity road. We re•.mmind that 'h1`h1•r-.0:. -Ask Kiln 4461.11 h'•
was married to her now bereft 111141 -'actio!, I1• deferred till the commission means H. d.,. : n' if he say" nmrd'•r
hntid and she stent altno"t her ,•ntlr, line had an -opportunity to examine file 441'.• hen, 1bi- I,i',I„ne'.''
life In Llnd,"her',.- She leaves, lesides• roar. rani theeilnatien Re motion of
Apr loisboud. three 1Ianehh•r4 and.,ne' 111:"sr"•4 %:Anile and` Thompson ► cos BRIGHT EYES,
son: Mfrs. 14. FI"ncly :n,d 'ire. Vi' 11. peening employment .f the rnfflc of
Lyon. of RFFth: mks herein Bromley' flee., we nc.mna•hl that he be given
'of in•nd.n. 1111 "'Illlnm itrv.44d4•n. of as mach employment ll,t ughont the
Winnipeg. The (Intend took pinee from tear "11 truffle .r other wh k as may
Ors. h"m,• of - Mr". Lyon. where the 1n•, cxa$'enIeutly tn'ndllbl•. I • n ettlnn
'tenth ....urns'. to the Londesh,r. of Messrs. Turner rind b'rahtle• at any 'The Birthright of Every Girl
('nitel church. i, her, a public s•r'Ice eve•"" remit, doe Ile• town nr .4, 4.
nets held. interment Ulla In the tote 1,•11 In, .expended on certain .I ret". InlIl eves n.•an mi•.ry :111 ne,11.,
•Ireta,re. ee eters, - we fe•.nlm,'n11 !hilt 41,14 he d.ne. `1j, n,•" •:I sur, .sign ..f a bloodies. ..te
William 1''ightnlsn, alit. was ,n• .n11dlon • of Messrs. Tr,nnrthn nredI i.n. .1na.mlc girl" and *.Inco lure
caged e14h-4Ju' Myth telephone system Middleton that n light 1e pinc.,1 nt lull, henry 111•s v,lrh .lar. 11111•" nn -
for 44,1111• 111411/1111. leis taken the man- the rullwey rr.""Int on the Itis flrbl t •rne•:ith. The bright-eyed girl or wi
a:,'n,,ut of tem'itdnnsh1ril telephone road. w'e reeommend that action be n1: 1 I. stlw•ay.4 happy ant well.
-}"heti awl ht and has family heave' r.• 't'•ferr,•d 1111 the sltmenon le, exntninel T re Is one nay to make tlil• eye.
1110v0d t. $e•i,rluevilie . .- Ito motion of Meagre; Thompson bidets 1. brine 1111• glow of health I.
'.tlss '1 f1,ia McElr.y los 1'e•,I4.'1 , and Ke•vs tion :t nest he pineal nt Iasi, ell •ks--,1111 le I. Invigorate Ow
the hm•hT,y of nrt- degree in the ltnus•fleld, --uu. I'',,pnimendnt{.a„!wily wilt new blood' rich. nal iteeltls-
Or. Williams* fink Pills
'Mu, Boils so mock. Doctor said
Imo.. Tried 'Soothe -Sale am bowls
setal•bd eeereggbt.” C. T. Scott.
"eeetba-aana"steM r,• is 1 Waste:
• Mahe go r towhee's. at sadtugesta.
Notice to Water
o "
The %Pater :old Light Com-.
mission is pleased to annoufec
a reduction of one dollar pet'
annum on house water rates
from January 1't. Owing to
the Targe number of takers
this reduction means con-
siderable leas rt' .nue. ant -
consumers are asked to co-
operate in the economical
operation of the plant by zeP-
ing that the water is not
wasted apd that al! Ienky taps
or services are fixed at once.
..L. L. Knox. W. T. Marney,
-See'y. Chairman;
without a
\41 111:11 41f 4;4141.1 appearance
goes 4111I %.ill I acollar...
nor d41e, he go about ,sills
dusts. u np'lishe,l shoes...
PI•ryo41a1 pride suggests a
free i0eul "\uptgel• shine
to keep the whoa'+ smartly
pre"enlable and vs 01er-
Vie NUGGET UN Om with a t,wssg I
Thursday, 'use 1241 Ie1116—T
Irritated Skin
Almost any grandmother will tell you that no matter
how red and irritated baby's skin may be Dr. Chase's
Ointment will bring relief at once and quickly restore the
healthful condition of the skin.
Keep Dr. Chase's Ointment along with baby's bath
soap so that it may. be applied promptly -and baby will
never suffer from chafing or eczema.
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Puta,s.a•s highly medicinal qualities, and works aloe••' like magic in clearing
and 1w/studying the skin. lis box or tube, same pnt•e, manse qty.
1930 --
Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding cor-
rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There
are many outstanding features in the coming season's
style situation.
These features are to be found in the new
models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines
are to be found here at moat reasonable prices.
I nlr,rslh' .f Western Outarlo. She oh- Re clans, of mottnn of attempt .%rm abler 1.1..
1„:,..1ne! s,wid highest standing In thn strong an'1'Tole that the base line. n"' do tad. and' they do It well Concernfs .tartsci•.
In .onuf1 road. h. cowl,! •rest. we r,r•',m- Ing them Mrs. Rnlw•rt Itevitt,-Ilrnngh-
Jim," R. itri44hnnl.. a 10"nlleent; mewl that this road Iwo Incl1ide1 In nen.' (hot.. "nr": -Miy ,Inughtt•r became
former of ilnllett t.wn"hlp.,d1,11„Mons pI h. bylaw1.1
444 ,sl -preparnon "ah-, s. III And nerwoI' ue 11111 to take her
day night of lost week After a brief(,nNT„1 In the Department., R, Beane- 'mut 01' "e•lus.l. She wits pnl.• and thin:
Illness. 111' -fns In hey forty-flrst -'year no'.'- against Idahw:14 Ilmblilr. fie!, her ryes sten, dull and the least excl.-
And woe Born on the tank on which he recommend that the 3wdfy to be tale tion npsct her. I b'shine her /1r
died Its, In "n•d ryl4,by 1,14 wife. form.; en he 4hs•I11141 by the „mtMll ne nbelow\Ytlli m.' fink !'Ills And In Ic"* 1 1111 11
.rlr Miss Fasle A. WIglltinan isf'.''hit. wtnih. tx months yon rennin! not know her.
church. 111111 0110 sot 1 nes. by. two broth -1 The mumble of n number of hylsws She gained In weight nml strt,ngth
Prs. Albert. of 'Holten. And Y41"frr. nf', a'.In'c 4•fh"-r t. the ,•.uses'. act 160, 11. (11(11 I, Maw the ('111nre of Kendal."
Saskatchewan. and one slater. Mrs. matters reanlring a bylaw was one pf Dv. William' I'jtik 'Pills are sold
Nellie "',thrall. of Alberta. (hi• e1,;aln_• {teems of 1'1•In"ss nod the, by n.c11r111s denlPr" 1'r by moil nt
4 ;Merge M,Ns11 had Irl" bran br0k"onrn4nrll n1FJonrned after singing the :al .rats n 11011 front The iR WI11l" nu ,
a few days ago while cranking b1', car. ! 1/4ittinhnf .1nthem and .1111 1,ung S) lie. I Medicine l'o , Hnn•kylll", Ont. I
r• s.
Crops. property and livestock de-
stroyed by fire and bghtn.ng last year
amounted to mote than 52,000,000 in
Ontario. That's one of the reasons so
many farmers are now using RIB -ROLL
—the original new style roofing. It defies
fire, eliminates up -keep, Increases property values and Lasts a lifetime Pro-
tected against Lightning when properly grounded and equipped with Preston
Pointed Ventilators --as required by the Lightning Rod Act. Each sheet has
seven ribs—a nail every.ftve Inches. It is wonderfully easy and mne:perutee to
lay. Made of the famous "Council Standard” quality. Under the mor
severe weather condmons RIB -ROLL keeps every building on the farm safe
and secure. -
"Th• Pre•ten
Book About
Rami" as worth
mono, 1e you.
Gee. ("world
of information
about modern
ham build, nq.
Wnt• for ,t.
Use Rib -Roll Roofing and Preston
t.d•Ned Nails
.0D'.ail. fee. •
-ROLL end
an unbeatable roofing romhm•a nn. Th• nal. are
srin.nfic•Ily daemon! to use with metal roofing.
required ,
n.hmi 'or threading a
No u
u., and .peed) to uw
rho lead on eh• bead cow
pbrelr seal...h• nal hole—asking ,e rue, proof,
weather proof and atrr proof Writ* for from
sample of RI&ROL'L and PRESTON LEDNW
Pmts. ilial Trims Bares
No ham mad• equal• the wrench and Rn to.
wine quahnes of rhe PRIShrN SrE.E:L TRUSS
BARN. neat was mooed Steel Tru'sw. Braced
sa•'n.t rood pre..ure fr..m eery Ines No n.
ber.ome (tow. beams Wil nnnlated, roll behead.
Man A 0 .n'(lnran,, -not ns loerou»h
1,`ore htmthni Wt , u.e r.n.r nmben and t,.ke kb...l
atlowanc•• for thus. /
Preston farts V.M11aten
AI.oGsh denier of sponraneaua comhu.nnn. L'es
Prr.tnq ventilator. for rnat, de wall ad:ue,abta
rondos and 'ode door,. Th., 4,.. out •e
.arm, moist 4r an! ensure proper nnntasion.
asteritSteel products
('ivelph St.. 4 !1 f Toronto and Montreal
Preston, (int.
We offer attractive terms to responsible farmers on
roofing and siding for needed repairs for their buildings.
Write for full particulars.