HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-02-11, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50 for 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE J.D. 1240, 4 ROW PLATELESS planter 28” to 40” Bean cups, Gandy insect. New fertilizer Aug­ ers. Good condition. SI ,000 or best offer. Phone519-357-2817. 06-3p KEROSENE 52c A LITRE OR $103 forbarrel, while stock lasts. Bowes Electronic Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth,523-4412. 05-2b ONE OLD SINGER SEWING Machine con verted to electric, $25. 887-6854. 06-1 STORM SALE! APPLES: MACS, Spartans and Spys direct from our cold storage. Contact Boyd Taylor 523-9279. 06-2 1972 POLARIS295,1973 POLARIS 440TX, 1977 Arctic Cat Lynx 20 h.p. twin, 1979 J.D. Trailfire 440, Track for 1972 Panther. Phone 526-7732. -06-1 RAIN BOW TROUT-6 FOR $10, excellent tasting. Gloria and Dave Hedley, 3 Cone. North, 3 sideroads Westof Blyth, 357-2329. 05-6 OLDFIELD PRO HARDWARE, Brussels, Tel. - 887-6851, Head­ quarters for full line of farm hardware, Sico paints, appliances, VCRs, compact discs, and pre­ recorded tapes. Also Scars order office. 03-tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn KEROSENE BY METERED pump at Lynn Hoy Enterprises, Highway 86, east of Wingham, 357-3435. 39-tfn BULK BAKING INGREDIENTS & boxed meat, etc. available at Connie’s Kitchen Cupboard, l1/* miles south of Londesboro, turn west on Cone. 8 off Highway 4. 523-9609. 11-tfn MIRACLE SPAN INTERNA- tionai Equipment Show specials for February only. Example: 25 x 34$2,967.32x34$3,714;40x42 $4,871:46 x 90 $9,887; 70 x 120 $27,887 Othersizesavailable.Call tollfree 1-800-387-4910. 06-lp THREE FRUIT MARMALADE Recipe. Easy, inexpensive, and tasty, sure winner. Send$l and S.A.S.E. to Tina Field, 9 Donald, Box 70, RR #1, Hawkestone, LOL 1T0. 06-lp STAINLESS STEE LITER CARRI- er Buckets: milk strainer pails on order. Orvie Wideman, R.R. #3, Wallenstein, NOB 2S0. (No Phone). 2‘/2 miles east of Linwood, Near K/W Stockyards. Save this ad. 06-lp MAPLESUGARING SUPPLIES for small and large producers. Large evaporator selection. Free catalogue. Visit our store and warehouse. Jakeman’sMaple Pro­ ducts, R.R. #1, Beachville, Ont. N0J 1A0. (519) 539-1355 or (537-8863). 06-lp NORITAKE CHINA SALE. TER- rific discounts on current patterns. First quality only. Delivered well- packed, insured. Specify your Noritake Pattern Name & Number. For price list, shipping details, etc. Send today a stamped self-ad- dressed business envelope to: Alexander’s, The Noritake Ex­ perts, 158 Wanless Ave. Toronto, M4N 1W2 (416) 764-1222. 06-lp FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES. OLD Fashioned apple, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marl­ bank, Ont. KOK 2L0. 06-lp GARDENERS - Send us a copy of your last receipt for greenhouse or hydroponic equipment or supplies, we send you free copy of our gardening magazine. 21stCentury Gardener, P.O. Box 189, Prince­ ton, B.C. VOX 1W0. 06-lp LOVE NEEDLECRAFTS? You’ll love Panda Stitchcraft’s Canadian Neediecraft kits. For Sales Representative information or catalogue write: Peggy Ander­ son, 2281 Woodward Ave., Bur­ lington, Ont. L7R 1T5. 06-lp SWIMMING POOL SALE. 1986 Inventory, Ingrounds, Ongrounds, Abovegrounds, Save hundreds. Limited supply. Book early. Don’t buy until you compare our guaran­ teed lowest prices. (613) 547-6434, (519)658-8221. 06-lp HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! For Free information, write: Popular Music Systems; Studio #44, 3284 Bouch- crie Road, Kelowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2. 06-lp MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- plus: Workshirts $2.75, Work­ pants $3.50, workboots, $15. For catalog, send $2 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St.Timothee.Que. JOS 1X0. 06-lp $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $3,996, 40 x 60 x 14 $6,500, 46 x 80 x 14 $9,250, 70 x 90 x 24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery calltollfree 1-800-387- 2115or(416)858-2446. 06-lp WANTED WANTED: BEEF AND DAIRY calves. Phone 482-7301. 02-6 TURN UNWANTED ITEMS from your attic or basement into cash. Top prices paid for old cupboards, desks, dining room suites, chests of drawers, glass, china, old lamps, etc. Call Auctions Unlimited, 527-1847. 16-tfn WANTED TO BUY: LIVESTOCK, barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, feedlot rejects. Also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. 08-tfn REWARD $150 PAID FOR ADD1- son Two-Colour plastic radios. Sorry, none needed with white plastic. Call collect (416) 641-1420. 06-lp FARMERS WANTED WHO ARE paying too much Tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1986 Tax Returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Ox­ ford St. East, London N5V 2Z9 1-800-265-1002. 06-lp CHILD CARE AVAILABLE IN MY home in the Blyth area, Mondays through Fridays. Call 523-9220. 06-1 WILL DO TYPING IN MY HOME. Students’ essays, business letters, general typing. Phone Pat Brig­ ham 523-4332/523-4400. 02-eow WANTED WILLING TO DO HOUSE CLEAN- ing or baby sitting either my home or yours. Preferably in the Blyth area. Phone 523-4728 or 523-9586. 06-1 WILL DO HOUSECLEANING weekdays, 887-6854. 06-2 WILL DO HOUSECLEANING IN the Brussels area. Phone 887-6437. 06-2 RESPONSIBLE FEMALE NON- smoker requires an apartment in Brussels for mid March. Please call 291 -1813after6p.m. 06-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS All claims against the estate of MARGARET ELLA McINTOSH late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of December, 1986, must be filed with the undersigned on or before Marh 6, 1987; thereafter the Administratrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated February 3, 1987. Lois Thompson, Administratrix, c/o George J. Brophy, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario. NOG 2H0. 06-3 Advertising is a guide to fashion. HELP WANTED FRAGRANCE & HOSIERY CON- sultants Wanted: Market Seasons exclusive Replica Pure Perfumes & Fashion Hosiery. Earn hundreds, saving others thousands. Special: $315 Retail Kit $99. 1-800-387- 7875. 06-lp MA CHERIE HOME FASHION Shows Est. 1975. Join our success­ ful family of independent repre­ sentatives in presenting quality lingerie and leisurewear at In- Home parties for women. Call toll free at 1-800-263-9183. 06-lp TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assis­ tance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. 06-lp Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Pool requires - Head Lifeguard - Assistant Head Lifeguard - Lifeguard Instructors Must be 16 yrs. of age, and have minimum of Bronze Medallion certification. SEND RESUMES TO: Pool Staff, P.O. Box 95, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 CLOSING DATE: FEB. 20,1987 AREER TRAINING FREE: 1987GU1DETO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 06-lp BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Canadian Champion instructors. Classes start March 1987. Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneer­ ing, Box 94, Kitscoty, Alta., T0B 2P0. (403) 846-2211, (403) 842- 5528. 06-lp YOU CAN MAKE MONEY. BE A Bookkeeper. Learn by correspon­ dence. For Free brochure, no obligation, Write: U & R Corres­ pondence Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2B6. 06-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LEASE TO OWN YOUR OWN Business Equipment. Coffee Shop $245 per month, Sub Shop $295; Pizza Business $595; Deli Store $659; Variety Store $695; Grocery Store $795; 40-Seat Restaurant $948. Installation, delivery and taxes extra. 30-day limit. Arctic Refrigeration & Equipment, Esta­ blished 1945. Phone Hamilton (416) 528-8525. Toronto (416) 283-2600. 06-lp A FUN, EXCITING WAY TO make extra money in home or office. For samples and “How-To” booklet send $4.95 plus $2 shipp­ ing. Oceanside Enterprises Ltd., 203-1001 Cloverdale Avenue, Vic­ toria, B.C. V8X 4C9. Call toll free US/CAN. 1-800-663-8008. Visa or Mastercard accepted. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery. Money back guar­ antee! 06-lp TRAVEL THINK SPRING. RESERVE TO- day on Clare Burt Travel’s inclusive tour to the British Isles, June 22nd to July 14th. Features: England, Southern Ireland, Scot- and, Wales and Royal Agricultural Show. Call (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. 06-lp STEEL BUILDINGS HALF PRICE Sale. Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer/Econo­ span 1-800-387-6896 or (416) 678- 1585. 06-lp HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AIRLINE/CRUISESHIP JOBS now hiring. Big Money. Will train (416) 482-1500, Extension 501 Days/Evenings/Weekends. 06-lp CONSTRUCTION, DRIVERS, Mechanics, Welders, Electricians, Machinists, Carpenters, needed immediately. Also Airline Jobs. Will train some positions. (Up to $6,000/month) Transcontinental Job Search (303) 452-2258. Fee. 06-lp PERSONAL DATES GALORE: FOR ALL AGES and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till8p.m. 06-lp MEET SOMEONE NEW. SINCE 1967, we have introduced thou­ sands for friendship or marriage. Write personal Acquaintance Ser­ vice, 249 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, K1R6H6. 06-lp CARD OF THANKS KNIGHT. I would like to say a special thank you to my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, flowers and treats while I was in the hospital and since coming home. Your thoughtful­ ness is greatly appreciated. - Barb Knight. 06-1 McCutcheon, i would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for their kind thoughts, prayers, giftsandget well cards and concerned phone calls while I was in University Hospital and since returning home. Your thoughfulness will always be remembered. - Mel McCutcheon. 06-lp JOHNSTON. I would like to thank my family, neighbours and friends for the phone calls, cards, flowers and treats, while I was ill at my home. Your concern and thought­ fulness were very much appreciat­ ed.-Leila Johnston. 06-1 STRETTON. Special thank you to everyone who sent cards, brought treats and gifts when I had my tonsils out.-Lesley Stretton. 06-1 SHAW. I would like to thank my friends, neighbours and family for flowers, gifts and cards and all the acts of kindness to Charlie and myself during my stay in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Ping and Dr. Gear and all the nurses at Wingham and District Hospital. - Pat Shaw. 06-lp CARTER. We would like to thank all the neighbours, friends and relatives for the farewell party they gave us on leaving the community. -Gordon and Lois Carter. 06-lp McDONALD. I wish to express my appreciation to my family, friends, relatives and neighbours for all the lovely cards, letters, flowers, telephone calls, the special treats brought into my home and all those who visited me in the hospital and since coming home. - Dorothy McDonald. 06-lp Advertising serves bv informing. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION