HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-12, Page 6et 'I'lulrsdny. Juni' 1_, I'4:G, • THE COCKSNUTr IMPLEMENT SHOP has removed to new quarters on Kingston street. Implements and Repairs General Expert Service on all Codishutt Machinery. Allis-Chalme s and United Trac- tor. Baer & Straughan TELEPHONE 598 The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure Chas. Black 1'1'77.7,7 21,4 4,77,17 W. r:trrp go,•,l -tuck of Electrical Appliances Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Godericli Sunday Afternoon .04 ByISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. Blest 'worufug''whose first dawning rays Beheld the Son of God • Arise triumphant from the grove, Aud leave 111s dark abode. 1L 11 and. the grave cowblued their force T.. hold our Lord in Talo : sudden the Conqueror arose, .And burst their feeble chain. -Isaac Watts: MAYER ee 1:a1: grant unto,Ut a willing mind and lilt uud6rstanding heart that we may be ready to go forth to give to .ethers the message of the Risen Christ. I11 Ills name we pray. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 221w1, 1930 Lesson Topic -The Risen Lord and the (irrat' Commission. Lesson Passage -Matthew 28:1.111. 16-':0. I.u1drn 1'eA(-Matthe14 28:19. t- r t,'gan 'to 'Mutt towards OW' ,I.i. er the week the women clone' ,A,• the sepulchre•." Luke in his ,,,count says the woolen ealul! "brlug 'tog the splss whl.h they had pre• ;•ir.•.1 These women had been fold. I.• -ns 1'hrisf lllunwlf that He would 'Ise again on the third duy. Having -t.1d L.• 741.• ereisa Mud .:Yen HIM dIP Ills !eassnrlug worts luul,taded from' t h.lr 'woody and they Pulte to vee he sepulchre. prepared no embalm Hes Lode. „I '1'h,-' sante to sy.n e the selehre. and they 410 •.'o It -(11P)' new It turned inside out. They saw the stone rolled no ay, anti being put IU another u'e--oil angel sat upon 1t. Thou saw the keepers, w.t .i1 guard but as deed men. The' angel bloke to the w4Un•u say•,, Mg. "Fear not ye, for 1 kiow that ye! - -eek Jess. which was crucified. He 1s not' here. for Hr is rist•n as He said: ''amt•. .sec• the plate where the • Dore lay, and g„ quickly and tell His .Ha elides that He is risen from the dead. -and behold He peth lefure you into Galilee. there shall yP we Him: lo, 1 have tole) you." What a full. concise speech: If we look into It we ae'el that It ons sympethetic-•4Fenr not ye." It inns an understanding spec•* --"For I know fluid ye soak Jesus - I It was exp*ulutury-"Hr b+' not herr.! 11e is awn. as He said." It wits e.m- furti,g-"l'..me. see the p114e whereI the 1A.rd lay." it wits inspiring -"Gob The angel was the first to preach , Jesus unit the Resurrection and the' Salada Orange Pekoe has Atair the finest flavour �! '* 1 ORANGE PEKOE BLEND A T A 'Fresh from the gardens' reg 1 A June Lake Tri Is Delightful FIVE DAY CRUISE Georgian Bay Manitoulin Island Sault Ste Marie via S. S. Manitoulin ROUND TRIP $32 Meals and Berth Included. There's no more delightful time for a lake trip than the glorious month of June -the scenery L at its beat and _here's not a great crowd. The beat trip of all 1s a tire days cruise to ManItoulin Island points and Sault Ste. Marie on the splendid steel Steam- ship "Manitoulin." Brief stops at all the Interesting ports - Klllarney, Manftowaning, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Theasalon, Brace Mines and many other interesting places on the Manitoulin island and North Shore. Then up the St. Mary's River and a full day at the Soo. where the steamer Is your hotel. The S.S. Manitoulin 1s the largest and most modern ship on the route. Large comfortable staterooms, all with bot and cold running water. Observation saloon on the hurricane deck. Steam heating throughout. Round trip from Oiten Sound to Sault Ste. -Marie, Ont., and return, incluftine meals and berth while nn the trip and while steamer ft at the Soo, only 162.00 Steamer leaves Owen Sound every Thursday evening during June at 11.16, arriving back early Tuesday. Stop over at any port, It you wish. Same first-class service as during tourist season (luring July and August steamer schedules are changed and include Mackinac island, round trip fare, 145. For reservations and further infor- mation auk railway or deanship :,rent$, or write Owen Sound Transportation II Co., Ltd., Owen Sound Ont. a THE SIGNAL,' fib.- : t w. •�a„r_.. • ti •' '�.. GODERICH, ONT. WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? TIIERG ARE 13 MISTAKES IN THe3 PtCTvRE How good are you at finding mistakesT The artist has Intentionally made several obvious ones In drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. See how Ione; It will take YOU to find them. LOOK FOR SOLUTION IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL Solution to "What's is last week's Signal. it Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture Cull Them Out ' As soon as the spring spurt in eggs production commences to lessen there are certain hew in every flock that; should he culled out and marketed. The sooner they ore go( rid of. fIit• bigger will be the flock profits. Labor Is reduced, feed costs are lowered and the profitable birds are given more room in the laying Louse; and 00 the range. l'onitry also should sell for more money per pound In the early' Part of the summer thou later. $0 three la a material gain in dlepsl.g of the non-productive birds. (cue of the siw- plest ways to cull the flock is to go over the birds when they roost at' night. Pick' out t thletanitit sbrhellrll. rough combs and shrunken. hart) ab- domens: A bird with a large amount of hard fat around the lllslonlen 1a not in haying nonditiou. Watch Effect of Fertilizer If you hate applied 4174) fertlllx.•r to your bands this spring. much can he learned by watching Its effect on growing crops during the uczt few weeks. • Experience has shown that properly-rhusen fertilizers produce sic important results: 411 They Increase -stalk or straw growth. I2) They strengthen the crop to resist d1M'ltee. 1:10 They hust,ri the growth of the ,r.' w. that it rils•us days earlier. (41 They increase yield, (5) They Improve quality of product. 1741 They improve the cutch of grasses and clovers. Whether these results le obtalnerl de- pends upon the tYnsHtioi of the soil as t.. drainage, soil reactionsupply of organic matter awl nisi] iu ehoi. of fertilizers. They must be chosen to snit fpr -special ne„Is of the crop and Make tip fur ,ell deflcicneh's. lien. :111 come things to watch as the sense,. advancer: Is there a stronger growth of crop on the fertilized than on the unfertilized land? Has the fertilized tropripened e•arIler? Ills there b'•.•n Wrong and Where" more or less (Haase In the ffltlll:441 1:.Aldol7\ St'E\i: crop? Has there been ua,re .r less Ile 1- 1 411P1 ADC- not sit 7711 fobs•. '---alum would not wear fur cap. 3 --)eau would not wear dress-.Y,11ar OW lie to work in garden. 4- -Man's trousers are incorrewt. .7", -Mau should have hoe -not brush. 8 /tours should not be in garden. i-6'hick.•u shank' not 1.e to garden. stet injury N'hat was the .nnlpnnt• 4%'heat Is not }dentist in gardens. tire yield per Here? What difference in n -.Plants growing in carrot row not' Wolk) ..f pr.apuet do you note? As. carrot+'. .detanee ha yunr troutlrsrmc fertilizer lu �I'41uer ou iackage on stake h problems will is. gladly given by your wit Wheat. agricultural repr•s4ldutive or by the 11--l'it•wre on package on other stake' 46 A.C. toot e:lrrot.. w •11 were lbs first to pralaim 11. That Wats the effect of the preuchiu; by the ai cel i And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy ; and did run 40 -bring His diseiplrs word." "Asd as they -went"--It always vo. happens, a thing Pe never complete, In itself : incident runs into lucldett'. And as. they went." -Jesus wet thein' No 1111111 gees a warfare at his own charges. Jesus always worts 111+ te'ss•niter'-. or joins them. .'r over• ' takes tls•m..'Anci as they went to te,1 HIs dis'Iple'. Jesus met them Mud 4.4li•, unto them. 'Go tell My .brethren that they g•' into Galilee, and there *Milli they vee Me.' " Venire 16.20 -The Mal CaaladmiMa A. -cording to appointment the die. cIples went Into -Galilee and to a mountain. probably the same on which. Jesus CLrlat was transfigured, and there ler tart them. We are told ' that they worshipped Hint nut some tioubttd-possibly Thomas. lu the end they were fully convinced and were willing to stand by their .,nykllou even unto death. Jesus ...awe near lo theta and told thew that hellc,fortb tar world was place) Miner 111' control. Hr hod n perle t right turn to give thein the elnlma,111 Hr ,1Id. "Go ye therYfor•. and tench all nations. baptizing Ilion In the Mimi' of the .Fu:her. Mud the Bon, and of the duly Ghost." Turn Jesus added to this command •.ords of inspiration. "Lu, I am with pun all the days. even unto the �•en- stimulation ..f fhe. age." He did tool send them out Mone; He divided the hur'ru and shared the peril. The; lrru}ram He planned for Itis disciple! , 1. the program of ('hrlstliinity today, and the Saviour is the present Christ, the Son of (:osl at the very tide of 111H worker'. 11 WORLD MISSIONS li.w the Gospel Reached Uganda Ll the yl'ar iS76, Henry -M. Shanley., the great explorer. visited the come' try o1 1'gaula in Central Africa. 1l• found 11 splendid titulary Inhabited by an ex, cpttounlly fine ;people, who had t l fair degree f c•Ivlllzn r.•fus.- them. saying. Shall wt wake our brothers slakes': No, we are all stns of c;,.1.' The words of Stant- 1.Y'sbook art. g ' ' The chiefs wit YUP voice replied: -We will take the white man's book." When the time came for Stank't to depart.tem said In a tone of des spin: hat 1s the useof your com- ing tt dtstnrt, .air minds. if. as soon ' as at. are eouvIue,.l that what you' have' '.111.1 has right and reason 1n it, you go away 4.vf.re we are fully In- stni ted?" SnudPy explained that . he was a traveller. but if Mte'su wished for tea- cher* be would nrit,• to the people of England to that efte•t. Mtesa said: "'then write. Sttiuil.'k'. and say that I am like a child sitting in darkm•.a, anti eannotwae until 1 nm taught the right way." - I So Manley wrote. The letter was! entriortet1 to n Belgian officer who had, been seat by (:-neral Cordon to I'ganr, du. 'rhe officer was murdered an bin return to 'Egypt by the Nile: when his IMaly was found the bled -stained letter. thrust for safety Into Les top - boot. was brought to light. On reach- ing England the letter wAs published in the Daily Telegraph. • The letter met with a great re- sponse. (arta Poured in. in a short time $1-307,000 was subscribed. and within siz months eight volunteers loud start's] for Uganda. One of tut party was the heroic missionary pion ,er. Alexander Maekay. with the story of whose life every 146,) and girl should 1'e familiar From The Chtin•b ltee\.rd ,. .impart ra' Week at O..k.C. The Ontario Agri, nlrllral College ut ,Guelph will. be thrown open to Inspe• tlbn by the farmers of the l'rovinee un four days this month. Jon.. 18. 17, is and 1t'. The •<Islturs are aehl+wl to ar- rive early 1n order to have time to set• the big institution and are requested u bel a I,aakrt lurl.•h pod to aa - WHEN YOUR CHILD iS FEVERISH Give Him Baby's Own Tablets The health of babies and little c1111- dre•n is sIILje•t to rapid changes. Thus the cher must be on her guard. At the first sign of feverishness Italy's I IN71 Tablets $haul, be Rivet -this may 1n'e.rt a serious 111nete. I'oneerni,g the Tablets Mrs. Nor- man Lee. 4 al,rldge. (int.. says: "My t ug semble. picnic style. under the shade trees he the gymnasium by noon. The College has trade provision ,to, supply hot tea. milk and We cream. After luue•b•the men will he shown over th. crop ezleriment plots and will have an opportunity to Itlsp.•1 the Hie stork. The.Iatltes *111 be at liberty to Tiidt .Maelonald Hall. the variola buildings on the campals and any natter department of the College they desire to see. About 4 .,'clack t11e campus w111 he available for baul,all game.. horse shim pitching or any other sports. mud hay crops In escelleut e/udltfou. Retch tender plants a* etrawlerrlea tomatoes, beaus, potatoes, early corn and tobacco suffered injury In malty localities, but most cuuutted report DU serious damage. Milk production is re- ported portt'd to be above average 1n Pundits and !wells countie4. Pastures are rel [swill to be In splendid coidltlun oithuut ezteptiou. N'Ith the muting of warmer weather all crops have shown rapid ltuprovemeut. reselling Agriculture Interest 1s being evinced *by evluch- tlotal authorities iu mauy' (arts of Ii,tarlo In the vocational -agricultural se haJ a4 Rldgetown In Keut Bounty. an Institution .uulque among the w•h,.u14 of Ontario. I$tahlishe.l four years ngo ' by fhe (Ontario Goyeruruclif, irj e,. operutlon with local school autliorl• I ries, It has become Increasingly IsiPat•. . lar with -the rural youth of Ke1tt, hay. f Ins au eltrol111511 of s•velty'•three low fibs, during the lint term. Operated inp •'injWMtluu with the 11ldgl•low•u bight. v heed, the students reerive In tune e.tlgh acaden,ie training and iu addition complete course lu *uch practical subjects as fano mechanics. waal- • sing, agricultural engineering 1,111 motor mechanics. and Itnetrucl1116 111 livestock judging. field crops. -nod horticulture. Biology and •henitstry'' are tw•u hullortallt MIl,Jevls on the curriculum. .At the end of a. four-year e„urse, graduates are entitles to -u- ter 14..1. t'. A .e„Id building has Just 146•-46 eompletel at Illdge•luwn to take care of Iia• ln•'r,u.siug *4tl;ldl(ute 1t is 1104 unnaturally anticipate) that this school will have counterparts 111 other s.•tiona Of Ontario Iwfore many years. ladle ularly enter.. the Governme'lt NO'. half of the cost of'uilding Mud half the tuith.0",,.sts. The t'Ingores- she feature about the Ridtp•town lu- Lurlo46 i$ the kern Interest Pxhlhifel by the .tnd,ll. In their work. This Is inevitable stable• when they are engaged 1n -oldies 'chid] bring out their own 'Is -(1x1 talents. Many farmers In the distill declare that the N•11001 has hw•n a wonderful thing for their boy. a Treating' Seed Potatoes Naturally, the nim of the potato grower 1s to produee the biggest and tit crop 'at the lowest possible coat. . Tbla la dependent upon a number of faeturs $114.11 ns g,'••'I ell, .Inept) 774 aced, aprayind and cultivation. While the importune of them fe'atnrer 1, 11141Psti.nel. (4*) often the pruspe-t of . �r.M crop is ruined through ne- riect to ptvcttae .owl treatment whirl. 1s aimed to reline.. the enormous looms and inconvenience canoed by twat., black 1.g and ^blt's-t.'ule. all of which occur in every prorin.e In Canada 'rhe commonest method 11ss1 to treat seed potatoes is the f,rmnlin trent ment. A solution of 11h. of formalin to 1(1 gallons of water, 1+ made up and pla•,rl hl a barrel. 'ria• seed 4otnta•s. uncut, are plate) in a sock and *M:' !serails, In the Ilerlid for two hours. .then the lag is pulled up and the sol- ntl.'il 1111'w411 to drain hack into 1h.• barrel. Then the w111 111:1) 146• Ent :n,.l planter!. Make the Meadows Pay Ontario n+Itally hits aloof four not ...lull( million acres of hay .crops P11Ph year. In passing across the Prov. hill' just. before haying • cannot help feeling that many of these acres • n'St lacing the taxes and the cost all, rl•:le• Ie( n a r (.. 461 Y' e/ an tion. 'They lived in e•onfortabi'' hon I�Ilttl I c•r. N' tune tears old ons not 114 All well HI was federlsh And f only a11, hal mo App tit . i Rate hem itithy 1 tun •r+ always w'Ashlnq their nod oral halt loos to she acre And EPs„ '• "' a' of handliig the crop. Statistical reports and Stains) remarked• that they had s Iudlcate an ,iv.rage yield o goo. a own Tablets rind h4 wee soon well ' , till bunds before meals. The land had til, can certainly la• much improved alien .vgaanirel government, though horrible ''gain. 1 waa111 n.rt tw without tho For the meadows. genal drainage and lublits 118 long a,' there rare yonnR er lle14y was PSPrelse1 by the king and sweet soli are very Important. Roots of ..Whiten in the house." grasses and clovers are slow to otos i his chl4a. R ... R p ' d*lbps 11an Tablets' -r6' sold he 'Phe 4.1115. 51tesa, tm41 sent carate 2;_ trate w'•t sails. nn+t wherryl'r Wier(' is n' uuYllwinP dealers or be moll at to l' -curt Stanley ntros+ till. Victoria anrpins ..f water on the moll_ Rir Is Ncnural. anon rroeh•Pd him In state. "-ut$ n Loc from The Or. William/ shut out and hell '1. the kW141111 lite Mesll.lm- 6 . ltra'kv111•, (mt. The king 441* eager for knowledge. _ _ _ Is either weakened' l; killml. .A*414)44 : I and when he learned that the travel RPpalirine Steamer Mapleeourl point in no•xdow Improvement 1 ;. is the ' ler knew the •'words of Gab" ^A use of hlRh-quullq seed. It por se dl vlh ulliug•voun ItulleUu: 9'he salcuge•d Mud Stanley' Is 11.411 the meadow start ant with n fe,ri n• Pr owl the '1'P46 t uruuunl.t steamer )talrl.,snlrt, which Nils taken handicap. 4;troxf drainage. gaol wed, off Mm boots on wooden tablets. gnPtie Idr•t wear I►1•Ia11r, n few and a literal supply of el 14 atble term - , fres 17711• to Stanley's arrival, 'Aral w.rks 115''. and 'brought herr. Is under iter stake protltabl6' meadows. - trndrrs had introduced the Koran to going "ale'Thls.will Is' 971{16' an ex Wes11. moil he hail. been'Infl 'ornl to- btnslcP Joh. the 111111 of the vessel be Northern Ontario Leads wards 5I7.1111n1lllerhltllsm. Naturally, inR badly $ma,.lel by f(u 4114 6 on the r.s'ks upon wawa 1t ons driven in n RPtunns M the Provincial Apiarist h4 11 a. mow pnZZIP' 111.77114 41.6' 4 WO IT- I Indicltt, that the northern parts ''t 4Igions. and the matter wits dlscuss,d. RnI.. la Mt fall. To effect the nwrssnry Ontario tp him. and his erturlPrs. repairs, the shipyards wlll'he employed _RI" till' blithest pi4lds of for several weeks. T' (14Pe'I lell,ngs honey. For 1tr.1 the average per col - "1 arc vie to know what Is the Nin -Mac Tug Co., which rP- any was 14114 pounels in Kenos. 1:{7 in1F114 ' asked one. lensed 1t early Inst month. Rens• A11Renfrew, Iles to Northam- "I,Istrm to Me," said the king. „The,. !acrinol and d lfgl In -.Algoma. IOne'south• Arabs And the white men believe as, How She Took 1t Pru comity. Elgin. has the high Aver - they are taught by their hooks. The/ A c-ertnin Pnn1li'. having 1$•411 mar- rage of 14:1 Infolds. white the adjoining ' Arabs some here for Ivory and sines. Heti About ten )ones. lived a IIfe mule ''"nntle•s, Klt ed nrfolk, hnce �� TI... NhitP MPH. 44fo•n offered s4Hv444, t for the most art of quarrels andtend Wit ;oneiuhf rn•sllacMvPh'. In totali visited n friend whose home Of,. we, Turk taut. they lend. portly duP to thele tip ASPHALT SHINGLES ROLLED ROOFING B. C. WOOD SHINGLES Hardwood Flooring -GET Ml' PRICES R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderick SPARR'S FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUT• TER, EGGS. MEATS LARD, FLOUR. ETC. Silterwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for rolr protectihn CALI, IN AND SATISFY 0VCNY*OO1 WtLCOM0 Sparr's Grocery "The store ..f satisfaction" Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 143 \('t. I11:9.IVER IN TOWN Chronic Bronchitis Is quickly and safely relieved by Templeton's wonderful RAZ -MAH. Mr. 11.-'rruemner, Zurich, (int. got trach relief ffom a sample of RAZ - 2.1 A II that he sought o f 1.00 box toil, as always, under guarantee of relief or money back. Now he always liner RAZ -MAH when he has an attack. Rays: "I usually work the attack off in a few days. Then may poo for a Myear or an wit.hout. anot.her.' RAZ - AR is aim wonderful for Asthma. At your druggist's 111 RAZ -MAH a 1 1 '1,111 Riney. Gr• se hlPkPrIURs Otte dray the husband1 y• Slmeoe •ar entirely different. Inrge natn int Also due tfo the• fact (1n boning he sold to his frleKd: tlult shiver ,tut nl$Ik4 rare Rnow'n 1'tr PnjnyAI my ♦lett. Yon swam sn t1''ttnrinntly. The honey crop for the l ilProvince for the season of 1924 was; j happy; how do con funned. It''" rnplld hes 13..470,91M I rnpounds. the -fourths of I. „it,* goof. simple," friend: "I make n fuss of any wife, and "'hick was ('111.0.e4 ah14e. The esllinat l 1.1.. her quite often." cd dilute wait over a' million dollars. The husband decided to try this ,sit og, and when. nn arriving home, ('rep Report his• n ife...ta•ndd the door he kIsee.I The first crop report for the month her Il1a wife horst into t..nrs. of ,Ione shows that, definite trusts In **What's the matter?" he nakerlmany parts of the Prrn•Ine.. which "Oh dear!" *bless. the wife. "Every- ..eased cnsiderehle de/tinge. the crime thing bias gone wrong trashy. 1 fell are totning along In fine style For In•, doyen and broke a lot of china, the stems.. the enmities of Carleton. (urn- nuld has Riven notice, and now- you entry. Doffed/v. ihtndaa and {hlrham ,,,me home 'runt." I all report fall wheat, clover, alfalfa A New and novel dessert SWEETEN a bowl of Rico Krispies with honey, to taste. Fold in some whipped cream. Then serve. It's a most delicious dessert. You'll like Rice Krispies for breakfast, lunch os sup- per. They're so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream. A wonderful cereal for children. Oven -fresh at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in I,ondon, Ontario. 041 e� _4; al RICE RIt1SPIES Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas 1 2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of the above furl Prompt service and re•iaonable price'*. L. FLICK Telephone 17hj 4;0,1,neh THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal sad The T.rosto Globe *4.10 Th. Signal and The Toronto Daly Star 6.60 The Signal and The London Advertiser 6 SO The Sigul and Th. tendon Free Pres. 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Empoir.... 6.50 The Signal and The Femurs' Sun 3.31 The Signal and The ramify Herald and Welly alar :100 Tam Signal .ad Seters sit Night 5.10 Ti.. 3iq.aI a.d The MewOut look 3.90 The Signal and C...iia Homes and Cardoso 4 65 The Signal and The Catholic Record .._ 3.75 The Signal a.d McLean's Magazin.. 3.75 The Sigzeal a.dttiwlreal Wit- ness renewal 3.85 new 3 60 The Signal a. 4 World Wide renewal 4.25 new...-. 385 The signal esd Yoalh's compsaies 3 80 The Signal a.d The Tomas Star weekly 6 75 The Signal sad Red sad Gun 3.15 The Signal and The Creadi " Countryman 31/1 Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Re Had o. Applieatioa KASPER NATIONAL PARK -fhe PACI FIC COAST and ALASKA Enjoy a low cost trip to the West this Summer. Stop off at Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies, See famous Mount Robson. A thousand . beautiful sights. A new thrill in every mile. Take the Triangle Tour Route via Prince Rupert ...with its 600 mile steamer cruise to Vancouver. To see Alaska requires only a few extra days. A wonderful cruise ...amazing experiences. Tours may be made by various routes. / 1 hese fans are in effect from May IS, ,�. 1•' September 30. es anadia n ational A.k your wept C.na Pian N.nnaal A gent Inv .n+.ctl.e dewrlptlse folders, Woodenly aloe trued. TO EVERYWHERE 1N CANADA.