HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-03-04, Page 10Graduates of the St. John’s Ambulance Babysitting Course received their certificates of competance at
the Brussels Legion last week, after taking a comprehensive course in child care. The graduates are [front,
from left] lan Morton, Ross Machan, Sandra Bridge, Holly Dauphin and Christine Stadelmann. In the
back row, [from left] St. John’s Ambulance volunteer Debbie Trollope poses with graduates Chris Bridge,
Darrell Pletch, Mike Jardin, Dawn Engel, volunteer Mary Stretton, Krista VanSoest, Rhonda
Stadelmann and volunteer Betty Graber.
Brussels Legion news
Cadets offer challenge
Taping students to be studied
Congratulations to the Brussels
Cadet Corps. The Corps was
formed in February 1979.
Cadets are trained in Drill, Map
and Compass, Outdoor Living,
Range Practice, Weaponry, First
Aid, Water Safety, Skiing, Moun
tain Climbing and other sports.
All exercises are performed by
and taught to cadets by Civilian
Instructors and members of the
Cadet Instructors List who are
trained by Canadian Forces In
structors on Military Bases.
In 1975 girls were allowed to join
the Cadet Corps. The present aims
of the Cadet Corps are: to develop
the attributes of good citizenship
and leadership, promote physical
fitness and to stimulate the interest
of youth in the Sea, Land or Air
elements of the Canadian Forces.
When a young person between
the ages of 12 and 19 joins a Royal
Canadian Army Cadet Corps, he or
she is started at a training level
called Green Star. Each year
depending on achievements, they
proceed from Green Star to Red,
RedtoSilverand Silver to Gold.
Each level is more difficult and
Cadets can attend summer
camps and military training areas
throughout Canada and each year
some Gold Star Cadets can attend
training in Europe.
Weekly parades are held each
Tuesday evening at the Legion hall
where drills and theory training are
carried out. The Corps also
participates in community and
service projects such as parking
cars at town functions, selling
poppies, cleanups and Legion
The 2967 Brussels Legion Cadet
Corps has the Royal Canadian
Regiment(R.C.R.)4th Battalion as
its affiliated unit.
Elmira Branch visited our
Branch on Saturday, February 21.
Donald Dunbar entertained on the
organ. The Ladies’ Auxiliary serv
ed a meal which was enjoyed while
visiting with our guests.
Wednesday, March 4, there will
be a Public Speaking Contest for
students at the Legion hall.
Winners will advance to the Zone
level on March 7. Anyone interest
ed in attending is welcome to do so.
Meetings for March are: Ladies’
Auxiliary, Monday, March 9th at 8
p.m.; Branch Executive meeting,
Monday, March 9th, at 8:30 p.m.;
Branch General meeting, Monday,
March 16th, at 8:30 p.m.
The Huron-Perth County Roman
Catholic Separate School Board
will study an offer made by Legion
members Robert Chapman and
Blyth Lions Club hosts
snopitch tournament
The Blyth Lions Club held its
regular meeting on Thursday, Feb.
26. Deputy District Governor Herb
Brown from the Dublin and District
Lions Club made an official visit.
The Lions Sno-Pitch Tourna
ment on Saturday, Feb. 28 was a
success with 14 teams taking part.
Howson Mills defeated Londes-
boro Warriors two to one, winning
the A championship. The Blyth Inn
won the B championship with a one
to nothing victory over the Blyth
Pirates. Money raised from this
event will help the Lions meet their
$2,000 pledge towards the handi-
Man fined
for liquor
George Frederick Naylor of RR
4, Walton, has been fined $250 and
has had his driver’s license
suspended for three months, the
result of several liquor-related
charges laid against him by the
Wingham detachment of the OPP
last summer. Mr. Naylor appeared
in Goderich District Court on Feb
16, after Judge Gary Hunter asked
for time to read a lengthy brief
prepared by Mr. Naylor’s lawyer
and presented at the accused’s last
appearance in Wingham District
Court in January.
Also appearing in Goderich
Court on February 2, Calvin James
of Belgrave was released on his
own recognizance until March 9,
when he will again appear in
Goderich for sentencing. Mr.
James had been in custody since
pleading guilty to a number of
liquor-related charges at Wing
ham District Court last month.
William Siegrist of Brussels was
remanded to March 25 for plea in
Wingham District Court. He faces
several charges of breaking, enter
ing and theft, some of them
involving property m Brussels.
John Zehr of Kitchener was
remanded to May 27, when he will
appear in Wingham Court to face
charges laid in relation to growing
marijuana in a Howick Twp.
cornfield last summer. Mr. Zehr is
also facing related charges in the
Kitchener-Waterloo area.
Howard Carroll, both of Goderich,
to carry out a child video identifica-
tion program for the Catholic
school children in Huron County.
Mr. Chapman, Leadership
cap lift at the Blyth and District
Community Centre.
The Blyth Lions annual Novice
Hockey Tournament will be held on
Saturday, March 14.
The Blyth Lions and Londesboro
Lions Vegas Night will be held on
Saturday, April 4 at the Blyth and
District Community Centre. The
five dollar tickets include admis
sion and participation in the
elimination draw.
Winners of the Lions Saturday
night hockey draws were Lloyd
Sippel on Feb. 21 and Christopher
Howson on Feb. 28.
Thenextmeetingofthe Blyth
Lions Club will be Thursday,
March 12. District A9 Sight
Conservation chairman Allan
Monto from Clifford Lions Club
will be the guest speaker.
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Chairman of District C, Royal
Canadian Legion, told the trustees
that the Legion is offering to go to
the nine elementary separate
schools in Huron County to make a
short video tape of each child in
Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Along with the photos of each
child, there will be voice identifica
tion by having the child answer
questions verbally, the heighth
noted and all repeated every three
Mr. Chapman said if the board
decidestogoforthe program, it
will be necessary to get parental
consent. He notedthetapes should
be stored safely at the board office
or with the principals in the
William Eckert, Director of
Education, reported that to date
101 students are registered for the
new Grade nine class to start at St.
Michael School in Stratford next
September. He said there will be 85
from Perth County, 11 from Huron
County, four from Oxford County
and one from Middlesex County.
On February 10 a letter went out
to the parents of students at St.
Patrick’s School, Dublin and St.
Continued on page 23
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