HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-12, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchandising
.As a medium for reaching the people
of Goderich and district The Signal
is unsurpassed.
T111t NIGNAL PRINTING OD, LI1dlTKi), I'ublbherr.
Insure Your Automobile with
Ld..Vurmyr. r r1,y1/ flank
PHONE alas
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Brophey Bros.
1\II EMIt.11 NF:Its
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or night
PHoaI.- Store t2) Ives 21;
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
AU culls promptly attended W
day or night
6104 335 Residence 353w
Hamilton Street. Goderich
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, insurance
and Real Estate
Car. Life and Fire Insurance
Nelson Street, Goderich
.Phone 2!►2 1'. 0. Box 43K
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
l4ouse. and Lot. in Goderich and Farms
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from
Question of Pay of Committee
Members Dealt with by
Executive Committee
Meeting for the June session q1,
the afternoon of the King's birthday,
the Huron county council opened the,
proceedings with the singing of the'
National Anthem on the suggestion of
the Ward,•u..t photograph of the King,
,Ira{s.l 11 patriotic el/lore, adorned the
1•Ige'4 dal.,
would *tend up to the 2 -mill highway
rate and would then stop work.
TI k f tis Children's Shelter
le wor o e
committee was one which imposed
quite a burden on the county...\ ape-
.ial opeting had been ne'essiery to suitability to the gulls. Seed selec-'•+Iron of Hurou county and that we it could .be n•uled !or a frrw o
consider the ease of a family with tion was being carried out with good I wlsl to express to them our sincere The Committee re•ullueu.leil the cry
seven children in au loslitutlon lel results. Sheep dipping and parasite thanks for the same was curried. tion ,of a tower for the port•.«' of
London at the expense of this county. destruction were being carried on It rya. delict to hold the crural druwlug the piles out 1,t the well 11,
Mr. Edwards was stint to le,ndou and, with wonderfully good results. plc1,►c +t 1tss 1teld 1,u the 1'Jth of June. ''ase of anything going wrong with
a +proal arr+ylgetuent was made', A nlotimi by \1r. M.K1bls.o. second-' The t'Wtdren'x Shelter eol.IUIIIO*' the pump. Also that to ease,. of
whereby six 11f the children were cd by �Ir. Inglis.that the ,oulne'll put u• soled death in the 'wine the ts«t:v tw• taken
6 g7(► k 1 the 1 1 high f the 1 to the (oeus no khat oma..
( iter chlld•reu at 1►resrul h4• had ante. If not that a plot lw• pr..
1 back •t tit 1 1 1 M M 1 2 boys)
family a have Cague au s 1,r r , rang ug row ., o 1
family In the Shelter here would havel way giving np the w'urk' eras earrlel n•cuwmendatloII, that the treasurer
tug to stbad. The n•{wort ckosad +1, deposit tet! Old age pension n
as in the Clinton bank to the credit of
1lio 1 1.'"'' ((ns r„'' "d2.11"4"1 oill.
asking for ten acres of laud at the•' \f+ t 1(.111• I,lotto. for of the u t ca " Road l Ontmlt•.1a11
t i her resignation owing to lU
e1Girri-T11rR1•,l:ti: \•' :.
another Iul1N,l'taut matter and Mr.! Gamble that this county council p- after the Lan, -rug of tis. • oop „o.
McLeod explained the work that was predates very much the worthy • 4tln Including the crop and the cont-
tielig carried on to determine the forts being taken, under the leader- mince rarummendcl that if the laud
best 'fertilizers by means of plots on ship of the Lions Clubs of G.Nlerich could b• purl based for $heal 11 would
which they would be tested us to their id St°f.ri11. t.. laid the ctipplld chip' Ile advisable to buy it: if not s rhup-
( %,•ais.
m.. e.l cundttlona at the home III if
us'eu care offor u weer and t on recur, t, g appreciationu i S.NN shale.
y..ungt.st W145 brought a. ' 0 Obi i work done n the euanty ,y r• c' fu the shelter (S girls am ya cured 11, Clinton (rwi•tc•ry. Aunther
1' l looked sifter this d it it r regret that he' rationg t 1' three go
with applause.
follows: -Wi• lire worry to tale
assistant fusing 1 Pensions for Home Innate. at This time Ib it Mrs. 'l'igc•rt, the
'Phis•11grlenttttrnl repr•sintal1ve•was nitron at the Children's Shelter. has
uecrasltated the appointment of air slo cit urn
e• ,
1.11Y111r ., 1 Y.-
• .very 1 s .- ..1 1
('aunty Hume for demonstration pm,
g• of 1( Dun " stit11 'II"' .,•ul,•c toads venni
;awes. The ('aunty Hnme•�14rw1e1 all agiugl °f Ilan 3ustltutf..n and Bald health. \\'v ice a e mine. apprto led ordinary waInteuance carrier
tl It; osl a situ. had worked elate the «aeons she has n•uderrd to {tar IId the roads 111 good condition
h her '�aurfx. t' reported attending the
1x•1.1 Si would get the !MI $20 a1 uutr--. ---•tutee ap1w21,t., Mrs. Geral Roods coi,entlon and while
wroth of which il� was retained b, our there looking at macl.lu.ry. The n'-
than pnnha 1 at the present time. 1 tl I t were 1 I 1 ht the Ix•tltlon of
ward the addition 11f road* to the
r noted fat 7At7 applications tieing re- satistlel. th. ,tnu.d ..mol f t county toad *system and d* rI 111
f 1 1 that tl
u• u tl1,1. ls' nut !
out very--tatistuctorfly'. Each' inmate the county during1 short le'rtoxrs is 10
i1 his opening remarks Warden line- its present land, but 4G nere'ly4o the
ncr mentioned the bereavement which northeast of the Rome c..nld 1.. pure
:111 .•atm• 10 ten homes. that of Reeve
te. .1. Henderson and that of Count)
clerk Holman. std lie expressed the
•2ull1Ith2 of all the members of the
ire kit 141 he had ('one In ('01111141 Mt
flue work of the 'Various committers
and had been over the county with 111e
good roads ..iminission. a e.uuty that
exterolts1 for ninety nines from north
t.. south anti forty-five from east to
west. and 14211011 he Ted nt our roads
lie felt, as the Milli ter of Highways
had statist, that the eulinty of tfmnan
4':214 an ontstatiding ...unity for good
•-•01,1s. Many requests had come in for
s.rt►o1114 of roads to 1w• given attention
and he telt that the various wunlet-
pallties were }notified In asking that
theta. roads 1o• taken over. The prey
, et be felt was the proper time to
take care of a 'ember of small bridges
'n4 roads that had liven widened to
24 feet, mobile some of the. bridge.*
remained only about 14 feet wide and
' ..natio:tell retie -danger allots. Now
:.Iwo was flee time to clean up the
1fi.000 which had been Incurred sev-
•a•al years ago. Following the request
,1 the county cunt -14 the mmmissfon
Right-rtkorn Cottage 'and lot, tine con
dition: bathroom, water, lights; in'.
choice l.errtinn.- Immediate pia,wweion.
Price $1560-iM4' cash. balance good
terms. .
Good Cottage, modern convenience,
lots, fruit. Price 71311?; g.n.1 Germs.
Chaio• of number g«d 111i-Ntnry
Malmo in 5.14,41 condition horn $1311* up.
dk,tneexcelleot brick lino...., modern,
from $2.7119 up. '
Excellent 1l11 -acre Fann: good bui:d-
ings, orchard, g'...I water supply, •sin„
timber, fill growing crop of grain and
lay, nsoG , garden, etc. Situated on tin,
highway with hydro wires; very cites• h'
goal village, convenient to R. R. statin,
(linto1 and (',denelt. Immediate 1o.sses-
sion. Price $4'115). ••r $1:810 cash, balance
good tern•
See or write
.1. N'..1K\hTK(INV
Box 89
Real Entitle
Countless remedies are advertised
i,.r constipato.n. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the 'ye-
tem, settle in the ;outs and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Link Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stogtach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red-pkgs.
.hosed. He felt, however. Shut. it might UI o[ Ivor Albert to fill tile ytu
1 h better to rent this laud for five''
years or take +1,l uptlnn on it rather the county and F2 glren to the inmate. :uuy- port continued, "lye (iud that the de•
This WAS it very 4at15fnctory business I'I,.• legtit
,u comm tar- neon pertinent 14 now more Glvurul.1e 1,e
Tile old „Ire pet) art . nehe111• 1111 strum:emeut a111 the isms t•, e e 111011.11A Iralen ere 11:e ,
\..r IleNlllw•1•-
icwl for the lw•usbn 5n fur. Silt,, \ letter from J. 1:. Shtubury. , 1,1,1 told hnr num un "' inn iu.l that a 1,21:1(( IN• INL.•.I
11� all comities t
lh•IemlNer l:x; new
nliplf.ntbma foul F:xetrr with r.f•nene• fo lxtIu1.nts to .• re eye court ••s .. Hating the road between eol.e-.h.u-
lwr•n remised. 430 had 1w.•n grant- the 4.111 age {ww;ious e,lalllittlr• was ,u 1•v{w•ns•• in a lull �ou with v anti 1th, Grey. oa and the road cbetaeco
ed by the 1'rovincinl •nnihorftlo. and seat to the exe•uUce-,ommitter. the . 11, be t ion 1 pa2nunl t ,.,,tt.e5staus S and l., Morris. 1h1- Is
on morn had •oa•sed the county coot-' petition presnted by Mr. Arm- ..1.1 ago !x•ustatt, u11.l this sus udupt- Ibo roil that nd 4l..IM .)itis the pro -
i The (mat tl a SWIM: from a large number' of. rate•• el. but nnnthe•r nsrmnm.ud111I'. ••( I s,y1 road in Perth e.ul►fc uud we
m tett'. le ix•nson ane sin. ens u
� the iynuny' �llGot a multi and the ex-
ors ,.0 Iw•11itlt of a NO
Geo. Williams
l,eslrr 1n
Fire. .Areldent. .Automobile and
General Insurance Agent
Office. u.xt to (tank of ('oulmerce
Phone i3 (,eldericll
11, llullett the fommitl,r that flu• .onurp em uudt•rsunld th+t uppr,c,.l wU1 1w• glr
1111 1 an far would take half a ttllll on wwuship• who weal. deserted. asking dorsi. the resolution ..f lllddlesi'x ,,1 to IId. road be the G..tern11N•ut
Ito. 4' w, sment to meet. i the county h. miller arafstuuce, wax, county, ...nisei! to ask the Province to \\,,, l.l•t•uwweud 11,111 4) bylaw b• p1, -sell
There had been a great deal of cribi held for future referenlw. noun* the full ,s'st .f Provincial *11th. rixl.'g your 0 I•_ioa an,i
, adorn
r ..... ........, o.. for sir. 'Armaruug inquired when thu bighwn2 w1,+ not a 11111rnrl h1. U 3 I4'on111111.41 o1, page . 1
1layment to shod le Ila, reeowwelNksl that all births be
amount etrej ree•ivwl. bort the spec ala Ie registered I OY AI
green sold hi Owl.
wxuier' .Itinu Ly the runty sect Into effect and ,(bi'h Iii birth lakes phut. Aller
.' other •county comnittr . at e3 at was informed that July tee moo. wits' that bylaw No. 11 of the township of ,
, ,r
the number of tfmt. they met and int
! the • t try Abe Province Instead Lf In the muniapallty in
/I 1* tis•• date. Hnwlek of 19(MF be confirmed by a 1,�
day than on this committee at *10 a Mr. 'I'rew rebs brought up the mat law of Ih.' county (nun'11.
11x2. on amount of the mnpleasa11n,; ment to committees uud ay
ere of p
I nod hard feelings (wensfonel by the fCounty Flamers
turning down of applientlonN that a thought that some 'wpm' should ire V'
take.' to make the same nulturm and! The report of the comity nudfl°rs
reeninm frlf he could rent ,honestly l suggested a bylaw. '1'111. Warden re - for 1901 showed the standing of e.wuty 1
reommrnll. telt) a doe for e•ommltter
meetings and ll*4 n rine for time SIN 11
the deficit in the finances. which
on investigations and teen rent, a mile; erat,` discussion took pee lace o1, the
1 for travelling he sold w'ns les.. than work and pay of a committee man.
The Warden commented that the work
ferrel to the same mutter unit a 51.22- fiuum1.s :111 .tatted - " W.' 1"k"t 11
have not all ben etude during the
psee few %ears. .':.umld ant be allows
the 144, a day and 39(1.1115 a mile „f a arommtttec• man took 1,P a great
stats er the lours judge as n fair at deal tutu* time than the dal- .,f nur•t•
to combine. 111d tint the 15,ntlty
ra mo enmefl should as early as Ilussilde
1 1 tea a time such rn of f far
94,4' tnl.e smile definite g,tiun 10 clear
1 The time was not far distant. the: Thr matter of cqualime1011 sin, sect- 11":ty this ,•11I1101b•rmice Noll start on
w,,„i 1 rrequire atsetrnd (142(1 ' cop,Iforl
tied, after (Ihltuaslon, by leaving It the obligation-,. (roup1rate tr«111 'n� they
,4arue• as In 111=9.
the work In the wroth of the county; Messrs. Francis and Higgins moved 0 4114'. \\'e find the measurer's books
kept him busy and titre should to +1,l• that the council request the High' 1 In good condition and the work 1w
iter might 1....
for the north. I ways Department t, COD lima. tido being cnlably carried out: \\'e also
It motif Iw•, ns had often been stated. � a r• hat twin In the nddhltn In
()int 001fttty eoulr 11. Were 10014 15 a lot year etre pacememt south of Exeter, recent t oars n( new departments In
fi • • 11 cow ol.•tr for loacrmcut y
of their former powers bat if they were! iretw4mr22e11»riot HIM 111 nhou -S/•n► to ' •'I1n'i1 num111) 11 tc..rk sit. a
ltheynII. w.rr I1. 2414' y watching the le5i+-' amity roads. 1'rnvinell hlgh55a2-.
Inion then goes into .ffrrt at Torun -I ways and means c14. TI,tlee. old nue pensions and other minor mot-
to sol p•titlons fre�m other rnnntle,'
Monis! h2' Messrs. rurw•r and lien- fw'
for et...per:trim'
demon that n Kraut ..f ><t1u Is: uuo1,• tees. the work of tis,• r.>umy tn•nsur•
IrInllzing the to the National Institute for the Mind 1'414 office has been 'multiplied at least
alar part of n11 from nom years cpen ages In
Legh+htture were now a reg T f 1,r f 1 f
every- .rester of the county mnnPll.,—malt to the executive committee.
Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Arm- ''•'nand°° we would like to take• tide
The unit.rl• r/mntirs-of uron cunt strong that the approaches to --Black's opportunity of expressing our praline
hied end Durham ask Huron county bridge be looked after and also that of the efficiency of th.xreasnr.r and
to re.+gxrxte in x+king the isglslature two mall bridges °n the t°wrl Ione the• clerk In the I,crfnrmanre of their
to 1.elfeve the enmities of e,ntrlbutions, 1.•1,,.•11 1h111/•It a1d \leiiillop Le {rut doth.. and also of Miss Tye for as'lst-
ln the oil ng,' pensions. Legi�I•rntw'nrlh In a si.fe .1,11,111iuu. Seat to good Lee cheerfully' given In the perform
county wants the ie'g{wlnfune ht es- mow of our duties...as nmdlfnr14."
•nuc the whale ,wit of Pr,rllefnl .rands nl isslnn.
by Melearw, costa
and Swett- Tb. }louse of Refuge committee reeonnty -
highways. 1.dn.oln births
Went. all
registrations f Meths made ki the zee that the ruled north f Grund (Ions the 11,1154' 1,1,1 cronnls i1 good
Y Bend to Port 'Blake be treated with' condition. The theirs in the (oiletii
1+And .0 1 which -'...the parents re- heavy tar or heavy oil to keep down had been replaced with terrazzo.
WinAdeand were
All ouch - l» l'In- the dust and hold the road surface.—' which was a wonderful improvement
1151' 4n• wrrc re11 lll'l to the It.glsbl Sent to glwsl road,' Iommissi°1. There were :1 Immntl5 receiving 111'1
live el ii,: Or . new committee ..r Al the A'eeln.•5dac afternoon meet -1 sire pensions. ( of the .hepN•. e.wn
gn•I t,, ,i year .v tw. nen' ing Messrs. Goetz and 3tceftzer moved Ing payable to Ih1' con1ot1 I r••aolrer
I'h.• 1'n.chneinl grunt on highway that 1R. R. 011ier be appointed a can•) mol 11 I.. Ih,• hinnies. 111111 1121 eetnn''
work ,lone Inst year amounts to 1«f.- stable nt Grnnol Bead t..r a period of tee strm5ly rroh,m.•ul,.l tint tb.>
• 41. At , two months 1.11112 elude August 1 at his 1 Nwuld all be mole Wryn1.1, 1., 11,.•
.At the opening session of the lotto• pr1•vions salar.—('xrrle . `I county treasurer. some rhepmes had
.11 .on r 11..% .11 ft n letter
♦ ll..vel 62' *Wright uud llgli+. that come for Inmate•p MINI had passed
1 tram Mr. Rohl. 1as,,ts". Iterye of the read between the 'tis and 9th con- away and It way r/ramm.•n.lel that
Hermit. metre the ends essi•ssrd him
jSun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
The Wisest Investment
• II is admitted by litany t.. -dry that lite Insurance is the wisest 1I1-
%144 cut that can he made. (1ther)nve4:.nelts may fluctuate in value.
Some may even turn out to be worrfiless. There is, however, d certainty
to I.ife Insurance Mkt neither time not eircimista yes can alter. 1t helps
. 10 create an estate which not only affords protection for to -day tint bring
up a cash revenue for the future.
Commit ns aimed this investment.
Office 115
t'Itflti•.e : RI•sieletur 54!' District Agent
Building Supplies
In connection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea
street, we carry a complete stock of Building
Materials- Cement, Lime, Gyproc, Wood and
Patent Shingles, etc., etc.
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Doors,
Sash, and all Planing Mill products.
If you are thinking of building consult us and
save money.
The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
(1, E. `I3aechler, Presld )
Foot of Anglesea Street . Goderich . Telepiote it
,•e•slous of 'ruritherry he taken oyer as these 1w• di-Ionitmfel Nr-L41,:b0t'4
a Mainly road. --Sent to good rood* hal n .'r,I 1
Moils] by McKlldwm and Ileuder on
In 'he app al case ngni st lata at Tor } f( I t . sell 4 : x.res rd final
onto. ens rend and referred
to ('0124• lomml.'lnti , adjoining the county hum. for legion grass
122)1(45.. Tisa. 554)14 the appeal HSnlist
4 '/tended for last week.)
JA►YAI„ J • 4 ---Mr.. Ernie Flit. -
man and hale% are visiting her toll Mitt.,
Mr and Mrs. Allan Wilson. at ''111.1..,
I'hr ,tall wheat in ell% Nell 1011 14
11.oking well, parti.nlarly Mr. Frank
5,11115'14, which h is just heading • out
and 1s, a little In udcuntw of other
Mrs. Charles Young. of Port iluron.
her two daughters. airs. Jefferson and
Mr-. \11114. uud Ih,1r families. called 011
several friends on Friday last. Al it 1s
thirty•,'Iiht 21•nre• 111141. Mrs. ' t$lm5
1.11 a:,derl'h. -b. misses.l.lany (emit -
ler f:ares and potl••xs tunny changes.
Messrs. Harvey Errington and John'
Redmond left o1 atria% I.. .+all the
Great Lakes.
Mrs. e'ha' Sla.l'he• , girl Mr. and
Mrs. Ge. ylilliltn attended the f .nal
of their cousin. Mr 11'nl. llilrlllnof
t'rcwe, today.
• Thr4i,Kho111 the emulry •h Inter
est Is •being taken le cleaning up and
restoring to order the pI .neer e'mvtrr
We h..lw• our township rnunt'il
will:N-0• their way dear to enrryfug on
the good work In Colborne.
Mr- Wilfred 1inylnond ens called to
Toronto lust week o1, devout* of the
actions' Illness of lu•r mother. Mrs.
Sr k.'- We hope t11 hear peon of her roe
The furrnier. art !may prcparin5 the
ground for bark a heat and cont. .\
-large acreage will lie sown;.
Th.. members of Morning Star 'Lodge
mounded the Masonic ,a•rvle• In St
Geeorgc'a church, G.xl•rlcb. on Nnndny
1In n,r011m of the frust and ' ,,ill
winds t1.• -mall fruits. -1.11 as cherries
:aid currant14• will be a Hight enip.
Quite a number huts I101•11 cleaning
nt. and decorating their plots in the
cemetery un, we would like to sir
11''I .l ill tng,rr %i lig 31101 •12111114 the
hl.• inking hl. went at the enmity /ono• tint w. Barry' a.(•il.nt :old .•115n4)lt3 j
e•11 and at flit. %time time reeivIng 11'1)' lculstn.. 1111 comity. rum!, "far the
no is member of On. 01.1 n¢. 1.•11't011' 11110,5 year.-4'xrrtel.
ronrmlttlr. The ease being a test case Morel hr Messrs. Thnmpsnli reel,
h. thought the i'roclu•e should stand Ivey. that 1111. 001111141be asked t.. p1ve,
tie rust: :, light ill the crossing in the sinew.
Roads .Assumed by Province .( Itruedield. -Sent to 5...21 roads emu- 1
Notlrr• tram re••.lte, front tis•• Thigh- n,isJo1.
«71714, IAlm rtmeut announcing the tek• Moved by Me.sr+. Turner and Crat-
ing over by the 1A•partm.nt of the ale Glut any rebate due the town of
rood allnittlIu-I' bet w'e'll the 1.,11(1t11•m 1;.0,•rf+•11 for 11n1 not ,•x1«•11111.11 ,tn
of Huron and lune•, dating from the corm j• in the town be expended on 1
Morel' 12111. 1'5t1I, also the taking ovt.r 1'nlnhrla road and of/ ..011,•r streets AC -
111 the told allowance from 4'llntnn to „gdahle• t.. the !Siam:nem of IIIKII-'.
the' road allowance between lots 13 n:n - 4c. °l to good road. too 1111
anti 111 on the 1st 0 •11iou of the Moe ti by Messrs. Tre•wnrthe and
township of ('oleos% fn Rner.- Filed. NIid deb., that the gime) roads .non
An /invent •signet by W. 11. lliddl.• nit -shun Once n light at the wroth of
tun. 11'. Ii. in.bb and three others -the ss.11roal sensing on the comity
against tis. del•l'l,n of (a,derfeh town•;•rot/tl npproa,•Iling ('lhilnn. the cross -
ship mnnrl1 ill refusing to forte a.Ina being n cert' donper.u.
new ',chola ',hold 5ir•tion In said township Sent to gots.' toms ..,iumIssion.
was sent to the education cbnnmitte•. ' Moved by Messrs. R. 11. and W. P.
Petitions signed by 3111111 Dorris. D. Thompson that 1 )no14s 1 nod 1: of by -
M. 1.indsny. ('. It. MkIdletnn and 105 last' 13, 1927. de+dgnutl1g the comfy
others requesting the lo1nty council road west of 1(.lgrave and the road
to take n, afoul rl• the ietition of 151+4 ,if Dineen Is- again sent to the
11'. ii. liohb and others regarding tis. I•,•Onrrm•nt .d Ifi_1wnys for re -eon-'
formation of"n new school section Ill ;ler.ub'n. 5,111 In good roods tom
G,.lrr),h township were went to the mission.
j,!11,ltlon Deportment. -Moved by. Messrs. Fronds And Gold-,
,.t report of the elducti1Mi 1o'pairt-, ' •rp• that the execntici• committee
men! .bowel the amount of-grunt,4 , look into and report on the pry and
to the public 51,,nols to be 12017.92 other nllownors ninth• to eotumitle•14'
and to separnfe•,x1•ho le g!NLli o. of this eOhne11.- ('nrrlel.
\ rgnest from the pollee village, At the Th,rr«lny morning session
of (Pirtle to the township eounell of 11111 iuvttntion be attend the nursres
Iiow•tck woo, to appoint Other GA 110 i groanntlnn exerl•1.a', wens filed. the
WAS n5 (outity eon,tnMe for the yuan I.mne11 having their hanlpiet the same)
ty of Huron to acct Nlleialh' In and night.
for tit. village. ND.. iI. T. Memo's, lepefor for
Mr. Ifainilomd, representing the; the children's Shelter. reported 011 1
National Institute for the Itllnd at the work, este-chilly with reference to I
Toronto. toad, n 11•ry tonehing ii ;owl, the record work d • on 1e•half of
,.fir further ns+lstanee to that instltu crippled children by the Rotary Club
tion, going very full)' Into the good of Stretford nod the Lions 1'Inlet of
Work nc•nrnpllshed by the instltutimn.t Gtwk•rh•1. n1d .•aforth.
I In the interests of the Mind. I I'r,vanelnl HSand 15119.rtnr ting..
.Mr. Mrengne nnnnnneed that he waswas present but did not address the
shtont to leave I,fs 1aumut work es en
agriculture' representative In Biel (hi Friday morning Mr. A. R. (J.,
county and intrrwltarel Mr. Mcleod an. Stott it of New Hamlin/It district,
hiseltrcr•5snr. , a.rd instwrtor fol 11.1• lent (lnterlo.1
The t1'nrlt.n sold the romr►41) regret- WASpresent end addresseed'the 0011,101ted very much Mr. M.1'Irkne'-4 deter-' on the Invltntinn of the Warden. Mr.
minatton to !env?. the ('runty work Smith took up very fully the enfore. 1
1.10 w,leome4 Mr. McLewl as his ane- int:of the \ovfous Weeds .tet. Rt1ln5
rrs,or. Mr. McLeod then •yt•pntFlnto. InslnIrr•s'nf where great damage fen- 1
the work that %milli he attempted this initially had been sustained owing 10,
year. Drelnege w•nm one of the mat- lack cot enforepment Of the .tet, and
ter, to IN' lien lt with. Ih..ngh the Icon-, went fully Into the methode to tn'#tir
fy of Hilton did ppot need it as Taunt •,red In dealing with many weds,
as others. 1)rnf°age WAS one of the Inteh as sow thistle, wild carrot, bind)
greatest advantagp1 to crop pradur• weed.
tion. The stetter of fertilizers wag .\ 1110tion 62 Messrs. Inglis end
Bathing Beauty's
Complexion:. Secret
• 1 ,, ,•14 , ., u.r,t Anuohr. Fans tin n toy
rin•q 1,,..l n..nt.r ,.a•,.•, drrl4'l. A'.r:«.,mr bust
«halo L.«npd If n, 1-i.wr
tell /Arles !•t JI ,r Ir (tank's 11 ♦Iw11 ««,heist
•t•1• � )mN I.rx1 a Maw/ pure
4w a MUAIet1 bra ,A*-Ive.5AitN,41 01 • l:+/wy
Wwoopwpe.. 1 shalt woe it.111155,., .ed tell «11 ens
friends to du the ryulad - ,flet A. R.
anter 11002 sells ter Ire1!1Ywr
T111.. Is I.•eets's, 1(252 cera'( -a plod- rolrs-
t.kwM•n 1v.ns.o front w4 1,11. No nerd ter crewels
or Muco. -Pte t,.• colour oa frolu bide.
keep (err bI000 Im11' end healthy .'111. t1e
,1*Ih ,tor al 1114111211, tdd twauty'e.. 1rward
will I.• your 1:14 skinhr4ht, *Stals, g
ryes -low *►«51a 1111114 11•)' o•f 45044
6ma-Iwn trait. Is ;Obtainable et -drug well
drpertu•ut Mores In 4 a1,a,1a at The. a bottle.
A bottle mutates .'uo.iKb to. Wt (or 4 or ♦
months -good ixalth ter Wlba-cwt a dq.
.'Policeman.1lraltiag'(111 of the, rayl'
1to you know anything about• traffic
roles?" SW 1.1.1 Tonne, Tbfng: •"Tia •
What is It yon want to knoll?'
• r"
Cleaning and -Pressing
Expert service on ladies'
and men's clothing.
W. C. Snazel
Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner
Super Values
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We offer you the best
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See us first. We pos-
itively save you money.
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"On the Iruduly of 6olerch
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The t1,1 -::s♦ rolet Six Gives You
More for lour Money•
BEFORE you decide on your next
for car--do1i't fail to ser. inspect.
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Purely as yon 210 so, this i•onrlusiln will
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arv• neauly—Fur Citevreolet Welke are
built by 1 ish -r ... with all the rt, Ir,
artiste: and distinction that 1,41(4• made
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Finer Performance'• -For the Cite%rnlet
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and engine design set up a .1i1 11 of
operating economy surpassed h, no other
car you can 1111,.
Greater Comfort—For the long semi -
elliptic springs are under the rushinned
Ti... Sport Roadster • *715
The loupe . - • 7.10
Thr I;oarh -•- 7:40
The .Num., LSpnrt
Rondset•r • - 795
(3•i, erre .Arrtl orawde11,
control of I,oveiuv hydrate r shock ab-
snrlwr-. front and rear, that 1' into
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More C.omplete.Rafety--Fur the new
w'rathrrl.r.N.1', full) •en4Iused hair wheel
I►rakee ensure a Hoick even Atop. And
they work as ea.iiv and surely in rain.
1.1us11 and mud as tin a dry, hard road.
It will only tike a few ' tea of your
time to learn the big difference that dire,
tin,ui-hes I Lrevrolet from I.1Ii,-r cars in -
its field. Phone your l;hetroli•t.draley'
to wend over a ear, 1)ri.e it yourself
over r..a.Is of your own chon.in , Von'
will be artottisi •.1 at what a ride reveal,!
Ask about the General Motors' Owner
Service Policy ... most complete in the
in.1n141ry ... and Ihr(R.'1. 1.(:.. General
Motors' Own plan of deferred payments.
The Club .Sedan • • $5(0
The .Sport coupe - 11:3
The So no • • ::0
The (mutt soedan • . 9.10
l.. war •herl. ,.w/..d1
Prim p fancy, O,h.►.. Tomo. 1,11,. ,,, .w/ wee roe role.
A templete low. of C.wllwrri.t Cori ...d Tree►• h.., J/at .r.
Goderich Ont