HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-04-22, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50 for 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. Classified Ads FOR SALE ONE KONGSKILDE CULTI- vator and electric mulch lawn mower. Phone 523-4410. 16-1 JOHN DEERE 110, 14 FEET wide disc. Phone 523-9277. 16-lp ROTARY MOWER WITH 3- point hitch, nearly new. No further use for it. Phone R. Norman Alex­ ander, Londesboro. Phone 523- 4597. 16-lp HEALTHY YOUNG BLEED- ing Heart plants. Phone 523-9648. 16-1 1979 CAMARO, 4 SP„ T-TOP, Blauplunkt cassette with amp. and 6 speakers, 305 engine, tilt steer­ ing, stored last winter. Safetied. Phone 523-4481 (days) or 523- 4323 (evenings). 16-1 RODEO BARLEY FOR SEED or feed. Phone 887-9245. 16-1 1981 - RM80 SUZUKI MOTOR bike in good shape, $300 or best offer, 887-6509.^ 16-1 1983 SUZUKI D’S’ 80 A.l condition, call 887-6411. 16-1 800 LB. ROUND HAY BALES, $15 each. Call 887-6484. 16-1 ELECTROLUX VACUUM Cleaner in good condition, 9 yrs. old, 887-6344. 16-1 LARGE DOGHOUSE. PHONE 523-4551 or 523-9665. “Make an offer.” 16-1 GALAXY STARCRAFT Camper Trailer. Also boy‘s 3 pc. suit jacket size 36. Inquire at 523- 4363. 16-2p FOR SALE OR RENT: IN- temationa' 510 seed drill, 18 run, double disc. 12 1/2 foot Triple K cultivator, 3 point hitch. Phone 523-4260. 16-1 KEROSENE BY METERED pump at Lynn Hoy Enterprises, Highway 86, east of Wingham, 357-3435. 39-tfn PRIVATE SALE Due to discontinuing farm­ ing we are offering For Sale our complete line of Cash Crop Equipment on an individual basis. J.D. 8300 - 23 x 7 grain drill soya, special, grass seed, press. Allis2500-wingdisc, 25’. Allis 1300 - cult, plus harrows 35’. Allis 1300-cult. plus buster bar, 24’. Harrow Bar on Wheels - 12 sec. diamond. Coil Packer - 36’. Kovar Harrows - 22’. J.D. Rotary Hoe - 3 pt. 20’. Rock-O-Matic HDW5 stone picker/wings. Leon stone picker. Spraymotor saddle tanks/3 pt. boom 42’. Geo. White 3 pt. sprayer 300 gal./42’. Hardi Boom. Wick Weeder- 30’ hydraulic level. Ford Louisville- 1975, Unit­ ed Farm Tool, hydraulic fert. box to fit. Set of Duals 18.4 x 38. Contact Bruce Richmond 523-9207. FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 1000 LBS. of Birka barley clean and treated. Grown from certified seed, 8<t a pound. Phone Ken Shortreed, 887- 6888. 16-1 RAINBOW TROUT. WE SELL trout 3 ways! - freshly cleaned (6for $10); - pondstockers; -fish your own: no fishing licence required, no closed season. One concession south, 3 sideroads west of Bel­ grave. Gloriaand Dave Hedley, Wingham, 357-2329. 12-14p HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes­ boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action and answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. 16-lp NORITAKE CHINA SALE. TER- rific discounts on current patterns. First quality, delivered well-pack­ ed, insured. For our price list, shipping details etc., specify your Noritake pattern name and num­ ber. Send today a stamped self­ addressed business envelope to: Alexander’s, The Noritake Ex­ perts, 155 West Beaver Creek Rd., Richmond Hill, Toronto, Ont. L4B 1 El (416)764-1222. 16-lp HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your One Stop indoor grow shop. Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2737 Weston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M2R4. (416) 745-5007. 16-lp GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouses$169, Halides $105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St. Vancou­ ver, B.C. V6B 3N91-604-682-6636. 16-lp STEEL BUILDINGS - SPRING clearance - We have a limited amount of steel left from our largest winter sale ever - Save thousands - all styles are available. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387- 6896. 16-lp MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- plus: Workshirts $2.75, Work­ pants $3.50, Workboots $15. Send $2 for catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0. 16-lp $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $3,996; 40 x 60 x 14 $6,500; 46 x 80 x 14 $9,250; 70 x 90 x 24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387- 2115, or (416) 858-2446. 16-lp MIRACLESPAN NUMBER1 IN Steel buildings. Check these pri­ ces: 25 x 32 $2,597; 40 x 60 $5,797; 32 x 34 $3,497; 50 x 80 $8,897. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with large doors. Sale ends April 30, 1987 or when allocated steel is sold. Call tollfree 1-800-387-4910. 16-lp FOR RENT LAND FOR RENT: 65 ACRES OF cashcrop land in Hullett Twp. 2 miles south of Auburn, call 526-7507. 09-tfn FREE MANURE PILE: FREE FOR THE taking. Phone 887-9584. 15-3 WANTED PASTURE FOR SEVEN CAT- tle, 450 to 500 pounds. Phone 887- 9245. 16-1 WANTED TO BUY: WEEK TO 10 day old Dairy and Beef calves. Phone 482-7301. 08-tfn TURN UNWANTED ITEMS fromyour attic or basement into cash. Top prices paid for old cupboards, desks, dining room suites, chests of drawers, glass, china, old lamps, etc. Call Auctions Unlimited, 527-1847. 16-tfn PIANOS WANTED, NOT NECES- sarily in good condition. We restore, refinish, tune and repair. Specializing in Piano Grand Square. Village Piano Shop, El­ mira (519) 669-2280. 16-lp OLD WRIST WATCHES WAN- ted - Men’s only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wrist watches want­ ed. Also wanted Eaton’s “Quarter Century’ ’ square wrist watches (25 years service) will pay $750 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365- 7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. 16-lp HELP WANTED LIBRARY CLERK REQUIRED for headquarters in Goderich. Apply in writing by May 1 to Mrs. Sharon Cox, Assistant Librarian, Huron County Public Library, 66 Waterloo St. S., Goderich, N7A 4A4. 16-1 MATURE WOMAN FOR part-time kitchen help. Apply Blithe Spirit Tea Room, 523-4880 (weekends). 16-1 HELP WANTED ON A SMALL farm, mostly chores. Phone 523- 4504. 16-2 PRODUCE MANAGER. Must be experienced, apply in person with resume. Scrimgeour’s Food Market, Blyth 523-4551. 16-1 PART-TIME HELP FOR dairy farm. Phone 523-9241. 16-1 PERSON WITH RIDING mower to cut grass and trim at the Municipal Office, and Cemetery Bluevale, Morris Cemetery Cone. 6, and Tumberry Park. Please submit price per hour or on a per job basis, in writing, stating type of mower and size of blade, before May 4th, 1987, at 4:00 p.m. Sealed envelopes to be marked “Grass Tender”. Dorothy Kelly, Clerk Treas. Township of Tumberry 16-1 TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-County Truck driver training. Job search assis­ tance available. Kitchener 720 KingE., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. 16-lp HELP WANTED ADVERTISING... AUTO CLUB Top Commission & Bonus with leading Motor Club. Advertising sales experience an asset, but not essential. Full and part-time posi­ tions available. Contact: Kelly toll free at 1-800-265-1235 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or write Box 307, London, Ontario N6A4W2. 16-lp HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons required im­ mediately to sell Toys and Gifts for National Home Party Plan Com­ pany. No investment, deliveries of collections. Call (519) 258-7905. 16-lp BARBER WANTED. GOOD wages and hours or buy business. Box 1171 Bracebridge, Ont. P0B ICO or 1-(705)-645-4172. 16-lp MA CHERIE HOME FASHION Shows Est. 1975. Join our success­ ful family of independent repre­ sentatives in presenting quality lingerie and leisurewear at in- home parties for women. Call toll free 1-800-263-9183. 16-lp TENDERS WANTED TENDERFOR FIRE ESCAPE AND ALTERATIONSTOTHE BLYTH MEMORIAL COMMUNITYHALL, QUEENSTREET,BLYTH Sealed Tenders clearly mark­ ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. local time on THURSDAY, MAY7,1987 for the fire escape and altera­ tions to the Blyth Memorial Community Hall. Plans and Specifications are available from the office of the Architect, Christopher Borgal, P.O. Box 428, King Street West, Blyth, Ontario. NOM 1H0 [519] 523-9205, for the payment of a non-refundable fee of $10.00. A tender deposit in the form of a certified cheque made payable to the Village of Blyth for the sum of 10% of the tendered price shall accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Helen R. Grubb Clerk-Treasurer Corporation of the Village of Blyth P.O. Box 393 Blyth, Ontario NOM 1H0 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS POSITIONS. HUN- dreds of top paying positions. Attractivebenefits. Alloccupa­ tions. Free details. Overseas Em­ ployment Services, Dept. CA Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 16-lp travel DISCOVER THE BEAUTIFUL Bruce Peninsula. Resorts, lodges, cottages, camp grounds. Fishing and charters, swim on sandy beaches, hiking, scuba diving on ship wrecks. Write Box 269 or call Bruce Peninsula Travel (519) 534-2671 Wiarton. 16-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OVERWEIGHT? M-L DISTRI- butors wanted. 100% All Natural Canadian product. No dieting! Ground floor opportunity! Fla- vouredliquidbeveragetaken at bedtime. Just $59.95 one month’s supply. ChequeM.O., VisaorM/C (:no. and expiry date.) Send for information package or call Paul Martin, Darolac Distributing Incorp. 497 Main St. East, Hamil­ ton, Ont. L8N 1K8 (416) 522-4522. 16-lp EARN 15% PER YR. IN U.S. Dollars. Guaranteed! By way of leasing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental income - 5 marine Cargo Containers pay $2,325 per year, 10 pay $4,650 per year, 25 pay $ 11,625 pejyear. Length of lease is up to 15 years (5-year increments). Mini­ mum investment $3,100. All above in U.S. Dollars. Ask about our Capital Appreciation program. Call (416) 368-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd. 2nd Floor 33 Yonge St. Toronto M5E 1S9. 16-lp :areer training FREE: 1987GUIDETOSTUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 16-lp BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next class May 30 - June 6/87. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ontario NOJ 1M0 (519) 469-3936,(519)537-2115. 16-lp TRAIN TO BE A PROFESSIONAL Auctioneer. Canadian Livestock Champion instructors. Profession­ al results. Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94 Kitscoty, Alta. (403) 846-2211. 16-lp PERSONAL DATES GALORE: FOR ALL AGES & unattached. Thousands of mem­ bers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800- 263-9163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. 16-lp FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Meet someone nice by phone or correspondence, locally or pro­ vince wide. For further informa­ tion write: Barb. Box 2246-A, Sudbury, P3A 4S1. State age. 16-lp TRAVEL TWIN ROCKS RESORT: Modern Housekeeping cottages. Seasonal camping on Kushog Lake. Beach, Marine rentals, docking, store. Beautiful park setting in the Haliburton High­ lands. Send/Call Tom or Melanie for brochure: Dept. M RR #2, Minden, Ont. K0M 2K0 (705) 489-2247. Now booking for Victoria Day weekend. 16-lp ANTLER’S KINGFISHER LODGE The only lodge on 65 miles of the beautiful Upper Ottawa River. Antler’s Kingfisher Lodge, Deux Rivieres, Ont. K0J 1R0 **ln Mountain River Country** 16-lp CLASSIFIEDS