HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-1, Page 811 -Thursday, May 1st. 19e0 Wall Papers Semi -trimmed makes it so easy to paper. No trimming or cutting. PRICED 5c per roll and up. See our display of Mother's Day Cards COLE'S Book Store BRED - TO LAY Barred Rocks BABY CHICKS -18c each; $17 per hundred Express prepaid. 100 live frrival guaranteed. Special low prices to tbose "who can call for them. EGGS FOR HATCHING - 75c per 15; $4 00 per hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING- We can take in a limited number of eggs at 4c per egg. KHAKI -CAMPBELL DUCKS lay more and larger - eggs than hens. One of these) ducks recent- ly made • record of 357 eggs in 365 days at the Harper -Adams laying test in England Eggs Si 50 per 12, $5.00 per 50. C. A. BAXTER R R No. 5 Goderich Phone Carlow 1704' ns THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. The First Post -Lenten MODERATOR UNITED Social CHURCH SPEAKS IN NORTH ST. CHURCH will be hold in St. Joseph's Hall, Clinton on the evening of MONDAY, MAY 5th Progresaive Euchre until 10 o'clock Excellent Music. Lunch at 11 45 EVERYBODY WELCOME WARNING! NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS RF: I ul;N l (,)l l I;r Al 1 Atf 'Corn Stubble and Stalks must either be ploughed under or picked up and burned before the 20th day of May. OSWALD GINN, • Goderich, Ontario, Inspector. NOTICE All owners and occupiers of premises are hereby notified that all garbage. etc., must be removed from their' premises by May 1st, 1930. F. G. WEIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. i Announcement We wish to announce to the people of Goderich and district that we are now carrying on a General Planing Mill and Retail Business A complete stock of Building Material such as Cement, Lime, Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shingles carried in stock. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring and a full line of Builders' Supplies. Lowest prices in Ontario. Consult us before you buy. --FRESH CAR OF CEMENT JUST IN - The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (1. E. 'Raechler, President) Foot of Anglesea Street Goderich . Telephone 61 Large Congregations Attend at Successful Anniversary Services Large congregations attended on Sunday at Nertb street Culled church to take purt in the uuniveraary ser- vices and to hear Rev. W. '1'. Gunn, 11.11., m.slealittur et the United ('hutreb of Canada, who sus the speaker of the day. ti the morning service Dr. Gunn prefaced his address by Availing memories of an earlier visit to 'G«I- erith, nearly rltty years Ago. when he was a little lad of four ..r five !years. ilio grandfather, who wits con• nett i.rl In some way with the snit busi- ness. came lu Goderich with his deligh- t,' and little grandson and stent sev- • rat days here. unit 11r. Chinn h,td scree interesting memories of his stay iia larlerk h. ' . His addre....k•alt chiefly with MIS- . *binary conditions to Italia. where he spent three mout4s a little over three years ago. Ile laid tribute to the s!.hvultd missionaries sent out by the to 4. ti 1 110 ( inn la to torr.. n tt atad'r.•joiced in the onion which had' broeight throe num into. the United Church. India gave one the Impression. ot n different world; it seems! as If one were stepping hark into the land' of the Bible; so many things mete, In the Scriptures % la1ela' were strange to n Westerner were familiar to the people of ludl.a-the wells, the j roof tiles. the oxen. and other things , JAnr 444 religions of India were faU- fug away and the figure of the Lord 1 NORTH STREET t'N ITED (Ut('IBCII those of other denominations he knevv. they would rejoice( In the progress and prosperity of the ('niter) Church. even as its members rejoiced to learn of the extension of the Kingdom of cod through the work of other churches. The first cause for rejoh•1►tg. he thought. was the richness of the Iia• In•rltance of the United Church through the traditions and history of all three of the uniting bodlca; and it was et cause for joy that the ties that hail bound the three chunhes to the Mother churches In the old land had not been broken. but Instead by their uvgp vote the Presbyterian .Assembly. the Eenmeole•al Council of the Meth- : outlast Church. and the international 'Congregational Conference haladmit- I ted to theirIlowahip the United 'Church of Cana Then the speaker dwelt on tine Joy of felherablp within the United I Church itself. saying that when the union had been con+uminat.11 til.•) I had thought a certain amount of tri'-', tion would be Inevttatde, and that in the course of many years it would disappear: hut, he said. the harmony and good will that have marker) their meetings have made their .onferenm•s a delight. The creel of the ('hnrch. ton, ale, thought. est n .•Muse for thankfnt neva. He savior! his hearers to per-' ns.• with ti ghtfnl scrutiny the twenty-six articles in the 'task of Union. and to read in eonne•tton• therewith the late Dr. Kllpatriek's' ' book. "Onr Common Faith." The new :111,1 happy outlook of the Church In eommon frith tall d.•nnminntions was ltl•:IIT 1(1)\'. \\' T. t;l'NN. Int It r.•avm for retaining The old nttitit'k moderator of the Cited Church of 1 of .uapicinn and jealousy has Pass'.. and we rejerie today In the progress; of other churches. Secondary things. easnada are twins put axile. the 9ttrl1 that pre-, Jesus Gulat was standing out as i railed forty tar fifty years ago has' never before in the life of that land. !asap), and wore.1 of the inrd The Evening Address .1e -us are toeing drawn closer togeth- On Sunday evening the moderator' er by their lore for Film." spoke to a Large audience from the After reading one day. the m'alerator test. "The Lord bath done great said. the story of Pentecost. be bad things for us; whereof we are glad."; counted the number of languages In (Psalm 126:31. In pursuance of 1114i which the Gospel was heard on that !duties as moderator he had travelled.; flay. then be had gone to the mission i he said, not only across Canada, but I MOTOR of the chnrch to learn the num- , also *cross the sea., had earn the mer of tongues in which the Gospel- Is ;,working of the United Church at' prencherl by missionaries and mini+ - hone. and in some parts of the for- ters of the United Church and found sign field; people had therefore a right that there were thirty -01x of them. 11 to ernes t from him a report of the he mould chow pictures at the rate of progre•cs of the Church In the five eine a minute for an hour and a -half years since union. If there were present hs' would toe able too "Mow only the outside of the ninety or more hospitals JUST AS GOOD! ASK YOURSELF IS IT? When you ask for a certain line of goods, a line which you have seen advertised in newspapers ---and you are told "Here is something just as good and cheaper," it is time to do some thinking. If there is more profit in selling goods rot advertised, and you are buying at a saving, there must be something wrong somewhere -and usually- that is !• as of quality- something left out that is THERE in the advertised commodity you originally asked for. It is well to remember that a manufacturer invests his good dollars in advertising spice because he knows his pro- duct is right. The fact that he advertises in newspapers so that "he who runs may read" is evidence that he knows his claims are right, and that he is ready to stand behind his merchan- dise and the stores that sell it. ASK FOR AND GET NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS supported by the United Chnrch. while ' le ,Aum pictures of the school. and 1 college• it would he ne(etwary to keeps the uslienee from 6 In the morning ,to 7 in the evening. For every titer a visible on ti clear night there were ItEV. C. I'ustar North street Unitedsh 4'hurrh CONFERENCE BRANCH EDER EXECUTORS' SAIF ,LIACIIOETT.-On April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett, Ashfield, a sun (David Andrew). DIED DOME. --in Goderlcb, ou Friday, April 26th. Boger Bone, to his Mb year. 11i1UMl k)lll\.--lo. (:oderleh, on Mon dab, April lith, Mary Cousins, be- loved wife d Jos. 1'. Thompson, in her 71st year. IN MEMORIAM JORNSI ON. - In loving memory of our deer mother, Joan Johnston, who died lu Torouto, May 1st, lir_11. Dearth comes to us to let us know We love more dearly than we *hos ; But lore in death doth let us sew What love iia life should always he. -*&1S$ AI.BIRT A:.NI► KI7NN t'TII THAiN. PUBLIC NOTICE 91e ✓*IUB. --TIDO 1'} His I,N Wilt) 11 took the batteries off an luvalld'r ehair lu GulerIch the past week 1s asked to return same ut to the undersigned and tare further trouble. \B1tS. IDA [t.\\li_LS. Newgate start. ' ('ARI) OF THANKS W. lila. 1'. 11l10341'tts►N ANI) F'.111- us 1LY take this opportunity of es- . pressing their grateful thanks 11, neighbors and friends f..r the man. Aitelne ses .Mown during rt.. illness of Mr-.• Thompson an.l at their time of It -ren cement. They alt., aek110W- I.'.ge with apt.reciatlou tiler is•uutlttl W. M. 8. MEETING HERE Oaer Two Hundred Delegate% to Ire in .tttendanee The annual meeting of the London' Conferehtee itranch W.M.S. of the' United Church 4.1 Canada. w111 le. con-, veued in North street Unite.! church, Goderich, on May 1o'th and will mnti n-' lie in session for the two suee•s'edlug_ floral offerings received. MOST OR For'NI) t ''-'t' - - WHITE (N►Li► WRIST i%'.\'N:11 with white gold band. 111.•w .1 Apply Hi SION AI. 1 t*s'I'. .,' EASTER M(lN1I.\Y L night. a brv,ww felt hat. between the *hate *net i'nat (kffl.*, nil We., AIIOTION ,BALE OF I'LALVING MILL, 01.7101D, 1t.AIRN44, AH 11)$, MA- 01U'NERY, LOT1S, etc. The executors of the Thomas Ye- Kemale Estate have instructed the undersigned to sell by public auet oa on the premises, Clinton, on SATURDAY, IMY 3rd at 1.30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: Turning lathe with full set of took, rip saws. cutoff saw, emery grinder, shaper and complete wet of trots. toot mortlser, iron door and sash clamp, lout 'nor/leer, 2 set of scales, foot - power mitre machine, tools and other maehlnery, belting. pulleys. line shafts. tete.; quantity of lumber. consisting of hardwoo.i, pine, hemlock. bat:.wood, molding, sash, doors, door and window framers. Abaa large planing mill. which has re.*ntly been wirwi ter electric motor; goal office LuL'.liug, barns. +.hods,, ata} several outbuildings. on the premiere. with ll,, atom of lane. This property will Le offered in one parcel; if not ,1Isporerl ..1 thot way the tndldt►ngs will he sold separately to suit purchaser. This is it most desirable property Located nlongsi.ie of C. N. Raitway, and la uwst s,tICuble for anyone wiehlag am tart in any lime of mnnufaMttriag. or oil service starien. mal yard or any other line of bn.hnesut.. At els' tonne time and plat* that gaud 10: -tort Inness nu King street west, with all modern cmnvenlenece, also reheat lot on at aIle of King strer't will IN. of ter, for .eale. EveryUnhng to 1.e Algpoewt et in order to wind up tits estate. 'TERMS: Ail .nm+ I.r $27. and under. curb; over that amount. ti months' credit will be given on fnrhiubing ap- proved Joint hatikabk' paler, lar • die - remit of 6 lw'r tent. per smarm allowed for .•soil on crwllt Unwins. Chi planing nail and ground. one- l.ird of pnreha. ' money toil down on day of sal.': balance can be arranged oto g....41 security. days' serest Finder pkwy' leave at TIIF' ' Terms ort holwe-tend lot rade known There are eight PresbyterialStyle- ..\T. ties in the Conference, namely: Elgin, Essex. Huron. Kent. Lernhtou. itkldl•- sex, Oxford and Perth. There are 360 auxilinrles and aawsiote pwietk" with a membership of 1:l.1(7. of these 7.32."1 are subscribers to the yi,a ieuery Monthly. which is issued by the Gen real Beard ot the Society atul mn folio a wealth of information front 1,.th home still foreign fields where the naw Imtaries supported 1.y the S.n•icty Libor. Ir, the year 19'', there were J17 new life members, mntributlug $.1.4(• 1.. the funds of the $o.lety. 'There are two special offerings eao•h )enr--Ea-ter and autumn thank- offering- -mud these contributed $27.0110. r 7t is the aim of the Society to have the giving- largely voluntary. and t.. tuts .el env -cloves and mite -boxes are used and from them $34.7:.4 uta 33.113 respwtive•Iy woo revived. The supply work it a very Imp'r- tant department and In addition to valuable ales ,of clothing tieing sent. t.. nerdy Holds &oleo erns oleo hilly .-ontrther..I to this work. 'I'l,r total givings of the year am• ted to $136,2'O. It Is expected that over 3110 mem- bers will ewe in attendan.e at the con vention, when the bnslnes of 1100 will' be submitted for consideration and work outliner! for 11X10. New "frier, will ire elected. The president Is Miss Itenlale of New hamburg. who having .erred three years is re•tirtng. There will ti. addresses toy both home and foreign misslonarfet home on furloosh, and to tie's epsilons the public will be cordially welcomed. It will be an opportunity that does not often come to our doors to wee and! pear lit the work that needs to be; done try home organization,. In order that the missionaries may be helped! In their work. TENI)ERS W \NTEl N(►TI('IO Tet Islt.iIN (sIN'rlt't• Ti ►1t.s 'Fs iWNsnII' (►F,P)AST WAWANt1,e411 '!'enders will he received 1w the uu- derstgnerl up till Monday. May 12th, et' o',ta•k, for the eon.trU.11on of the Killough. the Wightman and the El - 'lett drains in Fast Wuwann.h (Yana and spr•lfiestlous of atwn-e drafts may be seen at the C'lerk's offte e A marked cheque for 10 per cent. of amount, as an evidence of grasp faith on the part of the contractor, to tie- company rycompany each tender The l.w.•st lir any tender not necessarily aereprel. 1'OItneirrI F7i.D, Township ('leak. Belgrave. NOTI('E TO CRla)ITORB NnTIl1E TO CREi►ITORS. IN THE M.\TTF:R of the Estate of Georg'• Stonily. late of the Township of \+bflrkl in the ('runty of Huron. Gentleman. dccea.el. \t1'ri.'1-; 1- h.'r.d.r git,•i. tha: tali loosens having any e•Iaima or demands against t late George J• who t he G $and 1 on day of mule. I':X,ECI'ToRS OF T114sMAS McKILN - 7. I E !)STATE. GE)(►R4E H. ELLIOTT.Auctioneer. %t'CTIONTdlA11NG 'NOMAS r.t'NDRY, G0111.1114 IL X' LIN'1 STOCK ANI) GIlLN1RA1 A 1'CTI0NEER TeIephoae No. 119 Melee xtteu.led to anywhere and every effort made to give aat1.factioa- Farmers' sale note. d4o runted. WE.I.EY W. mum.Au t Mooser, will cosdw•t teles soy where. My terms are reasonable and 1 win-ea- dsavor to give satisfaction. Plows Carlow 1314, or addt'r% H R. 4. Gap, *rich. MILLER ELLIOTTigss Auctbtxer Phone 70, l.ucknow Sales conducted anywhere. Wick es- p•rienee My very hest efforts pot forth '.0 curb and every wale. DRUGLESS PRA(TITIONER tie.! on or about the• second day of September. A P. 19:9. at the Township o1 Ashfield In the County of Huron. are required to %end by last prepaid or to deliver to the undcrslgnel, exe•- ntor under the will of the said George Sandy, their names and addre-oes and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac- .,nunts and the nature of the secur- ities. If any. held by them. duly veri- fied by affidavit. AND take notice that after the twen- ty-third day of May. A.D. 11X1(1. tete salt executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said (leerier' an►oug the persons entitled jbereto. laving Spring Rpeeiat-Women*. extra . n'gard only to the claims of sabit'h t►► CRANK P ( shall then have had tntlee, and that .Iltlt`t, '•HAItTERllJ'' quality cotton vest. and bloomers. the totheldraiexervatoeter wrillany nor{1w Ilafileeret /StratfAccord.ountant.Phone 1 n_ (tntar'.o street Values op to $1.45 per garment. Spring far d .eoort tbro1:'f((t Ree► 13A01 Pn'room- I 1 1 t $t 7, snlri to any person of whose claim be shall rITIROPRAI'Tt►R A- I) DRI'OLESSI THERAPIST Goderich. Pbone 341 Equipped with electromagnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic sue! nervous dierseea. Indy In attendance. Office hours 2 to O. and 7 to 9 pm.. excepting Monday and Tborsday sad. by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Reddenee and office -Corner s' South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT pedal 40c eaeh. f, doz. wont l, rat on., values lip o e 'i not then have received notice .going Me'Isl ''►. ,mit. ('F.(► • W Tido notice is given pursuant to the, MED11'Al. S('H \FIFER I D14. F. .1 R. FORSTER, EYE, BAR, NOSE, THROAT Late floosie Surgeon New York OpY- thslmic and Aural Hnlepital, eseetaat at Moorefield Eye Hompitai and Golden ;square Throat Hospital. London. Eng 53 Waterloo St. s., Stratford. Tel - FOR SALE ephone 267. At Hotel iletlford, Goderich, nn tbs. F KAI.F' --111011T-FOOT SHOW- evening of third Monday oems1 es f at1pito • infinite - -�- c► t ria lid - II t.bat behalf MOTORISTS URGED TO pitted til Lucknow. n a nineteenth city of AprU. A.D. 1fn0. REPLACE SPARK PLUGS' J(ts;F)PIi A4t%FW. i/Minos. (hatario. Executor of the Will of (ie.'rge Sandy. \c't %%eek 1. "National Change Nt'ei" Everywhere dealers. In automotive egni;r meat ure•nniting with their cellta{mes throughout the world In urging ear owners to Joln In observing National s'Iutnce Week. which has tome to he reognize.d everywhere as the anneal period when "n►otorists Instal II new -.011. of spark phtgs in their engines' National Change Week this year i•I Siay 5 to 11. The number of tmrticipnnt. to National (linnet. Week has grown st.mdily ever since its inauguration l nn11 naw every year millions of car i owners are own by reports as Nur. Inc had their lark plugs replac..l. • throe preaching ,.talt1.1,./ where the love of •;0s1 was proclaimed to at Isrdy wor111 thr,.,ngh this (Rtpn-h. 'Elie bigness of Inheritano' meant. he Pakl, bltne..a of reeponsibillty. Rosi the 1"nited ('hnrch must not let the work drop. He urged everyone pres- ent. in view of rhe approaching enm- memerntlon of •Pentecost, in ie much 10 prayer, to ohwly the ltitdc, to set no limit to whet (Foil can do for and with tiny follower, to put away all fears, h, attempt atxl ar•-nmpltsh grenrnr thinge for the Ma.t(.r'a King - The nrltakeal. stroke of the' day wa. led in the ,i*tt+t (wpible manner try the • holt of the a tnr•h under the direr, lionof Mr. ihwRlas Cnni*w'll. Mr. Franklin Moore. tenor .moist, of Stratford, give ills assistants, eon• triton Ing two moll* In good sinus: "If i int 'Aft Mine )oyes" In the morning. mod "The 1101y City" in the evening Before the evening nervier. Mr. Comp- hell 'amp!well gave a twenty -minute organ re vital. The nffl. lal 'hoard asked for a ripe sial offering ot $110. and about $1100 wag received ta,.e•a.b and pledges. it 1. poolit•ted• flint in 1100 the i ontnlw•f of t*eer,\•urs of National chaagi• week will be mo. tally In Pc -'I urs. of all ortolan,. totals.' his tore. • ast is based in part on the genets) In crease of !merest mnnife•aed each year about the rustom. There ix nivel n cons -nom of opinion among auto -1 motlrs" experts that 1n9( winter's severely (arid weather and the gcner.I ally r.ngh oond111on of -rondo im-1 an 'unusually severe strain on spark phots. with the reesole that thiol Imprint( motorists find new mark plugs um4l.rl for easy starting and generally aa,tisfnctory engine performance. Spark ping design and mnmtfnetutl have improved vastly in yenta'. Today. they are actually in relvanee of other motor tor Arden. especially In their tapdd development in relation te high tonrpression automobile power pinata. tint these high cemprewlnn engines' and modern fuels have imfwoscd even greater strain and .Orem% on spark plug. Than ever before. It is, therefore, the conviMlon of automotive engineer.' that annual replacement of sport plugs 1. not only a neet.sity. but an actual economy for the tsar owner. "The monetary saving In g#aollms and ell more thnn offsets the cost of new spark pliers," says. It. A. Strome hon. president of the ('hampdon Spam l'lug 0nmp.rry. "In addition. repair* tit the enline oft- nivinted. through better performs nor, gees ter .ffi•fPney and rcdee d oil dilotIM " C.44E. W. C. KN:\7F.L. West .tree' month till the following day. Tnewday, 1 FOR 8A1.F.-A COAL 'LA„N(.E AND van gasoline stove. Apply to J. B• KELLY. LLt1i*1. �',RNF)t(T M. LEE. WHITE 1I1.0554,M SWDET CL )Vgit Barri ter and Solicitor v7 FOR SALE. -Government tested!. Sun 141e Building. Adelaide ands W. 1.. Y.tITNG, R. it. 5. '(herd. h. Victoria street., Toronto 2. '4'hene 2026 Carlow central. Telephone Elgin 1301. Fon sA1,^..-FtAt.L ituTthitsiEAk(-IDUIrI.EY E. HOWIE:, T.\'l'E prr operty •on Palmerston gaminess, Etc. street. Apply to HA.fS k HAYS. liar-,' Office --Hamilton street, (;oderIeb, rioters, ilamilton street. Gerierloh 1Phone 2'f. C(*ft BALE. - - TiIolOI'(lnRitzn I lc It. minnow, itARtRISTEit, ETt. l iil'1,1, (CALF. Apply to W11dtt'R Yoccasor to J. L. KIloran. 14TEWA•RT..-: R. R. No. 6, (inderleh. phone et, . Telephone 20r12, Dungannon Central. ORtee--The $puare, Ooderlett. F(►It SALE.--41.A.r'. NO. 21 IBAiRLEY. 7:a• per hush.! White lllowiem .w•e•t clover, reet•nttA hulled and clevtnpl by a closer mill, $2.50 tier bsh. FRANK L. y'4H'N(;. 11 It. fr. G.slerieb. 't'hene 2014 Carlow. CR NATE.-FARM 4W. FIFTY • ACitF)*4 on the north b onndnry sit A.hnetrl : good orchard. First-e'laws brick Ann.e and gown} barn. Will e't- clango for trait entirety. For partle- uler% apply to Matt, IIcA'I►AM, Won *:reet. (icwlerich, (Int. B\Y (HEMP AND•11ATc'1If1N(; .B1OU(14F. -4). A. (' Barrer! Rne k s ot $11.(10 Per 10(1, and Single Comb White p.eaterns at $17.00 per 100 for Mny Eggn 35:06 per 100. Priers et the farm...Reduction on large gnnntitSoot. All Adis set In onr Incubators or wall for hatching are preslu't'.t from mar own hent. on tier farm. Althongh our priers may ise a little higher than yon can May elsewhere. they are worth many time* the difference. Also nap Ohs Royal hrodet stove*. terror and *waterer 1d you are to ned d tiny et thew, better ape what we have (' O. (',V74PRP1i.is R'R. No. Z Autwarn. 'Pbene Rlyth'10414. • %ape &Flaps Rsnat*ruu,, t:n•.1 R.C.HAYI(-FtC.HATM in., B..\ , Hamilton St., tioderien Lv'tTRANCE, LOANS. ETC. .- .K11A' ilftiTPTA1, FIRE Eh ,URANCE 00. -}`arm and tat► lilted town property !marred, • officers --Jut Oktnnolty, Pres,' (;od- ert h P.0.; Jars. F)vgn,N V1 Pres, iltr'chwrwwl P.0.; i). E. Me;p14111y, Sec.Trc'ae., Set forth P.O. ,• • T►lrectorw-.A. Woodford. R.R. N6. S: •tea forth ; Jamow Ahnktk'e, Walton : Wm. )(inn, R.R. No. 2, f4aforh;Rote est Ferrite, Harlot*: John 1lknn.peYn. Rrtallungun ; Gem. McCartney, 3, ageterth ; John Pepper, Rrneeflebd AtMtts--W, J. Yen, 11.11 No../3. (lie ton; ,lames Watt, Melt.; 15. throes boy, ie*fnrh; Jahn Merrily, Se.forth I'olk•y-hnMPrs can make ail frnym.ngm and get their cards, ret'ipted a R. J ltnrttah'w Clothing Store, Clintna ; ('aloin CitA•te (lr.rery, Kingston street, Acwbeieh, or 1. H. Reid'* , ;e nasi t !stoves Bsythed.