The Citizen, 1987-01-28, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1987 Cranbrook Compiled by Mrs. Mac Engel. Phone 887-6645 Cranbrook Wl meets Ten members and two guests attended the January meeting of the Cranbrook Women’s Institute at the home of Edith Baker in Brussels. Thank you notes from Grace van Donkersgoed and Lois Hart were read. Cranbrook will host the April birthday party at the Callander Nursing Home. Nancy Vanass will attempt to find 4-H leaders to attend the training school for the spring club “Surviving with Style.” Anyone interested in taking this club should contact Nancy. Application requirements for three different W.l. Scholarships were read. Any 4-H member who feels they qualify should contact Kathy Workman for application forms. A donation will be sent to Town and Country Homemakers. Edith Baker and the Tweedsmuir Com­ mittee showed that the community history books need updating and each member was assigned several sectionsofthebookstoworkon. All updating is to be complete by April. Yvonne Knight conducted a contest based on newspaper head­ lines containing news of Grey Twp. residents February 5 at 1:15 p.m. Laura Strickler will host the next meeting. DougZehrofBrussels will speak on the topic “porno­ graphy.” Personal news Steven Webb conducted the service in Knox Church on Sunday morning, January 18. Harry Jacklin, Bob Bremner, Wilfred Strickler and Donald Clark attended the Forester’s District Council meeting at Kinburn on Tuesday night, January 20. Mr. and Mrs. Bert van Donkers- goed, Elmira, visited Jack and Mrs. Conley. The Hall Board card party scheduled for Jan. 23 was called off owing to weather conditions. The Foresters are hosting a card party in the Community Centre on Friday evening, January 30 at 8:30 p.m. Landfill dumping restrictions soon to be implemented in Grey Township were explained to landowners during an Open House last week at the township office near Ethel, during a day-long session sponsored jointly by the township and the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. Above, MVCA resource planning co-ordinator Phil Beard [seated] goes over fill and flood line maps of the area with [from left] MVCA technician Eric Taylor and Grey Township councillors Fred Uhler and Lyle Pettapiece. Business Directory AUTO & FARM REPAIR OWNER:CREGDUCK •Welding 0^79 •CarOiling •Licenced Mechanic •Safety Inspections OCigraVe Blue building on Hwy. 4 north of Belgrave •Small Engine Repairs •Licenced body repair & painting •Highway Tractor Repairs Advertising helps good things happen. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION Hopper Welding & Repair REPAIRSTOFARM EQUIPMENT AND AUTOMOBILES Wayne Hopper Belgrave 887-6142 Phil’s Refrigeration and Appliance Services Dependable service to all makes and models of major domestic appliances. Wingham 887-9062 Construction GENERAL LIFE R. John Elliott 519-S23-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. inm rance in all branches Established 1910 Bl A TH. ONTARIO N0M 1H0 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 Thompson’s Meat Market Brussels Fresh Meat Freezer Orders Custom Butchering by appointment Call Brussels 887-6294 -------------AGENTS E.F. “Bill” Durst 527-1455 Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 887-9381 Banter & MacEwan Insurance B rokers Ltd. 524-8376 John Wise Insurance Brokers Ltd. 482-3401 FARM,HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTOCOVERAGES BRUSSELS AND AREA Fred Lawrence! Electric Ltd. I Home, Farm, Commercial Wiring Auburn, Ont. DON DUNBAR 526-7505 Howard Bernard Fuels Agent-Petro-Canada Brussels Heating Oils A utomatic Delivery Farm Fuels Motor Oils & GreasesDwight Chalmers 523-4354 ONLY MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE... Home Renovations & General Contractors Gord Jenkins 523-9372 ELECTRIC Plumbing and Heating Brussels, Ont. N0G1H0 BILLAITCHISON 887-6747 This space is reserved for you! Only $8 per week HUNT AND PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS HOMERENOVATIONS AND GENERALBUILDING CONTRACTORS H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD 30 years serving the area PAUL COOK 357-1537 Informative advertising helps lower the price of goods. STOP PREGNANT? 1 -800-328-5683 TOLLFREE 519-357-1066 WINGHAM and need help