HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 241tetritftgitigo totS.6 • •-•. •
f "1
-re^wYrir -4404 ;•,,,4
err.' Tr •
tuedliy. May a HMS
Established 1848
Illemiter of l'anadian Week', News -
Palters Association
Published every Thursday morning.
becript lou pnee 12 00 per year
strictly in ailvnuce.
THE SIGNAL PRINTLNI CO.. LTD. ed lu his own iminstry. The ahaotute
Telephone 33 ; Gederteh, Ont. election In Its mind. business Can be devotion to Ids own intereves ut that
W. H. itebertsou. Editor nod Manager dispatehed with wonderful celerity. particular gentimeen. the member for
23101 VDeachnian
OTTAWA, May 24.--alueh progress
has been made at Ottawa during the
%wk. When the lion AY of (Ions -
Moue get:. busy with the idea (11 an
came out frankly and clearly for ex-
ciusion of imports. Could a product
be made In Canada? If It could, that
settled it. They wanted an embargo
1 doubt if the exclusivenete of ancient
China or Japan ever approached that
of a man lite Mr. Chaplin. Ile is rug-
ged and eastiron to the core. Ile would
excludIe. overething ironing into Can-
ada which could posisibly be produced
In Canada with the possible exception
of some raw materials %Welt he want -
Thursday. May 30. Illflo
May Is giving uo ihe 04.1 sh,olliter.
• • •
If an election will warm op things.
1h, main thing which emerges front
this week of struggle i• that the rules
and regulatious of tho House of Coin -
wens -the syateni under which things
ruts --tussle it great deal of aahistment.
In teeny eisys 11 is amazingly ponder-
ous and stupid. The Government
Howie empty. is an amusing rehab'.
lion for tbe lbsuse of Commons, where
devotion to verse:tat interest is not al-
together MekIng in a great niany of
the inembere.
And how these boys bate the !Irking
preference. Pritve to them ironclusively
that nothing is coming in umber- the
British preferential tariff mei that
lees have it quickly. iuriiagt downti The,i.udgot la by ne uhenve can anything possibly.
dismissed for days, works or months. eoine in. then they will n.11 their eyes
• • •
in devotion to the British Empire and
Canada's grain i. beginning 1., wort depeltolillg oil the temper ef the Howie .8), IA.t u. remove the duty. But let
more freoly. just as another lig rof the nearness of an election. Then '0.1me.nai' browsing through the trade
Ls whowiug itself skive ground the lions.. votes on it and of mum returns fiud out that there are as few
• • • passes it, The (West of the Widget in Product' Yomilig In, then a wiuy got" all
Itt lb.use 1 Compton* is a run. Wel! thought of Etupire. 'Mere must be
Is Mr Bennett really op;s)sed to the baldly ever seen under our British nothing except the highest of high
encouragctuent of Fbniore trade: or is
he 9ust talking for the -.Ile of talk-
• • •
The Signed Intends to be strictly
fair. and will refrain from critivieing
the Liberia candidate ter North Huron
Atli it knows more about uiin
• . •
With the got?. the bowline, and the
baseball nevem all owii. the weather
man ought to realbze'that a little more
heat would be in order.
• • •
The Opposition is suppoeed to make
the issue in an election. but all that
Is heard distinctly two far from the
gentlemen outside is that they- want
to get in.
• • •
"I have always hem in fever of
Empire trade," says Prime Minieter
Ramsay Macdonald. -Canadri's last
budget l• an example of how the
dominion, cau and will help'
• •
.The disorder. in India are deplor•
able: but they are tas nothing to itat
would likely is.eur if the Itriti.h with-
drew their controlling head. lied the
metal and religieue antagonisms 01 the
country were given a free hand
• • •
A Russian who was lent Out to the
United States to ettuly oil refining
methods committer] suicide in prefer-
ence to returning to hit own country.
The ineident throws some light Avon
condition, under the Soviet Govern-
• • •
Death rind alt an inevitable
twain in India as eleewhere. and al-
though the taxes there ant a...smiling
to our Western standards, H4114.1'10114.
Iy low, the }Bodo fatalist *meanies
appears to consider death the lea. um
welcome of the two.
• • •
The splendid ettendanee at the
nominating convention at Wing:tem on
; Tuesday Is an indleistion of the deter-
mination of the IrAtierals of North
Huron to redeem thit riding at the
forthcoming election. Many were pres-
ent who had not nttemied n Liberal
convention for years.
+system. 41 -sr tariffb.
Now when this le ,bon, the !louse be -
Onion Tears
gins to diectee the items In detaP r Take, for Instance, the .1,1 case of
Tbat 11. it takes Up the items one by Imilene. We have in this ....entry what
One. debates them, argues that they is knee ti as Bermuda onions, It steins
011ooltill l. increased or decreased mi, i.. be more or less a trade name. he -
til It hat. (livered the whole Oiler
trent A to Z. eine- Bermuda is not A geat onion -
griming eountry: at least our impart,.
But the strange thing shout It seems Crum Itentituht are normally be -'t than
to be this --a member 11 Hof Move an our import* from any tither eotintry
mentioned in the trade returns. Last
tear ae brought in only thentleworth
of onions from Bermuda. But when
the item making onions free under the
preference tomes under diectiostese up
rises Uccle. Gott, the nwnibeel from
south !Nave. gee't after that oaten
item like a bull after p toreador. The
llinetration is apt. h tbe way --anger
le hie eye. head down. bull rush. no
bought. no reaeon. simply antagonism
1.1 outotte coming in from any enuntry
in the world! lees it matter that this
Is' a. sl -ter in the Britieh Cemmon-
wealth. that It be only a gentle. tiny
little setter. which might have a hit of
sympathy from the Dominion? No'. Its
Size is only 191e square miles. but 0
produces a few onions! Who tare.. that
It buys from the Ihsminion of Canada
two or three thee. as much se it sells
to the leseinitahm of Canada? That mat-
ters not. Onion* are mentioned. The
tears come to tbe eyeli of Mr. Creet.
fights until he drops. exhawited. eOn-
Ions former if they ....me trent Ess.x.
Out onions from *Bermuda, no, never.
tint milers they conw over 1114 / Vint d
amendment tr. an Item suggesting that
a rate he altered. It is atentme.1 that
this would dieturb tite balance of the
budget. whatever that may mean. Is
balance of a budget at delivistely
•esembled that 1. redhetien .1 omehalf
for 1.111. per rent ur even t tv. 81111
per 01.1111 ..n needles would throw it out
of gear, disturb the equitileium of the
Miuleter 1.1 elnance sod cause the pil-
tars of the greet structure known as
the budget system to ...elapse as did
the pillars of the temple under the
pressure of the finger. of Ssinison?
Appareutly se. Th.. neeehers of the
,liou.e of i'onittions away v-i.t.: egeinst
an Item, that is emus -kettle, but to al-
ter, almond. [herrn*. (or llewromse the
rate --well, such things are neer 'Inc
don't you know'
.% Definite Case
Take the particular which
confrentet J. .tIlie.n 4:lenmember
for Martpleitte It 14 perhaps no differ-
ent problem from that which eon.
frontod a great many members of the
House of Commons. but I single out
Mr. I:lett beeausw he stated his posi-
tion. He was Opposed to eertain fen- hoilv." Such Ilfi. In the Mouse of
tures of the. huffiest. But lor was be- CoMmons. such Is some of the etupid-
tweet) the devil met the deep *sea. ity. seen from day to dny.
rhe trouble with there Men is that
The rates of ditty upon certain artieles
Were In his opltilou too high under the
present budget.
What remedies had he under the
etrcumsteneee? Ile could vote against
the budget. In ease onifflelent moo
they do not .er the Truth. They 111. not
know her.
"Ti. those the Truth mak.-4 free.
.Sacred as Truth Itself is lawful
. •
Peru the liberty (.t bony- where one
hers telopted that attirmle the budget
ninv 01114144o 11 buy'. But AO. Gott will
would le. defeatetl In the noose of s:
Couornons. a Conservative Government
would come In with tariff rate.. so high
that the present rates would seem as
a milking -ere t.. the tnilky way in
comparison. Under the eiretimetnners,
Mr Glen voted for the Insilco reserv-
ne er see these thins+ No man will
ere!' nocatre the member fie. rowtfo1
Mouth if haying spirituel insight.
What the Budget Memos
(Hamilton Herald)
SUNDAY 0H(M)L& ARM ernu. OD -
From a email Start the Idevemiset
Hee Grown titil It Is Now Wend&
wide, %kith 30.000,000 or
and 3,500,000 Teachers.
One hundred and seventy -
Mee ago a young Journalist tn/Ing
ed frout his father control of the
Gloucester Journal. His father had
used the pages of his issues for every
movement aimed to..inqirove life in
Gloucester city, especially had he
championed the cause of criminals
and debtors confined in Gloucester
From Robert Raikes, the father,
Robert Rallies. the son, took over and
carried on the traditions of the Jour-
nal. writes Charles Herbert in An-
swers. But he went one better; his
father had tried to serve the unfor-
tunates arid (be blameworthy in (be
prisone--the son dedicated his life to
keeping people out of *II.
Fastidious to a high degree of re-
fineruent In personal appearance. it
-Was amazing thls young editor should
have felt any call of sympathy tee
wattle the ragamuffins of Gloucester,
who splashed his silk stockings as
the) rushed through the puddles of
the streets, and annoyed him by (8.11'noise. elamer, and blasphemy.
But the fact remains! He 1e0 the
only way to wk.. the Assize lists
less heavy was to catch, the young-
sters early enough. and, somehow et'
other. school thetu to a more regular
and ordered life. How was it to be
done .
His answer Was te promise a eta.
Man. named Mary Critchley, a shill-
ing a' week to undertake to teach a
Jew of these urchins in her kitchen
in_euthgate street every Sundny.
That particular day was chosen be-
cause then wbole amuses of juvenile
factory workers were set free. for the
timbeing, from the factory toll Mao
which they had been driven by par-
ent' or parish for the resit of the
In three years' time the effort etems
successful enough to be copied Sev-
eral vicars In the city then their
hands A notice of the work being
done appeared In Rallies' Journal It
was "lifted" by other provincial Jour-
nals, and at last by one in London.
The -Gentleman's Magasthee *rote*
prophetic paragraph:
"It is with pleasure w• give plasm
be the benevolent plate which bele
fair to transmit the name of Mr.
Wilkes to latest posterity"
Mow true tlaM was Is clear frosa
Prof. Green's -Short History of the
People of England." in which ha
acknowledges that "the Sunday
wheels estableithed by Mr. Wilkes at
Gloucester at the Nate of th• elate
Meath century were the beginnings
Of popular edueatti.n."
Gloucester became starred as tee
spot where this benevoleat Plan was
arst put tato peactice. Famous pubs
lie men and tebliaathropista visited it.
Queen Marlette. *eat for ((*1. 8.
order to hear (rum him bow he rang*
be think of the scheme, and Slag
George paid • visit to •
ing the right to protest AgainstNr. Bennett has n hard task and esbool at Brentford. and muttered the
wish that every poor child la the
tain items when the Midget war in
committee. where the item. rstitild needs. ell the sympathy he can get. The
midget has gone beyond him. and he the nage,
kingdom should be Wight to road
he discuteed one by one and his followers mar modelle they whet a tuas over the establisbainat
ee a Smutty school! Why, wham we
were children it was part of the use
ual order of things! Sunday schoolo
were ev•rywherel Very few were out-
side their influence. to Many • Jour-
Ineato• widependent megieborenes; with ney, staying at different notelet.
our United States eonsIng It mean* an througbout the country, the writer
exteneion of our orersen. trade. end was impreesed by the number of kora
wider mark..ts for our Cnnedlen mer • bushiest men and commercial travel-
chnudise. lers who admitted they had bees
that !tin
It Inenns the reverse In erery . sebolars. teachers, and oven superte-
WI I lees. 4 emplex an y "'Pet 0? the
"wheelie,. nf denth." to I tendents In Sunday schools.
Still UnhapIJ
t to nraetlentir the situation. . seem. which Mr. Bennett Ht• tl.tegect !nor But the Sunday schools of ova
This be dbl. He oeposed the duties
upne fruits and vegetables. Mit he
mold de nothing Apparently the rttleoll
do not permit bringing In an amend-
ment melee that the rate
rut in two 4.r that the rate .linuld he
reduced ten tier cent. or to nny other
amount. The powers of a member are
limited to protesting without hope, vot-
ing for u thing be doesn't want. or
voting for a. thing which he wants
do not know what It means.
It means proaperIty for Canada. a
(.0701mi:010n of the prosperity which
Mr. Fielding toihered Init mean'. elo..
Pr relatiens with Great itritain. It
( W (IIKI4 t OA 144.11( 111.1 It PO f 14' ) -. 'The Remedy
A year ago now. at Lender.. _Mr.
Now how mule I 1114 1. remedied'?
Bennett arrnigned the admInistrntIon
Very Amply. There is no resistor why
in respect of the
adver.P tar41,41e,,,,,II:ii I the budget Alltffild Wit 110 brought down
Ince with the United Sta 1,''
and diehssed for some days mi lts
fur protective duties upon jn*t anti
general prinelple*.
commodities a. the Widget resolution.
of Mtn cover Ile wa.ri't going to be ,Thill the Mese miitht go into corm.
hapr.r. till he got them Noetilzta rt.;
omniii..teeThiletrule :inlit"IgIlist4Itot blew iti.c.nr'leis -it."41:ree-by
bef.)re the Mouse and Mrse
thin in the 11.115.' to Introilnee ti res.
very unhappy.
111111 111/1 011 a 1,11 MI 1141111 r Item 1.r n Mini -
1 . Mr. Reams- es predirainfte , brr of tesolittions 1111 a mente.e _of
.ems men. then Ieniter tarr
ed befere
(Halifafltronielei (em. eektier for lucre:lee. ..r iecreneei on the Greet L:es in sin*n1
dren, actually eleven per come of the
True the Government In eertnin ex- More than rho eel fere were needed population of the United Kingdom.
'it is a curious eltuation. to etty the , •
,to inituf the ennir, tn the %bites gide ritty yeata more brought the C011 -
leant. with+ the present position illio
tilrelemlem.e1:.44.1"1.Weifec:111:11nit4elirle. ill'iriginal:11111k4. rib. 1`0111 is for the western dirision tnnery of the movement, and by then
rliwes. For the pest three year that
It. - ntalid perfectly (deur flitit If it 4 the 1'. Ne U. every denentina.Uon had formed its
more Premier King lins been assalled .
aa being too Amerlette. Now over night n''''re derealell Meet thee. items in the,
trona his Nineteen! friend-. (bit alt dalidhood were far &boy. the earliest
preperod tor ens n foneral. end IIPPcimens. Ute initial statiesethey
now he crinnot Tinder.tnrs1 wry 11' Merely taught the children the verses
not tit- tonere, rust i• le of a hymn or a chapter la the bible.
preen ration. They had to retiledy Ignorance by
teaching the youngsters to read,
which they did hy spelling out the
Front N1..111 1.1./1 I 1•111111.4 the word t /ter
the ( I. freighter Lemoyne es
another mein, 1..r Fifty years passed, and a member
8 ling' '811r"
01 Parliament called for a Parliamen-
ts -hen she left Erie. Penn., reeently np-
leeind a ith Meets 11/1111 1,iat for port attending Sunday
Sary return of the number those
schools. The aae-
William This Fs nearly one tholisand
-- -- schools had been begun hY John
be is being ,,ked Isocalise he 1r too 'Inn"' 11 "1"111,1 AMAMI to floe ismntryl;
poi although tempernrily the lime", Thille. It was discovered that
en.th the *whim ef the -01.-ntl. flourishing.
se is year ago he was being nttneked
twelve million schole
am being too CoeluOlele 'Me. Sennett alight not b... But there Is no rensionl'8' ""n" 31"Tr "'liar 'miteri rein there were over
weeMs unable tunderstnnd him and whY there might nos N. um, hundred 1 brain that you ewidont 11SP. norf alT be -I ars in the Sunday schools of the
I•efore that brain will work. -I States. while the teachers numbered
Premier King end Mr. Bennett on the 01 flint budget elthimt sit nil leterfer-
Ins with the geliforal principle. Thtls. - a ene and a half million
reeord. teeyneetret might preagee a budget i Ite Martuis NII Nisi BO011in AU the work sow -done Was volun-
- whieli reflected l'aflienteut lx'4ea4 of,of
. -And bow umcb W4/11111 yon '.,y etas teary, and the authority the officers
tefiectini entirely the v !ewe of thetheit ens north'," iielie.1 the mitten,' was exerted without the aid of the
Forting the Federal Treasury
(The Fermeee Sent 1 elnlm.agent (of the fernier. rod, which ha.d been used freely In.
Mr. George tem/ad Ferguson jumps Minister of Fintinee. of the day.
in, oe, more accurately perhaps. hurls Tike stlY item yen like. Seleet it, . "Not H rtlit less than 1300!-* pee. the .sarly days. The annual peewee_
himself . int.. Ille. eleetlett menu to Pimply at random and without regent! Plielleeile (teetered the frosty pen n• mons ot Sunday rchoole In the great
bUdland and Northern English towns
avenge the net-a-flee-eent speech. It to the particular mertt ..f the Item or Ow' moll. .
has become a definite feature, la
prerent npplying thereto., *Pedigree/1 etcsie I erippneer
would lw wisee. If not polithally more the rahe at
profitable. if he were to join with the Let 110 Nay, for itedanee. that on I "Weil, no" the hertonVed admitted ee. Wales oven the adults still attended.
Prime Minister of Canada to neeert "(egged Ingots,. brooms nto hmets-; 1110m/the "nol 31ei "'wild orree Judge Synday 'wheel, and so did many in
the north. •
that the Previnees meet not the Government lute retrort'll the- rate's 41.0 like flint by Its parents.-
Nyo " 1 he attorney armed drytye ;Yes, the Sunday school had become
force the door of the Dominion Trene- Metter the itrItIsh preference front
1 -I ic idfti•ti !noticed how *Toledo* 0 sa'ricatablished institution. and little
ery. At all event... 11 4 Sir 'lichen! 5) Silt'. free Now thew might 'he ren- .by little all manner of edunationee
Cartwright mend to say. here can be
an world mletake than to allow one
letrislat'ute len epetel n ..... ey nt ite
eel. (Secretion and then call 'on Sn-
ot, er to provide the 111..ney. It puts fl
premium on di:shone-1 y and ex I reve-
re nee and is olontrly 1111.4•11111t11110 utbeu,
as in Canada, the several Pewter....
isintribute very unequally in proper -
lien to their popolation to tlw lhouln-
ion revennes._ The mere prtrepect (bit
the Dominion may ire made to pay en•
courage. the popnlar.taring berHiss to
et traraganren which they wonld. other-
irise avoid The ertrtivagant school
hoard has recourse to the ineni.ffel
council, the monicipal commit to the
Frovinciel Legtsleture anti the Pro -
yaw Sunday school Institute. Ragged
Veer Pirrone! Pet Pounds, and Bands of Hope went
British. This. Le all the more threw.. bellevine that the ...merry was In ettp-i
and one minor reduction. or ineeenwee comeh Yen meet do some Mb thinking world, one half of them In the United
t ealinda Judge both
moths in the mind. of memhers of the " it h will blePreve a
House of Ceminens elle. that rate 114filaine•
10/1011111 hot be free ni nhl, or there I
mIgIsl be rearms why,:it should bei
free meter the intermellinte and gen-
ere! tariff as will es 'Ise British
preference. Why elen11.1 not the mem-
bers of the linnet; of Common' have
the light to mole* an amendment thet
tide item he eielnated to the point &-
mired? Then 11 timid he .11weeseed, the
nrspimente cent., he s(Plithed. there
won1.1 Iwo sem,. reed* to the situation
end from the friction .1 differing
tnInds thee, might generale a certain
Amount of light end leveling which
would make ti better 'budget then we
nt lenst one iv filch would con
efforts sprang out of It. Now, at the
end of ISO years. we recognise that
front this one manes benevolent im-
pulse has emerged an incalculable
forgo for good
To -d ty in England and Wales there
are 4.130,000 Sunday scbolans and
over 500,000 Sunday school' teachers.
The total sunday school membership
'tfter hate %II. horn ea- very ef the world is about 30.000.0fie
k. skill, Since tnk nit triturated
Yeast feel fine. fIelnell 22 Ili.- atm
1.nifi.n Benoit
Thourand. write nes
,'fl.( nold• 5 to 13
ft weeks Ugly hollows fill este Bony
limbs get gra.efitl routolneet. -Noddy
skin gets deer end rest tuella
vIncial Legieleture to the nt I . n o form more 11,PArly a Pit rt ntentn Tv Ner vote mels.1 nate...4 in, eons( ha Oen
Parlinment %%hen one Icei-Intiire or eonception of what thy/budget should vanish overnight. Switind IIPW pep
Provincial Government raids the fkim. tee
Budget Impreedene Twn greet boiler In one tiateclal
from very first day.
Inion Tren4iiry. it takes of the property
of the other Provinces rind the result Meanwhile 44erlAlti things ere einem weight building Welt 1-1.11.1 11011 st reng
swam Is that the concession forced by ing from Ilii'. 111141•114•111111 All the Mid thening iron Plieteatit little tablet*.
t1. conceded to all. Mr For get When the budget ens first brought Far stronger then immediented yemet.
own arena, now more than resenty flown it eppestred the It might receive
:Ilion* A Tent And. in Ong no ineen- some Con.ervative stipport ; In feet.
Ito meet She emergency of unemploy tin, Tort., .111 site
for it but when
nt, he bred. the laborers agialost Nir the bodges 1•11.1 41 14111'44Pd ill 114411 11 the
ing. sgeinst %shorn they evre, A* 1lzit
reel min.' ..f Toryism in this eonntrt
phalenx ..f the f'onservative pert3• r1 swan to PMeraw, the old enneeption of
tonal beeeed 1 the Nationel Polk/ Was Ow. they delighted wit% quick remelts.
... 4 •
Remiti in le time. No yenety taste.
NCI Ka5.
ft.; quit tieing "skinny." tired, un-
attractive Get I rents...I Yeast from
druggiat testily reel great tontorroorw
Mr.ney heelt from mentifectitrer If not
- 4 daii
Scholars. with 1.500.000 teachers.,
Thechildren repr.ssent, in the male.
tense time. the numbers engaged Is
ritual combat at the twgionIng of the
Orem War
Yes, the debt owed ity the eounery
te Robert Rallies is Inneleulahle
flatten 1e Roads.
Genoa M now being used as a fn.
brie membrane le the e.onstrustIon of
41* bighways.
Next Beet Thing
Old Gentleman (helve/lens! st 0*
elaborate wedding. ,-Are you the
Voting Slitto-"No. dr. 1 wA• entitle-
nted le Ott nemtlInals," Nentleh
rwti,,,It„tr 70"
Hints on Gardening
'Flowers should be chosen to suit
particular purposes. For Instance, there
Is quite a large Um of hi which
can be dried and used for 11141t/lIr
11/11111/11 all sinter. Chlif amour, these
is 'Ise Itelichrystini, or straw flower.
This 14 a hardy annual growing about
two feet high Hull producitie
pita, broil?... u r reil flower. In (Ilk
same clam we also lave the statiee.
neroclittium, rhelantlie. nod seven* I
others. Por preserving. these flowers
should be 'tithed with long stem. jii.1
before the bloom 11/1101%, 1111 1111g1 1i11111:
upside down in some warm (lark
place. It one has a •1111i1 .1.11..r.
there ti r.. many flower, lee. the tuber-
ous-roote! !weenie. 1111/1111.. chirkie. an-
nual larkspur. ;toilette, verbena, pausy.
nicotine anti 1,11111M whit+ actUnlly pre-
fer as (1 it I I twist/01i. lbw should keep
In Ittiii,i the height, eider told scsboli
..f bliroming when making selectiffil4
for porthislar porpoises. Anotlier polut
to remember Is fragranee.
Preheating Corn Seam°
The gardonex should Rol make the
mistake of planting 1114 1411.11 all at
the one thine. Of (*Ors... In the more
northerly districts i.f Canada. It will"
lw tweet:miry to confine oneself 1.. the
very earliest varieties. Bantam is
wand/int variety, and one eau now se-
vere 11 in the early, medium and late
types. The Golden Slinshine 1. ti still
earner type than Bantam, ironing on
a week ahead of that variety: willed it
reeembles in quality and color. In the
warmer diteriete of Canada. one should
plant the first corn from the needle
of .May at weekly interyals mail the
fire( .1 July. ('urn prefers light vole!
plenty of fertilizer. and/ frequent cuiti-
ration. .1,1low about five kernels 14) a
hill and ilmint on an average shout a '
cub and a -half per Stalk.
The beau is another vegetable which
shouldbe spreade more 'orer tbe Me-
son than it ussually, be One ihen put
In the first few rows after all (hanger
of frost is over and trontinue planting
• 1 weekly interrals until the first 4)1
July. There are several types We have
the dwarf and the pole sorts. and
u tiong the ordinary varletio'a we bare
the yellow and the green. In merit
years. people are turning more to the
green bean they con odder el
hitcher quality than the other. I lone elm
also plant Limas. which should not go,
In until the weather really warms -up.
Slid there IS also the broad hens whiee
hiw.t in fairly early. Thl. tumid twan
makes it 401(.1011M vegetabletin pod
being .helled like peas. The onfr thing
ta (Wird against with it are the aphids
which attack the plant* at flowering
time. Sprayieg with nicotine sulphate
for telia.1: les*f int It few time win I
ward oft thistle -4.
Keep Flower; Picked
In order to have the flower garden
looking at its best it all timet. alt
dying bloom lawn lir kept removed.
With most sorts, the oftener the
bloom Is removed the more of it there
will be. When planes are allowed to
develop seed pods all the energy gees
into this part of the teethe., and
?towering soon etonottwi. In the en,* of
tbeete plants 21711.h 8/1 11440urn wblrh
proderee a Int of entail flowers on one
stark, the (tying bloom may lw sheared
off. Fir large heileiduar flowers. 0
$$ best to ntp off n portion of the imile
awe vide rittorrt*.
Krim Things timing
A cheek to growth In the verethble
melee le very hard on the quality. vies CAM MAN INNWEDOIL'D WWEAT COMPAJWY. LTD*
partienfarly in regard 1.. these vege-
tables where the !eaves or roots nre
eaten. Wafter, 11 pnweible. in dry
weather, but In any event keep the Job Printing of Every Description at The Signal
garden well cultivated to prevent the
evaporation of the water stored in
the soil A frequently-eultivated gar-
deu will keep on growing almost re-
gardless of the weethee.
Garly flowering verlelle. of Arun.
should he pruned just after hieondue
by vetting out the old braiehes. states
Professor A. H. Tomlinson, of the On-
tario Agricultural College. This is et'
peelally necessary In 1114' case ,.f those
piauts tore three years of age in 'order
that there is plenty of room left for
new groetli. The hydrates*, and, titlicr
let...blooming shrubs. should be prun. I
In the spring This 14 the proper tin'
to 5riap evergreen hedges mid i11140 1..
plant evergreens
Frield .1 18. Mork
The dueleror • eutititty %Mace
two thilaren wit.. were acknosledged
by the Inhabitants AA !wide the pret
tiest 'brie le the district
leitile the two children store ollt
walking one day.they lielitmeied to
pa.s quite, neer two small WI.: (1111.
lived in the village and the ether ea.
ti Jetta.
-1 say." said the latter
friend. "who are thew little glrls
-They are the doom's Andrew • I.
taied the village boy. 'He else). 104 -1. -
the belt for himself -
Rolls, etc.
'.-he purity of the in-
gredients used, plus the
expert baking, assures you
the beat quality bakery
Phone 114 West Street
A Real
Health is always beautiful. It gives
color to the cheeks and sprightly vim
to the movements of the body. Health
comes from the right kind of food.
Shredded Wheat with milk is the
Health Food supreme -contains all
the vitalizing elements �f the whole
wheat grain in a digestible form -iron
for the blood, calcium for bones and
teeth and proteins for building healthy
tissue. Delicious with fruits. .
11$111111111••111111111MINVIIIIIIIIII•11111111111M111111•SII NUMMI
By nt ing your order to the Superior Chain Store in your Community you wall Fe% 111111., health and protect
your children from the 11initrit, .treet travelling, and yet your total ;.,nth's feel hill will wit he any larger. it
anything it wil. leis, down) the increeured buying p,wer anii tierwoi.al management (of pair ComMunity Greve
BORDEN'S 2 for
Evaporated Milk 25c
Gillett's Gillex per pkg. 12c
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 3 cakes 19c
Shirriff's JeIIy Powder, Recipe Car-
ton containing 4 pkgs 25c
Royal York Tea, broken Orange
Pekoe, !, Ib 28c
Fray Bentos Corned Beef . per tin 23c
Standard Corn 2's, Peas 2's, Toma-
toes 2 1/2 's 2 tins 29c
Toddy. ''Serve hot or cold-. ..1ys
33c 1. 53c
Taylor's Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb. 23c
Lily Chicken Haddie per tin 23c
Tuco Catsup Quart bottles 23c
Quick Shine Stove Pipe V1 sh .23c
Apple Jelly 40 oz jar 33c
Mushrooms small tins 19c
Cowan's Chocolate Velvets .1/; lb. 19c
2 pkgs.
Grape Nuts 27c
"There's a Reason"
10 bars
"The White Naptha Soap"
P & G 35
Pork & Beans
Medium Size
2 tins
Finest Red Cohoe
• 19c
l's 33c
McCormick's 1 Ib. pkg.
Soda Biscuits 16c
J. J. McEwen, Goderich, J. Calvin Cutt, Goderich
- WE DELIVER Ude :Sits,s4f 1111