HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-22, Page 8Golf Balls
Spalding Kro-fite - . • 75c
Spalding Witch 50c
, Spalding Mesh 35c
Caddy Bags
Irons, Drivers and Bras-
sies, at $2.00 and up.
. . .
A o Tennis Balls and
Rackets at $3.00 and up.
1 • • .
Get your Sporting Goods
-at -
Book Store
Baby Chicks
We.an••iltc ,• t1. C.
White 14•gh•,rn Chicks! ,r 1.•::yery
....Ione :it $10 per 100 , I„r. Ie•. -
horns are the 1.e,n u• I14rr'41
-1 rain. Lit:
hen., In."cy L,yer• ..1
large eggs, We g•iar.otntt'tne' { t r
,sent. safe del, ver). 4eder rnry.
.itis• the Lest dates no a.ul:able. .
The W: i r R se Pool I ry Farm
has rempved to new
quarters on Kingston
In ploments andepairsR General
Expert Service on all Cocks)utt
Allis-Chalmen sad United Tem -
Baer & Streagban
Public Notice
The 1930 Tax Roll
has been completed and
notices are being made.
Those wishing to take
advantage of the discounts
may do so by paying their
tastes at once at the Tax
Collector's office.
Tax Collector.
' •r
gena" 1.
' I �dOCL1i`i 0111 WAGERSaWAGERSc
1---1'las ltarpret Pentland sliest as, BANK= OF )ZZO�L
South Huron Liberals will meet at
Heusah IMay 26th to nominate their 1
eant$date for the coming Federal el -
I Sunday acltool at 2 em • The motor,
Rev. G. Batt, will be In charge.
week -end at the Dome of ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland, Dun-
«ctlon. i gannnn.
The Goderich Township Hospital
Auxiliary will inset at the home of
Mrs. Geo. Ialthwalte, Huron road, un
Thursday, May 20th, at 2.30 p.m.
essttr, J!s. A. Campbell and Mr. E. H. ;
While "were at Walkerton on Wedues-
day atteuding a district meeting of the;
outario Retail Druggists' Association.
The management of the Children's
Shelter acknowledge with thanks a
geetruu. donation of canned fruit'
from the Woman's Institute of Bra.
The 1C.C.T.1, will hokl -a rale Id.
homemade belying on Friday. May ;,'3rd,'
to Mrs Bturkholder's steno, south
.Isle of Square, sale to ctimmenee at 2
o elow•k•.
Mr. T. H. Patterson, i.'uu0 engineer.
attended the banquet at W ingham en
l'.•iday night which w'as athlresserl by
lion June•• Malcolm and Deputy
)linister of Highways Smith.
Thr regular Months- meeting of the
Woman's hospital Auxiliary will be
b. Id i1{ the Public library hoard reena.
on Monday. May 24i. at 4 p. m. .A
foil nttendun'•e of member'. t• request-
601'EIt14'11 TOWNSHIP, May 21
- Tho- \V.al S. of Union United church
1%111 meet this Weduesday atIeru,on
at 11:• Victoria .tr..•t pairs" a,age, God -
There was 110 service in the
Omni' last $uuduy. owing to it, being
nnnl•rersarc Sunday In Victoria street
church, e:o tit•rlcL.
Nest 81{1111113 seryl'.• o114 l'r held
a• usual in inion ehnr h at -3 porn
Who Has Lost Her Charm
and Beauty.
"Sbe Deans, to Ire losing her looks."
This remark 1s often heard about girls
who were ouce-noted for their tgrtrk-
ling eyes, their rosy ...becks and their
vitality. The cause is not far to seelt-
the) have become anaemic: that se-
counts for the pallor and the loss of
charm. The anaemic girl. If ate ne-
glects her health, may be a sufferer all
her life.
Take heed. you pale. anaemic girls.
Plenty of fresh air, nourishing food
and rest will help you. but what you
need most is good blood. Those wret-
ched headaches: ,bat tickle appetite
and those terrible heart palpitations
eau oily be banished if fbe blood is
rich, red and pure.
Good blood -the kind that bring•
pool health -Is created by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. The whole mission
of these Pills 1s to build rich, red.
health-gtring blood. The Pills are
sold by aU dealers In medicine or by
mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr.
Wtlllamp Mertit•ln • Co.. Bruckrilk-.
I Iuterlo.
I.k:EBI'R.\, May 21. -=Rev. A. Tiffin.
of G,wletirh, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. John Llntleld on Thursday after-
t'uugratulatlona are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook On the arri-
val at their home on Wedneday last
of a new baby girl.
Members of the Mlsslou Ban.) are
requested to meet in the w•hoel room
u Snnnnlay afternoon and to bring
anything they wish to put In the bait-
aleto be packed by the W.t.Ai8. ladies and
sent away next mouth. The story In
the study lt'ok will be given by one of
the members of the Rand.
Miss 7inne MacDonald spent Ow'
week -sed 111 14•troit.
1'..ltA,M0UN '. Mo.- 1U. --Mr. and
Mr. Ebner Wo te:ter and daughter, of
Varna. :pen; i,hu wtwh-end with Para-'
• tiN441,4 friends
Mr Ilarry \A'e•lster, of Ingersoll.
awl \Ir. atoll .Mr-. 'Moan of St. 1lelen•.
were r4..e1 gue.1• en(.Mr. and Mr.
Jtt• Webster.
\1:.. .Aluaudn wedtonall i. order
rhr,'Ls'h.r'- care 1lif• week. Her many'
friend, loop.' for a tpvrly r.•ov,•ry'.
Mr.. ihlgh .An,h•r...n awl children.
Mr.. Sperling. Mrs. M:o+:m•0.w and
\Ir•. 'r Moore. o1 \Vltit'.•hnrrh. were
recent gne -IA of Mr. nein Sirs. Jack
lirtelerw.tt. - -
M:'. .1. T. Webster i+ spending 'a
few .lays With friend. in 15.11414.n.
M: and Mr. Max Its, turd. of
v i.i:..1 in our burg' tt4euti3.
%1r Rey M.11uillin m.'tond up from
Torun,„ tr. 41wro(11 the w'.ek-end With
.,i. 1 arena. and Los -know fri4ylds.
1111 in 0 pot;iti,on to accept
contracts for all kinds of
cement work, .such as placing
foundations under buildings
and laying sidewalk. 'r
Fresh carload of Cement
just m
HamItem Street - Coo.rtch
Two cases of measles havebeen reported to the
Local Board of Health. The Board intend to strictly
enforce quarantine regulations. It is absolutely neces-
sary that the citizens co-operate with the Board, if the
disease is to be stamped out. Measles is the most com-
municable disease of childhood and nearly every
person is susceptible to it. Meld cases are just as con-
tagious as the severe cases.
Suspicious symptoms such as inflammation of the
eyelids, a hard dry cough or rigns of a cold should be
looked into. and a phys=ician should be•consulted at
once. •
Dated this 2; day of May. 1930.
Local Board of Health
A. D. McLean,. Chairman
.AiIL'FIEId'. May 21,-A number of
!i'.• belie. of the Kiutall Wooten', In -
.:14111e attendtrl The meeting held at
U1{• 'emir 1.1 Mrs. Robert ittsi.l+s,o,
Dungannon. Mr.. Allan .•t Toroono ad-
dressed the meeting 11{ a very able
manner and her address was very
dermal Manager. Bank of Montreal
Born 1'icton, Out., 1.4;3; entered ser-
vice of the (tank of Montreal in his
native, town and served .in various
offices; made asslataut geurul mana-
ger in 1921; apgsdur4'1 general mana-
ger April. 1(130.
lame ability, and always manifested
Oa interest 1* tl.s badness welfare of
the town. Rte was a member of the
United Church, and entre-Trays ready 1
to associate himself with anything that
wage for the betterment of the com-
munity. lie le survived by his widow
anal two young sons, Russell, aged the,
sad Merril. aged two; his father and
mouser, Mr. and Mrs. David Sproule'
of Dungannon, Ont.; one brother, Har-
.sW, of Manley, Sash.; and six slaters.
all .d Ontario. nameily, the Mlsses
Robbie* and Nettie at Dungannon:I
Mrs. Robert Wilson of (;oderkL : Mn.
\A'flliam Me('ure, Dungannon; 3ies.
.Arthur Elliott, concession 3, Ashtleld.
two miles south of Dungannon. and
Mesa Clara of Stratford.
"111e funeral wa+ held on Sunday
afternoon from the United church.
Davidson, Sask., where Rev. A. E.
Swanton delivered a comforting ser -
n1011. The church was "Tussled and ,
many were unable to gain a.ttulttan(e.
40df,Uow's and RANNkalls in regalia
Nen. preen 11{ a temly. and their num-
ber. were fermi:the-41 by visiting
members from other towns. friend. be-
re'ng nand from Lore/burn. 4'raik. (lir-
yin, Itladsworth. Ilanlee and; Saeka-'
toss•. The inupressl.e burial-en•4ee
of the ttnhttefluws fraternity tear
cowl -totted at the greet..141e. Phil.• the
f.1lewii!g member. of Ow ('o-tl.'rtltire
.tuff and the 1. (►. 4). F. a.si.t,t1 a.
.111bearer.: Messrs 4;.w Mubnu. ilen-
ry V11e•I•:.rtut. W. F. AV.wslman. S. 11
John Van llaer'enl and S.,11ut1.-
-Among liar out-of•t.nyu 4,at1i-e.
and fri.•nd• i1{ anrnd:tnee at the fut.-
ertl were: Sir Ito -born and sou
W:•rad:,. 512441 : Mrs. E. 11rnut.nl.
'sister o1 Mr. 1prooi'. \La tor. Sask..
an.l woo Morley. of M'r.V• Jaw; Mi•.'
,Toru Sproule, of Ihn,ganm.nr. 1tut:
.:Irny•. Iteta :11.11 Edna e;ibs..n, of _
It..w•towu. - )14.I , ,, lr owl
44 s•n..•. AA'u,. ipa•n.w 111.1 sister. ltor-
tout'. Sask.: Mr. tool Mr. Wu:. Smith
and Moroi. Iyer. of aa JJ Busk.
"A 1ery largo floral .ontrlbntion a•
token. 1{t sympathy was given. It,-
d.les those of wife Mud cIlUttrett. father.
motts•r, rioters and brother. a. many
1{r seventy -Me other cont Manion..
mere offend." •
G,tI'IAUT.-41 Alexandra >llVospltil,
Goderlch. nn. May lath, ..to Kr. and
Mrs. John Ganlsy, a aoa-Moho Nor-
J'ACAJU')M.-Tl1 Mr. and Mn O. a
Jacques (nee 'Edith Rublasea), Au-
burn. on May 16th, a so. --George
t(IMITIL-In Godericb, on Tuesday,
MIL M, John W. Smith,
:3rd year.
o1{ Wrie c•+dny evening. May L''tli.
at the .Agrit-tilt urn! Hall. Dungannon
George ipi.ttou will Indd his annual
party. A Troup .4 the highest order
much enjoyed by a11. Mr.. N. G. Mae , � • , w111 present a superior, play 1 ng
Kende. a member nt the }(Intail r�r a
two and fi,alf hours.. George :ipntton
breach. read an Inter'eet(ng Later o1{ will give an account of his stew-ird-
institute work. Atter the meeting 1 ship. After the ...evert dancing will
I w.l a4dlalnty 'meth waw ...riled by JACKSON DODDS. O.B.E. begin in the parish hall. Every other
petit. Born London. England. ISPG. Joined time t►ddlerw r. etc. M '►{x.tton feels
The monthly meeting et the fantail' Flank of Brltlsh North Amerit•n 1901. 1w• rct'reu'um,e
�s every M. --sense
Women's Institute will he held at the In the Great War 1914-1919: mentioned , Grit. 1'.F'.O. and 1017 equally welcome.
Wm. 4 Johnston on Monk the calendar.
the hostess and a *oda' hour wag (:!neral" Manger, Bank of MoNrt'a1 dance a square. Goodaraht+etra, old -
!i..n a 4.1 'Mrs four times consecutively In de•igrat( Des.
Fri.lny. June 6Mrs. Robert Davidson F7ee•dom City of London. 1919. Decor-
.1 Dungannon. who 1. the di+trl'tated ns offkz'r of the orler of the • - -
etldknt, will address the meeting. Ttrit.;
i.h F.Or•Mons star; Victory
NH,. %Carlon Middleton' spent the medal general wrrvi„e medal. .A+sl•-
week -end with friend+ 1n (oder)eh. tont general manager Bank .•f Mon -1 '-
Mr. .Archie MatiMur•hey. of Detroit. treed. In charge of Weet.rn branetw., WANTED -MAID P01.1 (;E\l1t.A1.
%IA:.d Ashfield friend!' this week. ' lir25• atedstant general ranger. Mon- housework. Apply to MRS. T. 11.
Death of FAmend Beckett. -The, try). 192`,: general manager. 1960. M1Tt7iELL, South street.
death ,..eurre.l at Detroit on May 9th.
. _
of Mr. Edmond 1teekett, a brother of -- ---
Nir .411s•rt It.4•kett of this tow-n*ltin wore 11 dr.-... of Innen blot- re'rgl,rtc _
144-•+1:441 111141 11V011 11{ 1%44.11 the last with hat t.. match. The groom wets at -
thirty rear.. 11e was 111 about ten days tended by his brother. W. .1. "'rebut
with pleurisy. 111, wife died last Ang- i of Detroit. After the ceremony the
tet and one daughter survives. ,Mass R. bridal party returned to the bride',
FOR r %I.E
'1t SALE.-EI4;1rr-FtiIOT Sllt►AA'• day, Jtwte 6. 1931, for the reconstruc:
•'•.Asi:. W. 4'. 1N.A'LEL. Weret street. thin In eoneretP, of the superstructure
m take this privilege of thanking
their many friends for their many tok-
ens of sympathy, including the floral
n'lbutee, which were aueb a comfort
to them in their bereavement.
al oa the
of Wsst Wawtsncsldll
Tusgtlay. w7 $7th,
at the Totireehlp
gaging all
ostia, aastsst
EALEI) tenders, add
47 undersigned and endorsed "Tender
for Dredging, (Sault 8).. Yarle, Ont."
will be
recedved until 1! •'glen saris
(daylight saving), Tuesday, Nap. 97.
Tenders will not be considered unless
made on the forma supplied by the De-
partment and In accordance with the
,•ouditlons set forth therein.
Combined specification auo furor of
tender can be obtained on application
to the lerslgned, also at tbe office
of the 1111tr'lct Engineer„ Post Office
'l'EX14111S F4 dr 1titEls:1X4; linlldlug, S1►Nlt geeI. Hada, (hrtarlo.
SE-ALE1► tendert. tokkre• est `he 'ri•ukrs mast nco towing
uude•rvgu.d and ,i,dursc,l 'Tedder the plant 11{, and from work.
for Dredging, Port Arthur and Fust Thr dredat'e and or gent which
Wllllam. Ont.," will be received nodi are Intended to be employed on this
12 o'clock noon (daylgbt saving), work, %111111 have been duly registered
Tuesday, Nay 27. 1931. or hefore to";
'1'• u�l.r- will not lr,r•,t.l.lrnrl 4414)."* ,hop of IMed•mher, 19'_11, or .hall have
made on sloe forms wtl•(.lf.d1 1.) the leen ,'ourtructed and mesterei In
1lelarrneent and 111 a..•.�rduutr with t',uuoh4 *Wee the laid date.
condition. .ndition. set fora h therein. snort' ,ruder most be at'comloanled by
i'omhtue•d sts.'iflc8Uou and forst ot. an 'tempted cheque on a chartered
ter .4w .1*nitriuei o1{ upjdhro ;ban►, 1183111.1e 40 the Order of the MIn-
;ion t.. the nuder•igi.r1, alms lir the, bstet of Public Works, for 5 per cent.
..(-ti.1 of :he Isi.trirt Engineer. en. of the ,souse, prier. but no cheque to
toBuilding, Fort WiIIlu►u, Ont. be for 14444.4.than five hundred dullers
fenders must include 1l:.• 7'.wIng "t Hult.I of the Dominion of Canada or
the plana to and from the work. . 1.10,,, of the -Canadian Natinnal Rail.
,Thr 'hedge•- sod ..th.•r plant which way company wilt be accepted as se -
are intended to be employ td on this corky. or 'writhe sod a cheque if r-'
work. shall bare Men duly registered',pdred to make up an cosi amrnmt.
In (.1111/111111.la i•er before toe thirty •; By order.
flat day of I4e••r•mis•r, ll9S!, 1{r shall'. N. DIiNey'ARDt1T1c
11360 been tlro.tru.'ted and registered' Secretary.
In anada .a
since Ilse id date. Department of Piddle Works,
Earle, tender must i e na•nmlanleil i wawa. may 16. two.
Ly :M.044114441.•heptP on n ,'harterrd
ark, pnya►k to the order of the. -
\tinirter of I'u►•llr Works. for S per.
••syr:. of the eontraet prier. but no
ehepn• to 14• for Irls that. five. bnn-
.Incl dt.41er.. ibon4t" of tbe Dominion,
`o1 4-anada ..r bond. of the Canadian;
Nariettsl RailwayCompany'aCompany will toe *1'-
cepted as seemrity, or hoods and a
cheque if r, -quire.) to make up an odd.
By order.
Department of Piddle Works.
Ottawa. May 12, 1930.
TPl.phon1 Cf . t9
Sales attended to anywhere and every
effort made to give aatlahcdea.
Farmer.' sale notes discounted, '
will eoodoct silos anywbere, My
terms are reasonable and 1 will ea-
deavor to give aatsfactiou. Pboaa
Carlow 1314. or addrees R.R. 4, God -
11te undersigned. and e'jidor"ed'
"Tender for North Pier ltcwun.tra.tion, '
G.krricir, Out," will be rc4•eireil 1111111-,
1! o'eleek need (daylight savhtg). Fra-
\\'. Aire. of lietroit; alw. two 'brothers.; parental home. where a snm{dnmts FuR SAL::. -HALL. HI'TLf:I►(:E Fel
, \1r. Willfam B.rkett of Sault Ste. wedding breakfast was..Prvel to thirty- 1'.ATF: property en i'almerv'tnn..
'Marie and Mr. Albert Beckett of Ash- I fire guests. The happy mute. bit 1m- •treat. Apply to ILAY$ & H.AY►t. Isar-'
field. The funeral took place on Fri- nxdlately )y motor for London to en- ri.ters. Hamilton stmt, G.alerieh.
day from deccaoesl's resident.. Yoae- 'rain for a week's honeymoon in the
mite avenue, Detroit. the service be- cities of the Eastern United State*. , j,•OR SALE.-110MER5. MA(PPI'ES,
ding eond,xiel• by Rev. lir. Knuckles. int. bride travelled in a green crepe• a nun.. tumblers, fan'all•, pigmy
,Mr. ik•.•kett was a member of the drpa. with -bat to mate'h and a black pouters, etc. Apply 1'IRRIE FER-
Masons. Forester• and (kldfellows, .loth .oat trimmed with badger tor. GI-R►N, Bayfield, Ont.
111.1 ilsdalatter two lodge. attended the (%ut'sts were preaeat from Kalamazoo.
funeral. The Roe $wont. ,rote. of which i Detro)t, River Berner. Highland Park. CPECIAL $ALE. - UISED PIHa\a
' eje(ratlel was .aptal , alw. w -as prey- ' Wyandotte. ;Mich.. alike from (:ower- IP GRAPHS in good meetanlcal con-
.mt. kb and Culross. Their many friends dttlon, oak and mahogany flnlah.
.Hite In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Feehan From $17.50 up. Write for photo and
ST. AUGUSTINE a happy and prosperous wedded, life. order blanks,7 to Victoria gas,. HEST
ST. AUGI'STINF, May 2t'. --Mrs. C __
II. May and the 511-•e. Mnrgaret and • The Late Waw Sproule erns sAireify -T-pow.' rriNG (►1-TnIT
' Eileen May, of Loudon, .pent the week- The following In. from The Lender, of Twenty hnrs.ep. rr Bell •-Inch en -
cud with friends here. gine. Gnndisnn separator, elevator
psttrllRhM at 1.>r.c141«su. `tack.: .elf -feeder grain elevator and
Mr. s111 Mr" . J. Ilayes, of Galetleh. ander,
" latch claimed from Ihividscon •
and Mrs. Walter
MciMnxld and small cotter. Vtaofieally newt waron, tank
Saskatchewan, on Fri4lsy last, nor
ern, of Sarnia, were the guests of Mr end pump. EverythingTR, in growl Amite
nt its flmtst charactero as .well as
uudt Yrs. J. W. Boyle on Saturday one of fir must popular and irrom- nine order. A. M. STIeAUGHAN, .
aaL meet citizens, when Warner Andrew' No. 1, SI Hies. Telephone Colts.,
Mr. W. W. Wiggins, of Dungannon. Spronle, h. Ms forty-fifth year. lassoed Mmnkipal 116.
I. 1 f ed d Mrs
cl.Ne4 at t to ,ono o r an awn1{t the Union Horpltal here. Mr.
Maw,,, M..AIUste•r on ThurwIay leaf. Sproule underwent an eperutlon sur
lie In'tltute meeting WAR hetd nt l.•rltoultia and, though Inciting forth
the home of Mn. T. Robinson: 9th II strong fight to the last, he was uu-
concession East W,twrtno+l,, on Friday nig.. to overt+.me the lnfringlug malady.'
ntteroiwm last Mr.. J. .\Ilfn, nt Tor- TILS pa,si11g (a1s1r) deep sorrow
I onto, nekdlressel the meeting and was tlirougb,oct the town and community
Ilaelw4l to With great hiter4wt. Mb's Wherehe was widely known and
Kearney gave an instrumental and atlas '14-L)mitts-mob Born at IMogan-;
Shackleton a IeadlnK. TheIad1,w of Ontario, Mr. Sproule came west
St. Helens instlttuc alas attended this l,r Wilmette Manhole', in 1907, anti'
meeting. Ilater caner to Sawkatchew'nn, where he;
Mr. D. McAllister and Mr. Will :111- spent a tea years at vaelou1 point..
1 drew*. Prosperity, s]s•nt TuewiaJ (1t coming to Davida..n in 1917, and enter -
I th1. week with liluevale friends. ng the em{goy of the E. it. SImoms'
Ji r. and Mrs. W. Wilson and Messrs. lIardware. The same year he married
i. and W. AVII14.n called on Auburn Vary H. Reebnn►, of Waaryna
hc, nd
friends on Saturday last shortly attenvnrrl. he
be. se.. manager
lir :sol !Nes.''%V. lte4rl mai baby „f the hardware department of the
.lark spent Sunday nt the home of
4 Iknidsnn Co-4rys•ratlre• Aswsriatluu.
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Wilson.
vWeek position ition he beat when reteP toy
een{ug of Is+t
1 stout • thirty-flve friend..
On 1ltitrt.lny
nelghlwor+ stricken.
;;,l 'Institute members gn?l'rwl ;elite"Though quiet and'hueRsunming. the
��attt��� ��//tt�r�/��ct�yrr� ytn� yr�iy��s�it�/i�/rxrr�, luno• of"'Mrs. AV: Kinlhan, 4th rnh- ilecea.ef Leek a fond interest
rMVlttf�I1•rs►tiefrltirt/kTAaft/r efrrtArt cAltArtArM�eA a■�
*salon West WaWnnlwelt, and tweeent(d hI the work of (MdTellnwshlp and
her nisi. M1=. Eon King. with it'
Wwr a' prominent etid esteemed ,nen.
Yniw111sn,rms s1,r s.ef her of Davidson 1. 0. 0. F. J 4Mig4 No.
Women's Inatitute Officer.. -The an•• 14. ile w•as n man of considerable hu•
I • , 1,11111 meeting of toe St. Anglrtlie
IV Women's Institute wnr held at the
%% home of Mrs. J. 4'. RAldn+on on Wel-
/r ns•wlny, May 7. There wince Knoll at-
tendance. The following is a 11st of the
nffhrrs for 10fll 11 ; President. Mrr. 1
3n... ('rafg: • vieepre'ldent, Mrs. Geo.; GAINED 11 LBS.
Naylor; .,r•retsrv•trensttr(•r, Mi.. Elva ;
• Krnrney; prema secretary. Miss M. A., "tied tired feeling. no.pep. But Irou-
Br.phey ; itrganiat, Miss •O11ve Jet- feed Venet gave me pep; much stronger.'
i feraont dlsf rte't director, Mi.* J. 1. Gained 11 its. Bois and pdmtik% dial-
; Alr•.A111.ter. •i' per red.'• --+Mark Latter)*.
Feehan -King. -'(►n May 111th. Rev. J. Amazing new 1rnn17R11' Yeast adds
• F. 1'agnetter erdemnized 11 nuptial high -5 to 16 lbs. In 3 weeks. Chong...
Public Meeting
Monday, ' May 26tb, 1930 g
at tis (lock p. m., for the purpose of
Organizing a Dominion Day
Celebration Committee
Colonel, May 21, 1930.
H. J. A. MacEwen, Mayor
X x:etwcxttratlr
(1111(1KS AN1► 1LAT('1.ING
`\BT E(;GM. _that are 1,rodnor41 on our
own farm from our own hen.- not
from eggs pstrr'haseh wherever we can
get theta. It 1. not wow• to replenish
your fl.w•k with chel.p chleke. when
for few cents more roti can boy real
quality. 0.A('. Barrel Rocks, ttt7.(t(1:
single eonth White Txghorn.. $1C..eve ,
for May, 30th. .Tune prlees 81.00 per
14.0 les.. for Hocks; 82.00 per 100 kw,
for Leghorn...
.Ask to see cntr galvanized feeder..
4'. G. ('AMI•IBELi.. 11.11. No. 2, An -
of the North Pier. for a length of 4144
feet. at Goderlcb, Huron Chanty. Ont.
Plans and form of contract can he
seen and ,'pedficatloo and forms of
tender unstained et tble De4partment,'
at the offices of the IStarlet Engineer.
Custom. Building, London, Ont.: To-
ronto Builders Exchange and Construc-
tion industries. 1104 Bay Street, To-
ronto, Out., ipso at tbe Poet (►titer,
Goderl.il, Ont.
Tenders will not'be considered unless
made on printed forms supplied by the
Department and in 'mordant* with (
condition. e.nitalnel therein. -
Each tender must ire accompanied
by a marked cheque on a ehartercd
hank. payable to -the order of the Min-
ister of Public Works. equal to 10 per
cent. of the amount of the tender. Ronde
of the Ik,minlon of Owed* or Minds
of the Cana4Nsn National Railway
company will also be accepted as se-
curity, or bowl. and a cheque if re-
quired to make alp. a, roll *moon,.
,Note -Blue print. ran lie obtained
at this Drpartme•nt by depositing an
ae.eplel chemo for the seem of 1200n.
tayahie to the onk'r of the Minister of
Public Works, wnlch will le returned
if 11." Intending bidder submit a re -
1 .1.1.
By order,
N. I►F,SJ A R 1)FN'S.
Department of Public,/ Works,
Drawn, May 18. 1'0)10.
Auctioneer -
Phone 70, Lucknow
Sales conducted anywhere. Wide es-
perlence. My very 'best efforts pat
forth lu each and every .ale
Goderkb, Phone 341
Fgnipped with electro -magnetic
baths. Electronic electric treatatenta
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
nervous diseases. Lady in attendaaee.
Omce hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 pm..
excepting Monday and Tbaraday and
by appointment
Realdeuce and omee-Coria a.
Sont14 street and Britannia road.
mass at khleh Era, eller datghter '•skinny," weak Moly to strong. well-
, of 'Mr. end Mee Hugh King.. became developed form n11 admire Blotchy
the Ilrtde of Mr. -Geo W. Feehan of skin gets clear and y likep
k e g.
'Detroit. etroit. Mich.: formerly of itnrej Mes.', Nervousness, indigestion. nc
l'roMptly at 9 o•ehick the bride entered ' disappear overnight. Sound deep. New
the .hneeh nn the nrm of her father. , pep from very firs'! day.
and marched doyen the elide to the! Two gtt*t turtles In one -special
*train. of Mendelsttohd'. waldlnR' w-c'IRII-Mlllding Malt 1'43+t and Rtrrng-
ncarUh playcal 114' Mir' irlvrrK,arnPy. rhenhtR Iron. 1'hosant little tA'beta.
During the Maga an Ave Maria was, Far stronger than- m imed4.nt.'4 least.
letnttlfully ,pw '1141 113 • Mr*. J. W. 1 Rbanita In ti, time. No yeasty taste.
'i oyle The bride looked (harming In a ' \
areas of white georgette and a tell
of Milanese lace. She carried a shower
Iotignet of American Beanty
and Sly of the vslle7. Wm waft Atte►ed- MMk from manufacturer 1) root de'
ea lq her sletet, Klee Annie King. who Ilgbted nth galek malt., •
Don't lie "skinny," w,nk, nnattrae-
tire. Get, irnnlrs•d Yews 'from drnggl.t
today. Fuel govt tomorrow. Money
Accountant. 1 C Ontario offset
Stratford. Phone 117410. Rest 13101.
DR. F. J. R. roRSTER,
Late House Surgeon New York Opb-
thei mic and Aural Ho petal, ■aalstant
at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Ooldeo
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng.
53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel-
ephone 267.
At Hotel Bedford, Goderieb, on the -
,evening of third ; Monday of each
month 1111 the following day, Tuesday..
at 1 p.m..,
Barrister and Solicitor
Sins Life Building. Adelaide awl
Victoria street., Toronto 2.
burn, OnThine one Blyth 1074, SEALED TENDERS ADDREidiF.1) TO Telephone Elgin 5301.
a17� the undersigned. and endorse.) DUi►LET E. BODICE:,
"Tender :onowr Srnrth T'ler R4rnn.trnctinn.
God.•rkc4IOnt.," w111 be• reeelvel nntll Rarrlster, Zee.
,• _•.T,.t . rd.aHel.e .a.Me1. tied- Om.e-HaMilton street, Goderle .
TAKE NOTiOB that I have under
a distrevs•, warrant dated 'lite rth
day of Mnreh, A.D. 1929: seized the
goods 'hereinafter net forth of The
Goderlct Artcraft Furniture Company
Limited, for arrears of taxes, amount.
ing to 31235.411, and that the s(im.•
will be sold by peddle auetlon alr-Ihe
factory. Maitlnnd road, In (b.' Town of
(locerlel,, on
TUESDAY, MAY 27th, A.D. 1000
at the hour of 2 o'clock in- the after -
Iht0 --ot-Goderfeh this 12th day of
May, A.D. 1930.
Atesesaor and Tai Collector.
Corpxoration of the Town of Ocderleh.
The following are the goals and
chattels en mired as aforesaid :
Office furniture ant! equipment, five
rills tapestry. twenty eleven rolls ere
`tonne, 1 SOOdW style, 1 110-ttal. drum
varnish, 1 Won • torch, odd Iota of
screws, hobs, (leviers. repholstering
needles., vie.; a tmmhe : of wood drilla.
' tate, flies M4'.; tapestry remnants,
amorteld fl'veta, castors. hand drilling
maebine, sss.tyted sla'a stove holt*
screws, wash,,., off.; 2110 Itis gmnnd
asbestos, platform wales, severed 1011
lbs. nulls, nnflnUM'd Modes and tithe
furniture, Aever*l bnndred ibe. ,good
a large amount of pwint.,,fbridklh and
day. June 6. 1930. for the reeonstne.
tion of 111e snperstrul•tnre of the South
Tier. In cnuerete. for a length of 3411
t.et. .1 Godrrlch. Huron Cotmty, Ont.
Plans nod form of contract ern ia•-
rsen and s,ra•Ifleation and forms of 1
tender obtained nt thls Department,
nt the stride of the District Engkoer. I
C11.t.m14 Rnllding. T..ndon, Ont.: Tn-
rnntn 11111111•r'' t'chnnce and ('onstnie-
tlon ln.jnstriee. 1104 itay Street. To-
ronto. chit.. ohm at the Post Office.
• Gt.terl•h. (telt.
'renders vt•111 not be considered, unless
[made on printed forms anpplled by the
IMpartment And 1n aec ordanee with
condition+ eontnlnel therPln.
I Each tender most he aremtpanled
by et mnrked cheque on a chertlwed
hank, payable to the order of the Min-
Inter of 1'nldle Works'..gttal to 10 per
gent, of the arnnnnt of the tender. Bonds
of the Dominion of Canada or hands
of the ('in*4Han National Railway
Company .111 alts be agtgAM a• s.••
entity. or bonds and .a ebeetne if re
!retiree to make tap se odd amount.
Note -Rine pts11a eon be obtalncd
et thl. Department by deo/siting an
' A.'cepted ehemu% for Ow enen.of P30.04.
rn 'Rbtc to the enter at the eMlnlstc'r of
IPeddle Works, which w111 he retorted
If ?the intending bidder pa rel' n • re-
anlAr lid.
• Ry order.
N. 1 $JART'FN11.
Departs's of Public Fiorito,
• Otto**. Vi ISOM.
mos, dtliDAT,
11 - _
. K1Li'1(irP MIITUAL FilIB 11i -
$PRANCE OO. -Farm and 10o -
lata) town property ln.mred.
c►ffhrn.-JA., Connolly, Pres., GOA_. "
erh h P.O.: Jas. 'Evans, Vi4tsP
1 He w'h word P.0 Q. F. 'Mcf
See. -Tress., $,.forth P.O. -
nIr(rtnrw--5. itroadfont, 11.11. Na i.
S.aforrh: Jame* 4hoMlee, Walton;
Wm. 111nn. R.R. No. 2, *nfnrh; Roh-
1 vet Perris. Hkrloek ; John Rennewels,
Iirr.thag1'n ; Geo. Mol'artn.y: 1t.R. 140.
3, $Mfortb : Jahn Pepper, RM4Molt1.
Agent* -W. J. Ten, R.R. Nn. 3, CBS-
; toe; Jame. Watt, Blyth; R. Illneh-
l'y. Seafor b; John Murray. Meafortb,
'Policy -ladders ran MAIM all pigments
And get 'their earl. reeelpted at R. 1. '
'Mu,rlsh'e Clothing More. ' Clinton;
1 d(MfrOroesry, 4R
0./'dertcbein, bys d, H. 11,1Kingston '. (lenitlsar ,4p
Were. AayAMA.
Phone. 77.
Yucr4ielldr to J. L. Hilloran.
Phone 97.
Office --The Sonar,. tjoderic4.
%ape & %ape
R.C.HAY1-R C.HAY►4 .a.. I4.A
Hamilton St., lind,rien
► .5
"1,40,e.«' ,f., %Zak "fliag.$':i. «. . 4 .,t ..