HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-15, Page 31 c Save a L_Little Money Ir.'fairing advantage of the Signal's ttWing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine published in the continent. X' I.na HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subscri- ber. Renew your sutarription now aloof Make sure of one of theta beautiful Galen- dar-. TSB SIGNAI. PRINTING OD L1lII'FEII, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 Brophey Bros. THE IhE.%ULNG FC\F:K.%I. DIRECTORS ASI) EMBALMERS Ambulant• service at all hours, day or (night. PHONES: Store Ial Iter :!I', tail/ERICH J. R. Wheeler Funeral 1tire.ter and Embalmer All ...all. prom,..) etleu•1i4 to der for night PlfuNE Ntor.. Ilamlltnn street,, G.olerien 1 Geo. Williams Ura,er ,n 1$IMt.\ION, PRO% IN(`LAL. MUNICH' IA. .S1) ('OKPO• RATION BONUS Fire. Aeeidrnt• Automobile. and General In14uratnre Agrul UftCr, ties: to !tank 4.1 Canaan•.. Phone 83 t;r.derich The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency House. and 1.ot. ,n Godench and Fades for Sale Large number luted to choose from A Different Woman •• 1 Arne treat piesse s 01 iwf•r,w.ny poo tial anurarn Saito ham world wonder. fur me 1 Kaes brew n yew .wDeM .d lone and k.dnry tresMr, and .,Jtntryame floe bottle I aria different Aad t.. yon sup my work. bat Moak' to Knoche,. .mea 1 um bark at work attain. s.1% 1 n aeon half ak s eay marw•hg, and / .sur 'bear cry awl of the tilde Neap/state moo • AteA a eltilal ypcnerally eta. Br .. A4ppve and bon 4har• enrd.0-4 a snap -aid of .0 and aril / an 4:4 wore, M,il d years. / ,Aall Wiley! iia 1, ree.nm„rad amu e*,,., and 1 ...KW nal be wY lad Nees wysrlf in a Iwnv." -(Mrs Origami Meer u• k1, b laayw9w s. Fnrehrn aalt. M ubtalwhM at drua and drtastnrut nor..„ In 1'auada at. 75c. a botti.. A 1..ttlo 'uuta m• ruuugh to hart our 4 01 5 ta.nths-good twa1t had•a-cat • dal. MAJORITY FAVORS A SE1TL,4MENT OF SIDEWALK DISPUTE Council Votes Five to Four on Motion Proposed uy Conn. Bailie Of Interest to- the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario 1)rpartti -nt ('f .kgrieullur. l'r.p Diversity Helpful " Of General .Application Dr. 41. 1. l'hrt:.tie, pre'rident of the .\ .w u"uuw ion i e41rru 41ut:n'i•, 111tarlo U;ricultoral 4.dirge, to a re-1'eyut1) %rote to the Ontario Agri j •ut addrer011•111. will that the- r,•III .• apnea! t'oltege stsklug whether the. -.r _Lowy talk about the price of W4. •t Pros -Metal Corn Borer .te' 111111 1111)' nor I \I1 ilia member- were present at 11,• I ro wheal was of minor concern "u Vika Hi.a, 111 eft 11,4, ton Ii find 1111ager. 1 ' meeting of the OWN COMA' 011 Fri- 'loturi.•. where :1 diversity of pro- sI'rof,-o'r 4'i.•ur. who la in charge or .1nds i+ grown amt alter.. It i• p.. the •enforcement •.f the meta. replied j day night, Ile; Indo .i+lr to make :1 choice :among half a , ttul41ul l.aIIj „a4' follow.: •'4:41/ t. 01 The lax collector reported$1O2) cob ,baste lanes to epechtlize. The time .mall plots. of vont in :Made... town - levied since fait report; a1ro".hat taxi hint not yet cons'• wham the acreage of and title,: mea: i.weu.lr•r that the. Makes for ItSfl. with arrears included. :,71y crop 1.111 he r,guht.il and an a•• alt appllew to -hem 1104 a. ouch a. u' uratse d • given of higtdy naiaratiie the farmer.. and that ...met lute- 'their were Icing prepared. prices. The 'dement of .hums. 1110-1: earn I. more hers\ fly infested than the The sextan of Maitland cemetery i he reckoned with in farming tr. 011 the 11..rn 1111 forme. All bets atniks on thew ...{Aetna three Interments 1n .tprtl. ` .loses exchange. Were i' {....11.1e to, plot 4:111 all soars• weeds alongside stn al.p11cntlom from W. E. Tele fit the prose of wheat 11t .4,.t of pm- theta leltat Iw• gathered anal burned a• butt fur permission to build u tsunami dur•hn, 1.111- I we.,ty per .esti.. there ..N.I, as they are softy ittid 111; gruulul would hr. a rnl+ll 11/ grain gruwini. then si.ade.1 o.r phoned. - driveway from hie annum ficrr.ss the with a resultant <urplu• Ina few year, -- - Keeping .Accounts W.'1, tVo -Powell Stocks, Bonds, insurance and Real Estate ar, Life and Fire Insurance \,•I•on Street, Goderieh ".1 r 0. Box 43S Real Estate Bargain Week .\ sfeclai r ..• • t• r r. • '.arga,7,• fur a few days inlionw•s sad 1,4s iu th. town of Gedebgh Many- an.very cosy terns• for payment. -Prices ami beer is th,n iytsn..t iw rel*at- r.l when 111,14*' 4(r• s••kl. Many ,•1 tt.'o' Hour: haw bathroom, light., gamins., titre lAq and (r:it tri..... • )/(11414. tinyL'ett-Il''. well located. prices. SI2U. flay (l, !!'. lhi k ,r."�e; r•.. .brw•k folks'. A number 1 and 'Y -4.ry' frame boo's. emus ..serol tine. Prieto 'IRO. fhfu. ;ilQ4. ' IL\4'. . • .1s•mn,' 1•=,111, 41, 11:harll. A namlier of tine brick Hen*.. fern. 812110 up. Itt. t 449 Pee or write .1. W.iRMSTRONG Real Estate --- _ -- 1:4Mtrciel. -BRED • TO • LAY - Barred Rocks BABY CHICKS 18. each: $17 per hundred. Estonia prepaid. 100 live arrival guaranteed Special low prices to those who can rail for them. EGGS FOR HATCHING 75c per 15: 14 00 per hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING- We can take in • limited number of eggs at 4c per egg. KHAKI•CAMPBELL DUCKS lay more end larger eggs than hens One of these ducks recent- ly trade a record of 357 eggs in 365 days at the Harper -Adams lay,ng test in England Eggs 11 50' per 12, 15.00 per 50. C. A. BAXTER R R No. 5 - Goderich Phone Carlow 1704 ASPHALT SHINGLES ROLLED ROOFING B. C. WOOD SHINGLES Hardwood Flooring -GET MY PRICES - R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderir h Be Consistent KEEI' YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING AS i'P T() DATE AS THE REST OF YOUR HOME. Estimates cheerfully submitted John Pinder Phone 127. Box No. 131 INwtrtard to the eurh in front of Ills that the. world (radii not Ilse. dwelling .n Montreal -1ret was n Utbough many farmer- -..'m t. ferrel to the public workse.wlmit- --err. MarStresses Home hets • have a ....rt ut horror of accounts, 114.! A petition from residents t,.f 1'nl. It. hi• fleet pumlie •a:urun•ul. Mr err he•Ilue{ to say : "1 d.u'to'r t",It 'bombe .Inst from l"hnn•h wtre•t to Ili- 1:. 1,irbarru. newly :1plo.iu41 nanyIhhlg misont Issllkthe410. .r 111. Nelson mese) asking Hint this .newt Ih• .11! ta Ulni.ter of .lgrieuuse. gibe ':Il.... tow. t... ' :11 etp1'1,04on to elle follow lei ..few.: •• farmer, Irate s.!'4 a). ke{i w • 0111 Owe ret, ttib is w and ora ons re- -MY thought is that surstood,' aro••• ..t record ..f their farm operations uu•! ferrel to public works e+mmith11 N•- i'epiNuna were re•.•icwl for dvttu•nt' a4durlu pnidm•ts: \\'e shunl.l Uc to1 rulis'Rtnwlv tom l•r..uuutnofil l ut,'ce is e••sarf a- sldewalks .0 1 hi.PIM •shop of Warren! seems in the minds. of all lwon•'•"its•' .tart. from Britannia to Tlluulas. not! the • ealte t,.,*liquidisse ollitilrio che u1r lir fatiirming Ire~.I•oml1''. 111tH''' .4' It ••••ula•1 �. the 141/Mit side of itrttanttia twat. (tomo I i. f Il4lIlY , f -_F;, o est ik>; la t %Vllllunr to R'iddr', awl were lend on dealer. %V.• lived the eoseop ra'3ii4 -e " 114'- C. •lent "ur• a .Ir larger {t the table. .ily' people. the Manufacturers' Ass.- .\ relue-t from C. Antonio for al•sic tion..Inlna!\1'erl'ue...lu,stream a Wel fs.re ittt111'.I of farmer. -1tar.' ,.IN'Igt4•t 'A s•u.r er I,. t'' fruit end erunitslea 'Ass rnferr•.I t.. the slwv•lal 4lgmmltje+'.f these Wellies the [met that in order to, Every [arm.•.. •1tuu1.1 take III, "NMI' Building Permits ' - • I.hrfug Himont a reorganization of nestle, Nulty at .401• 10 vein t4 •',.1:y of .tppllealimet for hu11dtug permitv,•...aA, at. Ilnte ro 4.14'•'nrn4" !.hello 111 -Impfe :lad ,9.s'r1'. 1m•.4, •:1111.1 tl.. r..1low*. Wen, prP•wntwl 11011 rrtertedl'hi4k of Ontario ion 41ur•t.. My MAW ..•1howl. Farm Aecomi1 Ito••b." sl•H••iul the fire o.-contmltl,,: .144111 W. Beer -I thought 1• going to he to. .tees. -the ly pr..isl rel , for use by the tit aril e'•1 -.,y• addition to ,atom. lirftaneia road; 1a1n•h'.e of 4nit ark, forme product-. 1 farmer and :ltfiilab le at lq 'Xi .14444 , 4 ' • H. Mince. garage, Glon,esttr' Ter- unto to .ttlbllira• the home murtn•1" fent ...0ly writing non•: W. 14. guile.. st0m front and re-! tile t►nteri., prnllu9•r. We halt,• the l.urlmeu! `f ,Agri... Inc ae. .I hi pen, ,ire. East street : F. H. al1ent•r, root-' very I.l"4 quality .f fruit. orad Vein- pr..41.1e 1 -pa. 6. 4111 .,f ipe114laming Ing dwellin4. Rt. I:enrges Crescent: 'able• that c'ab Is• 1•1,8111e.1 :no. tirany1114 neergo i 61 tuient rldr ( .'. F.. iMartek Co., Ltd . 1411 Island. - bon ." 1'' the. fataMr 4t 1a111b110, hint to key• I<inRslun dwelling. 14. .4 Fflsiugr•r. - «s ar1'nrat.• 'necmtnt Of oda rt. -. r • it t ..fine dwelling. \Vee -t street: Vk . A• , (livered Crop RWarf r,lt' are, . t'uuhhoM. (14'441 44w•..Iliug. .Vest Many field+ of (1111 wheat aro• 1.•11 _ __��_/i_ ___ street: Mr", Maty Tiffin. Smith.. Brock 1 ;.eel lop in bulletin nt. ae•v.rdlu; to •- PEOPLE Rfbs! NERVES .441.9•! : Mr.. Ilnnuah Smith. 14101. rw•.ut crop hs'll.•tin it -nal by the de- PEOPLE fr.M. 14I+1 "4r..•I : Joseph \I. sin"- ; artistes'!. 'nffh•ieut hay 'o sari'% all 1 St Dn+l' *trlte't t craws Is indicate.' In True. ----- addition t. maw•. - -lock 0 1 Tho;. Harris. rnofn1 ,tore. the; In Ilu.da• American buyer- hate Is.'s What to Do if You Find Yourself Square; A. 1(. wlazel. ..,..!lilt dtrelf• Mg. 1 William street : - The•1 0' TIo• lhiu^ that • ...1. -• ut-tire and :a mill'':• of grail.. •ow'. 4 / b+rk roof- in This Condition A. 1 sol f from 8'.. to 81(10 1 II:IFI'1'P1111:i, HOME CANN I rt,.; is the title or 'a new 72 -pate book!?t �:: the BANK OF Ai�r1ONTRr_r_::+ has issued and is :ke - distributing free to all who ask fora copy. This boolt•`et describes the latest methods of canning fruits,meats and vegetables. Acopy may be obtained on application to any Branch of the BANK OF MON TVA GODERICH BRANCH R. C. WHATELEY, MANAGER 1 4 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and lasaraace Ing loud other fml•fotrme•4t• to dwell' The 1'l Lill a Ile h: t;Irl.�.m "' a ins J firm* street 1 I Rh hi"sur n••n.n: oNldMtt Is bc ..1111.1•,.\1 lith rea•a.1 hr over -Work w sect • E. C. R1• t w•r, for.f - l+r4rn t a price of :_e'- while .^111 r.tel i. in4 dwelling, IYt ml.rla road: i1. N. st4a•her cattle erre •••••1•1 11t the same ••'u. .1 1 larpr•. roofing .1td,llillg. Ncwgz10 „slit..\ Inrt,' nerel4,' of rrnal'w•y leu•' worries.'1'h•• •nffr14•r. fin.! street - J. Wiggin-. M'11ra,4'. Wellington , 1w9.,1 •,at hi 1Ig111. ('old 0'0ather 111ml-e1re• 11ri.l. lt,w•--nlrit..l awl ' wrest. Wm Ater"'". ..,'flit, dw-itliig. has etfe.•t.s1 little injury iu 1'--•-t -1'• 1 -l•• ,o keep tlm•Ir mind 1114 any• I \I \ Ir 4.rag• t - ‘,00,„. I •, . 14.1,,1- - . • ' ,V y ,nl•hl.., a„1.•. .4:11- Ir. Incl 1�4''•y• ane:: 1: 4' Hay-•. addition .0 . ieh aN• r1r.4•n ;rw r • 11 It n sennet • 1 C. f •4 t sot 1 ni�•td•'t\ s In I1•11•14• 1 1',. neo,, .\' ,' ,,'_ l TOf,.tip• steel : Nit-, . a II , .nut\ t„•1' ',. n, „II I...., _ „ , ,. i li I 1 f \ gee\ • apartment. Hn11 0 • . gry1 n_ :Ownnlott11. poultry honor. Maitland ha franked In the. plowl11q up .r •.•\ ;1011 litt.I. 4 r. tat.I.• 111 11 road: C. IT. E1114. rv,nt6lg 4nrnRP. ''rah (jsoils 'Vnor elocer :mil fall whew' .nalde to .upls.11 them. So.'s a •••' (.°11*".""('o11w11r .t reel : 11. 1.•4/11(4. "41(11" flr.N Ito Middlesex are sold to Is, di lull.. i- iit-1eed4411.itia le. a'hh •sola dwelling. 'William street. hr:,'• idlytvnrthte«. \ nape -t from 4:eo. J.11n$On for -•- _- rite.. i. :I terrible tei•take. The ••nl\ r.ernllssl.n to repine.' is Single ptimpi !Profits In Dairying 14•al fiery,. ton1e 1. a serppl) of goo,. in front of hos garage with it twin v dairy I11:111 ion 4htf.r,l ....liner. Al- r..1 I.1....4I. 'I'h1•r.('re the treatment for pnnp', with n new rook. bene Irit is lhr heti $I(.1.'. who 1.0010 :1 herd •'( from ner,•.4,sne-s and rim -down health I. hand„ of the piddle jIgorks committee. feventeen 10 elghte•4 11..1-11111 .'•ot - 1'r. \V{Iltout. fink 11111-. wide.. Refuge to Pdy More ' on 111' ri0'1 niy-441(1• farm Acid a .'girt prumirtl) huild up and .A communication the . ommunication was received from aeeet*t of Ilse revenue 1414:11114•41 from 14..,.I. Th'• 144'1'.,94 ctrlm the West \\'naau.*11 Jllntnnl Fire in- ,Il-..Itre'. amklnR nor f the m1l'r, .drel,gth'•a.'1 4sr'•. ilupn't.111 spirits .healon• Co.. t.. 44 -hon. a 1.111 w -a. sent I,rwlur,.l. 1,Hs jest e 1 woo, stool nen strength .tlrlrh entre after for the •Iritic•' ..f Uio fire hr'Cade 111 iitcreutju4 fignr•s cove i the ler! a •1.1410' of those pill.. *sin 11,111441 11 fire .0611... 4 , i.a1. est 1Vawanosh ''na�� torr fear= wld,•h strengthen the argn .eery sufferer. houtminrj4some nmsntM toga• to the et- int so. often advanced that t11. 11toiry' ion rats 41.1 1114--e 011- from ant fret tont the d1r.10re of the Coon - farm offers :' .rte ince-ttue4' proud- 111'» ieh,•• .e11'r or 1•)' mail :.t 's' pony' thought they' had (lime bowl.. ,44 the ...mu kept are of the Lre91 and sent- a Is.% from The 1'r Willi:17ms Int b_v giving $44 to the members of 1,1.14 nu... llk,'IN 40 lin,0 0.0 n^alt+ 44..lieln4• 4 '.., 11,...4 ,011... Rh•. 4477 the btiRAdr. at 4144' pr111. ler lir.0. 17 encs in ell" --- --- - - --- rhis WW1 rdprrel t. the saic{t.'r h,.r'I prrolnc.-4 _1!4.4!44 I 44 ' ni1k. , '•The feet t11at n form 111 4n'.rne on irvern4e of 1'S.!I4t►.Ir.o4.'-. The t.1':11 richt i- Intender"!non to Is• a ilet•raey 1• with hl+trnetl0ns to rank. cdle•tlon. \ letter from 51..14. Hoek. elated .►p reeil•te tonlnnm,141 to 844I.:$.'i. .:n' not t•,I•.u4h tr• !make It .•m.•."-Itlel'arl ril 19t11. ennl4alnin1 of Interference. nn 1'r_o t • ':nn _ '.'rnRP In,, per row of 831..7.•"-l. Wa-ldalrn Oltildn. • with Iter work 11s rar•taki•r ,If the• - I a• nils•...f animal Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada 1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929 - N••w' Ac -amiss' paid for in U/29 S C154,451.000 Totnl A!.nirances in fore*', Der. 31, 1(129-...__ 2,401,2:17,04x) ,tsspts at DIr1•mber 3141, 1929 .._ rdi$.197,(Mlt1 A safe and profitable rornpnny in which to insure ('t405lkt Office 115 Ileeitietlre +6411 H. R. LONG, District Agent FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 1930-- Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding cor- rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There are many outstanding features in the coming season's style situation. These features are to be found in the new models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines are to be found here at most reasonable prices. GEO. MacVICAR INF -PRACTICAL SHor MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH tns�tt ohu4p. of whir+ she wens .n{g1net.l Printing of Every • Insure Your Automobile with F. WOOLLCOMBE1 OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET P•040NE 206 Description at The Signal Iu tsver,IRed 1'.170 Omni: per row nr.I h hlranlratee•- tan rate for 11,1• 'te•ar' j memti.nl IE the (.10,4 of 1.,11,,,, in ,,,,t. to have charge until May ic+t. 0 "' the proeecds ,un.oent,•,1 to. 84,84,147a 1. 44' 44 :w: 111111% .111 the ..I14r, Thi..1e .au erogiu4 82174.15 per cow. In 141'• 1• ineren-o• .f our mein .ter lea ,iear. ne•tlnn with 111e matter. was read. ,.' ;,cer;14e1 11.:.11 jn•nnd• ..f milk ('.1,1ef I'.stelet114nit,' said he had 11111.1 nn l'"'"1111' .f *230 441 111 1 'r`t 11.''isan.itatlen iitllcit.11le 1 neve Interfere! In any shape 0r form. • original ninths.. .f enw'a. l: heal. The ;it 411s'n1 11.1etrtment .r E.I11.1 ' Cfti•r alone dl.,as.fotl a noel. waslne1•rag.'! 1.1!' 1 is 1s, 114.1 trove a tion •tnmhl,ti.1I 'w 111 began with .•arr1(41" -Hint the phMlr works commit- I r.:::::."" ..f �ti: sow r •,esu nniddlr hand Igtim•ry 111 tmcl..nt Id- ..z1 in'.cstigato 11s t. yl r.. DILA'. e.tn- ewer complahr'. would i,. 11011'1 'wry' onrl mn•de •'n v41,,,,,,,;11,,,,.• tn.rr1ln_. Otani. h'e. t.. the nrrl•r.flntJdsl,-. ..f .i1Mew {4{, ne•or11hlg thmetablr Tier International Highway fmt'rn(rl1 if the 1•r%41101mi of ;ten •'..limo My the Iw-partnlelet 111111 \ letter from .1. A. Summers. of heed. in 4►4tnrio c"ill Is• rlI'el from .dlstribotel to tem. principal. .f ill.' .I•'1111Nall Pity. Tema. to the Alnyor the average .f L•-• thin IAMe4 pounds .I -hoods e.ueerne11. Fatlm11011l,n• rel. s to dere-..lea's in 1 -- the standard •1.4 by catrtum'r• to Hale uelio'l will ''14.11 ,•41 ga re inn. f 1 t•ann4'rt 1, nine ,. n t. Iny,. ter" e••1 n with 74,4' Bitct1lnt$"u111 Mr. 811+14'. .0 Y:' and will-ennrlun•• OF .I n!; • from Ontario to F1,ridn. lel - - - Yin mototon,t the L'nitel States this road will Ire ). Items. More 14tpnlnr completed this year to .\-heyille. Norah w'y Mean- are !'an1re More lull more Carolina. from which _}point fele..*l into lone :w n....minl hay •role. Fo•' route. torr ayeifnhle in three dlrectbm+ int 1111'1"'""; 440 141y been• should +P sop n to the Ninth Atlantic .vow. Florida. 4131. 111 Miry ,at the rate of .4' •.til and the (:loot. S1 r. 4virn-t s, pr11,11-cd' ,•I1 -molt to two bushel- i'•r nem. 81111 A A \- Pw. 11 : 111'•11 ,.1 w -I N•11 the {Nola aro Oho:. A ,9tnfe•reim.• h f t •est 4' the o cop 11 (Continued on 91 . hnlf-grown. 9'11• swirl rimy he .met. ____________ -- - w'ith ,0 grain drill In the sum' ally a. field 4.•11". .\nv will w•Il1•h gr, It-• corn nett will 1,r,nlure a good .-rel. .f soy Wens. 'rho. pr,n11u.4 11 Inrgc 'yi.h{ of yelnt.ble hay witleh .is very rleh itt protein. 'rise o111,c' ohlr'!on t. 'NrP 'Mr of w,y *1111. lot t1,' pr••'•tll tione 1. the ..IRK price of the we91. 11nter ...hoot pa ten from '1'lutrmlay tewilay. .Intl•• lin dent.. write F'nglisl fora paver. on 111.• day. Imo. 44:.:171. tiny. l.'ro n111 he welt- , .111i1.• 111, 1.. \Ve 1 I'i'i»''' :e',.o'I .411 t •,•ut; •'-14 ion, tome a.fl.rn.l. r, ,14' .n.'!nJ,• .n t1,•.I1e-- page ZAM•BUK• Ends 4a1n, Swelling & Bleeding 01 HEMORRHOIDS (Plops► .Anewenr SO. m' ,••a/foss lar f Super Values in New Furniture We offer you the best values in Ontario: See us first. . We pos- itively save you m iney. BL ACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange -0. ne 4.44.1( 11 Coterie"( " Soil Survey lit 14121 still survey 44.rn ons be. VIII 111 Maori.. and 11.14,1...m ,':u' ies, son ..ter *41016.P•110.11 ,•p •111• pre I minnry *rill survey .4 140111100.11• h 'Wart... tswiteusrnt sill experimental 41,1.1. has.. Issas 1,s•ute11,In \V1•lla101. Norfolk and Wellington 011111e 10.. T' .4(l0.t '1011 fertlllly 144.t• h:nv. 4,••, I, ander experiment for f.nrtl•on year w Idle the most reenl pori in Nor folk ha• hem. no.N.r egpi'rim•'tt for mime nes. The Apple ;tad "Iht Re Ira a -season alien 1444 ye ublm.l .alt nl,.1 prl.9 • lore Ina tit n*Bt 1.' though: Ilial w11e+ 44'4111111 Itr'rr•.se.n1?' !Tint tide fruit a.edd tike 114 rllrh' fill idiom .n the n,nrket. The .04,7,4' re rival. .f th" ami grriIw'frnit, why' atmle..are thio t yen rt� •. est. }a4rnt1rely hitch 1 4:t the it., tw,rtallon" are hand' the. Ar, prnnthu•ntly dhryrleved n shop wh hew. Imes 'h. Isrr i1stt tNr. inn t•• orange* or is there N fnihfte on the part of the sylph, 1mw'li'ker ter push hi - sales? C O N�A T F I� HE perils of lo4 Tu�nsti- naatt �ion are well known. Theyincudo such dangerous�gg�� ailments as ulcers, ttimors'nnd ATM possibly cancer. sYet ..many people ignore these perils when constipationecan be eas- ily relieved with this wonder- ful medicine,'r��ltiade entirely of roots and herbs, which acts quickly, pai le'""ssf and natur- ally. Be wi. '4- t a bottle to- day RIB -ROLL TH ORIGIE NAL NEW STYLE ROOFING RIB ROLoL. Galvanized Roofing has been so successful thnt tens of thousands• of farmers now havr•it on the roofs pt-Ihc.r building•; There hits not been • single complaint. RIB -ROLL safeguards crops, protects stock and enhance. property values. It 't ftrr••proof, watertight and truly handsome Permanent, economical, ea'V to lay on any roof, keeps out damp. nems which induces spontaneous comhus- n.n. Ile, sure to pet the One and original R111 P01 I. --the roof with the aver ribs and a nail every five inches Free sample on request. PR'R7 ON VENTiLA- '1ORS PRF.VENT SPONTANEOUS COMM iSTION Spnnt.neoua , v101,0100n i• s n ra lot n..,,,-. 1n .n;., s,..lt and prop.rtr -- unless 4noon oven n .gl"rp.,t w.h r. 1'.tem enrd.tw. Pnwon ..r Warne. Int rnnf adnnr .hie *de mail windrow. and !.ne door, dna OW the N,•.•t, rm en and .4,u..' oireradianeNall em 10 .,a,aand weather ern. .!,nen PRE:•FON BARN DOOR HARDWARE Nq..rL.r d•.nr hilar. ran .g..; Po'-".'. hot g.lvan.e.1 Irur wheel Hager, •r, ! I,.d prod torn 1)..r Tr.. knee• heavy harm door• Hang era ad;iurahl. up end down, and in and out. DR. FRENCH'S NU-ERB I.el a lnllle I,w1a' from CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE GODERICh, ONT. ted+' • Etern Write for this FREE BOOK Yno can search all( in ala l• tor. aroma ' 0 h I „w tel Fnoh a• the "14,..•00 her..► Abe., Pam••• R'. oMr et to feu bre run nt•v.h.- •ble thie000001-eas Ile woe). 51 CO to von. .rot your copy. • Guelph St., Preston, Ont. COUOISTA14001 P'r.• •won rsr'"•. Ln, h r,. thi, /hang ..,even( athrrl yes bay. PRESTON LED•HED NAILS • Best for Metal Roofies Lend is nerd on the head .f 1.F.D- HED NAILS to seal the nal• dole. tlr„dmaking the roof water• pre. f and w, athrrrlght. PRES- TON 114)-HFU NAILS do away 'with clumsy washers, threading, punching, etc. The kid can't come off. No other nail serves. well .n laying metal roofing. TI . y can be Noodled in cold weather with mitts on. Mlll,ons ate being Used. Writs for free s.t'npl5s of the ideal roofing combination -RIB - ROI L ombination-RIB.R(51_L And PRESTON LED. HEI) NAILS. SON!! : OF OUR PRODUCTS T..'.. r',.nn lone 4,4 -Roll Roo4ne '. • 1.-., 4. Ravolong Door. • • Eah.uat Sr•t.ma 1 ... n wnnluor, .• '. . S,..l Sah . . i... S►vhght.' \'.0al 4.th rank. Meal Gory... ^"`..V,nCallings MoodCallingskL, 1• • ;Pi end ( ondurter Pipe .r 4 •. • . .1 ( ntroysted ken h.. ,,. Rind..,•. 1•414,d..i Tor [tree. y..'' ,r • S,•.1 Dor r• rel Products 'flitted Factories alio at Toronto 'end Nonseeal root',, .Fess nee .t.,,reit 'Noel 1,•,w, 00 w .nor• Sr t,.. •.1. 1 pw.•n m n1Mtw! •lest,'«env'• 0 .. •,.•w