The Signal, 1930-6-5, Page 2•
2 -Thursday, June 5. 1931
Established 1t148
Member of Canadian Weekly News
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 2t : Goderieh. Ont.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday, June 6, 1930
There is a curious .1,.8uutptlou 111 Int
North 'Huron, were busy mending
fences In their ridings.
• • •
Au Opposition paper says Mr. King
"refuses to spud one fire -cent piece
to help the unemployed In Canada."
What Mr. Klug ilia Gay was that be
would nut give a five -cent piece to a
Tory Government fur unemployment
relief. Which is quite a different thlug.
• • •
thing to establish It. %Hiow dined an
Earl Rowe, M.1'., who addresse • the p b nil tvhtrh be exhibited. Each man reeks the glary eight-hour atty., for instate r, Ie* estnle-
Con' •rvathr uomivating touve•ntlun in c 1 meow of lila oven constituency'. Every mein- Valid ott the farm? Eitel a member
By R. J. DhLOHIEsad
In Conservative campaign literature
will be found a statement rustling
sutuewhet like this: ,
"We import every year $2,T1S,000
lire stout of a class or kind such as
could iw grown in Cauada."
The statement is wIwt might be
(rolled a white lie with a black- border
- the border being for emphasis. We
import the live stock, sure enough, but
the importation is • y -one i
can be seriously criticised.
th Bruce. iu crltkialug the 1►uu- Of these importatious $1,51(3.1 con- Urs a(,rein sager h. add to the public
t t animals brought tett Canada
R, /. 'Nachman
1.the blame for everything that happens.
Liner and Coal
Some storm was raised over the sug-
gestion that uo bounties should be
banded out to Nova eleutlm iron uud
steel industry unless provision were
nuulr toy the estrbllrlument of au they are batiste; up fila wrung tits
o1'11A,\1"A. May 31. 1'11e ,es -loll eight hour day. This Is a qutwtiun'.poi method of finaaclug the develupmeut
which a Kreat 'kill ut C1a81ueue• cats .e of our uatural resources Is important,
but it is foolish to Imagine that tltr
whole question lies with the Dominion
Iluuae.'Pruvluebtl responsibility is fee
quenlly attached thereto. a,
Grist to the Mill
By the time this letter has reached
the public perhaps the first gun in
laud was excellent In attaek, although
perhaps his language was a bit stroul.
and Mr. Gardiner gave a cheerful sum-
mary of the situation revealing carr
111 preperallou of the question.
Perhaps the Progrrsakves do right lu
protesting against such things even if
at nu end. The last dare of a pre -'le•
tion +rsslon are not what ailght be
called wbdly- entertaining. The worst
features of political life are likely to
poured and to this occasion It was
certainly dune. It is one thing, how-
ever. to say that there uugbt to be an,
right -hour day and gnite :. different
Nor slate u a
ning budget said "there was too much for exhibition purview. This Includes 11ltendltures. The electors at tow, to du his fluty irouurt get through the
British pretereuce and not enough horses for racing- exhibition animals way view vast national problems with his work in alibi hours. But (,rebate* He 'It will likely Ko \fest. It might
safeness in return." This aplear> to and the live animals lu opinions. but Parl(ameut and termini; are twit de- be a height idea fur him to make) his
p t I►Khtful oocttlnat oar that doesn't of Parliament down here attempting
ulll have leen fleet. 1¢r.
h li in 1+ lm a rheas o(eu winds and differ K p ( 1 It 1 f first speech du the city of \lieu { K
• lie settling into the offlcral Conw•rt'a•
o u olu(uu am! never a dlslwuUng uthlu Ilk '• oder
'rhea we bring In $0'3,1100 worth of ; on the Krays stotfim a an addition
how long a
nuni/n•d +t.N•k for bradug PurLaosrs, t.. the level lestuKl.w Own- lu uu:1u- wake `mu and Chef tight- , ur .lay shoouuil d leader. lie
King 'will opposition start
C(nneervatirr•tatmpalKn literature that tier attitude towards the jiudget. Not even a Tory .should object to the Anity f 1 fly strictly to miners and newspwp•r In Ottawa; there Is n g
Liberals have no right in any circum I • • • Improvement of the stock.Why make; tante. 1 paint not here ng picture. of rpt y
Th I«ondonl pular• nle.ut It? I the Ideal -1 tell of things simply' ar own. Three ars the gd•utlrmrtl tthu are ling opt lu file hair tuvru He may
I supposed 10 have the har4le•ot work and theu go down Fact and wind up in th•
the least pay and therefor.. At .old be \''est, or come hack- to llMar lo for the
entitled to special anl+lb nitlou. finishing blows. Radio has changed
National dtalua the eituatiun somewhat and now the
1'hrrr was an lute're.titi debate valves eau he multiplied. There is n
u(ain the yuennet ut fulr offear. greater audience than that whiclellst-
stahl+. Mfr. Bennett I+ full fear. 1.115 to the speaker. Aud the radio audi-
aud misgiving, plus a few doubts anti env,. can take a uute or two, discuss
Ito• ■leech as the speech is delivered,
stances to increase customs cutler. It Is slgnlfican
t t at e 1 they tire.
Protectionists herr so long been ac taw• Press claims to have Infurtuat lou+p,r`oxlwnt lnttt19 LW 1,11110 a t' lnitoftort
thi r Thr budget is a thing ut thest
cueing Liberals of being wurshipp•rs ..f that Progressive' candidates are to be I g14 i,taM► runsist,. of yeuts, t1 tbi. For good ur evil, fur IN+tlrr .ori fur
a fetish 'tr.e trade or law fariftr that pinerri in the tl.•ld In the Huron. and I high-grade stuff. really brought in for' worse, we have it with us uutll attune
evidently they have come to believe other \Vestcru Ontario ridings. ' The! titration 'minias um.'
red 9toel t forhe hal- erthItudget tlsene was 'nes down.
The The l ititisui
the emulation to he true. Prutwllu'. Free I'rrss nu doubt has the iu[crwr �a111'' some V-'78;�0. ionslats of lees, atives fell dawn hopelessly. At firs
mcd to be •"practical non from its party friends who are 1 fuzes, leachew. pylgrotls, turtles, gold• they w1•re startlel. startlerF tofu Gtr
tats are
people." while those who oppose prat doing everything they can to Rrt, two or three tlous, tl tiger or two, pn,val. Actually three (ottoman thra i .aur amazement ; in fact, some might Without disturbing the a(,raker, dune
tection and pin their faith to a low agrI s+lvcs Into throv-cornerwl fights. probably. Nutri fur the budget. lyses they drifted think firma listening t.. lila spins hes off out istutitutg tag If the w4ole
nod a e:uuel Irobab y, coming from 1
earl?f ll are deserlbel as flees- Hut the 1' lets will have the United States Sud lalling for a Into were
11f tIINrhhion. Where fur. that it step in any dlrr-•Hutt which al.
thing i ubstitutectury, or go away
Ilit 1-s 1tl Ile i the eburs
tats "doctrinaires." c7 rogresute voters Itis weer in ern •t d they asserted a trra a rr a oust ( u
something to Raz about
that. 'Irluk. and remark tbut could make a
This 1, the whole sad story. For eon- the Increase was not enough. There' rut uleuohrrs of the Ilrltlshrunttnou letter speech theyhea If they only
The fact Is, of course. flail the lora • • • firm:rtiun look Up the trade n•tunns, are eters *souls Iu the Cuns.•nnt(rr wealth of Nations was fraught wltb- had the opportunity to do so. Times
opposite is the truth Trade 1s a nat. In 1907 4ailat(1 ?sirs men were ew I rinks who would ue' r he satisfied Ili direst 'writ not only to the went rhaute--we with the times -and ptthlb.
Why a July Election
with euith(ng sats altsohntr ezdu+tun, herr themselves but to all the rest oil men change with us.
unit and desirable uperatioa, anal pkteed in United State- factories titan! 1 re and one may doubt if rrru that would the world besides
ut n r e acts e%
sal with eleerfty It It wrrr, Mr. Lapointe nowt have champil tn'l
those who believe tbat prosperity can In I 1 1 i the mrsatIWe by the!
Ucond11n 1'rp +est
be found In the obstruction of trade use of Improved machinery. the output' All parties at Ottawa have ,•o -oyer- - hnudwl to thaw fn»n the rel+. l wane a $'rut his under frays. He yuut-
are the theories, whether the theory of the factories was Increased by over in election on sled In hg about r July electionWhat they really desire Is a policy of i sal Sir Ro(wrt Borden. one of the'
in n Angus' interferes
with What
.0 adopted by .1 r. Bennett. by the way, of the Idea of au
be right or wrong. So far from mor• two billions. This Is a development ham -ening. and the farmer and hi.,
altered uatlunal status for Canada.,
shipping a fetish, Canadian Idherats the, is exercising the winds of students work are too Important t.. Ie• MomI 4al New
t n inter Ile also quiiir6d the ?ernes Minister of
believe that the tariff is an instrument
to be employed in a practical manlier
for definite purposes, and thtit It can
be attend. moved up or down. ae cir-
cumstances change or as experlener
shows to be wise. l.lheralr, not being
theorists, believe that the witting'
operations of trade %lluuld not be
lightly Interfered with and that Gtr•
lits should be as low- as the require-
equirementa of revenue and the national,
prosperity eel allow. When changed
conditions permit the lowering of du-
ties they are glad to make the reduc-
tions, when altered eirruw-lances
seem to inn for au increase of duties'
they are not wltbheld by any hard
and fast rule Dom mal.teg tLe la -
.crease. They are not boon.' by empte
theories. but arc Ilea position to fudge
the eircutnatanee. and estimate t4be re•
tlalremenls lu a practical manner. .
When the United Stairs increased
italreadyhI 1 duties against Caned
eating point. We now hate cawlutlgn ?miller. Mr. Doherty, and that very
_ - lltrrature In new styles. Multigrapinel I stalwart' Liberal John W. Inutue of
of a onomles. Call it uverpnNluetloli ri•nfeii ed. t
.,r n(udereon•umptien, it is a serious
► 'ltd
Budget Fe•atierea, were distributed to the members, N'lunlp,rg.
state of nffalrs. Where are the cootie
Reauharnols .Again
t • be sold It men ars not earning Placing the Dunning budget turemost, 1 have Kune oat to the press under, One ..t the taenias debate. of
pAgp;'• Flow are the men n. Ilse uh•u in the scents of the month, the monthly the „tate, allow Austn•Ra Does It."' spectacular
letter of the Bank of 3 umtreal sacs. Il rho'cs a Ilst of sixty'-N•yru articles' the week on which the big gams on both
f the Ii. ha noel mutat •
asphtc,sl ba tuachlmrry'' "Time Is require) to determine the re-' the import of which is prohibited. It sides bombed heavily arose (ace the
Election Advertising
(Ranter Cities Star
Our Canadian elections might he
worse. Suppose we followed the (i-
;unpde of the United t�tates and put
our favorite eandldate'e pletnre on the
+pare tire cover'
netlun -,f trade to the new ,tale of telb haw utlrr g1NNF+ are rationed. It yarn? 11n u
duties 1 afRrued to dln•ert to Great t Ile how flet• pro{N.a• to reilu.+• Intl power scheme. This power develop
h Empire 'r.untr(•-s Mitt • .antsy � t,ll this muff ntrnt is within the Province of
No Need to Weep
Ilamilton !Jerald t
Premier Ferguson Is terribly annoyed
about not getting five cents he expected
from Premier King: 'Hdrrteeer, he has
had $:1'2.113.13(1.76 since he hes 'leen
in office from the Dominion treasury.
If under t'ertaln ' conditions Premier
Klug would refuse to Contribute five
cents more. Mr. Ferguson cannot com-
plain very bitterly.
'u es cde
ltrttaln nail other m{ re (Nuts Into t nn .•• . • .
certain classes of -imports, to lessen Las lire rent 11111 as 1111 Illnstrat1114 of The
arr11.'uIt uulcli fuove IIw.nt so far It affects
Iax:•tiuu by enlnrglnc the fere list, t.' what Canada ought to do. But the the wttlgabillty of the swten. cots
...Daudet.. cont production In Nova dark aide e't the {Acture, the dreary re the
by means of a bounty, and to It t Ill+ pr'»ear the hwrrnsluR con-
cerned The Pro%ho of Quefie• re
nsst't Anti.. branches of Canadian age
•are hr the devbe of countervail-
ing dune* two a specified list of
rlr ult
products. The �Imp8ortrnt Iron and
steel industry embraces the larger part
t the reels/nn the aim Zeins to place
de s 11
debts and declining units of .tnstraila. ,r•Ic.w (1►e ,,'oral from the lease of
nr( nut res urdal in the (Actin: the this power site.
barriers are -huttn• but not the result The critics asserted that trrolettions
of having the barriers imposed + emus of munry hail been made by those
If Cunserrntli-es' criticism was•weak•! who farmed the ('umpany to exploit
hr 1'F%. did the property. C'rosslni this contention
u le so a.,. . ...... ...... .•.
In prefernrt position In the Canadian the Progressive group For a long time ''onus the An•t tlult there are many
market the primary products of 101. In. ih,ste awn retrained their Illwrty of ae. members h1 the !louse of Common*
d•ttstry Iwudued 1n Itrltaln: lion; they have had a iertnln -fres.- who are stninglr derated to the idea of
\INtlIti,11- id the weir tax of seven dove sof open to the other male.. t:ttrrnment uw•nershlp of all (rawer
cents a round on tea of British growth They had the opportunity 10 opgNiw•. + sift'+.
was at once reflected In the price of to criticize without restraint. t.. f!nd This may Iw gnitr well and g.Nel In
the mild.. to the consumer. T1s' snips fault, *motion-, merely fur fault-! Itself and certainly appears to be work -
tax has revived a further cat and IRoftenIng out rear nfcwly In Ihr Prorlinr
finding's 'mkt.. and catwill a
n•rrro Rut "f Ontario. Lu[ It happens that there
R high , n s s -' h- . World M Mete now down to. • ler dent. from a ,ertain value nttae•hsl t (h such a thing n+ Provincial richt.
Ian oduets, there was a demand to-Woollet.s•k SrwtIfwl+R,'vlrw o tttaximum of sly pier cent. a few years now they have fallen During the last .t ti :t t are F'rur vin;1 rrich nM!
1'r .,g..." few mouths they have leen-crambling'
this country that something should be Twenty-five year., ego this month. foto the trough 11f pn.1 I..II. and with the I'nol,i 0*re the richt ur deve4
«.rc I
members of the (-mesio i,.•Ri .- -itie ' i one fief In (1e* of pr.. they eau hardly • "p their natural resources. then they
done to demonstrate to sur neighbors The Hurons in Line lallal Ie• N•rmlttwl to do a+ they p'Iaei•
were {u solemn corieltce 'wen the Sul` 1 forth Expositor erlUcive the actions of others who 1
That such tnbtmd•ut was resented. lett (,f huraele+x carriages. There were g l ttirh Ihem eat lone a+ It d.e•s ntN harpy
t'onservn(tive4 swam to have had the not pp'41 very many on the roads, but A J.Iberal uumluxrn reeves• v"rtieti. lu. They were 8m c the
notion that Liberal datrine las they to Weise days thee chugged and hanged tion held in \\'Ingham on Tuesday. (mien.iler Wood. tcantlnR utlrst „INtn+ ►, rr with the righty of the 1►o,minfnn
t:urenlment. The Pnn•indw under the
eonCrit.rl 11 t would prevent for ado'►
to contest North Huron In the forth- III nks 4 e, ..r penult grafting If It wants to do so.
combo rrdernl elections. rrru 'sinuses
Mr. Robertson 1. the editor of The eon, fr the mines of Drumheller to I The lamtinlun has Mr power to put out
r fatherly arm to stop R. But It was
G'alerlch Ontario.
nue of the beat local! Eastern ('mord■ anti Winnipeg.
a bright debate. Mr. Bennett was In
papers In Ontario. .Hr 1. a native oU Freedom's Future 1 h1. 1e•91 denunciatory form. Mr. Lacked
G.elerleh and. although he hn9 never1 wo far ns the hustle of Inw tariff 1+I ('8nnuu rrplld pffe•tlrely. Mfr. Oar -
held nubile office. he has for n great' concerned. the only ones who remain
free to coke thrix opinion. are 'het
i.Ile•rnl+ of Saskatchewan and Alberta
hl 1 air. N' H ItniN'rtsnn of (, h•rleh. was there •»" • h eircnm+tance+ has the richt to do
(Mite a hit, uud horses hauling
ye C e' '
did not to►p kindly to them. As itrtrse- chosen as the liberal aMndanl-ttparprl butter. ditties spm eggs. 1118'11 other
arta can has the right to craft
t f h 11 ill 1 terrors 1M,NIurwI •111d
drawn vehicles'(hhad longi the'l viii-hed + t 1 ;la the movement of
Oahu. to the highway, and the vot-
ing strength of automobile owners
erns negligible. it was Ineritnhle that
the legislators should endeavor to
safeguard the majority. Therefore. It
wn+ proposed that drivers of ears
should halt inn feet lwfore penning or tunny years taken.An Heuer pert I•
met -tine a horse.lrlwn vehicle, and INtlltic+ e' it J.Itwra•
not proceed until signaled. which He is widelr rend. a g ssi platform and Liberals and Ltberaf•Prog esalres,
r v the publL• •demand seemed W r.rpyln, roamer that They probably would not open ker and Is deservedly popular 1n of Manitoba. Tn-t' gentlemen xt leiter
the Come -ratites showed surprise andbass at all. Fifteen miles an 1816r was the county town where he Iias been 8t:1 111i clear They have never urge"
chagrin and auger. The people were deemed a suitable mnximnn speed. one of the moot prominent eftizen• for duties upon farm pr.»tnrt+ They Navel
a great satisfied and their opportunity to store' and • of the ntemler+ from Welling- IIs known Incthe north riding yeara. He .aii u1 will pres. "opened
tbiopinionsau They 'n• still fr.r to . c
a parry triumph had reml+hel. flit' ton proposed that ear+ ahunld be for -
make n strong and popular .lmdidmhe Tmets changes meds fn •rtmm1?
Liberals hail refusal to +bow (bene; bidden the roads exiled on certain qtr R,,twrrsnn will here nt hl+ op ice h1 the hrtdcrt were in ntoo
, dues of the week. "Hands Off" INon•nt Mr e:•orRr .Stp»tfton, the prey- certain fruits anti ro•crteblr. In *one;
selves to be iwpracthvll qtr. King AGF;, " ..nt member. n ;wrong rnudldg1.'. bet eyrie, It ens fi'It flint 1lo. rates pro-•
a had refused G. annihilate hi•m(Thu• Farm.rr; Sun1 jt1..t. by nay means, an nnl.•ntnblr cldel in the bn,tg.•t ;sere too hick
swivel,. Whines er may ImreIN•in the uurNyrl'na•. lu fart. It the conte;( I+ t' Ie* n These were rwfrt e'i and on vegetables
Demonstrating again flirts belief in of Mr. Kitties not-a-Tivparnt sanvr•h. it elraight party fight between the two. there wee 1a fairly :eneral application
Practical 111041'01111041'011.04.theR
n•.. l,wte
ral en ern•! la disclosed ill a parliauwntn ry return! the .dl+ are all In favor •,f Mr. Rob- of whet might Is• sailed a stnwaual
went, while increasing 'duties ligation flint he has leen exc ream^iy generous "moo 9,(tu the Liberal. of Smith tariff. l'bat 1.. thew product. enter
fu the Tnnluc.r, Torr, i.tlwrnl and
On Weilnp y at it .h•finite til valorem nate through
'imports felon the United States, low- Hump held their nominating eon- ont the year. but at times when th.•
erect the harriers against Rril140 croNls, i Frrm,'r. H.• hiss 1»rn most Rrnrn,ns •to rentinn in llen+nll, when Mr. Thos.-i'nmdian linelnet t• on the market
1 the Tory Province of Ontario. Mince
This not wily gives the Canadian eon -I )Ir. K1tI'came Into pewee In 10'21. he
atuner% falx play but make. still morel has Paid 10 4In12rio fir 411bd4Je+. high•
effect live the poIhv of diver I 1 I In •orlon
'Nam a Wilted inti •« 'by I r II r
tion by a Liberal Government of high-
er doth•e to fit the new ,onditiona
brought ■lout by the action of Cote
great, and that the only wry of meet-
ing- the rituallon was the placing of
their party 1n power. When Mr. Dun-
ning brought iu his Midget with pro-
visions Ruch as the new situation and
\Iel(Ilan, the sitting member. wits there is :1 definite fix.+1 m1111nnnn rate
chosen unanlmtnsly to eosin carry the of duty.
riding In the Lile•rel Intermit.. How this «• 111 work out remains to
n the
1 m t e o employment ma a r' Moneta In any. to man lin+ a wider ronin etiteet(on being. of cenr+a . that
greater opp8>rtuuitles to the people of two rnll114105 to elu.•I*.• twrufysle mil• knotvlwlq( or a firmer 'nom of the. the sea+on in 1'nmela cart.^• from one
the Mother Land. who impolite tin fid•' limas; '1.. New Brunswick nine mil• k,,litlenl problems and gneettrr1 of, year to rim anter and from one lichen
tlep on Canadian products. roiled, Mel 11"ns: i eNnva '4'4'1 18 ten ntllll(na: to the day then he. file is nn tndefatif-luf i•nrorda t.. the other. Certain .Il' -
flu• thfw• i'rnlrlr i' i(rItIr; nearly able worker. n strong and fining rant-; fit•nlfiei are likely to nrI.4 owf of this
great feature of the IhnulhlG budget • forty mullions aid to British Coltitn-
it its extension of the ltritblu prefer• t blot idne millions and a-hnlf. '' in all fret ep"lker. nn4 a nonlife fl¢hfer. + unnditioa Then from a politie•nl stand -
His political oplinnent het not yei point p.rteipe there may he an mbje•-
puce, which Is good btl.ine+s alike .tor In fids p•' •'n. the Prt'tta1 a Imre re-
Rrlatwl, bet there la little or nn, took in tracing duties taken .M and oft
.1red t the enonnnl9 natal of a bun-
('anndn and for the Empire dingo of the mtt'ome .of the elerttrm at different tinea thmnghtut the yeni.
- ' and And forty millions. T1151 amts' )ir. \G•\Illlun 1. 'eprtwF `m evert' , The Imp.•irhrn of 1.01.' spin 11 von -
the riding agafn with n eery sal. Ruiner Is Own). painful. Therefore the
)� 1<O soirees to eegnnl• the nut-reflie-vest atnutlnl mnjmrlty. consumer ilii object to having them
splw'h A9 :a timely protest ncalnat
- siding the Dominion treaeury. The meeting in Ilensnit on Weidner. Im18,svi, r+prrially if they are imposed
lune dray was one of the most Iareely at- at a 1111'• vrh.•ti hr imine 10 ;amines.
• •• • tended and most enthusiastic In the ;.m'ething. The pr.»Ine•r. on tine ether
Where i)HnatraeyReigns beery of the Lilwrnl .tsa,.111(11 in hand. will lean. n situttar objection.
'The Rood 01+1 suauuer1hue " se' %ti York World)
• • �Rmrth Union. 1'he duties tit ay to taken off smlP-
While wv Americans Ilkr to feel that _s-_ _-_ times joist at a period when In. wants
1.0111P -
HOW doe» your _sella gr+int our Roternm'wtnl ayaem is a donne -
Melia _ ihelia retnitrrri. rind YO he will ren11fu
• • • s racy more amenable 1n the pahllc will Has t%eNevrd Swcoe n few
The Dunning budget is devised to. (bait Ilumt of any other nation. we fist- Exeter Titers-Adcoeat,': \t r. nrrd',t>�d that h lull sore int 7el»rn't; doland
+k the t
ter ourselves. The British detneern,•y Mrs. Vrank Aldworth. - of Kitchener. i
divert Canadian trade from tliit"('r.(t• 14 lar •more weeetlihle to public opin-' 8114 two children visited Mr. and M(rs. and the 4;,or1•RIme111 will naturally fret
ed States to Great Britain. isn't'thit' 1011.
Engigodt. or ilnfthe
English 110 arc lett ridtrathny.\f.m t Mntor
what the Canadian people want. cora ,
in ions on Ilove conditions'titwoold df 'tempt , and Sunday. Mrs. On Mo i f,•fh,' -
wblch mal.• nu diffe.remce here•. 511..lohu 1\'Il.+un. they visited on tlrptrl
- Thus.we have an 11lne(ratinn in the way -home 'F'rank's father. 51r. 1.4•wi.'
nn11unnre111eut of Meek.•nib. King. 11ie .\ldwnrth, here. 51r. 'F'rnnk •lhlwvorth !
('tnnndtan frim.' 51inl•ter, that his (:ov- is one of the youug tem front Bay i
I eminent will go to the people In nu field whir have been nu urtt+ shell , j
lelection nt the etirliesf iees1ble inn- 'tilens+ aOnng 1meitie+a Ilner. Nineteen
meat. The (►pis.,Ilion Insists that the years ego he lett the old Aldw-nrfh1
l way an,+trip t inn. tea• no's e r
Ung trade Ale \h•1flthul is reognlzwl as one Ie* seen. if has leen a mmil 41 senor'
war (erosion+. old alit. is it IAn+ and nn- ..f 1114 IN",t 18o•teri men FOOT in Pnt• pruht.•m There nr, "Weenies,. t IL r
t' t,ndlm7+ a 10.,11• than thirty h
•• •
What Is 9111,1 to he the' 11rge+t tenth
t,•v plant Ian the world Is :at 1trr+ter-
phln1, lidluhurgh. Scotland. and lute
n brooder With n capm Ity' or 1:,1._''11
• • • ',amity ha+ Inst ,.onfiu)rue.•. and 11,. 11•,mr+tend ht t.011l'r1h township. fin.l
'Hon. E ('. hrurl ?osmics 1 .1 e ► Premier agreesMmt there, Is emend, to hem n linsfne, arse In thelWungham
Premier orOtutnt
hi and
1tIeg n114 4%114 a menilier of the lit,,.,.
Ministry. ore bout sun" manager of (hr ilye ring ell+. nn 1
fr oro Ie1w•er
in + a1 stn the 1ss.pb 11.15 1
mine the gtl.RNon of eunfllenCr. .tad 'ro. Sten on us'pass m r • s. '
• the la,. parties pill appa•nl to the soon a+ hr geminates! he +e.v+nr1 I
ts•ople •and if the people here Inst 'on- position lir Kitchener and f"r the
+ levant
:'+ i.IIN•r:al fitettee the Mineral Oneefthment will trait eighteen. year he lin
this el'ctlutt. 1)1su,• Trunk Coro ney'. qtr. .ldwnrth her,
Under our y
• • • I urn known fo lose confldeMr in an L vent prom] of �'tttnk'. moss,. nod
('nun'llan- arc• Ile' ,tn'ulfe+l butler administration In the first months o1 F'rnelt 14 NMI lly Prplbd of bis floe old
!eters and the greatest milk -drinkers power. rn'I 'l (hill nd•ministnation Inti ,Intk t „
in the work+(. It w;'• 1I. -greet hnmr','n'it1 r1 in atthurIt do•pit' 1hi loss .11 the pre.ent time F.I. Aln,' and•
of confldeocr, for tons years more. ►.ewi' .Haworth are nt-fling ncerr the(
tomanmptlm(�, ( milk :1°4 1161"4. -ant 1 $yhnulil the ele'tio ns this fall rennin I neighboring township' bne111* (ewe Ill
th? tariff- -Ttrnr 1^".1''-Is••"•Il lc Ila' im- in the election of a ihen'N•t•,n11, Ilona.
pnrtatMn of .tea ealn• •,hbniter, rn ant ll willtbe repttdfetwtrt11111ltthetnn'1-
vrle&b ll will' isle'."
• n' '' 'Ion or on
The Stratford 11.14....o.1 1.1..111. null M t1 wart etch 1 R•
take the pini• of n berg'. nnmis•r of
"utile ttt-Ing In Norris fnwnshlp of the
rani dl+enee which 1+ yer centntion+
It ears brought In by until. fermi wh'
e . i+laths as the new (\t.' . 'fit. a gentlemen nrr finding that
• Ing Out molt 1a( of 11»• '243 memlwrs , Con retie ire h f
n people. may "Ws Are held at high price, by the
• rem the (Iry 111'.
' 111 the irnuw• of commons' voted in An utalo'rtske Mirth a thing wmild he Ira- fermiers
• 'important .1i, 1-1,•11 on often' 10. final 1 powetlde in England or In Canada -_ -- -
days of the • se.n11, fit
wl►erp the '1 th.A
gnrntes'ad mtwraey ingthe' w;IL, If t(m rare hengrry on't yon gee m work
of her 111 members *Nle. g re R
'+ but the ,IH;h have moved ahead and I
nnnlma let t"T tried
r erflintFSu'tangy
N„M of them. like the 11wbi r tot. r p
n takes oaees• ►
life -like good golf -is made
up of many little things each
one of which help, the score.
Better digestion -steadier
peeves -dearer brain. nue all
factors that count ■nd are
gained from the
use of Wrigley's.
ewer tart
IL,/ you suffer after meals with a
belching, from sour and acid stomach?
Many believe they have heart trouble
and tremble with fear, expectingany
minute to drop dead. This conition
can be prevented, likewise relieved
Take Carter's Little Liver Pills
after meals and neutralize the gases.
Sweeten the sour and acid stomas re-
lieve the gas and uuourage digestion.
The stomach liver and bowels will
be cleansed of poison, painful and
d: iigerousndigestrun disappears and
the system'enjoys a tunic effect. Don't
delay. 'Ask your druggist for a ZSc
pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills,
Pies, a
Rolls, etc.
The purity of the in-
gredients used, plus the
expert baking, assures you
the best quality bakery
Pre.e 114 Rest Street
TO IVtRY W Halla
A fine, fast, ducal* train to
the West. laving Toronto
daily at 9.30 p.m. for Minakl.
Winnipeg. tlrandon. Regina.
Saskatoon. Edsoutus. )try
per and Vancouver.
Radio .`,pped Com
taeat doe -library
- Be.fee Car wits Vatst See
trice t Standard sleeping car..
Towed3leepiC.M Cara. Dtn-
Ing Can and as-Jsse.
Ur JW Innes w yaw A•� r^►
> w...w..r..y rlr•. w err
PREFERRED who know
Men who know paint quality
specify Scarfe's Paints and
Varnishes because they can
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lasting satisfaction.
Long, hard wear and an eye -
pleasing effect are the result
of using these high-quality
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In a wide range of colours.
Ask your dealer for colour -
chart and detailed informa-
Varnishes t; Paints