HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-04-15, Page 31THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1987. PAGE 31. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50 for 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I LOST 85 LBS. WITHOUT DIET- ing. We have a new revolutionary weight loss product. We need a leader and distributors in your area. Be first. (416) 928-2346. 10 a.m.to6p.m. 15-lp CANADA’S LARGESTCALEN- ders - Speciality Advertising and Business Gift Comnpany needs self-starters selling our line to local businesses. Highest commissions. O’Donnell-DRG, 250 - 807 Con­ sumers, Willowdale, M2J 4V6 (416)499-8953. 15-lp GROW FOR IT! $$$ RAISE baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless, low invest­ ment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1987), RR#1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, (416) 856-2248,(705)435-7463. 15-lp DISTRIBUTORS. PART-TIME OR full-time selling our huge quality line of distillers, filters and water softeners for residential and com­ mercial applications. Be your own boss and earn extra income in this growing industry. For more infor­ mation contact Water Purity Sy­ stems, 537 Brant Street, Burling­ ton, Ontario L7R 2G6 (416) 639- 0503. 15-lp AREER TRAINING FREE: 1987GUIDETOSTUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto 1-800-268-1121. 15-lp MAKE MONEY! SAVE MONEY! Learn basic bookkeeping by cor­ respondence. For free brochure, no obligation write: U & R correspondence school, 1345 Pem­ bina Hwy. Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6. 15-lp TRAVEL HART LODGE, HALIBURTON Highlands. Breakfast & dinner daily, swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, tennis, shuffleboard, boats, supervised children’s and adults programs all summer. For lower spring rates, seniors specials or summer family weeks, call free 1-800-461-7699. 15-lp 5 DAYS OF SPECTACULAR Scenery Cruising Rideau or Trent- Severn Waterways on comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. 15-lp CHILDREN’S CO-ED CAMP IN Haliburton near Dorset. 2-week periods or more. Great food, accommodation and exciting pro­ gram. Complete details in bro­ chure package. Telephone (416) 261-9000 anytime. 15-lp PERSONAL DATES GALORE: FOR ALL AGES & unattached. Thousands of mem­ bers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800- 263-9163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. ______________________ 15-1d NOTICE TOO BUSY TO RUN A GARAGE Sale! We can sell your unwanted items for you on consignment. Just deliver between 12 and 3 pm. Wednesdays to Corner Stone Flea MarketorCall887-9669. 15-1 TENDERS WANTED|TENDERS WANTED IN MEMORIAM AT YOUR SERVICE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed, cleariy marked tenders are now being received for the purpose of supplying, loading and hauling of: 25,000 cu. yds. [more or less] of PIT RUN GRAVEL - for roads in the Township of Morris. Work to be completed by July 31,1987 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The contractor to be responsible for any rules or regulations which may be applicable under the Pits and Quarries Act. Contractor to put out approximately 1500 cu. yds. per day. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be received by the undersigned by 4:00 P.M. April 21,1987 and be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to MTC approval. LLOYD MICHIE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT _ TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS LEG AL NOTICES CARD OF THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CLIFFORD HUNTER RILEY ALL PERSONS having claims againstthe Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on the 21st of December, 1986, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2nd of May, 1987. AFTER THAT DATE the Admini­ strator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 7th day of April A.D. 1987. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES P.O. Box 1028, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Administrator 15-3 CARD OF THANKS BREWER. A sincere thank you to our families, friends and neigh­ bours for a wonderful “25th” party. Allofyour cards and best wishes are much appreciated. As always, you made us feel very special. In lieu of thank you notes in the mail, a donation has been made to the Cancer Society in memory of Mung and Laura, Jack and Marg­ aret. Joan and Cliff Brewer. 15-1 CURRIE. The family of the late Laura M. Currie wish to express our sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for their support and kindness during our recent be­ reavement. We gratefully acknow­ ledge all the floral tributes and memorial gifts, cards, food and baking brought to our home. Special thanks to Dr. John Conners and nursing staff first floor Listow- el Memorial Hospital, to Mary McIntosh, to Rev. Paul Ellinghaw and the ladies of Trinity United Church U.C.W. and to Robert Trench Funeral Home for their assistance. Your acts of kindness will always be remembered. - Helen M. Elliott and family. 15-lp GARNISS. The family of the late Thomas A. Garniss would like to express our sincere thanks for sympathy shown to us in our sudden bereavement. Special thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 218, friends, neigh­ bours and relatives for flowers, donations and lunches. Thanks also to the Ladies of the United Church, Rev. Charles Carpentier and Barb and Max Watts for their kindness through a difficult time. - Muriel Garniss and family. 15-lp POORE. I would like to thank everyone who sent flowers, cards and visited me while I was in the hospital. Your thoughtfulness was appreciated.-Grace Poore. 15-lp DENNIS. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my family, relatives, neighbours and friends for all the cards, visits and kind words of sympathy I have received since the death of my brother, Harvey. It was all deeply apprec­ iated.-Verna Thomas. 15-lp EXEL. Gerrie and Gerald Exel would like to thank everyone, including our family, who helped to make our 50th Wedding Anniver­ sary such an unforgettable event! Thank you for coming to our open house, for the 100 plus cards, for the beautiful flowers and other tokens of friendship. Not only for this occasion, but also for the almost 39 years of our lives we have lived in this community. Thank you again, residents of Brussels and Grey and Morris Townships. Above all, we thank our God and Heavenly Father, who has made this all possible for us. 15-lp SHOBBROOK. I would like to thank Dr. Baker and first floor nurses at Clinton Hospital, for plants from Clinton O.E.S., Lon- desboro W.I. and my neighbours, for cards and visits while spending a week in Clinton Public Hospital and since coming home and to my family for their care. - Dora Shobbrook. 15-lp IN MEMORIAM BRADNOCK. In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Eleanor, who passed away 2 years ago April 19, 1985. God saw you getting tired. When a cure was not to be, So He closed His arms around you And whispered ‘Come to Me’. You suffered much in silence. Your spirit did not bend You faced your pain with courage Until the very end. You tried so hard to stay Your fight was all in vain. God took you to His loving home. And freed you from all pain. - Sadly missed and loved and never to be forgotten by son George, Jackie, Daughter Sheron, John and grandchildren Jonathan, Christine, Rhonda and Jennifer. 15-lp to flit’s Al) in the CLASSIFIEDS GORDON. In memory of Ava Gordon who passed away April 18, 1986. Treasured thoughts of times to­ gether, Hold memories that will last forever. - Sadly missed by Jessie Engel. 15-1 AT YOUR SERVICE BIG - T GUIDING SERVICES. 20 years of experience, Saskatche­ wan, Canada. We specialize in Whitetail bucks, bears, sharptail grouse, goose hunts. Contact Tony 306-446-2145, Clint (306) 446-0291 15-lp DENTURE THERAPYj CLINIC J y Horst Feige D.T. GODERICH OPEN: Mon.-Fri.8a.m.-5p.m. Eve. & Weekend-by appt. COMING EVENTS GARAGE SALE: OUR 12TH AN- nual Garage Sale will be held Friday. May 8th from 7-9 p.m. at the Blyth Community Centre. Call Bonnie Shannon 523-9326 or Can­ dice Howson 523-4508 for any donations you may have. Sponsor­ ed by the Evening Unit of Blyth U.C.W. 13-5p FAMILY DANCE - BELMORE Chamber of Commerce, Saturday, April 18th at the Belmore Com­ munity Centre, Dancing from 8-12 to D.J. Keith Rutherford. Ladies pleasebring lunch. Proceeds to community betterment. Tickets available at the door. 14-2 MICROWAVE COOKING DE- monstration, Monday, April 27 at 8 p.m. in Belgrave Women’s Insti­ tute Hall. Sponsored by Belgrave Women’s Institute. Tickets $4.00 available from Institute members orby calling 887-6124. 14-3 OPEN HOUSE FOR DON & JUDY Carter Saturday. April 18 from 2 - 4 p.m. at Douglas Brown’s home, Morris St., Blyth. Everyone wel­ come. 15-1 AUXILIARY TO WINGHAM AND District Hospital is holding its spring rummage sale at the Wingham Armouries on Friday. April 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All leftovers to Goodwill Industries, London. 15-2 CAR WASH SPONSORED BY 1ST Blyth Boy Scouts on Saturday. April 25 from 9 a.m. to3 p.m. at Dickson’sGarage. Blyth. 15-2 REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS Euchre party 8 p.m. Monday, April 20 at Brussels Library. Lunch and prizes, everyone welcome. 15-lp BLYTH INN WILL BE OPEN FOR Sunday Brunch 11:00 - 2:00 p.m. and Supper Buffet 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. starting May3,1987. Watch for our fourth Anniversary Special. 15-2b AUBURN & DISTRICT LIONS Club euchre tournament Saturday, April 25, 1987 at Auburn Hall. Registration 1 p.m. to2p.m. $3.00 per person. Tournament starts at 2 p.m. Cash prizes $50, $40and $30. Held under authority of a special occasion permit. 15-2 CUSTOM CORN PLANTING: Four 36” rows, fertilizer and insect. $9 per acre, 10 m. radius of Blyth. Brad Thomson 523-9723. 15-6 “ JOHNNY’S CONTRACT PAINT- ing” Interior - Exterior, paint, paper and drywall, Excellent workmanship, rates and referenc­ es. For free estimates and a care free job phone Huron County 523-4372 or Perth County 273-4577 15-lp J.C. ENTERPRISES CUSTOM plowing, cultivating, discing, planting, etc. Phone 526-7523. 15-4 58 West Street Goderich [519J524-6688 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 Neustadt f519]665-7818 COMING EVENTS MOTHER’S DAY: DON’T BE disappointed. Make your reserva­ tion now. Brunch 11:00 - 2:00; Supper Buffet - 4:00 - 7:00. Blyth Inn, 523-9381. 15-2b HALIBURTON SCHOOL OF FINE Arts offers 80 one-week craft workshops in all mediums July - August. For information and bro­ chure: Box 339, Haliburton, Ont. K0M ISO. (705)457-1680. 15-lp REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOT - BLYTH. 66 BY 132feet. Fully serviced. Asking $6,000. Make an offer. Phone 887-9137 evenings and weekends. 12-4 HOUSE IN WINGHAM AT 27 Patrick St., on lot 60 x 66 ft. Needs some work. Call357-2916. 14-2 QhIuk- MODERN HOME IN A ALL POINTS REALTY INC. Wingnam & Goderich. Ont MATURE SHELL - situated high on a hill on 100 acres in East Wawanosh. This 1 V2 storey log and frame home has 3 bedrooms and family size livingroom. Main floor has been recently refurbish­ ed with oak kitchen. Patio doors lead to spacious sun­ deck facing open country and vast mixed bush. Truly a tranquil country parcel. Call Kevin Pletch, 357-1967. 74 ACRES - approx. 50 workable, located in Morris Twp. approx. 2 miles from #4 highway. Balance of proper­ ty has a mixture of softwood and cedar bush. Also located on property isa creek. For more information call Jim Ritchie, 357-3295.***** Qntuij^ |2||l)S £| KUl’lhl , II.,( Sll, c,