HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-8, Page 7►
llaveYou A
Skin Trouble?
pAY heed to early symptoms
of skin disease I At the first
sign of any unpleasant rash,
irritation or eruption, anoint it
Zam-Buk. This quickly
goo hes and heads off disease
Wbers akin is already aflame with
scums or is poisoned, sora or ulce-
rated, Zam-Bok is the one gentle heal-
ing balm that pt. right et the root of
the trouble. Zea -Duk expels 41......
sad grows now clear skin.
Zion-Buk's aver -ready character and
asceptioaal hosting, soothing and and
septic value have woo foe It a perma-
nent pions Is over • million homes.
Get a kgs sl this great barbel halm
sig -day, and bap It always handy I
Ma W. asiapialll el Bossy River
Statists. N.B . sac r-' Watery rap
lief we mg Aaseht.rt• toe and elms=
w111de tested ase
.a Mr..W. /04.1
.re Yaew Woe. we awe•
1Y. TIM tales deans end w,
*Ca saL r • sWelweeeee
airore bow elf Pea
I OMlimorama ,err
Be Consistent
Estimates cheerfully
John Pinder
Phone 127. Box No. 131
Vacation's El Dorado
the trip of golden ex•
per.ence An "inland
ocean" cruor. between
towering glaciers and
totem poled isles Shores
w close you look in on
quaint Indian villages.
Dozens of glaciers flash.-
lash.,ng rainbow colours in
the midnight tun Six
fascinating ports n call.
Mysteries of the Klon•
dyke Greatest 'rip in
Amerca for the money.
we behe•.e
As low as 1190.00 from Vancnuver
Victoria, Seattle to Skagway and
return -including meals and berth en•
route, except in Skagway On luxurious
Prmeesa liners largest, fastest t0
Make your reservations now while the
choicer Pr,netss cabins are available.
Vancouver Island
West coast cruises 7 days Meats and
berth enroute Minimum 139 00
Fust rueforatahoa from.
wears( Canadian Pa
c. tole agent. of
14' Fulton, Alnttawo
Grana( Patrrwtr•
Agent. Tn•oaie
County and District
Ww. Mann, a well-known resident
of the Ilith cuueeaaluu of Grey, died
April 30th, In his eighty-seventh yteatr.
M11s1 Jane Repots. an old remittent
of the 5th eonces.lun of 'Morris town-
ship, died 'May .rid in her u4swy-sixth
July. James ,Sisthle. of lh'lgrave. ha;
de•lluet, the invitation extended to
him to become pastor of the e'entrullu
United church.
Joules Rail, ultcd thirty-five rear:,
diel ut ht+ homes fu Ilowi••k t.w'I1sI1f11
on $111111ay afternoon after an Illness
f ,errrramonths.
Iareur'e F. hrllennun, h•de•Ikegwr
at Daslnv'ssl. died .:wday ui.ht of
bleed Srds"alug. whit„ e...- &- l. -,I from
carbuncles: He w'as forty-efeht•" years
of age and is anrvivesl by hl- wife and
nue *ion, Alvin.
The tteaforth 4'olleglate In+time
lusted 1111+ appointed Mr. Hnllalitylle, of
'the St II 'it 1hart nes Collegiate Insti-
tute. :Is nrin.1i•:11 of the Setiforth
-.1..01. his1j� 14.4 to volumene*• In
�rin.'lil.ta/ %lr'�111lantyue is n slw-
vhtlist in twit heti ties.
LI St. .1nse•pli'. clntreh. ('Itntou. on
, Wednesday looming. April `(0th. the
ninrrlate Wa .ole'mliaetl of Mabel
Margaret Kiley. daughter of the late
Charles Riley and 'Mrs itllry. to Jos-
e•ph 1400 Flynn. of-•Hnlletr. Tlw erre-
many meas performed by lti't. M. Sul-
Ilta,. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn will r•.lde
nm eolm•radon R, ttnllett. .
The marring.. took {da.'e re*•ntly- at
I Atwood of SvItIa Thottinim,11. du'izti-
ler of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson.
old (:linor'3oliti,(bllis, .mol of Mr.
nml (Mrs. Fel t'o11h, Nail of 11en-
fryn. lir%. A 11. trXvIl. re•tnr of St
Allan's- .hurch.toffhiated.' Mr. and
i Mrs. 4'edlht hnvesrike'n rep remittance ret
Nrnfryn. 1
' Considerable damage mos done at
, cartoon print. in the ciiuntc'b% the
el.q•trieal storm of last T: nrisday night.
'rwn Targe horns on the farm e.f Jon-
athan \slitsp..n.1 44.1441,1,41 4411 of Tnel.-
enmltb, about fire miles from (Tin-
• ton. were totally destroyed by flee;
with tWu piling I..w•a, fowl. a quantity
of hay and some implement.. The
i horse" anti othl•r crottle and some of
,'the Implements e!•en. removed onfely.
1 The loss Is covered by insneanee. •
Clinton cemetery.
Graduating exercises in connection
with the 4'llutuu hospital will he held
ti 11'eale? -Willis Uulted church on Fri.
day evening, IMay 11th.
The funeral of the late Ml»* Carrie
14e, whose death occurred at Toront'.
on April J.ith. took place to t)IIIHoII
.v'wetery April 2.th. INe*'aged was a
daughter of the late Juael.h life. whr�
for many year: Nettled on the Huron
road west of Clinton. She had resided
111 Toronto for several yore*. She is
survived by one brother in the Wed.
The death locums! on April Stith of
Elizabeth '1'ewaley. wife of Hobert
Fitzsimons. Though die 1w.1 been in,
tame health for snwe time. her paei.1114
was sudden and unexpected. Realities
her hualatnd. threw ;ons told nue daur;h-!
ter survive: 'tarry and Itert of ('Ih'
tun, Norman of, Detroit, and Mrs 1'
Munro of Clinton. Among those
feuding the funeral were Mr. and :llr-
John story nod b. 'Munro of t;udert,•h
8.' 8. N.). 6, EAST WAWANO H
The following is the report for S. 8.
No. 6, 'E'ast M'awauusb, for the syrlug
examinaUuus : -
l.--4djtbe McDowell S0 per cent.,
(Margaret (lovier 05.
Sr. IV. -Jean McDowell 77 per cera.,
Viola (iovfer W, Ernest Snell t1, Jack
Arntvtroue 07. Lloyd Walden 4.5.
Sr. II(. -Kenneth ('uwplwll is per
trot.. .11nry Cook 0.0, Mary Ann bower
47, Alvin 13ae!t all.
'Sr. 11.-4;ene Ouok 83 per cent., JIM -
Ins Walsh vl. Eileen Walsh .73.. IM11-
shed Thornton :0. -
Jr. 11. --At gray Campbell !)5, Gordon
McDowell 04. Rob Armstrong 412. Mae
Stamm :cis Ar.'hie .1lason 42.
First - -El vi1: Wight inn ti. Leslie /lod-
d rimer-.ieall t'amS11e11. Bob Gower,
Doh Gorier, Jasper Snell.
11. 1) .141PF9'itSe A. Teo o tier.
"After trying several tonics tried
!nudged lyes:t In 1 week. gained I1
Itis., 114.W complexion, round Wide, : best
of all a boy mead." -S. M. Salina.
Men rued Wumrn are 3111a7A41 et
gain of 5 to 1.i lbs. in 3 weeks. Ugly,
hollows vanish Rimy limbs round!
nut. Pillows blemishes skin clears like'
'merle. Nerwmsne-ss. indigestion. teln.tl-'
potion di.a1gwnr nvernlght. arsons
:leets. Ne W- (leis from very,-firsh$st.
TWO greet tnnk': In one--ispeclal
Weight -building Malt Yeitst and streng-
thening iron. Pleasant little tablets.
Far stronger than unmedicated .yeast
Result: In ly time. No yeasty taste. n,•
gas- -
1)nn't go round "skfuuy.r ugly. DO-
attreetive. Det Ironies' Yens*. from'
drugglrt today. Feel great tomorrow.
Money hock from manufacturer if not!
delighted with w•ulr : ! i
Mn. T Laporte and baby. who were'
' Injured In on antonosldle accident near
Arkona at Easter. end who had eines'
(seen In the hospital at Stnithrov. were
able to leave for their horse last w-e•k
Mr. 4.14tnrte Who wa- injures in the,
some a, -e61441. had left the hospital
Mr.. (gwrtstina }tremor died At the
home of her-datrtMer. Mrs. lit Flax -
hard. in this village. on. April 24th. at
-the •ga of rlahtyswie prnrs. Two sone
and three daughter. stirs -bre
' The death omurrel on •.1pr1! 24th of
Otte Mueller. 14,6 .'o r
u'ssion o! Hap.
Arty -deo hiArty-deorear 'Nirslying ere
hi• wife awl n family of grown-up
.ns And daughter*.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'liftmen have de -
cited to leave It4ytt shortly to make
their home At Milton. Mr. 9ttnaon
was ('.P.'R. eg"ret here for some years.
retiring from this position a .few
months ago.
The village council is raking pnwsM-
-inn of the winlletl mills which have
leen opiated hr Hairston Brom. The
(pill has been I.ile f.lr some months,
and as the arm Were linable to con-
tinue In otwrntion and were in arrears
on the repayment of the loan from the
corporation the village council ha: ex-
er,.i.....t Is; 4,4okv•!"1 ander the bylaw.
R. 41. Robinson Ives watered a tier -
mons 4'reaklown and has gone with
Mr•. 11,.bi11...n to Toronto for a few
weeks to the hope 16%4 the ehapge may
he 1. 11NLIi!.
The marriage took plus r'rntly of
Kitehenrr of Mary Edna. only daugh-
ter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Nell IM,Neil of
Delmore. to John A. grid of WIngham.
younger son of IMr. and 11.1s. John 1I.
Reid of Tnrnlwrre. The young couple
will make their home In WlnZham.
An effort is being made to orgnnta"
a gni( char In Winghnm. The 11111e -
hole c,mrw which was laid 001 last
year on the farm of W. J..1T.'nder.on
Is being mit In shape and wIll he ready
for pinytng on this 144,41w11.
Nine prizes were nwanlel In the Un-
ited church Wednesday evening of lilt I
week to the winners In the temperance I
wlneattot►nl ''ampnign winter wog ear -
Hod on during the nM'
Prises. which' were donated 1.y the
W.C.T.4'.. were presented to Jean
Copeland. Mary King,. Evelyn Ilomorh.
Kllartheth-1'nrter. i,eth Rotwrtoon..Tohn
i'attleon. 1.0nime Kelly. (lea Tefvitt
and Caroline •Wellwo.s1.
A large number of friends of Mr. and
parishAhall ngus ,fAclainahl Sacre1 -IIeenetechiurrhthe
Md them farewell. }prior to their de-
istrhir' to 1►etrott. Mr. And Mr- eine.
Donald were presented with :i linnd-
eir win,
R.igesilver wethee And of militarymhenshP
Roger. with n
I►r. William (1[1011. bne of the iw'9t•
know(( melleal ppew:tlttnne•rs in the
esomfy of ilnron, dleil i)eAtt his
here _on ytntnrdn.
1w.rn he the county ofOntnr o seventy -
pr fes-
Ilre years ago and t
roietiost.bon first nr ISrneetield In Oils county.
in his ynnn*Mr day• he was n great
nthlete. snit won renown as n sprinter,
wrestler. 111(11 Jnmper and football
player. And (yen ae n frIM131Ila phrs-
Linn he wn- known for an.t wide as
limpeduov'erhn horse. F 1. h
d 'who
took rlegree.
In M4.41M4.410110ll0 ret Toronto mud Edinburgh i
and Rare 'gwe'tnl Attention to the stint
Ie*I side of his professionliter flee
years *t 11ra.'r0eld he moved !n (`hn
ton In tyu47iP61r the lAet ten )Mare of
I'Is Ilfe la. had rlrtpnity re'tlresl fr.'esi
scute !worths.. ThtAnt the war he
grave his serelr't4 to the Kme•lre's toner
nod worked In eiol114' 01 the fntnons ins•
editwo ce1r''thIgo nIdle IsiTSrvived1
by two dangliters. Mrs. F. .1. (' t,.s of
Taranto and Wee Marion. *t home.
Tbe f,,,11*l to.* plate on Treaday to
In 1N:Js 1,3421 Ship. Passed Through,
the canal.
Advices from !'ort Said express]
the opinion` that the passing through I
of the huge aingaplre Dry Dock In I
two sections la the .greatest feat WIND'
accomplished by that waterway, 11-
Ihuu4h usually ships pass through
she canal In fifteen hours In 1670,
he year after the canal Was opened,
the average time of passage wan for-
ty-eight hours, and the largest ship
accommodated was one of 4,414 tons.
To -day ships of 27,0(14) tons pass
through the canal
Last year 5,641 ships with a toal i
net tonnage' of 26,963.044 passed
through with transit receipts amount-
ing to {42.000,000. In 1570 the
number of vessels was 444 with a
tonnage of 436,609. while the r..
eetpta amounted to $5,044.000.
prices Mate Army Oat.
A eom-olety reorganisation of the
p'ree State army is In progress, which
will reduce the attength of the pres-
ent regular force by about 5,000 men.
and save Vials 11.000.000.
poring the period of the civil war.
semE•reo Stat« army nam!tere•1 30.-
000. This force was radu.nd 'loth .t
sow tot*M 1116 omr'.rs and 7.1l) 68
or rank& sorting 51,022,165
Notice to Water
The Water and Light Com-
mission is pleased to announce
a reduetiotr of one dollar per
annum on house water rates
from January let" Owing to
the large sooner of takers
this reduction sienna con-
siderable h'1±e _trunue. and
consumers are asked to eo-
operate in the economical
operation of the plant by see-
ing that the water is not
wasted and tlatallhakvta
or services are fixed at once.
1. L. Knox, W. T. Murrey,
See'y. Chairman.
Countless remedies arc advertised
fur constipation. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
'and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid, -lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestine,
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
Thursday, Kay Sth, 1i80.-7
where it belongs.:
Y()l' can easily identify
General Electric Re-
frigerators because all
mechanism is mounted
on top of the cabinet.
That is ss Isere it should
Warm air extracted by
the motor from the in-
terior of the cabinet is
set free alio%c the cabinet
not around it. 'That
is the secret of the un-
belie%ably los cost for
electric current. VI'ithiu
the top unit are the quiet
motor the rest of the
simple mechanism and a
permanent supply of oil.
These are all sealed air-
tight in an all -steel casing.
See the new all•steel
Easy Terms
models, Of the hundreds
of thoueulnds of owners
of General Electric Re-
frigerator1 not one has
paid a cent for service.
4 rranged
C..,..,..4 b• CANADIAN GHNHIAL 01 HCTIIC CO., L(mltel
The New Durant Four
Durant, Four (, yI,,nder, Standard )clan
Model "447"
A Striking Example of
Modern Car Building
THE new ultra modern Durant "tour" steps to the front to maintain
the Durant reputation for sincerity in appearance, performance, com-
fort and value in the four cylinder field.
You will be proud of its appearance, its size and roominess you
will be proud of its performance produced by the new and larger motor
you will appreciate the comfort of its wide doors, its finely
upholstered cushions and proud of its chassis and spring construction
that makes riding so pleasurable you will marvel at the value
offered in this new Durant 1-ou:."
Go now to your Durant dealer for details which he will supply without
Rugby Trucks, Fours and Sixes -I/2 -ton and 1.1(in cat•acities
PETER GRAF, GODERICH, Nelson Street, Telephone 38