The Citizen, 1987-03-25, Page 38PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987. A sure sign of spring is softball registration and kids were lining up in Londesboro on Saturday to get their names on the list for the coming season. Marsha Szusz [centre] takes information from Diane VanBakel and her mother Nellie. Londesboro Compiled by Mrs. Dora Shobbrook. Phone 523-4250 'Greasers' learn household tips The “All Greasers’ ’ 4-H Club' met at the home of Elizabeth Lawson. They split up into groups and each group did one of the following: washing dishes, looking after the refrigerator, vacuuming, safety in the kitchen, prevention of cuts, falls and bruises, and preven­ tion of food borne illnesses. They then held a discussion on all these subjects. Marilyn May­ berry and Shana Lee Ten Hag showed them how to replace a plug on a lamp or small appliance. Meeting six was discussed and then the meeting was closed. BEST „ RATE ZECinvestments FINANCIAL CENTRA GODERICH 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 Hillcrest Restaurant 523-9352 4a Charlotte Bell marks 95th birthday A large number from here attended the Open House on Sunday at Huron view for Charlotte Bell on her 95th birthday. Congra­ tulations. John Cartwright attended the Toe Alpha convention at Leaside United Church, Toronto this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs-.Ken Scott, Billy Jim, Christie, Shannon and Mrs. Jean Scott spent last week on vacation in California. Jean visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott in Esconida. Bob and Audrey Thompson and Dorothy McCluskie visited on Sunday evening with the family of Clarence Gowing at Palmerston funeral home. Beth Knox and Hazel Watkins attended the 25th wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maloney (Madelon Townsend) in Seaforth on Saturday. Muriel Millson and Patricia of Woodstock spent Saturday with her mother, Dora Shobbrook. They visited on Saturday with Thelma Ellerby, Dorie and Curtis Blake and Chastity Colquhoun, all of Clinton. Ruth Shaddick and Trudy Pol- Londesboro church plans Song Fest April 5 lard returned home on Saturday night from a week’s vacation in California and Las Vegas. Ray and Beth Radford, London visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Radford. Pat Pitkin and boys, David and Christopher from Aurora spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. At the W. I. euchre there were 12 tables in play on Friday, March 20. The winners were ladies’ high, DorothyDaer; lonehahds, Ruth Sheils; low, Donna Pollard; men’s high, Ken Pollard; lone hands, Allen Shaddick; low, Cliff Hoegy. The end of the season will be in two weeks on April 3. Lunch will be provided. in Londesboro has become a cozy stop in the country since Paul and Marg Brunkard^, took over as hosts. /yf sSxj Marg makes fresh muffins, pies andfy< nr soups everyday. I* DAILY SPECIAL NOON HOUR & SUPPER o’(7 1/ HOURS: ’ w Mon.-Sat. V7a.m.-8p.m. [Closed Sundays Gas Bar CIpen 7 days 1 a week Greeting Sunday morning at the Londesboro United Church were Rev. Snihur and Garnet Wright. The ushers were Larry Hoggart, Gerben Wilts, Robert and Brent Radford. Rev. Snihur welcomed all and gave the call to worship and the announcements. There will be a songfestonApril5at7:30p.m., ad mission $2. The Junior Youth Group meets this week at 7 p.m. at the Wilts’ for a movie night. The decoration of the cross was done by Laurel and Mark Mitchell, putting the rope on the cross. The children ’s time song was * ‘I Cheerio Club The Cheerio Club meeting was held March 18 at 2 p. m. at the home of Tri Duizer. She welcomed all by reading, “The closing of a day”. Margaret Good read “Income tax is coming soon.” The roll call was answered by eight members and one visitor, Betsy Verway. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read by Dora Shob­ brook. A draw donated by Tri Duizer was won by June Fothergill. It was moved to cancel the April meeting as several are away on holidays. The next meeting will be held on May 20 with Group 3 in charge. Margaret Good gave the read­ ings, “The legend of life of St. Patrick’ ’ and “the legend of the Shamrock’’ was read by June Fothergill. A contest called “Ques­ tions” with answers found in the word “Shamrock” was given by June Fothergill and won by Beth am the church, you are the church.’’Rev. Snihur formed a church with his thumbs and four fingers, showing the people in the church. If there are no people there is no church. The church is a family of God’s people. The Junior teachers were Donna Shaddick, Todd and Scott. The anthem was “I’m coming Lord, I’m coming home.” The choir director was Marsha Szusz, and the organist was Deanna Lyon. The scripture reading was Joy in his riches, a lesson on how to obtain eternal life. The sermon was about stumbling blocks on the road to the cross. meets Knox. Some cards were played and lunch was served by Tri Duizer, June Fothergill and Margaret Good. Callander news Continued from page 5 with Lottie McCutcheon. On Thursday, March 19 the Walton Women’s Institute held a birthday party for the residents. Mary Bradshaw visited Winnie McPhail. On Friday, Anne Smith played thepianofortheresidents. Don Dunbar visited Olive Dunbar and entertained the residents. Millie Nixon and two grandsons visited with Maggie Griffith. Margaret McBrien visited with Joan Miller. Esther McCutcheon visited Lottie McCutcheon. Jean Evans visited with Millie McFar­ lane. LONDESBORO