HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-22, Page 1Blur Oigna1
Saes Avery week into more than
o thousand homes in Goderich
anMv icitlity.
Mr. 'Merchant, does it curry your
1111Crlrl'l 'rlflllit YEAR, NO. 24
Proceeds Over $1100 for the
Fund in Aid of Huron's
Crippled Children
At the rote of a laugh a minute -
a conservative estimate -it cue 1,e fig-
ured that the three Iw•rfornuunes of
Abe Lin, lhnstrele toe Thursday.
Friday .$tnturday eventnga. (se-
t1,R to r
each evening.
wltb a matinee on Saturday' afternom
gave a lot of exercise to the rlslblll-
ties of the people of Ghwlerich Rad 11114- 1
tr'•t The happy sesties do net stop'
at 2,1311. either. for the net prated+ 1
of the• r'.ow are tenni to be aleout i
#1125. which amount:..lent for the i
benefit of the (111ok children of 1
'Huron county will have results In
health and strengtb . ad ewteft+rt be
y01i11 11(30,1111 com1.Ilt ati,m.
71e performances, which took plan'
et the M1411e1 Theatre. were tinder tla-
ge-nera) direction of Mr. Charles; Meat -
Irina, who also acted as Interlocutor
11, the minstrel first part. The end -
men were G. L. ("George") Parsuns.i
H. 0. ("Henry". Sturdy.-- A. • F. t
1 "Andy"1 . ,Stunly and George',
t "Amos"' Jenner, and their Jukes milli
stunts and wows and hits kept tin•
sndlence in n rollicking humor from
fiat to last. This minatrcl churn. was,
Bowra. Frank Bowra. C. Tweedy.'
opposed of Meows. K. Mltrlw,n, 11. j
Watson. R.!ter* Fleury. J. KD44' 1Iaw..
eo. Buchanan, L. Dunston, Bud 1
tardy. Allan , 1.-lbnuld. S. le'ggit2.I
Ted Jenner, E. \'I11Inn. II. Wunlerwwl, 1
eo. Belcher, Nell 'Scale, F. D. Croft
and A Traverse.
Stilts. loo addition to those by the'
d -man and Interlocutor. were given • 1
y Messrs. Belcher, Tweedy. Travers.•.I
1ehanan and "win Georgie" leareons.
eeltations by Billie Joe Johnston,
1111 Musical .P1(et1011• by the Ramon- I
I1 (Jutnt(•Ite fhbli. 11111 21141 111•10rge
Kb, w: TbortwRn (. and Ted, Jenner t. I f
Nr. G. B. Davies was at the piano,
,,d much of the acorea. of the per -1 t
nnanees was due to hi• goes) work as
ecompeniet. , t
The a1•ennd part was evened with i
cornet solo and encore by Mr Rob- ' T
Henry end mmHg tangs t y Mr. • 1
racy McGee of Auburn, and tan- :
sated with the sketch 'The New I t
trtnan." written eape1ally for this m
.,t I.2, Mr. Merkel's. The characters
ere: Nam. the doorman. Otr. Darold!
ackst(one; Premier Ferguson. Mr. G. I,
Parsee.- "Rall" O'Neil. Mr. Chnu. so
en ken.: I)an and Pop. e•x-,Y.ormen,1 2
r1,. F. R. 1►arrow rind F. E. 11Th- as
rt ; Percy Wholsa. wonder worker. 1.
T. Stanley Clarke ; Mr'. Spinkhurat. I '•
leant leader. iMr. George Jenner; 1 M
no t;pankeuret'a suffragette follow- b
Messrs. Ned Sale. Feb and George o
ss and Ittnt AtttrOy. The action 11, d
wm ed to take place in Premier I d
ru(((ne I'1, office in the Parliament I w
llinge. Sam. the colored doorman. M
bored at the rate of $5 a clay to ke•lo l 4-
�Me I'rcntler from being disturbed,
Beth R penalty of one dollar for every
eye he falls down on Ms Jtol', Soo I
Moot- Importunate culler: get pant
heal that Sem noon tlnl'. that I e Is, w
"perking for nothing, and having a i'•It
TM of trouble to boot. Mr. Rlaeketto1e I
�k this character to perfection, and , M
A! minor roles aloft were ele'eerly j .1.
'IT. no that the ',ketch went over
.•apital style end malls' n fitting 'M
lar to the evening'. p•rfnrnan•e.
On Thirstlny night Mr. Reg. llolgrr
'forma.. executive .e•yetnry of the
iolel ('hlhlre,,'a ,\lcww'ietlon of
tarso. wit'. present and gave (4 brief
dress. On Frkhiy evening Rev. J.
11. ,MIlis and on Sahlyday night
v. R. C. Mel ermid revoke briefly
h•hnlf et the Lions (9th. -
Mtat Barlow Wine the Rug
Keen Interest wit'. shown In the he
aping ('aten( hell at .1. R. "Sheel-
store when n eongolelm gold seal Aa
Portions of North and South Piers!
to lie Concreted, 1
Tendert. are being asked by the Fed -I
1.•ra1 Deportment of tensile Works for,
' the reconstruction in concrete of two i Mears' (iiradualiotl
more. portions of the tiers at Golerich I The graduating exerclw•s u( the AI
harbor -31e) feet of the south filer and exaudi hospital wheel of nursing '('III
4h4 feet of the north pier. In each 111e held In the 'Ma.anh Temple
'ease tenders are to be In by Friday,, Thursday evening. JUt1I. 5th.
I June 6th. This will allow-ot the emu- 8 o'clock. The bur -e. graduating t
meoeement of the work at a swear- year are M1 s Margaret A. Fwlw'n
,Itlrel early d a
S 3 ate. The prospect of f No 'Toronto; ,Miss Hazel
hi. work lhl2 summer will he welcome, Ilamllton, of Golerieb. 211111 Mi -s I
13324 it will give euldoyuent to a eon- 1411e Mo'sltt, of 1fam11bn..
i sfderahle number of men. :II well a- - -----------
! Milking .ubstantlal prowess in ,the To Entertain Bruee County ('oun
.-permanent conform -tion of the harbor 4011 Thursday, June 5th. the Huron
Aro i 1 1 re..
� snotty council w1D.entrrtulu the mew -
1 -------------- Iter. of linter comity council In Goler-
Two Teats for Burglaries ' ' AI. An elaborate program hits leen or -
.1"11, Lawson and Albert Palmer.', rouged for the oc(11%Iot1. In the after -
S111%111441 of burglaries tot (Ylutou and ' noon it is phoned to hold a series of
1 onde/4. re, were aelltetleed by Males- I _m Ilett aid •0,2,1..-1%, wt14-t1 :I, ..'111.111
trate Reid on Thursday last to two and Lor,', -lie a libelling. at Vl tern,
years in ja•uhcntlary oto each charge, Park. 'tile will be folluwt'd by' a ban -
the sentences to rub coneurreutly• rpet in tae evening at St: George's
`�-•� ' parish hall.
• Tina-�Lsharp _ at-fllytk"- --- - ' _- -_ _
b'hrh Standard: The play, "Tons
Look over your supply of Office
Stationery and let us fill your orde; for
Letterheads, Billhest's, Envelopes or
ot bctr rtyuirements. A glioil job at a
reasonable price
'1'iIF: SiGNA1. PRINTING CO, LIMITED, Publishers
The News of the Town
\I r. (1(1(1 H. K. Revell nrrl
"11 lulu• last week after tht•Ir hen
ninon trip.
Mr. and Mrs:•1'. Seeger. of King.'
arrllWI Ir1•t week le •11.1,41 the ,-ii
mer here.
Mr. George T cnttie. of W1n:hn
ap•nt,seweral days here with his bre
ere Yr. J. M. toot t.'
ril Mrs. Atka- Sharman. who) nem 1
•••iiiter Itt p'ibnlpeg. Is expected 110
'-n Friday "of (221.3 week.
Dr. .t. 4'. •lionise was in Ton.(
oils awl: attending the 'uterine
lie• 41tw'f-1.. Ileatth 4►ffle•r,4' Ass
elation. .
(lir. ('11(A,rd Wllliahu+,. wt.. ►qoI 'welt
.14'b.Ihlg Ir fes days at hoc home here•
after his trip to Enrols•, heft 2.w111S
for Detroit.
Ates -4C.-$int/m, w-tm •rjp'y r-711
„ltder -a'It11 \Ir. and Mrs. WM, (;rl-
in Colborne township. 1111. returned 1
her home an St. 1)1vid's street.
Mr. and airs.-0.11rGnen, of row
and ills* Retie Green. or -Sh!•ppi,r(3
ton. motored to T6rohto at the week-
end newly'.ldtel Mrs. Green's sister.
Mayor Meet:wan. Airs. Mact)wru1,
Miss Belle Maehw'au 111141 Ml+s Vera
Elliott attended the \\'ester(, 4hltario
('onservath'e rally. at 1.o1111on on Fri -
w. day' last.
n• Mrs. ilonald T. '111rray. of Itayfio1
to spent the 110.2 w - with her purled
e- Mr. and -Mrs. R 1. 11. ltirhie, and
helped them to may over to Enid street.'
where tilt•}'. tube 1 eight w house. i
Mr. G. 11. liar '4, organist ,.t, St.
re George's ehuriet, at 1 Mr. Frank Hearn
pa et Intend tperldihg 1101• week -red at
1- Grimsby. 111 'M Ihide,' nisei's.
Miss (:lairs Sho w•111 have (diorite
a_:ef the organ next utday. 1
d Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brennan. t
•:•rlerlS•h, announce the storagemet
n. of ths4r-younger daughter.'.los•idlh
thith1Id,. to Mr. William J. 4'hisheln
, win of Mr. and firs. James .\. Chi
holt,,. of Colborne township. Thi• me
Hoge Is to take pies', early to • oe...
Messrs. Clifford 111111 Nardi Wi
lien.• returned ori Monbly from Dal
Dip to Enrols.. Harald a'n'i ',.ken 11
oto the w'ay' home nd immediately .'
to,: arrival here w•�a+ tnk••n to the 'hos
,•12,14). where an bpernttoh wit. per
til mod for appendicitis. He Is ,.•port(-.
to be making a mod roseverr.
Mr. Douglas Clarke. having fin
To ('elrdrate Ilontinion Itay
Mayor lhlcEw'atl ha- ,ailed n pu1.-
1ic meeting to he held at rhe tome
reel 221,11 ob Monday evening next, . to cum-
''�' mems• prtyaratlons for Golerieb's
110/111111011 Day t•el ebratlon. It la hoped
eel, •e :I Mtge Alt4-tNLabj•e of
I1 ns -
n1: RM A. W. O. L.
.\ pia(rm flight uudel the iltlspicc4
"f tlu• 11w1.'rich ll'ming Pigtr:n Clod.
eta. selielnled to take plate from Itrit•
ten. Mlc1c, last week-ea1, but towing
20 had wmetier'(.nuliG••b• tome of the
fits birds arrived home within the allotted
of ti6e and this race did hot ,.,out. -\1.011(
/" ,eighty binds were n•lrised at Witten
on lh'fulay morning and up to t..hl'
(71111rvh,y 4 oniyea few of ?hem wa.i
i,r•n reports! home. It is exit/ ted
•11at another loot of 1dn1. will 1s• re -
•'•i •seal Irate tL ..ante ph,., title-(.. 4T'-`
• t ho ee 22 I I, 1 p
ul- eirizlI-.
Mou1y." pnw•m1r1 by .\rlhnr Miss Ruth Iit•adntatea an Nurse
r•Jc. ..f Golorkh. fu ' Mem- Mis' 'FTorcne• K. mat. daughter of
(alai hall on Tuesday bight. under Hee. W. T. and Mrs. Rant of Golerl•h.
1113' nuspbrr of the Iadirs' Aid tot l►Id is II ,.,.•idler .d the nurse.' graduating
Ft. Andrew Presbyterian chump, n."4 0:4., of the Tunano General Hospital
a delightful affair. The play woo• 1 hi. yell r. \lis. Ie b t' the winner tot
well presented throughout, each char the swan/ for the highest standing in
keter•bseing styled to pe•rfeetlun. .►r•. poo -(Leal nark. The graduation hi on exer-
t else. take pies. (,.night. hilt nhh.r-
Dur Circle always has somethingnunnrety Ai1stt Runt villi ode Is xhle
good and this play was too PS:v*101011
lee pr4'wrd. n. she 1. lying 111 in 11
1 hospital 1n which she took her teal
United Church Sumter School fug. (ler fattier -has gone h. Tnrolr
The United Church \'..wig 14rgel'. 'u he with her while her fell.,
Summer School a -III he held en 4;e41- HUMPS attend at the
erkh this year July 31 'to 2R. Th,; graduation.
week's program is now In the P,wrsc —
ef preparation and a staff of special: Temperature Readings
lab wjll be engaged to carry un tin• Below I• the 2,4.14' of temperate
various loom. of Murk. 1'• esus wish, re dingo In Grwler1ch for the
Ing further infonuati..i, tie requested
wc''k• according to 2,M official wean
.0 get In touch with iter. R. It. Core er observer. 1Mr. J. E. >flitch. The first
Ire. Kipp(,; Rev. W. A. Bremner, edmmn stows the highest temper
Ilruet•fleld, or Miss M. A. Billie„ (10d- hon' dutdng the dal• and the %e. -on
erieh, olnm17 the lowest
Jit . Mi
Heading Off the !Wanks Thursday: May 15 4f►
Two case, of 'masts. have been re. Friday, ,MAY lit 46
sorted In town, and the Icw'111 Ismr.I StltIlnlay. Alit 17 1 lel
of health le taking vigorous melon'- SIlndsy. Mae 18 :VI
o prevent the npm•ad of the dlr4-n4e. \Innrlac. May lfl 4.'i
ihtaminatlon thee Is apgeroaehing at '1'n...tay. May 34 5 41
be s(•hools and any epddetnie would t\-,.Ine•'.hty. Aley 21 7 4r
be e•apeclally undesirable Just now. The rainfall was .79 Inch.
he ;board of health has a nnti.r In
he :elvrri+inr ,..means of this .tlNwt MOO Did -Age Pensions
ep•r1 this we'k and the co -opera- At n meeting of the mu 2,y old
ton of the public Is requested in the age pashas I3s1rd. hell on eines
ensure( being taken. day. thirty-three applh'atI'.n or pen
done were ('onsl(ierel and ahem hal
of thee*. were 110wh411. the r sin
-lag deferred for further r elders
Hon or additional Information SP fa
1st. the marriage of 'ors. 1,111/1,,. M. ,' 6 pensions have ben granted In
cLeau to sir. Frank E. iI1i.bert, Huron county : forty-eight others
Fite Trams to flay' in Mheolulr
'-carting June 4
\t beet l,,g held at Hensa:1 :21st
' 1'1 - Itte puree Iklat,all League
ea. "rganitad. In affiliation with the
(inter.,. Itewdwlll Amateur .\s.ociati1.11
Five team.. were rel.rew•nt•.i.- and
these fire team.---Inlntml. ,9eafortll,
Goek•reh. ilenalill nod Exeter -all: 1
fern. the league.
officers were elected 11•* follows •
•Honorary presidents-dir. .1. W.
'hn't, Clinton: 1►r ,T 1: WbUPI}.
Gtdertch • isM P. Sete
forth ; W. G. Melt(, ll.l'.I'., Eviler.
1`r, sGl••nt-J Rs Morley. Exeter.
\'Ire- .re- ,',-1 is , forming •!u• et'.
live, •Ir .' 111241(•:' F.e••ter: T. 'Maw ,
kine. (`lint.... Rec. Kerslake. $('11for'h:
1;ro 'I' \1. .. ,. Ib•ns,1 - D 1 11i11.
sel:edule of (.notes •
rhe .('(1...132 w•1,ol,i:c will hr .r. two
port• and the Gr -t half .ens arr.itu.1 1
as -4.44•..••. --•11th• . totm►', f
ea to play off against •'.,- 'eii'., 1
•l, the •t,r.ud ,half:4
lune 1---yveaRirth at • r'11(
}((,.halt at Exeter
• it, G. -Clinton at 4:.iderb'tl.
Ib•n' ell +et Se*fortI t
June 11-- Seaf'-rt:h at Exeter
H.tlwlll at Golerleh.
,lobe 1:1--t:xeter nt Clinton.
Gmlerleh at S itfortl
Speaker Shows How Flowers May
Be Used to Improve and
- "Home Iteautifitstlun" W31$ tilt. Rub-
jey't of all 11lustnG,rt athirst. given is
MacKay flail on Weille1day evening
l'y Mr. J. F. ('lark of Toronto Mr.
1'hlrk le the newly appointed Pro-
lecturer on 1,ort14-ultire and
• •,ederieh.
to his opening remarks be tempt'.
mo mei lite boa'i on Its lo4:ltlo":--o.
the 121114' Water 111ghway'-and Oto 1t
well -kept npear:u3r•. tie ,aid the
.e Shtruku,li1111 (Ind whl•wl.r -1,,I '
f the antomoblle had s.•mewhat 111
' 1 roied 352(4.1111on from the laud, d
• d nealltIfll•etl4n of the leets' ..t.
he Loony surroundith __-.,J ,j. ,Lluld.----
ii(+-i<tlrre,retT not only because ..2 (h.
for the nn.• 111 111.,,11„1.. per/41141111N
me'th's home. mud well -kept granrnla
•ern OUP of the best Inytbol. of ad
cerllshlg. This was 4'spaialh' true la
regard to Aanrlstg, and 4he peat
umltitld,• of rl•llor, and' those who
:teal o'113et4ien, hM.l In Ubtaria
(Pry year.
In 'waaking ,+f .udiri•ILal flowery
Mr. Clark meutleiel the dahlia. the
to a. Itutl4tig Ills first dmen rathe 1
Vittoria Street .\nnlverwry'
:\nnit•errury 'a.•1•tler. N,r.• hr 1.1 in
il• Victoria .rre•t 1'111(,11 .Iwr'11 ;at Sune
toy and wen• attended' 3.y' large 111111
Interested eongveentlou... IL,'.
Mortituure. 141 .. of .\,.Luso. sea• the
preacher of the day mid his sh'm•in,
were practical. lathiest and inspiring
.. - ,.,• ......g cubjw't w11, "Pel,'•," and
221, the ereblag Ie. sl•'kt• .•n the par-
a. able. ,of the 13111 •.•fits the lust •herr,
an11 the pratljcul +ort. Mr S. G. Ren -
-- 4.1(11-0 R'i!mea': "institute, held in Mac -
V4 -n. ,t r,•hd acne Kn-••Halt - - om(-4 rs_ -Were- fleeted a',
r•ulrying the pulpit of Qat. Thomas' follows for the coming vnr • Prod-
. w.lot-Y. of Mitsui!. assisted 11,
the musical sen sere and in the Pyo.-
1t1lp h4. lout Rev. G. Punt mbdtitnrl it,
pleu'hng (hoed. - - -'
Women . Golfers Elect Officer% •
, Tho sixth annual IuiT.4lug of the
women weathers of the Maitland
Golf Chili was held- at the Hirt. bons.•
oh Thur•,I,, . May rat, The following
lI 011'.• the officer lbrtoil for the sen..
son of 11111. President. Mrs. i;e. Wil
. Hann: 1st 'br-pn.Ideut. Mr.. 11 d•
Tlunlop: =nd vie-pit«idents Miss ('
r- Itrcn.I,I. - were -tory ; r,asurer. O!1• -
F:. M. Sonlen•ille: eaid.sln ..1 [elf 11.111
' miller•. Mr. 4V F. Saliryler+: tem
r tuner of s5.ial eommltte•. Mr.. 1:
(taker: t•„t3tea•r of house e,ns mitts•.
I, Airs. -11•'rtun:.ro, peeler of tenth e..0,
mittee. Airs T: Deacon' _
1tt11 MIIIerlasul Nine Again
MI. 01111.1.111. b.,- 1.1.11 made of 1b,
award of 71rlst. Ito 11 1,mteet songless.(
Hibbert --McLean
At ityatt street T'nItel church sir -
nage, London, on Wednesday. Olay
b + '•n
if i"lorl his teem at the 1 niter'ity of S IIS 1 , (incl,.( R.1 .711 • e.nt,.-
k'rIToronto, spent tie past week nt hi.' butts wu1►mitting (In'w,Tw to a seri,•
home len'. the North sires( Aron- (' '
Ito•. and left today to spend the sun,.- L'ot n senior prize. for the Teethe.
mer in the Peas• Riser district, '"111, t., Iltiron comity. William Sieber
where he will be engaged 1it forestry ; In1d1 of G.lerieh being the a l,,he•r
work under the iA'minb rl Graeae. among the boys ant Ahirgnret T►..trn,
meat of ciliate,' among the girl. Thi. is
Lions II. J. A. Ma,Ewan. S. D. the .e'' i time William Sutherh,,,I
(soft. H. tariff. R'. }•. SRnn(ler•. G. bo. won first Ihunors in R 44'.t'.T1-.
L. Parsons. R. C. Melaermld. T. Dr content, on 11e pretiou' oeapion win
Eastman and A. J .MacKay were at "tug 122, .."1147. 1•r,,,incln1 and iwe-
S,nforth nn Mondor night attending mime, first prises.
a meeting of the Senforth Lions '' -- -
- Nolem front the Naterfrant •
Thcsteamer Winnipeg of the Cnn-
Rdn Stosm'.hip Lbw. teas in pert on
S:1(11111:\,t 141111 tem,/ on n cargo of 1(74.1
'Roes of cannel moods. which were
brought hen• front the Dominion Can-
-trent factory .Til F,xeter for ship melt
, tto the head of 2,h, lake. Ti 1
.1 1 t hest ions ooh ternl.•ramW sid'J+.•t•.
0th of (kwk'r1eh, was solemnized. the
'remnny l*ingl performed by R.ev.
l'. Parr. The couple were attended
y Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Manning
f London. After the ceremony the wed,-
hug party repaired to the New Lon-''. 'ry few of the applicatione lor.wl
on hotel. where a weeding (inner by the county hoar[ are finally re -
as Nerved and afterwarM .Air. and '.'('tel. tide means that ilnron county
rs. tubi*rt left on a motor trip to will have 1n the neighborhood o1 :1,10
a'.lern punt•. onsi('ner'.
passe] by the eonnty heard 1 re not
yet been reported trpa. by the I'ro-
yint4nl and 1'telerRl nntherlt . and
sixteen more Were preset t thea
wvr•k's meeting of the )oil hems! A.
CHURCH NOTES Annual Meeting el Welwyn's Institute
At the minimal meeting of the Gelb
arch, Seaforth, during 11* month of l dent. 'Mrs. G. Rioted: 1st vice-pre.1-
ay'. •• dent. iMI'% N. )1. Silkeld: 22nd vier -
Rev. .1. N. 11. Mille. Ven. Arehdeaeon president. Mrs. A. D. N Lean: seers.
'3. s-Itateman, Mr. J. S. Platt and I tfiry-tree.nrer, Mr.. .1. 11. Marshal!
r. F. It. Itroan attended the annual l.I1-trtet diretor, Mrs. J. 11. Marshall;
meting of. the Synod of Huron at ! branch director.. Airs, Mattle•. Mr..
London last week. C. Ror'elL Afr.. P. Rnines. Mr.. Row -
Rev. 'r. D, Mda'1lllough. of Klnenr-; rip; pianists, Mrs. G. Voting. Mrs. Bent -
dine, urruIdel- the pulpit of Knox tie: emitter., ;Mr'. J. C. Stewart. Mrs.
church on Sunday and was-. beard i Beattie: pre.. ee,•retnry. Mr'. V. ruff.
with Interest and pleasure. Rev. R. C. Mr.. Toole. Mre..11w'll.'Mrs AbCnnnell
M.Dernold wait at Kincardine. I and Mrs. Cott were nppoltltel (tele.
The Woman's Mlssl,nnry Society' eons to tie dl'triet .nnnnal meeting•
win have charge of the morning ser-' to be held at Auburn atone time In
;I.r In North stnr't United church An � time.
Snottily, .1111,4- let. Mrs. C. 1t. Cars-! • The annual rep ort..presented by the
ea11Pn, formerly of Rest China, will' .1r•retnry, 1410Well that the .ime(4/ute
the ep•aker' had find o perp Mn.v pros. Some of
The servles 112 Knox (•1Wreh next I It, netivitles were: 'TTelping with the
Month 94111 110 c000Ii(tel by the1 salary of the tm►ries1 Instnutnr in the
nleter. Sermon r1t4Je• .11 atm.! fondle w'hrals": 'letting the pick : help.
o4's Knowledge and 0 rn;" 7 p.m., ilrg n needy family: planning to raise
,e Salt of the Earth." 'Aabbith in fend for the earn .4 neele-ted
sot and Bible chasms at 10 n'elo'k. grave. 1n Maitland e'emetery. Two
.was offered to the person making no
nearest gtwese to the number In art, „11
,plot* hidden tinder one of the ru1lt ,,,rl
the show window. The Itteky num• ach
war f.47 and the nearest Rite'.•.
A 11.10, whleh was mode by two 'wit
ns. Mies A., Rarinw 11041 Mrs, i,021 '.el
vier of Goleritil. T.. decide the sort
nner Mr. Wheeler had the tie cons nn,
lint. toe.. R 'i' I numiter.
• 1tnrlow made the nearer g,,e'.s lilt
1. time and Was towards) 'The oma. A
Heneall Wins In Close Came
Service. n2, the Baptist ehurdl text I.•nchre-rlhne" were held and n two
,.slay 112 follow•%:
11e I weeks' demonstration le•tnrr' elms In
01.!1. 11 n.0,.. Go-rpl '.er'ite, conking and f(wwl 2nittee wee eon -
'het, "Fulness of Spiritual Power 1 elected. ' -
1 1.1y A...otel." 7 p.m.. '.td,Jeet -
he Rejeemel's New Song" Pastor Miss iament'. Addretto
nt will pr nett Rveryholy welcome. ' 'rho reg rklr meeting of Knox church
t tire -Solvation •.\rmy hnll next W. B. R. .\avlllnry on Tneelny nfter-
ndny serapes will b• held In the noon wo'. roll ,.(14•,.0.1. Ali.. Trim•nt
Refl.aII defeated (10dere,h by the 14j1
. P score of 2-1 1n an exhibition ,fin
me of I...when played nt 1101,1111 I0'1
Friday evening' 'I'hde one the \'e.
I'.' first game of the aeneon nn,1 ,,2,n
coling to reporU they pinyefl A
1-hrnnd of boll. The game went ell,.
ruing and evening. ('endldnt(' eetlfrnl field '.eereInry of the S(w•lety.
tel* Bolton. of Clinton, will have delivered nn n11dre to on the-nntlonsl I
rge of the vertices., her subject. and nversene work and save n eom-
ng pm follows; 11 n.m., ''The Mnrrel prchenahr '.nrvey of the work of the
Mel :" 7 p.m., "The 1111.hnndmrtn ehoreh, • Frmn the Atlnntle f1 242,.2,
1 Ills" Vine" Mettle n vplvodld and en"nnrn ng re-.
'he tnnrnIng Meryl•• at $t. George'. port- of heroic. endeRvnr en the pert 1
n•h 00 oniony Inst wen' condnMe(1 ' of the w•nMen and mis.lnnarh,. of the
ntferol. and the evening service' 2,'y' ,.•nils, was made of the nnt.fnnd- -
en innings. Benoist!! 1/1111411 n 11111 In
first and another In the fourth Ren
• h. \' 1'(w•0•k ..f Myth. The re"- In¢ p 41410,, n•hieh
Ings, while Goderleb re1rtel in the RP
1 frame.
line-np of the (;olerleh nine
(4s follows: Norman Wilson c, 11.
rnea p, Carl Shrardnwn lit. Merrill
r 211. ('. Archer ", Masses oh. $h,
ry Rlnomfirld If, Ales. Mrlllongh
11411*rt Carrick rf.
ex F'rltsley relieved 11Inrney In the
111 the fifth Innings.
Rev. .\relIQepcon }otheringh:nl. of',ahnreh was given Very* parfll•nlerl
teeth. Ikons I►iariet (lo'ernnr _Inas
Sheerly. of North Ray. was present
and A(klre•s'.e1 the meeting.
Win Geld Medals for TypewrRinnR
Mise Mabel Greenlee and Mia'.
' 111onthc Steep. atndenfs in the (rNn-
Inereiul department (1f the Golerleh
Collegiate histjtnte. have been :i -nrI-
cd t."dd nlednla by the United T'nder-
wrw.I Typewriter ('0m3*nv for prefi-
13P1he-3 In typewriting. OI1es • Brownlee
' won her honors for typing at the rnte
of sixty words per minute with no er-
rnr4. Mitt. Steep typed fifty word.
ler minute with four error.. Roth
tests were for a period of fifteen mit,
111•'. •.
Appointed 1)ean of l'hieago College
Tho unnooneem(nt of the npp.lnt-
ment of Dr. 1t. N. Oh'Rsh1 as dean of
the 4'nlltge of 4l.teopltht loo 4'hleago
•. ill Is. Sof Interest to Gol'rl-11 people,
who remember the d1•nn n• Norman
M,Re it. who was on the staff of the
Moils of I'oul►n'r'•e 1,4're, 111,4,111 fifteen
ye'nre ago. young M.ltnin left Gol-
erIch to enlist for rhe wear and sifter
hi, ,.•1arn from overseas. where he
..rye1 with the 4 in3tdian iirt11leny. be '
t•4'k up the .tndA• of o.t.r.p,tlly'.'
attending the enlists 1.1 w•hf••I, h4- 11,'
now leen npl.•h,ted dean. ('lam grn41-
unling, he w'Rr tippet mod dl ret .r of
the clinic of the hospital and Inter took
up private prnetlee in 4'hielgo, p{r n•I11
n11strnu• 112 dm 1s. on .inly jet. Tor.
Mef:11,1 t. the sen or- Ito.'. .1, 11. 3f. --
of real 114', 1112 gratolporent.
were ('ol. nod 'Mrs. it. S. McKnight
of 1110o -rich.
"Tons of Money'” at %Ingham
The Arthur ('Iris players of Got-
.rieh appeared in t\'h,ghnm on May
9th. and The Ar1,1104.1. TInM4 In re-
porting the event mays:
, .\ peeked house gr/ete . the •
Arthur Circle r.f Golerilh when a
• boy' present('.! R modern ling.
I.h fans In three net.. "Tons
.f 41 •v." In the R'Inghnm tott'n hall, i.
In Friday evening. meter the nn-pi(r'. •
if the (mnler of the Fitetern star. The c
-lfftrent Phnrneters were well taken. I
and the npgtreclntim, of the audience
'.hnw•n repeatedly toy the hearty
.ppinuw• that they Indulger( In 11,,-., ,
len( gat WIC Intern101e0 Ior the heire
power being off for a few mimeo-, •
r3tlrIne the elect Hen! storm.
The (•01'1 of cher.. ter. 1411" :14 fol.
law'.:--f'prnle'.. butler. 'Mr .1amos t
T1tnm•nn: Slmpw.n, a lurlortnnlot 1
Mies (:Prtnlde itni.t : Miss Benito I
Illollel1. Mra. Tt. C. Dunlop; T,oulw' ,
lljingtnn. Mra. W. 1'. Snnal+'r'.: .401
June 11:-1'11nb31 at 5.•8fort1
Exeter at IleneRli.
,thine 1' G/wlerlch at Eu'ter.
lout• 19--Senforth at tit wall.
June _20-- I:xeter at G.derl,b.
.111.4. 2R^. Clinton nt 1T,nsa1'
1ue, 24-. Selforth at Go.Ierieh
toter tteutull at Clinton.
JIl.u' 27 Exeter :.t Se -tea -fl. •
1;,.der1, h at-Il.-n.nl1
.duly 1 Vlintor, at Exeter
,1ulr 4 d:..derirh at (Tinton t
Rry,ereetotallyr. of tw'', tram. In 222'•
-.towh Perth !,.rlr1, were'pr,. 'fit at
the mlvtlhq. and, it 1. hoped this(
• F.c•off games will h• l,rrattred with
the Smith Perth i*erle 011 t1w• 4.,i,
'•In -ion of !!.e c/ite4Alle In til• 4114
t riot •
G,wl4'rinl. W'1t. repre•w•ntwt at the
na,1111r 1p't 11111.111..h7 Mo..r'.. F.. 1..
Dont,. 3' 1 11111., 1. G. Tonne. liarel'I
Burney and Nell Mlle.
iris, the pommy 11110' the gtadioltla
Ta1w, he .aIle were easy to grow,
were all very beautiful. and ahoukt
bate r pin.■• in every Rnnh'n. R...ea
he aai.1, while very beautiful, mete
moth harder to grow, demandhts as
Met did •11 +kill, time and scow
and 24pr(tal care.
Alr rho H.% file 'olle•tion •of s::41ei
was u,,iqui :