The Citizen, 1987-01-14, Page 24PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987.
Classified Ads
Minimum $2.50 for 20 words, additional
words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads
not paid by the following Wednesday.
Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone
523-4792 or 887-9114.
Bus. 482-9371 Res. 523-9338
“Suddenly It’s Sold”
KINBURN: 100 acres, 95 acres workable, systematically
drained, 6 bedroom ffame home.
BLYTH: Commercial Property, Queen street, presently
rented as Variety store, good 2 bedroom apartment above,
presently vacant.
APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT: 14 units, nearly new, on 3
acres, well located m Lucknow.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Ideal for office or store,
apartment above. All redone, like new, main street, Auburn.
BLYTH: 3 lots on Hamilton street.
4 ACRES: 2 floor brick home in good condition, 3 miles from
BLYTH: 11/2 floor frame home, close to school and business
district, 3 or 4 bedrooms.
46 ACRES: Near Dungannon, with modern homeand heated
BLYTH: Dinsley street, 2floor brick home on large treed lot.
75 ACRES: On Maitland River, very scenic, no buildings.
CLINTON: 1 floor, 3 £Q|_Dirooms, gas heat, Princess
BLYTH: Triplex, 2 floor brick on Dinsley street.
LONDESBORO: 4 bedrooms, 2 floor home, very spacious,
heated double garage, like new throughout.
125 ACRES: Near Blyth, stately brick home, 60 acres
workable, 22 acres hardwood bush.
294 ACRES: Morris Township, excellent cropland, good set
of buildings.
BRUSSELS: Commercial building on main street, oil heat,
apartment above.
100 ACRES: Hobby and bush farm, on paved road, 15 acres
workable, general purpose barn, large steel shed, house
newly renovated, all in immaculate condition, East
Wawanosh Township.
LONDESBORO: 1 floor rancher, finished basement,
inground pool, large lot.
15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 11/2 floor frame home,
farrowing barn for 35 sows. Property well fenced.
198ACRES: REDUCED. Dairy farm, freestall for 100cows,
excellent buildings, 2 Harvestore silos. Hullett Township.
Try an offer.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If the “Pill” had been available to
Grandma, where would you and I be now.
Mediator named in
teacher pay dispute
Continued from page 1
include a six per cent increase that
would bring the top salary for an
elementary teacher to $48,124.
The Board has responded with a
two-year package offering a three
per cent increase for all teachers’
salaries, retroactive to last Sept
ember 1, plus a 1.5 per cent
increase on February 1 of each of
the two years. This would bring the
highest salary for an elementary
teacher in Huron County to $47,436
by the end of 1987.
Eric Runacres, the provincial
fact finder, recommends that the
end rate maximum for teachers be
$47,860 by September, 1987, and
that this be accomplished by a
three per cent increase retroactive
to last September 1, with the
remaining percentage coming into
effect on February 1,1987. He also
recommends that these percent
ages be applied across the board to
all elementary teachers’ salaries.
Also included in Mr. Runacres
report is a recommendation that
allowances for both principals and
vice-principals be calculated at the
same percentage, and that allow
ances for extra qualifications not
be adjusted in this year’s agree
At present, the salaries of
elementary school teachers with
degrees range from a low of
$20,500 to a high of $45,400. The
range for a principal’s salary is set
at $9,000 above these figures,
while vice-principals get $5,000
above the teacher’s salaries.
Under an agreement signed in
mid-December between the Board
and its secondary school teachers,
by February 1 of this year the
minimum and maximum second
ary teachers salary will range from
$21,740 to $48,300. By February 1,
the minimum and maximum prin-
cipal’s salary will range from
$59,280 to $64,480 and the mini
mum and maximum secondary
school vice-principal’s salary will
be $52,000 and 56,160. Mr.
Runacres was also the fact finder
for the secondary school contract,
which was settled without going to
A number of issues still remain
unresolved as the process goes into
mediation. These include allowan
ces for acting principals and vice
principals, changes to the em
ployee’s benefit plan, the teach
er’s request for full pay to
expectant mothers during the
two-week period prior to receiving
UIC benefits, early retirement
incentive, staffing formula and an
affirmative action procedure.
MENT property featuring 2
acres in the country with
pond, inground pool, satel
litedish, 3 bedroom brick
home, 13 years old with
finished basement and fire
place. Driveshed or work
shop suitable for small
business. $149,000.
Call MarleneLinsay,
Agent for Century 21
Scott Real Estate
271-2668or Res. 347-2919
Continued from page 1
certain things,” he said.
“As of now,” he said, “every
thing is up in the air. The previous
government said in the past that we
could appoint and re-appoint
yearly. We change our warden
yearly and everyone is appointed
on a yearly basis.”
Bisback is a civilian appointment
tothe board. She has been replaced
by Isabel Elston.
He said that Murphy was
discussing the issue with officials
in the ministries of municipal
affairs and citizenship and culture.
The failure to re-appoint Bisback
to the board is believed to be
related tothe board’s dispute with
Partridge but when asked if this
was so Cunningham would not
The controversial motion passed
by the board on December 4 read
that the board accept the resigna
tion of Partridge effective June 30,
“In view of his 14 years of
employment with the Board, the
Board will pay him three months
salary in lieu of any additional
notice,” the resolution stated.
“The Board will give Mr.
Partridge a letter of reference and
it is understood that if he obtains
employment before June 30, 1987,
he will be free to accept such
employment and his salary at that
time will cease with the exception
of three months salary in lieu of
During the morning session,
Clerk-Treasurer B. G. Hanly told
council that the wording of the
motion had been changed by the
board to a resignation rather than a
termination of employment.
“This was a proposal from Mr.
Partridge’s solicitor and we accep
ted it,” Cunningham said.
Confused by the developments
in the morning session, council
called on Dan Murphy in the
afternoon to clarify the situation.
Murphy said that Scott Ritchie,
Partridge’s lawyer, told him Janu
ary 5 that the matter had been
resolved and that Partridge’s letter
of resignation would be in the mail.
He said he could not explain why
Partridge at the morning session
indicated he had not resigned.
* ‘Maybe he meant that he hadn ’ t
signed the letter of resignation,”
Murphy said.
He added that he spoke with
Ritchie just prior to addressing
council and was again informed
the matter had been resolved and
that Partridge’s resignation would
be in the mail.
‘‘Maybe the motion should have
read ‘will accept’,” he said. “The
motion is perfectly legal and the
resignation is accepted.”
Open House for Residents of Grey Township
regarding a Proposal to Register Fill Line Mapping in
the Township of Grey. The Mapping will be used by
the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority [MVCA]
to identify areas where the placement of fill should be
regulated for the purposes of flood control, pollution
control and the conservation of land.
Areas to be regulated include watercourses, flood
plains, river valleys, headwater areas and swamps.
Maps to be displayed at the Municipal Office in Grey
Wednesday, January 21,1987
Former MOH says
County messing up
Continued from page 5
county’s clerk-treasurer. I was in
the untenable position of being re-
sponsible by law, but having no
control or authority.
These issues did come to a full.
head,and I found that the board
chose to take sides with the
clerk-treasurer. Worse yet, major
decisions were made outside the
board meetings. It became a war of
different philosophies and admini
strative styles.
Without political support, in a
stressed atmosphere not condu
cive to productivity or the goals of
pubic health, I chose to resign.
I had hoped my resignation
would pave the way for the hiring of
a qualified physician who perhaps
might have more patience and
political skill in working with the
existing establishment. The new
M.O.H. preferably should also be
dedicated to public health goals
and ideals.
Finding such a person is not easy
as there are only a few dozen
qualified public health physicians
in the province, most of whom are
presently employed in health
However, the events since clear
ly demonstrate how unimportant
programs are to some people.
Apparently, no trained and compe
tent physician has been willing to
work in the present county atmo
sphere for the lowest salary in the
However one might easily con
clude that this may be what best
suits the goals of the establish
ment. The physician who in my
opinion has been most ciritical of
the Health Unit and its staff over
the years, has been hired as acting
medical officer of health.
He apparently is required only to
worka 14-15hourweekattwo-third
salary which translates to over $40
thousand annually. With no exper
ience or credentials in public
health he promptly is able to
convince the board that certain
programs are not needed and that
certain staff are redundant. Per
haps it is only coincidental that the
same physician is also rumored to
be the personal physician to the
chairman of the board.
He is also a Town Councillor in
Wingham although that office in its
own right is no contradiction to his
The Minister of Health also lives
in the same town and one can only-
wonder why he is so silent on this
issue of which he is quite aware.
Health Unit morale and com
munityprograms aresu ff ering.
The County of Huron has the
distinction of having the least
number of social and health
programs in the province.
Does that mean our own brand of
local politics is at least saving us tax
No! In fact, close to 90 percent of
the cost of these programs is from
provincial funds. This means you
are paying for all the additional
programs across the province
which are not provided here.
Has this anything to do with our
brand of politics and our admini
strative approach?
The people of Huron County are
able to boast not only two M.P.P.s
but also that both these"members
hold the important posts of Mini
ster of Health and Minister of
Agriculture. Historically this has
meant extra programs and funds
would flow back to the members'
constituency. For some strange
reason this has not even warranted
attention to help us catch up in
areas as alcohol and mental health
programs, to mention only two.
Do you have concerns about
Huron getting its fair share of
programs to prevent diseases such
as heart attacks, stroke, drug
abuse, alcoholism, suicide and
depression? Do you care about
pollution of the environment and
hazards in the home or the work
I do and I know many other
people do.
1 strongly urge you to. de ma nd
the kind of responsible govern
ment that we pay for. 1 urge you to
demand thd kind of community
programs that we are presently
paying for but not receiving.
Cal) or write.your local and
provincial politician. Your deserve