HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-12, Page 2• 2 --Thursday, June 12, 1900. .,. 444/4.444. • Atonal Established 184ti GODEKI('H : CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- papers Association Pubthrttt+d every Thursday morning. Subscription price $200 per year •trtctly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone fa : Goderirh, Ont. W. 11 Robert -sou. •Edttur and Manager Tlurselay. Jvue 12, lura) EDITORIAL NOYES Great growing weather. •- • • Mr. Bennett nc.k► the people of Can-; ada to take him for butter er fur • • • The Wielded! title of all the year is at hand --the reason of •tru.wln•r. festivals. • • • Mr. Fergaaon .hould out invite'tow parison of the rt.•ord of his Govern - meet and that of the King Govcrnwcut. • • • Premier FPrgat*ou is 'axle the Govrrt(ment. Well. of 0001.841. Mr. cau1ot ezptee•t to have everybody him. - • • • No matter what the politicians say. the electors 14• a W11014' :are pb with the prospect of a aralght fu the Hurons betwe•u the two of are taking a stand in opposition to the I UNEMPLOYMENT IN Lnk•rnl candidates to this county. THE UNITED STATES Mr. Bennett at Winnipeg en Mon , ,By R. J. imaael1ILi-\ day night delivered what was Intended In January last Wi1111yn Green. to tw' the "keynote" Speech fur the i prP•ldeut of the American aedrratlmu ('onsercatlre campaign. If the glutei of Labor. made the statt•ment that was ...wewhat uncertain. it Cully bc' :7tat,ttlal people were •uud of %goes in that the fault was due to the (11(11 n the United State+s. stances in w111cIi chi. 1►p(srsltlon lender l'unditione do not seem to have lin- 'finds ldulselj,; The King alovernweht proved very much at -cordite; to (nm - ha. given ('a da an excellent udndn- went 1n the .\ulerlcatl press. w,r does . 1stratlou and has put In effect Iegls- the future took too bright. THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. prudul•ts wu,.t he raised one-elzth In order to platy the farmer In the same pontluu. eouoml.ally, as the city dweller. The Journal of Lockport, New York. rwpbasizes( doubt of the topic icy of the (-wintry to continue high wages with the object •,f stimulating consumptive demand. 11 would almost seam+ a- frail the newer .tuwrleau cow crptio(as of pidttical e•ol oluy were tali.- ing away in the first night of trouble.' The Evening Telegram, sympttl(etic. to labor, Iduts at other valises: With the failure of busluess condi Hens to swing sharply Upward In clay and the• bill' uu dollar turlf( bill .- u- la1km which has wet tt4e public de• i WilNam C. Durant, a wan prowls- Leg foreign nation,! to dose our export 1111111114: tool outside of tome rather ,y,t 111 the automobile world, Laude thin markets. It !s generally admitted that j uteeningless rhetoric Mr, rieonett's lid- statement a few drays ago: we must begin to plan 110W 10 toles• make the pre-, dress contained little crdtirhm lit the -With sero regret ++ftli the urte•mpioymeut problem of y i next fall and winter." ' Government's record and still le.s In diction that we w111 next Muter see Theta is a sharp criticism of the the way of colneructfre proposal. WInit business eoii, ltluus uuiwproved, longer lack of proper statis(1cs. A, Labor jour - ht laid to w} 4411 the (14"4 yursttorn bread llues wore soup kltcheus, coli-' na1 pouts (0 the example of Englund tluucd uneasiness and distress, :and a' Bud the courage shown by that country 41(41(,4 •imply that«,4AP was unable to more pronounced tendency to sodab. in rating Its problems. Editorially it pet forward nay Polley ether than the i•ul and communism. This regardless of,onlwents a. fuillows: W olel our of higher prop:slim'. tie found nonce/web that everything is I: ' -in England they try to do Wine- rigi'ht." thin fault with conditions In Canada. and S about it. user here we tryto Ie News of plica. N.Y., in its cr {ike ourselves !wino,- that there is prescribed as the remedy the nostrum itoriut page of May 9th had this toy no such thing., that every person who which. employed In the Culled Settee say : is out of a job is Idle !wailer of his • to; slothfulness. ounces than nor that he faun" rave pr dams whieh are almost awe f h strite•k out dna a new line: h• ( un- ter(m14-:tie• that we are unwilling to al. has produce.d wor-e condition. In that It Is noue too early however, to Errs If we are• forted la tau num f " d ' ' to six' the fat't of unemployment we 14444 h. arise in the fall wh.'u cold1 ur,' ." *feud of bring s.h-1 44.tic or pa- in this IRIslinlou. On line point he' weather puts a atop to out-of-door t advocated ploymen(. for It is the duty of the eityl low the Got eminent to try very Alain - the deeper St. Lawrence waterway. uud of privbte welfare workers to do ice aetfou" g overboard the res. '» e o Preveu a retro Legislation orovldl ' apparently Naruwiu e i era thing possible t t li1uRl !loon of the suffering which many en- 1 Dg for balite uhointi passel on this subjegt- by the 41 rtutistll» has been brought furwnnl dared this past year." and ounce time in the fu lite this will hits#Women-afire national conieutlon. Mr. h with - Mere !Mime, • , be available. Bennett scores the Government for Meanwhile The Journal, of Ogden*.! Polities Herr what he oseteiders a desertion of form- burg. emphasizes the fart that Du grout -ll the m"lnent a number of Amcri Pr Liberal prinelple; but in this mat•' uwelloratlon bas come with 1410 spring .nu journals do nut hesitate to at• may I w •uta r and t h 1 eased ernor iteion. It !n cunflrmatl n fl rnmetl i t 11 The PntlrP� this pksl[lon. It says: tecta. fight c t• soli est r set nn of Goy INbute lo.litical motives to the Guv- ter he seem: to have 1110 particular re• 1 o c. e I fur 1s a ure let provide the gard for consistency. alkr.11. however, ]stoat] clearness of Jeune• Meanwhile, unemployment In New The Chronicle of Summerville, West; Y Origin of the Tariff (Ki nes rdlne Review-Iteporter4 %Then the Moors were masters of 'iglu their ships( used. to lay in wait rot' merchant vl'-ae(s 1441,1 plunder thew. Theo they olsaerveel they were 4,411411¢ the goo*. that fail. the golden egg,., so. to keep up the game a• long as t'usalble, they Irvlert u sort of 61fekmuil with a fi\wi .tale of I.tt-, meat on the value of ,h.•',•argo after the ship had been take!) to their ha r• for of "Tarifa." Thus originated the word "tariff." People are realizing new more than ever that a tariff Is a hold-up still._` The E`ls'e-Cgpt Jibe 1 41am11tnu Herald) l'cetnier King's 1o•raonat con vitUun that the Conservative. Governments of the Pro% hived. apetiully r,y,reseutta1 In the per(eon of Premier Ferguson. d1d- w0 deserve to get 11 five -rent pieta. to make political profit out of has leen a godarnd to the Conservative (.res,! and debater,.. They have nothing el»e to calk shout. Their whole 41.1lon of Caned» revolves drown' thls'lhe-(stet issile. It Is nothing to thrum that Premier ' King has made wort. liberal greets to rhe Province,* than any Couse:rative Government ever made. lied that he 1 'ins i14renaekl the Provincial subsidies. , Part) In the• constituency of South Huruu tats week. at this gathering it wry decided out to enter a candidate of the party iu the Federal elewrluul, Ihr general undercurrent of heeling be- ing that the Progressives in the riding .., old rapport the Liberal nominee. ♦4r. Phomas McMillan, member in the la.t house. O ,' speaker at the I'rogrw.ive co, tcreuce deeIared• IhaI the is•"l,l(' '•t smith 14nru, should Iona up the Gut. cruwcnt if for tor other reason than t flat the Premier had upheld the ua tionut motor when he had the nurp,1. r.du.e the'furthe•r isreu(9.e of-c1e;u' IMS' pelotas to tegeels laden with limier do -dined to the 4 1(11141 States. ('smut 3:1 31./i Kerr lit tuned luclluel to '•1'•' ,10441*" the -man who had queen !heat What rh.•. wanted. l['. King, the speak- er continued, had given the temperance people of Canada very effective legis - Melon and they should (-errantly not hesitate to follow h41. "This issue alone.", he naeclaiel. "should put lir king hack in power. For that reason, I ate not in favor of putting :i I'rugro-- sfve candidate in the field " There Is no dutch( that the (,Doan' totem has materially strengthened its hand by Its ettlttele ou the 4lquur et asst situation. M. King diet the right thing. nn est Canadians agree The op- position in Parliament rrr..gulatrl this.' o. nod threw in the weight of thelri support behind the anti-.iraratee orogen. To bare done anything else' vented old age pensions. pns"t''1 pen- t, situ acts which are generous beyond , nu•tisure for the benefit of the /:nest war ,.ddf,•rs. and been 111wrn1 in every way to the nonstltuenties—all this is nothing beside the 41441.,•Inn.$up.4 that they did not merit a the -cent piece 941.4 that If be carried lint his threat, it would be nothing more than what hey would have done themselves. That is the real ening of the whole five -cent jibe direction. and n ark State still Is s f • o a list have been dtsttp• a t r affecting t irgtuin. nays: partied'. pointing to those who were looking t nevem plats fr I4f.. Thr State has nn[ "4 It po8sible that colitic. ls ----pons • • • turned the corner tI1R',Inl normal Pm• ible fur t41s de•Islou' Thery ere Bit the opposition leader for n 4114InctI ployment in industfor which fund( Wrbllenn candidates who would un. Opposition Leader Bennett an• industry lead 1 Bounced his policy In a great meet - lag at Winnipeg on lluoday night; but after reading his speech many are still to doubt no to just what his policy' la • •• • Mr -Bennett favors a protective tar- tef• but lairs that if any producer Aerie* ozeesa(ve charges teem the (on - sumer he will put a stop to it. That Y easily said; but did anybody ever manacle to do it' • • • Tho Opposition leader isn't sure whether he should dt w'ribe the Empire trade proposals of the Dunning bud get as of no value to the Mother Coun- try or condemn them as giving .1 Irene- - fit without dickering for something 11. retort. • • • .8 The tourist trade In Canada in 1929 liar given alt estimated value of $299,• If1111,000 in a report is4ned by the I)0n' • talon 'gateau of Statistics. The report also contains an estimate of ezpen(iI- tures made by Canadian., tearing h( other countries. placing the weal at =111,301.000. . • • • 'The 1)nnning budget wait. very warmly welcomed in England, nut only as a gesture of frieudlineon 11841 an "r- ecession of a dpdr, for ew.e•r trade relations, but her -rinse it provides a real starting point at the coming Imperial Conference for opening the liftmen/mien of plan» for the' future." 1'hl4 is the •tatpmM(t of Mr. Poetry, representative' of the British Empire Producer.' .1s 1 so intim, who Is touring tietntd•,,- 1 • • • Ing The t'nit.d, farmers in North and ly' Routh Huron having .t:side•it not to sill sol pian. .nudidates in the field for tete tout taming eleetlun. the Conservative ni'i erns• is trying deep.1rately to create ob the lwpr.s.iun that the farmers' or. not. Mlnlzalfons ere oprposed to the I.ib•rnl the 114°x4'. The fs.•tA. however. are 4,1•it1 chi As-srgnufzed bodies they are taking no tt8 the Ip e lupe'± were eUtertslnei as the winter douhtedly like to raft-p•elal talk about - I waned. Governer Rewta'n•elt recognizes! utiemployml'ut until this year's dev- il* North Hunts ('eatldt this. and in a letter to boards of sup-. tions are over. 1t might be very locos-' ---(Cheney Enterprise, 1 ervlsors. mayors and chambers ofl.vefi4pt for them 1f the figures 1:0111-1 W.11. Robertsson, editor of The God•' commerce Ice ask: them to co-operate plied by the census burette made theh rich signal, ha,• be..a liowiaattd"'Iettin a fivefold p104118m to assure greaterraPpearau -p while the campaign is iu North Vlore) as Liberal candidate empluytlaeut this fall and whiter. lle' full awing. So the tabulation is to be 4111111.1( (.rorg,• $10114,11, ll.i'., who! doe: not believe the seasonal activity postponed, apparently, until the votes won the constituency 1a a three -corn• • of summer ' a Ill restore normal condi./ are counted red hyo-eleetlon in Itrti. If '.Zr. 1:01.-.11"1"'"• A correspondent of The Sew Tort: ertatal 41ou d make easel al a Irgly The me clew is held by The Eyen•I World after commenting on the puesy�• ,.tor as he has In journalism, and we; ing Telegram of New York. It (s1m-; footing uud sidestepping of the Gus• believe he would, then North H,1044 nnrntr editorially on the situation: 1lfitment says: -ould hate a very ably repnwe.tative, IIS-/ till with spring here, men crowd' "What et'etyoD41 does know Is that The riding 6 normally Liberal, but, "ap 'sl°gglsh Lrend clops. N,.xt alntpr millions of people are out of work, oth eurge sisntun. M.l'., is a wily std the" bread line,, will forms again: next its working on pr•t tjne; and those. vatting ' politician and If llubvrtaun 'tauter the t'conoalic cycle tiger' voted fortunate lu ls•1ndt em(lb,yrd &keg In iu, he wil1 have to. work for It. by new• labor-saving wachfurry and daily - fear of jolnlug the maks of the methods will afflict tens of thousands :rcat army of the unemployed." - Change h e Pensions .tet i of men, womevu and children of -this What Remedies ITurow.. Mart I eley with want and Itr,rleer." Apparently the boast rising that '6a. There has teen a protItion in the The True Extent . pnudita lave to offer is ti..• .Ia•trine :astute: 1141 of Canada that If a refer- 1 Startling evident -e of the extent of "r-"Iat"laled cuuattuetlus by GnverD- n a4reptel a lump sum h, Ileo of , Unemployment is given by Dr. /;arson (mint interference." This was, the great nylon. this dtrislon must use regard- It. Levi, in a sermon preached in the remedy of Hr. Boomer. It will be te- as ending the matter unless he can' Ten!Jdr Rafal Inrarl fu ('bfe•ag'i nn called that he summoned a conference rove that lila disability has become •�rril .7th laet..}!r Bald: asking (ell the leaden In business in eatpr.ln extent. The Government haat "1 Bald millions of unrmployel anti the felted States to expand their pro - ,w altered this clause so that If the; so therefore let me repeat to you the gratlms. increase their bundles. go , .teratic lensinnnble disability has. figures that hate been authentically ahead with public works. The remety, nlstel. even If it hag not Inereased, I liven. We bare in the neighborhood buwecer. does not npprur A, to work • may 10• restmrd to venation at the: of three million seven hundred thou-, 1111; .,ttlsf0cturily, In feet, leadln. f 1tr whoa Gia trry(ulor (.tail"n pay- 'and willing to work but nunbl.• h. turd e,-,r(oml4Ls are not hesitating to vrltl- ents. If cnntlnuet. Would have plate flit thrmselvea Rave you von• ''ire the proposal. E. C. Hyyrwuud In 4 mounted to the stem which was paid slued those figurer? The whole State recut issue of the "Annalist" somnol4 , m. That is. the '•commuted" pension 'tf North Carolina, one of the rapidly the note In these words: t yment accepted by any veteran le developing industrial Sthtl4, has only "1. It dues not deal with luuda0trs•I w• to be regarded as It �stalmentg of threti• mfllit❑ nl)uddtant.1: think of ev- Inc causes ns(on paid In nd•yancr: and not nv erynne• of thus!. Inhabitant:. and then' = It !s eoneomftally unsound." j s discharge of the nation's entire obit mor.'. standing Idle mud malt- Tta t' basic nrnt,utloDs err ,trongly' tion towards him. It Is surely p Ong. itnt clsuullze• th,• tl41urps supported in the arguments he maker. i, se and just provision. i aga in. We are thinking that! Nor is there any fervent anttetps to -- 1,erinps the majority of this,; tion In the United States of the return et . Canada's Budget number art. heads of families, and I id the buoyant business coaditinns of i • (London dlhserrer) ' think w,• (•nn see ten million fieropte, 11•IA? Commenting 011 prorpe•vts the t anadn'- budget Is one of those rare) wren million depl•uding upon the three Jntull.t sitys: t ,ops ..f (4.44cy whi -i' lth,minut4 the rnilliun, affected In this present shun- "It is not improbably worth while g Mies of empire Itrihaln Is lion. .la many pa.grlr ns then• err pn" far Atabnras te, prnder.on the 90.411ll- a r best "ustome•r. mud to Britain *h,, the Rhopr Xtntr of New lark. Then icy that our nest period of proeperltc e therefore 'given (preferences tenser- w.• (an .rr. what ha; happ•u4d t" 111111 Ise visibly lower than the spear• Huron Liberals Nominate I I Loudon Ad't'rtl,,-r. i The Liberals of North and south b tt Pe a Pe ed p tr nn ve 141' h. .4: lu n hl 114 no a us 411 C st n ea ea. :a Ilureu nominated their candidates this week at large and eutbu'iastic couven- t(ans. They have made admirable ehoicei, and toe battle tuns begun under favoring eircumstanees. Sir. Thomas McMillan, the present) 1nemlk'l for South /Imam. Is one of the beat -informed men in the 'House of Commons. fie his made a special study of ?Swot qut'stluns In their relation to the problems of Canadian agriculture ' X. one Is better qualified to speak for, the rural population. Hca views carry weight in the Rouse of Commons, and!' bis knowledge of Ms subject to rein-' forced by his gift,. xs a public speaker I - and debater. South Huron, which Li one of the finest rural constituencies' in Canada. and bas a strong 1.lbPral tradition, hue been ideally repr(•centetl' by Mr. McMillan. and he will uo'louht-- ,.111 Iw re-eh•tie.1. The nominee 111 \..rlh Unroll h Mr Il' }t. Rub•rtsc,n, editor and publisher of The Goderieb Signal. a ta10,tPd member of * dfstingetehed family Mr.1 Itobertt(ou was born in lioderta•h, ha.' lived there alt his lite, is an anthnHty' on local history, and know, every foot .f Xerrh-Heron. it-I.a typlt•al Western cede rio tonatltnen4'y, eon raining serer,' al Important towns, and, 11/P Soutbi Huron. • lnaenifieent countryside. 'Che' ore*,-nt member. Nr, apottnn, was ac,' i•!.•nr»Ile 14furned In the bve-rt,'. flu i .f Iri_7, het there is peers reawm to he- ,o,- that the fon,. th,•,, nteue.:1 to him. ankh were 4(1vl.1e.4. will 1.. - fl null eIn the corning campaign Mr Rn!"•rt on has conducted for a long period one of the best weeklies In Omaria, end' hat been a .•nasi -tent '441.1 able ,•siktn.t 111 of Liberal princlpl4.. and a sauna 1 grpnrter of the King' (Int -eminent. He; s Its well known in the town.hll, a•I Ile towns. and he is highly qualified o sit in the Meow. ..f common. The rent county of Hinson will in (.1i prob-I hilus send two Lfbert[. to the next t Alertness scores everywhere, Wrigley's creates pep and oss cagy and keeps you alert. A Si' package may wore you from going to sleep at the wheel of your ear. Mmes Are Contemplation If contemplation were tar -Oil" 0f ,"old hate meant puliti,yul suleide for our rellgiou, It would be uo better tit ltruuett and Ila eoll.ague•. than the twat philosophy. prefer - L40.000.000 worth "f goods annum!. humanity I..a,se ft tuns exiled to its a'°�• preef,erits of 1923" 'uPPR4 Mr. King's Stand It is to Ice netts' that these I,n•fer- a'sistullee• and rightfully called to its tis very diffl,nit in the face :,( ill; 1Reeler ('Itlty. Star. a.. have been granted withunt con- nasfsUuue• the tingtr+ of alnchlttrs, these comments for anyone to believe An evnmple of the way (4* people of intim, with dtrltish interests, with. the strength of the e1e-trk- current, that the United States has imbed the a'nnadn frill alorrt Nr. King's .•Derr,1 the w 41 unrmldoyment ddem or to Imagine fi Ilnr and sensible stand in the matter t Ou(uiry loco veldt Brltul11 is t power of steam In the turnip of Ifi \ t " e seri meet anzb,ns t" supply. Tlelr, wheels" that [here is nes merlons artt•mpt to q lir export. is sten in tie.,itt(tnd,• �- Tilt CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COt1lrAMY.LTD. yet Is not w, mml h' Ire RrINsAi Some idea of whet these (brutes "!re it. There le eery .ra0t rvidenna taken et a meeting of the i'rn1r,sdcPi ids In as to -keep American g,0,,4sl menu wiii M' gleaned If we nuterpreU of any attempt to solve the pr.hiem lir - The race for health... It is easily won by the man who eats the foods that furnish real nutriment and do not tax the digestion. Shredded Wheat with milk not only tastes good, but is good. The crisp, flavory shreds of baked whole wheat are so appetiz- ing and strengthening. Combines the "roughage" you need with the proteins and mineral salts. Delicious for any meal with your favorite fruit. HREDDED HEAT WITH All THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT part in the ele•tfo , : ns Indlviduel ' s,•tr voters emelt member is free to etlet• Can else id: 1"I i )ndgm,•nt ns to the parte 1.f ( 1 trn'tidnte he ,.ball su(po,rt. Some will ler•` try rote Con.en-atirP: saute will cote Lib- ,cool real -and i1 14 pare presntnption on Inr, the part of the ('oneervatiye press to ildl Iry to trent.. the impression that (pimp rm• some way the Fxrmer ergnnlzatinna,;ln� not lir. [mining has mint, it (•tear them In tern,. of Canadian population;( even to *err.h for its fundamental t he is ht no m„t1. ,ntisflel with :;.T.'.(. *, is more tlnu the entire ('o,.l lanap4. The Renins of Mr. Hoover 1� • position. •in words a. significant mlatto11 of ('x nada from Montreal to j11em: to Ike '(n(4pald4 of providing n ■ we lu itrhatn may chow• to make the .ttlantie 1sr•an, of double the nom. '"mel. It annld appear as If une•rn nn.• hr' has de hired that the new ler fit frig we•s4 "f the Great Lakes. 11'10) me-nt 1. one of the (wohlpma which 1 eftrie• express the spirit in which Asefgning the Calitse oda will nppronc13 the furth'-,mi u_ There le great .14ter.4ty of opinion them for a rnnwhiernble time. Se far oefiabe.Df,re'nce. Coming nt 1 time :(. to the 11)1144' nssigtiell for they have not fond the remedy. ■ •n tits diffl,ultie•, of ltrltl„h Inde-. coud11lone. The majority seem totoI old are matte and when Britain'. peon- that lb' inteio(nlzat(on of 4ndnstry 1F4•st1444' Is orrr,•I"neb81. this dee- re-iimmsb1,ha 'Mat 1.' the view held by 1 tion of ('anadnb belief in Britain's Dr. idol cited above. rine writer le, icy to ropier*, even rho rdagraleent 1 serfs that the "ftyward movement of eriean sources of slgrpTi' le Indeed a' Population hula tn(•rea.ed prodnMiv, +'n,ge of good cheer. How are we to i (•»Iaeity above ennaUmpttye• demand. neer It? 1 Another nfflrm- that mire,. of fermi she Anuerhan p•opb• will base with ■ Premier Opens Bridge From Desk at Capital When the new Montreal Harbour Bridge acmes the St. tawree,e was formally opened on May 24th. Prim Minister Rt. Hon Maekengie King found at the hist moment that hi8 parllampn(ery duties prevented his officiating as planned. Hut llcll lh'loplawe linea and public address equipment rams to the rescue, and the I'remter•. nd,7resa was heard by the huge throng on the bridge as clearly as if be had been present la person. Tie' new bridge is 2' mile" long. The mainItlie gives a clear waterway of 1.(101 feet and fa 160 feet -*have hitch water. Your traffic lane*, trasawaya and wal*WAyg are provided 4 irrle---iaremIrr King speaking from Ottawa. Left, Rlsbop Farthing, gathering. MOntreal, addrtalsing the Makes Him Messy r ('inril(atf f11 i(lirprt ale 1.14'(-ht+hlioned 11111 11 who End ■ the imp,ls• M reu•h ,'ter and button- ■ ftp, the • the Indy ahead bed missal now 11118 x fl,•nd61t de.Ir.' M get the 4'iss'4r, tont self off the ends of the ■ skirts that are hanging oat. ■ The Unemployment Question 1 ( The Fortner.' Sou: t ■ A CoViiiriative eatdblate in n Tor- onto sulmtr opens Els enmprci44n by ac- ■ Wagataffe's Pure main:: Mr. Mnekenzie King of neglect Large 40 oz. jar hr do Heschl,, to relieve nnemploy- Orange ment. ills aectis,tfon wilt. no doubt. ■ e Marmalade 27c ''ares hint to 8 rrinmphnnt victory nt 1 i the Anile. \erertheless, in expectation of an overwhelming defeat of the 1:1b- I. POST'S . rel party In entail°. wherever the ■ I.or vino 1. 11,flnentltt,.41 luny not he • holly Vain to note the .n,nd g.m,•r,:1 1 ••rolmailinn that relied of Intemi,lnr- ■ mad tends to aggravate ,nemployment. ■ Nosey' spent by the 1>4,rnitrlon or any PREMIUM "time (:'4ereme•nt to relieve ,nemploy• ■ Large Size ' amen* 91(184 be token from the earning. ■ Sockeye 39c 1 or the ,•nl,ltnl of bmiue's- fh,'.ineaa le,- Salmon tett of tr. rewards will he dl•rrtrn44ed ■ and will Unit Its enterprise* ntol di- ehnrgemit; e Inlor. Ten ye:lr* ov mere .•f MAXWELL HOUSE r'Itevnnempblylne,t nod making Ill l's 59c t *,.ed time* In °tootle 1Pwlts In nn' ■ COFFEE 1-2's 31c I nlu•m'tte • !'roth,,- ,l awl antelebrr,,l. lllf debt and In n 4nzntion 441)4(41 rend.•rs the farmer. In n time of .twee, often ■ lera pnble of enrryin41 on. lli. t,nrehnw•., ■ Eddy's Blue Ribbon 3 boxes of fnetory prlI„as ln't't bd I'P(hl(rd 1143,7 a1'n hi. prrolnr•tlon of 41,,14(14 1 When the point of an*roidnbte aeon- • ' nmy in state expmdi ere i i renehet. ing ' it 14.111 iweenie clear that r,tlef of nn- Ellmslr Lemon or Vanilla empin)ment In the mnnner new pen! 1 3 for "..rl the t•le•tornt'• aggravate-, El EXTRACTS 25c etitnhty, unemployment. Labor mn.1 iI In the long ren. dets'nd for nml,ln� - 2 OUNCE , tnen4 on profitable /f11.1ne•a by n trlr4, . j :mune It can b' fed. So, the right way to tonere ntremi'l>,rment rnu8t , he In i ■ make Mltlnee•. all the proper hn.inM..! APHONE e• of the nomtry. pmfttaM,•. - . - A (hats 1 Moan verde. ender hos hat n privet. Ili fhenfre. wherein a greater drama la all metal than ore? (k'rformial o1 4rrn ■ mimic 14!(344,'. "weinulug and emlln(( In la eternity.--('•rlrle. r .. THE MOST FOR ....... .... ■■ ■■>♦■■■■■■vii••■■■■■■.■■N■■■■■■■■■tN■■■■ r GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY ! ■ 'Alien you hey grneeri,•- make sere that y•,n get the Tighe -t y'Iality at the ..,west pr(re—,{Pal at a More that II■ is owned by a member of your cnu'mnuity—we to nibs* you stet honest measure and save• energy order delivered. All this 't s is nn easy matter if yen shop et one of the Yn gy by one mea your to w•rye seer- (oPnor Chain NtDr. a. Tlirrr it Dee near you ]� WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ■ SUPERIOR STORES Borden's Eagle MILK - 19c Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 21c Silent Matches 25c A McLaren'' Assorted Fruit Puach.per bottle 25c ■ Clark's Assorted Potted Meats, ;'a.2 for 18c Dainty Lunch Mayonnaise. small 21c, large 33c Singapore Sliced Pineapple, Z's, Sgts,.2 for 25c Royal York Tea I Ib. 28c Fly Tox $ oz. bottle 50c Crisco l's 27c Duff's Lard, 1 Ib. Prints .... 2 lbs. 31c Sun Maid Prunes .... 2 lb. k s. 29c X Brooms, Red handle ..5 -string 39c Capital Broome Fancy Blue Rose Rice 5 -string l69c 9c Standard No. 3 sieve Peas, 2's..22tins 29c Libby's Fruit Salad .........1's 33c New Canadian Cheese ...per Ib, 27c Choice Golden Wax Beans ....2'14 19c Palmolive Soap ----------3 cakes 23c Fray Benton Corned Beef, per tin 23c Libby's Prepared Mustard. per jar 14c Standard Tomatoes, 21-.'s, large size ., Minute Tapio ” 2 tins 29c •••••gpkgs. 25c -_ ORDER TO ■ J. J. McEwen, Goderich, J. Calvin C PHONE 46 utt, Godericb : PWE DELIVERHONE lig ■ ■ • ••••••••••••••• !■■■■■•■•■■■■■R ■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■M■a■■■■Iii■■/■