HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 8it -Th tesday, May iia, 190 -
Goff Balls
Spalding Kro-Hite, . , 75c
Spalding Witch 50c
Spalding Mesh .. , .. 35c
Caddy Bags
Irons, Drivers and Bras-
sies, at $2.00 and up.
• • •
A o Tennis Balls and
Rackets at $3.00 and, up.
• • •
Get your Sporting Goods
at ---
Book Store
Hardwood Flooring
East Street Phone 369 Goderich
Public Notice
The 1930 Tax Roll
has been completed and
notices are being made
Those wishing to take
advantage df the discounts
nay do so by paying their
taxes at once at the Tax
Collector's office.
Tax Collector.
1(16.1 g
or -
It's only fair that tht public should
know that the cost of delivering
coal could he cut. Ru' the only
way to do it is for everybody to •
order early. it is simply thio : If
coal was ordered evenly the year,
'round, coal men could cut their dc•
livery equipment in half. We print
this for the puhlie good. If it help-
in that direction. we will feel amply
Km -met
Phone 9h - Goderich
BENMILLER j from pneumonia, of their youngest
.on. The sympathy of the coamtunity
goes Out to them In their sad bereave-
,Nuen t.
Mr. and ll r0. Murray, of Kincardine,
It -bitted with friends in Ashfield on
Jin, Lindsay. of Detroit, is visiting
her many friends In Ashfield this
Mr. and Mrs. Blair and sou, of De-
troit. are visiting at the home of Mr.
A Fine Itatertaleammt.. The Wo
,hem's Association of Remitter United
church beta their annual nipper and
concert on ,Saturday, May :4th. The
usual bag crowd partook of the bounti-
ful supper, and more than filled tb0
church to listen to the hitch -class con-
cert. The (lassie Quartette upheld Its
title. ',resettling nue of the most pleas -
Hilt and really satI fclug cancans
!lint have been heard here. The guar•
tette consisted .f Ernie Graham, first
tenor, Lawrence Near. sw.rod tenor,
William I.luwe, baritone. and it. J.
Murray, bass. The tone work of the
i, unrtette was tun. true and harmonic,
the voices bh•ndiug perfectly in a var-
lel of uumlh•r.• . ld 111 4 h rag the
.oto 4iolitist• grave the audience n real
treat In his. Iuterpr.tatfun of popular
un,d clasea(a1 uumla'ru; he 1. a c1u11n-
,-t of ete•pt1uuml ubillty 111111 culture.
\111 s Edith Dawe was the pianist of
the p•v,aIag, unJ did her work faith--
inlly and well. The proce.l- of the
r4ruhag were In 1110 11r4zl'b.111..41,1 of
oc i
114 t,ri;w church ou Ni1raiIa , 31111e1. LEKI1t'ItN. M.1 -Mr. Cleveland
The MI•,sioiary S.w•b•ry 111.111 thrh' 1v.111a.na•, from \\'alk.•rtlllo. and wl+-
reg.4ar np.tll,lc nwetit,g at also home ter. lit -s 11:1,. 4)f e:,wlrrlrh. enl:P:i
of Ars. \1. ('. \1.•K,•Izl," o11 \\'.slues- '11 lir. mei airs. i1.race 71ortm un
'134, May Jt. It the :rl,Sot.'.- or Un 3"133.
resident. the vice-president. Mr., .1.0,h .,a Ili -•e• Ik.ndhy Steal. nun .11lie.11e-
\L ,a'1.3pf.'4 the choir. .titer _ -;raw. of 4:odcrlr11. were guests of
•h,•lalsh.rse part of the u.e•ii,g 4plee- )IIs. Lulu .Towel! on Sniday.
.1111 retorts of the l'rocinei.•al meeting \lis. Flora ilorton. of Toronto. speed
the 'V 3.1. 1. In 'I'erout0 anti of th.•
Presbyterial In.eting at N'hite•hurrh
nen. given by Mrs. .lar., $ilut.w•n
mrd Mrs. Neil .1. 31:o-heir/le re•Mpw'etive•-
h. .lt the (14)44' of the meet lag 1111144
4:as served by the 114st,8s 81111 a pleas -
lilt ...•i:it Omc was ttjoy4"1 by all.
We are sorry to report that Rev. P.
11 and Mrs Culquhoun receive' d 084110
from Ghasgod•, Scotland. Informing
them of the sudden death. rtexrllting
.\Sl1.I'IEl I4. %Lay �r:. .•+i,t11ne... - 84..)0 is a• set unknown, but th. MIn-
II nes. 11481 of Mr II F' Jenner h od a narrow
Government Surveyors anis
Ittg Pu.Mbllttlas of a Road
noting FNUMMI. Fort Ne, 71. W.So
With Mayo, In the Eloodyke.
Mrs. D. B. Faust and con Lewis. of
I)eetrolt, wero visitor. the past week
with Mrd, humLynn,
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Farrow, ]Lias
Mury Farrow and Miss ikvelyn Reed
motored up from Tomato for the week-
Mr. 1'. G. Lynn and daughter, Geer -
gine, of Detroit, spent the week -end
IIhl Mrs. Fred Ma...Grepor tt h. week. with Mr. Lynn's mother, Met. Jane
Mr. and Mrs. Murdle Matheson, of The most ambitious road-Dullding Lynn
Granum, .Uhcrta, are visiting withproject launched In Cjnada In many Mrs. A. G. MatdonaW haw retained
tetania■ In A8h d
The 'defile held at Lakeview Park,
I:1waatt. on Monday was well attended,
both' forenoon and afternoon. Every-
one enjoyed u good program of games.
field. years Las been orders by Hon. Chas. from a two weeks' visit with her
Stewart. Minister of like Interior. who grauddaughter, Mrs. W. Gregg, at
plans a 400 -mile trail through the Detroit.Rocky Mountains within a hundred Mr. and Mrs. Watson and three
tulles of the Arctic circle, tapping the children, of.Zorra, were recent visitors
Rev.(, H. MacDonald. of Lucknow. Klundyke by an all-Cauadian route, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. J.
premised In Axhfle4l church loth according to Thomas N'ayling,' corm- Anderson.
netri.ing and •caning last Sat. ath and eponde%lt of the Toronto Star. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pridham spent
gave two.g(I(al aermotfe. Government surveyors and raptor- severs' days in town the least week
Don't forget the institute meeting sirs are investigating the poseibllltles with the former's parents, Mr. and
t.. 1.e hell at thehonte of Sin. W. J. of a road connecting Fort Norman In Mrs, W. C, Pridham, They were en
.'olui.tnn of Friday, Jam, 6, at 2.30 the Northwest Teirltorlis; with Mayo route from Montreal, where they had
o'clock. in the Yukon. It will provide an lm- been melding, to Winnipeg, where Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rain M'aerbonald vis• portant link between the watershed l'rldham Is taking a good Iosltlon In
itr•d with fr{euds at KlntaIl during of taera
Ow Mackenzie rarer on the other the Iunee buslne•e&
the bast ge4•k-1.n+t. aide of theRockies. The trail will
er•osa the Yukon-N.W.T. boundary at
Boys in Peril
LEE BURN What Iles between -Norman and Band '1' la.)
Mrs. Wm. Meld, and ErIc• .1-•r.
a height ..f -nearly 3.0uo feet. Iter! Meld, won of air
3'furon Cafe
Special Business Men's Lunch
daily at 60 cents
Our Specialty - Sunday only
From 12 to 3 p. m. 60c.
:1 la earte service at all hours
Hugh Wong
IMO Ettluags Idlest TINrsasl 112.
Baby Chicks
We can simply v,.n will. 1, C.
White Leghorn ('hicks for delivery
in ,lune at $10 per 100. • 4 lir Lett -
horns are the fHn . us Parrottstrain, big hens, her layers of
large eggs. 3'e guarantee 1410 per
rent. safe delivery. Oder early
w hile the least Dates are available.
The WalterR: se Pouliry Farm
Monumental Works
Best Mnteriai'
Latest ile-igne
Expert \1'nrktnnn.hi1
All Work Guarant4-r.l
- Reasonable Prices
R. A. SPO 11
P. 0 Bos 161 Goderich, Ont
Now Open
for Business
with a complete line of
ice Cream, Soft Drinks
and Confectionery
Service is our motto
Harry Mitchell
Corner Britannia and Bayfield
Roads, Goderich.
Two cases of measles have been reported to the,
Local Board of Health. The Board intend to ,strictly
enforce quarantine regulations. It is absolutely neces-
sary that the citizens co-operate with the Board, if the
disease is to be stamped out. Measles is the mostcom-
municabte disease of childhood and nearly every
person is susceptible to it. Mild cases are just as con-
tagious as the severe cases.
Suspicious symptoms such as inflammation. of the
yelids, a hard dry cough or signs of a cold should be
looked into, and a physician should be consulted at
Dated this 2I st day of May, 1930.
Local Board of Health
A. D. McLean, Chairman
.h 181.
the ..Its, in tom hurt;, returning, the
tat) following .
M{sy 111110 11ort..n,, of Gowkerlch
wits :.t Ili,• home of her parents here
for Suud3y.
' ,\s .next Sunday, .111ne 1-4. la ('on
f.•r•nn• Sunday, ' there will LP n,
ch11r•h 'crvI,e, only Sunday school,
which 4111 begin :at 11 a m. Instead of
10 4)', fork-.
W. M. S. Meeting. -TLP W.M.S. held
their meeting en Welnemlay. May 2Ist.
at the home of Mrs. Fwl. Lawson, Car-
low. n former member. Mien Helen
Clark was present. the day tieing her
hirtlelav also. T10• Indies Je•Idel to
Plitt tau• white quilt they are asked
for -on the first Wednewlny to June.
: Ili,. church. Mrs. L8ww.n rend the
,torr from the outdo book. after which
an whir...• was presented to Mrs.
Lundy expressing regret at her in-
tended departure 81441 apltrecintlon of
the Work she has done here. The lid -
dress war read by the president. Mrs.
(study replies' very feelingly. expreer-
Ing her gratitude for the kind words
.f the a.dre,s The meeting closed
,with 1•rnver hr Mrs. Lunde, and then
dt.hnty lunch was serval
HAYFIELD. May .1' -ler and Mrs
E. 1'. 1 'aIs, 4''1,eronn,. were holiday
gue•st4 with Mrs. N. W. WVoods.
Mr. and Mrs. 111 Cotton and family,
Mr. :1 Mr.. W. IL Robinson sod fam-
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Manm•,.a and tam
By a1,4 Mr. Fred Trehlknok. of Lon-
don. iipent the holiday at their cote
MIs; Grace Jewett. of London. spent
the holiday with her parents. Mr. and ' and development work can be
Mrs. W. It. Jewett.• • and development work planned.
leder is det('rIln,d t° opeu up an
•Penne of communication between th
Territories and lay bare the inte:%cn
In; • 014Uy in:slung It at(.a::hie to
111 ..Iii.afou, Norwan 111 Vic ,. ntre
of 1 811,. ea.•ly valuable oil and fur
I areas. :111.1 Mayo is 40 the
nt , l a ,lumen 11011 111 sIlvet, sold
et.r••. pi.etous un• ah•.
.11. eouutry.in the boom
�a:. t4. ' •'
ached by :tea l4) Skagwa)
t • 4 4 :.4,11 on tout and then down
t' td Dawson or over
to .daiu. An alternate route was
tooth onfrom Edmonton and down the
lb: I: : c:4, river, thence over the MC -
1 -).,1.4,a111 Pak,'Pak,'anJ southward. Both
erste r::, ;Ltiuteil thousands of lives In
the days of the gold rush.
At pre-, nt th, matt, route to Mayo
and Dawson is by sea to Skagway In
Alaska, thence by runway to White
Horse and overland by team -or dog
train and then down the riser by
steamer The modern alternative is
♦ through trip by airplane. The pres-
ent route means that travellers must
go In via Alarka.
The new trail will provide an all -
red route for Canadians who will be
able to go north from Edmonton,
down the Mackenzie by steamer to
Norman. then overland by the new
trail right Into Mayo. Thr trail is
hundreds of 0111Ps farther south than
the old McDougaJd Pass, which 1. sit-
uated almost near the mouth of the
Miekensfe. -
The Minlater of the Interior has
been quietly going ahead with Inves-
tigatlons of the natural resources of
the far north. Every year expeditions
have been sent up into the Arotlr
circle and the sub -Arctic and have re-
ported on the prospects for develop-
ment In the matter of gold. sliver,
copper and other metals, oil, coat and
other minerals, fur and came, timber
and water -powers. The Coppermtne
river area, recently opened up. fol-
lowed such an invest lgallon , and
treepost. are being established at cm -
tree where -prospectors can radiate
eggcups from drowning last Sunday
e afternoon, whet the small twat they
were In capsized lnsble of the south-
, west breakwater. There oats a soli ou
the boat and It wens this that (mimed
- the upset. us a strong wind sit. 1.100
; 11 fire -
iu;re time. People act the. Dnp of
ththeTake bank notices! the 11 1111.1
_ave the 11111rm •old "Reidy" \tc14.,,
aid went out In h1s motor loot and re.-
rued the •Myo. 'Fortunately they were
able t0 eling to the lost until hell.
I ame. The fl re alarm 4.114 .oundI.l 811.1
the fire I.rign.j4' made a run to the
bnrbor. but their rservhrs were not re-
Miss It. Ward and Miss M. Stone,
nt,Cllnton, vl41te1 'Mrs. R. W. Bristol
:.t the cottage on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poth. of Toronto,
' y.•ut the holiday with the tatter'par- , proVinee may De created. Tatourn
ens, Mr. and Mrea W. R. Jewett.s of the natural resources to theret'R'sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and little , ern Provinces leaves him more free
Harold Attwood, of Sarnia, spent the ' to devote Its attention to the uo-
week-en,i with Mr. and Mrs. ('has. organised -territory farther north and
, Parker. . It b in connectloa with theca.. plans
Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Orr, Mr. anrs, tand aiat the new trail le to be opened up
ii. Petery and -'Mr. end Mrs. ScrimFrom Fort Norman the new road
gentle, of :ctratford, rpr•nt the meek• • 3'111 sarike south-southwest for forty
end at their cottages. miles along the old Indian trail until
Mr.. W. J. McLeod and belie. n.h. It strikes the Gravel river. It will
gent the post two weeks at Detroit.then tura west and climb up the can
home on Saturday. They 3"bee of the gravel through the Tlao-
were n0eomponiwl by Mr, and 'Mrs. nankwelne Range and past the lune -
e. Mil ter 111111 family, who spent the tion of the Gravel and Twltya rivers.
!blond present pioneer work. It 1s
understood the Minister expects .nme
day to see such ■ stage of nevelt, -
mens reached that a tenth Canadian
ww•k•end here. It will continue westward up the Gra-
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Johns and babe vel river. passes to the height of tame
pent the week end nt Wharton. at the headwaters of the Twltya on
Miss Alma MacKay. of Toronto, spent the boundary between the Yukon and
the holiday week -end at her home. the Te'rrltorlea.
Mrs. 10. Prentice, of Toronto, spent This passage of the boundary will °
the holiday mid Otto week with her . take place about 30 miles north of °
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. the Christie Pass, In which a.r-a there •
Mr and Mr.. Fred Fonvlic and Mr are Iron deposits. Oeld has also been • e
I.. Pewits. of i oondon. and Mrs. G. found ino thea region. From the head-
K,whler. %nrleb. .pa•nt the hoII Inn w'ate'r* of the Gravel, which run .a8t-
,'lth their staler, ward, the trail will then dip to the P
-.Mr. and lir.. Trpla•1l. of Stratford, headwaters of the Stewart river, 1
-tient the"treek-raid 111 Jewett's Grove. , which flows westward, thence to the
Mrs. l,nw•s1.n and family, of Strat- Hes. river. 1
f"rd, -lent the week -end at their cot- All this area in compadativr•ly un- . e
tag(. known. The ,•astern rend of the trail
Mestere Fre' We -ton and Fred mine through mountains with wide
The many friends In town of Mr.
Faint Baker will be sorry to hear of
Ills death, which occurred In Stratford
un Sunday, May 26th, after a month's
Illness. Deceased will be remembered
113 It V. N. It. eouductor for many
years on the Goderich and Buffalo
train. Two years ago he was superan-
nuated after forty-seven years of
faithful servlee on the G. T. H. and
the (:. N. It. Ile Is survives' by Ida
wife, four daughters and three soros:
, Mrs, 8. A. Smith, a former resident of
town, being one of the daughters The
funeral services were 110111 on Tumidity
morning at the Inunneulatc Concep-
tion church, Stratford. Rev. Father
Met'ardle of Kingabrldgc, Mrs. J. Hum•
wy and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1)altdu of
town attended the funeral.
Mote Nomination,'
ll'Itllum Mitchell. n Imminent Kin-
08,r1111e manufacturer Std proprietor
of the Circle star Knitting Company,
bag tarn nominated to oppose 41.11
Jame. Male,lm In North Brum.
-1 quiet owning, Walt wdemldrwl III
St. M+Itthew's church, 11tlaws, on Sat-
urday afteru,wna, May 17th. when
Miss Mabel 31. Warren, 44, N. only
.hntgl.t,r ..f ‘Mr. ,1(111 Mrs. (e,'rge .\
N:u•re., of 111 1344,. hoerune th,.w•Ife of
Mr. Charles 11. Itn.dw•111. seemed son
or Mr :and airs. .l. E. itradw'lu of
Clifford. furmcrlc 4)( 4:.a11•rlrh. 14.4.
.111:1(1 (lardlner was the officiating
rlerg4m:u,. 'file Lrid.•:amid wit• 111--
14,,.1 s;-,li.ralth of 11ttaoa and tit •
groom was snpIM.rtad- by 11 r. 1111 44nt
•',m"hell ..1 III...d vll4•.
Huron 1)111 'toss .ta.drl:,(ionof Toronto
The ;Imolai a.ini, „f the Huron old
1;o4s' .l• -,a
181 ion .d Tor..ut' will he
1.1.1 is :Irl•:! No. 4. National Evhlhitlot.
gruttnds,.ou Friday. .sunt• _tUa. nt :t
11.1'). Ilurou 11 11.1 Wiwi- M:. sit ole Long,•
b:ne sl):oifiel their Intention of Join
it.: hi the ft'stivllles, nh•l a great bio
(11144 is 0%1.41141. ,UI Huronites. yowl;
or old, tire cordially invited to 1.e• pre,
.4t the last meeting of the 44ecnrlve
of the ldnrun old 41..0.' ,tsww•latlou,
held at the home of Mr. C. G. Van,
sue. ltoscdalc, Dr. J. W. Shaw, of
•Tinton, w'as uuaIII mouxly e1e•t111 1411
laanunary member e.4 the Association
The Conservative nominee In South -
Bruce is Foster Moffatt. g•x-M.l'.1'„
who w11x (•human at a convention held
on 3Ve,tne.lay at Lucknow.
In South Huron Thus. McMillan,
the slung member. was 'how's by the
I.Iteralx, in e.nvenO•.n at Hensel! ou
N•e41d.'eday, to carry the Liberal ban-
ner again in the approaching election.
South Huron ('.,n.ercntives stet at
!tensn11 this :Thur -day) afternoon
and named N. W. Trewarthn. ex-
M.P.P.. es their candidate to oppose
Thos. McMillan.
PREMIUM ---At Alexandra Hospital.
(oderich, on May 2Sth, to Mr. and
Mrs E. 5. Pridham, • daughter.
STIA11EIL.-Mr. and Mrs. -Paul J.
Stieler (nee Miriam John -tont, De-
troit. anm.un.e the birth of a R,11
I William Paull on May 19. 1900.
IIAACKE.--Ira Guderl. h township. ou
Saturday. May 241b, Martha Ramsey
widow o[ the late Wm. Base ke, In
l m
Te Attend IaIleth t'ataferenee her 91s1 year.
will be mad wllh Interest by Bishop
despatch from Klugwton, which,
, Stenger's friends in Goderleh. Is as fob
..1•...., ,.• n,., Synod .,e 1we two....,
x • 4
1►r. C. A. S4-nger, Bishop of 4)ntarlo,
,s nppotntwl by the eteflltIee emu
Lai week the local ottlae
Bell Telephone Qo, put throng
calls for 'Mr. Carbon, of the
western Dredging Co., to Ilia p
Vancouver, 81(7.; and desp1tet
greet distance -about MOO miles
reception was very good.
>...r CARD) OF TIIANBO t .
MRS. J. W. SMITH *ND THE res- •I•
Rs ILI' of the late J. W. Smith wish to f;,4••
express their grateful thanks to ndgh-
Iori and friends for the many klma-
nemsra shown during the Rinses of 1Lr.�
Smith and In their time of bereave-
meut. They also acknowledge with ap-
preciation the beautiful floral trib-
utes received, and the loan of cars.
P CASE. W. (`. 3NAZEL, West street.
a Ala, cockerels, one month old. A.
H. OLI'T'PON, 1t. R. 3. G.derleh. ''
••l'11ote Carlow 1414.
FOR SAI.::.-11A1,I. Itl'TLEIM;E Irl- .
T.\'1'F: property un I'alnteraton
•t1e.•1. Apia) to 11,3YS & IIAYS, Bar-
risters. Hamilton street. Goderich.
y GRAI"118 In good mechanical con-
dition, oak and mahogany tint*.
From 317.30 up. Write for photo and
order blanks. to (J O. REST 00..
ltoom 2, 77 Victoria strew!. Toronto,
\1tY ('llh'Ke AND 1L3.T('l1:L'N'(3
E4:eiS - that are prndued on onr
oeua farm from our own Jaen' -not
iron eggs ;emelt/teed wherever we can
get them. It Is net aloe• to reple•nl.h
flour fl.w•k with cheap chicks, when
for a few tents more yen can buy real
quality. (r.%('. Barnet R1.4*M. 317.00;
single cemb White lathorn•, 31'1.00,
fur May :M)th. June pri0ea$l.00 per
tai) less fur R o ks : 1'204) p.er-100 less
for laegborns. - Ask to nee our galvanised feeders.
C. 0. CAMPBELL. H.R. NO. 2, Au•
burl, Out. 'Phone Blyth 10-34. t
Telephone No. 119.
Sales attended to anywhere and evert
effort made to glue sat Israeli**.
Farmers' sale notes dlsrounted.
will conduct sales anywhere. My
terms are reasonable and 1 will ea-
, leaver to give satisfaction. Phone
Carlow 1314, or addre.e R. R. 4, Cod-
4o•r4 t.. attend the Lambeth cnrifcr ' -a j,'LLIOTL' MILLER
els.. In London. England The laymen CEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED To Attetbtxer
of the i)1(wr.P Phone 70, Lucknow
pre•entel him with the undersigned. nod endorsed gale, condorted anwhere. Wide a-
1,0 10 for his trarelllng ettw•n.es, a1sI "Tender for North I'Ier Reconstruction. perienee. My very' be.t email, t
110• (•I.•rgr pretr.•r.te.l him with 1110 n4 Goderk4,. Ont.," w111 i.e received until°3iF• 90
i mark of regard nod esteem..V• Rural 12 iel.ett neon (dayHlbt satfwg), 911• forth In each and every sale
Dean Davi. of Itr,.ek IIle added. the day, Juste L 1939. for the.rtcnn.tru'--
1110 was to defray the tips .n nee• flew In (v,uenste, of the superstructure. UR1 f.1.F.SS PRACTITIONER
earn 4o 1w. 1.4111 by nay travelling bosh- of the North I'Ier, for a length of 4444
op, 111• Inrd-hip replied In affwRlnuatc feet. at (loderleb, Huron ('aunty, Oat. - jr111RO1'RACT(►R A D DRItOLT9g
term.. ',lying the gift •howel him that flans and form of contract can be -- ' 'PHERAI'IST
which every t!I*hnp ersvwl, the love, seen and wpeelffratlon and forms of Goderkh, Pboae 811
e4.nfidenee aryl regard of his clergy. tender obtained at this Department. Equipped with cleetro-magnetic
et the offleen of the District Engineer, baths. Electronic ele•etrk treattweate
The annual Inspection of the Gal Cuatorn. itntlding, L(.ndon. Ont: To- and cblmpnctk. Chrosk orga"k gad
erleh Collegiate cadets will take plan (onto Bulhlen Exchange asd Constntc- nenon. dflrlaaea: Lady In attendance
at Victoria Park !text Wednesetsy of tion Industries, 1104 Ray /direct, To- 011ice hours 2 to S. and 7 to 9 pa•
lerurw.n. route. Ont.. elan at the Post Offer, excepting Monday and Thursday and
e Goderlch, Ont. by appolotment
Thr heal lawn I.owlers wall open Tenders will not be conddered'miens A.N. ATICiN/dO�1
Thr oratorio wt h.aee on Friday evening made nn printed fortes atlpplled by the Residence and mere Corer sC
..f this we -k with a tournament he. Department and in accordance with Routh street and Britannia road.
!ween sides captained by the president
condition. dontained therein.
and the vlel-president.
Each tender moat be aerrrmganlwld
by a marked cheque on a chartered
hank. payable to the order of the Min -
OF NO!inlR Inter of i'»hlk Works, equal to iO per
--- cent. of the amount of the tender. Bend. Accountant. 1.2 O•tario street,
• of the Dominion of Canada or hands I Stratford, Phone ISM. Rea l280J.
of the Canadian National Rellway •'
Company will 11 IRO he accepted as PP- ,
entity. or 1,014414 and a chegne if re
quire(' to make up an odd amount. DR, F. J R F(►RSTFR
aged Fanner '(ow Nees the 1 isle
Olt of Red Ribbon.
France has only one Order of
Knlghthbod, and she bestows It alike
n foreign klnes or old farm lab-
rers. The ocher Orders were swept
way In the revolution; and Napoleon
slabllsh.'d a new one, the Legion of
Honor, in 1802.
All who are admitted to the Order
ave to vow that they will strive for
lbsrty and equality, but even in the
Lctgion there Is not ahsoluate equal-
ty, for there are five clasa.s--Grand
rola, (.rand Officer, Commander, Of-
rer, and Chevalier. The President 4
of the Repdblle is Grand Master of Ottawa, May 18. 1900.
he Ordr1. _
The President has mow admitted
Id Joseph Zalewskl to the Legion,
nd so nide a brother of -him. Both I
wear the little bit of red ribbon in
he coat lapel which is no ardently
mitred by all Frenchmen. because it
tanda for the highest, the sole, hon- SEALED TENDERS ADDRESS -M(11)
or which their country to -stows In the nnder•lgnwl. and PndcorsP(I
Imes of pv�are. "Tedder for Routh flee Reenn.tntr•tlnn.
Wha• has Jost ph Zs!.#' k! dont- to Gorerleh. Ont.," will he ree4•lred until
ca n 11 1s hone,! :' Moro tn:u, most 12 e'eleek noon (daylight sitting), Fri -
,,,t.: Fur 14)41- ty-the,, )'HIS he has day. June 4. 1939, for the re,tnstnt.•
wn k d on Ills oat! ,' p,..1. toitlilg pa- ' thin of t he superstructure of the Smith
and :.,e, in a'::: w.•ath- I'ler. In concrete, for n length of 308
re. )fro:ring foo -far u::oe and bet- feet. at (1n(1Pr1-h, Huron County, Ont.
error: •h • land. L' le 103, and still ' nem nnrl form of rnntraet .'nn 4.P
work4 In t1., fi..,:s wi!!a his great= well and xi,eciflentloti and farms of
randehlldr, r.. tender ohtnined at this Degwurtment
Heard and M1.. Nina Heard, of Clln- valleys and high peaks, Kerte Peak t
ton. spent the Whiny at their homes. being 8.500 feet above sea level. The ,
Mr. cliff 1 ,,Hoek. of i.ondon..slent i mo,fntaln side. are btightly colored • °
Note --Rine print. Pon M• ohtalnc,1 '
at this D*'p.artm4-nt by d.4)o*Ittng en EE.Il EAR, NOSE, THROAT.
Late H°nse Surgeon Nevi York
lagiri h 4' rb(gne tar the .arm of 120.011, Oph-
thalmic and Anral Hnspdtal, atarletat
lwrnhe to the neer of flip .' retnr def
it Moorefield Eye Iloepital and Golden
[irtbe li t( Jing bl.l lerll.uhmlteatrnre! Synare Throat Hnwpitah London, Eng,
fs9 Waterloo St. 8.. Stretford. TN -
If hid. ephnin 397.
By order..At Hotel Bedford, Ooalerfch, on the
N. DF,RJARDFNR. evening of third Monday of each
RerrPtary. month 1111 the following day. Tragic,.
Department of Pnhllr Work..
the weekend with hi. parent's Mr. with mineral deposits. Westward the . a
and Mr.. ,1. Pollock. area consists of long. long Irregularly
Mr. and Mr.. Hugh McTwren. Marlon shaped and gently sloping hills , A
and Christine Maci.arcn, of Pnrt Elgin, crowned with small spruce and hal-
afent the holiday week -end wltb Mrs. gam with wide level valleys. s
MaeLaren's sister, Mimi .1 Sterling ' The trail westward from the heights ; I
Mr. Sidney Castle. of Stratford,' will follow the course of the Hess
.lent the holiday with his mother, river, Into which the Stewart runs.I
Mr.,. 0. Cn.tIP, - Where the Hess river atrlkes the '
I Nr. and Mr,. Dixon (11a.s and fart Stewart river there Is an old tratn
Ily. of London, spent the hnlidny nt' running out from Mayo for 66 miles
their 1.ott:fgt'. to this jnnetlon. The new trail will •'
Mr. tool Mr+. Garnet Atktn.on nnd'.r„nn,•et up here, than eompletinc a
fimll4. of Exeter. Vent the week end 1 thronch route from Norman to Mayo. t
14 their cottage. 4 Down the Stewart river from Mayo
Stewart, of 'ITnmilton, were with Creek hear Hungry Mountain _..one
. H
Ste.. Steten:t's entente over the holi-
Miss Mint Praetor. Mr. anti Mr..
A. 8'. King 111441 eon !longing. of Tor-
onto. .la•nt the holldny with • Mr, and
Mrs. G. King, the hatter having re-
eturned 18^1114 after 14 two weeks holl-
day at Elmvale and Toronto.
Mrs: D. Meikroald, Mr. and Mrs.
wenn nod family. of Bernie. .rent
thio holiday week-en4 With Dr. and
Mr.. Newton-Ttrady. ,
Mr. and Oar.. Gilbert Knight and
' bale, of' Toronto. •pent the holiday
with Mr. and Mr.. F. (4 melnhardt.
t7ra and Mrs. Tlaniton Mn.tarr4 and
•falnife, of Tnrontrt pent the week-e!d
et their eotJRP. fit
The regnlnr mrr'tine if the dialtford
Ihwpllal Auxiliary will .be held at the
home of .Ifra. Edward Harrison, on
Thnrgdav'. June 6th. et /MA P m.
The •aha Dile,'Mfaalnn Rana of
flew will hoot lta aneIaal ha -
Naar in t * leetnte room lift the
church on Ratnrday. May 8158. After•
noon tea nerved from 81 5 o'clerk :
"caper from d M 7.
r,w prim,: those gr. at-grandchll- nt the offhe's of the District Engineer,'
Barrister and Solicitor
Sinn Life Building, Adelaide
Victoria streets. Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin Mel,
Barrister, Eta.
Office-118nlIIters street, Goderich.
Phone ^i. ,
Iineec..nr to .1 G Mittman.
Phone 97
1)Rlre The snare, tiouerlch
branch rolna: northwest to M,Quee- der n rou t t i 11 (` +t 1 11 I Maps a Maps
g. n ti n. Ont. , Te
eon and -on to the Klondeke river and
S +e or ,.'1 w his native .tl. ams tt dii ion . .
, village of Mlgat-v'.i tan'; with excite- r.nfi, ituilders Exchange and con.lnx•. ' Braat.rs5a, Fn•.
Dawson, connecting with the road meat when the new" came! tion 1l,d11atrIPs. 114)4 hay Street. To-
• system around Dawson. The south ronfo, (het., ills° at the Post Of/lr,
force tnes down to Minto and down Gdaherl,l). Ont.
to ,illi ra11w•.i � Tear P
F at White Horse. 1 rs will not he rmtdderetiontese'
The new rose: thus becomes the medP on printwl forma .npvptlled by the j �_ _e••Iy link between tog,; flip vast arra north
Department anti In neeordendr with � LNw1'L4NCR, LOAPtg. Cali. _
of British CnlnmMa and the far- The sturdy ehlld.,,the bright, set --conditions enntnlned therein. -
t'•r't4 country up above Alberta. The lye little (Map Is the one everybody' Each tender Immo be aegnpan1.41' M'Kllrid)P 41111
curt of the road rannnt as yet he PP- Imre. it s -,rely (4* gleety, fndhU by a ronrked chegnP nn a P1Mrterod MUTUAL FIRE 1N-- •
4'(s't 4 e r the difficulties s et h en- ch11d who la net attr•otIve. It Is the hank, playable to the order of ape Min-' S['RANCE (7O. -Farm and tse-
birthrlght of every child to he etardy later of 1'nhlic Work., lotted fawn property , IIy, .
c.n.ntered have helen examined and and well --t° to chis to make ever rent. of the emrmnt of thMten4.r. itnnds Officers-Jn., Cenmrlly, Pres„ (1(,d -
the engin-ere have route. d on the one admire him. Therefore, mothers, of ale linmlMen of Canada or bond. Prlch 1'.0.: Js•. F.rnn. Vlce�Praa,
Practicability of the route. In •4141 If oars 18 not attractive It's your of the Canadian National Railway I `4iw"'d p'ft : pi. F• McGt1'Rnt
110:1 to the linking up of the Yukoa'r y•
:,.I the Territories by an All -Cana -
.::an rout,. the new trail will have
' ..rue as opening up for prospecting
1.1, Matkenzie Mountains, the north
Hamilton St.. (3oderlen
null, not his. HP newt to wiling and Centpsny will also be 8ccepitrd a. 4s• '-7roa". 8eaforth P.O.
It la np to yon to me tont he pets re- curtly. or lend. hetin ch•gnn If re lune -tors -A. Itrnndfnnt, R.R. �In, A,
lief -that he le given a medicine That mitred fo make np an odd 'Antonio. Wm.
JeimeN flSetif '4). Ren
oil' quickly make hlm well and keep ' !Note -Rine printo roan he obtained' Wm. Hlnn. R.R. \o. 2,RPAfnr h; Robe
him well. - at thin Department by d art Fends
chit of the Roektes whirl) derides the especially em/West a sane for the twin of 119018) •Rrodhaio'n , Ren. TdcCarinPy. R R' In, NWT, from the Yukon, ]tal.y'a Own Tablets pre 1311 n
, liarloek; John Rennewcis,
The goods, such aa office equipment
and manufacturing stock. In the Art -
craft furniture factory were sold at
suction on Tueada) afternoon for the
fawn, having been mined for taxes.
The purchaser was'Yr. 11. T, Edwards,
sad the price POO.
designed for Infanta and young ehil- mumble to the. order nt the 'Minister of i ' RPItf^4th ; Jelin MVP?: Rrur'eA in.
dren. There! Is nothingto Agents-W.J. e'en, R.R. No. A, (lin-
rPRttlaritpfee equal
flap If he intending tilrl4erllstlhmlt returned .inn : Jame. Watt, Rlyth ; E. Hln('h-
for correctingthe Ir hi. Renf°rh
stonach and hnwelw-the cause of meet, Ruler hid. John Murray.nontorth.
of the Ills from which little ones tent -1 By mien i 1 niky-toklern can make all paymeaht
f,r. The Tablets are snot. by the dietne i N. T1EPTARMdIK. ' and get their cards rerelpted at R. J..
dealers or by mall at 25 meta 1 Des ' secretary. 'Mnerl•h'et clothing Store. Clinton'
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine (10.,1 Departatent of patois Workq, ('«'yin Cn't'4 (],.Peng ltlngeton otreet, ��
hrockvllle, Ont. OtAwn, ,fay .0, 1101. ; Ooderieh. or J: H. Reld's Gismo t ilia 1
, Store. Barfield, w y