HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-01-14, Page 9Walton UCW plans for new Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677 Duff's church marks UCW 25th anniversary On Sunday morning the United Church Women (U.C.W.) led the worship service for the 25th anniversary at Duff's United Church. Marie McGavin was organist. Heidi McClure. Marie Coutts. Karen Hoegy and Magaret Craig were ushers. President of the U.C.W. Marion Godkin gave the Call to Worship. Scripture reading was given by Dorothy Sholdice. Annie Reid. the first president of the U.C.W. in 1962 prepared and gave a splendid message on “Called to Respond - 25years of United Church Women.” The choir consisted of several of the U.C.W. members when they sang two anthems- "Called to Become" and “1 feel the Winds of God today", during the service. The hymn. "Celebration" was sung by the congregation. Olene Dennis and Maxine Houston led in prayer. Candles were lit by the Past-President. Helen Craig; se­ cond candle for the present was lit bv Marion Godkin. The candle for the future was lit by Olene Dennis. A solo, “All These Lived by Faith" was sung by Marie McGav­ in accompanied, by Margery Hue- thcr at the piano. Rev. Bonnie Lambic closed the service with the Benediction. Walton boy on winning team Congratulations goes to the Brussels Atom Hockey Team who won the Tri-County Tournament in Harriston on Sunday. They had played two games Saturday return- ing to play two games Sunday, winning the trophy and banner. Each boy received a crest. Walton area boys are Matt Lee and Chris Stevenson. Their coach is Chris Lee, Walton. Teams participating in the two day tournament were: Drayton, Howick, Arthur, Ripley, Harriston, Hanover, Wingham, Belgrave, Walkerton and Brus­ sels. Cranbroolc Compiled by Mrs. Mac Engel. Phone 887-6645 People around Cranbrook Steven Webb, Guelph, conduc­ ted the regular meeting service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, January 4. Mrs. Graeme McDonald accom­ panied her son Peter and his partner Kerry Shepherd to Bran­ don , Man., where they took part in the Novice Dance Divisional Championship. Congratulations to Peter and Kerry who won the Silver Medal at Brandon and now will go to Ottawa in February where they will compete in Canadian champ­ ionships. At the Hall Board euchre on Friday evening, January 9, 18 tables were playing. Winners were: high, Brenda Perrie and John Subject; low, Isabel Craig and Donald Clark; lone hands, Mildred Gill and Bill Dobson; table with highest total, Wilda Baillie, Betty Van Sickle, Ken MacDonald and Jim Armstrong. The Foresters will have a card party on Friday night, January 16 in the Community Centre. year For the first meeting of the New Year, U.C.W. members met in the basementof Duff s United Church on Wednesday evening. Walton II unit was in charge of devotions with Karen Hoegy open­ ing with a New Year’s message. The hymn, "Take time to be holy” was sung accompanied by Bonnie Lamble at the piano. Karen gave prayer followed with the scripture read by Margaret Craig. The offering was received and dedicat­ ed. Marie Coutts of Walton 1 unit gave the topic on Church in Society, then spoke on growing up, how the different age groups coped with their life problems, touching on drugs and alcohol abuse in their different stages. Marion Godkin presided for the business,openingwith apoem, ‘‘Wishes for the New Year”. Minutes were read and approved as read by secretary, Marilyn McDonald followed by reading two thank you notes. Leona McDonald gave the yearly report as treasurer. In the business it was voted to pay the youth group that went to Toe Alpha the same as other years. The membership is $1.00 to be given in at the January unit meeting. Prices were set for gifts and speakers for the coming year. Music night was discussed and the Thankoffering in April. Karen Hoegy gave a summary for the supper committee with supper pricesto be $6.50 in the church, if served in an arena $7.00. The U.C.W. will take on Blyth luncheon this year. It was decided to purchase oak tables. Speakers are to be used on a trial basis. The annual congrega­ tional meeting is to be held this coming Sunday evening, January 18, starting with a pot luck supper at 6:30p.m. Walton I unit to serve, Walton II to clean up. The Junior choir members are having practice at the church, Jan. 15 at 4:15 p.m. under the leader­ ship of Rev. Bonnie Lamble. The Huron-Perth Presbyterial meeting is to be held Jan. 26 at Mitchell church. Delegates are to bepicked from each unit. It was voted that a bale will be packed in May and October. Marion Godkin closed the meeting with prayer. January Wall to Wall Savings Buy in Bulk and Save! Bulk Baking Goods, Bulk Cookies, Bulk Nuts, Bulk Candy, Discount Grocery Items Swiss Treat Hot Choc. - $1.38 lb.; Split Peas - 49c lb.; Large Flake Oatmeal - .39c lb.; Red Kidney Beans - 92c lb.; Kraft Peanut Butter [Smooth or Crunchy] - $1.09 lb.; Redpath Sugar [brown, whiteor icing] - .34c lb.; E.D. Smith Ketchup - lOOoz. tin -$4.19; Sliced peaches, choice grade -100 oz. tin - $5.49; Novo strawberry or raspberry jam, 750 ml. - $1.59; Hol landia assorted cookies 225g. pkg. - .59c; La Fave Golden Soft Margarine, 4 kg. tub - $7.95; Potatoes sold in 50 lb. bags - red or whites. Clothing and Footwear for the entire family 2-pc. snowsuits: Adults sizes, $42.85; Sizes7-14, $39.95; Sizes 2-6, $29.95; Jacket or Pants sold separately; His or Her Sweat Tops by Tropicana, Kiss, Roots, Atlantic, Beaver Cande, Mariner, and others, $16.49; Men's safety work shoes from $39.95; Work Pants $14.95. New & Used Furniture - Carpet - Antiques - Gift Items Water Beds, Box Spring & Matts, Wall units, Desks. Recliners or Glider Rockers $249.00; 6- drawer highboy $98.00; 4-pc. Walnut bedroom suite Circa 1920's, $495.00. Yarns - Clearance price on Beehive Patons, Diana, Shetland Chunky, Cotton Club, Jenny in a wide assortment of colours 50 g. ball $1.19 while they last. BUY, TRADE OR SELL! GIVE US A YELL! at the Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730Just north of Wingham on Hwy. No. 4 Open Mon.-Sat. 9:00-6:00, Fri. till 9:00 p.m. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987. PAGE 9. Brussels Village Market A KOMMUNITY FOOD MARKET Ron & Trish Clarkson, Proprietors [ Formerly Stephenson's Grocery ] OPEN: MON.,TUES., WED. FRI.&SAT., 8 A.M. TO6P.M. *THURSDAY8A.M.TO9P.M. CAMPBELL’S TOMATOSOUP woz.ea. .39 CATELLI SPAGHETTI 900 g. 1.29 CATELLI MACARONI soo g. 1.29 STOKELY DARK RED KIDNEYBEANS «« .89 LIBBY’S W/TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI 28oz 1.49 HUNTS SPAGHETTI SAUCE «« .99 ASSORTED MISS MEW CAT FOOD 170 g. 3/.99 KRAFT GRATED 250 G. PARMESAN SHAKER 3.59 McCAIN 1 KG. [FROZEN] MIXED VEGETABLES 1.79 McCAIN 1 KG. [FROZEN] PEAS & CARROTS 1.79 McCAIN 1 KG. [FROZEN] PEAS 1.79 PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON z^oz. 1.59 STACEY MARGARINE 2 lb. tub 1.69 OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGEJUICE .99 WESTON RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL 1.29 MEALTYME WHITEBREAD otsg .loaf .89 BANANAS lb .49 GREEN PEPPERS lb .99 LEMONS 3/.99 ORANGES 113 size doz. 1.99 CAULIFLOWER i^ea. .99 SCHNEIDER’S #1 SLICED SIDE BACON 3.39 SCHNEIDER’S POPULAR LUNCHEON MEATS 1.19 SCHNEIDER’S ALL-BEEF [CELLO PKG.] STEAKETTES 1.99 FAB LAUNDRY DETERGENT outre 4.99 PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT 1 litre 2.39 KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER ooog 2.29 P.G. TIPS 72’s TEA SAVE 80c 2.89 POP SECRET MICROWAVE POPCORN 300g. 2.79 DOUBLE 750 ML. BOTTLE COLA POP PLUS DEPOSIT 3/.99 OTHER IN-STORESPECIALS 0 07 QOOAWE HAVE DELIVERYSERVICE OOf