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The Citizen, 1987-05-06, Page 22
PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1987. Classified Ads ■■■ — 11 ”' CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50 for 2u words, additional words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED TENDERS WANTED TRAVEL MATCHING CHINA CABINET and sideboard with mirror, also 54” older-type wooden bed with unique rounded footboard. Phone 357-2489. 18-1 JOHN DEERE 7000 4 ROW WIDE plateless corn planter with insecti cide attachment, $4,500. John Deere 569 3 point hitch planter with #70 Flexi units, set up to plant narrowrowof beans, $3,500. 10 footTurnco packer, $550. Call 357-2957. 18-2 HAY APPROXIMATELY 1000 bales second cut alfalfa. No rain. Call 887-6472. 18-1 4 UNIROYAL STEEL BELTED Radial tires, 205 x 15, used 20,000 km. Call523-9676. 18-1 INTERNATIONAL 4 ROW CORN planter, monitor and insecticides. Phone Schultz Bros. 523-9486.18-2 1977VOLARIE4 DOOR 6 CYL., runs excellent, good condition, 2 new snow tires, and 4 tiger paws. Best offer, 887-9710. 18-1 STARTING MOTHER’S DAY Weekend, May 9 until Labour Day Weekend, September 7/87, All — V.C.R. tapes: Rent 2 at reg. price, and receive third one Free! 18-3 72 ACRES FOR RENT IN TURN- berry. Any crop but corn. Very reasonable rate. Call Bev Brown 887-9621 evenings or 7 to 8 a.m. 18-1 ALUMINUM TRUCK CAP FOR full size pick-up, $110. Phone 523-9502. 18-1 30 RED MEAT QUALIFIED Shorthorn Bulls at Bodmin Farms Test Station, 3 miles east of Belgrave. Call Ross887-6378 or Don 887-6190. 17-3 RAINBOW TROUT. WE SELL trout3ways! -freshlycleaned(6for $10); - pond stockers; - fish your own: no fishing licence required, no closed season. One concession south, 3 sideroads west of Bel grave. Gloria and Dave Hedley, Wingham, 357-2329. 12-14p GALAXY-6 STARCRAFT CAMP- er Trailer. Also boy’s 3-piece suit, jacket size 36. Inquire at 523-4363. 17-2p ONE WEANER DECK, 9 FEET x 4 feet, Filter Ease flooring, $200. Phone887-6943. 17-2 BLUE SPRUCE - DIG YOUR choice up to 4’ in height, l1/* miles E. of Wingham, Hwy. #86, Spruce $200/ft., Blue Spruce $300/ft. (tax included). Mrs. Marsh 357-2387, Centre house of 3 houses E. of school. 17-18-20 HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn KEROSENE BY METERED pump at Lynn Hoy Enterprises, Highway 86, east of Wingham, 357-3435. 39-tfn MIRACLE SPAN NUMBER 1 IN steel buildings. Check these pri ces: 25 x 32 $2,597; 32 x 34 $3,497; 40 x 60 $5,797; 50 x 809 $8,897. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with large door. Sale ends when allocated steel is sold. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910. 18-lp 1987GREY-BRUCE R.O.P. TEST- ed Bull Sale Monday, May 18,1987 Tri-County Cattle Sales, Hanover, Ont. 7 p.m. 70 Bulls. Breeds include Angus, Charolais, Here ford, Limousin, Simmental. 18-lp STEEL BUILDINGS - SPRING Clearance - As low as $1.99 per sq. ft. for complete building - Save thousands while steel supplies last. All styles available. Pioneer/ Econospan 1-800-387-6896. 18-lp HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grown shop. Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2737 Weston Rd. Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416) 745-5007. 18-lp A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action and answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or call collect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. 18-lp GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouses$169, Halides $105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack and Free magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B3N91-604-682-6636. 18-lp MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- plus: Workshirts $2.75; workpants $3.50; workboots $15. Send $2 for catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0. 18-lp $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $3,996; 40 x 60 x 14 $6,500; 46 x 80 x 14 $9,250; 70 x 90 x 24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery, Call toll free 1-800-387- 2115or 1-416-858-2446. 18-lp SWIMMING POOL SALE 1986 inventory. Ingrounds, ongrounds, abovegrounds, book early, limited supply. Show us your best price, we will better it. Guaranteed lowest prices (519) 658-8221. (613) 547-6434. 18-lp WANTED PURE WHITE, FLUFFY KITTEN of give-away variety. Must be female. Phone 523-4872 or 887-9789. 18-2p SCHOOLBOY WILLING TO DO lawns for summer job. Phone 523-9462. 18-1 WORK WANTED: TWO strong, eager, hard-working boys, ages 17 and 15, want summer work on farm or anywhere. Part-time ‘til school is out, then full-time. Excellent references. Will work together or separately. 17-year-old has driver’s licence. Call 887-9789 after 6 or weekends. 18-2p STUDENT WILLING TO CUT lawns, do odd jobs in Brussels area. Call Steve at 887-6557 after 4 pm. 18-4 TURN UNWANTED ITEMS from your attic or basement into cash. Top prices paid for old cupboards, desks, dining room suites, chests of drawers, glass, china, old lamps, etc. Call Auctions Unlimited, 527-1847. 16-tfn WORK WANTED: CUSTOM plowing and cultivating with 4- wheel drive tractor. Phone 887- 6287. 17-3 WANTED TO BUY: WEEK TO 10 day old Dairy and Beef calves. Phone482-7301. 08-tfn , OLD WRIST WATCHES WANT- ed-men’s only - Old Rolex and Patek Phillip wrist watches want ed. Also wanted Eaton’s “Quarter Century” square wrist watches (25 years service) will pay $750 and up for this watch. Phone 1-416-365- 7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S2. 18-lp HELP WANTED THE BLYTH FESTIVAL IS SEEK- ing students on Saturday, May 16th to help with housing - cleaning and/or moving. Phone 523-4345. 17-2 PART-TIME HELP WANTED: shift work 4 to 12 and 12 to 8 includes weekends. Call for inter view: Rammeloo Rest Home 523- 9478. 17-2 APPLICATIONS WILL BE Ac cepted for part-time help for the Brussels Ball Park Booth and Playground. Please send applica tion to Brussels Recreation Dept, c/o Karen Hastings, by May 11/87. ' 18-1 PART-TIME GREENS-KEEPER for the Brussels Bowling Club. Call Jean Bewley 887-9047. 18-2 HOUSE CLEANERS REQUIRED by Town and Country Homemak ers to do heavy season cleaning in Blyth, Belgrave and Wingham areas, $6 per hour. Call 1-800-265- 3039 or 357-3222. 18-1 HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons required im mediately to sell toys and gifts for national home party plan com pany. No investment, deliveries or collections. Call (519) 258-7905. 18-lp TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-county truck driver training. Job search assis tance available. Kitchener 720 KingE., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. 18-lp TENDERS WANTED © A MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T.fH.C.] 87-07 For the Supply and Installation of new ]A” under lay and new Resilient Tile Flooring, atten row housing units on Bristol Terrace in Wingham, Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, May 20th, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A1M5, [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting refer ence number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TENDERS WANTED For cutting and trimming grass at the Blyth Lions Park. Tenderswill be received for the above until Tuesday, May 12,1987 by the Blyth Lions Club, P.O. Box 383, Blyth, Ontario. Please submit preferred wage. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ilyaccepted. 18-1 NOTICE AS OF THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1987, I, Kimberley Pilgrim of Blyth, Ont. will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by Bruce Brown. 18-lp AREER TRAINING FREE: 1987GUIDETO STUDY- at-home correspondence diploma courses for. prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- al Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-268-1121. 18-lp BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next class May 30 - June 6/87. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip. Ont. N0J 1M0 (519) 469-3936,(519)537-2115. 18-lp TRAIN TO BE A PROFESSIONAL Auctioneer. Canadian Livestock Champion Instructors. Profession al results. Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94, Kitscoty, Alta. (403) 846-2211. 18-lp EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WORK OVERSEAS. A FANTAS- tic challenge awaits you. Work in Australia, New Zealand, Europe. A variety of farming placements available including dairy and horticulture. If you are single, 19 to 28, have 2 yrs. practical agricultur al experience, then contact: I.A.E.A., 10 Chrysler St. Ottawa, Ont. K1S 4C2. Ph: (613) 235-4287 (2:30-5p.m). 18-lp OVERSEAS POSITIONS. HUN- dreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All occupa tions. Free details. Overseas Em ployment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 18-lp PERSONAL NEED HELP? ? ? ? LISTEN TO THE “Back to God Hour!” Sunday 7:30 a.m. CHAM820 Hamilton, 9:30 a.m. CKAN 1480 Newmarket and at7:30p.m. FM108 Burlington, or, watch Faith 20 Global T.V. Mon day-Friday at 5 a.m. 18-lp DATES GALORE: FOR ALL AGES and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till8p.m. 18-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT, HOTEL, DELI, bakery, butcher, grocery, submar ine & pizza equipment, refrigera tors, grills, fryers, slicers, sub & pizza tables, ice machines, steam tables, walk-in coolers and freez ers, deli cases, scales, cash registers, gas stoves and ovens, dish washers for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures Hamilton 1-416-528-8528, Toronto 1-416-283-2600. 18-lp HEATHER LODGE RESORT, Haliburton Highlands. Adults en joy enchanting atmosphere, beau tiful setting, fireplace suites, lakeview dining, billiards, recrea tion and sauna rooms. Swimming, boating and golf packages. Bob and Heather Cairns (705) 489-3257 Minden, Ontario, K0M2K0. 18-lp MAPLE SANDS RESORT, Haliburton Highlands. Special seniors vacations. All inclusive packages from $315 per person per week or less. June 6-13, 13-20 and 20-27. Live theatre, Scottish Festival, travelogues, excellent meals, friendly atmosphere. Lodge or cabin accommodation. RR #1, Haliburton, Ont. K0M ISO (705)754-2800. 18-lp ON THE ARCTIC ADVENTURE seeChurchill, Rankin Inlet, Re pulse Bay, Harbour Islands, Arctic Circle. Tour: August 16th to 24th. Call Clare Burt Tours (416)451- 4995 or 1-800-268-3090. 18-lp HART LODGE, HALIBURTON highlands. Breakfast and dinner daily, swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, tennis, shuffleboard, boats, supervised children’s and adults programs all summer. For lower spring rates, senior specials or summer family weeks, Call free 1-800-461-7699. 18-lp 5 DAYS OF SPECTACULAR scenery Cruising Rideau or Trent- Severn Waterways on comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. 18-lp DISCOVER THE BEAUTIFUL Bruce Peninsula. Resorts, Lodges, cottages, campgrounds. Fishing and charters, swim on sandy beaches, hiking, scuba diving on shipwrecks. Write Box 269 or call Bruce Peninsula Travel (519) 534-2671 Wiarton. 18-lp LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS ALEXANDER GARNISS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Thomas Alexander Gamiss, late of Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, who died on April 5, 1987, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of May, 1987, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to thoseclaimsofwhichnotice has been received. DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 16th day of April, 1987. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 16-3 CARD OF THANKS YOUNGBLUT. We would like to thank our many friends, neigh bours, relatives and everyone who helped in anyway for joining us in celebrating our anniversary. Spe cial thanks to our family for putting this event on for us. Also thanks for all the lovely cards and gifts we received. It was very much appre ciated. - Thanks again, Lyle and Yvonne. 18-1 COUSINS. I would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours for the visits, gifts, flowers and cards I received while in the Wingham Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. McGregor and the nursing staff on the second floor for their care. - Merle Cousins. 18-lp