HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-5-1, Page 66 -Thursday, May 1st. 1980 Dorit "Dose" dache • RUB forehead and • templeswith 1h .e-,.•veto. THE SIGNAL, Sunday Afternoon -0- By ISABEL HAMILTON. Goilerleh, Out. 1Vhen, alis ealvatiwl bringing, Vicks; also melt ill!.To %lou Jesus came. he chllelre•n all stood siugiug hot water andin- llusauuu to Ilis name; hale the vapors. Nor did their zeal offend !tint, This clears the head an usua y brings quick relief, especially in those cases which so often accom- pany colds. If headaches come too often, consult a physician. wa t�"at once sJsCKS ?,VAPOR UB pp1 R MMS ZIONdAR USEOYou lc C fri VI As a..e.raolf rLOOwII,a01 v or satin finished - Cil_ I l )I_ R You are under no obligation R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderich Super Values in New Furniture We offer you thebest values in Ontario. See us first. We pos- itively save you money. BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange 0a or Broadway of Gsdericie \1• .true . iLo•'1 -t,.k of II Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds .0I. Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone H_' Goderich Ile bade thew still attend flim, And smiled to hoar their sung. =John King. To Thee wine art the King of king. and Lord of lorded we bow hi humble adoration and child -like faith and be!', stch Thee to guide us all the way: 'roto earth tt, Leaven. Amon. ' . S. LES: SON lOK MAI I lth, 1930 less in Topic -Jesus .%crIains••d King. Lison l'assate-NIatlllvN t1 :1-11. (iolcle•11 'lest-Nlelthea 21:9. .1,11 the l.•ur euuige•lists tell the' :tory of Christ's triumphal ride. hide Jeru•uletu five slays• heron• His death. ale had lodged at Ite•tiwu,v.wl:erea .npps•r had keit wade in His honor. Jesus travelled wnrh in the three' 3't'31:4 -of iii. 'ministry 'hut always ion f..ot. Net otiee in Ilts'llte lh role to 1 iuull•h and it a ts..vite•n He went tu- tu Jerusalem to suffer :rid dile. "The provision Mutt ea- male for :Lis sol- emnity was Very poor atel ordinary, unit suet as bespoke. Hie' kingdom t•• 1* ant of this world. Here veere i°: beralds at arms pro%i,e.t. no trumpet se.nneied b furl.• 111m. lin eleiriots oil' state, itu liveries; .ue•hatli,;l.gs u- these were 1)'.t agreeable to Itis prese;ut sure of humiliation. but will toe fur outd"nue at it1ir--a„mt'• coming:---i-e+ which 111,1 wug11iti..•i1 appearance is reserved. whet, the to -t trllmps•t shall uuul I. the glorious aui,els shall be His heralds and utteud:u,ts. and the clouds 1114 chariots." 1 Henry's Bible 1. The prep:lratiom for Ili- -entrance to the idly ells made us 11e drew near to it. He. sent two of His dis•iple•s ted• tete* Hint an ass. Hoiv did Jesus know where the ass an.l. the cult were. sod in what eu0411110n they would be found? ,flow d111 Jesus know all the lasts riling• of wideli Ile spike 11) the eonrse•of 11i- ministry un earth's Hew did he set' Nathaukel sitting under the fig -tree. how did Ile read Ills char- acter 81141 .tale II in word.. that start- led. the niainAilpuself? How did He know who it was In the tree hooking doer' upon Ilim •In a spirit of curios- ity? How did Ile k-uow fiis ftwe and how did Ile dare 16 say drat litewould toe the na8'." guest that.da?'rThese questions awaken %leQader in th Lmind of the thoughtful rea'ler.'Yett man ho H11111 -e• till things Apt 001 1111 things etufesse.l Ills need: "Tile fiord hall, nerd of them." The head that -dirtied ail kuowle.11e; Ile who was Master had not where to lay His head; lie was a wanderer upon the face of the earth which Ile had made. All this which actually come to page was done shpt "1t might he ful- filled which was lg4lkt•u by the pro- phet." There was all the appearance of freshiwrn about everything Jesus ellA, as If 1t had never been thought :a1H.u1 before. yet in the Jerusalem in- cident we ee' on a small wale what He ..laid been doing on the scale of the universe. "And at very great multitude spread their garments 11) the way: ethers cut down branches front elle tree.: and strewed them In the way. and the nrtltitu)1es that went before and that followed cried." They might do all tint 111)41 do-nothing' The men sent the colt; the great multitude e.pre•ad their garments. others elft down Man - chem. and ..011 cried with a loud voice. its if the King haul c'ume. and mast be balled with shouts of loyal delight. All that might mean nothing% nod y(t. it dT 111011 lit the right thing, It r was n.reti•nry. "Ault when He was Come Into Jerusalem all the illy was muvel. a•I%itg. Who is this'!" Cities are Inbred 1!v variola. cause. . - 1..•t new+ of war be reported in tiny city-. and. Brent ti+ it may toe, it will he novel. from (entre to e1reuniferetwe. Let a great man die. and the city. the ...entry. the civilized world shall feel Itself the pewter. .!esus moved the whole city. He eels the Cow she not only could d.. that but wlio ( 1811 sattdy every elnotlon he excited .\141 11e Is the came t.ellny. \ten. w.'tucn and Children can proclaim Win fer.! and (ender Into Hitn loyal. worship. When 411,1 He turn unpin(, 1 way- tela would offer praise to His II rue ' or 1•v pre:+ gratitude for Ills y.Hslness} , What each one wnuts 10 .Io is not t.. -,214 a colt J•r Hold er ; floe. re or brnn.ill 1 or clothes. and +oft to join only in some lend cry of Icl'c! r: !,Ism to offer hint the boort. If Ile trill meetly It. Olean.... R by the wit.+,+tie- 4m44i* *ewe- Motel, t hen the tnnt.c is His, and the garden, land the ),mini•.e and the hank. WORLD MISSIONS . Bee. \\'. W. ('ash. in his nook. "The • Moslem. World In Revolution." tells of cowing upon a man who was p•g- giug oat a (•htim of laud in the desert.' ,The. ground was hot. parched and dry : ''not a blade of grass was to be seen. What a .fuel the man seemed to be. epe•nding monei and' time on so pro fatless it soil! 'Y'oese hack in ten years' time and 'Writ at it then!" said this optimist. As 1t happened. Mr. /'ash did peas that way ten years lab•* He emit() hardly believe 1t ons the same {dare. Ile Paw- a canal and a pumping 'station w11H•h isiun.l vast quantltlee of water %nein the land. 114' waw n neat bungalow, a fine avenue of tree.. and vines with great bunches of black !melon. grapes hanging there- on. hereon. "It did •teem borpelegs atfirst," sAbl the op4{tnf-t. '-but now It is bring- ing me nu Inc.me• 1)t a 1hou,eimd pounds a year." Ae is the sowing. so shall the reap- ing be. Only the hoed Jesus Christ in (,•utrol of the life can guide us • o'er moor ard fen, through crag and 10 torrent till the night is gone, and give ' ns at the cud such spiritual fruitage, of which we Alvin .never he ashamed. -The Globe. *BEE -LANCE WRITER DON'T SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS VICTOR LAIIBISTON, INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with , Filching, from sour and acrd stomach? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can he prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's L4ttle. Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach, liver and bowels will he cleansed of poison, painful and Marjorie Ellwood writes in The London Free Press Victor Lauriston ds the author of that intriguing mystery novel "The Twenty•First Burr," that gripe the imagination of the reader and holds his interest to the end M the book. Ht lives Its Chatham, and is one of the few free lance writers In Canada. Mr. Imuriston Co10.1 easily claim to be an Irishman if 1* did not pre- fer to be known as all Canadian, for his father's people hailed from dangerous indigestion disappears and the."(lull Sal." the north of Ireland. the system enjoys a tonic effect. Dtm't I,uf his mother's folks came from delay. Ask your druggist for a 25c !wenn. Falgl:,tt'1. 1114)1 James Park, the pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills. grandfather of Mr. lnurfstou. owned GODERICH, ONT. WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? 44 r How good ar you at finding mistakes/ The artist has Intentionally made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. Se. how long it will take YOU to find them. LOOK CDR SOLUTION IN NEXT WEEK1S SIGN.11. Ttit RE ARE t3 MIDTAKES 10. THIS ncTu/( Solution to "What's Wrong and %litre" In last week's Signal. 'h\Vt* 1'III1.I'1CF;N. \1-ITlt,ls(a: TN ('It.\TF:. 1 -Picture on wall not Portrait of -7--girl has only one s,s k Douglas Fairbanks. $- 1)iig la eating twuuuu. l'leture of 'huu.e upside down- • 1.17('bei+t 3-•-.1'h4ura of house hung hlcorrttitly.. ce Iietl Int ma 4 -Calendar has two dates --1:1,29 apt 1O --'Girl's Rivas has no sle.'ve. 19t►(► 11-dn•stgtt at muds of nag docs not MOTELAMONG cLOUDB. The Jungfraujoch Is Perched High Lip on the bermes. Alpe. One of the lowremat'kaule uoteie la .he world is the Juugtraujoeh, perched high up on the. Juugfrau, 1$ the Bernese Alpe, /Switzerland, 11,411 feet above the level of the sea. Built of atone and Iron, the hotel is welded. as It were, Into the sheer rock of the famous mountain. Snows surround It eternally, and. In winter, 1t is buffet- ed by the fiercest blissards of the Alps. But it gives hospitality and 'Warmth to climbers and to the tour- ists our ists who visit the mountain by the fuaicular railway from above Inter - taken. From the windows of the hotel lounge one often looks out up- on a world of clouds, through whicha some of the high peak% of the Ber- nell* Oberland stand out like rugged Wands. Nearly every member of the hotel aux Is an expert mountatuoor. For though the funicular runs to wtth2I a short distance of the hotel there are bften long spell* during the winter when the heavy snows prevent all1. communication with the outddet world. Then, the only means of reach- ing civillzatiou G by ski along daa- gerous mountain tracks. The Jung- frauJuch hotel 11,41 its origin In a ramshackle shelter hut built by workmen when e•ngal:ed 11) the con- struction of the funicular In 1912. From this dwelling where they ate :heir sin11'le meals of beer and bread has arisen the hotel that U unique in the world. LO1'I*.S W'Fx+TERIN MLBIC, De sw4.l In Japan' for All Kinds of Western Musical Musk. The demand In Japan for ell kinds of western classical music is In strik- ing contract to the coidltloe in e'hh. na, where native taunts to soil pis - eminent aid where foreign melodies, either classic or jazz are not welcom- ed, declared Liotta Sterltug of the Oolumbla Gramophone Oompany. af- ter completing a tour of the Far Mut, Upuntil thirty years ago, he said, the Japanese were almost entirely ig- norant of foreign music, Out during this time they have rapidly become s;s pres.tus :,n• hot r. educated to It and now there is a large demand for muds by Beetho- ven, Mozart. Brahma and Wagner. This apprcctatlon of western muds 1a ',noir, and not the result merely to be like other countries, It is agree ed. Foreign music. whether rendered lay local artlata or thgeae lrogt abroad. �- la received with great enthusiasm. two farms at Rothwell at the time of. one.. .1, his first story. which .if' coils'. The appeartence of s ars such as Ga1U- •'the first oil-bootu. nut .old h's faros to was an imitation of ItehIl1.en ('ruse. Curet, Edman and Helfetz always start a plant fur. manufaef ring oil- tont 1+e dud not get anything published bring packed hoops while many are well machinery. But this plant went t util 1'.D9. and It ons a lung time 1.1- turned away when visiting opera oom- up in flames when the sip-be...w burst. fore writing brought him much money panles play "Carmen" or "Alda." and the young city of Rothwell was ' Mr. LaIrristun declares his first real practically wlp.l out by fire. • tory was published In• MacLean-' i►R 'IT A)i1HP•4i+e%'Ell. Mr. 14auri to, has been finked with mien called Busy Mani In 1!110 and , --- - the of fad stry from the first, born that which _be had L, blIsherl Isdorc Sleet of Air cleans Trees .4 Pert Is at Fletcher. Kent c!unty, long after- . te:a• "just staff." iiowever. It nt-t wards the ,.•etre of the Tilbury ui1 lute coutahieel t.nlsiderable of merit. By, ftp, ot a 1:6 h.p airplane en- , and gas fields. or it would uer.•r hate Iseu prima gine. connected to a blower. Harry W. Publishedd+ts teen the That • A Romantle Period • Owen.., fruit grower. has devised a For Mora year. h iromrlrie period that tl.c method of blowing of caijaes from Canadian c'.rre,pottdeut ..f site (Oland old 4rople of Western 't"t'rio lose setting fruit, thus eliminating the Gas Journal, covering operattuus from to talk :demi. the first •.11 11.•11 it, cause of Jacket rot, which in previous the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. 1!otblwe•11, foffttell the 144141+ o? "ar11 1n years has resulted In hoary crop Ile liar published two serials with the molendid Sixths," that was Victor losses togrower■ r f aprlco• Mounted on a cart and drawn from Argosy magazine. They are "Pay Sand" Mat-l.eat's Magazine. and later this and "The Tempting Tangle." The las- � article was contributed to the ('anal- through which a blast of air is dee ter Is an absorbing mystery story. inn sec•ti.ul of -"Romance lif .Vneriean livered at a volume of 20,000 cubit) about the set.'tnl oil -boom that struck Petroleum." published in New York feet per minute at a rate of 130 tulles i Bothwell in PS9tr. It Is hoped Mr. some years ago. an hour, b played up and down the ' Ltauriston will bring these two /goriest Victor 1-auristin devotes must of 1 'match. 5 -Boy has tau right hands. 1S --Metal clip 111) top of calendar 1• i 14iy has two kinds of shoes. - ..ft ..entre. fki California. s. oil field setting; both were in the l.auriston's first 411w64al article to tree 'to tree by a tractor, the blower, tree from different angles, blowing out Iii hook furca, tura large number toe time to short ort 'tore writing the fruit clean, of people are very anxious to read I Ili, stories are published !n IrodinR to rend them h1 the Argosy.I as well as in England. He abut write - Marge Families In Italy. ('anadian and .\,nerd, -an magazines. them, who were reit fortunate enough . Lauri,Nrn poetry and has also puhlishel four When quite young Mr left Fletcher and lived In Morp•th. 1s,1411111r s'.nge•. The te..t knowxn of th where his father taught school. Later. quartette are The Fair( et Rose le for a while he lived In Chatham, but I Jnne" and "Maple Land." the latter :, mo rce•ivel must of his schooling In God, pntrfotie sing. fs (rich Ity the way, this omit' is really The critter predict ninny Irrilllnrr Yrs Melillo -id Port" to the "Twenty -First stories from the pan of Vt.-tor Lau had Burr" that ctiunel so mach dluvselo%'riston in the future. :1} t.. its location. - - - :►ctivreehu Chatham According to an eflIcial agency, ere were In Ealy in June, last year, 32,000 families with seven er re children. The total popoulatioo a little moro than 40,000,000. re than 1(.0.000 of these families eight or more rhlldren. CANADA GETS MOST Shire reit MI l.,uriston has 1iye1 fu Chatham. where he takes au twelveBRITISH IMMIGRANTS ass S■aa■■t<usaimaw■H■■-m-ma■i-■■■■t1-II ■-��Aport in ctrl( affairs He has served SVPERIOR STORES HAVE YOU LEARNED THIS BETTER WAY ? Every wutlialI o' • • ' herself to t:,kc 11414antngr of the lines - '.tIen.l. .ituan.l a1 ever Pit 11111141001111114100contenient 1•o .ts in Ohtani., you will lied Silp•riur Chain si r • N.•nu_ r n the /natttnonn i11 quality posinete at prises Made lower by trenMnelons 111.1+.441111.1+.441hityi 1g. 1,a1:001!•tore is owned by :1)l exy+•rieu(.a 'tomermer skis can *terve yis poi •tter and who stands a+ -a personal guarantee behind e•aeh article he wells -and, in addition, he ntalntaine a pryngo! delivery rervie'e that e•litutnal all the hnnecessary walk ineend Carrying front your -1e.p Om!- nc Try tliil,st(rvi.r .,nee and he rent ine.•.I-- WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS + Jewel Shortening, 1's..per pkg. 17c Ovaltine .. small 50c, medium 75c. Targe $1.25 Babbitt's Cleanser . 2 tins 19c Toddy, 'Serve Hot or Cold', 8 oz. 33c, 16 oz. 53c Ivory Soap 12 cakes 50c Ivory Soap, No. 6 cake .... 2 cakes 18c Premium Tea. cup and sa$cer free, per Ib. 69c Crosse & Blackwell'a Little Chip Orange or Lemon Marmalade .12 oz jar 23c Hawes' Floor Wax 1's 43c King Oscar Sardines 1 7c Cow Brand Soda ..... .... 16 oz. 9c Maple Leaf Tomatoes, 2'a .2 tins 25c SiftoSalt, plain or iodized, 2 pkgs. 17c Aylmer Golden Sweet Corn, 2's .. 2 tins 35c Refugee Beans, 2's 2 tins 35c Libby's Red Alaska Salmon, I'sper tin 40c Post's Bran 2 pkgs. 25c Pure Raspberry Jam .. 40 oz. jar 37c White Tapioca • 2 lbs. 23c Fry a Cocoa .,,..., ... Ib. tin 23c Campfire Marshmallows 8 oz. tin 23c Heavy Zinc Wash Board and 3 dozen Clothes Pins all for 59c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS Small Tin 2 for 19c LILY BRAND each Chicken Haddie 19c CHOICE PUMPKIN Large. 21 size 2 for 25e Sten Maid Santa Clara PRUNES 2 Ib. pkg. 29c SURPRISE "A Pure Hard Soap" 7 bars 39c BURFORD PEACHES 2's, Heavy Syrup per tin 20c PHONE YOUR J. J. McEwen, Goderich, PHONE 46 WE DEL ■■ 11111• ■•■ Emig Nix ••••■■ 11 -;•u the u•hrol Hard. a+ chairman e•f \\\'.\..\devil J• t ..,rdiuR t•• rhe library ►Nnen1. 161.1 as au alelerman• r,,ls.rt wh841' oritrinare- rhe 111111• :11. fie w1)• rha1n11g❑ of the city Riicerm of Comm"m. i,,.,41"n. l-:ogllnel. ••mi ,,, - meottuite.•whichputthrouRii Rnit{.Ia to(ana/h1onsin•*+•ase.)mor,• the spe•cLnl Ie'gislatlon eshalpltshtlg tate'?lion_ i;s'rcent.dnr!ngflu•la,-ttourelty 11,nuager #ydtenlin('hatham. Titsy,,itrs:altligl,,nilgrntlon tthe •' system 1s 1.•lug w-1tlh..l with great 1 '-I.4.$uhilntlr'genernlly 11,15 shown n '.Hc len•+t by uelRldoriult .itirs. Su fur •ideral.11• falling oft sin,.• IlrMl. r v rt r ■ it has pu•tel succi+spful. ilou�Nt'. lt. . mlih. i',1rliam 1 n 1 ■ After finishing sly ('hnthpl,a ('ol (-ell'! err of the Ihnlyd- ,.f Trade. In I legiut, 'Ili..titlf e•• 1 inter larlriston• ready fn n glte+flon sold ernittrntlon to .•nt•n.l n Ins office. where he stmt- ,',innate hail {nereaswl ,tror1.:::::::1", In yen r. feel sur li ccnr, and pnsurl its first nnnwly, fropl At1,1.1'_ in i!r_a; t., le ne- nyear-e5autinatk'n at (lsgolHIP 1I1)11,'i,, 1!r't. wj,lle tin• Hoard of Trod.' flg- Ter�,Ja t1). however, the law .11,1 nut art's shnw-.•i1 the 11gcre•gnte- .mlgrati. 1 lair 111 Mtn us 1 Ily a.. the urg,18.. to to di,,ra, .\,,strain :,i,,1 New Zealand ■ write, s', he quit the 11w office and tee had -ndll' 1).l from theist 11!1+rn in (III. 1110 11 rep'rte'r o11 The Chatham Plan- 1!r_'ti to !N.(Mn in l!r_•.1. ■ t Th (Basham News 'CI J9 eL Rolmg over o e a '. nn , n •r n so K'l, qac. 111 later on. where he nrou/horp ootid he t' .1 nisi regnr)1 to lw,mhdon emi ■ rvr'e to the cditor,hlp. In 1!Ha he left grntion. Itr. 1'rnmmon.l Nhirl,. l'ar Tile Jews to devote tittle t•' all its liauu•urtery I'nder:S.sn•rnry. Rano the ■ wrlting. s:nn,' flanres a:- Nlr. Smith for t` 11ke molt. fnutous w•ritcrs, %I r. ban emfgrnrion g,enerullr. stat hit Iaturlslnn early shutte.l 111.•rlary t1)- .e1 Igrlhonl t•• (':mush, y1'we l nu nn-. ■ elinatlols. ,\t the age of nine h(, meal In, r.- • ■ EMI tRK.t.` r (. SIOMJ \ 1. 1111sr vont.! SIM4N., 1r 0,in1 R't. 'c ORDER TO • J. Calvin Cutt, Goderich PHONE 116 ■ IVER ■ ■ ■111l11■■■111111■■■ BICING. A S41 ZULU You TTgrtsi N►aNkEy' ?o PI(K YOUR COCONUT'g YOU GET s6T (Ott A ,40.1c,.., StitrEET ONkOZI✓ . Iy 1 1. A haemin Wenkaaesm of the Blood Pallor of the lips, gums and eyelids is proof that the blood is, thin and watery. Anaemia is the name given to this condition. Anemia is. most prevalent among girls and young women. The school girl often suffers as the result of an anaemic condition of the blood and t i.e. consequent upsetting 01, the nervous system. The remarkable success of Dr. Chase's Nerve Mood in cases of this kind is perhaps the best proof that it 'goes directly to the formation of pure, rich blood. And pure, rich blood is the foundation of the health and strength of the whole buman Or. Chase's ti 1'14% tllflteFood The greatest of restoratives for the blood and nerves. Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phone 339 SPARR'S When you place your order .,ah us for supplies you can be assured of receiving only the best that can be procured ia CHOICE GROCERIES MEATS, BUTTER, EGGS. FRUITS. FRESH VEGETABLES. FLOUR, LARD. MAPLE SYRUP, ETC. .\ Tn.. , r'br t\i'1..i:• i„ 1- Silterwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for your'prou-eti.•n Ceti, ir/ And look (iron oil Where CIeaeheess is Punnet e ••l'RTEOI'S SERV1('F mopes WELCOME Sparr s Grocery ' The store .1 satiefacn'',,' Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 ' WF: DELIVER IN TOWN THE BOY BEHIND THE BISCUIT Ever sec a boy behind a Shredded Wheat Biscuit? You NS ill have to look quick before the biscuit disappears -- but -wait and you will see him take another biscuit -and more milk. The more he chews the crisp shreds of baked whole wheat, the more he likes it --and that's the reason he is a real boy; full of bounding energy and radi- ant health. Just as good for grown-ups. Delicious with pruner baked. apples, sliced bananas or any fruit. • HREDDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT MK CANADIAN •HREODIC D WHKATCOMPANY. LTD.