HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-03-11, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1987.
Compiled by Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589
3 M's play court whist
Walkerburn hears of Philippines
The 3 M’s enjoyed court whist at
Laurence and Jean Plaetzer’s on
Saturday evening March 7 at 8
There were three tables of court
whist and three members played
The winners were: high lady,
Six tables in play at Auburn euchre
There were six tables in play at
the euchre party held in the
Auburn Community Hall on Tues
day evening March 3. The winners
were: high lady, Adelaide Allin;
low lady, Carol Daer; high man,
Wl to meet
The Auburn Women’s Institute
will be held on Tuesday, March 17
at 2 p.m.
The topic willbeTweedsmuir
History. Everyone is asked to wear
McKillop sets road budget
Evelyn Merrill; high man, Gary
Shuttleworth; low lady, Kay Lapp
and low man, Charles Merrill.
Maurice Bean conducted “A good
nights sleep” contest which Barry
Millian won.
The next meeting will include
bowling at ‘ ‘The Little Bowl Alley”
in Goderich on April 4 at 8 p.m.
Frances Clark (playing as a man);
low man, Clarence Allin; novelty,
Charles Johnston.
Euchre parties are held every
Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the
Community Hall.
something green. Roll call will be
‘‘A way our ancestors had to
predicttheweatherwithoutT.V. or
radio. Hostesses are Mrs. Tom
Lawlor and Mrs. Don Cartwright.
The Walkerburn Club met at
Mrs. B. Thomson’s home on
February 24 at 8 p.m.
The president, Mrs. Len Ar
chambault, opened the meeting
with an appropriate verse followed
by the Singing of O Canada and
then she led in prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting
and thank you letters were read by
the secretary. Mrs. Lloyd Pen-
found won the Valentine Contest
which had been our monthly
homework. Mrs. T. Rutledge
offered her home for the March
meeting when she will instruct on
making dough people. Timeistobe
1:30 p.m.
The program committee will be
Mrs. J. Huizinga and Mrs. H.
Hunking. Lunch committee will be
Mrs. B. Thomson and Mrs. B.
Norman. The draw donated by
Knox church news
The minister Gary Shuttleworth
conducted the Sunday morning
service at Knox United Church.
The organ prelude was by Mrs.
Gordon Gross.
Nichole Middelkamp played a
piano solo entitled “Minuetto and
Trio”. The minister told the
children’s story and they went to
their Sunday School rooms with
Mrs. Thomson was won by Mrs.
Len Archambault.
Mrs. Thomson spoke about
somethingtobeconsidered as a
project. She has a cousin, sponsor
ed by the Missionary Church in
Nigeria. She is on leave now and
money is needed for books for a
new library there. Mrs. Archam
bault spoke about a short order
meal course to be held at Huron-
view April 4-5. Interested people
should contact her.
Mi's. Archambault read prophe
cies written by a Mrs. Hawkins 450
yearsago. Somanyofthethings
predicted then have come true.
Guestspeakerwas Mrs. Dana
Bean who spoke on the Philippine
PresidentCorozon Aquino. She
was voted the woman of the year
and has been nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize. Mrs. Bean told
teachers Mrs. Fred Armstrong and
daughter Donna Lyrin and Margo
The minister chose for his
sermon, “Receive not in Vain.”
Offering was received by Brian
Ramsey and Marinus Bakker and
dedicated. The minister pronoun
ced the Benediction and closed
with the Congregational Benedic
tion “Lord We Pray.”
the story of her life, her childhood,
marriage and the assassination of
her husband who was an opponent
of the then President Marcos. She
told how Mrs. Aquino took her
husband’s place, led a quiet
revolution and is now the presi
dent. She told'-of her many
accomplishments in that role.
A social half hour followed and a
delicious lunch was served by the
hostesses Mrs. G. Hunking and
Mrs. T. Rutledge.
People around
Mr.andMrs.J.A. McIntosh,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Goffin visited
with Mrs. Frances Clark on the
Sorry to report that Mrs. Louise
Brindley is a patient in University
Hospital, London following sur
gery. We wish her a speedy
Mrs. Florence Steckly of Strat
ford spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Lawlor, RR 3,
Mrs. Tom Hallam is recovering
favourably at the University Hospi
tal, London following surgery on
The Horticulture Society meet
ing will be held at the Community
Hall on Wednesday, March 11 at 8
p.m. ______
A road budget of $527,300 was
approved by McKillop township
council when it met for its regular
meeting March 3 in Winthrop.
Council also accepted the tender
of Donegan’s Haulage Ltd. to
supply 28,000 imperial tons of
“A” grade gravel at $2.49 per
imperial ton for the township roads
this summer. It was the lowest of
four tenders.
Council authorized the road
superintendent to attend the C.S.
Anderson Road School in May and
agreed to pay the $350 registration
Road accounts of $13,328.81
were approved for payment.
The tender of Kirby, McCallum
and McClure Drainage for con
struction of the Hulley Municipal
Drain was accepted at a cost of
Tony VanBakel, ownerofLot 10,
Concession 1 attended the meeting
to discuss a building permit for an
addition to a barn to house 20 sows.
He had been denied a Certificate
OfCompliance because the pro
posed addition is too close to the
residential area of St. Columban.
"Drive a little
save a lot "
Council advised Mr. VanBakel that
he would have to comply with the
Agricultural Code of Practice and
the Secondary Plan guidelines
concerning the separation distance
from the urban areas.
Roy Gingerich, Gordon Rum
ford, Garry McClure, Brian Mur
ray, Bruce Whitmore, Brian
Campbell and John Moore were
appointed members of the McKil
lop Township Recreation Parks
and Community Centre Board.
General accounts of $50,195.89
were approved for payment.
is just around the
corner at
_____523-4426 ____
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