HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-22, Page 7•
en the
Head �f
County and District
Mrs. John Fell, of Jiluevale, had her
fingerer catgibt In a wringer and badly
Little Ctantooe Taylor. eon of Mr.
and Mrs. d;arnet Taylor. Varna. had
the misfortune to slip Into a boiler
of at•aidlhg teethes, while his mother
was 'nothing. The little fellow was
,,.Yeverely burned.
At London. ori May &b, Mins Elia
!lend Deering, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Dearing of Stephen town-
ship, mitt muted In marriage to Ern -
e41 Willard, son of Mrs. Mary Willard
of Hay township, Rev. Mr. Walker
Iserformel We ye/enemy.
on Tumidity, May Lath. Jane Pat-
H•rnelu., wklow of the hoe .Andrew
Bre •r, mimed away In Grey town-
ship, In her nitwty-teetrth year. De
,wesed wee a native of Ireland. com-
ing to Caned* et the age of eighteen.
She Is survived by four was and one
Eosin McVlttle, an old resident of
the lith tont•esalun n[ IruIIe4t, died
at his bome in that towntthip on May
12th. He I've: two daughters and
one non: Miss Ruby. at home; ]In:
J. S. Carter. of dlnllett, and George,
with whom he lived on the old home-
-.Weed. Deceased was In his eighty -
fine year.
While preparing to shingle the roof
of a hoose owned by Owen Geiger, at
Ileneall, Albert Spencer and Wm.
Fraser were thrown to the ground by
the breaking of the tratfold. Both
men were body hurt by the tall of
eighteen feet, but no isome. were broken
and It is expected both will soon be
able to reeume work.
On Wednesday. May l.tb. a quiet
weeding tes.k plate et the McKflleho
manse, Suss Helen Matadi Kerr. eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amble Kerr,
becoming the bride of W. James INie-
(lure. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. R. 'Smith. The happy couple
will reel'? on the groom's farm nn
the lith eonewtainn of MtiEIllq..
The death oceurred reenMy nt
Brumfield of Rnderkic MacKenzie
Ia the lives of very many people
bihollanees is the cause of much dis-
comfort, irritability and actual sut-
And biliousness is the result of a
deranged liver.
Headache the most familiar
symptorn. S em at the stomach, •
drowsinem'Illegals' to work.
leas of ap irritability, mental
dulness. coated tongue, unclean com-
ppl1sssion—such are the signs of torpid
liver and sluggish bowel action.
The quickest way to arouse the
torpid liver is by the use of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
For over halt a century this medi-
cine has proven its exceptional ef-
fectiveness u a regulator of the liver,
kidneys and bowels. It stands to -day
time-teeted and without a rival u a
-relief for biliauness, indigestion and
other symptotas resulting from de-
rangements of the liver.
--1930— -
Men who wear fine Shoes are:demandin cor-
rect style and'fine appearance in their Oxfords. There
are many outstanding features in the coming season's
style situation.
These features are to be found in the new
models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines
are to be found here at most reasonable prices.
one of the tally seetlere of the district.
Isescaeel was 1u his eighty-seernsd year.
111s youthful dayse were shut on a
farm on the lsoUdon road, and after-
wards he lived at Varna and then for
several years at. Fheter, finally re-
newing to Brut-efleld lu IIUI. He leave,'
a widow, four sons and two daughters.
At the home ot• Mr. and Mr.. Wm.
Baker. Isitgtteu tuwn,elih., uu Welnes-
dty. May 14th, their eldest daughter..
Anna Greta, was unite! In marriage
to IManfonl Luther, win of Mr and
Mit. John Luther. of Hay township.
lieu. J. M. piling officiated. After
the es•renony slaty guests were en-
tertained at dinner. Relatives., were
present from Eseter. Desl,w,ssl. Perk -
hill. Iasi.Ie.+tsero and Grand 1tend.
Eugene !summit. son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Doman of Nva•
forth, won first prise for violin solo
at the Stratfunl musts festival.
Several farmer. lu thbs dl'trict lost
good bora** during the warm weather
of seeding time.
Kruse Bros. are erecting a new grist
mill In p:gmoodvllle:
Severe tn.m .Blyth attended
at the graduating pare -boss of
the Glue pIu general hospital last week.
when Miss Janette Pople•stone cud
Miss Katie ir,ldlaw tweame registered
unease. Miss Pimples -time heaikl her
etas.+ and Miss Lahllaw also was a
The new (.rick• -yard is nearly men -
tiered. and will soon be In operation.
I .Henry Weymouth has completed
' iMinting :del soft maples, which lie
receive) from the forestry
an. 1 his dairy farm.
It.dsert Sted:ee had a narrow
a few clays ago when his team.
to the harrows, was frightened
sad lwdterl. Mr. 'S1,',:ee was
Travelled hilae Mlles Into Mees{ aft
Wilds In Order to 'Dive Owes*
&ret Into Minister well ed DeR11—
Swam the Panama 0araaL
To have climbed Popooatet,efl, the
great mountain in Mexico, swum
through the Panama (..nal, dived
seventy feet into a Well of Death,
walked :,000 miles through the heart
of South America, lived ou Devil's Is-
land among the convteta of that
dreaded French penal settlement, and.
anally, been marooned on Tobago,
Preston ; cretary, I$r. Posllff ; treas-
urer, 'Mrs seJ. MulCay.
J. A. McLean 1s engaged In fitting
up his pinning mill wblch was gutted
by fire a few week's ago. 11 la thought
nu great damage was dour .to the
Thr death of Gavin WIIson oreurred
ttunday morning in Lower W Ingham.
in 1114 secessly-s•veutli year. Detrnwwl
was born to Ulnagow. 'Scotland, and
carie to East Wnwanotli In the early
days or Its settlement. His wife filet
eleven years is Anil two dnughtcrs
and one son t00%lye: 31 r. Arthur
('ruse. of South i)rauge, N J.: Je-vie.
of Vantoi►tvr. turd Rarest. of ieeatm-
tD.tf'� Zi RICN
At the Stay uteting of the ''/,url.•h
meun•u + Ills+altnle' . Ittt.f!•. tea .•r.• .
Robinson Crusoe's Inland, under the elected fur the year as follow: pr.•+i- i tuns Mrs. W. G. .Andrew . auditors,
same conditions as that famous figure dent. Mrs. SI Klapp: Int %ie. -pr' t- Sirs. \1' E. Ile•e ry lu and Mr. Thom -
us Watson. A eeery !Mere -ding address
dent Mr l }•rite • seer tart airs t"i-. gite•n .t
by A. :a Hammond of •I..u-
Button A Trevette at Tesewater, and
came to Lueknow with them, add since
that time Iws been designer and imp-
erintensMat of the prfductlon'end of
-the hiplines.. will Ivme preeldent ;
e v. -president will be chosen and Mr.
Robertson will trrotiuue lu bis pros-
, cot petition.
At the annual meeting of the !attic -
mos Wowee's hetltute offieera were)
elected as fellows fur the (riming
year: llouonury prcaidaslt. Mrs. W. E
\Icismiald : president lir.:. J. 1.. Mc-
Millan; 1st vice-president. Wk. W. r.Johnston : 2i1,1t lepr•
leul, ]era. W.
t; .\ndre
r %-,'.rtnry-trrau
sner, Sirs.
Temple f'Inrl: ,tistriet lienor, Mrs.
WHIM \t,-iAa,'l : himnch dire -tors, i
' Mrs. George Greer. Mrs Thomas •\►frit '
Isom, \Irs. W J item.hay. Mrs E. N
Bushell. Mrs. J W. Joy at ate! Sirs
W. le. Reel: district representatives..
Mrs J. L. 51c\llllau. Mr.. i)sevtd 'S%
el -
le. Mrs. George /dawn:re•r. Mrs. dawn .11 -
of fiction—surely that Is a record of 114411. WS ,1.adventure which maty might envy. '' :Iry of 11o• a'unadiun'
. amautreasurer. Miss JLa-
; . .a
To Date done all these thing's and don, field se.•ret\ ttle.Itn1 lu+titna• fur the Blind.'
be only twenty-nine years of age
wakes the record dotimig short of
amaaing. Yet we have enumerated but
a few of the thrills which Richard
Halliburton, a young American ad-
venturer, hu managed to pack into a
few years of travel, the amazing story
of which he relates in an appropri-
ately named book entitled "New
mom : directors. \Ir+. ,1. flaws.. \Irs '
Will Johnston. Mrs. .1. itouthstass:
dietrlct representatives, 51ia+ Lamont.
Mrs. E. Webb), Mrs. t P I )wyer. M r . K.
E. K lupe.
Iter. .lobe Stn•alpfer. of Port Mitt''
coo. rehired., pereaehefl In Zurich
Ih',ngell.vl .olulr•h on Sunday ne..neioa I
Inst. SI r. Stren.1.f,•r was pastor of the
church here from 11.7 to 1(1N.
Worlds to Conquer." Owing to Insufficient snpls.n
Climbing Pupue•alepetl, one of the illffietdly an pnseuring new members.1
tete Zurich hind has decided no- to
world's mighty mountains, was an
epic in Itself.
"Burdened with three hundred
pounds, an assistant, and four por-
ters, we progressed so slowly up the
mountain that In the late afternoon
I decided to keep right on with my Deceased was In her forty-ninth year,
tapedltion and climb all night. At e•lt'I 1e11t•es.besides her husband. too'
15,000 feet our assistant, something sons and two daughter.. a+ well as 1
of a novice in mountaineering. gave her aged father end threw brother.
one groan and collapsed in th.' snow. Nils. C'hrl+tuna Klein passed nsvny
He was done for. lu the midnight May PJth. at the home ..f her brother -
darkness' we distributed his forty- in-law and sister.' Mr. and Mis. Thomas `
Johnson, in this village. She was in
her seventy-sixth year and hail leen!
an invalid for teeny years. She wns a
native of itaden and the remains were
taken-to that lithe.- for Intervent.
ploy this summer.
' The etenth of Susanna Katherina
Re•stemeyer, wife of Christian lliir-
rnelatter, occurred May 12th at her
home• ou rhe 1.5th sv.n4 slop of .TLey.
The taster and Light Com-
mission is plowed to announeo
a reduction of one dollar per
annum on house water rates
from January 1st. Owing to
the large number of takers
this reduction means con-
siderable lees revenue, and
consumers are asked to co-
operate in the eoonomisal
operation of the plant by see-
ing that the water is not
wasted and that all leaky taps
or services are Asad at once.
1. 1.. Knox, W. T. Murney,
`;ec'y. Chairman.
pound share of the eguiptuenl and
• t.cnlr pushed on.
hitehel "Scarcely had we lett him behind
to pigs when a new difficulty enveloped us—
Morten mist so denote and so laden with frost
_4 to the it 4 111141 the teem going in
• it circie pulled the harrows over him
set era! times before he reg tints] his
feet. He wits badly sit and bruised.
herr,.. EXETER --''''.'4.
finch forty young people of
Slain street United. shure•h visited
1 the 1'etinty, Home at Clinton one even-
, Inst week and entertained the lu-
I matt. with a musical program and a
' trent of candy and other reowt things.
• Korner itngsluaw ham purchased from
C. ise, of London. the ('entral hotel
in this town. The property M at pres-
ent under leave• to E. G. luwry. Mr.
Lew has also wild the property known
' a+ the McDonald hloe•k to Wllifam
1 Frnytne. of Usborne.
The Exeter tennis club has orgnnizeel
for the year with M. -R. Complin av
pnealdent : J. Sr, Sonthent. vttwpresl-
dent. and. T. R. Neale. ss•n•tery-trefts-
firer The e•Inh hr.+ taken ..r.o. the
Is,wling green and will make mf.rne Int -
1 prucementt to the prusr•rty.
'tits -fell I1e41den, well-known ram,-'
hors, trainer. had his le: fntctnrel
At the ankle en Saturdnc when stepped
Ion by a horse he an. traihg sit tht•1
fair er Is.
RI'SSE1 v ` I
gpb►—A ^close-up'• d 118 -
eel sad d ..de Ip when
'led this sent te innuble
from even a .hon d.,tmnca
Preston Arts
have proven their
supreme vetic a. a
prevena.e of Spon•
- corona combos.•^
M h..p,ng sr
c.ekmana al mutation.
Prestos Gd►.altell Tanks
aro guanntee.L See I ft ,n ,1,a.
meter and 2 (t. deet'. Cash puce
/7.70. Oblong tame 6' s 2' e 2
Cosh price /leaf .. both of 20
gauge gdvanMSd nen.
Appearance alone las sold Rib -Roll roofing
to thousands of farmer . but it is
economy, fire protection and permanence
that kart it sold. Wherever you go in
Ontario these handsome roofs are familiar
fend -mark,' ... protecting millions of ..,liars
worth of crops, stock and property. RiB-
ROLL's success has caused it to be widely
imitated --but Rib -Roll atone has the rigidity,
ease of erection; durability, low cost and
absolute fire protection which mak. n the
foremost roofing value in Canada today.
An Unbeatable Combination
RIB -ROLL Roofing and Preston LED -HED
nails make a roofing combination impossible
to beat. The cost of laying RiB-ROLL is
lower than nearly all other rye, , f roofing.
When you use LED -HED nails you get a
rigid, handsome, tight-lo,nted roof that de.
fees fire and weather. The nails are speci-
ally designed with lead heeds which com-
pletely seal the nail hole. Then are no
awkward washers... no thread.ng or punch.
mg. Write for samples of RIB -ROLL and
Preston LED•HED nails. •
Preston Metal Ceilings
The enduring quality and beauty of Preston
metal ceilings have made them one of the
most popular types of ceilings for stores,
homes and offices. Preston METAL CEILi'
INGS are permanent. They retain their
goo: looks indefinitely.
Economy Moto' Lath
At let• Is shown cin.r up of the Henn.% rowcony Herringbone ' dnuh a mesh i Metal Let.
• metal lath that ran be supplied. ere, ted and
plastered as cheaply a• Ns I Wood 1.ath. It
sive• 100' . perfect key ea aping I t'. key of
wood lath . eliminating streaks.
crack., fall.
inc platter. and providing great protection.
M.Mrr of t�
the greeter hem weirs sedON STEEL TRUSS er
that 1t covered whatever It. touched -- - - --
tic:Jzfri,,f:e 1.1 I KNOW 481;4V
with icy flakes. In ten minutes every
one of us was a .now mac, clothed In
ghastly whits, ellmbtng bike a driven
spirit up a ghostly mountain. Our
staffs became great Icicles six feet
long. tittle Icicle bung from our
chins and noses. 'The wind aaa lash -
Ing thla Arctic tog past u■ at fifty
miles an hour: and we still had 2.000
feet to go.
He bad to send hack the porters
owing to the severity of the cold. All
the klt so laboriously carried up the
mountainside bad to be abandoned,
except a camera. But at last two of
them reached the summit, and there,
the next morning, saw the Mexican
sun disperse the mist and reveal the
country t;r below them.
The Well of Death Into which Mr.
Halliburton plunged was situated in
the heart of Yucatan. To reach It he
had to travel for a 1,000 tulles by sea
and land. The well itself was a deep
pool, enclosed la sheer rocks wventy
feet hlgo. Into this dark, watery
grave the Mayas had dung women
and warriors as offerings to the ram
gods. Nearly a hundred skeletons of
young girls and sturdy young men
have been dredged from the bottom
of the well, 'another~ sevedly feet ,un-
der water, so these human sacrifices
are something more than legends.
The author of "New Worlds to
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamitlemi an -1
uouour• the eugageweut of tbelf laugh-
ter. 1111111ehe• 1r,os.. h. Charles Ernest
Wilson of Sgskahs.n, sou of the late
Mr. and \1e-+. George Wilson of Galt.
yt,,he marline to take ilaue early In
Stine. 1
The Sentinel any:: The death of ,
Mr. J. Button. president of the'
IAn•know 'Table ('ompuuuv. will neves*- I
AMP. some clung.- In the dlre•h.rste
of our of unr best indwortet(. likely ' ,
to be made In the near future. 5574 -
Buon ua president, Slr. Geo. T..\itclij .e
'sou as vice president. Mr. R. Robert- 1
eon, sr•retary-treasurer, and Mr. T.
Aitchison n dlns•tor. stare eon+tlhd e,
the managing board In recent year
Mr. Gel. T. .Sit-hsuus
Iwho was wl sit--
eye r•
Themes s writ* kidney and bladder .
IW, constipation, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight with -Fruit
. -ti Ge•
Heroes quiet. Sound s.c-^
'Fr Iva rives- from dreeertt today.
Word has been revolved of Conquer" wanted to know what 1l
11.e• death nt Db•k'ns.n. North tell like to be ; human aacrlflee. To
Dakota. of William P, Dickson. who end out he threw hlmaelf into the
reel el his .surly seh,..11nz here and Well of Death.
aft. r te•nehlug s.•h.sd for ti few year "For several seconds that seemed
practised law In Ilruvw•I.. lel 1►Qe: lie an eternity I felt myself hurtling
wear to Colorado and two years later downward, conscious only of the up -
to North 1)ukota. where he prnetlwrl I ward rush of wind—and then there
, Ids profession at Isnlnh.e. 11e wns tame a fearful short and roar as If
' +evernl times el,.•teul Mate attorney 1 the biggest cannon In the world had
for ('ncnlie'r comity told later held other exploded at my feet. Icy blackness
utfli'es. 11e lord leen a resident of engulfed me; I)y'dragons dragged me
Dickinson since 1015. He diel In his down, down into iottomless span."
seventy-seventh year told Is survive) He struggled to the surface, and
ly h1. wife • sou and two daughterssought a way out. There was only one
,Iasi. Hamilton, aged eighteen. of. way—Ito climb up a giant plant
Brussels. and Akio nu' Stanley reaching to the open air shove.
Rutledge. .4 \W.rrls township. were "After half an hour I had climbed
Molly blurt in a hetd.,n motor eolll- only fifty feet; my cloth.•. were in
siou • night reently. when n eonpe shreds, arms and legs were tri•utbltng
driven by monition and a fairing ear from strain." .At het the top was
In st hide the" Rutb.lges nal Mrs. reached and safety.
Stanley Idltl.lge were driving Before Mr. Halllhnrton could Is. -
tante to(tether nt the Witmer .1 the gin his swim of fifty miles, in stages.
, aced. i u. 1tlith through the Panama (` ns fro h
Mathew and the tb t,a 1 m
t 15,ulelge- 11 ere hurled thmstch the Atlantic to the Pacific, he had to ar-
efudthield and hail their twill, nod range for the mighty lock galea to
Nil•- bully sol. while Stanley Rutledge be opened for him to pais through.
1 mnffen•,I isise. elan of the brn.n.! Accompanied by a rowboat contain -
Young Hamilton was pinned outer ung a sharpshooter of the U. 5. army
as a lookout against alligators, he
set out to achieve the f.•at which had
never been accomplished before.
When he reached the great lock
(sates It took the mighty machines ,
three hours, with the help of another
nine million cubits feet of water, t..
get him through. D.•rpit,• aturma,
tropical sun which burnt .tho skin off
his body, and barracudas ---man-eat-
ing fish - -Mr Halliburton r. achedthe
other end of the canal.
tout ething had to he entered In the
books of the Penal anthoritien--and
he hsd agreed to pay the usual rests,
according to hfs tonnage So the•
sluoerintendent ylto was in charge' of
the mighty canal gates enter••d the
i adven••irr up this:' '•S. A. Richard
Halliburton. Length, fiv,• eet ten
inches. Beam, nn.• foot. annage,
ono hundred and forty porn
Mr. Hallthurtnn'n n, xi adventure
\ae: was on Tobago- -the41and of De•foe's
famous story. Ther.• he hied in goat-
sktnv,-with gnaw, a parrot, and, later.
a :,'ark boy ehrislen.•d "Tnosdayo,
for company. He tootle himself a but
as come, 41.1, devised a 'allntlar to
keep count of the days, and an tine
1 -.•Ila to protect hlmwlf from the
1r rpte:,±l tun. -
For twenty-nine days hs' lived thine
b••fore the was "r•seeed" try a passing
6•'eu,ner and rct,,rned In Irtnmph to
his father's house,-arryIng Susie, the
parrot. to a souvenir of him life on
Cri .u.•'s Island
Ch Mier amazing adv••nlluree are re-
tal,•d in this fascinating and unusual
book. Bat that monLu on Itohlnaon
Crus'ro's Island wait, perhaps. the
drabgest -of them ops
,tikeWatt- WlNfiilAM :11
1.1 4111'1110 wns re•-s•11e1 by Mrs. itnnt-
Ielgc, the only one of Ow forty who
, nnhort.
itrussels talent I...k n 1411 piney In
HIV recent mode feetical nt- Stratford.
SIIs7 Itutleetrnt•hml sun 11 loll medal.
Miss Muriel Michel n silver meal.
while 511-. Loin Procter and
Leda 4:1rdift oleo performed
Baatern Steel Products Limited,
st Guelph Street. Preston, Ontario.
Mac lend lateneun on Preston MEL TRt1SS n.... a
Ri61lO1.L R..4* la LED HED NadaM0 . flue
Hardte. a 0. Meter L.% a Check inane Mire% ewe ice
" 1 have taken Krtmchpn Pelta for 7 mug
tae parker ear Whoto•at no. to Mk your opinkie
of my roost. have been marrMl .4) leer`
have s arm., 21%2:, 19 ; Men 2 gran. ,ewer,
• and d, tmmtlm. I pigdown my youthful
aptaken pearance appearanto Ken.- uFs
mntnina. 1 shmsIt never think of starting
the dee wnhnut takln.: them.
• I an .t' Wityou
ley hht..a def ole
I GI tarn sy hnabnod h In
(mow maw seere te eaeeasr
lb faun, pew smikycl Sus s.e oust
a .. seeker 'Mns116 se sea .weyrr _. 4
p leone Altwig M roan Vies pat /rap llr(ak
lar •• ROM Nap diene *L' Mewl te-eweew,
Zrig- Jbf [rays M••." Win Iona are wow
K r,w5.e +oke N nMaAtWe K std gad
' emeat a.ett elates
ateA Canada The. s sana at e. a bottle.
Ama U.. lesena
loft ei in Y/+.s t • het tot 4 Mea
Tip • Wingham ladle+' lawn hoist
Ins club ha• orgnnlzed' frit the sea•oin
with the following dftlos•r, 1'reeldent,
Mr+ Shrine: 1+t rh•s•presltlent.
l'ettlgrew ; 2at1 rlee•presldent. Nra.
ERE is a record of e.-
omy and dependability
which pointe to the wisdom wt
buying a General Electric
Refrigerator. Not one of the
hundreds of thousands of
owners has *peat a cent fuer
service or repairs because ail
the mechanism is sealed air-
tight from dust, moisture and
trouble. 1t never even needs
We invite you to inspect the
many superiorities of the
General Electric Refrigerates.
. including the aeceuibls
freezing regulator and the
new Vegetable Pan. See floe
new All -Steel models now as
O to •i SO
s0f 1 let f i tF�`•
�'pan° °vt'b �•° ;, � ` f; ij' i