HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-02-11, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987. Laurie Wharton of Blyth Public School tips the ball over the net in the central Huron volleyball tournament held in Clinton Saturday while Debbie Logue watches. Blyth girls placed third behind Clinton District Christian School and Hullett. The Bear Facts Boys win again Leo Sanders Morris'inspector BY KELLY COOK AND DAVID HESSELS On Saturday, February 7, the Blyth Girls’ and Boys’ volleyball teams travelled to C.H.S.S. in Clinton for an all-day tournament. The boys’ team was victorious and brought the trophy back to the school for the eighth year in a row. The boys won every game they played against the five competing teams: Clinton Christian (second place), Seaforth Public (third place), Hullett Central, Huron Centennial and Clinton Public. The members of the boys’ team are Rick Howson, Philip Hubbard, David Bell, Darryl Elliott, Mike Pawitch, Troy Carter, Martin Steward, Kevin Souch, Chris Bolger. Ken Steward and David Hessels. The girls’ team played very well against the same five school teams. During the long, tiring day, the girls lost 5 games out of 12 which placed them in third place over all. Clinton Christian won the girls trophy and Hullett Central placed second. The members of the girls’ team are Tabatha Montgomery, Kelly Cook, Tammy Bearss, Debbie Logue, Donna Lynn Armstrong, Julie Bromley, Rhonda Stadel- mann, Tammi Medd, Heidi Scrim- geour, Sarah Allen, and Laurie Wharton. Mr. Graham Yeats is the coachofbothteams. Mrs. Betty Battye accompanied the students for the day. This tournament brought the volleyball season to a close. The Blyth teams have had a, very successful season. Certainly, it is a learning experience for all con­ cerned. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION BY LORI BAILEY AND CHRYSTALCUCKSEY Kindergarten Registration for Blyth P.S. will be held on March 2 at the school in the afternoon. Please call the school at 523-9201 to register the name of your child and receive an appointment time. Children who were born in 1982 are eligible for registration. Parents are asked to provide proof of birthdate, confirmation of property tax designation, lot and concession and OHIP number. 19.6% from us or 9.2% from them? Diffie It's too good to ignore! The MONY Equity Fund. ■ 19 6% average annual compound return for the last 10 years1' ■ Compare that with 9 2% for bank savings accounts t ■ $5,000 invested on Nov 30,19/6, would be worth $28,625 today ■ ?5% of your original investment is guaranteed ■ No front end load charges - al< your money is invested immediately for you ■ Backed by MONY f inancial Services, with worldwide assets of over $14 5 Billion (CDN) RRSP Eligible ‘Nov. 30, 1976 to Nov. 30, 1986. Past returns cannot be construed as a guarantee of future perform­ ance. Source: Bank of Canda Review. Note: "MONY,” and "MONY Financial Services” are the trademarks of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. MONY Life Insurance Company of Canada is the permitted user of these trade­ marks and carries on business as MONY Financial Services. INVESTMENTS _________Er INSURANCE AGENCY LTD The Financial Centre 122 The Square Gbdertch 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 Leo Sanders of RR 4, Brussels, has been chosen over 11 other candidates to become Morris Township’s new building inspec­ tor. Township clerk Nancy Michie says Mr. Sander’s employment starts immediately, although the new building by-law he has been hired to enforce has not yet received third and final reading by council. Mr. Sanders will serve a one- year term of probation on casual Snell’s Grocery Limited BLYTH 523-9332 OPEN TUES. TO SAT. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. PRODUCE pn w SAVINGS V FROM THE TROPICS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS________LB. .39 PROD. OF U.S.A RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT______4 for .99 CANADA FANCY IDA RED APPLES__________5 LB. 2.19 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. #1 HEADLETTUCE______OR less .69 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. #1 VINERIPETOMATOES lb. .69 PROD. OF ONT. SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS 8 oz. CELLO 1.29 PROD. OF U.S.A. FRESH TASTY BROCCOLI BUNCH .89 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. #1 W HITE CAULIFLOWER large 1.59 pQ MEAT Au VJ SAVINGS w SCHNEIDER’S ALL-BEEF STEAKETTES 1 LB. cello 1.79 SCHNEIDER’S BREADED & FRIED BUCKETCHICKEN 9oo g. 4.49 SCHNEIDER’S BLUE RIBBON “SLICED” BOLOGNA__________LB, 2.29 SCHNEIDER’S JUMBO “SLICED” SUMMERSAUSAGE ~ lb. 3.99 SCHNEIDER’S MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEh OR “SLICED” LUNCHEON LOAF lb. 2.99 FEARMAN’S NO. 1 GOURMET SIDE BACON________500 G. 2.69 MARY MILES “DELI SLICED” COOKED HAM LB. 2.49 CANADIAN QUEEN S.P. PORK 1/2’s COTTAGE ROLL lb. 1.69 FEARMAN’S COIL STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE lb.1.89 FRESH FROM CS w SCHNEIDERS CAN. GRADE “A” CHICKEN WHOLEFRYINGCHICKEN lb. LEGS PART BACK ATTACHED LB. BREASTSno back attached lb. 1.89 BONELESS BREASTS lb. 4.39 MEATYWINGS lb. 1.19 .99 .89 FROZEN MEATS - REDUCED 50% OFF REG. PRICE WHILE THEY LASt EXAMPLES: SCHNEIDER’S #1 BACON SCHNEIDER’S WIENERS SCHNEIDER’S LUNCH MEATS 175 G. PLUS OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST! 500 G.1.49 450 G. .99 "True Just for you Valentine LEWIS LARGE FRUITY HOTCROSSBUNS 6’s 1.39 GRANNY BUTTERTARTS_____10’s 1.39 SCHNEIDER’S SOFT MARGARINE 1 lb. .69 KRAFT 24 THIN SINGLES CHEESESLICES 500 G. 2.99 KRAFT PLAIN CHEEZWHIZ 500 G. 2.99 CLOVER LEAF TALL TIN PINKSALMON______439 G. 2.29 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEABAGS_________120’s 3.99 KRAFT STRAWBERRY, APRICOT OR RASPBERRY SQUEEZE JAM________500 G. 2.39 CARNATION COFFEE MATE_______soo G. 2.79 OLD MILL SLOW, ONE MINUTE OR QUICKOATS_________1,35 kg. .99 PANTRY SHELF SLICED OR PEACH HALVES 28 oz. 1.19 PALANDA CRUSHED OR TIDBIT PINEAPPLE_________19 oz. .69 PANTRY SHELF PITTED SOUR RED CHERRIES 28 oz. 1.39 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY COCKTAIL 40 oz. 2.29 HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. 1.19 LIBBY’S DEEP BROWNED BEANS WITH PORK 28 oz. 1.69 LIBBY’S IN TOMATO CHEESE SAUCE SPAGHETTI 19 oz. .99 HUNT’S THICK ‘N RICH SPAGHETTISAUCE 28 oz. 1.19 AYLMER TOMATO KETCHUP SUCCESSJPIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 10 oz. .59 1 L.1.59 ALL SIZES DISPOSABLE DIAPERS HUGGIES 10.49 A A » BUY - ONE CASE 24 x 280 ML. MISS MEW CATFOOD 170 G. 3 FOR .89 LOWES ORIGINAL KITTY LITTER 5 KG.1.69 NAME BRAND POP AT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE OF 8.99 GET ONE 200 G. HOSTESS OR FRITO LAY POTATO CHIPS - FREE employment, and will be paid S12 per hour plus 22 cents per kilometre for travel. The new inspector has been connected with the building trade for the past 24 years, and is familiar with the building code. He worked for three years for Lloyd Doors in Wingham, then served a three- year apprenticeship in carpentry with McKay-Cocker Construction Ltd. in London, where he earned two awards for professional crafts­ manship. Later, he worked for five years for Ontario Hydro at the Bruce Nuclear Development, and has been farming full-time for the past ten years. He built his own home, barn and driveshed near Brussels, and has been involved with many other building projects in the area. Harry Brydges of Belgrave has been hired as the dog counter for Morris Township, one of three applicants for the job. He will begin thejob in about two weeks, at $1.35 per dog.