HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-8, Page 4lessiblerit A.it, ..,. .. w-_aw+4w.r.,►.,raw.wV`11A11,"' . ww 4- Thie•seley May Stb. 1ti1I10. • 1 • • a • • • t A BUSINESSLIKE PROPOSITION The business man buys Fashion - Craft clothes because he is still a business man when he sets out to buy a suit. It is easy to understand his pre- ference. Fashion -Craft studies the bossiness man; listens keenly and alertly when he dictates fabric, colour and cut, and produces clothing that business men in- stinctively like, at businesslike prices. Come in and look over the newest Spring models. Prices from $29.50 up W. C. PRIDHAM 4& SON The Stor, with tll,• stet k ' TELEPHONE 57 Men's and Boys' Wear, Goderich — GODERICH, ONT. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Goderich Township Council met in Holmesville on Mon- day last; minutes of last meeting read and adopted. IUepertment of Public Highways Statement of subsidy on township roads for 1929 was present- ed and the treasurer reported having received same amounting tv, $2,, 821.12. Good Roads Association again 'requested a membership fee --filed. Provincial Weed Inspector wrote gi' Itng notice that a meeting would h.• I held in the near future at which the local weed inspector was expected ta. attend; the clerk was to notify Mr It. Gliddon when the meeting will be. \ petition signed by ratepayers ,.f Nos. 9, 10 and 11 schools waspresent .d by Mr. W. H. Middleton king for a re -arrangement of those sections and to • form a new section from among them. There being no notice of any meetings having been held for this purpose .there was no action taken. Superintendent's pay voucher was presented and was ordered paid for $252.$3. Tuesday, May 12th, was set for the council to make their an- nual tour of the township to plan and estimate the work for 1939. Council ailiourned to meet on Monday, May 2b. at -10 a.m., for court of revision and other business. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. SPORT FOOTWEAR ,, TENNIS SHOES, GOLF SHOES. BOWLING SHOES, SCHOOL SHOES IN HIGH t'L•T's. OXFORDS AND "TRAP. - A LARGE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORE Phone 43w Goderich Agent for the Fleet Foot brand ilWilheYealeri ON Mother's Day, Sunday, May 1 lth This is your opportunity to send Mother a bunch of Flhwera or :t Plant If Mother has pained on. wear a white Flower in her memory We can have Flowers delivered in any country through our Flnri.ts' Telegraph Delivery. GEO. STEWART FLORIST Bruce Street. Goderich Telephone 105 Washable treatxkin glut -ea in -one dome and fans cuff : also slip-on atyley Ip the new shades. These are very smart and will give long wear: Especially recommended for the tar. 47E10. W slrttLYF:FtFat. ST. HELENS St. HELENS, May 5.—Mrs. Geo. McRoberts motored with friends to London and spent the week-cn,1"at -dr. Langford's. Mr. E. Hunt, of Petrolia, was a week-&nd visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uurnin. Hon. Donald MacKenzie. of the Pro•. inclal Government of Manitoba. with Mrs McKenzie and children, Links with a Great Past r1E Hon. Barnahy Howard, little son of Lord Strathcona and I descendant of the great Canadian who was one of the founders of the Canadian Pacific Railway. is here shown embra. ngLthensmall daughter of the Hon. Mrs.' Arthur Howard in Hy . . -• •- ---- England Both children are living links with the great past when one of the major evegts in the history of Canada► was in the making. TRY OUR Bread, Pies, Cookies,. Buns, Rolls, etc. The purity of the in- gredients used. plus the expert baking. assures you the best quality bakery foods. E. U. CLEVELAND Phone 114 West Street THE GODERICH VAT ROI sisit.d his allot. Mrs. P. l' -lark. uu Friday evening en route to Ottawa. MacKenzie. 2nd vice-president, Mrs.I of concession two, Ashfield,' had some i They were accompanied by Mrs. M. Fd. Ihom; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.. sheep killed. C. MacKenzie and Mr. Hugh MacKen- R. K.•Miller; pianist, Mrs. W. A. Mil-) A number from here attended the zie, of Kirtail. ler; auditors, Mrs. U .Todd and Mrs. , Spottnn party at Wingham last Fri - Mr. and Mrs A. MacTavish and W. 1. Miller; district representatives.' day night, and all claim to have had children and Miss Sadie Culling, of Mrs Geo. Webb, Mrs. A. Afiderson.: a tine time in dancing and other Ripley, were visitors at the manse on Miss M. C. Rutherford; committee • amusements. i Saturday. members, Miss Lila Humphrey. Miss; The regular monthly meeting of the Mr. and Mr_. Jas. Douglass and Greta Webb, Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs.' W mt i of Institute will be held at the . daughter MVanda, of Mitchell, were John McQuillen, Miss M. Murray,; home May l:,th, at 3 o'clock. i visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Cam- Mrs. K. Webb. Mrs A. Gaunt, Mrs. y'• eros yea rnUy'. Geo. Stuart, Miss M. Gaunt, Mrs. The summer speaker is expected to be: Mr- Hugh lticherford i- at itel- John Cameron. Committees are to present and address the meeting. grave visiting with her daughter. meet tot Mrs. R. K. Miller's on May 13 The members of the Women's Insti- Mrs. Oliver Anderson. at s o'clock Rev. T. C. Wilkinson and Mr. Jas. Mors. Win. Shackleton. who spent netting attended the Presbytery WAS RUN DOWN ' the winter with her sister at Sault.l. urrMrs. t77 .`v�� i tute from Kintail are invited, also all t the ladle- of the cnmmunity. ung and Mrs. Wilkinson,µ Ruth on 'lira SteMarie. has returned to hsr home Gordon and Miss M. C. Rutherford at - AND VERY WEAK herr. tended the Presbyterial W. M. 5. M, H. (buff, who spin' ti winter Imeeting held at the United church. with har daughters at Auburn and Seafurth, on Wednesday last. • Too Little Blood the Trouble Blvth, has returned to her home • %omens Institute Officers.—The vl 1 1 Hau hn Bridgewater The May meeting of the R M 5. annual meeting of the Women's Inati-r'. • as. - . g • ori c- 1 was badly run down • of the United church was hell on Fri - Weld home of iss Ns• Mr-hAr hien Anderson book :nut very weak. S.. mach .. 1 ...add' day. May 2nd. with a go.el at•endan.e. n.lv d - housework- oft nerves The meeting opened with devotional . WHEN YOUR COOK GETS SPRING FEVER Duron to f e Special Business Men's Lunch daily at 60 cents TURKEY DINNER - Our Specialty - Sunday only From 12 to 3 p. m- 60c. .\ La ...ill. service at all hour. Hugh Wong Melia Eatasp amiss 11011,11,11111 lit MODEL THEATRE Week of May 12 to May 17 Monday and Tuesday— DOROTHY MacKAILL \M'IT11— Louise Fazenda and Jack Oakie pr.•r.'ut a picture rich in fun, charm and entertainment of high quality A fast-moving conicd-v about a gir� who .ought riches but found ro- native "Hard to Get" Jack Perrin in "The Lone Ranger" FOX NEWS N'ednr.day Only— LAURA LA PLANTE an all-star cast in the absorb- ' n_g dratua of a society beauty who it~it'catne the central tigure in scandalous mystery "Scandal,' Universal West rn "Kin7 of the Rodeo" Thursday. Friday and salurdag— THE--- (fa Lions Minstrels GET THE HEAT FO&KS TO HELP HER i t Everybody gets lazy in the spring time.4' " Even the queen of the kitchen' And because we feel.a little languid ourselves, we can't be as hard un her as we might be. , Help Voir kitchen machinery to run amootnly this .pnnst •with a good supply or Heat Folks Coal. it will lighten tasks and shorten the hours which must be spent in,the kitchen. the chair while the following officers ''i •" y 1' d b s The four were elected: President, Mre• John )tiller; 1st vice-president, Nin A. CALL THE were aKeetel: my digestion poor; exercises an USlfCS . had continual headaches and •vuld not' dr'o at, -s gave interesting reports of II�Tt s get a restful niglst•- sleep. INfferent I the Presbyterial meeting held at Sea- puwever, saw au nn s COALMPANY n'mwlbs failed to 1,e of benefit and i i forth on April 50th. Readings were, �B, MUSTARD was growing discouraged. tine day. Riven on mission work in Africa. t/ CO advertisement of a' Next month the -Rudy s�l w' THIS IS Pineapple Week We have Pineapple. ■t all price. Preserve them with Red- path Sugar \M',• sell thi- -agar at 1,s4.-1focieo Home-made Maple Syrup All kinds of Fruit such as Oranges. Grapefruit, Lemons, Bananas, etc. Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 r . . Corner .1 square and North street I 1 Phone 98 — relieved similar to mine who ti had 1tewn i China. tlrlirve•1 by lir. iwllliams' Pink 1111S t10 Goderich 1 devidi.I to try them. A few weeks' 1 Ilse of the {'ills fully restored my I health and now my hoti'*li•l 1 .lodes 1 are a pleasure Inlaid of a torture." Mors. Ilaughn's whole trouble was? that she had psi little blood. Dr. Wil Ilam-' Pinta Polis were of aid to her because they renesed and puril.d her blood and that weld blood prnmotal1 •,..sl health. for where good blood! abounds di.ease cannot exist. You can get these Plits from any .healer In ntwlieJtle or by matt at .A ,-puts a 1511 frons The 1)r. %Vidians' Medithle Co.. Brockville. 1Int. Just In. n snort range of ladies' •and children', pullovers in fine all-, ' salt "Iles sill Indies' three-piece l . !STORM it.. (w •F'F`R hole Alit.. -- )' ' \t ill ►F. JI' Cit all — 1 DUNGANNON g1mmmMnmmMimmimmi�mMMmimiMmimMmi�MnnmmMnmm�smm�mMummummnmmnmmmmmMimM�� 1)l NGANXUN, Mfay Mnt the Pentland, tit Day,Sunday, May 1 1 Mothers You always remember your Mother, but show her that you do remember her. El A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR MOTHER all at Special Prices. WIMP IMMO GLOVES From one-buttonpto four -button lengths, of silk and Kid, in shades of French nude. mystery and gull. HOSIERY Hose to match every frock in full- fashioned service silk weight and service chiffon. 'MILLINERY New Hats of fancy lace straws. DRESSES Fascinating new Dresses in all the latest styles and colors. COATS Navy and black tricotine (oats that look very dressy. Smart "Morgold" tweeds of the new shaded materials, that give that neat appearance. Boys' Fancy Tweed Suits Regular S1.5O. Special for this $5.95 week Young Men's Suits Something new this spring, brown with neat white stripes. also ,navy with neat white stripes. A. CORNFIELD \ erne 'v , ' Detroit, ape = week -end at the home of his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland. ▪ Mr. and Mrs Harvey Treleaven, of I.ucknow, called un friends here last Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Pentland, of Grimsby, spent k -end at the • home.11 thefornur's mother, Mrs. ▪ UavidaGirvin. SE The regular monthly meeting of the • West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. was held 'in the secretary's office on Tuesday of this week. Miss MarthaPentland: out west for • been visiting friends some time, returned last week and is • now visiting her sister, Mrs. James aM Giin. Mr. and Mr_. Rayne uand ndada daughter, - of Walkerton, spent y a home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eedy. Mr.' Thos. Smiley, who spent the • past few months With his daughter, al Mis. Wheaten, of Port •Huron, has Ireturned to the village. i T' re o III :it, no service in the i Presbyterian church next Sunday, :C ,.wing to anniversary services being • held in the Lucknuw Presbyterian 1 • church. air. Koehler, of Kitchener, is en-. gaged with the Eedy bakery. in the 1--: Ai p department. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Crawford, who spent the winter with their daughter. • Mrs. R. Willis, returned last Satur- day. We are sorry to say that Mr. Crawford has not regained his health but is critically ill at present, in his ' home here. His large circle ofs I friends would like to see an improve- ment in his health in the near future. His daughter, Mrs. Willis, accompan- ied her parent.' home nn Saturday, r•. turning to 1/etroit nn Sunday. t A vert severe electrical storm pre- vailed here last Thursday nicht, dur- ing which. about midnight, Mrs. Stephen Stnthers' house was struck h. ,.:I ,ung. The chimney was part. "SI i( )I' u I iERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" I ly knocked down and fire caught in WEST SIDE OF SQUARE � had not yet retired for the nigh . emmnununuunnnuumu mum momonmimummmmmumlupi mmmiunmunumma .. 1 The same night Mr. MM1n. Finnlgat PHONE 418 'the attic. hut was immediately extin- guished by Mr. Wm..1 Stothers, who • Presenting their worthy benefit per- formances in aid of the crtpple. children of Huron County Pro- dueed and directed by Mr. Chas. Makins, assisted by Mr. Gets B. Davies Your old 'favorite., George and Henry. are on the "ends- again. supported by two other Mystic i Nights and a chorus of well-trained songati-rs' Conte an.1 get a glonou. guffaw for every cent you spend and 111- eidentally help swell the fund in aid of the unfortunate children Manana Saturday at 3 p. ea SCUFF -PROOF FLOORS These THREE Ways Scarfe's Varnishes give lasting beauty and protection to floors. Hot water, acids or grease leave no stains on the hard gleaming sur- faces. They stand up under severe wear and scuffing. Three kinds - equally good. Branfine No. l6 Satin Finish Varnish G;.ves a dull smooth surface with exceptional wearing qualities. Brantine Floor Varnish An exceptionally popular floorfirtish. Gives a brilliant gleam- ingsurface. Well known for its durability. frantine 3 to 4 'lour Floor Vat - ni3h - - A qt ick drying, durabl^ varnish of u•. equalled quality. FOR SALE BY CHAS. C. LEE GODERICH ONT.