HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-04-29, Page 22Classified Ads THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1987. PAGE 23. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum$2.50for20 words, additional words 10ceach. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1987GUIDETO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/ Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto 1 -800-268-1121. 17-lp BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next class May 30 - June 6/87. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. P.O. Box 145 Inn- erkip. Ont. NOJ 1M0 (519) 469- 3936. (519)537-2115. 17-lp TRAIN TO BE A PROFESSIONAL Auctioneer. Canadian Livestock Champion Instructors. Profession­ al results. Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneering. Box 94, Kitscotj', Alta (403) 846-2211. 17-lp EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT, HOTEL, DELI, bakery, butcher, grocery, submar­ ine and pizza equipment, refriger­ ators, grills, fryers, slicers, sub and pizza tables, ice machines, steam tables, walk-in coolers and freezers, deli cases, scales, cash registers, gas stoves and ovens, dishwashers for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtur- e, Hamilton l-(416)-528-8528; Tor­ onto 1-(416)-283-2600. 17-lp PERSONAL DATES GALORE. FOR ALL AGES and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. 17-lp ADOPTION SEARCHES, INTER- ested contact Triad, Box 5114, Stn. A. Calgary, T2H 1X1 (403) 256- 0729 evenings. Adoptees search­ ing: Donna Margaret Alyward 10-Jan-64 Scarboro, Helen Jane Palmer 10-Jun-22 London, Doug­ las, Howard Brown 12-Oct-50 Toronto, Pamela Maxine Dickey 17-Feb-63 Toronto, Linda Ann Browell 09-Jun-50 Toronto, Bar­ bara??? 22-Mar-56 Oshawa, Anne Myles 26-May-52 Sudbury, Don­ ald Gall Sherman 15-Feb32 ? Toronto. 17-lp ADOPTION SEARCHES, CON- tact Triad, Box 5114, Stn. A. Calgary, T2H 1X1 (403) 256-0729 Evg. Birthrelatives searching for: Albert Garstka 23-Jul-34 Edmon­ ton, SandraMichelleTowle31-Jul- 53 Calgary, Leasa Newcomb 24- Oct-59 Toronto, Dean Allan Pierce 15-Jun-62 Barrie, Muriel Anne Pierce 05-Jul-66 St. Catharines, Charles David Orfice 19-May-54 Ottawa, Sandra Lee Thompson 06-Oct.-67 Toronto, Kirk Richard Norman 23-Jan-57 Toronto, Eliza­ beth Anne 12-Nov-68 Victoria. 17-lp NOTICE ANYONE WHO LEFT IM- plements or other articles to be repaired by the late Thomas Alexander Gamiss are requested to pick same up at the shop on Tumberry Street, Brussels, Ont. on or before May 15, 1987. Please call Muriel Gamiss at 887-9400 to make arrangements. 16-2 to twit's All in the CLASSIFIEDS TRAVEL RESERVE NOW & SAVE!!!!!!!! Join our Agricultural Tour to Britain, June 23rd to July 13th or our Agricultural Tour to Scandi­ navia, August 29th to Sept. 16th. Discounts Available to May 1st. Call Clare Burt Tours (416) 451 - 4995 or 1-800-268-3090. 17-lp 5 DAYS OF SPECTACULAR scenery cruising Rideau or Trent- Severn Waterways on comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. 17-lp DISCOVER THE BEAUTIFUL Bruce Peninsula. Resorts, lodges, cottages, camp grounds. Fishing and charters, swim on sandy beaches, hiking, scuba diving on ship wrecks. Write Box 269 or Call Bruce Peninsula Travel (519) 534-2671 Wiarton. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICETO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CLIFFORD HUNTER RILEY ALL PERSONS having claims againstthe Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on the 21st of December, 1986, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2nd of May, 1987. AFTER THAT DATE the Admini­ strator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 7th day of April A.D. 1987. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES P.O. Box 1028, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Administrator 15- 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS ALEXANDER GARNISS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Thomas Alexander Garniss, late of Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, who died on April 5, 1987, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of May, 1987, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to thoseclaimsofwhichnotice has been received. DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 16th day of April, 1987. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 16- 3 CARD OF THANKS MEIER. Wewouldliketothankour family, relatives, and friends for their visits, cards, flowersand gifts while we were in the hospital. Special thank you to Dr. R. W. Street and the 2nd floor nursing staff.-Linda and Nicole. 17-lp ENGEL-CLARK. We were mar­ ried April 10 at Cranbrook. We say thanks friends, relatives and neighbours for best wishes, gifts and your attendance at the recep­ tion. - Marilyn and Jack Clark, 697 Devon St., Stratford. 17-1 YUILL. I would like to sincerely thank my family, neighbours and friends for all their cards, calls and gifts while I was in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to all the ladies who sent baking and gifts to my home during my convalescen­ ce. It was all greatly appreciated. - Marlene Yuill. 17-lp CARD OF THANKS SHORTREED. We would like to thank the doctors and staff at both Victoria Hospital, London and Clinton Public Hospital for their excellent care during our stay. Thanks to Seaforth-Clinton and Goderich ambulances for their services. We would like to thank everyone for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards, and the extra help at home looking after the boys. - Valerie and Krista Shortreed. 17-lp SN ELL. Just a note to say thank you to all the thoughtful people fortheir phone calls, cards, flowers and food. Sure helps the time pass a littlefaster.-FlorenceSnell. 17-lp BEAN. 1 would like to thank all my friends who sent cards, flowers and fruit baskets while I was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning heme. - Maurice Bean. 17-lp EXEL. I would like to thank my families, friends and neighbours for visits gifts, flowers and cards while in hospital, and since returning home.-Joan Exel. 17-lp CLARK. The family of the late Trish Clark would like to thank all our friends, neighbours, relatives and co-workers who have helped us andTrish during this past year. The many cards, flowers, food and visits have made us realize how many lives a person can touch. We would like to thank Dr. L. L. DeVebre, Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario, Dr. Keith Hay, Clinton, Marlene Richmond, R.N., and Beatrice Brubacher, Home Care, who all helped Trish and made it possible for her to be at home. Thanks also to the ladies of the Walton UCW and to Barb and Max Watt for their support and kindness. We would also like to thank the Bell Canada employees from the Stratford, Clinton and Listowel centres. To Roger and Carol, Chris and Judy, Wayne and Lois and Bonnie, a special thank you for just being there. “Thank you’s’’ never seem enough - your friendship will always be remem­ bered. -Bruce, Pam, Jim and Greg Clark. 17-1 BIRTHS SHORTREED. Jason, Matthew and Bradley are thrilled to announ­ ce the arrival of their little sister, Krista Margaret Rose, born April 3 at Clinton Public Hospital weigh­ ing 8 lb., 4oz. Proud parents are Bill and Valerie Shortreed, RR 1, Walton. Proud grandparents are Wilfred Shortreed and Glen and Norma Rose. MEIER. Fred and Linda are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Nicole Anne, born April 24/87 at Clinton Public Hospital. A wee sister for Heidi, Laura and Kerri. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meier Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamm. COOK. Paul and Karen (nee Coultes) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Amy Alisha, weighing 8 lb., 1 oz., born Monday, April 20, at Wing­ ham and District Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook, all of Belgrave. COMING EVENTS GARAGE SALE MAY 1 - 1 TO 6 p.m. Saturday, May 2 - 9 to 5, Stretton St., Brussels, riding lawn mower, hardtop tent trailer, etc. 17-1 COMING EVENTS CAR WASH SPONSORED BY 1ST Blyth Boy Scouts on Saturday, May 9from9a.m. to3 p.m. at Dickson’s Garage, Blyth. 17-2 COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Sandra Turvey on May 9 at 8:30 p.m. in the Bluevale United Church. Everyone welcome. 17-2 GARAGE SALE: RAIN OR SHINE Fri., May 8 - 6-9 p.m.; Sat., May 9 - 8-2p.m., carpentry tools, luggage, baby Stoller, books, clothes, tires, jewellery, etc. Brenda Brooks - Wellington St., Blyth, Ontario. 523-4503. 17-2p COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Valerie Johnston will be held May 13 in Bluevale United Church at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. 17-2 BENEFIT DANCE FOR ALEX and Pauline Gulutzen due to the loss of their barn by fire on May 9, 1987 at Blyth Community Centre. Dancing 9-1 a.m. Ladies please bringlunch. 17-2 PIANO RECITAL: MONDAY, May 4th at 8 p.m., in Blyth United Church by students of Shirley E. Vincent. 17-lp MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNI- ty shower for Karen Rosborough, fiance of Wayne (Joe) Riley, Monday, May4, 8 p.m. in Brussels Library. Please accept this as your invitation. 17-lp BRIAN COSTELLO..... OFFERS ideas on how more of your hard earned dollars can stay in your pocket and not in government coffers. Plan to attend the Free Seminar, “Invest for Success’’, Thursday, May 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Lucknow and District Community Centre. 17-2p ON FRIDAY, MAY 1 AT 8 P.M. the St. Thomas Male Choir will hold a concert at the Blyth Christian Reformed Church. Everyone welcome. Free will offer­ ing. 16-2 GARAGE SALE: OUR 12TH AN- nual Garage Sale will be held Friday, May 8th from 7-9 p.m. at the Blyth Community Centre. Call Bonnie Shannon 523-9326 or Can­ dice Howson 523-4508 for any donations you may have. Sponsor­ ed by the Evening Unit of Blyth U.C.W. 13-5p BELMORE CHAMBER OF Commerce presents “The Enter­ tainers.” Saturday, May 2, 1987 at the Belmore Community Centre. Dancing 9 to 1. Hot lunch in­ cluded. $6 per person. Age of Majority required. Proceeds to community betterment. For tickets call: 392-6734, 335-3793 or at the door. 16-2 DAY TRIPS: TULIP FESTI val, Cullen Gardens (Whitby) and more, Tuesday, May 5; Blossom - Niagara Falls Area, Monday, May 11; Kitchener, Thursday, April 30. Phone Helen McBumey, Nich­ olson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 16-2 SAT., MAY 2 REBEKAHS Spring Variety Fair Brussels Library 2 p.m. Bake table, used clothing, tea room, something for everyone. bargains galore. 16-2p THE GREY-BRUCE SINGERS in “Music, Music, Music.” Sun­ day, May 3 at 3 p.m. in DufFs United Church, Walton. Adults $3, Students $2. Children, free. Tickets available from any U.C.W. member. 12-16-17 COMING EVENTS AUBURN & DISTRICT LIONS Club Dance, Saturday. May 2, 1987, Auburn Community Hall. Music by Soundtrek. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission $4 per person under authority of a special occasion permit. Age of majority only. All proceeds to community service. 16-2 80TH BIRTHDAY IN HON our of the 80th Birthday of Gladys Johnston, her family cordially invites neighbours, friends and relatives to an afternoon tea on Sat., May 2 , 1987 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Blyth Legion Hall - Best Wishes Only. 16-2p GERANIUM SALE. AS PART of the U.C.W. Garage Sale May 8, geraniums will once again be for sale. Advance orders taken. Call Margaret Kai. 16-3 REMINISCE WITH SCHOOL- matesofYesteryear!!!atRolph Street Public School, 75th Reunion Saturday, May23rd, 1987 1 -5 p.m. Tillsonburg, Ont. Further enquir­ es 1 -(519)-842-2077. 17-lp AT YOUR SERVICE CUSTOM CORN PLANTING: Four 36’’ rows, fertilizer and insect. $9 per acre, 10 m. radius of Blyth. Brad Thomson 523-9723. 15-6 KENNEDY SMALL ENGINES, Londesboro. Roper Sales and Service. Phone523-4314. 17-4 J.C. ENTERPRISES CUSTOM plowing, cultivating, discing, planting, etc. Phone 526-7523. 15-6p GARDEN ROTOTILLING IN Blythonly.Call523-4301 after3 p.m. 17-2p REAL ESTATE ALL POINTS REALTY INC. Wingham & Goderich Ont COMMERCIAL BUILDING - This building [1700 sq. ft.] located on edge of Wing­ ham, iscompletely insulated and heated, large lot, hoist, office, 1 large doorway 12’ x 12’, plus smaller roll-up door. This building offers lots of potential for any small business. For more informa- tioncall Jim Ritchie, 357- 3295.***** 100 ACRES IN MORRIS TWP. - with 90 workable and approx. 8 acres of bush. Good barn presently set up for pigs and includes 11/2 storey frame home with 3 bedrooms, one being large master bedroom. House is surrounded by mature ma­ ple trees and line the laneway. Also upright silo and steel utility shed. Call Kevin Pletch 357-1967.***** Qntui)^i2)£)6 w . f ■ V Cl Advertising helps plan your budget.