HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-12, Page 1une Weddings
Wedding Stationer, m (torn, t font.
can he had from The Signal u' re-a-
sonable• prices.
Call and see wimples.
of ht
reawona h
over your ,upply of Office
t l✓* us fill your order for
'ads, Envelopes or
' 0(Ni }1111 at ,t
The. 1.
'1111' Stl:\A1. PRINTING CO. LIMITED, Publishen-
Band Beady 14 1' -me Outdoor
A special meeting of the town couutll
we. Geld Friday night, Mny :loft.' „ r �satdtls11 i Timr
mmendat Passed for Pus T uameot PERSONAL iIE �ito� h!ae'I,-,•x tool, „ 1.111 rri11uuing, to tut mss and Are Showered
chase of
The News of t h e Jown 11.11,.111-111ggt r• Win 1\illi
II In their flr+1 gain• of 141. -1 Oro'',
Wit 11 '1101111111 1111 tar home
groutd. 01 Wedu4sdtY, tit• e:0tlerieh Three Graduates Receive Diplo-
when several ..cillo matters w. rt' lust. Bowling Tournament,' • The Collegiate Institute term will
dealt with. Councillor Bailie was the The loon 11011944. Gehl ta•u 100411- ..nclud o1. Friday ot`thi• week. 1'411
ton a$s
Rock -crushing a ruse• et 21._.
t h t at the !'1 luU street :401.011 this i 1 1 i Its g Th1. nrl•sb1r4111 * 111 of Ilru.oll rat with Gifts
fling Jars Clarke the
The regular 'netting of the tustu )111104 for permission to snit a feu- Johnston; Sud, E. IDu,t 0111 W. Herm p•,Isouagt. -- _-_ •• of nut.. t erect! with tett ttnl wilts lilacs Oa
h 1 11 gasoline tank the \1' II lac evening a alis d Wane Mr. James K. Strnehau, of Windsor: s •oh [:man 4.1,111, fur free• 1,1,11.;
u•n'1•1rect!liw h tris n. the otelilacs ofherd
only ,u sen tee• 'malts le c
1'414 fart matter before the 0110.•, week. On Youduy T...lig the prize- llrs, l reightou, '•t the Ngrt. s vile motion
ex:.ut na un+ are p ,»Yrs ,uuurk.:u•companied be w:up; erashiug
-- - ' ' 11 was an application from Mr.' F. It. whnuerr-a'trre: art, T..uluxlcr aud J. 1 ug k • at ] Ng street } )) 1 the 11 I+ rt 10111( a 1 I1 dl
tet o. Ww•k. ant on 0IUlI .• .r 1'Ine.Ma.on 4 a was prettily dee
•-ilt4 a lttttt•rps4,I.I the 14 ,1*.• plate
•..�•1'tnl lxawin'uu411. 100E .'•11un••n„ ,410 ... ,..st Y
11 der �ie last Friday night,, i t 00.1114 -p o1. n le e- ani tr t•rI ,
, dust Sade of Maitland road' between. anion war held :0111 the prizes were Is vIslting his bnrthrr, r t.4., Gerald Newton n Racquet Game . ,,;, ,t, 4:.»frrloh nine• 11''01,1011 it ns
t nal the mewl era present. It tens Britannia road and Oxford street. The dun by IJr. If. it. (tall and. Mrs. 1, 1•. `itraelas. Cambria' road. .'..1.•,\ . J'.uny .: :r; else• •..t 1..• :,,,! •,t „old tax ..•tuck I'1.... o• the tit• grade ion of nurses from the
e s(r+.iou, as it did not get ander.;tl,t,licatlou was grained o1. motion 1.t a'lla'y Miss Marlin Coolyr arae Mr. Frank ,111,•1,1 1, r'- in h. �lexan,lrn 11114100 1111 General lint
until 11.:111 o'clock, the first para 4',.w.eilbrrs Humber nod Croft.' The McElveu• of Windsor. .pent the deer- ,'..I.,„ Uma, h 1401010/1 syt.o .tart ! lh .1101
Pummels tat fur Pier Work end Wath Nies ('111141,4'* aunt. 'Mrs, Juetc 1l (Iher. . I
the evening , brat.: takes up With � tank 1, lo ler of steel. 11'2 feet 6 h1.•h.•s ' ., Ord` • 'i n "f-ti
f t l !" I f stn nod 401104,•11 of fns
til' . !a tart, aud J4II(rl 011 a ('emelt , The I nelu,itment of Public \Yorks, intr.... the sn w r u ant e .
mince meetings, l foundation. .Y two-inch iron pine i. to ,•nuvcu, announces that the contracts__ Mr. and Airs >1.11' Ilnuu, ,old M4'. I.h n ltrsuuu. !
e fleet matter dealt kith was be 1111111.d 1 d a r x the r ad ., t work on
aril Mrs It. MiteKay, of Kineanllue,. „ h.h,' \, r U ,4103'. d'hu fb,l•herl the gauge.1(or6ludale•.:u401.H,e Rrnduate11 otrtlV!''
regard to the sidewalk rase tit- ,
t E. It. \Ylgle and the town. Thein -
sisal, , e a hurling for
„qg the he.mr 4.•1111' s dv• 1.'1 n;, to Id+
Y.r 11[1 Iia the platform sat 'lhegronp of
,, •nw , 1 t 1't L Mass Me-
wh•, it. tun. g:n• e Ive' 11.:
ace( Iur' e'rgroutn ar u t u• rerrinrtrtlt• u 1
_ f1.r cuucretc, w0m 4,'0,111 4isftots with Ur. uud Ur+. ., _
I b sae tilui• to the tha sats ti•k.' Ihr .144x, 1.t G111e the k•tra.r have. _ � :,,� ..t n:" 1: n '11.•11: nh11..0;, 4141! for Itrn-6111. •itis fr,u,t seat+.
1'be Jt:a3',rr stated that the tvntnrl" Iwen nw•anlerl 'nl the 1N•troit Nicer .lohu McK'•uzi1., t•►uelaa• street. - Mule•! n vibe 011410.' u1h,.l,oc I ,1 1,04
t ••r•*shtl it. the 'Che ehn9r .ca• tnkeu by )t r.
111 144:x. Nairn dor sots G.
tr read several letters received from
113'1140 Comwlsatotf wanted r to trhn, Cuiti rltttluu Co., •of. 1\'111111114 There u. '"..I 11111 11.,.
E. flulwrl, town solicitor, 1104 1....1. 'e torr In the town .•b,se to the high:. ri one for 4»4 4(44 •111 tidal exuwiuutfous of (.go'.,le IAN ' ' 1 i.itor. from linter ('aunty . -p o• of 4hr 11„•40 the n•, h:,o I'?r'.ou44 pres.d.•ut of tt:e hu.pltul
art. two. lrlldt111 seined,' 1'urolet11, 110.1' it.dett lh•Iht•rltig- \ I,le:..:1.l: f*, lir.• of 141.''••11111• s,
Varney, solicitor for Mr. Wale• '''11"4"n wanes. Thlsatquest wt.. iirau,t- '`" '.,. n,11uul,t. ..1 'g •"'1 la,., l,nli :11.11 tit.• board. 111,1 Mils hint on the platform
...merely Wort. 110 the north .leer 11111 out• 1 4. fu the w irni )cur 4x utnittutlon$. a "f tae' „ nnty 4onne11 'liI 44 wns
r. Daltrey submitted r wrltreu pro.'.'tel, the work to be 111.111. Under 111e: fur :Stsi.f.et :on t1 a slnuh bier. Tho tot.- 11,11111• leave 111 ;1011 +tu,44,•d 11011 th,•v' wort. 1te4 It. 1' iteltenuld, Tier J al.
114 settlement. The rt. w,s4tl memo s1. iervlslon of the eemetery 0111 'Pork,/ . •tt4olt Itt\•er 4'1.11 Irnili111 Yrs. Wm. Blrple, _;aecom{ankd by i.! bore 1.,st-tfer•k, was a 411114 from 11.11, 111;1, ball If tlee•y •.•tile-do'v'u.-n°'1 IC ‘1111'
1111 Ib•s Ilur,rl•4 Aho•klln. Taylor
1 t st p 1 (d, r 1.t ibe lk Ger brother. NIT '•1'w. bra:. u; stud !t•.: ,• .,..ii,ty corneal on Thur.- ,,,.i,,,•,, tn• .00.00 , 1„y •s the! should
ttlement sus attached to the jade-' owl" pubo.•• works .4miwltter•4 johttlS•• ,•,. 55•1*. the luw'e,t it. 0^1(4.4 ,•1.•r•: h is y) 0111 Whitely, nod lar 1;11.. 11'illlnmr.
t aud wear as fulb,wr: "1. The judge \4 this-junenin• the at th sn4,444 • hpderst(nNI that the work will be gut 01101• I'1... sI 444.1) at the aurae .•f Mr"- r •, Suiwblr 1 r .:.ratl••n. wlfi• made 1..,.;,i,, ole n good 11104.1' nil., t'. their
It cuh•nd herein o1. Na• l nth day 04- .•d that the 44401111 1.t the 010141 1•.1141114 'I'. Murray. lt.tyfi4ld, !tai- i.t'•rtalnuumt of the rt -aur,. , 1,elit \ t, 1.•grnm from. lir. It. J )legftw,
wales way st Ott Carly dote The two week.' I,• tin;; '')n afternoon of s wert1 nr
wary, 1(ti11, caul{ be am4udtrt by :41101114 Afro at 1'i4nrrlu Turk should. ,.,,utracts 3'411} Involve aU rz{w•h11ltxn• 1 It:JI tmrrs. li«.• lenient Home. can . formerly- president of the.
h' words In the lust line ,»• t4i irl. Pdunelllur 1111.04 x11111 thehr. iC. +'• Walla.e of F'wlaontou. :U ;1.;1,40 , 1' ark 1411 n haugnet In the not i•.• built in n day, but only b4 tear •••. 1111. 4ont(•yvr4 ha 4.1.44 ulatons to
Ing out the fulo ,4 uiwnit .$50,000. 1»•ria. 14'01 14 i of lass 11'illhun \1':111uer r;,p,t R,..
tlx: second paragraph thereof, MIME' OreSetlt mower sus not it. gnat,-hal»' 4,•1141::- :r t pariah 11„11.. ,,,.,'.. l,rneli.,• :11111 :fiat e.alhhng the graduate+, and 1»•••t wishes Mr the
-*made • r •tual,' and subrtitutiug. :not Onrush) anew iuow-er' sbonld he of town, �)u* 1.1141'1 presidelit.of tit,' fi 11. Q,p a :44 4es.1ul and nw,ii.t1-,.,t ,. :t,• ewpI•htrl. The ....loan hospital 14o4rd, staff. and Women's
"m+ dt iw IN • Two Fire %taros • •
1.r 'dissolved.' n n.• wsiv . e action wt.+ taken u s / iwp \swN•Inllou 1.t Cauadfuu flub. 1.t rho ,.,, t 111'1 The Signal regrets that let 111111 8* the Is.ct says, .Wxiliary.
u 1 1 I 1 t.
nt 1 w n ler! by telrlklug out all •bairnwn 4.f the tem.Jerc and parks 1 r nisi f ! 1 F
ore the word d' ' That p 1 1 \ 1 the t)rrdeHeb fan brigade was 1.l 01.1 jag of flu• A•Irsl flan he b, at Lsn. ,- Hots.
third- ragra b of the said ju,lg- the matter other than res sesta1g tad' :tutor-, R '••.rm,t:u1) Iompol flu• h isle of .Ilea» .p stn_. eternal - h:l • .o. Rev. Il. +' ll •14e•rudd offered 147
pa V � 1 out tw•ke t�be asst wl•rl•. latst ., , last 'week. � •'••• "rt :'f the nffnlr until a later It ,.., .. • "leasing pricer. lass .\. J.
Ir a e
da afternoon t ley were . 1 lar. J..1. Nar•lu o :rnnnt 1.•n . she -,,,
words a ref the .word- 1.11.1 1.e..r �
e d f tt 'that' 111 the ....atwitter -4o F.► have the grass
At trues 1.o the former Judge INpie residence. Lineup:
at hue thereof and .ubsti►uting.01.,, plaf,•s cut. (,urud.rl the clan+ 1.00001 here 111.1.1111 --Hort
�t Vincent street, whirls 144 now owner) a \Y111ue•sel••c was n4rou,pwtd4il 1.4 Women'. Institute f • •Sl 4't.
)lark 1.y
snug .\ '11ous• by the Sade of tar
r wt .1... 1'nntol.•n . e, 1:.,111 in 11.010111,1 cob... after which
rt' du 11. Lir and )!r. )t. E. Smith sear. manager' 1.t ' Il 1. ILnm e , • .. Cas :Ito 11., Itn4.1 44 p.` Mr. Goo. Williams. treasurer of the
Rowing: 'Each pt. y Pay!.r Mr- M. N'. 11""141. Mere a 4mn
own caste up to rias date and that tar, 1londulua Riad Mas.hfaery (_om 1,{s.wm Jack. who wbile in town 11111:•10 ,The 4141114 u4erlhlC ..f the e:islerleh Se,nttb.n 1.L X04111 1111, Joy'nt rf. YOIt11R• b'^:0411; was 111 11011 nlw,n for A state -
ggs against the plain- enc, Naw -'n•+rut h, the 1„0141. fire 41101101 b}' the chimney. w'ns *IN's trlyho: 11f tormir year. when '+
Women's. 111�titnti•` was held in Mu.• hh,tt If, rester wllh, went of Ihr hospital's1'.4)4fl1*4 '4 rnM
claim l.1. made g 1 I Nr I .•1[tlugulxbed without•h property for the issuing of the said injunc- chamber and addressed the council rr -tent has snnuners rt 1'ofut Farm ••r Kn>' Hall on Tlutrwlny, .lout _•. The G,wlerlfh-lY. Trlsthw Sb. 4'..\..'her ditlou. 110 41111{11 that •It was not nectar-
That the dadeuduut cor4lorr. Carding n For•k•enuhh,R o1. fat the damage. On Tuesday night atunrt tt •uesetnua Pars.. prtlA11eut. Mrs (:. Bisset, presided., It. \Hiro LM•. \I. Frllzley p. 11. )aur• .nry w make n detailed slatem4DL
sidewalk 1 wh'r a owns 1* con-
clods. 04* of the Hydro poles 1.0 aur- Mr. Wm. Neal,. of Madison, Pa , 4, .alder the 1110,11 upaet,InR rzer4lNe•a the . ,,,.►. If. ('.. Shennlo1' rh V. N. Jhaln41+Ir Shur the Jep4.rt and been lnbll+bed In
1:4004 not to bullpl„ a d purchase o[ 1 h ill t har-
bor ilial Aauptht fire farm a short elr-
u $t. George's Cres- '11{110410 ll r. Smith Nulanittel a letter rlshlug lib, *Ist1•rs, mt.,. R'tn. lllrule• roil yNll nay :u,•nrnrl by p:lylug fw s• . \1 Braker 11...V llnllongh rL *pan^ the loyal wiper.. and probably most of
Wert street t R T I• suit In the wares. This 444110 carried' Al r*. I'hn. Fisher and Mrs. Hamilton •
1.r if It dors build one to con- mntAlnit.g priers Hud .pecifly..Gols •• 1910 c• met••ry committee and a faros' , I: 11,4Lo,•. I1. Itlle.m;fold and Wil- those present had received printed
roar It inside the trees." ,1.d the council promised to Rice the rile b16h tension wires and it war, }•011:111, and a niece, )ars. T. Gauls 1, utile report. IA•tflr- had been sent on/ + "� stutc•x11ts from the s11n•tary. He
fin -
Mr. Wigle Addresses Council matter •onsldrnulou sit the ur•xt u'resrary to have the power shit off of town. It is twenty years elnee Mr. rt. t;.elerlrb 0111 rays and some cheques 5,.,,44•• be harts: _ \ta t, u _ h, 1113', however. that the fart•
114. 1VIj k was present Hud wa1 meeting. n Stratford t,e•G•r* the blaze 14 11111 IN• Neal was in Goderlcb and he notices bud tarn rer•Ived :01»•9'17 There is 2
.xttugnirhed eft. the wire"' rsolid 11 1(:117 changes *, attirh wort tr. he dens along thatIna-Olt - 1 4 .1, • t 'O .'.-.o'au(rw"'1.f the hospital were to gnr'A
en au opportunity lty to speak. lie said T►.pu!y. Iflvee• (nllgh• 444 Maitland
that -_---- 11,;441110 .,. _ 0 41 o u u! 0 o-- '• '.0:444.0, No institution of that kind ever
WAR the sole iUxtigatur of the rte- the r Ilurs' mnnum.M4 at Maitla nt • 4 line• fl ally laki a t'.nsidrrahle amount t`mpih'+-lis 1. Ilial. • 1101»b•rieh: I' 'ally twywits way, but moot 110.11'1 4411
and [herr were 1.o other person's y, wets needed a(4,4,4r* This molter l'Mtral'Home and School Club Flewier Sim* Ne" Week ••f mouse. lir•. E. W. (04410 Cheri canc..Il:,wkin•. Clinton 1011 from In'.«144d islands and from
d in the suit. The 114444 had r felt 111 the bands 11f •Ihr Deputy -\n iuteresta11g sailing of the G•n 1'he I:...lur,id( Horticultural S•» illy t•' OM horn mid 1, her ow11 1nd•ri•,t' ,;,,,p,.rb h lilt pal• it• n, v C:une• ..1 ...el. they. 114 explained the terms of 111
14 fa f
me farther than he expected. Ile was , 1Grvr, trill .Ilohle• and School flub was braid wall h1.}d a .11x.1..) 4.t flower• it. th. Ina way told of her trip t•. the South 5,..AC. AC.„), r•1. !'t [day , ,.i• Nye.. whf4h the Tfulner fault {a AdmIn1A•
fighting the C Amply
contained fu Councillor111(14 Croft std the 1a1n.1 was
00 11.1111113' night at'the beautiful home trying Royal Bunk building, corner of •In.log the winter. It wt.. A real traps tensa, 40111 gloved 113' Inviting quell -
a• judgment. He Amply ditnit want on•istrel to +tart the •••111,4.'11 o14eu.mlr "f the prevldi•nt, Mrs. G. 4 r"gin°. North street and the Square, o1. Fri- to 1i.deo to her story. The 1101'1411'' .1r1•Id.jsho{. Williams 4vu •01104 �I !inns from any d the nvitinet who
e walk tr,uvtntcted of the outside of •.tarsi. at any time. It wa+l,nggi444 1 741.• chair was 1.cenphd by the fir.t day and Saturday, Jnue..4nh mad _1M. ,1•..0.1 With the singing of fhs Notion 0:1114:0'+thump o1. M.nedac..1u1,,.;ait1,. wI-bed farther Informstlon.
r trans es was orfglnally *.rupoadrL that the• fats* ennrert 1e o*1 June cth `i.:•q, tildrurt� lar•. 4:ray, Clinton Fs -,.r3' member 1. 13'401111 to brit.: scone .1 .\n:bem it••ft•shmeuts were served. (14
for •enfinnatiou, 'Can• -et%i.e will le. The F'lon•nee Nightingale pledge wail
Oi4 motion of Councillors Wors&11 ('onne114 r ('soft will, ficrr, 14rscrr t., Home 1141111 G•h.sd club furnlshtd the (lust In the m"ruhlR •of th'• firs• ' braid at x e'c411 1*pun. Paoli'. eloire, :einslitistered to the graduating dans■
111 Humber the matter was referred have the eoneert. putt on whenever he proem• 1811.1 ithatlarge
assnuuda1 ofwthe' jay.
Flute Kang) Entertained it" 1.4"). .•Id, wilt }Ohl it. tbf• s•rti.r., by Ins Ihlrobl Taylor.' w'ho al". 4111
committee of the whole enu11cil. Iw•ulel advisable.• A .11411.1111 evening w;I. spwolt at the
4Nrmltlre rte \ leiter from Jt r. llnrn 111t4h.dl present. \ pleasing piano deet try' of s. nu home la lar+. iE i t }:i dM 111411 1 t•annar:iph trout the w.ekl! Lille grow:toed the Rr:ulnntes 1.n the nt•
C Repo p Peones! Claes • ; NL Hrr,rR• , e1Nrr11: taiumrut of the Ronl toward which
The flhnn'•e (Yr4ymllde. reported that. t..(744stIi. that the s(rlef' 41Rh nt the Miss -YRIe4){4414'1 Mr.. Hens aud-a well. I ple•nw1111 n•uufou .,f a uutulec of rood. slam Mrs. Elliot: and airs 1:414
NI s w1uw1 e 1 Hayfield rnndere.) rasa duet by Mrs.. Chown r..,m• 110011 ti01i,1.4.4 with til'4Ili. v hn11 11,•11 grit enderug.
ndx amoouting to S34/ a 1 . sties f Britannia and m, .. ( wen* Nho •" n un•wlt:'e i1'};IIIotL wart• mnk411 his tu'rt4.• with I:i• „I (lehoure nu„iso •nry The 11.11w•rluten!lenT of the hospital,
der t. law No. 9 of 41104) for the ron.W 4w• mored 1.c, ns not to lnterferr•', 0111 )Iso 11041 were fellowel by • .1,,, graduatuC 4111.• of Tetonto 1'nl-' s4i1•rh,-Ihw, entertained the members Mies Jl.i' 111144i:41.4 {rr en1111 dap►
y splendid address by Mass 14111114". of the ..tw: was held. fn ..f tin. +:.ward, h flute hand In a social
..t ,. , 1 1114 pn•wmf rhnr1.•h I
base of a new tars 11111104 tenet •'ihh the)1)14'roadway on ht+pn•mis•s wnm I 1, 4111 it. the 14.•:v 1 !t - .. :n4:un:'rl 111• n.,: to .l.tra41 lotions tied with the h0wpdtnl mors to
w4to local sobs r11N•r* 1.t re(ornvl t Ihr Piddle work6 e•mmk• 'rtntf of C'Ihltou t'olle•giatr, o1. the Nub• Drs.
1\'.4110•dnS of to -t .vek. rv•idnu. Ni -t Luras uud .111:1. .11.13'- t the three ruduates: Miss Adeline rAi
d i4r:U d jr p l minim. nuwh'•i. u. Ila. eon R
aud that the {/rrNrrde hall been. lee With 1w'wrr to Act In the Matter.' H'ct "Gtgeet W'gmen hl Various I/rx. .\. H. Jla4klhl 11041 N'. !'. •:11111• Hud 1'4141. the tin+• little 11,utghh'r+ _nc:,011111 will hair Ch1 peltil•c1 11f war.!:, of Toronto, 11144 ilazeLH44m11-
la th • town general acconut and . n e dl Han from Mr. J. It 'Kelly Spheres of Life... 1t. s'hi'll she al Is , f ';1Nlerieh: 1444.4 I1. 11 Russ, of S.•n- 111 Mr. 111415' Fnrrant of Ilya )fill r.md,
t R rjn II nl .dowel that In the world of h{111043'.o4ulaentonthlg in 1!11:1. neuuel,t. 1111• 1•'1,. "1 G.»lerf'41 Mid Jliss I+alalle
r?sa ladder truck paid for; that the for tnefnbsion to erm+trust n •Iement ,, ),• uettrl as hu+tr to ti cisiturs And nsslstw! )Irx. ElliottF.111.1tt wlHt the salsa h 1..,,1nt1•parc of the •iwrlsh As �1't sn. h 11of'i!r. of Enniskillen. Ireland
bonds n Inman: to $20.0 0 ns Issued milling ' in front of hi. property on art, literature, business and proles- tar „mamma w'se a Very h1h•n••t1uF melds. Jlrr. Elliott has sassy. t.,•eo- :+
t�ry' .1ema1 and )+41,14.11 life w"1ne11 had one to those who bat} a share 111 it. Crept friend and .. iplttirher of the land '''L•bruli,m• :are few 111 number. nod St •'Ines p;h.44 nen. 44.,, prr•4I 4"4 •!
11111144 h711►ty \u. ani of I1Y'0 for ezten l.f�hthons elnrf erne erfrTted to for wan high .hers. Mrs. Emu) Saunders ;1•.rg, r *Imola 441..'4 int.. this \ti:h \Irs 4' .\. 11.4,1, )144 W. 1.. Horton.
►7101311 to the substation and distribn•' Middle works eommlttre. I The party 111141 Inueheon tool dinner and 11114 111 the third time she has .1, _„'s*I .o,thu.i.,-n. :1111 \Chs• 1111.•_ Mrou:W.
1110 plant of the Hydro -electric sf1tenn: ;l eommnnlrarlon from Mewr6 Bell 'ung And also recited a pretty Inoto- ,Intel Bedford. and during the after- eutertjlhu•11 th. m,•nl!•.•rs ill her home TI•.• address to rho grn4naHnR
had nal leen 40111 to 1•N•nl stl)Krri)N•rl firm.. gnnilttr a rfee of 71 rent•+ per logue.tp her 11141181 flue style. The little , ,,,n n Visit wax paid to the (:otlerich lir Elliott is eighty •-igM \•ears '111
p ..,i .d the 41014.44 4 e..rge Parsons, de Presentation In Robert Voting "nurse. wen. RIce1 ).y Pr, A. C. Hunter.
■t par and the prlNrvrls deposited bi' enbie lard far good. 41011 '440.11)11 lacsntor and Western C':oun!<, Flour and arta uttrod.•d •ivt. ti.' •Ir•'"�'' In, token •'f appreciation 1..f his 111014' win Ir.ugr..tnlnt11l them 111 attaining
town 010401 account. The sum of sand, at the canl•nt t ,' r'•nr IfRhtrd tar ,andh•nrr with bit enter 1;'111 plant, :it '1..• harbor. .\ some f ,Y,L•brnrlon11. and 1111. 4w44' who greatly • the C r 1.d faithful servile ci cion of h s 1414 the cool of their nmhlm o and enter-
Ifi,000 was td over to the water of the town hall was ri'ferred to the tattling Selig*, While refreshments golf at 1414 )hdthu,o '0,0411•• 11111 un- ap;.rwinU• the kindly 41.1040114
both he
. M 't, were w•rv.rl. a van' 141111•3' s1.4a1t1 hoar other eujoyal.It feature of the day's and Mr.. H. 11. .1111'4 have 111.,„11 In Collegiate Institute building anti of 14)11' hog 111
their life N,.rk. 111- wild the 4'44-
ud light the al and It waw recom Ills works C(rihmlttee. tiindly interest in the .0.11111 11f the enter -
tor. Iultl watehwl with lut.•rest their
r: dreaded that the balance of FC',,ll Also The it
ehnlrnlnn dna'sr(rr•n lermissl.1 wan 1.njoyed.- presently The r-. W. I of the class t1tn.I nnv 41 wall be spwrer. �11 1.t
be !slid over, and that nn n(enunt he 'n pe choir ...Teeny wag
for n per sand present dem ler.. W. Gotdi•• 1111 �. trod many riu,rr•. 10011, 1.n a/hlresx 11111 parse of gold work ns Cuu1.•r.ts, and, n•allz11l folly the
rendemd to. the c,mmlaalon for tht' Meniher. of the eormrll i'nintwl out • ('hi..ltolm-Brennan Tait, of Toronto; A Ilse!. T. IHMr. 111 were today presented to lar. Robert ,liffienitl.•* they 111111 had to face. nnA
costs of this 1644144• and the eommitte• dont the fire alarm wc*trm and not Yellow and blue iris. fern. x141 to- t'hlppawa • W. W'. Meted. .1. A. Mar Fnprappr.lents Arttrtrunrrd Young. who reemit17 resigned the 444141-' woul'1. with the people of I;'»lerich, fol.
4111. Ilan it. whl4h 410 and -erred for Ina' their 014444 with Creat interest.
he empowered to complete adjustments been rrnmplAtrd 116 .ontrneel for with I.•rs made attractive the sauttuary of; qui, of llrantfurd, W, huehuuuu. of al, :and ll r- W'iltin,u .Iolrt.'toll, 11,1,1 7 -font year*. Mr. 1 -onus Nor low t ,irca pmfe•wiith hesosin host.
earnbetwren the emnell and .eommlxxion 4 it. the Bell Telephone (•nmpnnv and a rt. Peter's chords. G•elerlell, for the' Gull: W. L. $11e4.x. of Hamilton: J. 1.nel;unw. [tunonnee the 1.111411g.1.1111.111 1.f Quit..! "• nr his home 1-tu1leut• and heir ln• said. but there tins no' nobler
eaDne•tinn with the matter. The sum of motion was .110111441 tint the 'tell marriage 1.t Josephine Mnthfld,•, yuunR .\. 1{10110, of 1'al*le3' : W. Beasley. of their daughter. )tarp Jane (Jeanne), 441,1,1»•r; "1 the teaching -intl. 0111 tl..• calling that. theirs. 1114 he was sore
.75 was paid into the town treas. piple he asked to complete the in. ,r daughter .f -Mr. and Mrs- II. 3. S:nafnirh; H. 11. Ile-. ••f S.'nforth: ro lar. Fred flee. I'ri.L'..on of 11r. and
* r oven's shirr of grandstand • :Illation In lrltteetion with the three l:rrnnau, of tuw11, :unl Wflfiam J., \Y. F. GnIIow' pod -\ 11. Macklin. of lar. St. Gir.rge l'rl4e, Galeriih, the address tae wits-
bWa11.• n. ..•n0•VieUy •b. Io...11d1•nn'•il.'avor to prole an honor
ren the t
rarr•Ipt. on 1f14c 'wt h. The Pmslnrinl, 'ids oelwrtmint telephones. wen of Sir. Ind Mrs. Jas. chi -holm 114 1:'e1,'r14h. 1/1:.11rl..Ce ice t:ekr pia.•; quietly til
ren441tt Ilenotify' 4'. -then 'I.dinnhn sold Eileen 11'IIrb•o 1'. A II Maeklin. presul. t t of 441'
n IN'rur, wh1.•h took dart 1111. n••tt •h. i
o- S i/fiitment bad clnnrgld th'•, ' The clerk was Instrn+•tel to C. 1 ry.eutc,j Mrs. Y R with a ens•• awl tl.�",..,I \---•••:;1116.14 ..f 1104111 ....nay.
1'Cliurwfa i mon111444 1111 e•n•w41n'. 'Cadets Inspectee1 lar awl Mr Robert W. Rendu 1.f, I 1.1,04+. Mr.• Toting ln retaining hi- t ,I, It.a1 1., WA
n the saran of E_u7A0 for chnrft! '4 r. A. 11 ('01114 that all lumber. 444 )'
tents in Ontario hospitals and had' .ImM•r and material In front of his wits solemnized 1.t In a.m , 4t it11 lie.. '1're ununal lueperlfon o,' fie G,4' k T •r'Noo cun,ouue• the engagement of thanks r sassed has app 144 0111. , „ 0414.7
1114,41 the town with the same •,rol4•rt! on Yietorin 4trlet most i, m -i 1'. Loafs ()Mutating. To the -trail- eud.•t (wig. 1uu1. plan. at"1'ieturia ti,e,r daughter, Ethel 1:Iir:t1e•:4, le 111. "Pi'
awn'* s1mre• of the •'1.'.011 by June 10th. 'h'• kiudhe-- a.1. fuel 1.I4t,Ay. re.. 1,11 I '-, ''' I",44'.4 :11,'1-44.' ••clwrlt-
n int 114 tl t .f )b•urlr•Is•ohts's 1Ye,Mang Van h tL••• Park 1.0 1Y1dnr111ln\- afternoon .d dart 1:'•:•,•rt W. 1'4111:14, son of )fes. 1'411:14 frorn the *tndcnt+ ant; staff. Ile Q..- , • •' 1.., 1 :r .1 , 'f,• i. n.., «1,1t•h
cinel' lI railway rnc. .\ nurniN.r of bridal ;witty proveedegl t.. the .a.tar week 14•1,.re Atajor Jeffery. .4 di. , and the hate C:.pInIn John It. ('rnlgie
t o '4kI• .I is
muds were re•omrurndel for pay- •tlrticatinn .rorty NOON 'Che 1.4.4,10, R1yen in marriage by los trio military be,olgw*rte r•. - Lon(ol of 1,.111 N. h , ihr roars. NI t 4 1
nt. Captain 1' ItillhnR* . nod Lh•nt. .1. f 1 t I
+• wanly t latter tart of 1,110
The pobllr wort„ tommlrte• sub- -temple of the Im•n1 Su14at1on Army
ted the following: \1'1. 114`001 111111111. ,amps WW1 111 thank • nnd nil w•hu
t the peflHow of m'iti.•nts ol1 4.0:---.n*rlhnted -to the self-denial foul.
n• street to here the street graded, mmtnnt mmisel was $300, the ob•
yelled and oiled be Rrnntnl- With ,'i.1. being 84(NI.
entire to J. 11, Kelly'* ap41l(atbo, 4'1.444114 Billing' nal Llent. kentde
a 1N•rrntt to erver•t :t cement eurbing have senrnl•d after 'lw•ndlug la few
front of•hlk'residence on l.lghthonsr 'Int tails• Werk 111 1Ato„n tit n enrnell
ett..W4 recommend Hint Mr. K.IIr ronrh4elel by Itrignl•ier 111111 Airs. Tins.
noted to sw• if he CAR obtain *144111- Rnrton and 1'I'rnmlesioner and Mrs.
res of residents of the Whole block! Roc, returned tnl*sionnrte. to chins.
no. ,hereat to 44treet. The traffic sign! .\I.Nlt seventy-five offlrer. were pre. -
the corner 111 Itnyfield and Britannia I art an the cnnnoll.
ado tins muV.rl 114 rcgn0stcd by lir,, Commandant Joseph t:nlwny of Lon-
rrt• Mitchell. We r,eelmmend that! :, «4!) enndnet public services on
street In*14•.'tm' arrange terms with Thursday evening. June 19th. 111e tom-
1'..lasper hrindl,y to 'lit Rrn-s. nsh1441 mnnlant I* the divisional young
a 11wn mower :1111. 1111111g all has own! people'. aeurelnn of Loudon,
ars: Ihnt all men working on .11 the evening eervire nest Simon.'
lir wnrk44 be hire) through the, Captain Billings will s44a.k on the stb-
r t In.pw'rtor: that. n Nu, 4 ('hair ice; "Gldern's ['all." •
11 n*•k 441111{rr rnonntet on srM»el+ -1-- ------,_-
lti, elevator 44)11 storage bin tour
to \t it11 return conveyor. nt ,1 psi. •
f:'.11.0 n- per 'Monition of Mar aotb.
Apnrrhased from the l:otninion Road
hhhery 4 Olnpntry-, 111 term. to he
rrn1Col 49(441* 4''?) y fo the voiinrtl :
at the core of the town dump groom!.
left with the clerk .-and street 1n -
•tor M consult Air. Brindley and
444. lh11•k. wlfh power to make new
,nge,nents: that the '•hnlrninn of
s committee armoire wind nod order
car of rotor B when reonlred And
Thr s;Nrinl r•rmmllh•o's reeert was
fnlloW,: A .•apply of traffic 74(144'
nt Fane been inlr"hneed nal irnffle
rko w•111 he !milted on the rondw•nc
soon no the street+ ore torrent -owl
edge. pntehel. We rr.nmmend
t n Remise to peddle 4111 MI nn')
line be granted to Thom. J. Ander-
.titb n refund of Sao 'o the,
Mat : flint .\. :Antonio be ttrnntn,l
efi x• in peddle frnit nal vetr-
up('n pn' repot of the license fee
And tint n refine] of 010 i.'
him on the mmonnt: that the'
111 club he nll0wel fn rare the
teem 94 the emit h end of the
fire rnmmlttee reported n., fol
We 41 ,. Instrnrtts1 the .nlb'itor
ieet the mmnnnt rendered to the
Wawanosh Allston! Fire !near -
Company for nor of the fire-
(Clotnf'flood lon Irate fl)
,.1e.n•e'1 011 Is. ,1blr In say that .Inn, :- • . • ' ' • • • • ,' '' - .I'I,• 111•*
Li. 14WI year. of rt.+•1•lafion 0'•
!tither. was hotly In a g„wt. nor> p•I„• ...rte. formal out almost • to ,
''''''. ! 110,:1:111 h'. h 111 1.e 4.44 !1111 :, n'. •',
ratan 10014• with arta: t1U«eJ 71.1 •iron :,m! prew•htel :I ter, sumo The ,'htn¢em,'nt I+ nnnnttnend Of r .11.mile 4%114 I1' m. nn'I ' • 1 .
f r 1 t T ffi 1 ss' n 1'om \I Irs=i.' dargLfor ••f Mrs elm).
i 44;:41 li::ht "bye'''_ „stn ng pd"11 ' ap.laear.'.• 11• a 444 .•,, ,
' ottr the hands and full flans! f,•'•1.• ..;.an) comn01nder. 11,1.11''1 Iter•;' ...-•' - . 1 .4 .4., 1nt1 .\h•,au'!.r Chalmers 'b. In ''3 1'6 r,• •'4''" it.
' i rn.'• point Ines. Iter trallli* ''ail 1'L,t.,.oe_ commander. '•1.'::•'•'•..:1. itn"..! Earl 4°IIIYIt, 103'•r
unler11 :Uan I'onll'le.l.
of tulle was•heatlir embroidered nit). :u,4 •1101' • S:,Ik.•1.1, w»tion ,'„maraud• %tr. Iola.'41rs, F7at,k }:1101144 Gull- , I;rlrl.•rh•11 W1x1en1. Successful
"silver and pw'all• with 11 pretty' Juliet 41. K1n.•th 11nn*'•4 •1ohu hur,•s14n'. ,,,. Toe marriage will take •;l4wt• • I,,,I,ri'J, 11111401_ kit, :041101
,up of salter and .wrrl 'start.. Whit. I'o0rins hie•.an :11.1 1 b1,rr }:111.14: 14'. .o U..,.•.,n the later part of slut.,• '
o'1.» eoln letlrl Ib' 'Chom..a. In . and 1.1 the signal - 1'., • 14nuteouel,1 is 4)1114"181111(1 ..r ''':,r "(,l" Id Ihr-honor "f 414.44 L
kali dainty
hers and KI P ...on to the exa .1001,..1. el I •
onlnt3' hrldnl 4o*Innu• and sb•• 411440'•{ Ih'R rr'r;'A and Carlton 1\'11411011 in l.,.i.'. v,11n1g'st dun¢Itirr •f the lute t'uh.•rslt3''ef'1'orcn,ln. C'h:o1,11 Ilnn�l. ,
nu arm bouquet of ealla Blies 'and ,.ouw:n„i or '1,.• .trrt.hetlw•urot.; 4;, 3. 11. ,•..eke, barrister, (;o.erleh•I.111 *gersIt ,. arornto 11l .,_0114,.'_
j Iark+par. Jars. 4', J. Glbl4n,- .rf 1.1" lenm,m4r. It1111d4 11'alter- and 1111)-' Ontario, ate) of Airs, (''wrk. Toronto , to 111„ ll:u•y d'Inrk, rr" 144- hos t4l,l''' 1
' ttrdt, slater of the bride'. su1 matron of neem" Irrennnn, uud Stlu,.Inrd-11.8 rear 11r John Sander. Austen.. \1')nl"or. 4I we �lnr sClark , ix .•Ili 4,.1 111 . la•:11
i honor. She sat )ee'tuingly- uttlr"rl It. at 1'144. 4"11 sol, of Mrs, ,\u,ton find the lair T,. J.
1 yellow crepe -romaine and Mee in prlti s .liter a sort,•• 111 drill .,•rolntion+ .\naon 11f Brighton. /h,'nrfo The Inn!, honors 11111- .lean \\hoer 4. gra'Inntol
4('xx Style with fm.r,ln11e11r11• Iwdoto :1111 physlltll (,'marl•,* by the corp•,, 4ln4,' will take place the Tatter part of 'lith s,r•.n.Yoln"s honor- in I'r.ueh
! -fleet She wore n large yellow mohair .11jor .leff'n n11dressel the •mpony Jnne.
..,'..'n ,. ,11Qµ1-. ... yellow ....... .� ......-......, /I 1111 bearing.
rose•4 aud blue r•ornflower.. Mr. 1•. •I, eel oar the 1»v11•tit+ N;d1h f1111owel bon re 1 1'44 eine fit p li.•e •u•'the
':raceli.. of I'All don, assisted the
4111104 and the -ushers "wen. '11,'...r•.
star Bart nal-\rnnnd GraVelle of
lott with blue velvet ribbon Trimming .1..1 spoke. in terms of prai.s. of its air- errpeile-ehlue (dippers of blue sin.] earance nod work. and mirth alorly . In the Magistrate's f'ourt
Ile point Cliff,,r.: stenatt. Istre.•ed :It to
• -fol. 1111
.1. I-. •Ip ' •,4ro• tint
.hI4 ran Lrhulf n' the ._,_
he present' .1 t•. ' ::''k
dlro,he st rine,• -
\I _.'ref 1V11••11, •.,o' '.:1 -
• 'I',m,nn 1,:, )." :owl 14:•'11 \1444
'• r the W'omnn'. 11o»pital
A.,411,-4 pre»entad 'sushi:• •':{stun■
Ien. h of the grndoato•,'anti lar, iced•
n,4 f•1' the• .\1rtn!:1.•k 4'hnptnr. 1111).F,,
I, ,I F vrr•harp * '"'-l1' 11ypn
,i. , n.i'- .ter111,er". thi)...rtft of t),',lfnple
4 , :0 r f fint•{er. Wen• V11,141104. 1.! 111+6
I.. s1" while lire 1t.n-'intone Caee'to
e:lrh a reference iww.k frons the Nn"+e+'
\Iunlnne. -
\fnet. 11e Whiter- hal 1.4'11.11 n 104►,
I,In'tlt and hnmoron1 Wards of . mtnsel
:11111 a,14'loe. l4r-.. lfn(kay toned e! every
4..4u't• hl her henntifttl rendering, 'd
� Il:u.n1 I:oy tion t'p(t! pia,'• ihr
a'' '. ut:yion "1 fl..,ver+ 1111 car,, fro,s
� � .". .,, r • pneeoutr41 by there
If T: w i i s Fotu,re 1Chitrly-
t'e ..,f • ' • ..• 1 an•1 Llt' ill.• l'u'lrr•
4.i' al training. - wlhi'•h he terne•el sdue•e .'4 ih• to rt -all :04th"4111011.
1.1',1:1111t14111 of pled 110111 11. 11111 h'• '•hart•.1'I h,•f'm. Sfngl•d rill., 14. 1* tl.i• .•
a.6.,1 :ho b,.', n•,I u,•glr' f it 411 ulon'imt ••11 forts .nn114' lie 1•1,11.•0!• ►" y
' 1.
• 1 /l I Annie-
{ir t
1 /•r rt M
11 ff
114' the t
1':111 d. :\t
-;hi eor(.. - 1101.4' 110
rompllmer•.t, .1 1': I • I. 11111, the mom
i.e. of ihr-.•1'"1 •toff in diorite n'
'1nhd dura.. 1.111 41,0 gond rentals
acbf1v/l by hi- trniblwt.
Brief fi,td1. "-e* were given a).,• 1,4
I•rinelpnl Moue. Mayor 11,.4E:wenn. lar.
t\'. II. 14.A.orteme and Mr 11i11.
1 Mtge n':nlher of ,'ltizen7 gn4hrrel
t the park to surto_, the,In441w•i'tlon•
11r. t'. F:. .1111+rm I.ns pn,rehns4t th'
al' of mark.I hiedn•s. of lar. 14' 1
Smith. Itr,mflton stew':. and took pelt,
we11ilo11 hi. week, Mr. Nmith has nor
urnonn'e,1 1.1+ intention- for Ile
nh• the only survivor* of tam Cmawn it. nrnt'II. 15'))). til, she nor,' 11 tw4,11, a"re.
.:nilly 10 41 1..g 11 •-:,r slut'• u,''ti
• .urn, :11.11 •'vas remanded for ''
nu:; for wnT
•'en.To e{r.rrge • ''4 ha ,
iu;t !011114 illc•:;nlly,
...raping' fr.mi
-d'Ii• e:'. null eonfrllotting to the dello
) om. girl of I len-all, he •
nada 1.4,t '71'1114}.
111 r,olonee op wails the. In -t '•henry:'•.
I'r.'olieer Whiteside h... ar'
,,••ti•'i fire young mon. In'ln11h,g Sten
art, n1;11 erre employed 14, 'emnectIon
with the pacing ol'e'raNuhs near ilea
..111, Ste 41 rt -aa• larval ,mrlef'nrrr•••t'
t•ot1-[•,tor 111141.41/1 of Il,n1u11 And
4(ns bring taken 10 the 1N•knp ahem, it
Is ullrg.rt. he broth away nog) al..,
'trnek 1414• cnnatable. He left his 1111111
o1. I;.1. +trlot, made his. way. It I. said,
t•. %there the, poring 14 44:1111g don+'.
1,044 In 4ru4k. and drove It to Tornn111,
enter toing to Ib1.'urg and making A
.d, 410th another paring S:uta.
-Ir '1:'• i,1'44 two weeks nine fine. off
$100 cwt. have been Impact.; 1n NIng•
Istrn'. Iteid's court on 1lgnor charges,
'11 addition, a man Irmt'leted 114 dric-t-
no' it ear 44hih• into4a4nt.rl was 'sen' „nl ';rrtrlatr t'. fronglu+' 4'lark,' ob.
n•' 1 h, -'Inert 4411.• I,1 ail'. I•n4h n: ••hr' wee no .lues honors 11) the 'Ills.)
• 'Jeffrey- sting. .after the e,remouy
the $111PIS repaired to the Meme of the
,r'+ parent*. Mrs, Brennan \tone
l: 1l• k chiffon '*s nth 1•'ren.11 1•nlhrnidery
':4441 hat of Watt mohair. 1ler 4o14100`
was 111 oreb141 and pink sweet ;4.111.
010101m. motlu•r of the groom.
rase beige georgette with beige
halt to tonleh. II.•r -flowers were j.1 -
.t tea roma,, 'sane wedding brei 11441
setswl in the lining room. which
• prettily decorated with .ming
4,.,cr2.. and evergreens, or,hld and
..41,11 predominating. For going away
ILI. bride dunmrl ri .port enee,nht(• ret
-,unmer leaf green. Her dreg Win- of
J(HF\ tvONXt►N and Tip r1. Cl►NNON baron with hat and .hoes of gre'n
f II Ibawere f the t111_Re of n t wit. fol (lain- Her Imrw• and -
nm y. lr u
Elora. The former, ,who reeent1, fele I ;loves were of ..ream kid sadf'Fmel
carted 411" sixty-eighth birthday, Is the , 1.1etO4 'ontra,t. The young limply
'Inventor of the panoramic whole circle ft hr motor on 'a. vamping trip
etmeru and has 1121.81111.11. 111411nf11,11, through En1tenn Com.41a and 111,'
lig.. 1114 S tmir r•hrrn Mr. 141111 Mrs
Through his hlsfhrh•al writ1a frs. On t
*ucrr'4Ntw in the field of photography' Chl•hol1 still fake op re"alert'"' 11,
brought ham Into prominence shout, their new boon on the Rine Writer'
forty years ago: i11+ brother. 1'hone.•'l iflghw-n4. ('oll*erne ttovn'htp. The
':.. 111 n well-known re'ldent of Gorier 1 pride received many beautiful ort".
Icb, •11.1 MOS time from hnr duties 1111 h•0114)1112 to the high est..em in 11hf.1.
1'.P.R. station agent to take part int the young 0,1.114 urn held In the con).
toddle activities and to delve mnnitr. Previous to her marriage the
Into local hletory, In mnnertton With bride seri the re•fplent of many show•
which he has * Inrg4 eellw•tlon of fess tendered her t:3' her fricneM Guests
material. (Photos published by cont• were present for the welding from
don F' r 4 e i'
'..r 11f 1.01 /VAS ) 1 :trofferd. London and Ietroit.
SPE('I:11. Ot1'1CAL r(ITI('R
1I ite 7mlr eyes evominrl by nils
•,re111.410Wn and plain+hlkIn4 "p4+'I1,11't.
Mr, linglnon, formerly nptienl ex14'rt
for Kent's. Toronto, rind Henry Morgan
4 Co. Montreal Thirty years' e4i'(-r
it nee. twenty ye11r8 111007,E 441 4f01t1r14 h
101 - are nrenred of Ihr M••t epf11 '''
Nark to he et.tnlne,l and at 4.1\ '1 '
e•rnte ('04t. We fnrnl+h nil 'h• 1:1•.
_ r
the rest n..ik'.
1 o rn i
',. ,flu^• t i
1st f m tr '
the (west rnnker44, find our .trues aro
from 81 Ott up T1M(N11A7 anA Fr1d,S.
.1'11te 211 nn4 27. Come early. 14)t MVP
ART 1(T(►liF:, licwterki1.
1111414 1:1'N IrI. If! 1..\ \I It
:'nrr of Mr. Gurlk,ti Lomb, ,aa l
."411 ,45l'1144'. iv le. has -icon 14Tg1.
honor- at the I hiverily
"f costs, 1114 cancellation of his onto- • -r L. tot'.try Mir* F:nrde• M. 1.nmh
•'• 411 ...mil for three month.. There Is' p`ra•lnnl'•11 with highest •tnn'14,,g he
hn+ i.e'n'the until grist of eas,Atinder i'vegba. nod Spanlxh and re •eh es 111•
- Liquor Control -sad 1RRha'n +'1't"1"r' It4mne Entente 'fire, ihr Sir
1',4.If1e Arts, and in n ease from Ilan. Wilfrid L,Mri•r. memorinl • 44dh11</1anip
township i fine, of ut4 was imposed tof l•. From 1,. i.: the '4.lnalr F rene41 tet
hefh0n• to obsert'e the requirements of !' 1•, +.111 the i:otermir-(letleral'r starer
:h1 Stallion Enrolment Act. 1„'.Snl foe Modern Ist•ghaRes,
t .4.... lfpr"-se;1 •.• the inn
• 4:.1.1,. nl'-sheer of lfncor IL .1 .1.
v; ,•I'•'.tn. 4%4 'rr,4 a0 cyt'r'•44si,•" of
t •.•01.1..4 ,.'Ili 4ol,eratnlntlet ,t
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',', 1,1 1.411 nt+ 11'.,.,. 1, rved
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NIL .,n "r'!' In- .n :did tar li 11 Ptd-
, ...too; of Thee Owen !tonna
-."101-1 • lir lnultnnee was on 4410
f 'rh, Menai gull.. n nnmt.• of
;neo and stns 01,4.44 Int,'re•ded to
•Iti*C the town.
Rev 11 1'. d1'11ern:l. golehnug, .1 ;1111
ifs with Rev 1 P Koine. of Sea.
,:(411 on onnlny m"411144 las 1x.
Mahe., we. tnklo_ lir Mei44 rnli•' to
'1rnforth null 441144 r'24411,1/ ttr nl3444
'•'e4t :it ('111.ton ..teen ared h, ,nr
•••n,-441 right In front "f ham ar.' it. the
i •nlling .tneh Cobh env* were 4h;1►1r
44'9+41111 N144 11 T).-rmld. nos 1e11 on
s:'••lfnrth In Another far Ana1 Pr
M4ltee. maihh„• w9. 1•rontht Mack
(:o,'rtrh M ihr. wreaker.