HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 3Save a Little Money ;r
by taking advantage of the Signal's
clubbing offers. We can procure for
you almost any paper or magazine
published in the continent.
'Ltl7R SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED. Publishers.
HEAD and
Is Smoke Ns irrsys All San
Jest Swallows KAZ-YAN Conks
Restores normal breathing. Quickly
stops all choking, gasping and mucus
gatherings in bronchial tubes. Gives
long nights of restful sleep. Contains
tto injunow or habit-forming
$1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 5c.
generous trial Templeton, Toronto.
TOWNSHIP COUNCILS ll held June loth at pw, 1.
Iot1aY1 by regular meeting of tr.uucll.
(;. J. torn 1 DR1:M WN, Clerk.
Colborne township toancll met ]lay MOT WAWAiNOAI1
Nit 1 N' Ith all menders present Min• Council met on 3tuy 12th. with all
utee adopted as read. Dr. Emmerson the member* present. Minutes of pre-
eaented a bill for treatment of a clone meeting were read mid approved.
Cuurwuuhation from (1141
11 %%lit the hospital from Colborne.
It wits not p euncll did W1141140'1 asking fora grant of money
t (hue or at
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer .
•#-4-.. Furnished by the Ontario Uepsrtulent of Agriculture
Reports' resided trona practirully
all corn -growing dlstrlcts trmvey 'ex-
tl a of increased planting. Es-
not consider more
a tYftl-
T► ward laslrrttor. Yr. Straughan, ordered filled. given the 'Top in Elgin, Nor- cult undertaking that •. gene sully' suis
was present and was instructed to at• S number of trleedrrr were reelrwl is bring g I
R111uugh, folk and !irons. posed when the hntYlhrg stock. +old
ufaeture the "productlole of this
Le e•xtw•cttd to gala 1u popularity.
OM, a.+ the a KYttl • 1
Bald Matted sit indigent In old of Improving and Intiilftlfylug i
Tldeut of the tfhlghxw .r UM•t&'') received and of+x and , rut will tooth have t '1ltrkeys Pound t'140i, the
I I err1, and more than average utteutlon Turkey breeding 1s not tar
t t H Nilh xnv othrex of tr•emc►1 who I tar the ar.uatrwtfou of the —1-
,The Signal Calendar?
One for each paid-in-advance
a rubyow arae-
bN•r. Renew your P
tion!Hake sure of one of there beautiful (•alen-
EICIITY-TitlltI' YF:.tit: -x' :1G
• • . ler! - hat..tiel. }•,,w•1,tiuls
r a psenits are pt/ 1 y
"Int Ku ll stere lit Lr held fu the as theuau uud the 1III 11 IIn11I1N, re-eutative to to sue -err lit turkey' bre•eliug are
l'llutou M the futrnr+t of the 1VtYw1 l but as the tenders lit each case wort ! The agricultural- 'p
- i 1 lureports that fertilizers
Clr:ne rad!. uuulmn• stook for breeding.'
Art gouge � excess
pall • Colborne
accounts amounting ate IhP bey ng .f these present. was; eac o. Nll ug to r - of the turkey flock away front ulhW ,
h present. each year. Vegetable growers are us-
- rt •.
GUARANTEED RELIEF lir ► f r notit The following bills tnllth in rse sn of the original r. tits l,embte ;into county r ke•urn(1 use there arae nu1Ke uud, elec.... nil, the keeping
Insure Yoer Automobile w,th
b t. .4..r...:rot. I: t
pates 2911
W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
to # 41.75; /'ullornr Telephone Syatrm• lett in abeyance the !.rent• I . hurt yard fowls.
e rreara 1 quantities of mixed fertllizrrs a1,d
Li�+tsIl +►.
(Or to w. Service. tKl 7:41, waleJas.
s lug drain er.atain s. ;
attain t tract+ t" ill' M .veru fields. An especial iuenruw• 1<
, p
i Milne, fuwlguturs, #S.:11; .t• McGowan: roast, uud phosphate nlsuu lutlf•u.lure•n run+ o early -mo1
tr,llettYl: J. 31. Far' The following accounts erre order's!.
• •hTs for board of 1-- I1 Tit Vtcntl.-e-7'Itta•r:--�1.1•c
t stns, forth miter_ t sou commercial mltter•y t tij"'u
sn •ur beets anti. • 'Tea -ort ]i6rrr--
rhe saRgt,41,.tl has been udvau.Td
-1 •
fat' township hall; CALM, '
Per n . advertising. t ,+ +t 'r' I � -•
La Hotline. eel rent of itg weigh -sillily". vitt.. D Phillip. fumigators, IFS 7:. lir. t\'. J• •uuttYl in the use u[ moulted uttru r• that a trop crop of vont (Stns! int; n'
r. 414 ut rrvho oil of it41( 11 "- +meat
• tett rt II p
rid), )• sty, 1 p pH
$2 The Signal t•,la ou fart Natal. 4
Notice' to Water
The Water and Light Com•
mission is pleased to anhoun1c
a reduction of one dollar per
annum on house water rates
from January 1st. Owing to
,the large number of takers
this reduction means' con-
siderable less revenue, and
consumers are asked to co-
operate " ti the economical
operation of the plant by see.
ing that the water is not
wasted and that all leaky taps
Or services are fixed at gore.
L. L. Knoi, W. T. Murney,
•y, Chairman.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and lnslyance Agency
Houses and Lo. for Sale
nch and Farms
Large number listed to choose from.
WING EY'S is good company
on any trip.
It's delicious flavor adds r:eet
and enjoys t. The sugar sup-
plies pep and orgy when the
day seems long.
le short it's good
and good for you.
services uv sit a . lirl,uW
ret Walsh. sheep claim, #: ; J. e
iutrrs_./1111111 (nuke up thc- most us flu• a ru 1 is tit. Will in noel- year,
tele. sharp valuator, 17; .t. 1".rtlrfirld, trainable pert of our hay • .'I"- T.-irn .ttthe 141lN.nnt ..f injury ebur the ;
1Slows uud clerk'44 few 11u the F:Illo(1' quirt• sweet sail. Thr Uero•to-.di. Pre main crop by corn-lor.•r it tie. main
.uin, $30; Myth Planing ')IIIA (.0..1 (Isms► •1•the 11. A r.• 11 4111111.14 an' crop 1- wont a few stay' laterthanluns•
dr, $1111,17: 11. 4'11:Inotry, Fr1111ua. lir-Irate test. gtd'kl' tells whether or'
the Sheol date. 'l'he trap /sup should
.;19.4:.: J. Gillespie. ,.atl.rrfutt•ldent, 1 not (lore sell eYpdres •we•u-uit.g• •% kit be rut low Mont the rub of the firs!
S.- 1 material 1.. test: i (moist when all wirerrer 4'41 x1
ra 4.1 grow Inv i ori._ If pt,t in as early
#10.:A: lwtrolwt•u-Ituy lull. $19.77..'n.- •. containing n wtr1, a .,
01,34!et !ie.. 1\'1Knurwa about.pal songlt" -''Ila be 11th' from 411- hrlye Iw fu 1x1.1, and shoo!.! ).e r.'nlucwl
Road How This Medicine
Helps Her
c'ardoon, Alberta --"1 atm bItyagbt
%rare ,.kl and the metier of eighteen
living children We
nye uu a farm anal
1 ail a very heal-
thy 'pother cos-
r.kering that
have such a big
family to work
for. 'rhe druggist
Iiret-told nor linnet
F.4ba Y.. _ Pink-
t'omlwenl aril I •
have depended of
It her many }eats.
\\ Inn I tool t1 i. 14,1nn• taken. the
photographer wan toiling 1114' atr.ut his
wife's ailments and after 1 (told him
about the Vigilante *i to ('ongwNuu) he
went to 11u• drug mon- and (naght her
two Imittl•e.' Mas. Boom* Satj.u-
sacu, tea , (irdMwt, Alberta.
W. 1 Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fire Insurance
Nelson Street, • (:oderich
Phone '202 1'. 0. Box 43S
Iksperate Naar* .
x11.10. R. Channel #(Iola!, foe. f �ullerinrtly from the College..r tr 1 uua fed h. live stock.
• atotbcr Johnny, if you eat mor.
••lir G. R Vlucwtt, uuty sgrleul J.
urrnl representative. I cake, you'll burst."
fhiekwl Stealing CnpntltaNe Johnny -"\('ell.
x74._'0, C. f aster _. .. (.n
pelves Hid ca►r rand
x{4.401, 'l \•Inetu I1/1. 1.
Connell tun" 11e,rp to ween et of
on'it'll hula tile Wily.- Ih.`to1, YounK
Nt+etl Situation Serious
This business ,.t rohhh,t h• u
• 1*e•wnn n the i,..i as a court ut re- ► Icon 111wt.
I epectors. A. 11 fi. SmNl' of \Fly •floe l'roOliti:Il floret 'lit throng 1
In a nrrut colfereticr of weYl hr i� tasr.udulC inure• and more onsets ons.
11s1o1, on the assessment roll old rather _----
tow'1,hfp b A.
Western Ontario, .�••Inrwl: "We nrr effort to apprehend thus.• who steal
• ,t. POItT}:ItF1Eht1, (perk.) lhluelrarg, distrlet weed fus{wY•tur rat , the YroVln:•ful polite nese making ever,
Nus•' 11 ten: antiantito pnnf.11 thew with
- lie still. deur friends. and lend an ear
• 1'atll 1 tell tar way
In which the B*•Igrave Dramatic Club
l'nt on their airs piny.,
After Every' Meal
Real Estate Bargain Week
A special effort to offer real bargains,
for a few day. in Hone. and I.I. in the
town o1(i. erieh. Many un very easy'
for payment. -
Priosr and terms that cannot be repeat -
4, are told.
ted when them
Many of thele Houses have bathrooms,
light«, garagea, tine lots and fruit teres.
sl "
Some tine l'ottaae'', well !grated, price'
# f $1900. $1300. Intuit. (trick $rlou, rel l
brick S 1• IM ,tor frame
A es, so 1 and
Prices $.110,
Houses, some very
$7()0, $10010, .*iU'', 5t2te1, sow,
$2000. $-:+(10. $'-"Abse $Lo5$
`yk A number of tine brick Houser from
$2200 up.
r t i See or write lir
,1�, J. W. .tKMSTRONG
•t Kcal Estate
`•li'as .Boxg9
Be Consistent
Estim ates cheerfully
John Pinder
Phone 127. Box No. 131
1 510N• (0 cumprrbe•ti,l the srrl11u- . I t
tion that ufn.uts us '.
.• It is ue,..-arj penalty tlwt the crhnr des•r'.e'.. 11.14.
that We have the brnrty eo-ol*•rntiun' Joint .g. •3larttn. Minister of .tgrlevl-
of tlx press mei public opinion
- lure;Willirecently
111.,. reportutitr1ted 1iat n1'Gen rtl,
*InIn redlining the {
o44 11d111y of,
pruner spread of weeds, w,pw•1n11y 'Drake 11 strung effort to cntrk (lone
those designate) 'noxinusJ end ler' branch of crier and the results alien..
West ►lpy
the bait of the Ontario Aced ('untrol ; for
the selt ves !r'.l eriwlfintut'b s Isms
Art. Werth.- lire golug to brat us .If
Ne d0 not awaken In 11W 1a•rionsn4" 1wtteled solteu.r•. 1'2: dismissed, 14' .
}: Allelt waell i, an attist have
horn. ut the situntlun. For fit (note , the withdrawn. 3. The penalty iu oar cn
All will [brit parts played I,s.rrnulel sow• thistle 1s nun to Perry , for theft ..f ,•hh•keus wit- two years 11.
In Kiting eutertalnment I entity of (Ontario." .11' inspectors I..rs ore Kingston pxuitentiuery.
In the piny. Tar Colonel's Maid," asked to hare n thorough InrlrrtIun . - - •
meds at suer. The, are x144.. urges( . Julie 'Meetings at I1.A.('.
The Colonel's pets( . XtPwnrt rwltfun defflable n- 'Thee mouth rf jun,. i- w..11 1,1,..1111
I to eel a (bele { ,lour, ut •ISI- 1"
le glued 1'. ply 1r wwrl ad11s4.rsl: ,lit 1 1 a+ a busy ,•nr at the Ihitnrfo .144x.•1, -
He knuwa radr pert quite perfectly I tors" In the onlinary 'en' .( the 1 [WWII College and this year. judging 1
ltid hat dramatic m•ie.+1• word. be the mei Ung• already Iuul. al1,eY1` 14
N,,, 1•. Ruing to In- et int bider than e
hieUte and Closer Geed The tentative 11-t is ns follow.:
Known 11s tear( just like t book; aisik. and `we•t clover,Ttiws• Julie 11O—l►njry' Tattle large!
While Ilion td.al C IlioxeJorilaa i F hl Dai'
.Slakes an ideal +'hlurse rook.
Brophey Bros.
F1'NEK.ti. Igo KF.('TOKS
AND EMI(.t1 MER•`'
Ambulance service at all
hours, day ow tight.
PHONES. Store 120 '- Kee
.tta1 then there's 14Vllhert Proctor,
This year prier and !went( i- cin le
are veru er inti a b in Iyer anti We.I., .lune In anti- 11 -
lll r arras an aMuulxu1 t Poultry Itnrrl. r M
fir fries the'"xgs and hmmn
And cooks the steak so well
That even when it's overdone
11 has a pleasant smell.
The 1.ot*r of humor inlonel's MITI hie heed :
1- Canld he dell wItholit truthfully' le• said.
The Colonel's Mahl ix Gala :
Otte has both
lover and
llte mike.
Awl keeps all the while.
And a•ht►ling
Tbere's soother lady aaht—
Whn act* her pa just
Of .nurse you know just whom 1 mean,
The lovely AIM Wright.
A lawyer Ls requln4l, of coarse.
in helping on the game
ylf writing will- and'dte)'. and bonds --
Norman Kfnting 16 hie name.
Then ;Robert [`,,inns+, jr..
Algiae ha+ a part .to play
Ili 7lerer makes an error
1 knuwa jest what to way.
I Last Mut not least. -Miss Stonehouse
tinge leer tort in sweetest tone.
And, It the atntlence cry (•neon
Site sings -When I'm Alone."
fi .a j
I This piny Was on nt .Anhilcte imp
IM May the '2:ird :
There was a geed ntleiNlabe•
— t and It really Was a bind.
Sun Life Assurance PCog CofuCan9aca e
1929 - Prosperous
New Assurances paid for in 19'!) $ 654.451,00▪ 0
Total Assurances in force, Dec, 31, 1929.'•'.- 2,4401,237, 0)O
:Issue at December 31st, 1929 --
1"r A safe and profitable company in which to insure.
1mice 11i off '-Ir;s;