The Signal, 1930-6-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL, Killers for Moths Use Fly-tox, Flit, Larvex, Moth Gas, Sapho, Cednr- lene Flakes, Moth Balls, etc., to proteLt your fur, coat, woollen blankets, chesterfield and carpets against the destruction of the dreaded moth. Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderkh Geo. Westbrook & Son Builders and Contractors We specialize in the laying of new Hardwood Floors ELECTRIC SANDER for sanding new and old floors. Window Caulking ALL KINDS OF ROOFING SEE US Geo. Westbrook & Son Phone 366w Trafalgar St. Goderich rIM Copper Wash Boilers Special price $3.50 Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET WE DELIVER i GODERICH, ONT: erts, K t last week I Yr. George Fonreturned with them to Kent county, KINGSBRIDGT 1 •c f �GPIAN5" pc(!NGSBRIDGE June 3. -Yr. and Mtge•. )lanes..• Griffin and laatw, from Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tim Griffin for several days recently. ` nen Anson returned last Y• as II ret P'rrguwu entertained LUeaa to spent( the next few weeks a few of her girl 1187 party Wet Saturday. I Mrs.Reed spent a few days last week l[ ur of )_::AiL•':'.ata SIIKEWSKL'KY NAA Mrs. Guy Durham, of St. George, via- VE}:N GREAT t VENTR. Ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson. reeewtll. Histry • Lnrlu In Every iitrr'ta of Mr-. Leuuard Yuug! lut and babe, Ur- Betty Anu, who have been at the holm i Thursday atter a visit with Miss Chis. .indent Pity, Lying Petaeesul 'tear home of Mr. and Mrs t:,vl- Yungblut' puha in of o r I Welsh Korder-llld Castle \naw tete for a mouth, retunu•d Nath her hue - busy city of our Detroit friends toett the build esu Sunday last. busy city 1111 Derorwith Day spend I Property of l'1llxPua• Mrs Jor. In%iu • yt-tbal her sister a tvuple of days with their friends King Charles would have made 81111 other friends at eituton on Sou" herr. The visitors included,Mr. Walter I them a ctly. but they shore rather to day Dalton,Mies Mary O'Rielly, Idler E. in a corporation as they are for �! face ` h 4 t Jr ( p ! 1 friends tit a birth- I Nlth them with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour Lncknow Mr. and Mrs. Clareuee CY>x spent the week -end with relatives at Monk - ton. Mr. Jaok Ma+Callum. of Belgrave, had his power clippers at Mr. John Uilleapie'r on Monday clipping sheep. Mrs. Kerr lute tern very poorly dur- ing the past work. Mr. Harry t'hantney was going to London on Sunday to have an tray h d M J McKenzie, I gems D P• d token N ILE }' NILE. June 3. M g n. Mr. 'Albert Cameron G. Drennan, L. ('Loughlin, Wawa May to be 300 years ego, and Proud 3a- with )I r. and Mrs. Wm amt Toes- )IeFeuxlr nod Zelda Mae. i loplana yhint: at the home of his daughter, ep•nt Sunday Mrs. I Ian ry Fuller 1 undon We art pleased O'Connor, Mr.. u Mrs. J. which they were called the roes alr;.,t•. 1.11 Murray,Clunl. lau'1 )ln, Keeler, loplans " __ Mr. . MaiCallum of Belgrave spent ars, R. rray, C. Doyle, R. Keeler• I mud Saloptans they had reason - r. D. Bogie Is cls• Monday with )(re. ltobt. 1'urdof • meron and family the have reason to be to -day, of Goderich town- to report that Namara. � for ShrewsDuty stands as one'o! the ' Mr. Victor O'Rielly, fromt who has INs•n In n 11 London,' fairer[ of English towns. alike la alt- *hip. this ae k )ler. l amen ri. %i-iusl his .Isu•f. lbw 'Smyrna last Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cum.tdge an''' serious condition In \\'Ingham hospital11 Mr Atoms MndFlr. of the Bank u[ tteek and left seri Sunday for [A•trw'r.i u�.rdlewlion •ri r. male\ trios river. cir. C. of 1 'troll, spent the week- dud tat tJIP home of the lady's father, fur the poet LPN' ww•kx, Is M.N. pew' �Ifiµler r rUlff. Itnllgnnuou, slwnt'the ober.. Ile eylsa t• h, spend the e r !churches .and timbered ho•Ist. and greasing favorably and Ne hope for Mr. and Mra. Thu Griffin, Mr. noel theII charm of Itr beredld past. Per- �1r. Jones her rapid recuperation. op.:. 41,41 at his home Item Mrs. M. Griffin and babe, visited 111Messrs. Harold and Gordon Snell, of r r. George truffle, of Kincardine, haps its proximity to Chester has Lulalesboro, visited at the home. o[ Dublin on Sunday. somewhat overshadowed it, but uo spent a few days host week at home Mr. M. }vlley and Mks G. Foley mot - palming passing south from the city on their cousin, Mrs. herb Pentland, ou .,f his grandstul, )1 r. Harold the hong Desi to Loudon on Sunday and 'lett Stretfird-nn-Avon, Sunday. The pity, "Belle, Rodney, Smile." the Dee to, say. Mss.. Lillian Wise. of iwterleh, la {lot on In the wilt. 11 Hall on le.- edll'tttutig their friends there. should fall to attend a day or even people of West- name of Mr. thehsen atyoung N"the this weeka n K 1 stlu 1IliPt l{ vl !hnv c •,•fur u, 1 t u i►r- 8 •C r b 1 la N i I glens (( tat noire within • the ambit of Its walla, trait last Sunday, and )tri. Jta - .l Melutyre• field. was nue ,if the best plays that Mr. Thos. O'Keefe, who graduatwt says a spticlal despatch from the Yon• Mr uud Mrs. Thos. Tubb and_ Mr. h»te ,•ger be•u presented here. Eull of I Itor Ru and Mr-. harry Sanderson and daugh- humor and wit. and corniest sltua- wlth high honors last Friday from the [tugs de J[ontgonatry, a friend Ietudml University, Is hove for his and ally of the Conqueror, was Quick ter Itery1, of Goderich, were guests [lona, cruel withal clean 81111 wholesome, holidays. Thomas is a son of Mr. stir' to discern the advantage of the pen- ou Si11,luy at the home of Mrs. James it tions. enjoyed by a hill house. Mrr. Coo O'Keefe and we wish to a=• Tat'. Mr. and M. A M. Kirk, of Setafurth,. [dud oar ,ir tett' Ion>, a. it 1- wilt.. Insular site, at(A on the narrow neck Mr. Isaac Tuld, 81111 Mr. Henry Mat- spent Tu,•iria> lust with Mr. and Mrs. of land he bullded a castle, "in such .1 h. 1te•,'ruft.t lulu+unl for a tNty of nlaetera years to a brave plots that 1t could have thecae each lost a valuable burse hast obtain his B.A. We sincerely hope bt• Nw•k. II lei us so.r•esetul• in his future •byre flying in every etrete.' Miss )lyrtle Mclutyre• of Guderieh. LtKieu 1'feafe July _3nl • '„seer •1s he has been hitherto. That was true wore than 800 years 1 week with her sister, Mrr Joe Hogan. .. ------- dominate - riinl"u tuiGoderich me will I ie.CIIURt%Hi • -fur Ih • perp.-.• of arc,ioaine for the ammo! veterans' i. 11tc it Ana decided to old the pi. Cleaning and Pressing Expert `service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STR' El Phone 339 ASPHALT SHINGLES ROLLED ROOFING Thursday, June 3, 19115.4 la -.tient the w'ee " N' a .� ago. and It Is true revs ,1 for the '1't:„.. Dickson. Jr. ' wlwaat.041 representing the Legbei Ih.et- of Exeter. t4•afurth, \Vfughnm. ' int '1'lu:, - �.:Ic Nutt uL ' om as a Lord of t6 Ca ale \M'HIT}'ttHl(tC({ Junr 2. -Mr and )Ir. J C Klug and )[r. Fl g 1t.asani draws of ShrewabOly r of Hamilton, vt'dt d friends in the ail- cleat castle, glowing in the -red sand- 1 t u Clinton lege this week. atone of which they are built. still d 1 t thetown.They used to frown, for if the Lor e + t was a terror to lila enemies without )(r-. _leek Could*. of Mount Forest. COLBORNE TOWNSi:IIP COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. June 1.- a •'harbltory gent” to those who were her I.,j er, Mrs. R. Y. l arch -. i 'ulw from the different towing u Mies Annie Parker, of Clinton. visited favored by hla prttictlon. But to-daY Mrs.►[. }'ox and Miss Isabel left un ,itu,y N111 Ise one of the frame.• B. C. WOOD SHINGLESs. yids ►„•r . Miss Gdatlyr TrelIc., the castle smiles. Out of funds ala- Monday to visit some time with ,l artber part velars re ..rvling the over the week-end.ed by the Shropshire Horticultural her sister, Mrs. Jag. Stern. at Regina• .{arts 'inerrant will be pubis -ped later I Miss Helen Swan of Clinton, spent, noels.' It was bought by l,nrd Bar- where tis Little Fox has been for it at Itavfleld on W.dnr•sltty. .duly the chicle of the Severn. he was alp* were Sunday visitors at the home of A suft•h8M tournament IwtNs•n I the Hardwood Flooring 1':%a 1'ettmau. ,to the citizens. -GET MY PRICES- mites RICESadlar Anne 1 McDowell, of Clinton R. STANDISH THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Torontos6.f0 Globe •.. .. ... Th. Signal lad Tim Tomato 6.50 Daily Star The Signal sad Tie Loudon 6 Advertiser . The Signal and TM Leedom GAO Press Th. Signal and Th. Turas s 6.50Mail end Empire The Signal and The Farman' 3 25 Sun The Signal and -he Family Herald and W s.kly star 3.00 The Signal and Saturday 5.50 Night The Signal and Tito Now Outlook 1.90 The Signal aid Constliso4 65 Homes anM d Gasda The Signal sail T1s Catbolic 3 75 Record The Signal aid McLean a M as 3.75 The Signal sadMaatroal Wit.85 - nes. renewal... 3 new " 3.50 The Signal a n d World Wide .. . renewal 4.25 new 385 The Signal and Youth'• Con'p.n+on ........ .r. 3 80 The Signal and Tis Toronto s 75 Star Weekly The Signal ar l Red sad 345 Gun The Signal ad T1s casaba. 2 9s Countryraaa ... Clubbing Rates War Other Peri- odicals May iia' Iliad on Application visit with others elative.. Is Sa-a eonr`'1111111111111111111111111111NIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIL • the.-wsek•eltd with her friend, : Miss nerd. and made over as a free Sltt the past six mouths,. They will oleo To the castle came Fleury IV. to ewau, ate w Miss Olive URI. of Owen Glendower and the rebel )Ir. and Mrs. Percy Vincent and Mrs. (Rev.) R. B. Cumming spent Percale. and four miles awt.y nes family, of MVentfteld. *erevisiting 4•0 Me• fereuce visiting friends and oleo via- tit was here as Shakespeare tells Brien I East Street Phone 369 Goderich mug w her tin -little daughters the week to London during the Con fought the battle where Hotspur fell. Sunday Nlth their audheri )les spent the week -end with her friend, frustrate the jun. Gott of the forces jo+irne)' uR w I ua, the valiant Falstaff fought. as Miss Clara Willie and Mk.: Mary, C Mary and Nancy, who are 1n the he averred, against tremendous odds, ',minor. of .tishfieLl, weretisltiiu with = SEE US FOR Furniture Springs • Mattresses Window Shades Curtain Rods Floor Covering Electric Lamps Electric Washers J. R. WHEELER FURNITURE d FUNERAL DIRECTOR Hamilton Street Godericb, Ont. ilesnaesewwesseaesetee Special Prices in Summer Underwear Men's balbriggan Combin- ations. All sizes. 95c up Men's huttrmless Corn- binations• All ei7eS. • 75c up Men's balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. All sizes: 49c Men's Topkitr B.V.D.'S. All silt's. Special 95c Men's two - piece Grad Underwear, white cot- ton tops, at 50c and up Broadcloth hecks an Trunks (a stripes All sizes. 75c and up Robins M. Agent for Tip Top Tailors Phone 384 Spring Plants Non is the time to order your .apply ..f Plante for your tb.Ner bids, and for tilling your w 'adios and terana1a1, boxes, limiting bas- ket*. cte No finer stock to choose from. Geo. Stewart Bruce Street Phone 105 Groceries of - highest quality \\I' Fruits and Vegetables I\ -51•:\-')\ Telephone your order to next Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 ('. rnyt „1 sill:'Irl' .,,, t 's _,rtl1 •atrdi't \\F. PF.I,IVEIt- Children's Hospital., with nervone •.a long hour hy' Shrewsbury clock. Mars \M nutlsrid Farrier over the work trouble. Both little girls are much tet- Some of those who tell found hon- end. ter and will soon (le at home again. ored resting places In the Blackfriars Mr. T. N. Moor,' awl )Ir ('Iarence 'Mrs. Wm. \'oust .r.. lie- very ill and St. Austin's Friars 1n Shrewsbury cox purchased ,ear. the past week. at the home of her son. town. Mr. Wightmau accompanied Rev. ,' Mrs. Cassidy la visiting..with her Shrewsbury la peaceful enough to. Witkinaon of St. Helens to M\'o.sh.t.n1 sister, Mra. MelIwaln, of Crlow. day, for the old feud between Eng- last week and attended t'outeretwe Mr. and Mn. Elwin Rutledge and land and Wales has died out. and t thele. Ile was called home early esu \Ir. and Mrs. Joe Young and little son. they meet only in the friendly war- Saturday, owing 0, the serious ,.roll - of Detroit, were, Halters with Mr. and fare of commerce. Hen of his sem-del-law. Mr Jas Brig - Mrs. Hervey Fisher recently. There Is plenty to see in the old ham of RI)th. who took a hemorrhage .t Goodwill Gathering. -The U:h coil town. Close to the cantle are the In his head and lalrusl into uncoil ,•,-.shoo of 1'olls.rae turned out 1'11old buildings of (h re wMlitry school. gelouaress, from Whielt he has not ,1ntJ!'c"• w11 the twining of May 1601,-0,whose moat famous scholar. Charles rallied. Very little hope Is held for say au revolr to Mr. and Mrs. John. Darwin. sit In entity before It. The his reeovery and much sympathy is Colgan. who burr rwently moved to - church of St. Mary's is worth noting. felt for the family In their trouble.1 the vb•initc of Nile. It was a fine for'lt was founded by a daughter of Mr. John Gaunt slwnt tt k u friendly gathering that met together Alfred the Great, and hen a Jesse with his meter, Mrs. Norman Wiliam.,f r a social ,evening and to do lemur window. est %Vlirton. • t" old [stns neighlNtra D/Vhlg the rren• Each of the curious street names Mr. George Robinson. of Detroit. re- and Mrs. Fwagan of a beautiful Cole- There 1. Wyle Cop. from "vll-eoppa.„ ' wrwk. ! ..... man lamp and a fernery of wickerwork. the top o tetedown- Sr*FdBT, -meat)--,',garluutMre. Net}-t'HUesple a *d-' TIie presentation was made an behalf lag the pond at th. marshy pastures; . sit., of Sestorth, spent Sunday with of the gathering by Mrs. E. Mitchell Dugpol, or "duck pool"; Barter's Mr, and Mr*. John Gillespie. 1 and Mr. John Treble. while Mrs. Treble Row, or "Bakers' Row," as the High )(r Wools and )flew Huxrl, ale. Es read the following address:" Street used to -be' called Mfrs Clark and )Ills McKenzie of _ Mr. anti Mrs. John Feegan• Go down' Double Butcher Row. and Mr. and Mfr+. 'Raymond-l'InalIan and Dear Friends. -lour friendsand you end yourrelt before a noble half- family, of Crewe, and Mr. and 'Mrs ,u-14ibora of the &h concession have timbered house known as "Ireland's ,;. A. Maol,sughlln, of Detroit, were, gatlwreil together tonight to pay you Mansion," four Mortise blah, with week -end visitors with thele mother. l dui rteetes•ts. and, tq give you our best projecting brew windows. built by a Mrs. Jos. Chamney. wishes on the ,tcrnefnn of your mow Robert Ireland, whore family were Teeswater spent Sunday at the home Ing tenni our neighborhood. it Is not living In Oawestry, a few miles away. of Mrs. la•ggatt and with other rely Ith est Some endo, ss that we Part in the retire of Richard Il He was tires here. dui a presentation ation w115 made to Mr. has an origin rooted in autlqulty. turned to his home on the tab, lavt N V with yon, even if you are not going >o a •ytowt Protestant, and a furtherer MIsi 1118 and Mrs. ieorge MtQoold = fair away but Diet we shall iN shies to of the poors," as the old record says. stent Sunday nt Dungannon with Mr see van neension•alty. We cah 115011,• .,he will be myssed by his kinsfolke ' find Mr )IcR'hlnney. . on tint ,von will 1N• missl• . for inn and Mende -aril he la remembered 'Mr. and Mrs. David f'hemney nalt t,. gtvtw•11 tip with the nelghls•t(emel to -day. and his arms may be seen Vernon and Valetta spent Sunday with end lent-tN„vme pert ..f us,- We,testify blazoned on the front. relatives at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Ray fatten, of Dean loeight to year Irirndllueas and e+Nxt The old arcaded Market House Nill in all Nle affairs of the cal,11911:1 bard by, is an Elizabethan Muidine. hy. Your home has always held an en - Near by 1. the Unitarian Church viable ri•pnhttiwu ti lllllng•r las• nail your where Coleridge preached the sermon family hove peen a" eredit to vont which Haalitt walked all the way .teriing ('llri-tlatl eharneti•r and meet from Wem to hear. p,Lrnlli'sab. - - "Did you •eve' hear nos preach?" Yon have shays ls' n kind, "'Aught' ,mid Coleridge to Lamb, and the - -- 'n1 :sed generous neighbors. inking Maur THE gentle Ella replied, "1 never hoard _on.l share of work among us us well you do anything else:" .r 1.4.111K fnittlfnl. diligent and Indus. Dickens talar to Shrewsbury ton trines at hump. In our social life you and lodged at the Lion, In "the ,:n'r u,phcld a high stoiidaltl id nutans strangest lIttle gnome, the eehRIngs of GODERICH s of al g firm far wnrUfy peso witch t can touch with my panda." I spies at all rnsM. La the religions of There are others win haus shone r:, ire of our 4' mmllty you have nl Nutlet l'ter*tttg tttye been omitted as lenders. work• i L�-the canals pt Ed slave halted int their Meets to leg cheerfully" and willingly In every admire the beauties of the proud '.•14trfMcnt of service 111 our beloved ialnplans' town. It Is the town Itself Zion rhnrch, nod .tN•k1nR to foster and that atilt attracts us most, and when 'OLP MR. CO1DBEEM µ,ENT TO H15 COAL.4IN T^ START THE WINTERS FIRST I ;IRE WHEN HE GOT THERE TH- CDP.L BIN WAS BARE, AND 50-- farther every gaud effo[t for the 800'I you haat walked Its many streets and 4141w people here and for the bolo r absorbed the wonderful pageant of gm Interests . 1 the Kingdom of God. history they have to ahow, you may ■ MOND WONG'S CAFE I Corner of Montreal Street and the Square REOPENS on Friday of This Week • EVERYTHING IS NEW NEW DiNING TABLES - NEW FURNISHINGS NEW CHINESE: LIGHT FIXTURES In fad the whole place has been remodelled and now presents a most attractive appearance. Wirr oji- fliningAst Wong s Cafe A la carte Service at All Hours Special Service to Tourists Handsome New Electric'Sign tr, Irori' of htlftdtrt,, Open daily from 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. Gordon Wong 11111 oliMe 61116. .1111 S 49IIIiIiIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . r ■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■as■■■■■gl■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ 1 11 was with greet regret we learned pass to the western aide of the of the possibility of your leaving• -i tj11 ghrewnbury peninsula and In the ■ nod we had tugNsl it might hair su. ° beautiful Quarry walks, with their possible for you to Stat cot. fur Some noble avenue of limes, you may re- 111ne, but non that yon havel severe) deet on all that.Shrewsbury has year eounw•tiu' with us and have tap- meant In the rout h Island story of ■ 1 cu n{r }•our nen- twin nt Ntltl nee• of England. and wonder why you have 1 on In pante jna abet we think of you trot be and abal to carry' with you our kind- before.en among the proud ,yaloplaaa 1 1 1 r d -t regards and sincere n e les o your nr 1 c.ntin.Hsl health, welltli. huppinese 1'unlShment of 17tlldrosi. p ■ and aer%lee. Al uninhnn•nt of children Is cull ■ .\s n slight token of the esteem lel vii," de••lared Dr. James it which we hold yoga, and as n memento and only .f sur eherlahed g'seIwlll for yon, Hughes, veteran' educationist. In an ■ w,• Nould eek you kindly to des ns the address before Public School teachers 1 ' honor of aesyrt1ng 11.1a fernery and in Toronto recently. M 1 C.leulnn (emit, As yen light it' eet•1i "The preachers have been preach- 11uu• may it kindle in your heart our. Ing corporal punlsbment In their ser- ■ ren'[ aft, for you still, and ns It mons because Solomon believed In sheds mut Its pure white rays of light If," he said "They order to take what II It cavy tit yen a remembrance Solomon said to what Jeaua Christ III `1;1soet he a. foolish mall to Walt I may of the happy day. we -rent together said." ■ H didn't h f r life • Preach•,rs who should know better until OCtoht'.r. a Ihrpnabuut till e t yearn o your Springd MI It I remind you of prated of "spare the rod and spoil ■ the question is-- do know about the Rig an . tunl'.ng lily ay al l� Ihrht nod who the child," hut, he declared, they ■ Summer Coal Sal And now' the (;,s1 who Rove t I "God never made a fwd boy -If he Is bad he 1. home-made or school - made," asserted Dr. Hughes. He also advocated that children should not be sent to school beton the age of eight or even nine, e. 0U) „ till l,ring to you light In your motor- could not tend each a (ext. In the ©rile ■ r yearn. Folks profit by some' summer \\'e shall all look forwent exile tont• sales and overlook the biggest *1 1 i1N (u. t m ellen we shell ltlMl a lines. ines- bargains of the Year. This „Irl shall ell to gathered wifely ar'Mnd Sale hi -Black (^snorts" happens, Wm 'who needs not the ane to alit. Itf ■ ■ • ■ every spring and summer. It to year Ile 111mse s the late o ■ ImeD Now is the time when a cos [telt nr ns (n Ise Fourteen Veasela. • reduced oWe would like 10vnt'R MINCER*: }Ail �1' ' The Canadian Pacific Railway Ws t, ly , see von profit by this know- )Ir. Fermin responded in a ren- N,•II tottrtaen sea -going •easels in this ledge. 1nRp r.at88dP thanking his friend.. for SrttW (Mumble coastalberyls*, ' ■ CALL felt by Mr. and )ire. 4'enRan In Idac. SUPERIOR STORES ■ ■ ■ STEADILY GROWING ! al alrg,ani,:nti'•11. 1. .\t dee. t't *•tett hnmirwl (stint• in.untari�' rot N 1i1 find Snp•rior Chain `t"nes. • This their •.sen •ton•„ - at u•ndily 50,41111 ,iil'1/wre air good n•ae'ms. ('e.gde hkd to d„ hnaines with men who N here high quality. per. diel e'rvlee, I'tw prices and ravel delivery ere always rtrul e�,ll!I,h'rate,ne. l�•1,. too, will Lrrrer t•. ahwp with the Mlerel11f1an t WE "SELLtITHE BEST FOR LESS ■ ■ APLE LEAF Sockeye Salmon 22c Ovaltine .. Small 50c, Medium edius $1.25 Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes 21c . Kraft Salad Dressing or Spread large bottle 25c Babbitt's Cleanser 2 tins 17c Kara Coffee .. 1 Ib. 33c 2 1 {Ib. 44c Chipso, large pkgs. 1 _�s KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN Crosse & Blackwell's Orange Cup 13 c Kkovah Health Salt . Borden's Malted Milk Carnation Milk large 1 Benson's Corn Starch .. • Large pkg. 19c Lemon or z bottle 35c 2 tins 35c 53c 4c small, 2 for 15c per pkg. 1 1 c 2 tins PUMPKIN 25c Large 2' • Size ■ • PHONE YOUR ORDER TO ■ J. Calvin Cutt, Gedench ■ Una Lealand Sweet Large 30 oz. bot. Mixed Pickles 44c McLaren" Queen Olives 32 oz. jar 37c Brunswick Sardines .. 24tins 25c pkga 25c Brillo, small .. - - Loose Clothes Pins . . 3 doz. 10c Corn 2's, Peas 2's, Sieve 4 . 2 for 29c Red Pitted Cherries, heavy syrup, 2•s per tin 23c Pure Strawberry .dam, 40 oz. jar 39c Free Running or Iodized SALT 2 cartons 17c Aylmer Sliced Haws ,ian Pineapple, 2's Squat per tin 25c Marshall's Kippered Herring in To- mato Sauce 1's 23c Chocolate Bark. 6 for 25c Elimar Vanilla`or Lemon Extracts 3 bottles 25c GOLDEN Hallowi Dates • ■ ■ • ■ ■ 21bs.' ; , 23c • ■ their gifts end rcpresSing the regret __ _ ■ Tait --- ■ J. J. McEwen, Goderich, r AUBURN S tug the d them t neighborhood. Duty, he wild. PHONE 116 ■ bed tidied them to their home at Nile. ■ PHONE 46 The pottering nnmberel meter stet). 1\-/r DELIVER ■ COAL. I and It waS quite a sorprrlae to JfF. end AUBURN, June 4th. -Mr. and Yrs. ■ MUSTARD COMPANY , Mr'' P5555,' The rcerino was spent in G 1.. Sturdy, Mr. Harry Sturdy. Yr. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■•■ ■ ■ ■ J. B. a ettttal war. nod luny h oils ...mai by J Ball and M'rs. H. 13. tall of .. a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1d I■ I� ■ ■ ■ ■ • phone 95 - Goderrel � the vlattora. their broths,, Mr. Jamey Ball, nt Eh-