HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-22, Page 3ve a Little Mone
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The Signal Calendar?
(lie for each paid-in-advanee subtaeri-
her. Renew your subscription now and
make Pure of one of these beautiful Calen-
dars. •
Y1ONAL PRINT IN(: 00., LIMITI1D, Publishers.
! J
Your Automob,le with
►1101/[ 390
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Brd4hey Bros.
rt \t:K11. DIRECTO/1N
Ambulance service at ail
hours, day ory'aight.
PI I 4.\ k. i : Storie 1211 Res. 2111
J. Wheeler
Funeral I►irrrtor and
ll calla prmptly attended Wday orPHONEtore 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Uakrtch
1:1(:1i'I'1 '1'1111111 \4'%It. N1) 'tit
XTs. McWhinney, President,
Pays Warm Tribute to Work
of Late Mrs. Perris
with devotlima' txtitt.•s let b) art In it)'. N'v should ask ourselves then—
tier- of the auxiliary. fruw South Kin- , question, 'Am 1 an asset or u habil-
1094, suet glreu over to Cllr receiving Ilya' \Yr should pray that Christof reports from the Varma wxre-,.alaeuhl he the chttmn•I through which
tartest, recordiug, turrespndhag, llutlar elirlst should ,.14e mode kuowu. 11 i.
helpers, (;lad Tidliigs, supply',• library stud to hear of Mission Balms dlsbnnd-
uud literature, wehuwe anti taelfun•,I lug for lack of A lender. If we fel-
young woman's, wl"siou hand, preset, low flit, ...Antoine of Christ, we thud
life membership, general Interests Sud that'Ir Is only busy people that Ile
treasurers report.1
1 •epplloneherl. die and to the fisher -getting h7 those Pander things like11aaD-�
The Home Helpers secretary, ]ICs: ,men --busy t 'plt--•Follow de wad 1
Thos. Simpson, Mo•rhwwurtb, retorter] will inane ye fishers ..f Well:Well:lMI lits nod glndinlus.auu•nlg Ih.. flowers,w,
127 nit.mb , " contributing E::4S.4:1. y..tl pray over your 4a -I 1,114. 11-1•edbimetal...*O
. and wetai•s. (*Orli, eablagt', t•ucum- .
Hints on Gardening I
Now that all (Mager of frust is over )
In tunny Lwvlitle4, or will be in.an-
uther week, we valla make a start Ola
The Glad Tiding,* seretary, Mr( .\. " fray ye, therefore, the 1.1rd of the
A spirit of optimism pervaded the Porterfield. Itelgruyt•, reported 4147, bur (est, that hr w'111 scud forth labor-
st+isloue of the sixteenth annual meet-
ing of the Maitland Presbyterial W. aubecribers to this ualuthly wlssiou- e6'• into ,Ills bar rt.• 'The harvest
M S., when it *snivelled In Chalmersury Journal. while the se retary' ..f truly is lilt uu
tt•us'ut tIN• laborers are
eteurch. Wllitecbu^vb, last week.
Mrs. Richard MoWhlnuey, first vice-
president. presided over the sessions,
which were held moraiug and after-
; uoou, while Re/. J. Pollock, liastor of
s11pp•11t•.* Mrs. 1:. II. Douglas, l.u.k• foe. .
now, repot -Pr' a total contribution is i Note of Warning Sounded
Iw1es of Ig -1,04.1). The literature awl Here she snnnd..l a note zit w'arn-
library dt•purtweut ,eeretary, Mrs. J. i ins. l'nt)' uuwluarter ..f the wumru
J. Ellh.tt. Wtnglaam, rttp.rttd the' belong r.. the auxiliaries. -Take My
""le .t 1"4`'''• Irath•ts, ,uct•Lgas, Pte.,, yoke 1010,11you• "1141 hraru of \h•. Our
the Whitechurch tuugragat oa. "1r(r amounting to (}:.t6'_•. 6'h(• tcel:ualu• fly Yoko is easy stall Mybunleu Is
Iaide} at the evening rt+asfue a114 welfar secretary, Mrs. 11. Melee. n••p,lttrr of
Thr morning wY ssi atunr which a{4.0(41 I.light." She stressed t!
\1'iuglww, reported slue letters writ- peacl•r, Prayer is restful. 1\'e wast
leu reporting those going to otherpct ili touch with divine power. All
townx and 4111/,.: 1:* nano•• ay. -dyed apt illusirattou fruw hydro atlas give I►ahNas
of these entering the Presbyterial: • , Th.,irriver is (hart• ready for useuNlhlno should be orv!4rw1 wuly. a.
Let's Not Forget the I:'7 tlspts (rind(• silk anti ,hat -ll,-, we wast make the wnectknt Ile- the volutes' var'etles are seen nil .
1) of three visited larowiniip assn- f.'6'. It benefits us. one ,41 11 "l them in a vast range of
• a6'
elated w'I1h tlw church. she egw.kt' ,.t the 44ou.*crhll mem-
TI Y W4 a Ill
' 11' (' 1 T. groups ab.l sen•ice of the afteru•s.n. awl erlor and slit' t.. sunt any taste lir
tiers. winash.`nw'luu- "lid celery in Ott'
vefi`table line. ' .14 this limit.. tdo, sur
should Llan our se•oiNf ..r third 'tot% c.
.1f (ll.'s,• tt.getotblr4 like spinach, lettn•.
carrots Itrf..
and parts w hid* 44vY.•
In earlier. 1t is hot to., hue t.. get ,.
many 116'44 veg,'(aebll•' (('bleb al re highlrecommended.rommended. Aluuug these art• broadlarvas. Itrusselt sl,I�a" -- greYi sp'r..n7
hoar br. ,-.t!4. quay .. the herb- mid
11111 114•••••111/11.114 regarding pllvni
nod tee will Ira found in y,ny ..•
''44 t l logn6'
Tbe Armstrong Real Estate
g Y
House. and l.ot. in Goderich and Fame
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
Rett Estate Bargalia.r Week
I secretary. Mrs. 11orr(v• .tkchrw.u, a, 7uars..1 that the Inde airs. Perri.' s4"rinl I(w•latlell. They many be grown
1,1n•km,w•, rtjs.rtel three Y. W. A.'.4 wit- a follower, ant a leader. a fop-, hi clumps or indhidwnly. some of
o t C t' 1 T r 111 ' .il.Pa to luw.•r or hers),rd awl \luster. 'l'lu,t thegjimer-prieirl totters cm1 he nisei t,.
:1111 t 44(1 ,. . g .• R
1;11 us•wh•rsl1l , of sat. 'focal uuI.'unt was the were( zit Iter snert•ss. furan hrilgl". n6' hu4kgn.um►s for low(:
Gent Ity theme fu supplies. %live.. and Ilottorgry certificates Presented a fl'rwers. Thio Nod time to plant thin.
uluuty contributions uu1ouiTett 10' .a la1.wi.vh.w 1...f.... .f tileaft••re'sy, flower is from the 1a-1-V,,*'1, ll, May
Grad nate F1L'7. 1. 011e new Y. W. .1. was re se -Sion was the p.rl•sl•Itatlnu of hill,-' untll *he nlldill4 June. and the tnnstI
ported --that of 11'iighaii. entry re•rtifientt•4 to 11r.. ('"onilw• 111.1 sntnnde sell is sandy loam. well-drnitl-
16' _ r u a yl 1 both of KinvnnlbuP, \a h„ Irl and dw•pl cult{cntel, if your par-
i u t parr
At the time when the boys
711 \las I n Baud •et rt4ary \i6',. Nil-- at t 6' , •
I. Lluklater. Te•swater, reported lti for ina14 years had sprint as presl• Willett will does not Ira up t 1
toads. whit a membership of •tilt. dem I r'c•or11(ng se•n•tary, r..pe,•t• apeeirleatIona, however, you wu1 make 1.
I'c of the Presbyterial. The prest•tf- It 4o by nettling wl•11-rotted manure or
Geo. Williams
•• uI(r .L
Fire. Areident. Automobile, and
General insurance Agent
Uttice, next to uta lik of l'..an11.rrve
Plume 5:i 4 slern•b
I 1
and girls are about to graduate,' 1 t ► 11 1 a6' sleeting- talo Nn a , It
of ,plat They con -1 tattoo 44Ns malt• 1 y Mr
aat ag held
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas ( 2 by 4 egg),
4 Call supply your %tants il.
:atay, of the nldlv4 furl. Prompt
service ai*ti reasonable prier -
- .
average attendance I - s. W. 11. derayel vegetable iw.tter t.. light soil,
1 h 1 ►' lrkell of T•swaRother: .th trade f•r•I- or n 410th• coal tidies to A,p,s,• * in,
land when the bride-to-be is;
triton's' .811.45.45 a 194 alp new mils 0
A special effort to offer reel bargains
for a few days in Ilua.er. and Lots in the
town of t4ulerich: Many on very sway
deems for payment.
Priors and terms that cannot 1. repeat-
ed worn these are n,kl.
Many of thew lloutes have bathrooms,
lights. garages, tine lots and fruit tree,.
-sour tine Conoco.. well located. prie es
t1.'0". WUll, $Loo. Itnck $71.*41. red
brick Moe.
A number 1 alai IJP story trade
Houses, some vrq tine. Priem WO,
$700, $1100, $1100, $1200, $150u,
$2000. $24100, $25%, $241011:'
A number of fine brick Houses from
12:'(E up.
Se,' or write
Renal Estate
Bea 89 (:odrrleh
prepared to speak her vows.
he pro
of what to give is
naturally a troublesome ouble me one.
t p
snitabh• re day. 44 is ne•essnry to spree your
" :IO. log an 1
( ll, t .?L
•s n6' I ant ant $ ..
pub f +ale g
ordinary la from two dahlia. frotn and n haalf. ■
to four fiat alert. as they grow from
three to sh feet high. They will re-
quire support atiti.this is Iw••t pmci11wl
.,.1. ,!
There were :711 life ux•nlershfp ter -1 Officers Are EL'eled
titivates sent out, 1:. Junior ,r•rtifl- I 4 rffi4err were ell -.abed or. follow'.:
Is i ey i an
vette one blur seal, two silver sea I'rrsld/•uL Mrs. It. Mr1\h nu
. Mrs. A.
-prey i -
i mew- esc4
herr n •r- r 1 I
and t s t
' 'mils'a t k
r IAu
Ma 1
Here are a few excellent so- 44"1 s,117""' ' • 1
onion eenlfieate-s. making t all a ng n $tr"cl,an. Rrmwrl s
Io the Amps. of n stone• atNke firmly
a ulUttr<r
IUtlons. /ootrlbutio0 of WK.. The triw"urer, eltra. Fra. - 4 Forbes, Tees liter: driven Into the moll Io•t"6'1 the tuber
MI M• 11 McKenzie. Rlplrr rr9uR- jf f r idea( Mrs W J lien- tc PlanteFw, as til avid dnnwge. The
A gleaming, marvellously J
cut Diamond poised in a 19-k. raised during the ytar, 144414 of this ,lent. Mrs. J. R. McKay. Kincardine: with tlw• hada I"
white gold or platinum setting. amount $3.7$6.74) wus sent to then fifth Cie p,r,wldrnl. Mr.. 4Itr l SIn1p► holm sax Inrlt•s d.6' p. The larna•e
Pro41141aI trYasurt•r. + " ann. Kiutatl :• treasurer, Miss M. H. Minns urn ubtaluel by he 11g aft
Gents and ladies' I '-jewel Mr. Lw aid+.11, p,6', a "w•rrtnry, hu McKenzie. 111p1ec : reordlug .e( n- most of the hods and many 4.1 the side
Wrest -Watches in latest cases. naiades]
the 4.1 . 4o., of her remrL' law• Nrs. W. J ' r1'1.rn. Kumar- shoots. \\'hen exhibition blooms, an.
cute i dole: earn spwtulhlg sl•:retan. Mia, grown but elle lir two tire allowed to a
a6'• single plant. `'tometinte�s the dahlias •
fora Lads hut. do out fluty$. This
blindness Is not the result of an mnfay'-
1•rable location hut is dile to attacks of
Inw'Ma. 1'sualh **prays can be *w-
enrol whleh w111 forint: the p'sts 1mder
Itef"re "be a ter..... Thomas •Simpson, . • ( : ••tutml.
1:. M. Lunn. the church's finance min Tidings secretary. firs. A. Porterfield. Gladiolus
Redgrave: a...Inolue Mill Welfare erre- The gladiolus is !mother framer whteh
tory. 1fr4. 116' .•an. . should be pmt U1 Winn( this time. These
se rehtry, Mrs. 11 lrayhlson. Ihngnie trill flower In from fifty to eilm•ty days
•loser .I:u,tiuc. d.•pawulhag "n the c!6'-
I 1 life lett I v tn,k1"it a Jndllionl I ti
Following tl Clew rial aertiee to 1 hl r tan Nes J .1.Elliott.'
1he latMr1I1 I'Ithad\1inghumtop-rest n•inraflaw(6'f6'thend1IE.0 f 11 th uY the (*nfll
Id U V f 1 f\\'hit hnr h• are I ttesolution•
AND JEWELLER t1'Ull 6' r 1 k Thi. own -I i 1 Cl ash(,-rr.p fptiw eh/nll
std . t I 6'l y (W- . I-'
tubers ,hand be played o11 their side.;
std a total amount of g•t,N(Ri.L: was ,Ier"u. \\'Ingham: fourth aice-pn•4{1-,
winI. 1
The richest Cut -Glass Stem- """r' ' " - of a
* ..f thank. t.1 the editors "f all the, A. M. G err. 1Ciughlnm, sigp.l l 6'r
ware in the , latest colors, Sa- yowl, who tpollsttrl the rtprorts of ; tory. MM. .:. H. Douglas. Lneknnw :
hart and twilite blue. the Preshytt•rial.. anti for their kinxl', tnlsslon Mrs.
„e•retary. Mrs. .1. Link -
awl co-operation In fly.: later, Teww'nter : library and literp-
Royal Crown Derby China lug publicity to r111s work of the W. I lure ,ilrretary'. Mho; (nave an14, Blue-
' blue and gold and Mikado N. 44 I rale • home helpers' secretary. Mrs.
f w�rin11 Rra \I tl •swarth Glad
Silverware of the most
l+Orr, and a former porno• ..• •...-
N'hiteilureh ,ollgmgation. addressed, p • \\In.,lurol pees. 1
modern pieces. ,m terse• h. rhe auditorium of the
. hurcIt. where nae wade a •tirriog and 11.111: ,young tcnuu•1, . •,' r'.•ta14. 44tH I
t•uthu'ialatlr appeal f••6' the budget. s w Ir' .1n.
Nellie M:n.olm. Winona:1i; i 4 mem•
one ran bait. n it
of glrdlolns
M Ir memorial - lees ,1 s/. a rt J. middle -of July until
Mrs. David err e. r ••n..n.aro
c4r4.s .•f 4491'1411414 w'ta• Oren 149• Miss � Mee. .\. F'..6'1 N`.. '4'',•.1\:.1,•6' rllsl. 11 I.1W MY• ,
a ( Ila c . n Ir• ypy Endorsed try where erre early frosts are me
This was replied to by Mrs. W. .\ 'las• (.11.,wing re-ohiti.11s were en -Item%, of emirs,'. only- the earliest %or -
amp, .. .eau •r,wr-.. ,lore r t .' v. ,• 1 / he 4bow•u. Like the .1.h-
fulluw'ed by the address of the re-. I t t That we, the memlers of MRI(• I lin. the gladlolu4 prefer a 6'i. h. .1.•n
Phone 136 Goderich ,letK, Mrs. Me11't1I •y. 4411., gave a' 'i land 1're1l•riul. her• ,*s.engaw
tbleil. ae• duan of '1 41e14.11 HMI well till 1
comprehensive resume of the work of kgx•wi..pee oar gratitude to 4awl• for It abort responds well under alma.* any
the Presbyterial fur the year, and 141. goat go ilhrss to us throughomt conditions. Ph•nty of moisture 6'l Id
tit. year—tor His guidance and 114144*'• be provided and fall .11
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
1929' - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929
New Assurances paid for in 19.29. i ()M,45ti,100o
Total Assurances in force, Dee. 31, 1929.--' 2,401,2c3” 0110
Assets at i)s .miler 31st, 192!) hti8,197,000
A r+afe and profitable company in which to insure.
()nice 115
1.114IV F: Rlyidrnce 5-11'
District Agent
The Safe Way
THE home is no place for valuable
papers-- neither is your office. For a
small sum, you can have the protection of
a Safety Deposit Box behind the steel
doors of our vault.
Your personal inspection is invited.
'The owls safe place for ti
is howls.all Oasts. A eds.
Reelnes, faintly papers.
The Royal Bank
of Canada
Goderich Branch - 1. 1). F.,.tma .. Manager
urged all to even greater things in
the future. She (mid tribute to the
seal and devotion of the women .of
the Maitland l'rl'7d.yte•rlal• who hare
been stoma in faith and are eager to
forward. -TI door ,f isfeplr
he d y is resrutltll. WI •rt' pn.sil'b•
Ips 'Chat we endeavor to hear thrlh.Iprrer, It is well that the hrt•honll
t a
marks of Christian missionary num- lee In light 4418.4.' animal 6'.n when
1 t,
the strong sat is N1•
press a6' ' 431 coat m ••a.
tuofty stands open. Prayer. deeper altar flus may he kept hnrnl44g, wsi to disease. it is nest to plant them in
tally are
and 4 tin ordrl ux•mher- that our youth may' hen rken to U,i�l's, a different location frons year t.• year.
chip Nr,• nwrssxry in
unhr to meld all t" w•n'iee. Plant the conn• from two to four '
our responsibility. Then' Is evident* 141 That sur ,kr oar part in keep- inches deep in 11104y ••'fl. and five
of ecpmnslnu in our articit1•. through—ling the Sabbath liar holy. through- inches in sand. Far de'envite tsar
out the past year. lint 14lrlttuud per0 zit m6' 1Nn11 o Anel'., plant in chump« ..f tat lynst half
guess is all hnis,rtnut and cannot be (f) That we re-Rtflrm oar Iw lief l I HMI til 111 eflto 11 aces eat
tsnnlalrl or nu asunrl by' our finnn-
viol ans.
new" She mane feeling maw -
nand upon 1ix• p"lsang •.f Mrs.l'rrrle,
for ell many yeitrs president of the
Presbyterial, and 1111•(9 from her life
andwxaugtr 411./119 1.+dads which fill
unght emulate. "This Presbyterialmourn. the hes ,.f Its beloved. presi-
dent. Mr.. Terri,• WV. one of G.aI'a
Oft.* to the women of the Presbyter,
lea 4•hurch. 1ler example of high end
devoted service w-6' sound all Ory to
follow•. Her tonrn.,erns leadership fie
preelM•nt 1. n very rich Inenu.ry to us.
Inure Aces not tile though life may that;
Girl is love, tl gh 'w.rrow rends the
heart. Hers ens n 4sYintifnl life well
livedl.'Her work wap well and gni.ltun-
Iy done. \\'e would place on reronl nue'
appreciation of R life eel fat(ldnllly
lived. a/o strong In eeraie• and tree de-
votion to the work bf this Society,
which tender] greatly to Its develop-
ment am we IIRse It today. This prep-,
by -P.11111 mournfully regrets the death
of our hon•.rel mcwlerntnr. Rev. lir.
el,. witnessing dolly for
homes the daily the flowers As gladiolus are .1r1.14.1
in the total prohibition of the mauls- _LI the clump"'. Por •ill flowers. the
factor.. and a7ne :,f liquor. ns n moans glndinhts are 4N.1 Hooded in 4ralght
to Canada'. highest welfare- also by rnw'r In the lege4"ble garden. The
the 6''V a t.•mnt14 1---43.1.,., of temperance lmlbl.as. n6' I+'ems, round cling tie h.
pr1ne11/e• In the hone. as well ns in the large bulbs hi the Rill- may ,lt•
4t• .hay and Sabbath schools, ...ail in row. sin Inch apart HMI dug
444, That w,. "..nrr oar mission npi with the larger •*,w•I, ll, IM• fall.
Nry workers. tit ho • and overseas. -tore) away fn *Arne• frlaitirr4,f plate
of our loving remernl„'ansa and Imoer and 4dautel again in the snow wily
for them. next year. Tiley will ohlNtu their full
t7, That this Presbyterial es...t bled flowering size in two a6' their• .111 •1111*.
tender its thanks to the editors 4.1 taatlloht+ model. ?mitten. cultivation.
new simpers who pc, kindly publish Tomalee11
elir notl..s of meetings and reports This,Jq, abr. the pauper time to v'4
thereof ; no the 1/111.1•.% of this church. not tole „unto plants. This cl gptuLlr
for their entertainment : to the'minis- .. prefers (yarn* open .oil nal n little
ter nnit ,.wei,n, for the use ..f tMdr .illiekly available fertiliser during the
church : to the 44p•:ken-- the organist, .early growing sl•nw.11. The vlo•s"M,ulrl
Omit. mail ,(dols(. I be trained to a stake sic fret high.
(Si Thnt this i'resbyterial nssemblel i hipping .ff nit '1d4' hrnu(4,ps. Tie
place nal lrY
rlr.. m its sine•and heart p.s,.to`..Ii , the •1111•••tit Intervals of
felt nppn•cpNllnn of the long and (aide iulsnn a foul w1t17 n w,f1 )win.• of raffia
Ail w•niee rendered to the missionary: w,......tot• stem h..s au,renel• 4,41,.1f 44'
otitis.. 11111 40 our (lintel, by the late1 •ankle. pinch nif to Merry rip•nln., •,f tfi
Mrs. ferric, We grn',fnlly a,know'- Inter -formol fruit...Tomato plants mal
lenge her noble 'wryly.. In the 1laster's be grown about: two felt apart, and ii,
Perri... ile vvaa truly one of l(wl'a cans(, during n tone period of year`. rows three feet apart when take•(
gifted men. rvwtirl 0 W grounder' In y', hots' and pray that all oar mein -stacking Is a little m,0- *moll/•. bat i•
the faith- -n PIM man and on I11,Y11 beim both old and young.may .."+Y'k prisluer earlier nod clevanter•frnit. sin.,
minister. Girl called Ills wnrkmnut� to follow her.ecnmplt of faithfulness. in t, , way .,(ten gI'''” a erne, wore.
home 11114 carries on his work. Our and that we may; take tip and goers 6'•n ,Sled frost would eat down nnsMhc•(
sincere sympetly' 4 extended I I 1 I tO e de ala the 6'l K ter'e work that six has Intel
tuna • t Inure they hilae remelted th.•
fnmtlr of 116'. ami Mrs i'errfp In their, down.
ripening" stage.
sure iden'av,ment," Joint Evening Session Hekl .
The m11 •1,11. whI' h f .11uwel, shooed .The evening se -cion was tiled „Mist Rrhn4 forfnnrr nap foi,n.4wl on
large rnprr..w•ntn11ons from nrartr over 41ev. Jr.)) endgr. Pollock, 44(11440* "f rwtM,+ness..---F'.RrI ('htiple \lady'.
WI dte-hnl•gntlon. 4411(1 44.11 -_- ---,-- - - -
held Jointly with Itue Presbytery'. A. hlghhrnw 1st n pxrrs..n aUtrrtfe.4
.lfttr devotln"n exp* And his me .,care. -
1'idl(d•k .4rllyerel a tone cry Matthews.
ttp,ertnl made' one rendered by the -_-__-_T_.— •
•'1\'e shgdl mnkp mittens not Ix•tt4r
but ners.• If to Imre one wren' w'(•
establish another." --4'I, ri . E. llughe:
every- auxiliary 44lthltl the bounties of
the I'rl•ehyterinl.
The report of the enamel Provincial
1\'.1LIt meeting, which waw hel(1 In
Toronto In .lprll. aas given ler the
two delegntrv.. tfrs. Anderson of 1te1- chair.
grave mid Mew all, u -'nn of Kintnil. ,11rs. M,•Kellar AgainI ndld 'fevered
ev r44ls the
They were very Inspiring reports and tltldleme with •, q
could rent fell to convince one and 111 *Wet Cha` rh0w'1•il that the ehar'h
of their re'wpw,nelldlity In the great that is nor a misstottery ehnrch i< a
work of ...oiling the Gospel to the dead chile -via
end• of the ealrth. .� sol( by 4411M P.
1tl-1.enn. of \\'Ingham. w'ns very tdneh' Who Wouldn't?
rn}nyrd. ' .\ high w'honl girl sni4 to tier
Hamilton remittent speaks fathy the other night : "Maddy. 1!y(•
Mrs. \irKellsr. president of the .got a Returnee here I'd like
011 (10
'Hfimiltein Presbyter)"l. followed with, punctuate. Yon know
a ing
'very enrm.•st ehall,nge.-.ndnhntK, Inst pwitx'tuatl'n, don't inn?" 1
fi deep..efdrttnnt note. !She pr••tentfI)i ''A little." raid the enntlous 1,•14'-'
a very real vlshn, of the risen Christ. I eat, ae he took the slip of paper `111' 1
People worry mtmecessnrily' Plat es 'lite handed hlm. TN. 1• what he ?Mel!'
Armen ,11d before they reached the) "A five -dollar h1ti� flew nronnd the
tomb of 1..ans. "11.110 shell roll tie I corner." He foliated? It' earefally.
the. stone Rwn4'" they nskeol,s" AMC "Well." be finally said. "1'd simply'
when they reached It they forma the put n period after It, like ihl1."
stone already rolled away. I "1 wouldn't." mild thehigh
"1Yp ehotti
ehonld nssnme oar reeprmeihl1• girl. "i'd make a thati'after 11,"
I M>w"u Rrv. 1 p III +itr"nder
t I address. y
T-R-C'a give safe, speedy relief
from Pain and Stiffness
Listen to Mr. 1l. C. It4nedi"t, 'Medford,
Ord ' "in t he morning I w told not be able
tomove one nem unl4.aIlifted itwith tile ,
other . it would feel Ra though 1t were
going to break. 1 am Riad to recommend
'l' -It -(.:'d'. Equally gowsl for 1 ciaml►,
Neuritis, Neuralgia, Lumbago. No harms
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S • startsT ti
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W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, insurance
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Super Values
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From Fire
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11E science and en-
gineering skill in
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in 60 years of experi-
ence, have been found
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Bank's own cash and
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tomers. In these vaults
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The rental rates for
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They represent the
cheapest form of insur-
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