The Signal, 1930-5-8, Page 8,.'vr,� ....b. S-Thunday, May NC 1930. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Wall papers, makes it so easy to paper. No trimming or cutting. - -PRICED- 5c per roll and up. See our display of Mother's Day Cards COLE'S Book Store I am in a po)ation to Peet pt a contracts for all kinds of cement work, such as placing foundations under buil,lings Fresh carload of Cement just in GIVE ME A CALL Hamilton Street Goderich WARNING! NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS RE CORN gORERS ACT All Corn Stubble and Stalks must either be ploughed under or picked up and burned before the 20th day of Ma it Goderich, Ontario, 1 Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas 2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of tile above fuel. FrOmpt ,erviee end reasonable prices. L. FLICK leplione 17o, Announcement We wish to announce to the people of Goderich and district that we are now carrying on a General Planing Mill and Retail Business A complete stock of Building Material such as Cement, Lime, Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shingles carried in stock. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring and a full line of Builders' Supplies. Lowest prices in Ontario. Consult us before - you buy. FRESH CAR OF CEMENT JUST IN The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (J. E.13aechler. 'President) 17111E WEEK AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. May 3 The budget is down. Tbe financial items are inter- esting. They are bottomed tit. as Total ordinary revenue for the Swill year 11,01-30 Yves $440,300. - INN.. whieth the revenue from taxation was $.371.331.000. Spe- cial receipts and credits brought the grand total up to $447,322.000. Total ordinary expenditure for the tisi-al year was E1130.050,000. Added to thie were special expend- itures (suoli as reparation's). mid- tal expenditures; (ouch as intik. Tootles, noticing the total expendi. Surplus of reveuut. over expend- itures $44.707.040 Iteductiot, of debt in past live yeurs out .if surplus revenue 1,qat. en MOO.. 1.4151 extlort thitillir the last fiewl year were $1.144. - omelet) 81111 imports el:No.241o. 041. difference of sioaanomoo. pine' with the yeti before wag . The 1...111111111.1,11 1104 11141 1114{111 .if ' the 'altiltli•th National Railways for the entre 1.9.2s. and liret. ing interest eh:irreg. tine been paid he the 'Iloet.riltnent and amounted 1.0 112.1a2.632. Other. i'lhlitliati• I -The gabs tax 11:1••• betM redu •tel from two to rme-per cent. Slight 11111111 fir:11 isms beim i,epu uma,10, ! the Interne ttr.t Tliere is. a deo-tie-aril reriplon In the 4.,‘ ell the and transfer tif otoek. This is an excellent ehange. Th. lei: - IN 'T116 PARLOR TO RENT L'OR RENT -BOOMS, FURNUIPIIED a OR timPUILNIIIHED. Apply to THE SIGNAL. LOST OR FOUND LIArr.-A NUMBER OF KEYS ON chain, including safety deposit box Sey. on Windily. Finder teem leave -11t SIGNAL OFFICE IrOR KENT. - FIVE -BOOMED APABTMEN'T located on South street. Apply to J. E. BARNWELL, Ke.ays street. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George Steady. late of the Towlighip of -91Orlifielti In the County of Ituron miTIVE iv hereby given that all 1 privet's having any claims or demands against the late George Sandy, who ' 111141 llt1 or about the second day of Seetember, i1. 1029, at the Townotilp of Atilifleld in the County of Huron, are required to Send by istst prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, exec- utor ituder the will 4,f the maid tleorge Sandy, their names and atkireemet and full parthedars in writing tit their claims and statements of their se - termite and the nature of the recur - Bloc if oily. held by them. duly eeri. fled by offidavit. AND take hotel. thit after the twig'- . ty•third day 4.f May. AD 1E0, the tested BEARDED LADY creaser: the niter: 11C11 111,1' the United! States. 'chi- will be more koenly felt by t'uttadiatt I9 111,111110... Further Examination ful examination. item by item. 111.1.4114 Perliament is in the mewl t,. give i* rmissIns to he wren. The average mem- ber is p..rluipe 11 t the iiitouent 1111.1'.• flint. Itlit these ...beanies are oomplee. Let us tercet them for the monieht with the promise that- on some funite o•ill look them over taw hy OW. to Mid if meta* low eeehoiek life ti Slok altered by the fort h. passed away on Saturday toening at exteutor I' . the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mur- the assets of the said deteastel among ray. in the village here. at tile ripe the. pereons entitled thereto. having age of ninety-two years. He leaves regent only to the claims of %hick he oRpf CbeulrLsosn, Jehoerch,onoiresmtenand. •0111.11.11 thee, have Mel moire and that nerd. Matthew. who (111111' from hi§ for the maid asset* er ithy part thereof home in the village. and two daugh- of Paris. He was alwayg a Presby -1 This make is, given pursuaht to the place from Chalmers ehurch on Tues- , Ntattille In that behalf. ten+. Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Will Reid day. Rev. J. Pollock conducting the !tatted At 1.1111‘1101%, 1 1111111111. 1 hi, terian in faith and the funeral took • LAST Or THE SEASON 111 of May to the end of September the uwilli•al men of Goderich will ob- long Wednesday afternoons and eye:i- lea es half-bolidaya, one medical only remaluing on duty in town on these dayo Islation iu regard to taxation of share:, last year ung rather Nutty and unfor.i tunate. and Mr. Thinning dote, aril to make the change this year. It 10111 • meet with marked ap•proval. 4 ln tariff nrisitters centred the reel In- terest of the budget. The changes are, • market and definite. re.igion is clear and sharp I'M fruit. i vegetahlex. hurter. eggs. meats,. erell barley, end malt. there are int -rem -es Mr valorem higher than 111111 been antiei-' pated by even the gterneot and moral The iron sod repel xchedule ale. hae a., eimplex. Only the mold careful exaniination will reveal the real facts. It is often noted that alteratiote. ate terently. Ample. the leaving out of a word. the altered placing of a cOMMa. change the whole meaning of a tariff Item' this tariff tlx.ugh earefully drnwn will he no exception to the rule. The main change in tile Iron and xteel imports from Great itritnin. Ao the lin- lierte of these iiroilnets from Great Britain are *mall and little likely to 1 inerease. the changers In that regard will not materially alter the everage rate In gome eases there are Khans in - 1_ - It's the World's Biggest Value and a SIX! ("0 H 00S E Chevrolet for smooth- rolet is thc -west-priced of six cylinder cars-nsily nit!lin the reach of all who can buy ody automobile. in its held -yet it uses no extra gaso- line, r.o extra oil! It costs no more -for tires or service! And its freedoM from vibration means ionger life. Choor.e Chevrolet for beauty! The Chevrolet Six gives You body by beauty and quality in coachcraft. .Choose Chevrolet for comfort! Because it is a Six, Chevrolet is more comfortable. And it offers extra -long springs - Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear -adjustable driver's seat - deeper cushions -and wider seats. Interiors are complete with the finest fabrics and fithients. Choose Chevrolet for Safet y - assured by • ars/her/woof four-wheel brakes--rear-mounted gasoline tank -non-glare windshield -ball-bearing steering mechanism - foot -controlled tilting•beam headlamps. Choose Chevrolet from every standpoint -I0w price, low operating costs, high ee-sale value,. and greater depend- ability. Call ui up fora Chevrolet ride, today. Prove for yourself that it is wise to choose this Six! Ask about the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own plan of convenient payments. . CHEVRoLET SIX Only • Si v cylinders glue "40 $635 riee sup., Rosinter -95 The Limb Sedan The Sport Coope Prutt at factory, 0,hatga. Taxer, ?rompers sod qwe tire extra. A tompkte,litio of Cooroterriol Cars Awl Troth, frost $495 .p. MacEWAN & TEBBUTT Goderich - Ont. R40 940 C 70 BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN FOR SALE • -_ • The last metal of the Marine Club - situ.: ____Ewirp„Fxxyp siRsiV• weei,.-eud with his collalli, Mr. George Murray. 0011t11a1filf. tib:::::lei,11.1h:‘111:11adrIbeillil atoogny wthaer i_ner. i Apply FREL0 T. CitAltlIE, let ; ooportimity to repress ids gesisftode Vincent street. The ladies on the 4th of Kinloss seasen. The president states Mat a TATE proPerT la aml*.tiMng.sSw. jeilabeathetihde thhiosm:e:if, 1. •tt,h,p, voR SAL -.7. -HALL RUTLEDGE ES -1 at the home of Mrs. Gillespie andi this has town the moos ancreavfal WV- •trvort. Apply to HAYS i nAirs. Bor., Mre. Herb Pettapiece on WecirMaday , loop.ot in „leo.. ..N.ini affairs. during : sou the Marine nub has ever had., rleters. Hamilton strewt.• Goderieti. 4 Pahnenston Mrs. Wm. Purdon. il Robert Hutchison, of London., and intimates that mime innovational - AUCTION SALE rlEARING SALE OF HOUSEHOLD We are instructed by MI114. L. E. WISBEY who ha• leiteed tter Ismer and is leer- ing for England. to sell hy public aue- lion at the premise., West street, tissterieh, In SATIRDAY. MAY 17th cemenetieing at 1 o'clock sharp. all the contents of the house. livitignsen. ishings. Inelutling: little piano WWI stool Thallb9ry 1, I race. 1 chine. clock. :t wall el0e1.0. nigo Wilton anti itrusswlei. consol- s -11M rtig, junlinierea. 3- •4114111: beeline, china, cos•kery, pie- uvaehlite. kitchen furnish 1 lir.. 11141 llti Inc rangto 2 Quebec- beaters, 3 -burlier 'ettiil oil stove wash tubs, wringer. 11311MS: Cash. T. GUINDItY SON. AUetioneeers dasTrNi this vicinity on Sunday view- will be iettoxiuced when it Fox SAI.E.-1 ing thd remains of the house whic opens ts 40ors next Allison. Is in- flume, tuni . rs. an . i was burned on his farm west of the tended to oppu a .,,,DP khrheri for the punters. etc. Apply l'IREIE FER-1 village. unerophoed, whieli will be a greet ' OUPON. Dayfirld. Ont. •id E ier has been seri boon to those who will avail there- ! iously ill during the past week. Mr., eelves, of it. There will he a bill oft. and Mrs. John D. Ross were called fare that will make the old meetings Mrs. Da. arr hiPi-egforgellmattenw::;hie: ti7a, home from Huron twp en Saturday.., etheti:Ic viewelttri • Mrs. Herbert Laid's.. is also very t and 1.11 a simian. to far any- ' anti Mrs. Roland Henderson and at - Lott. of London, m tor p tendt.d the funeral ef Mr. Bender - at till tint.- tiorine ,,-rtiiii. hioir.i 4,1 son's mother on Sunday.. of Maitland Presbytery will be held 1"I'''' "f !he l'IIIL "Bill" has other, in Chalmers church on Tuesday, May The annual meeting of the W.M.S. n", 1° 'therged eho.te iirteis,1•11vertothitr. tir.‘,..- duce Into the Club. fond if he put them • new etuntg that Pr b ter IS. The ministiers of the es y r to Join tine haek to the subject -twin with: progre,•fre euchre and twenty-three! tables were (weepiest The lady+ Ann prize was awarded to Mrs. flowrie and the eoneolation to Mrs. (Meer Moore Mr. Wm. Prink won the gent's1 Bret. and the congolation went to; Colin Murray. Lunch wee oerved by the steward. Mr. James Bonny. who re1111 hot eoffec Thi. Siamese Twine were not allowee to handle the eoffee niches. They broke a ft•w plates and Bonny just glared at them and said I Dewing continued after the lunch and broke up at 3 a.m. Mr. Ales. Olio! music. A second violinist wax hired tn tire the daneers an extra kick. lett after sq.:wing few Dines on his vhalin he got **week. anti elnlmed that the fnmett tem the'lAigewnter he lens drinking ;vent to his bend How also meet here at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Bannerman and Bert and Miss McKinnon, of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Leggatt and other relatives here. Miss McKinnon leaves next week for a live months' visit with relatives in California. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's 'Institute will be held on Friday, May 9, at the home of Mrs. W. R. Farrier. This will be the elec- tion of officers and every lady in the community is invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brigham and son. of Blyth, spent Friday with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs Chas. Wight - man. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft Ern- est and Florence. spent Saturday last with Mrs. Beecroft's parents, Mr and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Seaforh. Mr. Oliver Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Creighton and family, of Detroit. al- so visited there. Owing to the various showers the seeding in this part is very slow. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wea.er and family attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Henderson.' who passed av.ay in ng am osp long illness from sleeping sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour and children and Mrs. Jas. Barbour spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bar- bour, of Goderich- Mr. Harry McClenaghan and chi! dren, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw. Mr. Albert Cameron and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. MrA. Cameron has not been as well as her many friends would have wished. House Burned -Early Saturday Morning the frame hOuse on the farm of Mr. Robert Hutchison was hurnt-d to tht• ground. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchisori and Doris, who hiro. loon living there, saved practically noth- ing of the contents. Jack had put on the morning fire and gone to the barn when a neighbor drove in to tell them the roof was on tire and Mrs. Hutchi- son and Doris got downstatirft just be- fore the .1:111.. fell in. They are Ming at present in Mr. John Craig's bouse near their farm. The neighbors sympathize with them in the loss of all the contents of their home. Death of John E. Scrdt--An old and highly respected citizen of Cul - rose, in the person of John E. Scott, PM PALE. 2- tiletlIN-RceiMEII lowootE tesTTAC1E Mist excel- $25tio. A bargain at thie twice Apply at ones to le WOOLLCOMB.E. ila ton street. 'Phone 29R. We have a larger stock than ever of Redding Plants, Trailers, Annuals. Ad Vegetables from which to make • selection. To be sure of getting the varieties you want, it is advisable to select or send in your orders early, •nil if necessary we will hold the stock for you till planting time The wonderful new Cabboge, Golden Acre, if sot out now wal be ready for uwi early sn July STEWART BROS. ehon• Carlow 238 Tstitty horseposer steam en - kine 114.4.41bee, operator. 3e-inel, hider. eelf-frisier groin elevator and ruiner. praetioally new: wagon. tank and Immo Everything in good enti- tling order. A. M. STRAICilLeN. 11.R. No. 4. Goderieh. Teleteione Colborne AUCTIONEERING Lilt) MICE AND GENSBAt. AUCTIONEER TelePhone No. 119. Saler attended to airyabere •nd every effort ma'de to glee ma tistactbas. Turmeric sale -notes dkwounted. WESLEY W. FISHER. Auctioneer will conduct sales anywhere. My terms are remonable and I will es- desvor to give satisfaction. Phases ' Carlow 1314. Or address It. R. 4. God- ELLIOTT MILLER Auctlooeer Phone 70. Lucknow Sales coadueted anywhere. Wide ex- perience. My very heet effort* put forth in each and esery toile. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER 'rHIROPRACTOR A. D DRUGLESS 101. THERAPIST Goderich. Phone 341 Equipped with electro-maguetie bath& Electronic electric treatments Mee hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 land chiropractic. Chronic orga le excepting Monday and ThoredayP'all.ai I by appointment A. N. ATKINSON . Residence and oflice-Corner South street and Britannia road. BABY CEICKS AND RATIIIIING SIS00 per 100. and Single Cronus White Leghorm at 517.00 per 100 for May. Etre rine per MO Priem at the farm. Reduction on large quantities. All eget eet in our ineubstorg or %old for hatehing •re -produced from our own hen. on our farm. Althmgh our Driees may he a little higher titan you Iran bny elsewhere. they are ymreh navy times the difference. Alen "up - elite, Royal brooder .tores. feeder. And waterers. If you are In need tif any of these. better ‘ee what we have C 0. CAMPBELL -RR. No. 2. Atihurn. 'Phone Blyth 10-24. end put him In the eiek hay. where, he will he attendee 40. n111.1 we hope! he sill reeover by the fink. he reaches the next port. BORN Smith. Hamilton vtrcet, r 11. on Sunday. May 4th. n ‘on MARRIED termmiii. May 5th. by Res W T Bunt 'Mrs. Evn Rogers. of hip -T. -oil. TENDERS WAN'TED Trietcsairip OF EAST WAWANOSITI Tenders will he received hy the nn- ilergigned tip till Monday. May 12th. at 3 (Oche*, for the eonstrnetion id' the KIllongh. the Wightmnn and the El- liott drains in Foixt Wawanneh. leans and spetifleations of istewe drains may he etsen at the Clerk's, offiee. A murked cheque for 10 per cent. of amoinli an an evidence of good faith en the pert of the eontraetor. to nc- foment earh tender The lowest or arty tender not nereggerily accepted DIED day, May 71h. Olet111111, his year sTRAN4;.-4111 okmit.rich. on Tuesday. May (Oh, Elizabeth Morrieon. widest' of pee hoe Hugh Imils :termite, in tiny, Mey lot. Margaret Skelton, ef the tote Wm. Swnffield, In her letrd year. anti Mrs. Robert Meliwnitt. MIAN.--John Walinee Vivian. Chi- loAisl husband of Bertha, fond Moth- er ef four sietere end three brothers. Funeral Saturday, ;May 3. at Orkifel,' Iowa' Temple. 731ei 11111041 AVP. later. . meld Member of Grove Relise-a Lodge No. 3,40. fettle. and Chemin. Typogrepeleal 1-niOn. No. 10. CARIB OF THANKS means expreasing their heartfelt thanks to frientl.,. and to4ghbort. for shoWn during the eine« of Itheir mother and in their time of he thoes. who loaned ear. ter the funeral. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Acconntant. lir Ontario /erect, Stratford. Phone MHO. Res 13110J MEDICAL /10 EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- at Mnorefield Eye Houpital and Golden Square Throat fleapits'. London. tor. . 53, Waterloo 31 3., Stratford. Tel - At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, on the evening of third Monday of month till the 'following day. Tuesday. • ‘.1. refTltell 11111i4 12 o'clock noon (day- light anhat). *lido). May Ifi. 1930. tenderg will n..0.1.• eon.idered notes. made on the formsi eipplied hy the. therartment and in neettrolnnee with the (iinilitiono .et forth therein. Comt.ined specification and fdrm of Min to the underslinust. nion at the effloe of the Iliistriet Engineer. Cue. totes ibillilleg. le.ndon. ord. Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. The drerlees and other elitist iihich- are Intended to ..he emploesst on thee work. Mall have been 41111y registered in Canada on or before the thirty- first day -rr,f Deeenthee. Beal. or shall have heart entrurneted And registered la Canada since the sale date Knee tender Must be nrsompanied bionli. payabie to thr order of the MinIster fit Table(' Works, for r, per rent. of the rentraiet price. hilt 00 ehents th he for Imo thin fire hnn. of earilda nt breeds of the Canadian ended Nil 011Pernifi.. lir bend' nrol a ehetme If remitted en Inalte nt. an oilf11 Departuient of lastrille Wort*. LEGAL FRNEST M. LEE. !Barri/de and Solicitor Sun Life lading. Adelaide and Victoria street', Toronto Z Telephone Elgin ram. Barrister. Etc. Office -Hamilton street. iinderich. Plu;fie 27. R. DARROW, BARRISTER. ETC- ilucccesor to J. L. Kilioran. Phone 97. R.C.HAYS-,RC.HAVS tn.. Boll EN`CRANCE. LOANS. ETC. ileK !MOT' MUTUAL FIRE TN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and iso- lated town prhperty trommd. erich TO.: Jae. Evans, Vies -Promo Vierehmed PO.: D. F. McGregor. See -Trento. Meeforth Seaforth: James Slinkliee. Watton: err Ferree thrice* ; John Benneweie, Ittesthegen; OM. RoCertney, R.R. No. 3. ftenferth: John Popper, Tinreefield. ton: JAM* Witte Rlyth; Fo Hinck- ley. SOR for h: Jobn Murray, Seeforth. Poik-y-holderk min make ell paymesits find get their ear& recelpted at R. J. Clothing Store. CIIMMI Atom Bayfiald.