The Signal, 1930-5-15, Page 54 I •,' Kilts for Moths V. Fly-toz, Flit, Larvex, Moth Gps, Sapho, Cedar - lane Flakes, Moth Balls, etc., to protect your fur coat, woollen blankets, chesterfield and carpets against the destruction of the dreaded moth. Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich VISIT THE *Capital Cafe Goderich's Newest Cafe A 1. .art serf: u•e .,t till hours. "Best Place to Eel in Tsui'''. Telephone 272 ••moi•••••••• Reward of Shivers -�41rer� I take a cold •l ' . i• ev err aa'b?hing." - Willlams-"Why brag stout it'•" CWver.a-"(loch, thut'e why I take it:"_ Pelee a1 Modesty Little Marin found a butfen In his .a lad. lie remarked: "1 .sumo*. it fell off while the salad was dressing "- Christian Register. MODEI THEATRE Week of May 19 to May 24 l/moday and Tuesday - MARY PHILBIN Edniund Breeze anti Mary Alden in a smashing dramatic and color- ful olor-ful romance of the. waterfront AI tremendous story of a hrautrrul l waif adrift among the dock rats. fy '• "Girl Overboard Universal Western 'Range Wolf" FOX NEV GODERICH Monumental Works Ii, lit llat.•nal- Lat, sl i)o•>igns Exp •rt Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prices R. A. SPOTTO` . P.O. Boa 161 Goderich, Ont. Wadereday and Thursday - Introducing :I .•ttat of new face, and a spectacular story eoncerning the way of a maid with t wo men Fay Matter). I,• reh an,l Fleury ;ems!, in in a toctisattonal drama of the thea- r tr• with a thrilling elinhax 'in the sir "The Whirl of Life" I.aff-ea-y Comedy ...relevi•tori lieorge'' Friday and Saturday_ The great holiday special "Divine Lady" Annual Tea Meeting under auspices of Women's Aso ciation at BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH - on - Saturday, May 24th Tea served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock Concert by Classic Male Quartette and Violin Soloist, of Stratford ADMISSION Adults 50c, Children 25c featuring a r.• -creation of the Low bee historical Battle of Trafalgar Thousands of uteri in breathless tattle action atl.l the screen', great- est beauty reliving the loves of otic of history's mast Ie'autiful • sick `tarring Corrinne Griffith n In•r gr•at.•-t pirtlir.. Episode 140. 3 of "The Diamond Master" "Cartoon Comic' Evening_admision Adults 35c: Child ren 23c Matinee admission -Adults 25c; Child- ren iSc Matinee Saturday at 3 p m ••w•••••••••• Central School FIELD DAY ON SCHOOL GROUNDS FRIDAY, MAY 23rd Games commence at 2 p in Sale of Homemade Bakens. and Tea well also be served (;.,toe- and h'•li to leeks the lar 1 success THE SIGNAL, LONDON CONFERENCE BRANCH (Continued from page 1) dents of the eight Predbyteriala com- prising London Conference Branch were gtveu. Miss 'tartlet of Windsor said that "thy report is really Mrs. Freeman's. who has turned over her work to me.", Work had been well sustained during the ear, with floe cooperation among thc different organizations. Four sec- tional couferenc•es were held durine the year. Mrs. altortou, of Elgin Presbyterial. Rare arecerd of fine leadership; excel. ieut sectional meetlugs when the Auxiliary meml.ers gave the I.r... grammes, and summate! making Heise sectional meetings IIPtralntug green.' for the workers. Huron Presbyterial was repreeeentel by Mrs. Lane, tteaforlfl• who referred teuderly to the great loos Huron bat sustained in the death of Mrs. Moiler., of Exeter. She reported l:te organ- izations, uu tnerease of 15: $400 raise) more than last yens': average gl.'ats $7.02: three sectional meetings of highly Itsgdratlonal character. Mrs. Hicks, president of Kent. re• ported forty-five Auxiliaries, with six 'rle.•-preeldents caring for these groups. She thought sectional meetings s flue field for developing the talent of'meoe be Sixty -Seven Years' Eaperieace is your guarantee that Plants ob tained from us are in every way dependable. \t,. ¢row Giant Asters. mixed and .n sepa- rate colors Giant Snapdragons. in • great variety of colors Wonderfull Fluffy Ruffle Petu- nias Dahlia Flowered and Giant Double Zinnias Pansies, Verbenas, Stocks Phlox, etc , etc Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery and Peppers. STEWART BROS. BENMILLER NURSERIES R R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 235 rs. Mrs. Livingston. Lambtoo. said that hood. nigan 50. the work fell into three divisions: In- Two pleasing inclelwlteh tees plaee class -Dorothy Rohl. 9i I•'' nitration. development. raising of the before the next speaker was intro- .ent., Violet Errington c7. Alma An - Means. If the Britt two were done the duces', when Mrs. Tillman spoke of derson R1, Doris Swan 00. B1111t• ('ea last would follow. She spoke of Trimb- Miss Rennie's ervlee during the past liar 65, Madeleine Ceawr Rt. Fern.. Al- ton having small study grout's in whish three years, and Miss Margaret Cel- ton tt'. Irvine Eedy .7. Malenlm Mc - the study book was taken up intents- des, of Embro, on behalf of the Branch. Kenzie 511. Rillte YcClute 4g. Aloin ively. Other agetseies were talks In presented her with a book and 8 R.,1 .44, •Allw•rt Itlyett 46. •Rleh.rd Sunday school and pag.slnts by C.G.I.T. pretty bouquet of flowers. Then, in Park 36 her turn, Mrs. Tillman, who has re- First e18s-- Hart. y Culbert ',� girls.•Ronald Rnay KS. Mrs. Childs, speaker for Middlesex.. -soils removed to another Conterentw. h the beat Pre-ohyterlab was similaell honoree. the prtsenta- Hr trimer ole GODERICH, ONT. addressed the gathering and great - tugs were brought by the Mayor of Goderich, Mr. If. J. A. alacEwau. In a racy *speech Mayor MacEwan ex- truded a hearty welcome to the dele- gates assembled, extolling at the some Buie the beauty of his home tow!. Yrs. Conlon Wright made an el.etueul reply to this address. Rev. J. Scoble, of Bclgrave, chair- man of t11e Presbytery of Huron, brought greetings which were acktow•- ledgcsl suitably by Mrs. W. lt. Mclu- toah of Loudon. At the eveulug session Mrs. It t' - Tillman presided and l.amhwa !'res byterial conducted the devotions. Mrs. J. 1. 1.?i ou of Wlud-.r pr.•- seuted the report of the treasurer. showing the flauueea to be in au ex- cellent e'uditlou. Rect'Ipts for the year were 6126,270.04. The espouses Were $1,031.13. balance In the Bank $637.21, while $124,579.28 was slut to the treasurer of the Dominion ltoa rd. Miss Rennie, the retiring prevsident, gave to. address vatting attention to the need In the world wheel Ilud called Into being the Woman's Missionary' Society. :She spoke of the growth of the Society and the increasing realiza- tion of the work it has before 11. She called upon the women of the churls to put aside everything that ham- - p•red or hindered and to enlist whole- heartelly his the Cause of needy woman - of Yonlrton, and tMr. and Yes. Nichol and family and Mrs. 11. Yundt, of Stratton!, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eedy. Mrs. Rohl Davidson, Mrs. Win Stothers, Mrs. G. 31 yMe male, Mr. Geo. Anderson ind.l'51rs. Fred Itos- attendei the meetine .'f the Maitland Presbyterial W.M.S. held at Whit, ehur•h on Tuesday. Mr. and 51rs 10. Iilckle cad sou Ed- gar, of Hamilton. motored' up and Spent the we'k-ethd with friends her' Mr. nod Mln. G. M. al''K••nzle and Mnl.ohu silent Sunday :it London They were itec'nutwui.rl• by�Mr. M• Ketazl. s Mother and 'sister of (Tilton Mr. ltobt. 10:1% bison and air. ir.st R.,ss attended the Presbytery iue"iug at Whitechurch on Tsit'Mlay. Quite a number from here attemlel the anniversary services at L4(ekuow Presbyterian churelt last ,4 1,1av We eonentlnhate )fro H. Mle\Cbisi:.ey of Dungannon Presbyterian .church oh the honor of being chosen president of Maitland Presbyterial W. M. A at the meetin; held ut Whit.s•hureb '•n Tuesday ..f this week, School Report. -Following t• t4.• r.' part for April of the Junior room of Dungannon paddle Total. 1.if1 per emit.; honors, 75 ; .r cent.: Junior third ...lass -L..1% Treleaven.. 91 per twat., Dnlhtltda Jun.. cdt. idat'ttnt Jones 72. Viola Young 56, Harold F'In elatmed to have a ss -..metro Stew., 1 the London Conference Mullett as tion beteg '-nide by Miss Erne line JIm F:rringtou. Raymond Carrie. -W. • Harry well a the fines R P pp, .Irnds ark u t eon of other,",.-ttlaek, of Windsor, while rs. a Nlclns. (:Indys Nlcln+. ('laywn .Udl,.'. crease members raised $33.:1110. n iu Yra`t TII man badtdone toy lin mane son. MM'InnKrwl Kwan, Elwin Finnie: crease of $12 a Thetteminimu of the I'restryterlsl were the minimum. one- years, of the inspiration she had t -,ecru, Jr. Primer-WPrx Riyrtt. half of one per cent Two young women of the loss her removal would entail Hah. tless, F n lin Ewly. Rernteli' ' 'from the Presbyterial were to be de - stilted they had fortv-si and on behalf of the London draw• ;;hutted. of the W.M.R. expresse.1 the wish that (•-Ghent for examinati.imt.. (oxford. reported by airs Archibald. God's richest blessing would rest E. llftlRR. Te:o'1''' Atteillart.•s'won her lu her new environment., and forty-six Mission Bands.. At a Miss Rennie Mild .Sirs. T111man, er•h in, farewell meeting for Miss Weir In, bet nett Chnrn.teriytic tnauurr. W a.dstock tlllrty-six out of forty-one teamed the nu'mlters for ti'e'r kfnd- anxlllartes were represented. Thera�n R per. Mortimore. of Auburn. lea was raised $4Tt more than last year. „• u flue burn. l*1,- Perth president, lairs. ale.U4.iue. of SWest china. ga Rat.• an accounto[ Pr Idents' enc. men', work- in that tuterrdlng missionary or mlwstonnigin tenons. at whichimport an questions laud. The work .0 sere dlseussed..5 report of the• year's b nddau us, pe•rsted. tee teat it web the work 1n eondenset furor was sPnt mit for the use of the genetal membershipe- .onePIVP, red It witst n honor t.. bur'- Tbe "trip 'mond• the world" by sera- a part In 1t. He buil leanest ouch ..f pine In charge of the pilot. Sir" IL the women's worutirk on � tile•xhe '.' Childs of London, was greatly -enjoyed elation and co-ops by the large audt.•ri-e. ('ommPth••Iit n1 betwcyen the roprrsrulathst- .f tis•• an Easter Rnndny y�Je' to Friend- w. M. S. and those of the g..nernl ship House whish w>r itilhoe in char- board lu the field. 'Then whin• n f'` atter• the passengers' ort out Ina west• years ago, serious trouble threatened eels dlr.rtfon on Monday morning 00 in Szechwan provithee and, the' women hoard the aeroplane 40(* W.M:S. end left. not heelers* they wanted to but -drys from the British soon found themselves in Arglnn• neeause .. . • whose. fail. where they ms'[ ewe Ukrainian Embassy, the task of overseeing their friends and heard of their diffieultle•d. , woor1� wa�co mmltted to him.Digsight s resignation. muchet', floor regrethnot The next point of till was Vanroarer. Hf waned, he said, to speak to lid- , only of the other trustee. but of ell where the Oriental home was visited: woman's. organization of what Christ then on to Japan. wfi.rc the passengers and H1s teachings mount to the women those loterwt.d In the welfareof tis. were ahnekeI to hear of the exietinR of China. First. lie said. It mean, to cemetery. F'ur the loenrflt of Ihos.' conditions among the women and them actual plhyslenl well -1'4'1'12. (:Ir1- from a distance attending the re -union children of that lead. Korea was N1'' were often killed In Infancy, or If tier of 9.R. No. 9. lin11.Ht, and Inter...fel next point of .-1111: then China. .\frit, n.ltted to live nuns -P1',• mod,• -laves 1n the cemetery, the annual uu•m„rLil '1 and �n-t ern.•Ilc treat's' f'hn.t i:uift 'erv1.w will be hilt on the eein'•tet, and Trinidad Each ....entry tt'^ rem, ground., un Sunday aft. -newts .fool, tented ou the platform be n fees_ was etanginc this, and res- t:i.iu_ ldoturP, chs els.' gay.• a .ti''1 wont wmm�nhcwdl the opportunity Gist only 37 commencing at 3 o'clnek. dctur of the blessings that ;'pari-- to lire, but to enjoy health :cud htuppi' t y has brought W themselves nod new, unknown before. t ••• •••frit, •■■111♦• 1if1���•111�11�••••1���• �'���w X sir people. in the next place the Gn4 w'1 was MOW Consist. of Bengali. spoke, lifting women from the IRltor:.ner• • wl her AUBURN ('pa.(er) Itta'Patl nsetst.-1'h.• le..ur'1 of trustees of hall's ceinelery desire to HUM iiiiii that a bee will be heli '•u the afternoon of Wwlu,', ley, May 21st. fur the Istrlta"' of iutpro'iug the north - weeder!' portion of tht• i,-rotln.ls. This • - rb)C G ADIAN SH WEDDED MMaAT COMrAN1/. LTD. Is the only wetluit that has not 'been Thursday, Nay 15, i98* -3 Taking A Hill on High it takes Tots of powwer and a good start h) climb a hill without shifting gears. Get a good start for the hills of the dad's work by eating a breakfast of Shredded Wheat and milk. "I -here is a quick "get -away" in this delicious, ss hole wheat food. No need for shift- ing gears in the middle of the hill - just go right on up with increased energy and power. And Shredded Wheat is in such a delicious, easily digestible form. SHREDDED HEAT WITH All. THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Improrel nil although small in arra "Peace will only be maintained he Is lin rouglh ,nod ts.r t, that It will the earnest application of public require a lot of isle., to Inst it in tae opinion ."Frank R. Keller.; gond' condition aw the rest .0 the emu, etery. Therefore the l.cnrt request a good attendance for this lettti.•ldnr work. The uuuual meeting of the plot holders will Is held on the grounds uu Wednesday everting. June 11, at 7 o'clock-. The imperial business will 1d• the election of a IMw tett+tee 1n the steed of Mro C: :1. Howie.n. w ai - Spring Plants N,.% n- the three 1,. order y,.nr -oppiy •.1 Plants for eonr tb•wer bests, and for tilting v.nr wudluw :uu1 cprandah b.,(P., hanting bas - No finer stock to choose from. Geo. Stewart Bruce Street Phone 105 THE COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENT SHOP has rem 1 to new quarters ingston street.' Implements and Repairs. General Expert Sers.ce on all Cockshutt Machinery. Allis-Chalmers and United Trac tors. Baer & Straughan T ELEPHONL sae login., word- of appreciation of ber whlfh was formerly . on Id' r II rn ol9• late Jl a 1 1 R them .1 11111 friend end f.-Ilnw-wnrk.'t, the a e r. thine R c th II aI111anp of Exetertajentsdevelop equallytheir with their intellect brothers.,. The memorial se•ni.,• In eeliarge oil Ithon of wow'. M Gonll ane! IMIr•. ,Sr.-hiluald '•t• Then the ...vial poo lfg .0 floe Peed with the singing "f.1) ("I "f was changed. An ancient say !tether and 114' rydrltithg •'f t'''' Chinese was. "it is 11ffittilt to tem :shepherdPsalm As the• roll ons pant with women and feeble-minded I - were thine eall.rl of the rile niemis•rs who had men." \nw nn Rrent . passed to the Great Beyond during changer! that in mere than 'ono• In the year. each Preahrtcrinl president stance women had t-tiallc 1.'.' Risel placed a rose ht the easket of noting offt.•tal pnsitl.na and lied fillet them brans, two tiles.' specially hinwrh1 two officers. Mrs. Bennett of London, adequately.„ MThe spiritual vision of stili . rmer corer*palling secretary, had been enlarged. and so great en- rn. MollaroT 'Exeter, former peed-', their devotion. so deep their gratia 1. dent of Elurnn Presbyterial. The ser- to God. that not even ..•core deprive rice r'Iosnl with the hymn "To all the doth. and henrc trials land been saints who from their Talars rest." to 'week their faith. 'itis a pre int servt.f. was an agar 'Pisa adolrh7.Mrlt r.nf lrlrrinh 'l. h• praprinte prepsarstlon for tete 'sacra. DIustratetl a. inept serviceswhlc•h foliow•erl and which had union In- (`bins, of Noir d.•v.•1 was presided over by Bev. C. F. Clarke, opomenf in C'hrlstlan nhaya, Pr. Omit pastor of the church. with Bev. (3. W. epp(.ndtd reapanee to the appal of tis, Brett, of W1Ctorta street church, as- f:ospei. alai their p•rseertes• in ih, slsttag.film of tremendous difficulties. At the tea hour Rev. f • 1 . CI Ho, eir, anthem by the choir '0 Nerll. Keep Warm and Save Coal Do Your Caulking Now ! WE WILL BE iN TOWN FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER the in be Shot in with a gun around the casements where the wood casement fits to brick of the building, it not only keeps you warwinds witIter butit winds. It t keeps you cool c the summer. It keeps out dust and water, hot an done more cheaply now than six months from now. We have started in Goderich with the following homes: • W. E. Stothers P. J. MacEwan 1. Hussey Mrs. MacEwen, sr. Chas. Ellis Mrs. Amos Fisher J. H. Lauder John Galt H. J. A. MacEwan J. Spain J. J. McEwen Geo. MacEwan Miss Roberts H. T. Edwards Dr. A. C. Hunter H. L. Salkeld Dr. J. A. Graham S. J. Werk E. Beacom W. Hern Wm. Coats John McClure W. E. i ebbutt C A. Reid W. J. Powell' - GET OUR PRICES. YOU ARF. UNDER NO OBLIGATION - W ASTROF, President Besto Caulking and Construction Co., Limited. Britisl) Exchange Hotel Telephone 591. street church war given daring the Z evening. oI11Ie the offering was take:. ■ by members of the Mtssion Cln'le. . [The remainder of this report will be published next 6•e•k.1 ■ LUCKNOW• LT'(1KN(1W, ,May 12. - Ntr. T Bet's. • ■ of Cargill, stent Sunday with Lock- is now friends. ■ Mr. J. f'avhnr. of T.mtdon. All. n . week -end rlwlter In town, ■ Mr*. M:1d4t1lnngh, of Kinenrdlm' 14 esp•ndinir n few days with her dangh ler. Sirs Ttnwer,1 .\gnew of town: Mr. .1 11:1,111b.11. of Belleville. 1- • ,ho• new tnnnn8Pr re1 the 5Wniker s1sre ""fir R.sitt. Thtthle. who 11114 .been man"" ager tb.• pest year. has gone 1, Tor onto. AnnlVPrsary-settles. eore•c.ondm•twl • 1w f&w• Presbyterian church on amiclnr t: z'Ih'""ilrnr+hYgbs filled for Moth .,.r rima. The weaker for -tire day Ws, ■ Dr. Drummond of Hamilton. whose sermons. Moth morning and .rveninc were most Interesting. Ste -dal mil•' w•as given by the choir. .11 the morn EN service sole were rendered 4,, ■ Mfi • Dean (3.41des and by Mr 1t.'h•- tr. nil at the semina semi., ale-- ■ Myra'•.Manl)oushi sing n +nolo. and 'Miss 1). (:wlhlca.nnd Mr. T Watson a' 1� dnmt. In the afternoon DV Drummond i gg Rrisv' a rem,. Intern' ting address to flip St ilt y a'hnol. Mir and Mfrs i'ane rind fnmlly. of 1Jatowel. spent Rnnday- 1st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie. Mr ins. 'Mehl.. 'wag inken to Tor- ouln hospital for treatment. MINGAN 110111 ■ • • DroNf3AY'\'t1N. May 1 --Mr.' toil Mrs. Wm. Reties amt fnmlly..►t Leant• Ingiratt. .Coot the er,•.k' red with • friends here They made the trip ht 111motor. Sir and Mrs. Geo. Sundt rind fatally a • ■ • • ■ - ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS ! U,,vod 0.1 Ow higlar+tpessnhG• yu;hiuy when yo o boy groceries 11 ,e• v•'o confidence in the man aith %hoot .7.41 11.1 hltaiuee•" 14 la' interested in you and your needs" Can yon oar' your 'phone wit!, the aaaurnce that you will gel jiist what yo:h want wilt. no fear of substitution of inferior •Inality" Are lou gettin5 the 111181 Ton can for every cent y..11 spend' • ilne" 7.1?ntoney 4114 in your neighbortus'1 to belie 118;most], and J.r...l.erky'.' alt the at.••net "V.-''' 'r deaMg :It the hon.e•owne.h Superior chain st.ore•8, %herr ,•Inality. .emits', honest neans11n• and 1"wee pre : a' • .i' "0.5:10. Them' 1s „i,P nenr eon to u•rso t ,u WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS r 1.1 HI GOLD DUST large 29c Fry's Mute 3reakfast 's, per tin COCOA 19c La La r�ason'aaS.00wilaice Ammonia 2 pkgs. 15c 1.awrason•i Flusho for toilet 23c Ingersoll Cream Cheese, plain or Pimento, small . 2 pkgs. 25c vo_ STANDARD 2 tins PEAS 27c No. 3 Sieve, Size No. 2 French's Prepared Mustard made by Keen's 14c Lealand Sweet Pickles 12 oz. 27c GOLD DUST Scouring Powder 2 for 21c Border Milted Mil, per tin 53c Chateau Cheese 1/2 's, "It Spreads or Slices" per pkg. 19c AIRY SOAP 4 for 25c MILLIONAIRES SAUCE 2 bottles 25c Small, "Delicious and Appetizing" Royal York Tea, sealed pkgs.. ! Ib. 28c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee I's 63c Gold Soap 5 bars 27c Lealand Olives .. 19 oz. bottles 25c Millionaire Sardines .. per tin 17c RINSO Small, "Soaks Dirt Out" 3 pkgs. 25c Posts Bran, Rice Krispies, Pep, Muf- fets, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Bran Flakes 2 pkgs 25c Welch's Grape Juice . Pints 35c Sheller) Bordeau Walnuts, halves.. Ib. 15c Nugget or 2 -in• I Shoe Polish .. each 12c Nonsuch Stove Polish per bottle 18c Finest Pink SALMON No. 1 tall size 19c s, 2 for 25c Sun -maid Seeded or Silent �--Matches .... . Canal'& Dry Ginger Seedless Raisins _ 2 pkgs 29c ., .: per box 10c Ale Pints 20c PHONE YOUR ORDER TO J. J. McEwen, Goderich. J. Calvin Cutt, Goderich PHONE 46 PHONE 116 11111 ---WE DELIVER - - ■ all'■ i■■■■■rR*UIUU■■ ■SIsIR■•■ ••1111■■1■ l