HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 4it 4--Thuraday, May 10 1930 rlpflttfti 11tx 1t feat ccociocac Men's and Young Men's Suits Tailored by Fashion Craft $25.00 and $27.50,: in the popular shades of imported worsteds in- cluding blue with stripe -a very dressy suit; single- breasted models. These suits are of unusual value, especially when you consider they are cut and tailored by Fashion Craft. Made to Measure $29.50 and up W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store with the Stock- Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. s.,. 1 tGode�riichh. =CC Xlfltlf\XXXX XXX XXX t►a/1t1Ar/1r=CC XX•X ant in a poeeition to acs pt contracts for all kinds of cement work, such as placing foundation' under buildings and laying sidewalks Fresh carload of Cement I� ii GIVE ME A CALL+ J. J. MOSER Hamilton Street - C.oderich SPARK'S -FOR- CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUT- TER, EGGS. MEATS.LARD, FLOUR, ETC. SUrerwood's Ice Cream FRIetDAIRE EQUIPPED for your protection CAL[. IN AND SATISFY, YOURSELF a:VCRvla00v wa:LCOMM parr's Grocery "Toe 'gore .f Satisfaction" Hamilton Street (apfierich Phone 146 DELIVER IN TOWN Radio-Lectric Co. East Street ROTAREX WASHERS Regular $110.00 Value Our price $98 cash We offer for this week only to introduce the new APEX WASHER , Regular $150 00 for $135 cash Apex Vacuum Cleaner All Attachments $67 cash ' Easy terns arranged t xt�,�rit f I„� i C�w1;i4irwi�$«:a, 1'de mnaxs•M.vr.. _. ..,.. .._,__ THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. sardine, were tickers with - Yr. and CREWE R1osa Bare a rewlog entitled, "our Mrs. Hyde. Land to 'Love and Live lour. l'anada." Mr. Earl Cranston was home term Mee. Geo. dicllwain sang a solo, "Who StrutII for the etre. CRD\VE. May 27. --Mrs. Robb, Reid,' Ikx•e Clod's 11'urk Wlll Get God's 1'ay.'.' Mr. uud cr+. Donovan, of Guelph, Edgar and Harvey, of Port Eight, anal I Mrs. Harwood Barr a report of the were visitors with Mr. Duncan McKen• Mr. and Yrs. Orville Chambers Sunday fourth annual convention bald In Sea- ale. rurally, of Woodstock, spent Suud•y teeth on April 10th. Mrs. Gordo** Orr .Nr. A. Webb and 'Mt•ts-(+seta ids- , at N Westfi. andeld Yrs. Y. $has•kletun'r• rend the lues+u{[r frow the g.iivral itef recently with Mrs. Armstrong. of Westfield young people at•• putting we..e,lnry of the latent of hums ml vlos eta All fart and Present Blyth. on their play, "Smile, Rodney, amble." shuts. The hymn, "Lord. While For All at Crewe garden party on June lllh. Mankind We fray." was • ung. Mrs. + "Fronts" 04 fatale -Took Part is 4br.,. A. Fol, of \\'hltw'hprch, 1+ a ' Mrs. Grana(. of n'uu,roucrr, 11.(' claltur fur a few' day* with her sister. \luu•h gate a reading. ' 1'l+•►tie Will p the Roll KeDollleter. Mrs. W. J. I[um{dtn•p; def 1rr taking torr )lune Durulnl, and Howard and i ;lack." The meeting ...loosed by repo•at- ! l[rtun Duntlu, at Wlnnlper were lug the lord's Prayer. VI 1. a 111hir> I You will find the Royal a length %a trip to J. mint pest ith h sten, onllcd to the bedside of (belt Urtbcr'' tooth, was being served by the bus- Mounted Pollee through the length ,Mt-. +uta Nr-. A\d+u1i Nlil Ire, who is very ill. toss: Mrs. Harwood :are au bistro and brsadth of Cauada, from the gleet 5lfllrr. :ur,i Nr J. I,aill, u' wind-swept prairies of the %feet to llut1Ml, ecltrr visitor -.on Sxtunluf Mr. 111141 Mrs. .due Tioompsun and mental, "Gloaming:* y(.. .i11u. family. an of Mitchell spent Sunday a• i i bo i Arctic legtone within a few 11r andUr+.1 S. V 1 CHIEF OF "MOUNTIES" WINED "HIDERS uF THE PLAINS" Ill( lana. tU stniseloner Mariam Har fleas See- SEE er 'J. R WHEELER SEE US FOR Furniture Springs Mattresses Window Shades Curtain Rods Floor Covering Electric Lamps Electric Washers NILE t� c0 Ll t' C - \\1111 1111• former'. -•-•- p1GM1 hundred mile* of the North Polr.Ulers.H, Little Harold returned with writes Jathrs Mnntat(toea fu Tit -Bits.' ,his Graudpar•ul+ for n hullday'�1. and c clmtrl k+ The man who heads this prgeuln- Nr. uud 51r_ \lrheuyi, foal a � anon has wren rrrvlce 00 all u( Its , „hildrru tls+k a muter trip it I l autl ilrNf •,"r -- ; \11.}:. may �ti.-)tis+ LII) 5lorrl+, sof art ead roam "fronts." Rough- : ough- .1.thi lh.n awl Guelph. Gooderlch, spent the •reek-exd . with D D' 1..\NNS. 51ay -t NII,.. )fur) l'hll her (eland, Mi'''' Miry IGttb. and -ready Dawson City was his bead- The \Voueo,. Institut, meeting wilt lips spent the lura 'ye•ks aa ,Ili her *Is- ,\ttss nett }luulgnu...t Kip1K 11. sl*ant 'quart*ro during the hectic data of the IlaniIs• held on 'l'Iror.dac, Jour �. at ter ter, 51rit Thomas Ferguson. the week -cud under ter parental roof. gold rush, and more recently he has hull,. of \lr. u arias \tiller hurt ••nil snuduy, Jun, ise. the s,•rrie In play.tta major part in extending tits ' rr,.ilr•+ fro Wt1Itg ft-utt 514,41 t ho \i r. and Mr,. Took and family. • f eh e'hathatu, silent the week -cud at -ter rhe "'it"' clntvrh here will le tnkrlr aetivitiee to Arctic r.;eteertf Hr is Ise selected, In chars,. of 51iss A. Mc 4 euro• of thele suede, Mr. Wm. Ballwin. by Rev. Colin Campbell. of Stratford. 1'nlnmisaloner Cortland Starnes. l* Ie ,,l 1 sr-• Mrs F '1',sbl and Nit. and Mrs Geol. Lane noel htmf{e Born and educated at Montreal, Mr-. 11. Todd. 5uudpc with rrlruds, at Iticrr- representing the luny+ Doty .tlllnncl• thi* strapping broad - shouldered 5Ir•. Kafue. ..r IhunflnH,, ti+Ib+1 sent Mr. and Mr-. Telford Nixon and Con I'orin•u. e bow. - youth left with the 66th Montreal with err vlanglltrr, \hs \\'e are lit 4 t.. retort that Mrs. F. )I r. rtswald Hulley riatel at ter Regiment to put down the Northwest A. ru' 1ltron i. nvvocerita. from her home of Mr Nlxou's k. 11 •r. Mrs. Wm. H• bt'tItun at 1x45 He was an sago- t, n LItu rid 1Nrs'. n\' Iti•+a,rn). cf .avian` Illness. ret hops• that she wilt '-Nixon• .of rtenuq•br,*.k, nu S e ,8,111.11.417e.'" ii,1. Vat. des lie h1r twentY�ae Y•`ara, l e:n••4t•h, .1,.I furl 11'.KK1 of '1'.,ron'. soon be WWI" 1 home again She 1. Rec. 1.. C. and til nVltlh• and two and he sal out to help put down the :111.1 Intl• :"4. Vera Phillip•. ••f Fr''''.. ' elite,rrn. attended uud impel, ea meet rltling of the Indians and halt -breeds in the 1lospiurl at rn :t ham.weer }:mpiro• lo:oy cltlIi' s wpb Mn. Mr and Mr-. Hoer 111141 their 'laugh. ' elite, attrndehs the simnel tea meet. IW Dy Louie Rlal. . It, t,- \.ssh ing held lis the United church herr on ; Mel had but' recently returned \I r. anal \les. Albert N'xlhue uu'1 n•r };Levy,, ut Guelph. were the .•nest" Friday- evening. trent Montalta, where he had firs fol- 1lntghn•r. Nis. e:crttl, of ltwrrie, and •.f Mrs. Jno. Mullin for the weekend Mr awl \[r+. Robert Fwh1111 and .'"n., Sir Iln_h \\'nlla,v. ..f P,trrlsn'- ow Sirs..l no. Mullin entl•rtahuvl an none- Mott Donald. 'S1 r. x11.1 Mrs Gonl,ort tions g his first tailors u a revolu- ler of small friends of her niece. Jean �ecu.a spent tionlst in 1470. Now be preached a .nig. were cfsltor: with jr \1'eihuw No.lson, on Saturday , last. Sunday + the IMF. P' separate state to stem the annes- Suudny at the 1 • oL Mr. and Mr.. ad Easters Qsn .tiller awl 'Mr F.d Thom „err the at g holiday. - --- - d .. ,H11 •the ERICA TOWNSHIP Jessie McCann. uuu uyry In trnln � (.uu.I.Ni e'ourrn•m•,. 111 1\,asters l 'Ilk U+l; ►u ter loslerb h hospital. An uncompleted railway carried •""" . at her house here 1111 Saturday. the Canadians from rKin aIIw&on, Mont-carried 9.11.• \\' \I S. held their m••uthly i ps of TOWN -SIM', n'NSHII'. wry -met Mr.:laUles Slbell stent s•rl•rnl days, real• and Quebec. The rallwa, which W 1: I'hr 1 I'.S. of union church will meet the Inst week xt ter home of Ids ' meeting at the home o/ Sirs In the church on Friday wetting. The now stretches arrow lbs top of Lake brother. Mr. Ilumphrry Snell. of fun- meet$ n. with the me pin+hent. 1tt•_ meeting will be In charge of aline Alio, Superior woo not finished. V as \I. ('. Rutherford, lis the cl.utr The ' lou Colwell and Mr. Arnold Porter. deabs'ro. armed force, the regiments could not 9111• regular monthly meeting of the j sake use of the halted States tall-' mrctint R+r+ oie•nl:it-letth the mail: Miss Dorisat Orr. of Calgary, Alter., ..f a h} lou sod prac*r' hi li r. Rano la nailing at the homer of airs. J. It.. Girls' guild was hell on Tuesday Jus of condi welch ran went of Lake Su- rgr. ilytltn flet was sunt. T6P es. rr• , 11rr and other rel*tives erre. this week at the' home of MI*s Jennie prior. It laaeant marcbing through I + ort Kos n•a.L 'P *0 rr Martinis. with ter pro -Admit. Miss Mary an unknown wlldernras, • country t+1r)'s rep' )lis. Alice week -end of Toronto.lttr coq+err "f F:n+ter tbinkntiring Rn e, In the ch+tir. The meeting op. unsettled and, except for • few sur- an'►f►t ssnt was tutor• Re{art of ..pent the weal• -end at the home of torte with the singing of hymn N".' rayon' marks hen and then. un - her father, Mr. Wm. Sowertn• rte. "J,-nls Keep Me Near ter (roes' inhabited. 1'1ctrrixl heel al t:rnf.•rrh was Mr. and M. 'rhea, Amy. a Hur- ford, have •be•en visiting at the home) followed by repeat lug the lord's Prince Albert was the main white ^Ir,•at be Nis- .\l t' lhtthcrfonl t Prayer In unison. The S,•rEther rend- settlement. It was already tieing de- Wilkhl+.ou gue'r 511.4. Nellie F�••�" ort of h us end late. Gen. dent h. and Inc was taken be 51Is+ Ethel Tall. tended Dy the PrincesI Albert Volas- H ltklIs , Meeting 1'losrrl Ire i all Yetis "' with and relatives Brock In Geoel tTo The roll call was x11-wereol by tem., fended and the Northwest l ert V Po- Intl of lo Mil ''t•' 'ii Mn.al and Yrs.apOr week -end: members and the minutes of last meat- Ilea. aTo nd 111 N tela town and squash turd'• t'rn. t uudnrd up and spent the weekend 1 the bands of Indians led by halt- half -borer we. spent. with relatives here. tut were read and adopted. Sirs. Root. _ _ \lis+ Helen Bell, of Windsor. visit-. Eohll11 and .Mrs. Henry Mathews *well breeds roaming in that territory was rd at the home of her father. SI r. J. reed an Interesting chapter In the the work of the three regiments 'r., ��se over the week -end. study loo t*. After sternal buslnes- Which had come West, one of which W. Bell, 11to• wu Starnes' outfit. They made a V r, and \Irs..1. nn' �hnp.4 ret and Mn. emeo'Inwdaht tae' a close with hymn No. Quick job of It, tor within three John sips' rmid. of Turuutu, n' lhome,+1 dt:.. "Tike Sty Life and Let It Be ' months Loeb 11. had sed and the up b.- trent the hul,dwy ret the � m•rw .�., M w•.aa Mn,re of the Indp's mother. S nil Ju+. Rias. , rend the M. we 1'errection. a hos- rebellion had been Draken. '-[ Miss Slnr.nrrt .\ Pentland wHs e ! rrtrrshments were *roved 4v the hos- There Dad been serious epeoustrn, �,.a�.e��tpe ass Ta.e�-gas' orae tr++rs of the day. Nes.. Henry Mat- whites and Indians Dein killed. But eaetaletese4ww ts•Ses' ski-• bursa c guestat the home ret her patent as r. Mi Jennie Martinis. shortly atter the arrival of the sot- •e• news' ��.• alass. LANES Ions halo made by n - ' stuuh•> �nrll, ii• It.rae e. ads. He advocated bloodshed u nee lt. . 'f. (' \\ tlkulvnl 1- sit, n GOD \li - e . e I ciwitr'� Dainty WLIN QUICKEST TIME KNOWN thews and c+ eon y • . as eswisic and Yrs A. B. I'rntlnnd, Dan Mr. Mary Tlflltr snot daughter tilers peace was restored. the Indians neer the week -mei. 4 Vern. of (`.•Nlerieh. visited ret the hone went hack to their reserves. the mill- ' nett.w Claire Pentland. of ir. Silas of the former's sister. Mrs. Jim. Mc- tla was demobilised and sent ear. non. was the la••st of her sister.No. thew, on Sn-Nlav But Cortland Starnes .stayed. Me •Mnrgnr•t Trntlnnd rancher of S.S.. No. decided (1, _ _ r that those tall fruntlersmen, Inst Frlatty. DUNGANNON . the Northwest Mounted Police. could {setas Marguerite Falconer of Gn•1(r-y `"; probably find a piece for him. They Ire spent the week -end at the home were recruiting. for now the entire of her pnrrnt SI r. anti Mn. fleet. Fal• D11NGA_s'NI)N, ,May 201.-5laa Erma! territory would once more be under Boner. Roach, nurse -In -training in i(u, (:nrler their charge, and immigrants were last Sunday tics. tV....\.Bremner of lee Dueldtal. Is spending her holidays ' coming la. So young Starnes became Ion •.Melt net -toiled thenpulpit In 1�- at the hilme of her parents. Mr. and era lnspestor of the "Riders of the Ion church. Next Sunday the wrrje•e PWss." " w•111 he held as notal in Union church Mn. Murton Roach The Yukon gold rash came In at :t p.m. Sunday school at ! p.m. Mrs. Mrs. •$. Trelesron. who spent the igTh and ronched Ila height m 's n C. R. ('ara,mlien. formerly of West past year at the home of her dough- i Yea tame to thousands from the Bade (-9ohur, will ,s.Wrwa the congregation. rr. ,Mrs. J. Andrew. lis Alberta. has re- of the earth There were all types of Mn. sod Mrs. 'Harold Montgomery and children motored . ivrlth relatives spenDetroit and t the get 1 has joined ' • turned. home. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Huller, of -Mar- ton, spent the weekend at the Meme of the former'r parents(. Mr. and 'Mrs. there. 1'. DIeher. Sllst F'Idtren•w wr ay Mr*. Hugh (Arvin spent a few day* T Marine end men who braved the wilderness. the mountain passes, and finally the life la the mining towns. As with every `old rush. gamblers and 'Mamba cattle In with the earnest prospectors. the staff of Alexandra e treat and the worst u human - General Hospital as a nur+e-in-train- at the home of Mn.Mand )Ir. Jas. Gir- sty were eongreghe V to asksown. int. ger eommenlrel her dn11ea on vin Int week. unsettled country. The "Mounties" R. Mr. and Yn. Jas. Wilson, of Elora. Are sent in to keep order. laapester Wwlnratlay. motored up and *pent the we rk end ` Btarn•e took charge of the detach- FURNiTURE DEALER and W.M.S.tMeeting The monthly freer- with frfrnds here m.•nt al Dawson City. 1 church am was held nt.the home of Mrs. Butt on seal Mr. and Yrs. Gaol and family ;The gold rush was at Its edger. Phones: Store 33,i, Res. R:iSw rhe xfternonn of 'May 21, with flftewn created ret the home of Mr. and Mrs. fieekrieh, QM ttending• The president. Sir . JAR. Heber Etvly un the 34th Drunkenness was the order of the The meeting oiWtt Murders were Committed with We are plent+eet to *re Yr. Jas. (lir- regularity, fights were common, and with the singing of "0. Cxnndn.' The vitt out again after being laid up fur taw gambling saloons took the gold V, f torr IeaoMn was P*elm ::•'1• Yr•' tip with n sore inert f welch prospectors had work - Mr. \1 and tam Rawson FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ina of ter 1V.5i 4 of 1 n nn Sir cud Nrtl Ik'rr.4terit and family t Those were wild days In Dawson fla�lltin Street - a ,r1 r - day- r . ossissossoosesiesososestosssi Hoots. presider}. t •r p some to dust or Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ton a Special ■ Special Value in Ladies' and -Misses' Felt Dresses for Friday, Saturday and Monde i mittei f1 t �� rt�;d �y •� ais�t;:s ffi' a.� M my ' Dresses of silk crepe, celanese, tricoshe a longd crayshene in plain colors and figured • Sleeveless or Regular $7.50 t sleeve styles. Sizes from 14 to 2 g $12.50 values for g ` ■ $x.95. • For the June Bride, Bridesmaid and others �,>•:. � ,t, reg. tse€t�6ne,in, iS 2�: We have just received a new shipment of georgette Dresses with lace trimming; also georgette and lace ensembles. Other ensembles of silk, flat crepe and figured crepes for travelling. The new basket weave Flannel Coats ate sure to appeal to you. They come in shades of, white, green, maize and blue. Millinery For the week -end we offer a special in Ladies' and Misses' Hats. This is our very latest "stock in mohair, bakinette and lacy braid straw materials. Regular prices $4.50 to $5.50. Selling at $2.96 ed -hard; 744 prisoacrs were tried by Hy and Mrs. Campbell mntnr,rl to Inspector Sterne* dating the first • al Kier ■ Buffalo on Saturday and spent the year 10 ■ week -end with friends there. They re- Other duties were also pressing. I ked tuned Monthly evening. Slt.a Edith Hicks Npent the week- Other detachments had W be ext after During his second winter out 111 end at the home of bre {terrors in 'ot Vancouver. Starnes braved the rlg- l;ettmsvflle. ' on of a sub -Arctic climate. With \Y.• are pleased to report that Ben I dog -team and a half-breed he set out etnldwell. who was taken to tin- G'el'' on a 1,500 -mile inspection tour over erleh hospital lost week for trrntntrnt mountains and frozen streams. is lurprot Inc +111,1 exd*+•ts to 1.4' Hale . At each of the police posts then iIto retort' home the latter port of the was work to be done. Prospectors ■ week. had to be looked after. for the Royal Rev. P. -M. ('olquhoun, of the Ash- Northwest Mounted Police not only • I field I'n•sbyteriatl stores, preached to guarded the banks audile cujtoma the ihntgannon Presbyterian church houses on windswept summits, but last Sunda). Rk-v. 4', 11. NrLMnald' they looked after the isolated. nun - took Mr. ('olquhoIut's work in Ashfield. ed the sick and buried the dead. 51c+s Dorothy Allen, of Goolericll• In 1310 the Inspector sailed' for ■ spent the week'•etr,i with her sister. Hudson Bay on board the Jeannie.. Mr-. Everett F'Innfgun. Her captain ,wai Bob Bartlett, the' Il The saersmult of the ford's -Stu a man who s•Ilcd with Peary when he . per ev111 i.e observed In the Presbyter- dlacovered the :Torah Pale. On board tun church here Pert Sunday at :t ship were supplies seeded to start o'cl.s•k. Preparatory srrylee will hr new northern posts. The party land -1 held in the church ion Thursday ,even •d at Churchill, and there deposited tar at 5 o'el.oVk. what materials wen necessary. Win-' ter was a short time away. Then he \Ir. Jack Iltytp was taken to the II .aJerfch hospital Inst work for trent- called to Wager Bay and established ,itsa new post there. The Jeannie yen \I r. and Str.s It. .5. \isirittar *114 ; into a violent Arctic storm on her Glary' M.-Fachern Spent the week -end return trip and was stranded oe the .etre friend}, ret nn•iut;ham. •shores of Wager Bay. Seventeen men , '1'h,• Ioe:tl (1. C. 1..011(1011. apN4t the In the party -managed to get to shore ,trek end• at their respective I:nmea. ' safely. Aa whaler, late cin lb way out' -Yrs. Grave Pentland and two coil- u f the hay, hove V slt(ttt, tad .aved dr(nlean ent and ('firman, more over them a 500 -mile trfp to Churchill In (caber fort Huron nn.4.rpnt Mnc 34th open boats. • with Mr's. 1'rntland'a slstcrMr.4..1. 1'. I in 1515 Commissioner Starnes e'slNpl*11, and other relatives. warIn charge of the Manitoba 41,1-1 ' M.\1' 19.--,\nnh•er,ary services with 1 Rion, with headquarters at Winnipeg., I*' held In Dungannon Presbyterian when a aenerai strike was declared. 1 elnnrh on S411141n). Jnnr• t:dlt. Rev It The Irides and the post oMlee stopped , 4.. Mclh'rntid. of Knox church. •(%0.1 work In Wlnnlpeg. Even the polios •rich, will Drench at :t p.m. and 7.1'11 •were sympathetic. There was to be a • w ae. Beautify Your Horne by pleating a bed of G•rsiaeess. or some of our Giant Swdregoua, or owe Irmo* Aston with their lo4g, wavy twisted patois, or Gust Fluffy Raffle Petunias. se Salvia' or Pansies Thaw er guy of tie other lino Amaral* •e !.+dins Plants we tawe would old peat* to arse • s arectiveoow of year hems Ilio ostmmor. Yoe may mase yaw eadostwn at rite. Nuraaty. or ask your grocer or food sten for our Plasto. Most of shoes early ser steak. STEWART BROS. BEPSSIILEJR NURSERIES R R No. 4. Gsdericb, Oat. Phone Carlow 2316. r; I litl_ ase A naemia Weakness It .11 of the Blood. Pallor of the lips, Nuts nee 'eyelids is proof that the blood is thin and watery. Anaemia is the name given to this condition. Anemia is most prevalent among girls and young women. The school' girl often suffers as the result of an . anatheetconseq entic �upsettingof the loof he nervous system. The remarkable success of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food in cases of tbia- kind is perhaps the best proof clip, it goes directly to the formatlort• of purerich blood. And pun r blood is the foundation of the hkb health and strength of the whole human body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The greatest of restoratives fee the blood and moves. .+ , _. Geo. Westbrook & Soo Builders and Contractors We specialize in the laying of nevi Hardwood Floors ELECTRIC SANDER for sanding new and old HOWL Window Caulking ALL LINOS OF ROOFING -SEE US . Westbrook & Son Phone 366w Trafalgar St. Goderick eaM Copper tti Wash Boilers Special price $3.50 Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET WE DELVER Raincoats 'Abd r, We have a com filete stock of Raincoats pa in the very latest rterials. Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats in French style Ieathereftes. Shades of b ue, fawn, green, red, black and brown. Children's Raincoats - - The ne 1 - ligator kind, and others. Sizes from 6 years up. Men's Reversible Raincoats W M •t N' 1 h 411 FI1rr'�t s..� Ac.iJ\JJIIL1 "Shop where you are invited to shop..r; "�f tic • P I ° � ,. o, West si a of SquareMCOC IlIIIIIfll C■■tXMC■Ni■ C ■I•■ CIRuX20C■r■ r_., eta a„ra'8 ,S 1 k21i' .YC ,e.. a ., ';,a, •°' • hole 418 ■ ■ m ti(ter•tal mna{c Rill to rendere•i parade, the police heard. an III Mr. Franklin Thompson. of London, neighboring eines, prepared. >, i 14 visiting at the home of his mother Fifty-four mounted troopers led Mr*. Wert. Thompson. this week. the way; their scarlet tunics blasing', Mr. 'Alex. Roa*. Mr*. J. Bell and In the sun, the same scarlet tunic Mrs. T. (kook. of aaeknow, were lir which had made friends with the In-' (tors at the home of ,)ir. mei Mrs. }' deans In days gone by. They wets ' = Boas on TTnrgrlap of this week. followed by -forty -sig more la trucks.' There was a big (roved In Dungan. A tore:'e410 100 to fight, If need be, non last night for the entertainment 10,500 strikers. Starnes ordered with first part of the program woe a play. The order was given ir� nod) afterward* there was dnnein% ver. Then the crowd disheided, and I*db In the Agricultural H*11 and in taw strike wee Mee. the parish hall. Young andoldattend- -• ---_ roes. p`' 1 burde with threatening strikes la hr the (hole. SPORT FOOTWEAR TENNIS SHOES, GOLF SHOES, BOWLING SHOES, SCHOOL SHOES �. ,�1 4414"' ft'I:t IN HiGH ('1.'T-, OXFORDS AND .TRAPS A LARGE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORElc , Phone 43w Goderich b"t t Agent for the Fleet Foot brand ( A ■■■t■■■■■fit■■■•H■■■■Ntr■■■0111 • •, : Used Cars 't Used Cars! : RECONDITIONED • : Now is the time to buy a good used • a Car.. ' The FORD Garage, South ■ ■ Street, is the place and the prices are right. ■ • Buywithconfdence. Ourreputatioeisyour Protection • ■ IN 1929 Ford Coact, just 1 year old, and in best of • ■ condition. ' ■ 1928 Whippet Coach, a wonderful buy, 5'pfacti- • • cally new tires. 1929 Ford Coach, a splendid little Car, like new. E ■ 1929 Chevrolet 6 -cylinder Coach, good running R order. ■ 10 other Used Can, mostly Model T Fords, Tour- a ■ ings, Coupes, Tudors and Sedans. ■ • YOU TAKE NO CHANCES BUYING FROM US ■ ■ Down payment small. Long easy terms. ■ ■ Long life and 'good service "USED CARS" 1 III a• F. H. WOOD & SON n " Phone 83 Ford Garay, South Street III II II Genuine Ford Part ■■111X1 >r11�■R■■■1•■■■■■1♦10rn■ •■ ■ provide(/ M Georte..4pnttns. Y.P. 'fee crowd to disband but so ono to d w rcvol- - - to al and enjoyed themw'i es hugely. Mr. 4laottnn contented himself with * ' ST. HELENS brief address and there were no other ,RELILN11, May BP. .Mr. Atanitj *IMakers, 'Mr. Rpnttnn'e enlleag 4" Todd and IYr. 1). t'. atrllonahl motored to Guelph on the 91411. -Mr. awl Yr*. Perry HIMr and chit - who were expected M (erne being en - (a cc gagtd with their Parllatstmtary dttt t xj at Ottawa. dreg and Mr. ('eA1 Hyde of Kin- a. ��s