HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-22, Page 2w,, y. '•P•. ••raeM•',t•r1 D til Ti' '1111Ste."" .. . 'We'
S --Thursday, Maye S:, 1JOU
Established 1848
Member of Canadian Weekly New*
papers Association
Publlslh••d every Thur,day morning.
fiutrcnisio1 price $SIR[ per year
•trictiy ,u advame.
Telephone 33 : Goderich, Out.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday. Slay :Z:s 19311
diets' entitled to a leuslon are uow
comtag into their own. Canada has
the most ativaucrd Ieglalatiuu of till
tstl• of any nation 1n the world.
. •
The 4'nu.sertal1 ' leader are still in
`our of dove over lite Bunning
bn,Iget. They don'1 know whe,bet
to ,,,uuuend It as a chip oft their
own teal form or to tiulemu it as it
bit of unsound Grit hunter.
• • •
Bight Hon. !William erabitm. prc`t
dela tit the British Ikon! of '!'rack.
tiros. 4.311/141 II the "one bright "'t..
In n ret lee- of ltrltnfub export mar
l..1, Ile acknowlelgt•s e It h gratitude
the contessi.ns grantee in the Duetting
Iruluus and trade. When the Crime Mini -ter of Canada mous. Mr. Bennett went up to Guelph
the (turnip
reinforce the nomL,a- surd. The chatters use that a
R. f. Veachman
They probably are, bet they mean ab-
solutely rotting. One moat take into
consideration the nature of the im-
ports. From the United .4itatea we int,
!sort owe of our aem-il-rintshel material
AAdrestes by Hon.James Make
from Montreal by boat, thence to Lon-
don by train, to Rettenbury'$ Corners
by stage and front tlwre by Jumper.
Greetings to the 4'hamber of (bm-
meree were brought by James Ranee
for tee Iw• of l'nnndlntl mauo• artd Deputy Highways Mietirkr bottom. of Wetkert.0 lthamber of
facturers In producing finished goods. \\ tughww, May le. No (natter what Coeaneree. and Jolut liohe•rty, of J.ou-
dolt Ohamlwr of :mmrne. t:reetlu"
We could not very well put * lav your politics are, gentlemen, you must were also atop fete:: Item r .ouaty and
t VPT.'ew.I. May 4A. --Thr budget 41- rate of duty upon these products with- ogee that the British Empire needy were .nous). The banquet was tr.r
loaT• lags. The detente ray the Idtera s out closing Canadian faotorl.s. ear the the IN+.t hh•el.s and 1o)alty of every tided by 11w NTI..' l's Iu+tittite
other hand, our imports' from gnat dtlaeu „f the .,.. .re," declare! Hum.
I` weft awl dal•et. They are not ou Britain include whiskey, wilt.,. and
familiar annual. Altaek upon pro- . product:: of that nature which from a Jaime Mal.,ltn. Minister of Trade and ENVY AND GRATITUDE
ns sou ha+ been their role; interne,. revenue standpoint erre) an exceed- 4'o urn,•. +peaking to-ulgbt at a
!ugly high t f duty and on which 1 i t t1 A: 1 t By ,Arthur B. Rhino
f 1 t •uce la 11.1 nett be learue. we cannot hopefully tusk fovea
ng y rote u oulyuet given .y the raw a•r u
,• 1 l r.l to well -ll -known hose„rs. now parked
The Couwretitile attack 1. weak. any reduction. because them, are purely 1'owuu•ne uo rrlebrrte the fiftieth ru 1 his pew l -known car at the curb of one
trivial, absurd. It herltate$ between! revenue tariffs and not protective in
etttist. roc of N'1ugtia'm sub the envier- I hf our principal ckpse streets, when a ttone
telling the House (het this la eiactl), any .•use. If argument. Ilk' that tion of highway No. 4. wb1t:h tre,••fnsl o[ urrhlna passed by.
the kind of budget they would have could he wired out [hero Hansard would rat �t. '!'boons and will e•rutually run! "Mister,” they shouted Ina spirit of
roWm!• to the Muskoka lakes.banter, "give us your car.
brought down if they had been in power I be a much more intert�tl°R Mr. Olaholui's atas•wge wt's largely The [nun smile! indulgently
I and the exactly opposite contention , Some day If a moment of leisure ever it dor for Empire trade and through
� that Ude is the worst byllget ever I arrives 1 propose tothrough a day's1 "I'd glue you my car," du he said, "if
se co
R' trade writ). •The hemiwe "Mt of
1 and' [ry m eliminate cnY'll salve all m) tronbl•r+ and Nurrfes
budget. brought down fu the House of Com -1 issue of liuteurt
• • •
nL senaelettrt, old
he declared. Is tsrse•ntlal to !with i..
.e plot silken sorb of Fhutdn' "Oh, keep your old car," they de•p-
let fall from his lift the wuch4I,-1' '44 Met I N'TitP' to the `:lots• to a few days ago to *speak at ab S ntluheut. PPand moved
rat a cohilhu prnastiug Bon of Hugh Guthrie. • s add're"r forty-eight page ling would dwindle ..)\'ithiu Ode British .emnreuleerelth Ilse the
cusrr•1 declaration [bat he would not 'the extent was a computud of all lost tttOltsh down into wuuething 11►e rials pages• Of flattens we can grow or produce The probably d
Laud tort u [Irrarwt At".to any against the Fbthernl sales tax. which utterance-. The outstanding alta if that could be doge in a ,cue that tresis l' ply all that the Empire ueda,••
Tory li,.yxruw,•ttt for miempdocmrut Is lien tine pt•r cent. Verbatim when' gewtlon was that the l.tberals eould was absolutely fair Irerhap- the Repent` lo, ,t,utiuuwa rand he Pxepnialuwl that 1t
relief tore was n su`ld, lou that he the tax Wit' six per [rut.. a few year. not be entrusted with the admidistra- al publle would consent to rend Ilan- had been for ).wry the {ri.11cy of his
tion of Tory policy. This to Mr. Ben- card and tied It r not uulutere•ti°R oitgwnmem ae encourage trade with
etas dellte•rntely dleanta 4 pit fir'his ;,go. W. ophden of 1t was beyondA.!(-
....nett way r reflection upon the punt- thocumeut. Britain.
{ cont It was mixed up with loud The End We iuF the luxuries the ricL ediuy
The INI am of Ontario has Ion•+sou car uu ritnablr. approval of Guthrie. As Sar. In Canals agriculture And industry and pine for at our own tlhe
dlsr•n lit'. the pit and has the 0tc • • • Mr.The cheerful Mies Agnes. otherwise Iu'+• .r dal and will gv forwent hatel
that many a millionaire sighs fi sur he
fallen headlong into it. At Cult Thr Lluua Minstrels are to 11e roue Guthrie had been a Liberal and "pewit wchauat mown as Motu eMdit be Ala+.+ t ac a to hand. Mr Mad•o1m (te sere . simple nyrsur 1l of the digs wtor he
.rl his ,,,at. \I r. Ik•ore or 1esa court speech.les$ het credit be It sold that ft. All Grain Will Be Sold w•rcaticr rally at Lru,lutr last week rnUtluet ul,ou he success of their', hare fallen on n more or less surprise was lest settling than usual. She' was in moderate rin•ntustauces
.hid- I ed audience. •When some of your tau suggested It she. could dh We the bud.' 7lrntitng le the wheat IY,rldem the We wish we could attend the ban -
Mr. Fl Ministers
a site sl that he and i effort in behalf of Thetthe crllopdtrl dilates are liclug in glass houses It Is get into n dosen pieces she might. per., Miulster predl.ttei that erery' araiu aunts to which our more fortunate
his )pini+tors of the I'nrciudal Got• dtru of lir Ii tlI1 crowded Canoeschance. vote for certain !lees' of It. . would be whited
miesk lest year, the
neighbors to areinvited, and we dto aot
eminent would throw their whole: that greeted their liertotmamea last Iuotng rock
the time to begin here' One rather wase thing abe 8141 i»- I MIui-ter pante! curt. It Wit.; r, tit �� to realise bow often they worry
t She said 11 wo have countervail.' that wheat woulA Rro to two dollars their poor brains invent oetensrrle
weight Into the'Fed1 rale ele•tiou cam -I `eek brit no doubt as to popular tier iMar It i a reasons for beta[ to Inver
prays! arab support of [brit ramie,!, -n. i Mr. C. H. au,L from Montreal. big duties let us have • they
gh lis` ! of bushel. i icer a The estimate
andltr .'urate! t
• ' ' I made an elaborate detente of riaece duties all the way. that is. they sinned I Tou probably bei would exchange
l but ti and as to Etinr{nr s ability to lrltb•any obay if you l not all his poet-
Tbe Parliament of BrrIl hu. al- i tion. He wants increased duties on lot• ire applicable downward as well as ape i buy tw•n�Io11Ar wheat. "The• [rhe w•eut tion implies
rads to Can preferential atlnl tariffhusprt-, het tthe arrangement
agement ti ItaY ch to ward. to Spas and then Eunrpe rade op
rad Do not envy. Better far. lhaul the
meat to Canadian ugrh ulnrnat pro. preventothe ar fruit - a by which wel The counteruitry i costae provides ,#' eP Lord not what you have, and be eon-
are to import fruits and vegetables' that If aim .renin' fugoSs uan im-, �e mldaA►wl, Aad atrlyitreeentlF•bev n tested.
free of duty from the Indies. He'talo pr.NhNt+ produced Into and lm I
dor• awellsh. This i= the first dfre.t to oar fire white breed. ----
to (•auada'x uctlac towards',M71tWa rduene very
eotrthe Island tot ported oradeCPnalmerada ratd In this high.'
The S[lltl?trr an* introduced by „tttreal i` tis• !lu're`s inland
market • 1p (:ratter ertottun. memlwr of i'arliament I hr the .world
closer trade relations with the ltritish 1 ![oatreaL Thlr indeed would be te-I tquic•tleot rates of luta shall be lm- I for North 'Huron. who std a hearty b commodities enter1
West Indies.
Tid not ret,
dgntfacance of their reply, but we who
are older understand . tor-
We often envy a man hie good
tune, but it we knew of all his mordent
we would not exchange places with hint. ,
fshign as a protest s'ain`t the utter-
ance of Premier Mst•keuzie King.
This has ltt'ougllt from The _Globe
a castigate of the 1 roe 'nein! Pre-
mier that may canoe the F'oleral Cun-
eervatice leaders to w•.ules whether
Mr 'Fergslsou is an asses or a liabil-
ity to their dub*
The Gltrle say*:
It 1s Ia.eaible--- and It May he proper
--to protest agaiust the observation of
Mr. King. But not by Mr. Fel'-
, meson. The Premier of • Ontar-
io, instead of protesting and
gesticulating. •should hang his bead
rr'ettable. The flood, boweve., Is posed upon sur
• • • ' hardly one *Lich need alarm the +pal -i log Canada from etch countries. tribute to
to:his ability. 191Th
ion a brilliant idea to
}anis a your torr
Cir Manchester Guardian, Britain's el tsars member from aft. James street.. haveWouIt net
gny,t 1.Oeral soya: "The Total I under
tthe of vegetables last! hagA suggesting
thereto another d ei talffi•11' -nate! Mr. smith. DepulliTh the tyig of
ydar ruder tit+ British prefen•ne•e ..ogre. ting that if duties levied are lire of T(t¢hw-Y)s, who substituted for
Min -
tariff •-banger protnaetl by the Can- anetinttd to Em.00n. 'Dltr•5euly re-; lower P'thnn the rates of duties im- iter. e:. S. Hays. h heard sited for
adieu Minister of Menet' will,, if corded imports last year from the Wee' paced in this schedule then equivalent n wt that tun +Ism timeconks me
in$lee were a Lew onions from Ike', rates of dutlec• shall be imposedCunada peel a 4,«n -et.. nod here." Don't go
In shame. It there Is one man in 1 they are inside effective., glee a wPr tarda. Tlwlr betal value was 3(i;.(Ci ant h commalltleA enter ¢
Canada who provided ane zings tion conte sllmnht+ to trade between the Imports for the •previous year amount- from" such countries? But that has exptetlug wonders. You an have a mighty
—and an excuse—tor )Lr. Kent. t's that
ad to $7,947. 1t will be sees that Mel not eeeu done. tt would involve redna fliic road
road rre. ata inee. all xexladt tt
wise and unwarranted
. I iteemlulon and this country." The
Mah lion. G. Howard Fergusen. head Guardian pollee out that. of the Cohan'+ island home is still state froth thins In the rates; in some nares and a Kneel
the flood of impodted vegetables• Still at the moment we are not inclined to find atlywhere . This No. 4 highway.
1 a—qf are en which `tarts from St. Thomas. Rte
of' the Government in this 1 nrtln•--
the malt who played politics with the
old -age pension allowaot•e+ made to the
Provint•e•s by the Federal Administra-
tionh main
1 (' 'median tariff
1 (tents n the
respect of Sett there will Ise tree entry therekeFr something cheerful/about who n man make tariff redact n. through lenth.n. Lucan. A'llnten to
Itte that. A gentlrmaa wlo., run lone thusla+tle oolc about fndrea?14s I W1n¢hn.m; anti wFll iean. 'lIn reset
for British Pus!'" eoct a nightmare out of the u,ilde+t So the budget, ^before this to read. to the noes, l tlw ev n nal Lake`."
• • • and softest of dreauus bra` lutazinatt"u ; will he votes .on and Passel. As a
of )1 r. King; the malt w o mr aork fttotte P may i slugged that if" le the he -tali'. Iwrd
Wued na unseemly elhuteduring Igu the Mr. Bennett fruits
that the Dud (; onhis raudeal wnot IuWordinary rt'7,anm fr tlnl most momentous , kudct't In Liberal Mr ('S�outnt)ith ,Engtngionne,* Prainedttigratulated 1'al
Provincial election •an►loaigv when I ping tariff on fruits and vegetable,' trausn.tlons• tern •r
his candidate will curt the !'coati Here again. ho
Dent signed a"INa1(100 N tear. For f orous conflict ark
history. sod !level -sod the local enaiu
d air fu North York tinsel) r of Toronto an
nA• I wecrr, a rather ism — '
letters to d t earl R agedeery. on their rood building. ile said
dlNnn;nl iffy sea The [:tl,entl. ore THE DUNNING $UD(tET that they already had a i'mahe
c•laersho intimating
••t their that early eon. - proposing that tate removal of
slderati,Nt of their diem tirp'euded )near tariffs have Mr•n levied for the uow Irop.xri B A$ VIEWED IN U.S. wide reputation. The Deputy )llntster
largely upon their support of the Fer- I benefit of the city people and at the duties upon fruits and vegetables from
guwrrian nominee, and w•IMs after he,h
the \Wert Indies will be sufficient to (,New York Times)
f expense of the people of the rural di" -supply e demand,. of this country. Ir
was intnohn•ed by C. A. Ibdcrtwm.
M 1 i
Addre+.ae•+ were abet given 1,y T. J.
Melee n. pn•MlIent of the \W1n¢I1au1
Provincial election campdgn--laud a tele!+. Now the clap folks are t;•itlul and that therefore there will late no
ter days of direct and challenging prod' these 1'anadlenN w IM hare (.n►
ding le The Globe --finally aced Ire- , a dose of their own medicine and mac acarelty of fruits and ce{tetablts nes- what 1s air` wlslic teepee! (•hAml» r of (Nommen*, Mayor T. rens.
!,tepee r gaff our ..f hi+ ower )sirs•' against thew prodact..oming fr tbe a eouotervafling tariff." They die. who Irate the vlalt,rs a .4114• wele,me.
Iw•glu- to realize what :e protccrly,. lug out of the increase in the tariff Pottle!
latera for Irefflckitrg 1,9 l•'st •'rapt in tariff temp) wean, In incr•'a`•'•I tee 1 uitwl Slate-. 'I'be 1>ruvrt`:uft•s. on claim all thoughts of -reprisal's." and and for reviler. of Te•swater, who
tI t *'tart a tariff "ware made the ngils. A. it )In`.r•t,• n -
is hard nut to evmpathlze with
a similar nefarious attempt to male
political capital out of Government of I1'inR.
• • •
if any Justlfh'ntlon were sought for Jasper 1Wtlalen Hiner 1s the inter , crane The Liberals, aunougn p
Premier Kfug's statement It would lo* ,*ting ;Tine oI a ponuR 1'a<et'nll pity dieting it. would be horribly annoyed. +imply lay+ down the principle that
In the very act* committed In Trehala' of Fs+Px canopy who la: lrtken
of Mr. ,perguem's Getverameut. There ler It the flood did comp then aririn eny 1 of iLPrI . entry he Irlmp,rte•arocal rthMl Cao ies 0
Is no resent rerird of another Gov into the proteasloutomb
al game 11- n - fruit-grotrers and regetable'Rw
erumeut preying on the needs of telt• ler of the Detroit Tigers of the .)nor who have
efe l'trwille ling
to aecept West I e Iin llan products rates
higher than rinser
i.ens for political benefit as ha+ that i.•lttt Ieo¢ne,. SowaR )finer 1+ a s"n dies in trolls and vegetables. IICwuS• That etre au1,h reale to Aserloa's
of which .' tiny FrryRlslu is the' .f Jack, )liner of the Kingsville bird
head' l+ there reason to srtpgsosP they espies t chat over or p. hes Lust ! Irrent tariff Inert-Rae.;ltr y to he mads
that if Mr. Kln¢'+ Government had r11m•IIlary, nod he Is named after the none will arrive from that + country., in Canada
sPe pe telt 11 1nrf est
ht nrm ag+tl 1
handed over a. )1 r. i'rquwm a fund I It Jn poet \!'Ilton Who h re would then Ion up i dairymen taro..• premien I.t ('tmtfr•vt w•ho have)
f unemployment relief a fon' I I with affection In •Is• ci against the Importations' which the j'rociutelal Government wus places {ellen• he at.•af the Zealand butter.
nr Ka. ,. p . � . r
Tia a ' (' eernmeilt wanly ;ears of his ministry in the .. n
tee 1 1 theme way 11 tl tholes, l bun h With d fact 1 and we ought lot tariff aRltati,en in Catrrtrrrs we -
country will be flooded. They of In fa,'. uo nie•uthei is matte of the counted the t,wlnning of the town 11•
course would be delighted if the flood United States by name nor Mit• 44- had .rote with his father 11, Hamilton
re- forte to exclude Canadian produces it
ate ec. these tmlpsort+. Just a, the e
or unempl,y — I (' I •rich 1 s' fought for sell rates. Until the for- I
membered t ' have protest ago a
t .uul ether r t 1 I way statement .1f the CAttwdiso tSiln- i
I n t I t rnrl le itself If deeded o[ New leper t Finance, the net result of th
former ter Preference Unpopular
, t Mr
•r¢tawon a rn h sue h a name.. The ell nc +.
0o hate nS, t in st '• - 1r that the resentment against the
asci other public funds—to seek tt',fuepN Wilson Miner `soul,! hate n' Imports- United Statess rat
sentiment Is protectionist. imp
toil,' rap political support? indeed, is 1 type r ConstEmpire will le resented the• a:oyenun.•u1'` 1 r,n1,nn„•,ne•nt hit.
11 net pr,haTle. r„nshdering whet has
l.+•u done. that Sir. Fergnein ti his other 'section
of the wo
representatives would have entered HOW THE EON the only wry In which we can om him. from the .cop re
Just as strongly as Im1N'rtatton+ from [with wave. Not only kr 11 A threat rat
rid. and tariff reprised... hut It provides for
t hate new concessions to Britain avowedly
the Federal cnmtraittr with n t y 1 t ' ' •,s to meet -nee trnde with
1 w•h of sympathy for the one T• red tl to
hI RE �CIE M/�
Itching Ends in 1 Minute
�6k1 •o.�a ter =wafts allot •1511(•`•8 el:
•atlas -Salva' •ad.d'tck .ad burs is Intimate.
1 k.a sd•d du•.•• M good.' Pow Perla.
••Seet*..Sai,$ ' aids Mamas lahck•.n u.• new
Wenn'. tt.aiag sags pert.. . All drugrwta.
Ire + u wade -
►n a Fadeue. %11n new the ane., reduced he tariffs on it mspnot pro the •Empire at the expense 01 teed!'(
played bayed un the di+Irilmtion of iulnrNl) udtaueel iii ewe, edumfl duce! shiers the F:mplre. This glee • •pin ••Nal Po -
have rt•.nrl-(that )ire .
-a c:u hysterical prW �
1 et t 1 lake the vend ant `i rap N mettle .
no perilous for tbs. 4l,n.••rlttihe Ioert), sails. and that ttlrlont adoptitlg of other things beside,. 11t In uo wry ieipgstesorothe World's Poultry Con- ,illI
pmt he detmnwl it nwr•.`nrc t.. Lurk the' ,•
rbJlrgi bye f.lat111," of tin' 1'"us rc- aids that tsar lwuightel Fndlcid«1u gray? to be held In dondon In Jule will . et
tlgh?.Influerue of hl+ Gocer«nae•ut luso the ative• policy of pout+r•tu«. The
Sall known as the cvu,n net who in the long get tin eyeful when they witness the fir -
tial he would have emerged run coil tl pay for tnt'IUS and pay int Aral of the Carnelian Iltt hr.ntfngene sone.' It fl L'.IY w f4or duodenal strong. if Mr. 'Elford. m
wIl nnrr rhe. , if he bud over• +rays: bend of the Cana'flan delegation. has
••=• rihtr be Iir1114' 11 'mewl. The Dunning tariff Is an eledlon1 them pretty frogs.
,N,It,sl the IP ,1,.
out. .\t the a 1 in tot time the Ime tariff, the public impression, not at wittyTh.
Anything to do with ►t. Having entopic
h.trdetts IN•in1L Inbate. Itis
mu of it farmer's-tariffmtror
to The 'let friends
l en the; great i.-.ii'i many enquiries n, to what to take and
abetter hilt. where stand our rvr-
of thdarlo are to uu agreeable_ meet 1 whet to Mr Elford offers a few
over the) the
.hors talc mn,ufaetuler: tariff r Ind what wear.a. The Elfo Congress. -r point. plead Int via munfeipn0,, t to enable poll- oat, is hint taffy a ongreenrn of .ln( 1
Provincial Gove•nat11.' mnlu• tariff 1 a 11.11* 20 tariff. )'. iFnt1.lntrf warts holding the Cnrt fns
deterndued efforts of the tw„ old
epics. They still oder ti, the nese men for loudness p,ur{swP, arid. ns' ■
thio a "[rout." When v 1'0111 mntnin•' say:, tt at ttat Isot tpce alt Ii it the old peltf• nl ten rt 111 bring rt is I nese rry udessbushes/et r'Indhl•, will awl ■
that the .Federal Government r, +`•use! that it ihrPn notanueffect an lunre•a- tical i►a rant• of de 'ten a nr" nod •,till ••unble one to feel
fumed Rtiotta to ''w thiel hl Provincial
ill the Protection of the NOVil +. Px-1 Iwo ednfe•ssvl to cot the other daf I "1Ie gl bort nr nil the al.I' r,.rt. f -,N .
be ltd not tell how the pen' .reek to the care 01 the Noce Scot., one nod the same thing. but
which hag Become, like that rat tbe that there were now three "old it eN• of the Congress aril on tbe tours. That ■
41eteMtnlncu sadd(r+ the expense et oars! and fmn,rontloan). the strygoft of, them
(-elves w on manic{ts'litlt•• nu,► re.
r•llvM with 7t stony stare ideas sur Canadian National Railway+. a Hart of tiersi partes." oil baying the same lot• will, of enure. 1x4-snmfortithe nR new•, to
Provincial aaai!tan. for wnnlofpnl emend ohlftrlttion. It is centre 1i pt„- teen! faith. *11111 ie 4," confession
riaft a nP,N.dthen that in thehad
noire exelutttt' poultrylefe .
teethe tariff in the sense that It i f- the beg t'Iu Vt' 1 'breeches
When tt ..nqd?I ire that the
worn with blank silk satin ' ki n tin rewhes II
Federal /:ace Its i't d,r481 to n+ f•TnmdnrwnllefrnitetnnemI ,'g1'tnon to hle¢rnadRaf the lvl'n.grear'me reform ^w the Vett nA anetk1lRhnit nrP the corre•t went .
slat further with !'rutlu.i?l elnent.m had made up their mind on occasions of this sort. TMrre attend- ■
he did not es:Anlu INrw tb0 Pr'tI«e1' tars a countervailing or 'retnllnterc Otranto, to tell. the) fell on bnttrr.
vetiver's the muufelpyt14lea f.. pay ling tariff as A State• The Horernment that they %ere bound to Mee higher Ing iu an •,fflrial enpacity who are
. teat o, fall -age [he 1'ult epa to !rake likely to to invited to formal evening A
• It t Provincial e,ntl'ht1n•sl
tbeptn%hiPIt. \When Ix• runt, therefore, claim truthfully [hilt It tariff on bnttrr and II
that the Ferlrrnl Got,.rytment „a• protects some tarmetn and !noncan the, presser for their action their t+'osl fnneton.tio will ince tel be sartorial IIttIP mor: I`
t„ ghee him 'ho flee ntene it seem Nr. F1lfurd Adrl.•ln_
nnwlllilt¢ protertMn of the mAnntAriunrn where tion Sas Alrsld11tcly untenable. They gmnetfr(n11? I« their 7Ifordruns
ymeut he d1tleltitilog of the (*'real -1 and
may that rine +honld includet1 n drew. 1
cent pd..er' for nnemjtl' a has' lou. Then with the tIt.' 1 of ns' Inion bold the res o+I and ltd- the the(' tvnnlrrtr. The taxede he l+
not given that iia Government had
nal !girth*. The t'armen of the )piddle have a 1.1,u,Iderah4P admiration fora ■
not given a for
five -cent leym t. ins west a g h re lon it nese+kary or .•t at the one warn he the old n popni•, and t -.chile
Ilt� fee uurtuppo}niers, lie \Ir. Kin¢ bare long INrtr n`ki s for rerlrf• a [great deee' ofar tri'• d•.e, corp tnmfnl toexplain, te Own entry, hen•. ` .
tnunlettrl eort of tilt ,t turf(( tending to free trod... its they pox Ila.. n silk lint ,honk, i,f worn with et•enin¢ .
+Md inn tn5 ,.r . f thetilttl t turd 1t here It In England. and they baud t r Effort dna+one may tN renter!, rat arse may Ro
• gasoline tnx or of the an111M•metlr tax Nrr•Iw+ t1,• INN,hc hartM'sdif. NyathhinR eil.ome+ the aver- .
to lits' mludcipnlit•1 to help to Its have Tan .even inerew.c.. In the rtrlt\Irl Ni" a ll tN i t Ito: )(anion of age poultryman no wen n+ n tense!!
st. Ti ,; t", h'''1 prize ought to t1
Inert MPI' hill`.. tit, said not 11„¢ Mem' ICIng or strive Sp in may
IMI 1 ntlemari 1‘..8. nHk hat. Pulled well down 04,+r the
•'filo rpgteatione revering the inutile
n a halanow of. tower by which the. Furl William. TI"'Pan or int ln,atl liths!) rinse them. ■
polities to pay {tart of that Provinc{rat lo,inl, 'reveal anti 11khh1e Sort r.f'A1etnr .
tan coedreatIn fit• 0mtey to of the low nod it 14 n rent Pnjrn'ment it It 1141.4 to •41114s ?pane 111.4 that final
election stn* sea ym1(ttrd In1.re,t ler tars hnrdt•Myr wont. melt not tike touch that means r„ corns, eain•n babe
"Mr. King is the taste. and not the
I'Ve,1st .r have tno ile
o111taril" ,aye 1►ntarhts Premier. .>tt^ 1gob to the involverAtTISPMs em 111'111 1N,w8 rI him ri1ah. 'tor that he la is tohI he Snipe A e ar on rented hrltitere 1
flat a"o11Id Involve them in tocol,+itrtgi .,f .1•ittl,trmttloel, IlMrintnr{tt•Mdnga uohbpgg Kith the nrle•ttMtncy. AA thereee
will le fertnnate her S1rrlo�InP'M."1 if rat the mArtirfActnrers. I:cl tlw aise drlc•R?a• will ins.,rn, tltlte in ,
l". 'h'e” npl. "I'd lies tier of the Britiell preference, 10 ,pcskinR. bot when 71,11 come towon 1
the v, heal of 1)+e what lw hes ,alA you begin hegotletine n leen. on ? +nitahle hllly-
t Te am talking shone The (seek Immitlbttely foltowine ll 14 mule I. .
in rotor, who are aline 871, be nettle sTPttnr,�cmfro upon
.+ 111 11, redone to
gf with the leered 'setters
lt'dPrt'l (r'KPIh111P111 nMI1Py.. 1 'wee, T11.Irrt pmp.•tnH a certain INrftneM 01 tar ¢ t41-Dreeted Poultryman
Pn, e p Ferguson cony The R
ed the ►.11then1 sltn: !i.nr u i, nr , -of Mr It,ro«rtt r thuslarm flaga R •
(Tian Farmers' sfultl
the of race and am,•etry. anti
Mr.•nenr. o.- .-w-. seat enable taw „, ... nein¢
Sir. King A few trutnrb' t igned Io \Ir who
t prairie, 1M been
l.1ti�T --• � the grouse
read eagerly his spsela M,, 014 onllnnrt
Mr. in est• of M• denied. ima•satodeat I forward •erin lathepreference! The lents )Ir Ilford saggest+
Sar. iygnPtt'a tMnnh•L, lie has aR ! a Insf fined
bn?h►es. sluts, and there ,basil he at
f I overage erste of defy Rw 1 f the,` a light one for wear
_ . the
ml pipe young • rat in
e fire of the prairies. will the et pr , claim was lint meta on display any'Patunlay night, In ■
q \Ir. 'lent- }trptlrh preference- 'all the Kent Woad. For 'west -Congress pieces►, Is. making n record.
1 it gnelen and field.
or, If he prefers to pm -eller one for ■
knee. he will flu(' all ex rlletit assort•
ft •1 t.
ptrrrwt + • • • cent. ono haat two n m
• l,f (stied. at nil ',vents. ?Perm const! n In tbe warmer se, a 11* and n 11011q ler
If they errs +fort of +nit over 111 of the New Zealand Mrtter privilege.' itrltaln 'is �A Per An from .one for use in thf climate*
5,r nlflt11't'r
t ter cent. On Mfr Itnl►to other things a ewe raiment e against the
hie grower', the championed', ofStates of AtdlshM
Among 'Ata. iT/Nlerich os'. sen,, then) ...The pate goo of the sari! ampionruit il1,, ne thr yen . l' °lir! port
Jt 4 sari Pent Is recomntet.Aerl, although The Pun in- •
r 10 Ser
;04,1) 10 `ac that - r State?.
lye" +lu.ukl Ir diel
2 mplre trade and t 1e 1
find nervier holhlwc. \lay It' l'hatle / 'to •t the United , y the.'
roods lllll PE 18
tier cent• on dvU- r11tM+ to the`viter that two are nth .
with eta That leeaveti, to 'ir Bennett
goods frnm the itnfte't1 b 11e tight tnln and one
lot ub.Prced , ' Petit. for the heavy talo.
nett only t le, s? uRa Matt-
ing vtaahic. one tor t 1
recta In able
pupil cham{rinnshlp rat the
thous 1' tbe seem' children met- conn 1tf peglot dont, or rare than •
1 1 "Tbe strength of the d.tttnll
pl?M that, pro
n1 mo 1 roMh •
their demand for more Inc"'of a. higher
.net the 1'nited What
\\•tart {t plea th?e a.• in Iduet wA*, hlghertfi* *galled the i'nited
n1/ng oil !eafllr1d 71y, t / ,N"
. to them. • erytbfuDg to ynlitkie 1, said to he fair. Aom
• • • \i slafPtnenM mea doe fru!
not mean
Hondo,' Ens- Press. Returned eel Bennett bad been badly treated. Now these
Lumen Italia
Is no stronger than Its feast ember link."
--Evangeline t .
Drowsiness is sitmgetosse
Weary miles some elsoresft
and Use day is betchnowsd whoa
you have Wrigley's rO .
Its sopa pep* you up. IMI
delidou• flavor adds t0 w
Hardwood Flooring
Esset Street Mose 369 Goded&
Serai,Rly, unshaven beards arc like dull, unpolished
shoes... bath are entirely out of keeping with your
pride of personal appearance ... so keep your shoes
at all times smart with •••iuggct" which go
waterproofs the shoes as it 1sdishea.
pun NUGGET TiN opal) with a Wit
at Agricultural Park
Wednesday, May 28, 1930
at 2 o'clock
2.3o Trot or Pace - - $300
2.14 Trot or Pace - - - $40
2.20 Trot or Pace - - $300
Under the auspices of the Long Branch Driving Club
New Grandstand, accommodating 2110 General Admission 50c (Tax Extra)
Jr B. Whitely, MID., E. R. Wigle, W. F. Clark, VISI,
Pnsileet Treasurer Secretary