The Signal, 1930-5-1, Page 7TWE BENEFITED BY SAME REMEDY Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cebourt, °Mario-- "Yen sgo when 1 had • sick father and a miming baby to rare for, 1 got all run down mai 1 took Lydia E. Pnahant'a \ tae - tabes Compound W get strength to do my work An- other /time at (Lange of 1/e, I Lad severe head- aches aid felt tared MI the Nie 1 Wok seven Lowes of the Vegetable Cempoued and felt like a new wonua. I rsasnsnend at to any woman who is at des ase whew des needs buddang up " - 1las.T. K. dtsmasr. IL&. 4, t �rowt, sigmsaewealsilmossomme 4 -*1 1� - LIj 1.� •+ 1_ I 111 - 1 '' Be Consistent ti EI':I' YOUR PLUMBING AN i) II EATING AS UP TO i)ATE An THE REST OF YOI'R 111)\IE. Estimates cheerfully submitted John Pinder Phone 127. Box No. 131 FREE Spark Plug Inspection Service during National Change. Week May i to II Yea, Cha m puns do make every car perform l►tt'tter. A new .et of Champion Spark Plug% nosy be just the thing your car needs to pep up its performance. Power, speed, acceleration and economy are kept at topnotch by changing spark plugs every 10,000 trailer. All car manufacturers recommend it. .ns • F. McILWAIN General Store, Gas Oils and Accessories. Callow - Telephone 152 THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. County and District Cllr tatty -afire farm of Arthur Keslle, out the :Lail concesaiou of riteyheu,, was sold by auction to Jonah Keesell fur the sum of $2.400. The Kiniurdhle town council has alga.httel Jawe- 1'. Smith, of Hensel'. as teller of twine, at the salary of $11X1 a mouth. The new appointee ha; lu+d five years' experlenen on the Walkerville petite forte At the home of Mrs. Margaret Bean, Ilowiek township. her dnua'hter, lag's J., was indite, iu murriuge to .I.. It. $tuntey Bride of Torutit°. -Rev. .ler. Chandler of h'ordwich ufflriatln_ Thr .sappy Inutile will reside at Tor ldsou, a well-known old resident of ',Vlughaw. Decease, was in his eightieth year. Surviving, beadles his widow, are three sons auti time. 1 alp ugh ters. The funeral took place 1,, jinek.gw haetutetl•ry War ieser/)y of last wWe A. M. Crawford, who .1411 hes wife has returned from a winter sojourn l ht Flurida. brought wth 1 a colter.- ; tion of valuable primes whirl' he won �al howling t.,uruaparnte alluring the season. RHEUMATIC VICTIM DUR PREMIER INDUSTRY KIaNTIiiIO RESEARCH APPLIED TO AGRICULTURE. iNW Play a Rig Part In the Develop• mens of the Future of l'aulaalr ()over mit to EYabllah it National Rescwrch Laboratory. It has been striking te note of let* the stimulated Interest In ,.lrutlfe research as applied to agriculture In Canada, says Agrtoultural•aud Indus- trial Progress In Canada As the Dominion's premier industry and first source of revenue, farming is main- tained at the highest pnv'Ible stand- Itlyth. He expects to bring filly miles of of been here about May llkh and port .uf these will be plated in G. M. Chambers' orchard on the litter, farm. .14 the minuet meeting of the ltI•th lawn bowling club °ffleer: were ele•t- ed us follows; Huu. president, .1111ne; preeldent. ill. 11. ,stalker; viee- pre;ident, Role. Watt; wr•retary, J. R. t)nit. It was derided to hold the au- nu1t1 1«uruaweul en June 11(1*. A number of friends ate! nt'ighlso. gathered .me eveuhtg rer•ltly ut the :home of Rohl t'atters.in to bid fare well 1.. Slejor Yungbhrt, w'Iu. is 14athut this ';41101. 1111r11k the twee-' 11111 Mr. YuuyIdut was presenter! wit It , uu address. %Ode1l was rood by Gordon ' .Augustine. while A. 1\'ay$N.uth merle I.r. preseutatlo a of a club -bag. Mr. l ntgldut made n suitable tarklowbvlg and by every means devisable, and menu. 114 Intends to take a trip to 4141' the value of sclentlfi•• r.•s•,u h to \Gest and may was,. his hou1.' there. redo. swelling nateoaal revenue font this I ' ZURICH w.ner. add 1 capful of ladtlag water. Aquiet wedding took 1411144, at the FOR SIXTEEN YEARS source as well as 1erllrin. .'r.'ater j parsonage of the 1'ui1e1 enure 1, ,rte t.ot. on April 'Jt h. he•u 1114.1 1te•ll:+ ore -half cupful of sugar and stir until lo.egohfue Rot. daughter of Mrs. ilii. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Re- To -day its aid 4s benne enitat. d on .Alo**3to Foster, lel oLl resident of the sugar :old gelatine are di%%oltte1 laox, wait united In marriage uu 1a•ot. stored Her Health an ever - Increaeing and wldentng [lay WOO/4111p. p;1'•4d away .April _let When t,ro1 add one -halt cupful of Dearing. son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Itheumatisui is n disorder of tl.. scale This thought is grumpted by at the llama of his sent. Philip Foster. strained Iruont juloe. 1 c11t.fu► of grated Ih•ariug. 'sill of the nth i'uurr sit the announcement that fu response to Babylon lime, lu his +•ceuly-srceinh pl'leapplr, drtufueil of all Jul.'.'. 1 tsq+• j '� dluosl. :Gel Gold .entice may aggry- al•1 411. 'an Invitation from the Imperial Agri- year. ill- ..ife'ditrl ...me roars ago fill of grafter, raw carrot and a tri \t the ['aired .)tomb manse. Grand! gate It but that h mut the cause. to cultural Research Conference In Lon- and u uuuds'r of sons awl datght.'1 ••rui4' o1 sslt. Stir until the fugre- neud, on April 13th, Hiss stella \lielde,l r. -.., charged with uric aedd (s the d h decided t h 1 rel diens are creole di.trlhnt.rl, then ungt•st daughter of Mr. anal )Its.; reason. RI -build the blood an he malntenanc, tiro Imperial A 4olll.bnl .sr•urr..l 1a eek mai,. Iaur 1 i Iwor to .e. Serve on, ' OtE GOOD RECIPE MAKES A COOK FAMOUS Art as well as selene 1s heeded to co1aga.st• uteuu.. Every day we rend ..f the horrible [hinge which are golug to happen us If we are mut more care- ful of our dirt. every evening the radio man Informs us that we must not eat "plea. iisstrv. pork. anal better leave off -meals of all kinds. Hoch anew. gravies and 'dr•'sltags'west be cut nut, al.o cakes, c.a.kits, white flour. white bread, white rice. candles, -.44.4 s, peewee.. tea and eof(ar'. uric* folal', hashes. pinto -puddings' ---and It seems us if warty evert thing else In So the trouble Is to fled dishes that are at our time appetizing. artistic, and dietetic. Ilex• Is a salad which iululd find favor. l nein. Pineapple and Carrot Salad Soak stn• tablespoon or eraunlatarl :Amble iu ouwlwtrter cupful of cold wad, bt sodal lion fhb. way? 1 P profits for Individual fal'nI -r%' 'inert. kali long been apjrecialed .1 rheum- don, rang a as of 0 are n ru •'a. .. , he mixture into to large uuo41ld. att.W 44111 dasa 'Phomas Webb of (:rand Brod. W1w Ip,tur. 1►r. Williams'Rflliams bureaux to be established In /.rent Sunduy at the utu•eserifou of the Ilaoe in tau .r+ Hearted to Ralph \Gillian% .d liar lt. Pink I'llls enrich and purity the blood Britain for the furtherance of •turf. Zurich road and tai.• thistle** line, lettuce leaves with any. favorite 1 h reremouy wee, larfurwo.l by itrv.11011 thtU Inilkea gond 1+1.111x11' cultural research with particular at - J. \I Tolling. The young _couple will Mrs. John C. )6•I'tlerw.n, 144. Marys, Outwrites:-• l-% r sixteen year, i tendon to soli. science, animal nu - male their ionic at Detroit'. trttlon, and animal health Throe At the April meeting ••f the NV was a 11.1 1111 4.1 rheuuuulsm. For el e_x will cost altogether about cure q'mnn•u's Destines -a debate was ; e1 years I wua suable d, walk. Mbureau as- bureau per year, the (-harms% to be Id on the subject. "Iter .d. el that singe• and .hfro;►rsrtle treatment spilt D7 the member Governments. ti..• middle age surlwasa•s youth to failed. I was utterly discouraged till, That acientlfi4 researeh is going to the joy ..f life." The affirmative was' 1 heard dime strongly hr.r.WilliamsWl' play a big part In the acileultural 111.10.1411 by )Liss Mary :'ole 111.61 \ors. Pink 11114 were re•ombtenrfrd for ca -es Qevrlupment of the future in Canals It. $,.s•k-, the uegaltve by dor_. j,,,. like mine. I lagan their use and in a 1s apparent to the decision a rem - ph lentil nod •al n. S. ]1rXaulrldota few weeks the pain lessened, my spewssplats at Ottawa within from five to Thr judge, awarded the deresi.n to the tile and tr►lor ittrl.rotwl, and now 1 ate ten years a national :tetrarch labor- , aide rile to do Ilght housework. It is win- story at a cost et $3.000.000, where"' The welding took pine' .1 lhhaw'u, derfnl what rhes 1)111+ hate dour sur the problems of farming will natural - ,en Gold Friday issuing of 111*. Min' We." ly receive a good share of attention. and Mae. daughter of Mr rail lir'. W. Dr. Williams' Pink I'ilh du one At the saute time valuable work is. .I Ford ..f l'idnrrite, to Norman Kram' Minn. but Clary ch, it well: -they rn- being performed In various province*. .•y Ii419 of ihhnwa. Thr er•rrwuu}' rich and purity the blood.. Thla rl�h Two years ago the Research Council ens Performed by Ma'. Harold Wright hllssl bnutvhes rlteuwatlim,' sciatica. of Canada established a rust research of Toned... brother-iiiof the tu',rnlgin and nenritie and promotes laboratory at Wlnn!peg on :;round brtdk•. assisted by Iter. E. Hassten. health and strength. The :'ills are sold' donated bl the Manitoba Agrleui- l.aau.r of the +'Iter h. life meds lir,'. by mrrlicinr, dealers or try mall at Tat! tetras College. In the part almoner a (long will reside at (►shawa. cents a Ise: [mW The Pr. Williams i plant research laboratory wan liner J. [Whop tax collector of theaMelielm' to., ltrxkville. Slut. .l' ted on the grounds of the nl- tuwnshlp.nf Grey'for over thirty years, - - -- ! - 1 Verslty of Alberta at Edmonton at a diel at St. M1'hael'a hospital, Toronto. SE.A10OKTH 1 coat of $50,000 Three research ee- l. wunlay. 1hr•ras'd. who was sw•re•� 'parts are to be provided by the Dom - 1 sur} of the Ethel .•Mad lwoard. went to, . The 'Catholic• Women's i.eague bas i l:Mon Department of Agriculture. for 1 Torouto to attend the educational ton• elo (ed officers 11s foil*ws-: Prraldrnllpermanent positions there, aid there I, t-c•ntluu and .bile (her'.was taken 111.1 Mrs. Leo 'Fortune; past president. Mrs.lwlll be an equal number of lural men I undergoing an operation un Saturday. iintents.; Milady: 1st ,'lame-president.1In the staff Problems of the Prat- tle was in Li- .evrnfleth ever, was un-. Mrs. Jli.mee Devereaux: _hu, eice pre%i-' rt. Provinces in mete -tear will be married. and lived with- a sister at !dent. Mira Florence Flannery: 3rd studied. The Government recently Ethel. , rice -president. 'Mrs. W. J. Ihun*an: provided for additional air for 76.- 6 hear Hunt in Bruce I correspoudiui ae•retary. Aire. Lon[. search work In grain problem+ by There w-:+- .•xcitruurut in thetuwa•I Ilevereaux; recording secretary, Ili-- deciding to devote all moneys a,•qulr- � ship of tine -wit. near the village of; Frances Givlini treasurer Ilu61'pl:alf-t. ed from overages to Canadt..1 teem- t:lamis. Ont 41..041 Friday, when a large, Miss Alh•e mil.,:,(nal elevators to this purpose .0Jer `black lace was direocered and a mina- Isftrr nn aline.'. of a few days Jinn the direction of the Nattooal Ile - Der of men organized a haat for the 1 Pinder diel at midnight Wsein/wlay,- search Council. The amount tin - animal. It was tracked for a emit" April 1(Ith. nt her tonne here. AI--medlately available to be turn••d over 1 tl until •1.,111.. It was 1,1111el' .4....41 afflicted with it lingering 1 Is $:19.000 cars driven by Win. Held ..f Deish- dressinn wood and Ede in Reeler of Hay tl,WIo ship caning 1oiether with en halloo - ••Most great fortune.' are founded Mt that totally damaged isith ears. The re;tlee.ness. knurl Chapin \laiy. Held tear upset and was thrown on its top and Mr. Held rrr•Ivel• .everul ".1 greet teacher is more iminrtant had cuts/41111411 the head.' shun tie tu..st gorgroets bulhlhtg."- Four pegde arra. seriously iujure,l. lin. k'nunkliu 1►. lta.se•rel7- In 1t motor lar accident neer .1rkoata on .April 1911a. wheu.a party sir Ih•trult- "We shall ninke matters not Iretter er- were mn their way to 'eurleli to but worse if to rare one wing we' ,144.•1111 the 1:11ster huliehets herr. The ('.tablisll mother."-4'luarlee E Hughes' cur driven Jay T. Laporte. sou, of Mr. snit ,Mr-. Chartres Laporte of the Blue Water Hight%ity near Drysdale, 'kind with a m.nor.tnack laud the font itiv'itlmm= of thr-Imja.rtr.sear were all injured.. . lir. Laporte suffered front ineenit11.1 of the 110.d; 11 r-. Iii1.411- • front shock: their .Ii ull,uth--.dal bele wits Ilrbbulds fatally tiJtirwl -turd Mies ('h:armaino re -velvet' butt fakir-, les. They were takeia to the )ttratitroy Me+p14111 ltuth machines wart: badly 4tus hl"I •,It l Dr. A. .1. 'N11'4401'11011'N11'4401'11011lus e returned to 'enrich after taking a worth's post graduate conte' to \rte York ('41) TO• WNSHIP COUNCIL WieST W..1WA\Y)1ll The West, Witwano.h 1•1punciL held ire regular meeting Starch !.•h. with all the members percent. The Reeve and noelsuperintendent were author- I Wel to get a tractor for dragging and grading. -Phe road .+ns e11111•tt61rtt1 era• lustrur•ei to advertise .for tenders for crushhta gross!, and for tender. to haul rrevrl..Mr. in.rne kers was use' hal, r mr Iv l in a tree. where John Vatter. o• Pais-' dlawn.r previews, fur nearly awn years previn, The cereals have s., far received pointed weed inspe•trr for the t►wt I les. drought It dowta with Ids PT' ; She was around1114 news' one' until token the major share of attention. probe Ship. r The nunc it adjourned to meet ,, fII .111 1 wr Ighad etaut l:d► I ,,%vitt' a severe eohl She Is survive) by I ably beeause field crope conatiftite on April :nab at 7 p.m. i The bear. 4't • pounds.wile taken to Paisley, where it, Mor mother. her strpfathrr and err -4114. greatest Item in Canadian algid- 1►['RXIN t'HII,i.IP l Clerk.ws. on mein.. At -4114y for few day*- weal btuther• and _!.ten.. guttural revenue and Decausi the r n h hare been It i; anpliesed t, have wander -01 down. - The Auglicnn .'brute of the Deaner} problems of this b • c AFTER BABY CAME from the )t.riee- 1'ruinssija of ilium' si.ite.I the `eafortla retort' more pressing That otter phases um Thursday night Inst to say fare- are not '1••dla neglected, however, Is . WAS WEAK, SKINNY EQb"i4:R well to ]sec T H 111141 Sire. Brown,' Indicated In the haat that to the part who leave shortly for -Toronto. Mr. summer the Dominion Det•aitmeui of 1 NI It has par Brown wits presented be his fellow- Agrieultnre established a :atoll ex- cha,.+rl the summer io n 1.•1do1 nt 4: rat ed 'lend and intend* to►ajatuytug nn Galilee.+ exj.r•ssing Gtr teres near \le,fu ire Hat in \I .arta ereeting n new drag store and refresh'. Km -intim' 4.f hie ministry- of forty- with the ot.j.•rt o1 end•.lvorIng to meta ).00Ih 401 the premiere. five }'ears. and -Mrs. Brown ens pre• solve some of the ,rob1.•nls confront Work on the I.flving of the Ismdoa flentel by the wives of the elergymeti Ing ranchero to -day. At the settle road Ia•twee11 I:xeter suit KIPI1wa bee %%Mb a ether cakedeeket At a soe�L time on Fx anent mentionch at ithinl Expert- ' ' commenced The work trill begin at meeting of the congregation of the north rid o1 l-:xeter and be con- Thome.' en►rch n purse of Wine w 1- P.E.I., who+• :ese,.rch has b••••41 •1f prrw•idel 10 Ilr. Breen mud n Iwnsket incalculable le•nrn' to the fir -farm - of r•• -t••. to Mrs. Itr.eo4, Ale. Brown lig tndustr> in g••neral concluded hie mhdrtry In teeeferth un, Wheat, as the ;most valuables Item tght• Vrenehl.g u. 11 Inrge I of Canadian production and export Latimer er Grlrv.. Dime tt fi of R G• el*rgtmeti with a set of tww.k'. ac perinlentsl station of a, heti 15.000 ?blued 'level. BRI K( EI„vi I,0a; The weekly 'tllur-lar ball-itollclny congregation. the. Pre-4•yterinn and' trade, lits received more attention la Bntsael• rtdmuHlee. 44444 week. United ehnr.hee being rl,serl in' ret.*-: than any other crop. it is ImpnusIble '.jr ,iel \Ir S. tarter end 'Mies eition of the-trs•ti1l .s•en'i.III. leirhi_ to estimate the moonnetary va1ue of Ilyille lite morel to •w•a111rlh. where the 4leatle4 the .'mires will be ••on- exp.rlrnente 1n the Mr Carter lots taken over the Hndsnn' 'boleti by Archdeacon J w Ikaruontl ed In tis.- product11on '.1 tlarqul,. of Geslerirh, and on June let the what now grown w Sen••r.111y 1n the K --.•t sge•tles, Orn.. ur.rly alya.iuhrl nrtor. Rev. Mr. Myer- Canadian Weat, or the mire recent At the ammal meeting: of the -..re of St. John church. 1h•troit, will til" dere 1opm••n4 of a yet mere rapidly maturing wheat. Oarn• t The prob- lem upon which all effort,. have come to centre is (het of rust In wheat, 1 fungus whirh preys upon the ripen - vel laeit heeling eh'b .-... ele ted as fellows: Hen. president, 11. charge. Y. 4h.eniilg; president. Roi,ert Bow - a: • .1er-presid,•nt. W. e. rlte,4(: +eec- CLINTON 'D �•1•T11vfsh. The -..._._-.censurer. D. M. lig crop Ind results annually In the Ont. leeks forwent to a eneeessfai , .ther /In illneee of about three loss of millione of dollars to West•rn etirriel April 17th at his home here. I farmers Efforts at the solution of hle sects -MO yeti'''. lle sn" `e'l 'this have ,oin-• to rendre upon tbs Ity 1114 elfe, two fume n datighter, development of a good varimy oy .E. end 1.4wrenee wheat which will mature before isle Mint Frenk A. Jenkins. ell of Totem- rust eeaeon conies On and thus he to: also two brothers. AV. E. Greig of Acceiding to the Dominion T01171110 and .1. 4'. Greig of Senfortis Cerealiet. prompects are good for the ”etr. Decraesel eieint ...me or his early mid Hiree !deters. lir-. James Wring. high quality variety of wheat years In Hewitt townehip. :111.1 after- am Witinineg and Mrs. Thom. Jed. - within two or three years. berg, foliating his trod.. n rnr- his canine to Wingleint Ile )4 murelved Experimentation to Dile end hae been under way for some time with l 4441.4.110-11111-1.11":.iti1111a7te1,11 'Lt. (111114'.'1414. 11I the nee satisfactory preliminary resides. A , developed ln the Federal , rust-rosistant variety of wheat. Mar - 'The death iss•Orriel at the reeldenee born on the teishen line. Statilre. anil eniiio. was laboratory at Ottawa. but 11 was ef [Ms daughter. Mrs. .1'. Hawking. rifler his marriage in 1`031 'settled et la.•king in gluten Reward, a variety of John Day- Adelaide. 0111.. .Whero lie termed for ti, PreA on, int April 21st. "I'' of wheat whleh le not rast proof hot grows so quickly AB tS) mature before sped moet of lils time with his dough: ow rust ,,,„a,,,,d devriotni emn tne ter. llre. Itelii. in Clinton. An•dlie: limner! west her. heS lee , n sown on ' dottgliter. Hrs. LleY11 K.1". livv". 1" 400 acre, of Eiteeriniental Vann.. , ' :4011141% fool several brethers mill sis• and 467 plots by indivelliell farmers In Cie past eeason, and "stet remelts interred beside those of hi' wife. . pl., . ,I .1. esperimente are to le. ander- :Slimy in (linnet .nnd ' the dietriet tietem in the nett two or Ors- yeart 1 GAINED 22 LBS. delicious just PLAIN "After hale wee born I .eas very - meals ekinity. Shaer ini.ing Ironies -41, Yenet feel fine. linined 2:: lbs." -Mrs Laura Benoit, • Yeast adds 5 to 15 II., lo :: weeks. Ugly hollows fill out. Bolo limbs gel graeefel roundness. Nlitaid.a skin gets dear nod resy Ilk.. lung'. vanish overnight. Sound Awls nnw pep from vete first day. Two gneit tone-. In one- epeeial tptit being "skinny." tired. 1111 delia;ded alit quick results. A faded, bat tered hat im hardly than dull. gray -looking ahoem ...your morning toilet should_ always include a "Nugget - shine --which waterprooft4 the ashoes am it polishes. SHOE POLISH Ike NUGGET TIM opal with Wit ! he Interest" the snw""":enle"I 'to bites lip the quality ind at te.. tnnk Ian"' "a 'with licWand will rcaliTrt A Alta..", day Inet the liono Air the 1.rille's, of rast-resietant, high quality wheat. , hate. the ehortiy Mei. untie researe!„I otravenlitirsle eon of Mrs. 1.. Aflame have solv.s1 11114 p,roapii :end the late John Adonis of Termite. ceretneto a/141 ierfortned by !tee. W. A. Deal -oft Graveithurst. in the presence of about forty attests. '3Irn. SleKeivey. Pieter of The bride, ..11,4;411;/1...t.lbtYmillite.1::::I.,141.7,11,tlas, "4° "Wing "'sly; viltite iltitrlie; • • . /III has been holiest, by a (twentieth MsEelvey. Sir. awl Mr"' w"."11"; ;site. r house oda end wth pos eemeacie, *hien 'ha, chosen t•x.4eise aft option on lentil.. WM16.1' 1.11)1614 • , At the April meeting of Ilit Clinton. 1 preelslent. Hrs. N. '11'; Trewarthe: let , vice-president. Mire. Bert .Ninnilit : /Ow- terei Bry_. 4.,........,_:,..„...L...ilreneitrer. 1 "Fineinlitma will only ne 1.....-11,1,• elm. we see an perfriet. and then It %%III Ina be tieeiled.'• I les n III se. .111.1111 hoseitel. !stint, in, for the removal of a plece elirniinel from the brow or hie nett. The shrapnel is a mouvenir of /lie War, Isor wimp months pest Mr.; Bentley lois been IreedlintlY teeing the 1 tier of one of his grtns. end int etney I taken 'reeentle th.• piety'. of shrturted. which wail theiettit to be pressine npon WIMP tierce ...litre. •J Roy., of TIWOht11. Ihte114•14 1.1 oper• ate an spisry in the nelirtilewhiesl THY a handful of Rice krispies right out of the red - and -green package. Golden bubbles of flavor that nicht in your mouth! Serve for breakfast with milk orcream. Rice Krispies are deliT cious in a dozen different ways. Children are wild about theni. At your gro- cer's. Oven -fresh. Made hy Kellogg in London, ( . 040930Ne\ tit 11 Thursday, May Ist, 1900-7 HOW ONE WOMAN LOST 28 LBS. OF FAT This headline te exactly true and means just what it stye. Wad lier loWII letter : " I take a daily dose ef Kruerlien W1.1 I have Wet tws. 1111e11,1 neve' the witiet end hips and 2s1 lin. settee last summer. I feel very well On it. and people tell me I look very tit. I am .1 rt. 4 ins. in height. ye0114.11d: and come of at 1t1.ut family." If you are fat, first remove the cause. %When your liver, kidney.' and bowels can't thlOW off that poi:40110119 waste material which es always accumulating in your body before you realise it y.111 Are getting heleouely fat. Take Kruedien Sane in glass of hot water every inor g. In three weeks' many imuniet of fat have emulated. Notes- :deo hOW V011 have pained in energy and. health. Your skin is clearer, your sparkl.• with glorious ierstit h. Volt (1.1.1 ger in Indy, keener in hem'. Knee -hen will give Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your Bread from Cleveland's. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf today and taste the difference. We specialire in Cream Goods of all kinds E. U. CLEVELAND Phone 114 West Street fedloYie RICE KIIISPIES , Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke I ran gupply your wants. in any of the above fuel Irrompt -Fergie./ and t1/11,011a1/14. price - L. FLICK Telephone 178j Goderieh GODERICH INN GARAGE ',I-1 It'l al -I I:\ ICI- STATION Pill Durant, Hodson and Essez, G I Motors Automobiles and Tracks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service Non l'.111 144. PolWe 111..14411,111 %IWO they an. n•pair..I by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Ports for All Makes of Autos in Stock HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 at are these DOMINION TIRE DEPOTS? They are a great chain of tire service depots, spread like a network across Canada. Each is the finest tire store in its locality and ,are co-opzratin* to assist motorists in getting the grealest possible mileage from their tires. These Dominion Tire Depots are painted in a uniform color scheme of o-ange and blue. All bear the Dominion -Tire Depot sign. From these Dominion Tire Depots you may obtain: -Tires at the price you want to pay ... cach tire the best value at its price. -A periodic tire inspection service de- signed to check tire injuries before they become serious. Pressures will be -checked and everything possible done to add mileage to tht life of your tires. -Reliable repair work. honestly and promptly executed at fair prices, • Let the orange and blue Dominion Tire Depot front guide yOu to Canada's fin- est tire service.