HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 6So crisp y , • i MI PO g Sunday Afternoon -0- By- ISABEL HAMILTON, Gddericb, Oat. WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? Halta'a a breakfast treat that's so crisp it actually Grackles in milk or cream! Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Rice in its most delicious form. Toasted bubbles of Savor. Children love them. s Extra good with fruits or • honey added. Order a red - and -green package from your grocer. Handy to use in candies, macaroons, eta Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. RICE KIIIS1'IES The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure • • • Chas. Black Phone 219 Gosh -reels - We carry a good Keck of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Godetich Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power; Your Redeemer's conflict see: Watch with Him one bitter hour; Turn not from His griefs away; Learn from Him to watch and pray. dames Menlo:awry. PRAYER Oh, Thou who are VIII unnheltend in the night of time, abide with me. into my ,lora heart .and reel awhile. 1 would steak a word from my heart into '19p- heart. to let Thee feel that It luaus with Thine. 1 a,nild gho 'Ther what st reugth the little elm iced to the great -the response of a kindred spirit. Ibt• Anew of a .vmmou prayer. T--4:etrge I:atheson.. S. S. 1.1.1SON FOR .IL NE 81h. 19:10 I.r. sun Topic -Jesus in the Siraslow ef.11* ('rots. Irewu Passage-Malliww 16:31-I1i. Golden. Trst,NatltIw i. !0:441. Jesus 41111.4 st".s1 always ups'i the written word. When the dei II first tempted Ilim. He :urw.nd. it 1- art it ten," \o2 schen the devil huts rctutuei to llim. Ile peons the Scrip- tun.s ems. more: I will -Iufie the ..h.'.,trd. MO the sheep of the flack ,Ian be scattered abroad" . Zech 1'1• 11 Is the Shepherd• that i- .elm. r- oath He i+ going t.. Is• smitten, and, soIdlst lie sett: the uplifted red. Ile -,y. to the (look. '•curt after 1 um ;ken again 1 will go before yew tato 1;adios'• Toter in bis limiest Iyi,oranee as- scrted his devotion. "Though all mei ' -hall he offended because of Tlwt•. pet will 1 never be offended.- When Jests. quietly but emphatl-1 ra113 foretold what Peter would .,- Thou -halt deny Ji,. tt,rie•." Peter I with thiol empdmsls I.ut with u boast- 1 fill t • replied. "Though 1 should die with Thee. yet will 1 not deny Thee." George Matheson. the well-known blind preurher. author of "(e Love that will out let me go," ha+ a sermon on Gelheemutw from whlfi the fol•1 lowing f• mro1.'riw.1. Ili' says s-11 am 1 now cote,• to the suppers -wit hour of , Jwu•. i• eau u -e ilo other expreselon, The sorrow which Jesus had kept, un-, der kick and key broke forth nod filled the air with it,r„ presence as He en- tered the garden. He had said. ''1 base finished the work whtrh Thou garret Me 1.. d.." (John 1T:41. 1t 10 when work 1. done that the sorrows of the! soul assert Memorise". The sense of a lost occupation. the feeling that we'; I Live nothing more to den. 1,4 ever the •erasion when the trouble. of the heart emerge from their 111111ue-place. Not in equal degree. did Jesus admit' 111+ d1.clp1•s ton vision of 111• grief. He allowed the eleven to enter the Garden; but Ho took three spin from the rest --the -ume three who had wlrt.'.-el Ilis tramfignrel glory - Peter. James and John. Not even these' had a perfect view. lie stood come' what vert from them atm. Let n. look at the form in which Ill• sorrow expressed itself. The, funus cern of the same grief are be, no means nniform. There are some whose sorrow takes the form of', uumhnes.: they present tn the by. shunter this. attitude of stony suety. There arc Pome whose morrow takes A June Lake Tri Is Delightful FIVE DAY CRUISE Georgian Bay Manitoulin Island Sault Ste Marie via S. S. Manitoulin ROUND TRIP $32 There's no more delightful time glorious month of June -the scenery net a great crowd. Meals and Berth included. for a lake trip than the is at Its best and there's The beet trip of all is a five days cruise to Manitoulin Island points and Sault Ste. Marie on the splendid steel nteam- ship ••Manitoulin." Ilrief stops at all the Interesting ports - K111arney. Manitowaning, Kagawong. Gore Bay; Thessalon, Bruce Mines and many other tn•erosting place! on the Manitoulin Island and North Shore. Then up the St. Mary's River and a.. full day at tbe Soo, when the steamer is your lintel. The S.S. Mianitoulla Is the largest • and most modern ship on the route. Largs comfortable staterooms, a'.1 with hot and eold running water. Oh•ervation salopn on the hurricane deck. Steam heating throughout. Round trip from Owren Sound to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and return, Intlading m.1a and berth a title nn the trip and while steamer is at the S ; ;nly ;31.00 Steamer leavers Oa en Sound every Tbnr.dat evening during June at 11.16, arriting back early Tuesday. Stop Asir at any port, 1f you wish. Same lino -close service as during tourist wiser During July and August steamer schedules• are changed • and Include f Macktna.• 1 -land, round 'trip fare, $45. Ihr r,•scrvatiote and further fnfor- a mat bah ask railway, • or steamship agents, or write • Owen Sound Transportation Co., Ltd., Owen Sound at. How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Borne of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. see how long It will take YOU to find them. LOOK FOR SOLUTION IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL Solution to "What's Wrong and Where" la last r.'til'NTIIY Hi)I'Sl 1 -Tree, growing through roof of ' house. r,drto•epdpe would out ler used on modern house. 3• -hour (stile no house incorrect. .-Windows cn front gable of footrest du not match. ;r-Jirlck anti aro a used lucorryetly In chimney. '• week's j j�/� • night swept to the ;minuet the three- WAS RUN DOWN County and District Mrs. 8111.1, widuw of Thos. Ellis, died May mrd at her borne in Morris township, in her eightieth year. The death occurred recently, after an Illness of several months, of Nich- olas John Poerter, of Howhck town- ship. aged ,dxty-three years. Mrs. J. 4;. Ganllner las returned to her home in Coburn.' township after spending the winter in Regina with her sou. Ilan. Jas. Gardtut'r. Mr. and Mrs. IG•nry Pfaff, of Creel - their effects to dyderlch, where they will reside In future. The Monday school teachers of the Stratfond dlatrh•t of the Evangelical Lutheran Ohurch held their umuual vonweutiou in Zurich un May 2iitb. 'R. Frank Moeiluchey of Zur1.'h, son of ltobt. llcelluchey, Stanley town - orbit', took a high standing hu the three menthe' dairy tourer at the O.A.C., staudiug sesoes! in a large claw and laking several prises. Me is now work - 14.1,11. uu May litth celebrated their lig In tl(e bkaturth creamery. golden wedding with a gathering• of their children and grandchildren. to- gether with ueighb.rs ain't ether friends. Rev. F. G. Emeriti. luster of the l'alrrmo•Bronte circuit in the Halton Presbytery, ha. accepted the call of Ontario street United church, 1)llntou. to havine the peeler of that church at tdpee beglonlug of the 110x1 1'uuferenve Year. e 1u Grace church. llderlou. oil !May LIMN, Mrs. Nellie Martin of t:urrie was. united in marriage to fleury 1lerxog, also of Gorrl•. 'Phe (ere•uiouy Nies per- , formed by ltev. M. .\. l:arland. After- wuards, Mr. and Mrs Herzog lot by motor for flier bone. at Gerrie: At Sarnia, oil May 1.1,. Margaret Emma. elder daughter or Me. toed Mr. hours \\'. oil. Sarnia. was united he marriage n. (`tmrlo. William I'at- (Isou, only sen of Irwin 1',uti:14110 the lee Mr.. l'attls.w of W Iualam. ,The ceremony wit. performed by Rey. 1)r G. S. e'lru111uen. The young couple Will re.ldo at Sancta. enrollee. Hann. wife of ('hart,•: Al- derson. 4'raubrS,.k. passed, a way May 20th in her sixty-41th year. .\ few days Lifer.' Mrs. Alderson, hail suf- fer..1 a stroke. !nom whish .4.r 414 net rally. She wa. hewn near Exeter. Mit had 104411 a n•dde•ilt of 4'r:u,br.s.k since her tmarriagr forty--et.•u year. age. Betides her husband. ,the leave•- three ,Wnght.•tr cud our .,u. interment. Wroxeter Mill Sunned HK('SfiEL0 '1'h• marriage of iMhb Vine Gillis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William (:11- 11,, Brussels, to Robert White, wu, of 4.t. %%Tett.•, lith concession of grey, was performuei at l.lstuwtd by iter. E. F. .trnw. roeyr, on Wednesday. Muy 711,. Mae the youngest sett et %Vdrden Booker, fell lu the milllrm.F one day recently. ills - young c.mpaill.', gave the alarm shot he sus rew•u.d from choicer. , a.ffiers Were elected by the Brie :set. Women's leetitiete ut the annual mewl 11.1: oil Muy 11t11. Mrs. W. S. Stvtt h pr,••i.l•u.t : \les. Rebt. Ftne•hun. 1.t i. e•-pre•.idrut : )Ir .1. S. .%rm.t(•ug, vice pre-ldeut : \II J4. .\nu.rring. se.r.•iar% ere -aver: \I r. 1 11 Bailin•. .11-Irict dircet..0 : AIN. .1 Logan, 1r- 1'. 'Melds.. Mir-. 1t F Ihowning: Mr. '1' %tlolker. Mr.. S. Wheeler. Mr. ltreaer, Mr-. E. 4ltuuiug4,:. u, \Ir- .;:uuuuu, •. Mr-. .\. Sura. halt. Mir le \\'siker 1111141 r.. 1'L,• .I,•:ith .t.•nrrel iu /'creole 1,11 Voud.,y ..f \I) rtlr \\'ll•on, a Ire of !tarry queries a (caner resie.•nt et Itntw•1+. 1h.t•nsed. Nhn wits i11 11• r f..rty•fourth N.111', wa- ;he you.',• -r daughter 1.1 tjo• late Mr. and Jame. \Ir - .lame. \til+m. Itr.ft•el-. and wa. 111:11 tied 1. lot twelve yti,A. ago J'he r•. mains were brought 144 1tnl.sel• for Slgaal Fire starting al.nut t) e'wI•u•k Monday t`=Shntterw on window on front of house do not match. 7 -Window on side of house bat only rine a)uuler. S --Potted lusher on door step do not match. IH4)ue cross par missing on window text to chimney. 11e form of rebellion. And there are sone who pour forth the torrent of their grief. This third form was that of tbe grief of Jesus. He made no ef- fort to hld.• it from 111+ followers. There was no r•bellien, n., question- ing of the goodness of (:eel. 'My 'Motel los exceeilbig sorrowful. even unto death. Tatty ye here, and watch with Me." Whet wag Christ shrinking from? Wits it physieal pain? Unwired. for Uie sake 41 Jests have gone to the stake. 1s the dlwclpd.' to he above Hi. Lent? IN.1 He not say. "Fear not Hien tbal kill the body and after that base nothing were that they can do," It was nntklug personal that ceased the agony in the Garden. 61.' shrank not from the crus•- but from the world's share In IL- that was the cup He wanted t.. pas from Him. lir wanted to ease it from rommltting the Week. et deed of sin ever perpe- trated by the won. of men --a deet which 11e feared might fix. for ever an Impaasabl.' golf between the life of the creature and the heart of the Father. allot .cry for help rings through the Garden. "Father. If it le. pinsslble, let this sup pace from Me:" Janna erased human stmpothy and In 1114 litter hour tis chosen friend! failed film. Ile et says.. "Could ye not snitch with- Me one hour?" 1t le Ilk.' the head noir... 1n s hospital re- buking the sleep of the under -nerve. In the great hto.gdnal of Time' Item. keep- watch by the mach of a , sick world Wouildst thou have com- munion with J..11.'' Then must than Marc the w'ateh tot Jesus: ('antt thon watch with Him In the infirmary of hi -token heart•'' ('ensu Ghon heal With Ilhn the !mikes .1 Mow. batch In the world'. battle? Const then calm with ilio, the nerves unhinged by life's fit- ful fever? Cnn.G thou keep awake •t roiRh the night in sympathy with Ills vigil? Then. In the days to come shrill thy Father say to thee. •'1)1d 1 not 'see thee In the Garden with Him" gulled In tremendous cluanges in China. since our revered founder, Cllr. (Hudson Taylor. first went to that land. but China's spiritual newt 11.1 as urgent a• ever. and those fundamental. of the faith for which Huron Taylor stood. and the glorious Gospel which he wet out to glee to China have not clanged In the slightest degee. In th•.-e days, when there Ig w. much re- grettable departure from tbe old faith, both in the home'landa and in the mitnion fields, It would seem that there le just as great a need as ever for the witness of the China inland Mission. it Mande. as it always bas June. and by the grace of God always sill do. for an tuteeeerved' acceptance u,fethe Elide as the Word of GNI-In- deed. by It. -principle of teeth it haw practically staked it, very existence on this belief. it Relieves from its heart M all the great evangelleal trnthe which stand at the very foun- dation of ibi mb•slonary activity, and every member of the mi.aion shares title belief to the fall. The J,ord bee eery graciously wet I;ie 'eel upon the ministry ..1 the mission. blued .on these eonvietionw in giving u. to see the power of the Gospel of Christ In changing the hearse and lives of tens of thon.ande of men. women and chil- dren in China. During the poet two years the Turd has been bringing ns through the fire and water of persecu- tion, opposition and great dlfflenhy In China. hut we believe that MIs fs but the prelude to the 'wealthy place' of even greater upiritual Meowing and enlarged opportunity in coming day." Pomelr mutes. Pomegranates are of interest be- cause of their 'trueMtre, history and utility. The pomegranate grows as a •hurt tree or bush with opposite or alternate, shining, lance -shaped leaves. From the rails or joint of leaf and sten', spring short stems bearing brilliant scarlet Sowers. The story frame chopping tnlll of 'Harold - 1 Smith, located at Wroxeter. .uuslug damage of over $30,0110. The mill was . Ire -equipped lase year. The lease was . 1 11ite eovrreU by some boyo. but 11 was Takes Pleasure in Recommending ' too far gone to save anything. There, j . • e nof Dr. Williams' Pink Pills iii miwall, alargcarl.wldemoouoft wheatflnnr andiu aumrthe l To the woman in the home illnes- I screenings_ 119. tom. it only partially I la almost a calamity. Many s woman 1 covenkl by insurun.e. I keep, on with her hue -.•hold• thole. . New Tetebers of CldsNa , when aha Is feeling. Wady to droit (`IInWn Collegiate lnetitnte w1)1'' }ler had achcv. she Is eaelly tired.have four new te*eh'rs nest tern,. all; b deprealld and nervou, and hn4. no i the lady tenehers having resigned.' appetite. in a went. .he Ls nntendc 'MIs. Jean Horace. trochee of mo.lertn"• rind badly n.e,l. hello -the Lalrhfielp g•u-1• u, St. Thongs, atoE miss Mex•wgi• that only. Dr. Williams' Pink P111. can temcher In srlenee and art, Reuss n' sive her. There pills make rich. re'! Ingerw,ll. 'Miser..(.union and Kelman ! blood whiI, brings new strength mud else ere avinh. 'br•tw hnew trechers i energy to weak. despondent •nff••r.•r. have already t. -17i rngager. ltoy r.,u i'rning them. Mrs. Rohl Ball. ('..lu 11. .4U1n of 1.nndou, F.nglbl llh and his- 1 du Banc. tJiw. says: •'1 was 11.11111Y rim ' torr : Ml." Mary E. l)ep•w, Ingersoll• ; 445.241. stela poorly. 111111 awoke as tired modern.: nod Mev. Frances Brysl.me• ar 21a•u 1 went to 1.4-11. tIy apprtit.- Innlor ttrrbrr. sac I.,or is 1 felt mi-erabt.• 1 t.s,k FiM.ln l'akertsr TewreltiP ;.ix hose% of Or. W llllamy Pink Pill. Fire partially drwrtn,ye.d Ihr hand- I ,and they completely rein -wed rip' i some re'side'nce of Neloon ('onitls, on i health." ti hl. farm .dent itjf mvih. south tot Elim -1 Ur. W.'IIlama' Pink Pill. are sold etlle. c.D Priday evenfnpt T1. ebhldn'n '. 1111 medicine dMkrre ..r by mail at ' NOW WELL AGAIN weer setting off fire•raekers close (0'70 erotwe a box teem The Dr. William-' • the Moue 1n the afternoon. and 1t le, medicine Co., Brownville. (Mt.. supt.u.ed that •perk% from tlweae %tart- ed the lire. Neighbors were summoned. a husker brigade was fennel!. and the 'Exeter fire brigade also came to the meow. and the fire was exdngulvbel niter the roof and top story had toren burnold. Atter the fire wag out rain tw'gen to fall= and d4d considerable I damage. petits of Exeter War !'e'terse The death of (lteeter Harvey, of Earlier, occurred on Friday 11.s1 In Victoria hospital. London, where he ' was taken to be (operated on for ate pmli.i4J•. He w•a• in hie thirty -%eve moth year. Dnrtne the war he .erred 'overseas In the revelry. (ince return- ing he had eonchteted a grocery store 1 In Exeter. lie Waves a widow and threw i etieldren. also hie temente. Mr. end )Ir.. Throe. Harvey: mum brother. Ern - rd, and thn4' .I.t.'r, Mr. J. Matson of Exeter. Mr.. E. Rutw••dl of I.iieknow, mad Mrs. rf,awreneie White of Flax- eoml'. Sorel.'. Children in Peril Tn. children titre. and fly.' year. A De%eerwlant of codes. Antonio Aragon t'ort.a, Prince of Pignatelli, who traces big lineage di- rectly to Hernando Cortes, conqueror of Mexico during sixteen century Spain, has .been ordered by the Mexi- can Government to be deported as a "pernicious foreigner." The Govern- ment charged I'Ignatclli, whose title Is derived from an Italian house dat- Ing to the twelfth century, with hav- ing sold historically Important tam- ily p,ssesslons_to United Stales mll- llonalrt•r and universities. Some Of the property is said to have been found in the library of the United Stat••:. Congress. fiuMnerinee In Prance. France's submarine deet include fifty-two vegsCIs built and forty-seven building. Including one of 3.250 tons surface dlsplarement. When finished, this will ts• the larp et submarine in rho world. of age. - narrowly ...emus' A. -lett. on ; \liy 1Tt11. when n liens.. tot Corrie; /oe•nided by Wm. IlerrI"#.n and fam- There IIy, was totally d,+trnyel by fire, The Uone In origin of the fire Is unknown. l'he ehil- frult usually reaches the else of a dren were alone In the hoose. the large orange. it fin a hard read and WORLD MISSIONS a pulpy interior with numerous In the cnrn•nt issue of -China's Geode. The juice makes a refretMng MIIIb,nu," It 1. refreshing to rend thea acid drink. The fruit is used both u t.rtrf restatement of the stand of Ow a food and a medicine In hot coun- China lnlnnd Mission for flume even- tries. L. grows wild In ARghanistan, r,•lecal truth. on whleh t1114 great Turkestan and Northwe.t India, but father haying gone to work and the mother being down town. They were n•.wd NO In time. o part of the honse fnllhyc just ns they were ear- ' Heti out by John Hikerton, who -heti ilole d the fire as hP was pet.ing. W11- IM•m Bremner .was the owner '•1 the nilaston 1. fonnrh•d end which hare has been cultivated In Palestine ao limier. which ane insutrel. Ir.l so many emote from the dnrkness around the Mediterranean from etB- of beatllrmMm to llim who 1, the memorial times. There are frequeyt light of the world. refer.•nees to It In the Old Testament, ' I "The pa. age of years mny have re- HumPr and other ancient Oriental 1 books. The best evldggce agrees that ' Miry Jane Morrl.on, widow of the It or;ginated in Persia. Ince William les id•on, pewee' away nt the Sett tMemorltl 1le•plhll after ' n prutrncte,! 11111.•-<. T)Pce:,..•d wag 4..•rt: hi McKillop sixty -...Nen Venn age. su.l! after the death of hen hits. Iuap'1• carte h. reside in Sellforth. One daughter. Mrs. Percy Little of Shi- Kinop..tir'.ive-. - � .\fuer on limos... of three nlimths, Georgi 1'4lffierd 11.11 • diel en May • Sttl In Ids fifty-wo.eilI year. 1h'e'nsel 0a. not tenrrie). lie wns In business for eight 'year. in tortilla and •o[Pr. wont. In .11rne'hrfdtn'. I Fronk (Minion., who lin. lmrn with 1. P. limy. Fond dealer, has gone to Toronto to take to petition with. life Ford Motor Co. Ml.. Jewel• ieethune left Met week for Vernon, B.('., when.' 4hie will 'pend -4I#' mummer with her .deter, Mrs. • SEAFORTH Ita.11o In (.Irina. •- aro • now sixty -Iwo radio ata - the Chinese Republic. DADDYCANN • EAT ANYTHING He dearly loved a rich tit -bit The . 110 spirit wee willing, but the flesh was weak• ver he ate enydting Meths boys used to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the peuthy to -morrow." Read the sequel In his own words:- " Since taking the regular dose et Krusrhen !salts it is quite different, sed sty boys enjoy themselves seeing taw eat what 1 dare not touch before. My eldest son was the same. -but Owe be has taken Kruschen Salts he can eat and enjoy wlthtever Is put in front of him." Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, leek of exercise, and so on, aro bound to have injurious effects in the kung run providing due precaution is not taken. • Rewritten Salts should be your safe- guard. Besides cleaning the body ot• maturities gently, lively and painlessly. they power s vital power of giving cess life and vitality to the counties milliote of cells of which every buddy is composed. That is why physicians never helmet* to recommend kruschen Se14.. Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas ( by 4 egg) 1 can supply your wants in why of the above Nei. Prompt serviee anti reasonable priers. L. FLICK Telephone 1714j hoderich sa Vocation's t4. Dorado -the trip of golden ea peruenee An "inland ocean- cruiw, between towering glaciers and totem -poled mks Shores so close you look an on quaint Indian village. Downs of glaciers flash. ung rainbow colours in the midnight sun. Sex fascinating ports o' cell. Mysteries of the Klan - 'tyke Greatest trip is merges for the money, we believe. As low as 090.00 from Vancouver Victoria, Seattle -to She/way and ret rn-including morale end berth en - route, except in Skagway. On luxurious Princess huts- largest, fastest to Alaska Make your reservations now whale _the choicer Pewee. rabne are available. Vancouver Island West coast cruises 7 days. Meals and berth enroutc Minimum 539.00 kid/ is4'real,na free newest (a.adtoa Pa et* re,irl atra(, err H Fallon, Asfnlael Cenrral Paueuger Agent. 7 e'n.lo Canadian See LkB.+.ntrl:Ma Pacific • BL A E" oil too tire joy life compl�xio mply • -low? Th 't>�b1e • that a ilisordered aystemns throw which it ghoul your blood. Y tone up your your blood pure again, b herbal meds tains no E S S The Lad real. The Scotsman was showing hen An:, dean friend round the country. "That's a fine train for ye," sold the former, pointing to an express whlca had just appeared out of a tunnel. "Sure." agreed tete American; "but we've got trains tiler. as big as that In the Stales." • The Scot waa aIitl*P for a while. "That's rt line bulldin' for ye," 'be said. "VI'bat dae ye think o' "Say," laughed the Amerkxa, "that's nothing. Wive got hundreds of 'buildings , bigger and better than that." ' • "Lys," returned the Scotsman, "I expect ye bate. That's an asylum." eak our sal • - bly - igestive • poisons. can quickly ystern so that Domes rich and using th* great, which cor- als or drugs Read This {Mkk1y. ick dr►the WhaterTi. cad to health' today. with 9a •- (cel a 1tMtk tadav hems CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE OODUIC$ ONT. A 'steeper Is one who sleeps. ' A Sleeper is that Id which a sleeper sleeps. A sleeper is that on which a sleeper rune while the sleeper sleeps. Thertore, while the sleeper sleeps la the deepet, the sleeper carries the sleeper over ,the sleeper under the Sleeper until the sleeper which ear - ries the sleeper jumps the alio per and wakee the sleeper in the sleeper on the sleeper bi striking the sleeper wader the sleeper no the sleeper and then le no loather any sleep for the sleeper :Newer is rho sleeper on the shaper. r,; cr 10- { •r 7mrleh bnalness.men will i . irr•ve the meekly half-holldny • on ttelncsday. e.onmenchig In .Ione. J. Reid. hes been award. eil the contract of (011 11 (11Ing the north fornn•d, of Renck ('reek drnin tot $2.:2"t":, the work to he fitelshe.l br ,\ng - urn 1.t. Mr. and Mrs. C. r'. SchlM* of 7.nr• kh nnM.nnee the engagement of their !daughter. Greta Ktltherine. to George i51 Kerswell of De•trnit. the marriage to take place early In June. The McDougall family have moved • ' •i 1 a1 SAME FLAVOUR LA TEA now 1 1 SAME QUALITY f { A LB. BROWN LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES