HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-15, Page 8t( -Thursday, Mgy 15, 1960 Golf Balls Spalding Kro-flite , 75c .Spalding Witch 50c Spalding Mesh 35c Caddy Bags Irons, Drivers and Bras- sies, at $2.00 and up. A o Tennis Balls and Rackets at $3.00 and u11. Get your Sporting Goods at COLE'S Book Store Itint in aposition to sees art contracts f,or all kitldr e, 'tient work. rll••I, a. pitteine foundation. tinder ►.triidi! t Fresh carload of Cement just in GIF ME A CALL MOSER -- Hamilton Street - Goderich Public Notice The 1930 Tax Roll has been completed and notices are being made out. Those wishing to take advantage of the discounts may do.so by paying their taxes at once at the Tax Collector's office. J. H. ROBERTSON. Tax Collector. THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. MAJORITY FAVORS sidewalk came up on a letter from dluon, and a moUuu war carried to mut Town 'Solicitor Holmes to the effect ' ify the Company to this effect, su .C.41(11,11.41 from page 3) that he understood Mr. Uaucey was any alteratluus way be made before t lug au international asautlatioa, eug- proposing to write either le the .veno- a.5ouut Is paid. gesting us a name "Ontario -Florida ell or to iudbvldual inewtcrt; uutlluing! Reports of Committees luternational lllghway Asrucfatton." some proposal for settlement. There I The finance committee recommend This was referred to the sweet' coin - was no commttnhatiUll trout Mr. 1►an• that a graut of elm)be made to tl matter, the Mayor remarking .that try before the council, but it trans- l Goderich fall fair board, tool that tie Otte was a matter for the nttentiou of Aired that a letter from blur to Mr. i (.come tax assessment for 11.035 ant.. jean ewa 1'rhe (1, Elaine Bamford that I Esther Mcllwaln he l 11 Honors: - Sylvia Snikrhl 72.1 01)o (111.3 le Harold Taylor 65.9 •' Howard Young (1) KS.S dMilitant Me%VhIuuey (1) 69 67s 79.1 76.1 Jean Abell (1) ed Alex. MaeVlcar (1 ) the Blue Water Highway Awot•lation. Helm... had been shuwu to two mew-' 11%10 against Mn,. Mona Tuuug An application was received from bets of the conuell, Meosrs. Bailie and struck off the rolls. the Salvatluu Army fur permission to Howler. The public works t•onunitte.e recow 1l have a tag day, no di .e ting men- letter t' t) lteeve raigle nskdd why mended that purls wilt wire feuclug tionet. I'erntaaIou was granted for this presented oupresented W the or cable be erected vu the north rids tiny Jay except -July ]tit. council as a elde. of the road to the 'Malt -laud gulf The Mayor reported that Alias Councillor Itallie read the Tetter, grounds, from' top of hill to bottom; linker had spoken to him resent dew- whish was addressed 1.. D. E. Hulme.., that A. J. Cooper be instructed to fill age by water to her property en -Wil - barrister. and w•as as follows: in the of areaways on the street at Ilam street and had Ptnted that If "Wigle vs. r:.»Irritb - the corner of Victoria and Hamilton the council would out do 'nothing she "Tear $Ir, -1 have gone into this streets* and to 'put up a fence er rail would place the matter h, the hands matter Stith toy .client with a view to to protect the public from the exvava- er a lawyer. trying to mane to sous• amiable •as*-' tion at this corner; that the Bell Tele - The platter was referred to the ruut.'e•ineut and I think that the fol- phone Co., be permitted to erect wires piddle works committee. with power lowing solution to the matter shout stud two poles on the south eucl of 10 act in putting in a eatehhl4siu. be agreeable to all parties. Keaysstreet, the privilege to he at the Thr )la.or brought up the matter "When the injunction was first Is pleasure of the touut•tl ; that "uo dump► of preparing for the eelebrathm • of titled I discussant the matter with hag" gigue be plated along [he river 1a,mlulun Hay and wvt4 asked to a111 u. Mttyt'r Mack:eau and we thought that and lake b ukt and the Irollce be i public meeting at an early date. 4'inwe111er Croft reported that Mr. J. 41. Reynold+ was already negotiating ,.Ah some out+Tele baseball trams for ., genie on that day. Wellington Street The neet.•r of the Sidewalk ('ae.e \1'rlli,.et-r. -tree! Baby Chicks ( 1 cehorn ('lack- r irhvery u J at $10 per 100 I I,Ir Leg - ,'rig, are lige Loo - linrr,•n -train. •hie hens. besot t 1 ♦er- 1,t large mtge. \1.• _n:irauu• ling per ,,,it. isle detain r'. Order early while the 1* •i ,In ie. ars ,..onside. The Walter R se Poul ry Farm BRUSSELS, ONT III Honors :- James MAMehen (21 Alma Hewett (21 Graham M.LNe (2) Margaret McLean (2) Credits :- Nancye Clarke 131 • Fred F.geuer 1:0) Pearl Sandy (21 I Gladys Taylor (3) Chrb+tine Robertson 14, Burnndette Boyle 42) Below 55ot :- 1 Dorothy ilenderson (2) Meta Sheardown 131 Margnrl•t Sanderaoa (3) Hilliard Tremblay (2) .. 84.0 64.5 81 00.5 '.5 57.3 M15.c 53,7 5,5.1 :15 54.5 53.7 Ift 53.3 51.3 4111 402 4'► Rine Knight 141 414 a very r4N+tmablr prop.sitb'n would *tructtd to prosecute offenders u- Marra} rtpnlenngnon cit he to have the council plait• the side-' •l'hc special Committee recommended Vveiyin(e A•'rt (4 (5) .. walk on Wellingtou'ttreet between El- that troth *tdee of the road around IIetirn ('all»•rt 141 in avenue and West street iu aleHPnrletta host (8) g the Square be marked off for i1LLI•, Nnr1':Il .(IIIIPr•nll (:11 p,*lti.nt they telt d1-1a*.ed he put It. parking and that safety zone% froth and frutu West etrtet to St. Georges the head of each street into the par Crescent that the sidewalk mlitht 1e be marked off also. ; - placed inside of the trees to suit the The water. light and harbor sot cow euirwr of Mr". lt,biuson, 1he wilier r.eununeudcd t hut three lie plaintiff and others, l.ut iiaf,.rtuuatt•I) lifebuoys be purchased at a price d Thi+ arrnugrufrnt could not 1* eurthel 97 each and that the. necessary rot out a1 that time. (alt wy .suggestion be procured and buoys installed a 1. that It 1e carried out now and the the harbor (rout; that sign• to erre difficulty of the injunction tun be got ed ret the waterfront offering u reaa met. by, moment order amenting the of 410 for tuforwntlou of d4•sttnctie judgment' 1.. (wry out this sngpc•+tiuu. „r wt+u- of life-sa'tug equipment :. '1'h,• order would further provide that • the dock ; that the waltzer of Koval- each n,cidea h party pay his own dein and that lug additional pedestrian at..e.mme*1: the matter In the Court of Appeal tion across the C.P.R. bridge mi liar wonfd *114,4.1) be abaudoheet without trot maintaining and of aintaining appr.ach. guy further costs. to the C.P.R. bridge on harbor hill lot "Will )ou kindly take the matter taken -up with the C.P.R., and _tie op -with 01, with -411.1""" -H-.lax,• Conij'eui '- be 'wafted elle[ unhas :it -wig an arrangement at., this cam(.' ranged the council will be reluctaut4 i»• ...me to and save fun her costs 111 ,.uwd i.ell.to apply to the Domini.. tLr matter:°' Railway Board. "Your committee vis Councillor Bullae i.re•+euterl the fol- Inert the waterworks building at tau - lowing 111"t1"11. all"' alis seconded by harbor and hare sketched( out u pin 4 ouurillor Mclean: "That this council fur a rest -room and comfort statins 11.4' i• very effort 44) -,it. power to ar- and reeowweteI that the matter l rauge•an houoruble settlement of the injunction u,w,tendiug between E. It. %VigIe' and the town. ley doing ,~• we would •acs a very (uus4denable• amount of (sets til either, rnrtirs; lelteviug as tv .to that this course would heal the feeling that does •+31st at she pres- ent time in -connection with this suit." Councillor 'Me'1,ran said he wast out n lover of law- and he thought 'a ...Ole - merit should be reachedif possible. The Mayor .a1.1he had previously reported that practically all the crests o!imperil the!imperil had already heel, in- curred; to go ahead 80111,1 .•0,1 spy three more. For thremonths the town 1 e*,Ihltor )lad dillydallied with the mat- . ti•r; the council's bu.sine... Lad not peen properly attended to. H.' ,t4.• ro Mayor, had never sethe letter weu- tiouel by t'onneillor Bailie. 11.• Lad benrd of a proposition for settlement.but u1,rhing definite d present- edbeen to the enni,ll. The lawyers had ar- ranged among themselves.. without int authority. to hnvr the ens. withdrawn from the at.p*•al 11sr "1 don't Clare who -. wins or Ins.' mid the Mayor. "but It is an nwful way to do business." The council did not want Mr. Wigle to go to any great cost, nor was It just a question of where the eldewalk ' vette to las. It was n que.tlnn n+ to whether the cowring lens ting w•ith- In its rights, and this should to dh- eiled by the court. •Councillor Moiler said there was ,.still nothing definite before the mum-. cit, and Councillor Humber Paid he would like to know If the member+ m presenting the otion had any idea w11itt Ibe nature of the settlement wonW be. • Cnnneillor Croft said he w•a+ In favor of going ahead with the nigral. As it was. there was nothing tonerete 'before the council. - Councillor Worsen thought ter. Wigle had come to a pwltlon wherehe felt he was "hiked." ile thought n settlement should 1s* made if- pewitIP. The motion was then lett and car- ried on the following vote: Tea -Turner, Bailie, Worrell, Mc- Lean, ('rnigle---5. Nay -Moser, Croft, Humber, .the 'Hnvor--t. •r -1n account from the Lorne Fire Engine Co. for the price of the ladder truck was presented. it was stated that the tenek was not yet in proper, con- k Left aehool :- ' May Boyle. u• Form 1)1 A.t"t, Clare .tverage 61.9 1 Honor- :- *'_--_William Sutherland 1 Jame. Suoheriaud (11 I• Itorothe .Mien rel II lienors: -'37 Arthur Brow ti Jain 1e.Inor Margaret Ryan 111 Lenore ('Haig Alan Pentland ted Dry The de.4or head called the day be- fore and told Mr.. Jones to keep hei- ght er akt husband lu sari, give him pills regularly stud take his temperature first thing ha the worulug. %%lieu he called again, Mrs. Joints met him at the door. "1)10 you tale teas temperature this morning?" be asked. "No, 1 couldn't find the thermom- eter," said Mr,' Jones, ' but 1 gat the barometer and put 1t on hl+ Chest. It sat "drys" w• 1 gale ham a glass it' beer and Le's gone t.• marl.^ FOR v ti.F: F„It SALE:.- t: I,;Irr-Ft4tiT eaittie- 1 t'ASI' 11' 1' i-\A%EL, %,et xlrlet. FOR SALE .--4\)I'R-BU'R.NEII NEW FOR Coll 011 Stove with oven. Apply at SIGNAL. OFFICE Olt ,telephone 504. F1141 S.11- - 11111. RI'TLI'I».i: ES 1''. 4 !- ,14•i - • on 1': Itucrehm •1me•1 .\,'1•.s 11 11. \ 1111 s. Iher- rI-tors. Ilam ieh P11t SALE. -- HuMF:ItS. Ht. ;I'IEs. n n. ieuu! 't--. f.I1l'alls. pi -ratty i.ntt (4e. Apply PIRRII: F'Elt- 1 54 dt:t)'fiebl. tint. SPECIAL SALE•:. -- l'SF:lo 1•It.1\cl. SPECIAL In good plerhttl.h•al sou dition, oak 'and mahogany finish. From $17.50 no. Write for 44w.to and tit's order blatnk& to t:1- 1trST ('e (4 . Room 2. 77. Vittoria street. Toronto. 71t (hut 72 1sR S.F:. 'rtiltl:S111Nr, i,l'`rl'IT .0 71.i 11.4•Twelity horselli..wer Pell steam cu gi11r. (:,»wli+oi. separator. 113-ilea1 c); baler, .elf-fw.lor grlin,rlern'.r end et tee, LC;IiItflLuS c)l'-lagntt .._esti. 8.0,1 and pomp. Ei-e y'thing in g•..I reni- Itt.S uing order. A. 11. STILAC .II'A'N. lt.lt m,7 No. 4. Galrrlth. Tel4'14n • 1'011r.rur 81.6 Municipal 116. 440.4; 11 Lyall Crawford 4 1 1 0(1.' 111 l lonors :- r - -Helen cooper d 1 r -. .. . James Salkeld e 1 I Y WIIIino, K. S ler. (It 11 Evelyn" long - Dorothy Lhlkluter 421 Gordon Mc4Medlen 121 1` Vesta Tubb (221 WARNING! NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS RI's CORN BORk IU AC I All Corn Stubble and Stalks must either be ploughed under or picked up and burned before the 20th day of May. OSWALD GINN. Goderich, Ontario, Inspector. Building Supplies In connection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea street, we carry a complete stock of Building Materials --Cement, Lime, Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shingles, etc., etc. 1 FRESH CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Doors, Sash, and all Planing Mill products. If you are thinking of building consult us and save money. The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (J. /':. 'Raechler, President) Foot of Anglesea Street . Goderich . Telephone 61 Arrow Coach New Time Table Leave Goderich for Stratford and Woodstock 7.00 a.m. 2.15 p.m. DAILY Leave Goderich for LONDON 7.25 p.m. DAILY Connecting at Stratford for Kitchener, Guelph, Toron- to, St. Marys. Connecting at Woodstock for London, Hamilton, Brantford, Buffalo. Connecting at London for Cleveland and Windsor. CENTRAL ONTARIO BUS LINES n J e0. 1.r, (1051 Central Ontario BUS LINES LIMITED Head Office, 171 Bay St., Toronto • Floronee M'.Kenzle (1 i .. .. . • rrPeut+i:- taken up with the water and light eom- tuhaduu, to have built uu Ito (spial dl visien 4.1 the cost." The court of reel+don renommendct that the lower aselnment of Itot*•r winter 011 hi+ property on 'tic Ilur.. road be rtdutv.'d by one-half for tb )war 1'.1 (4 --that Is. to 821.118. The cemetery and larks committee r,'.ominendeil that the committee t» empowered to obtain estimates. on the cost of wiring and lu,nallitig elee•tri lieSts in the cemetery sexton's dwell lag. 11(2 . 45) Clayton FdWSF1 (11 5•+.6 Iteg Fisher (1) as 6 50( 1 • • John Knw•shaw 12, 57'1 I Marie Thous. C8, :111.5 R.ax 'trimmer l4r '' Reluw 5d " s: - Reg Newcombe (31 :.1 Kenneth Hunter 41 51 Clete Watson 4 5) 49' Albert )taker (2i 478 Duncan McKay 13, 45.4 Walter Newcombe (11 Discussion re Reek -Brusher In connection with the report o the 1511.11.' works ,ommitte• the qua• tion of purchasing a rock•ent.hin outfit was again discuwa"l. Several the members espre.uel thetnoel','s a la favor of buying the ,rusher If it could be financed. The Ilse... pdnteel out that the town was Peeling a 1(trge amount of d44entures. this yenr The revert. were all ad,q'fe.l. ('.m (411144rBailie recording ill, t •,t. agnln.t the pmpn*111 to park ear. 01 the In'dde of the roadway ou tb, Square. Councillor Worsen brought up a matter in connection with the fire dean- mlttee. The cohinatiee's r4eommcnda- tl.n for the plr.htse of 200 feet:of hos• had been adopted by the man - ell, but the chairman of the commit- tee (Cnnn,tllor Alei.ean l hnd refosel to take action ,in accordance with the o• ri neiller NieLean said he tho,lght there was no Immediate need of the new hose. After some further disemedon Conn- elllor Worrell said- he wan eatlsfi.I If a report were.obtained on the quan- tity of hose on hand. Conneillor Moser mail the .tn4•k- yard scale. at the C.N.R. were now In firsts -ria++ condltioei and he thought uhfe should he p la,M on r.eeord. The market ,ommitiee was milked to bring In * rep(4rt. Reeve Turner thought the enema. nt the market plan. '1s)6141 be (leered up. ronn.'t;lor Mow'r wanted •Fes, know what wits to be done about eon- tntrtlnn of cement sidewalks this year. and the matter was erred tq the public work.. eemmittelL for a re- f*art. (tin the .11g:eerion of (0nnclllor Me - Lean It wns rlPrldel in Ask the water end light commission to mare tau Hydro pole. 1111 the barber hill which obstructed ctel the rnndwny roar/Me extent. Tai, o .nn-'tl then adjourned. Fero iV Class average •62.5% I Honor.: - E:'. 4.4 n Dent. d 7e:6 11 Honors -- • Frank Savage Mary Ferguson Hel.'la 1)avk100n 732 71.4 45, Margaret groves• ts•.6 Ito STANDING OF G.C.I. ( Confirmed from - page 1) Proal Most (51 53.2 il.aslr Here (4) 49.7 Bay Drennan (5) 46.2 !label Edwards (4) 43.5 Rath lWerr•Ii (2). 42.6 William Thomas (A) 35.4 Not ranke}:- 4nrjori,• Inger (3) Ralph Walter. (3) 52.41 50 i.eft S.1,.441: - Ruth Caldwell Bog I'm+tie ' Form 11 B. Class at.'rage 633% 1• Honors 1. -- Filmy( (O'Brien irene Stoll 4441!1 ti Yammer ,Mn+nn (1) 76.1 TREBLE. -In ever loving memory of John McMehcn 75:1 our dear mother, Charlotte Treble,' , 11 Honor.: who parsed away ids years ago - Stanley Taylor 74.41, -May 14, 1924. 1kurtas Frngan 73.4 , hone from these earthly scenes, 1(nbv Errington 72.3' And friends who loved her, Ruth ('nrwpn 64l To a better home shore, John Howard f 1) • 87.1• Where eve one day hope to meet her Effie Jewell (21 86.2 'In that land of rest and love. 14111 -Ever remembered by her family. Wlllinm Rarreiw (11 113.7 Mary 114 -Kinnon (3) 62.5 Robert (:row.'. (2) 01.6 ('rrriIM :-- i►.'lrnR Merr.'nth (1 1 I)4 • Margaret Faster (2) 57.4 .lnme. Reldltt (4) 55 Ilelew 53.1.:- - itnwM T'frhm,rr (21 l'hilin, re Blank (5) ,Tem.. 4hrarlown (til satinet waiter (3) It Marlon 11ohnee (4) \,e rnnkld:- TI14) FAMILY OF THE LATE Nuts Rimm Ammhicr 1:;11..-70 t s i0 Tih)bi. HALL Web to thnnk their Arthur Fireman (3) ...,,,•,.37.7 many Mende for expressions 01 mym- h ft srhnol -- lathy at the time of their recent be - with 'Nem. rpacemcnt. They also aeknow-Icdg' Form int B. with appnrlation the many beautiful Class Ai -entre 6A.3% florid trihntee of regard and mym 580001-1- p.,hy and wish to thank those who Anleen Litt loaned cera for the Alner(l. J4•nn Walter Ethel ('ook 87 9 ltrnvm Pentland 121 67 It 111 Notions:-- - Stewart F'1•riil...11 Arthur Slmpwnl 12, Ihmld Brre-kuw 12) Credit-.:- . Evelyn 'rrdit-:-- Evelyn cooler (31 Below 35 '1 :- Carleton Wers'll (31 W111h1m Thomson (7 Not rankel:- Charles Neftel n; 1 4141 57 fel 37 1 02 Domeld Marl- on (1) ::t.5 Ruth Sant (1 1 4., Setnnd Veer Commercial Diploma Standing 75^'c Mi'.1*•I Brownlee 04.7 Iswot by Step 04.5 i.ulu Jewell 02.4 Della Marney 02 Ih.rottiy Walters 79.9 Marie Ryan 7t( Virs'ur Elliott (1) 75 Certificate Standing II% Norman Beeler (1 , ' - n0 Emily Mnl'lur.' (1) 71 v Annie• Tubb (2) 7:1.5 Marguerite Melloualrt (2) 895 John aellebean ( 4 ) 6'4 Mary Greene (21 87.7 818.9 6(i 65.3 64.3 04 63 7 Naomi M, Tie• rn, t (21 413.5 4V1111out Standing: - Margaret Shephard (8) Gwen E111ntt (:t, (;lndyu Rlu'r.' 161 Earl Elliott (6) I'w' 1'*ge (5) Ambro'e Colborne (4)+2.5 ',Award 1bu.'hler (61 50.1 Below 3O'ir :- Marle shimM. 143.1 • J. P. 11 1111111 Print pa 1. Irene Marsh 43) Charlotte 'Arlington (2) Fwllth Cornfield 12, .11.4.1.•rt Bridle (31 ,lame. Johnston (4) lila ('nrrick 44.1 :19.) 57. 57.1 :.o2 .56 DIED DUNLOP. -in Goderich, on Saturday. May 16tH, Caroline Stowe, wife of George Dunlop, in her 32nd year. HALL. -In Goderi 41, on Saturday, May 10th, Elba of the late Thos. year. 00X. -In - Goderich, 12th, (Sarah Jane the late George year. Armstrong, a idols Hall, in her 80th on Monday, May Sarah Jane Cox, daughter of Cox, in her 78th 741.!1 IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS s. WE WISH TO EXPRESS OCR DEEP gratitude to that* who aist'tel 1n the aearrh for nor loved one on Sat- LLrdny plight; for Innnrnerabte other sole kindnewetw extended to us in our lime 47 of ill-ores1i and tereare'ment, mei to 46.v all who hmve been kind and eympath.t- 46 le. GE0R4118-I/1-\LOP a,0d NORINE. 454 7417i \B1* ('•I►i(•KS .\XT► liATOHIN4; 1i4:,;,1 --41. A. 1'. (tarred 'Ili»•k+ at 41141,4(4) per 14(44. arra Single ('limb White Legborns at $17.41) per 10 for May Fagg+ elm per 14%4. Priees at tie.• farm. R,.hc-tlnn on large quantities. .%11 erg_+ .e! In nor Iro't0'ator+ es* sold fur latehlt,41 are i'1%1111141 from our own hens ..n nor farm. Alth.'ngh ,.4tr ;mice. may he a little higher than you can buy efse here. they are wv.rtll many tlmee the difference . .41.0 sup - idle. Royal Lr.»»ier +11,14••, feeler. and waterer. If )nu are In need ed any of these. better •w• what we have. C G. CAMPBELL. R i1. N.'. 2. Anl»ern. 'Phone Blyth 10-24. P1'R1.IC NOTICE NOTICE. -A COURT OF REVItt4ION 411 on the assessment of the Township of West Wawanosh will be het ou Tuesday, May 27tH. 1W(, at 10 a.m . at the Township Hall, to beam sad de- termine all app•A1s against tie cur- rent , as'e.sment. - DC1LNIN PHILLiPS. C:eel' • W. -• 1C.. .:,• -s ptBI,iC NOTICE,_' TAKE NOTICE that I have under a •tistr.-w warrant date) the .Path .der• of March, A.D. 1939, seised the goods here•Innfter set forth of The Goderich Artcraft Furniture Company Limited, for arrears of. tases,.amonnt- Ing to *11113.46, and that the same w111 be sold by public auction at the factory, Maitland road, In the Town of Goderich, en TUESDAY, MAY 27th, A.D. 1990 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon. TERMS: Cash. Dated at Goderich this 12th day of May, A.D. 1950. .1 H. R()I)ERTSOtN, Arwem*or aid Tax ('ollecter. Corporation 4.1 the Town of G4*lrrkeb. The following are the got*%. and chattels es seamed as aforesaid: Office furniture and eequipment, flee rolls tapestry. twentyseren rolls cre- tonne, 1 5(0-11.. scale. 1 i0 -gal. dram varnish, 1 blow torch, held lots of screws, note, (device,, uphol*tertng needles, etc.; n number of wood drilla, tape, files, et(.; tapestry remnants. assorted rivets. restore. hand drilling machine, ns.orted else. stove bolt.. ser.'w., weigher'•. rite.; 250 lbs. ground aRbeetos, platform (+calm', several 1(144 lbs. nails, unfinished chalrm and other furniture, t+e•reral hundred Abs. reed. a Inrg.' mould 'of paint, tarnish and enamel. T'H'OS. (IUNDRY, Auctioneer. TENDERS W1NTED TENDINIS F'o11 T►itElaGIN(; SLED tenders, adtl'rp'mel to the nn.ler-lgmed and ender+el "Tender for Dredging. Pori Arthnr, and Fort William, Ont.," will be reeeivel nntll 12 o'eloek noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, May 27, 1930. Tc144ler-t V. i11 not Ls e(nsl,MFe1 utiles. made on the forth. •1111, 10.1 bi the wA111l1 WANTED. -OD • (1R MIDDLD- tt AGED woman' aousework. at ply to JGJIN UMW, R.R, No. 1, Goderich. WANTED.-7tIJD roR ORAL bousswork. Ap>rpty after 6 pmto elms$. J. Y. MAW at Yrs I;, Q B,a- com'a residence, Nelson street. WANTED.-JJIXPIDRLENGISD CODE - general, for ssmmar month,. Good wages for efficient befit HRS. W, a BOWDE.', Keays street, Goderich, AUCTION SALE 'CLEARING• SALE O!' HOt'SF1HOI.D F911tNITIUA.1 ANI) 1"t I(Nltili- INGS. We are lnatrue•t.d by NIRS. 1.. E. WIteltEY who ha• leased her (louse mai is tear- ing fiir Euglatttl, (..1441 by public nue- ttem at the preual-,s, s%t street, I:oderktt, on SATURDAY. Y.17th A•'ulnteueltltt at I •1 welt *burp, nil 1.• ...amine of tits house, 111 i,:groum, tildugt,».w, tedr.a,u and klt.iaru turn - i, .higa. Including;_ 1111e 1.111110 nal +t.'».1' ITlatlhury), 1 .nn1t1 nu-lodinn. 412 octave: 1 41013 1•iauo care• organ. 1 large auk Ryan - el lc. -,•oral wahill( elixirs, reefers And tables: 1 largo wr•retary and b.»'kettle. 1 small seer.tnry, 1 hall rack. 1 cilitu, e•toeL!R w•tdl elms, 6 rise. % %Pilton at,l lira+arta ),' eongol- rum rtlx. Itnelrmms. jardiniere.. 3 - pas antique lartor suite, 1 walnut ...titre table, F:ug11411 talk v,rnt.da burrs, wicker t-lwlr-, r4•etrie table 'angle. contents of four Iedronms Cora - ;deft.. ittelading- a maa.he walnut bed- ..,ud : I•eeid !lg, eLItn, en» kery, ' Cstc' -T)TT(e;-ejiihT••ry anti g1t:eware. 1 tlln- lugrea'm snits, 1 Shaer swing uluchh,.'. kitchen fnrni+hhlg•. inr)ud- ing range. 2 Quebec, Meters, 3 -turner .nal oil sees. wrsh' tuba. ..winger, list. mower. and other garden tool., 1 (lievrolet 111.'1 numerous other articles. 'rNHM S : t'ash. T. GC:N•I)IlY & SON, Auctioneers. Al'('TIONEEKINO T1141M.(,S GI'N'DRY, GODEI1I('H. LIVE STOCK ANI) GFl\Sit A I'CTiOXEER T",ephune \ 119., Saler *heeded to anywhere and eveyr effort made to give wtlsfactien. Farmers' *ale nett* dIsmunted. WESLEY W. F18Ilp$. Auctioneer. will conduct mule* anyw!,ere. My terms ere reasonable and 1 will en- deavor to glee satisfaction. i'bone Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4, GotI- erieb. ELLI0DF MILLER Auctioneer Phone 70, I.ucknow Sales cundu.'red anyw'llere. Wide ex- 1,erien. r. ' My very hest efforts put forth :u each rod every tale, DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER f HIROPRACToR A. D DRUGLESS THERAi'1ST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with .'Ie•rro-magnetc bathe. Electronic. electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous disputes. Lady in Attendance Oman hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m.. exeepting Monday and Thnreday and by appointment. ' A. N. ATKINSON Reeldenee and office -Corner of' South street and Britannia road. ('H.1KTF:KF.D ACCOUNTANT F RANK 1'. (;113118, CHARTERED Accountant. 112 Ontario street, St ra t font. Phone 15140. Rtes 13301. MEDiCAI. Dlt. F. J. R. FORRTER, - EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT Late House Surgeon New York oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assisitmnt at Muore460141 Eye 'Invite' end Golden 14911tre Throat Hospital. London. Eng 53 Waterloo $t:.44, Stratford. Ter - piano., 267. At Hotel Belford, Onlertcb, on the evening of third Blonde;of each month till the following do, Tneeday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL ' r,RXEST Y. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. .Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. 1101.11E,, Barrister, Etc, (►mea -Hamilton street, Goderl(L Phone 21. •tt" R. DARROW, IlARItISTER, ET( dueccsaor to J. L. KIlloraa. Phone ORb87.•e--The &.pare: (ioderleb. Detainment and In neronlnn.'e with - ------ - the enndltinns e't forth therein. Combined . u'-Ifle•ntinn and form of te•t,8'r Inn he °leaned on npldir-e- 1lon to the nn,lerslened, nIse at the of!'I r of the 1M.triet Engineer. ('us - tome Building, Fort William. Ont. Tenders mast lnehndM the towing of the pinrlt to and from the work. The Ilrwluc. end( other pinnt whish sr. intended to ile emI.1nyel on til. work, *hall hate been duly registered In Canada en or before the thirty - (lily of December. 1929. or .ha11 have been eon.tr)(tel and registered In Cnnnd* slurp the said dente. En, h tenter must he nerompenied br on neeetkel entente on n lh*M.'rel bank. pnvnbl4 to the 04 r of the Minus -r of l',N,ll- Work., for 5 per cent of the contract price. int no rhlvine to le for les„ than five Jinn droll Holler.. 118114. of the iominion. of ('nnadn or lon1Nlit of the ('pnnditn \,aimed Rnllwey (`ompany will M. as*• e•.'pled n• .e•nrity. ns* land'. end a rhnlue If reep111red to snake 1111 an (»t n meant. v 4 i', X. D';sJ %Rr)1\P. Ne•n'te ry. Tlepartmentnr. of Pnb11c Work*. OttawaR, May 12, 1958. 1 Flaps & Napo i:,tato•rsn., F:ro. 1 R.C.HAVS-RC.HAYS ,(4.. RA Llptniltnn SI.. Pimiento' - Lk' MANCE. LOANS. ET('. ,K11.1.0,1, Mi'TL',1r. FIRE IN- Ifa N1'R.\Ne'E (Yl. -Firm and iso. later) town property Inenrrd. Oftleere--Ja.. Connolly. Ilan..., God - .'Tech P.O.: Jar. Ev:an., Vlee►Pr,t(. Beeeli le„ n'al l'.11.; 1). F. Mt1(,regor, Nee. -Trans., See forth P.O. Directorm-.A. Bmadfoot, R.R. No. 3, Senforth: Jews )hnblf' Walton; Wm. Rlnn, R.R. No. 2, Senforh: Rob- ert -.Ferris, Airlock; John RPnneweis. Brerlhsgeh; Geo. McCartney, it It. No 3, Monfort!): .Tnlm Pepper, Rrne•efi,M. Agent.. -W. J. Yen. 11.8. No. 3. ('lin- ton; James Nett, Myth; E. lllnch- ley, Seater)); John Murray. 51`71 forth. Polley -holders can make all pRynwtit.t rind get their molls r.'rrdpfel Rt It. .1. Morrish',. Clothing Store. - (inton : Calvin fu's's Grneery. Kingston street, (inddllrt'h, or .1 iT. Raid's General !tore; DayAnN,