HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-15, Page 6t" • II-19turwlkay, May 15. 19110 glisten to it I'OP! JUST pour milk or cream in • bits! of golden brown Rice krispies and your erten ears will tell you how orunchy every toasted hub- ble is. So crisp they actually crackle out loud! - Try the recipes on the package. Rice hrispies are delicious in dozens of ways. At your grocer's. \lade by Kellogg in London. Ontario. 5s��`� • ae, • .R cE d- 1 ;rts 00-,,oV • IrdloystY Iii/ i}I, kRI I'lES The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure • • • Chas. Black Phone,_!'' (;r,.l. ri •h Vacat!oGl •3 ! .r. lrod3 pene'acr.An on, ocean ' er.1se. bereeen tc wertne 1•'. aced t• tern pt.... • c y c.t.mt it 'inf. • D. zer.s of c:ec:-cc+ ivies rambcw cc,ic...rS m the n.idr.ight r r. Six fascinating ports 4' co::. Mysteries of the Kon- ykr. Greatest tr4' in roes ler tis rgoney we believe • %SO.CO ertr,. Vencco.ver Victoria, S. • • tc Skagway and return -unci. ::c real.•and berth en. route. extept.ln Skatway. On luxurious AWN( IS linen- iargest. fastest to Alaska . Make your reservations now while the choicer ',rumen, cabins are avad.bie. Vancouver Island - West cr.;.s• c. uses i days. - Meals and •. Manarr.um 139.G0 f I4:; oily "notice rR ••r nrare'1 (anad,un Pr• ca6c tun! agent, 'r !S Frtilon..4 ,5i.,1.1,1.1 Cenrrc! Pas!entrr 4 nt. 7, etc Cantle: ir. Sunday Afternoon Its ISetlu:Id- IkAM1I1.TUN, Thou Judge of gttiok 11 1141 dead, Berme whose liar severe With holy joy or guilty dread \i'.• alt shall worn appear. Our emhtionel muni. Kelton. For that tretueildout day, And fill it. now with w•rtchful cure. \nd .fir it,. tip to pray. -C. Wesley. rK.11 ER • •Touiglot. my rather. •1 pray; rot all who do, not pnty, and fur whom no one prays: let thy love be 'It, it intercessor. For MI who are worried or sick In, b,.ly. mond or heart. For all who spend th•Ir days In 1 ;peal work. -•lel help others. fond to glorify Gel. cur all whom AI Luce or who love tor. ill whatever pliers or ooudition.. For all whom i have hon or tempt ed nr wronger, In thought, word or deed this day. -:Christina Ros.s•tt1 S. S. LESSON FOR 11.11 "'nth. 19:111 Leeson Topir--slr.u. I)escribr, the Future of tate kingdom. irtwtn 1's.tasge-Matthew 1,5:1.3, Gulden Text -Nark E1:33. 111 thi- chapter there are three parodies lout the Subject 1s one And t the .al aa• think. in ^he thr.-. ("Wrist nr.,g11izt•• only NO teas+.- fn tt hilt, life. In His most mat!rellous of alt nddre.v+ Ili- Sermon en the Moine Hr had the •:ane tno ela•.t•' before Him the w'i-e and the foolish " !'herefore w•h -at ever heareth these -.tyinta of Obote. and d.sth them. I will liken hint alit;' a whs. mail': and ,•yteryone that heareth these saying. M Mines tati.l- dotth them riot.-.- slain-lt►.. Iikoued mute a fo..li•b natl. IMatt.- 7:24. att.7:24. •Ji B t . �r int= ilii• parable of the ten virgin. Ile demerlbe- them a. ' being equally diehlfvl into ecnelly the •raise• eta•",•:, arranged under tile leadertt%il .f wit' - dote on the one hand and folly on -he other. In the parable of the ten t•irglnt 1'hrl•t contour.• 111. di •iple- to watch and he ready for 111- coming again. It w•a- a •enmtem that. on the oeen.lou ,f :1 Mari Inge :oblong the .14.11•. thee. ••ridr_r,x.tn ,lhmukl go lir-ended by hie frieud•..ltife.ln the night. to the hos, . of the bride. Where ate. attended M herr' hy,ir..ln:tld-. 4"11rtel hint. When tonic, would .1e given of the bride- grom't nppronch. they w -et. out t.. sleet hlnrr '1'bey,. tii'rb•d lamps In. their 4 hhTT. Ilrht lltm Into the Munie wtf!i great fornutlity. - What 14 i,wtiint by the wise and the foolish dr•a;tu 'They represent 41.' hotly __r•f proteasing 1 triithans just • _,ip•'tt as lire t.<wmM.rl • together ou ltaf Twtirl'• Day in the Lord'. hi ti-..•. , r11ry ur- alike in Maty things. They enjoy the satire ordluaturs: they utter e y the -he lams, pnlfer• and they ha home outward behavior. But tiles• is a dlfferen.-.. .ill ••arry 111• lamp. whicTi 1- the -singed of oitttrlyd pro - THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. I WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? jI How 300d ars you at finding mistakes/ The artist has intentionally made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Soma of them are easily discovered, ethers may w hard. See how long 1tmill talus YOU at find thorn. 1.00K FOR SOLUTION 1N NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL Solution to "What's Wrong and Where" in last week's Signal. 4o'h3,tN LINE11 tt4'tlNE 1 ---Pattern „n ,licca of woman centre .1 .. 11•4 m:f(e•h with tat. -W.wwn in riding habit hits o I+htrk alta bile white boot. lualyd, oil deck 410 not run viio• .Iireeian. Ili' ''mull table woukk not 1* a -..l oq dere k, 11---Taibl. lamp 1s out of place. ill• 7 --.newer boxes are not mad on slip. In e,---i'itures err not hung oil vut4114 walls on snipe. 4-- itoltorLules oil 01511',..r)a1 torr oil 9 -Hiding .,utfltx Ore hat woru on wt•,ng .1de. hoard ,.+hop. fe•ssi0u I.ut Duly a certain number curry oil in their vessels. which .41 1. the an'ml„.I of the inward spiritual life.• 11 ht•n the cry Immo that the bridt•- groom 'war ,oniing a di..•.rtery wit• Inside. Y►ur lamp's are gone tsar.' Their it lumps• went on' limon -e they had nunil. They hunted for a while t a dry wit -k will ,1.., ciftw with u great blaze. but t.s.0 tett. (hilae de- cays. nail It gones ant for want of 111. Thos is the case with hylsetrites. Th.•y inn,. un 411ro11. of gran loos nil Within their hearts. In con-mpienee or their itn repwnrrd- nr, they mt-•,rl the .•t.t.'r:snit% .f ARE SICKLY BABIES County and District 341 'Capps li amt 1?zeter, wit.. is it student at the i'nlve•t'sity of Western Ontarlo, luta been appotnt d demote strutor hl t-hemistry at Sftr111 varsity. )red. George D. Flortoine, of Turn berry. died 9'hnr`11uy la -t In her tlfty- dist year. eller death followed 11 'stroke, She is survived by her hushoint and I w'(t sons. 'rho wedding took place on !\lay 7th at 1h.rk11111 of Mhos bushel Mite ilal•- kett to '1'hunww Lloyd Penner elf Hen - •all, 'Lev. IMr. **win tff11•Iating. The young "sotlpdr will nr•ddr at tlen.wll. Reeve Henderson Bereaved The death oewurrell at the %%Ingham lesepd W I nil •MI y :ted of Lydia Lem - mea, wife of W. J. 'fendetwat. Reeve of Mnrrl. luw'udNp. itw•wstrt war born in WIngtwm fie -four yearn ager null w':t- married to l4r. Tdenderwm, thirty yeitrr" ago.'Bt'alde' her hust•nnd ,Air leech four sons and one daugh- ter W11111uu .1., student at Queen's! 1'ntvereity. -Ro ssel. Arthur. Lloyd and E.ht11. all ar Itrue. The fnnt•rn1 took! Islam 111 the WIngtwm cemetery and : wits attended by many of Reeve Hen- derson's eulleutltes 4w the emtnty conucid. l ZI'Rt"U -. _ -.- T. 1.. li'urni. who hay mild oat his Iwo-in.•o. here 1041 with Mr. Wurm will maks' his home In Toronto. was pretended by the basilic.. turn of the tillage with an addres- and n band - ..tar club -big. Mr. and Mors. Wurm tett for the city last week. The death of Mfn+. ('ballett. widow of .tilgu;t ('hallett, wlelrr41 9'aeeda3 mornbt2 of last week at the are of eighty•one years. htrramrl was one nt the pioneer rr,idents of the dlttrfct. sh,• Is •0rvi,e1 be three sons. rend 414t)ins, ..n -tote fans nurtb of l)rywlale. ienuL-. of Detroit. and ala.) :t daughter living at Detroit. SE.WORTH ('hrtat,•ua F . wife of 3,...44,1 141+Issoti• p t -ort rysy, uApril 3411.11. in her sixty ninth yt•ur. ` ' The death oe,iirre.1 at Conneaut. (thio. on May 22nd. ,! More lairabeth Iteks,•n. for mutiny years a well-knowuI re-ident •gl McKillop tow-n..hip. It. - as preskbent. Lr. J. C. Itirut vote -{neuro- idents Mils U. rawer treasurer, and /Miss A. 'Stnekhotrw secretary. CLINTON Henry l'. (tattler, a native of Ilvllett, but u re.Idrtst of Clinton fur thirty- ftve your., 411141 May 4th after u ktug illness. Ile is survived by his wife, one sou, Will, of Toronto, and two dangll- ter,, Mrs. ,lean (:rh-ve itt linin and Mrs. Fred Cook 'of Wyandotte, Mich. Airs. 41o1mt•s, widowof W. J. Holmes, loused 1way1 May 'sal itt her stivrutt•nluth year. Throatiest, Neto -r maiden name wit. Oharlotte E. Miegaw, wus torn in Darlington township. bun .a•ame with her parents to Maim county In her early childhood. Mich: survived by our Soh, W. S. 1t. Holme. ..( 4'Ihltetu. and weir datlghttr. Olrs. W. C. 1411.14.red Hu m1I'uu. Two. sisters :n -i, snrrire, Mr. - t-.hlbal.l of ;ie,furt1. and Mrs. E. lllavtdsou of 1•uldrn-er, and two brothers, W. It. Mte•gaw of Terson. K. C.. and It. .1. Mega% .f Vancouver. MUs• I. ,.tit lois re-vgu,-,l her posi- tion ea the4 i1I.gIatr tu•tilute staff. A (inlet wedding ttwtk, phte• 41 the hump• of Her. A. A. Iloitue- on Mdy :int. when Marge ret Tlola. t11Waller et Mr. 111,1 Mr- fieri Elvertiotr.• ,d cillit,st. war nutted l miirriage• '.• 11nntW Ed. tar Lnml.msa: only 44111 of Mira. 1:11 - sand .L.hnaon of +'bantam. Aliei wards Mr. and 'Mr•. laIt►lpnutl left of s minor tet', to Vitatluu11 Inst 11Wroir J. 1.. lhor•hler ..4' t:.slers•I, hiss 11. eha,rel Iia• McKenzie blinker yard a, planing 11.111. here. which sins• 11,, d0:,1t1, i, Tln•uul. Mt •Ket.zie had be. meter the management of his dint:' ter. Miss 1 brel,•r Me1G•uxie•.. ••F. A. Wiggler. who bee. Iles brat.•' 111atln4er here for I:Oona laongiol- .t FenspaMy. prettier dreier..,. - i. 'i, -t, novel to ^he Compstuy's Toronto •.1 1.• 1111.1 will 14, sm.,edt,l in the min eae•unrt herr be 1..,r..• .t. Mc('t,i Who at preesuit 1s .111n tt represcui . the of the Department of .tgrimili i - e:ruluattnll ecerels.+.-ter two Ctir. nt n.. -pita( oar -tom. Mi.. •Mary tl and kiss Florence W1d•t,awr. wi. held lit i1'••Ly-N'lllts 4Aurelt oil Frit e:rntbt .ttt'lel w the late the 1,ungert daughter of rlea lriekwu of M.•Kill.q. Imt for over twt•uti year. had lined at Connernt. The r, -attain. were brought to Sat.rth for interlus•ttt- t:arirg. F. Rogers. formerly whirl - pal of .-e•afort1t Collegiate lu.titap•. ham twee Appointed Superintendent of Min -Mimi for 4 tntario- o1•ceding 11r.' aix retiring aft.'r 1914 well child doer not 407-4-P. W. Merchant. who is a tlb.rin_nl+hrd '•urrt r In the tail -e of onlc Iloe sickly :mby nt. crouse The-, education in Ontario. Nell Child is langhiug tort happy - Raby'r In lit Metre.. i- his way ;rolls she dinaladw.ow uursu that he 111 111. Tlr•rl•fnre. 11' y.wlry -erne- do mol .1. lay itt los:sing for r trouble ' Ruby's Owen l'nhlet- are a safe and i ...trident rcttarly for thkldhntwl af1- •nerds. They are a mild Mtt th..notirh hill i -jt,• wIshii through their let 1,,•, 11111 SSF4i Lome. Ireland diel (aturday night hast at the• home of his dam:liter. Mr. O lVrnnt Smith. NY 1141• are of eighty ehdlt veer. . lass -nest settled in Morrie township Bitty years ago. and retired we obey••n e,•t1 AL•". el I" to 11 u• cit I. „, 1 . i .'. .: 1 1 -1. 111.,, !, .1 ' '., 1- 1,:1.1-., t --. _ lM,; t n 111 ,t a.'I tt, ti - i..f treat, n. r -este ll.. i--errelc..l i•t f; }- 1':.11.•' f }e ,.Low mot thus 1: .;•1.• and sliolde fever. ands14rn- ,[Ota herr• ;toedtw.. -nor.' Mr+. •:r.• hoer" Its leve-.•rt:u;; and fu•terittg 1.014. 11.111111(1., •I,•ep They win 'mate Hrmb•ra)n M Morr1Y. Nrcr 4tlltrlaonr the divine in ,i+ wet• par heed to TIT. ' f'ill'y tangly nod keep 1110 hntrfrr. Tiley +n111h and . Mrs Olh'I•r Tnrr,Mtll nt Inc *Oki by tnehI -hes, denier. or on 4;rey. Mfr•. J 4,n tMlcrr ..f Itrnamrls. luJVhi,trah 1:, • aro' nuylyt Mfr.. Hemi Rimier of $trntfoM. Jnmew itTAT ,wale _ aTle rvw-atd nt titn+r •e•nls it bee !tool T1te i1r. lamb bad oil in 'he•m7 lt'losn t19111am' Nellefnr Cn. 1 r.-kri)Ic. of \t fo- •k- ntL ne d am11i 11mPmslMhll MIlaIrtinY..- . the,heard the yrs. hontlh thelike sat phi• ethers had been sleeping. cher --- (wort.. Leon Brawn. wife of 1. Leslie HOME Kerr. mit.? ,f The Pn'.t. Tmel•M away anew and tel' m. their lento. mud CANNING MADE Mar Rt1, at her home Awe.• itrr•e tiled went nut to me -•t the britlegr. 41 EASY BY NEW1 FREE BOOK not:, married twenty-rhr•e yemr. ng • tnJ "they went ill With him -n the marriage and thin the'door ens -hurt. to herr now bereft hn.hatwl: Site lea r••+ The period ..f wnt•hing W10, Asia and Hinter Prwni.Ie lar•. s• tone daughter. Mary elen. he ti'coed ..f unalloyed bnjs.Ir -•s Sununer Feeds in /w•• iety and Help Pmrrve Health. T+ - •¢tut. Thi. Is the position of the prior to the war ...me remark- daughter". Il1M Church ,f Christ naw for Ablo• ,1I.1Y,vetk•s were mode In regard . the Heavenly Bridegroom, expectingto the canning tuf food pnwluets, F.d. fillwkht•. whn far the Inmi frtr lois ....ming and -ti --Osco of Ili+ ' •cr; ''ttt-e'riee that have gr.•ntly man years hn- erohdurotel fnor and end yl•t .u,. alio to tenter hto •:A• fel• the amps' ,f flat prewerratbm and plutr1 ng hnslnr�m in Winghnm. f• no*. of her int nntll ole •Himself lir- made 1r p•sm11i10 10 put up for futon• mnvhlg to (0rnrrtg•rIllet. where. he will rima, and takes her In ills H:nt-,-,I '1`I' aims,' every kind of fruit. cel- engnRe in a-Imltnr IAtstlnewl' Ilome. civil, nt,l neat.• The town e,nnell ha. agr.r11 to . dl See Bann set Lir noire • Pau i _ Pineapple Week The best are here now for pre- serving. CHOICE QUALITY PRICES RRiIlT SEE OUR WINDOWS BEFORE BUYING Sparr's Grocery T!o• st,•re .a" •:.ti -f... i :. Hamilton Street �t.rierich Phone 146 1. I•I.11V1-I: tN 'fit\CX siteryltt a •. No man ammo! appearance goes nut will 1 a collar... nor dorsi he go about with tln.tc. unpolished I.h.n•w... _ Personal pride tsugge•oti a ' frequent „\Menet" shine to keep the shoe- smartly presentable and w a ter - proof. SHOE POLISH qe NUGGET TIN Oen) with a !NW I O -f1'le• Cerm••n Ri1te The.- Is-teb•pm1•trfs fire boweribed in grant the Llan. Chit of fkolerL•h 'he • VfiORhl) MISSIONS -emit the bread upon the wn'er-," wide the preso•her of long ago. "for after many. dl1_cs 1t shall retnru nut. the.." The -reference here I. sold 111' to. 1, the ancllent prime.e of the aa- tir'es of Egypt. who. mien the Nile wap in fi..1. went forth in their boat. -s-ltlerine the rl 5. on the anter. Whet. the w'nter+ 'sided.1e1 the tie,. cenillnnted In the moil and after many day'+ the harvest ens rerlp»rl. '1'la.- !it fro anLion perfectly ret.resetitm, the Methods of, spreading the 14111e 1hrnnghout the w-,rpd 1 but logy,. bared gang nn fir many year-. The g:wm1 ewes) ha• Imr•It noon's, 1.11?, elle harvest lm not yet, ti'hit It will ii. ion man run I -- tell. 1'1( tin.) down the world go an' army ..f .vlpurteltre ene•h ,rqaur pn•s- •ing further ,tad further int..) regions nnknnwn. troll-1rlrtkers for the tell.- .l.natry. Is -liners of the Book enutnin= ..in¢ the w.u•terfnl word. ,f Ilfe. in, "The I:lory of the litrden. the 1 •1•n• report!sireport of the w'nr•k or the itrtt1.h `.ro- and Foreign 1411.1, Society. to which referette• loss iween made 1MGV•e, are runny stories of tb•-e noble .elf-•aeri- ficin_ turn. 'rim• s.•lety emptor'- 'tritely one thousand c.l{ort,nrs of curios- na- 1 tionalihes In tall parts of 11:.' world 111 the dl-trfledlml sof the tIerlptnrt•ur4 'Claw• .rdl*•rta•un. stn. are in n w'aly I r•loner•1- mi--t000nrl,-. •all! to. fewer than 0.1r27.4•i. copier -about 1110, nes. 1111.14. :n111 '210.1114 were NO 'Vert nment the remainder Werlgt 1 mainly • .:,•pxel- :tad other sine.• books of ScrItitI1r. Tote• total indl- iea111•• that cm of every tett hooks I plsetrl in the hand.. of renders Inst rear •Ir were odd by eolporteer. I seventeen 1001 h1 Itnrntn travelled 224141 mile+, el-itel:,4tK27 hone- in I 5.2119 relishee And • towns. once sold 1-4.:-.1.1 volume. ,f Scripture'• Some . 1',f the meii were stoned and kicked and • ••I wit mon. 1ladnok ,f The (9otrch. 11.1 PAIN Ends in 1 Minute s •'Rnd.,1 burn itch lead telt of p41e. on t minate.Ale•Sonelu-Q Iia',"arttM 1.. T. S..,t. Riedo•tia� Tinrp.A. nes sloe vanenh.d. AsolA.d op•rdtss Get Instant resins today. All Oraggissa. a new bolclet entitled 'Home ('nn• sing." Jn-'t issued by the hank of More trent. tial writt4n t•rtpwr•{ally to t'felp the h•et.-wive• on fares in deviling w•it.h their food probh'm. In the mod- ern--b•rltifie way. With ttits booklet a- her colds.. the farm housewife Is nide to provide Pee suet n wide range of henllletrtl foots In winter it. in sunnne•r. (11rtherntere, when 11I day• arrive. or )chem unexpected t•otnp.ny dr,pr in, She Il to, longer fl*terel by the pr'i,leyl of meals --she has good. nigs•tixittg .fool+ villous nt harm tat e lip 1e t)• o w o be warmed p l u,. ill) wailing t and ...reed. Ileer,' are sone .f the thinly that 0110 ern now' en-lly preserve in all their .H14111:11 fr.•"hne•-s. WWI with the toefl4h- girin¢ vilnmins retained: Tomato.... string bans. peas,errs. g?. -.-n, 11 - prnngns. rnrtots. beets. rhuirerl, ber- ries. ehe•rrie•e plums, fr•neh.s pears. tldOken. beef. pork, .nuts and 11.11. orf course. to preserve those food• pnpperly, yon tare got to know how. The booklet de.erlIses how. 1t deal. with euld packs and hot' {mekm. Rlas. Jars and tin can container. and with -fled method. of pra•.'msoing• wileiher In the ordinary boiler or in that won. ek•rfnl little invention, the •team 1're" sure conker. whlh latter, by the way. min he used to great a.tantngc In or- dlnnry cooking. Lot4 of people wonder why they nerd ,headache tunes atm! ttifet dnr- th, winter and In xpring. Often It due •o the 1lemolnnc of winter diet -1114 Intek of those henithtl,i quinIl- tie•• which fresh ir•itt and vtgeerahle. r,nrnlu. 111Ib Iww.klet rhnw'< how to get summer flood nil the yenr round. to the great ndvnninge of the health and the pocket book. Food that wmltd otherwise be wailed tion be saved and ehjotetl nt ,any time; chickens. pigs Rmt rnlcee that WORM Otherwise he eating their heat. Off can 1m• killed when they are ready, stored In gimes 1gr. or ems-. and eaten when regnireel. with no 1011- of flavor nr other semi - Bleu. - fn fart. there le nothing relntin_ tr. the •nhjtr•t-of 11.0111115 which 1s not dt•ult with In the booklet in A way 51111e•h melte". emitting M•y 111 a» rem. Ira ,f the booklet may he nhtatn.rl free from the irwenl branl•h of the Bang of Montreal.1 t "le modern society money is the *word of the new irteeanegt•."--enth nl ' M. M Hnuse. i free awe of the town hill for a •sin- -teei .haw for 1114. benefit of the ,•ripple1 children of Heron county. j ---An -esteemed twslek'tp of WInghjm. � In the person of Mrs. Walker. widow . of .lames Walker; diel May Pith nt the =Ions: of her (Infighter, Mrs. C. 1'. Car- lisle. Tornnr'o, at rhe age of 41sh- -,rnu your,. The rtmmln• were hrsttg-ht , to lt'inghnm for Interment. Mr. and Mrs. J. .L. Norton 11rt week oolefortlel the fiftieth anniversary; of their a,- I,ling .int,ng thine *Ito ioiiad in the fe11.111tb,nw of tin• 0 1I- i lion 1011,1 m pmt -y ,t members ,f they United rhrtr•h. who left fifty .'.nu•rI- e:in Itetn•y ro.e. g•. A trltnti4. 411 ph,. bride and groom of flRy yetrr, • "N•Illinm .lana-, Ilend,r-e•q ,yin• .t W. .L illendtYron, Bhterule rntd. won , two rehnlnr•.hip.s at darn's 1'uirt•r-s I Icy thin year. Mir.. Henry Potter, nn ni4 nt'-ilei t of rhis dlstrlet. ptttewlf w -ay Miay .Ah in her Moho -fourth year. -n1.1 T11 J. W. Nin•. Ism been Appointed ' r'erk ..f Itlyllt Idcfslon ('rtllrt..111•er•tI ' tug the hr'e 1.. .1. Williams. 'yon -ter lartn••a,, Minims fell the other day and broke hos arm. l'hlm is int Per -owl 4 I ale till• 1184 tit plwa1141 to the }"sling Intl. .The Artiste 4lrele p.;a.era of laugher I b will 1pre.ent the new play. 'Tons et ,mey." In the Memorial iiell,nn Tue. ye May 20. ,niter the morphs. of MP Indies .f Old S:. Andrely'tt Pre• byteriati ehnreli. ' Ilei'. 1:. E. Alderson mud Rev. L. V. 1'oeo'k Imre Rs1•tt ntlpnlured memiw•rs at the piddle Illortry board, tnking the grooves of Hey. Or. ltarnhy find the lets. Her. A. Shore. J. H. R. Elliott taker the tost..f ateg•tletary-tren•nrer nail librarian In pines, of 'he late L..1 ' William. And the 'theoy has .been ed .1,1.. 1111• Mtnteinrd book sante. 994• eseeigement 14 11tnosites. of ' roulettes. .lone., dalghter of 'Mr.. Hass and the Irate 4'. J, Rosi of ltrntnpton, to Het. L,rerenre Vit -tor Pnr•rw•k. R.A., of Myth. the toge ro take plum 1t Itramptoq nn .14111. s Mises )1lin ' row... Itt►,ella ('ns- ninehnm and Milralw•'h Mlll. atligMll 1the Perth eottnty mnmie,1 teethe! at Stratford, the In•r named enti'flag the open {t4ano enmpetltion In n elem. of *Ten and winning the bronze Mishit 1Hyth'm Man tennis rinb ham organ - Iced for the mensw,n with N. 1'. Garrett 1 Utter Fatigue When the Nerves play out It is common to be tired after the day's work but you rest and sleep and are ready with new energy and vigor for another day's effort. But when the night's sleep fails to rest you and you get unfeeling tired and worn-out and t ce with dread the new day, it is t to take stork of your health. • Either as the result of the exces- sive expenditure of nervous energy or because of worry or wasting disease your nervous system is be- coming bankrupt. It is high time to get the building up process eetal,lished by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fond. Dr. ! Iaasess Nerve Food The greatest of restoratives for the blood and nems. Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' arid men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Pho•e 33§ "SALADA" TEA NOW 1 SAME FLAVOUR SAME QUALITY C A LB. BROWN LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES Why the Comfort Remains --- CHECK it point by point and you'll quickly see why long after other mattresses would have worn out completely, the inner spring mattress will be as fresh, comfortable and resilient as the day you Nought it. The materials used, the workmanship and above all the springs inside keep it gust way. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY J. R. WHEELER Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Phones: Store 335, Res. 355w. Hamilton Street Goderich, Ont. t• 4