The Signal, 1930-4-24, Page 6i -Thursday, Aptdl 9itl. 1010 THE SIGNAL, ;f• c-_-74flott„- ssisi thaI's how CRISlt' So CRISP every delicious bubble crackles when milk or cream is poured on it! Rice hrispies arc toasted rice- - filled with flavor and crispness -what a breakfast ! Rice hrispic•: fascinate children. They aro ideal for early .uppers. Order a red- ` and -green package front your lroccr he- day. lfatk by 1471:st:, �. htllu&g in Lon- ' RIC! 'il Weal BICE hltl�l'11:1 Notice to Water Takers The %Voter and Light COM - Mission is pleased to announce a reduction of one dollar per anauln on house water rates from January 1st. Owing to the large number of takers this reduction means con- side'rable less revenue, and eon/milers are asked l0 e0 - operate in the economical operation of the plant by see- ing that the water is not wasted and that all leaky taw or services are fixed at once. L. L. Knox, W T Murn.•v, Sce'c. Chairman. Sunday Afternoon -0- By 1SABEL HAMILTON. t►derlch, Ont. '1'10,14 who wast clotted to our clay, iAnd lit ric►en in our stead, Wilt put on us Thy bright array, Thy joy on us wilt shed. ll mighty grace, our life to live, To make our mirth divine; t► mighty grace. Thy imivei to give, .tad lift our life to 'Thiut'. -T. 11. Gill • PRAYER Almighty God who df4Nt so lova (he World us to give. and in that giv- ing we raw 'I'hv whole heart. Emable u.. to lay hold uplu the gift of 'VIo son, amt to twake it the chi'•f and on- ly treasure or our lift. .t men.\---Sele•t- S. S. LESSON F`OK M.tl 41h. 1131 1, .stn '1'opir-1'0mul' In the liin_d Lesson i'asisag.'-Mallliv. 20:1128. Gulden Test-Malthrw 20:214 1.:1,1 before this o.r•i I..n told Ilis dis'ciple, the Ilan erf life, how o:.s nomime of those, 1st a 1411.144e I,I:ni '•The very hairs of your head ale all luuuls'red: not a spsrrew fal- Ieth to the ground. without your Father. 'There lu)ih rare t.wptatiou ..fallen you but such as In ...ti l . man. N'Ith every trmInution 1:.11 will stake u was ,uf e'scap e." `such words a4 these often fell from the Ila-1crs III.s lu today's lesson He WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? N'hy Is handira!gx'd with unsightly blotrhts.m the tale, cycs with yellow tinge and that tired and bragmd feel- ing? This iuditrlcs a torpid liver. Headache. I)itrincss and Biliousness surely follow. 1'..14 most stimulate your lay liter, start the hlllo• flowing 44'(1' Carter'sI tui i_.va-r They Its,, act a• a r ib) laxative, purely vegetable, free f -•'m calomel and poi4(m..us dregs, small, cis/ to swallow,and not habit forming. They arc nut a _pnrgati4 e that cramps or piins. unpleasant atter effect follow- : ieg..on the contrary a good tonic. \11 Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. GODERICH INN GARAGE e.Frill %I. `A- VICE `ITATIt44 FI.R Durant, Hulls.. and Essex, Geseal Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service Y00 can 1tiv11.• I',.lirr Incl,etr.t, ..1,.•41 the' ;.r.` repainsl by us Automobile Supply, E1.ctrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stolt } T, 'wrte eh. can bring .1 car *r ro11'1 repair -f2. HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST. PHONE 247 lays hare before them the plan of Hla own life which la rapidly nearing Its close. In what Christ said to ilia dhr ciples when on the .Jay to Jerusalem He Look them apart for a llttle Uwe, Ike opened up itis whole heart to them. In what lie revealed of Dud's plan for Mita not one thing failed. 'Phe going up, the betrayal, the condemnation. the socking. dtourging, Crucifying, Oahu; • again --all were spoken of. Betting. even a hand was laid upon Ilim k had all !wen enacted In Ills own mind as He prepared lila disciples for -whet 10. kued was at hand, and upon i which He could dwell because 11e pose seemed the pv:ue that pameth all un- denstanding. How did this revela- tion affect I'he disciples 'i'twy were not capable of grasping, it, as is settt in the conduit of two of thrill moon after. One thing had penetrated the brain of .101:u 1 James. the sons of Salome. She wax one of Ono devoted sated er women that was now' in lila bllowfug and ministering to 1111 daily want.. (1111• part of l'hrist's t•ouvcrsatloll reached. their mind and set them thin(:iug and planning. Hr said Ile would rise again on the third day. ' They no doubt 1mu'lude0 that His resurrection would be His entrance - upnt Ills kiugdomu, and therefore they were reclverl to ke a bid for the test place, nor would they 1.1,..e 11 for want of speaking. There was tsdfey is the way 1Ii'y *4ppr.Kcbed Christ with Ihelr request. They interested . their Cher and KO it appeared to be her request. turd sol theirs. They thought her great interest in Jesus' bodily • welfare and comfort would not i revive u net:30W rt t' 4i , and uh.'I,-lore they made ber their advtr I VOW. 1t was an unholy 'sudation. fur I their real desire was to step in! above , their brethren. I Hew did their mother behave when • she went 114 a"}` 1141* great favor? + We are told she worshippedcgied, meaning that the respectfully saluted Hitt anti knelt before Illm. Upon this Jts•Is bade her state her request. To .4it on the right and left hand of • prince was a token of confidence, and the highest honor granted to Ills friends. This 4111.' mask' told to hope would he ermferretl un her woes. but Jesus told her she didn't know what It was she was really /114111g for them Ile then explained the law of gr',tness in the divine kingdom. 1t was meekness and Nervier. Ht• said to them that they did not know the nature of rhelr request or what would he involved In It. They- Kalil they were able to follow tllm through suf- fering and trial to meetly' the eoveted pb.e. 'Phenr Jesus matured them that would be their tut and IIIc words.were literally fulfilled, for Jamie was thea first of the dlae•Ipdes to be put to death and John tlirungh u lung life came to know tribulation and banishment for the testimony of Jesus Christ. When the ten heard of the request they were offended at their ambition. at their demi'''. to be exalted ■lute 144.• rest of them. Jeans then called all the alaatles to Him and talked to them on Ibis matter. It is as though Hr said. "You know that much honors arc' ,u+wmary aumong nations. The kluge,, of the• earth raise their favorites to I...ts or trust toot p. veer. But My ,.ibiolotn is estnbli,4h,,: in a different manner. He w-1)) 0.' most dtstfngltlshed i that 1.1110.1s nowt humility." 11.• then pointed them to Ills own example, j saying: "Who'... -ver will be chid among you let him be your servant ' Even as for tion of Mau came not to PREFERRED Who know Men who know paint quality specify Scarfe's Paints and Varnishes because they can depend upon them to give lasting satisfaction. Long, hard wear and an eye - pleasing effect are the result of using these high-quality paints and varnishes. In a wide range of colours. Ask your dealer for colour - chart and detailed informa- tion. FOR SALE BY CHAS. C. LEE GODERICH carie s Varnishes E Paints SURFACE SATISFACTION - GODERICH, ONT. WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? 1lfRtSERt R vpety rustic AR -F 12 MISTAKES 144 MIS PICTURE How good are you at finding mistakes? The made several obvious ones In drawing the above are easily discovered, others may be hard. ace YOU to find them. LOOK IOK 801 1 TION 1\ SENT WEEK'S SIGNAL artist las Intentionally picture. Some of them how loop it will take • Selutktn N 'What's Wrong and Where" in last week's Signal. THREE MEN is PRISON C(►sTI'M}: 1--4'onvlct would not be fishing. 2-('onvlet would not wear beard. 3-Cotsvit't would not wear straw. 7 -Trigger on revolver li orre•t, S 4;uard would not he sleeping. 9 --Guard should have tato, not pitch - brit. t fork. 4---e-kinvlet In foreground 41hould 10-M ouvk•t on lett side anlsd not have shaven head. crack stone with tack hammer. 5--ConvIet in foregruuud would not 11-Jlobber on flshline should I0, in nee ax to break stone. water. 6-('onvlet would not tw carrying re- 12- llshliue shonkl be fastened to end volver. cif pule. is• Mirllsterel unto, but and 14. give His Itfe n m44uv' t.. nuulster.! FAREWELL TO WHISKERS. ransom fur' - - . (arsai War and Sally Razors Have WORLD MISSIONS 1t was a fine message that Sir Wil- frid Grenfell delivered 1. n gathering` or young meta in London reently 41I the subject -of "Mms:ern Adventirink. .1s everyone biters, Sir Wilfred Is not only u great ndri'nturer himself.; but he is one of the outstandlag slonnrlew of modern days. 111s (,•ntrxl tae'% -age was (het :'1141• world Is a field f honor..nl•drbi.•h w,• are plated 1114 knights of God. 1f we fall to f1U .our pla(e there will be a i plate that Is .•mply." "i did net feel In this way." he added, "nntll I heard 1). 1.. M.a.dy. What 1 heard frotn, him made me feel that religion wasn't , just a matter of saving my own min- erat.le *elf, but whether my life was goln: . to lie a bigger sett n better' thing for God and for my fellows. 1 went back to Moody later. as 1 won- dered whether I *hmulel he able to stand the chuff or whether 1 should' snake a mess of rhings and bring dta- rrae' upon the Christian name. Mostly said to me: 'My word for your 1s this; •'1 know whom 1 believed. and nm persuaded that ile is able to keep that which 1 hove committed unto Him n¢nln+t that tiny " ' •'britt cuII. ns to rictlon and to achievements, and ; promise.' to rustle's to do that which He would have ns du M9y testimony to you lit Hutt Ht' has been everything iu life to me." --Selected. -Woman reprt#sntt the altruistic principle: man the (sentIMM• p.rinelpk•." --Count Herman Keyw'rling. •'Thr, msn who succeeds fn his woe i+ the man who o -an ke•p quid[ amt pineld when there 1 n very .•vete ,r.`- snm."-4'h.rle-. E. !timbre. "The real jalrilfrfP of our existence Is not h. make • Hving, Mut to make n life .worthy. yell -roundel rand usefull life" John h. iloekefeller. jr. OWES HER HEALTH TO PINK PILLS This Weak Anaemic Woman Rejoices m Health and Strength It 441 n ',ientific illi that nearly all Iter ills that afflict women vire dim to poor thin blood. This 11 1111011131 is 111.t one cause of low spirits and. lniguldrs`ss, the poor npla'tlte, breath I'*stens and aching hacks that 11114 k.' Hf' n burden for rite many women. lint stff'ring women could banish all these miseries by taking 1►r. �VIUfam Pink Pills, for It is a known fact that thew` pills 'rnnt' an el lance of 1111.w• rb•lu b►.sal .th'ir wo111411`rf111 rep Mallon is hatted on (lint. I'r..4.f of the..' statements I4 given by Mrs. 1.. 1M• - „h'it's. 1141 Tutpoe, (r0,., who Nays 'Itefore 1 liege!) using 1►r. Williams' Pink Pills 1 wall In n badly nm -down ondltlol. 1 apparel 1.' t0,• almost - -- 1.1.entl.`ss. had frequent hendaches. end naRRerdnn (-numb 'tower. till' I,-* t 'xertbon *41(18111 leave` m' tat iIary's Church. Haggerston. bra nthle*x and' warn oil(. M> 1ntttlanel inn(I1(p, designed by Nash In 11127. ndviwrf me to try 1►r. Williams' 'Pink poaletut.+e an abnormally lofty tower, THIN lend gat for m' nix ts`cees. .ttunetml concerning which two amusing *tor - troth the ftrst 1 uotfrnd an Improve-11es. ar' current. One is to the effect m.•llf In my (ondltlon. and 414 1 eon- I that the contractor enquired of the tinned taking the pills lay hl.sal 1Hs archtteet had► high J1s should ram ram' better 111111 I steadily grew strong- 11,and was told tri go oft building er. Ii11 today 1 nun enjoying the isn't until h.• was ordered to stop. Thee 1 of hedlt1 - 1 nm now able to de all my Nanh went oft,' forgot, alt abniet the j housework' without feeling the bast fatigue: my appetite Is better end 1 Jeep more soundly at night. All this I raw' 1., 11r Williams' fink fills. 11114 l unhe•it:ltinglc t,•ronm'nd then, Ie till .vhn ane run down In health.- ' Y4111 'an ' get ler. Willlnms' Pink 1'111* at all drug stores or they will be 1 sent by mail at :d► (wats a box by writ Ing tis' !tr. William.' Medl'hn' 4'., Brookville. Ont. V?AETABL. = FOR COKPAIRT (Hy Betty Barclay) When company comer (yea, and even when the family dines alone) it Is well to serve an unusual vegetable dish. Far too many housewives get into the habit of serving carrots, squash, beaus, pota- toed and tundp.. to nue or two forms, time after tithe, until they begin to lose their appeal Here are recipes showing how the first two may be served( differently (44441 delightfully. . - Carrots and Cheese Mince twelve medtuw-sized carrots. Add a teaspoon of sugar and steam un- til tender. Put Into a laking dish. Sprlukle liberally with cheese and a little salt and pepper. pleat three eggs and stir into a pint of milk that hue been lout un the stove to 'heat. Ia't the mixture Ihieken: then pour over the carrots and chose. Add 'more cheese fur 11 Orli dressing. l'u1 the taking dish in a pun o4 water and phii' in the oven to brown. ' Baked N'Inter Squash Wash the squash. Cut cued n•wuce semis" and pulp. Then cut 4111114..45 In squares and pla0, In a pain containing a little water. Place in u malorull• oven and bake until the pulp Is soft, basting .ar•asioually with a little hot water and butte+. When nearly dune sprinkle lightly with brown sugar uud dot w-Itti nutter. Finish linking and serve r square to each p•r'on. Rhubarb Punch 1 (part rhubarb 1 lillfairt water 1 -).,.•tip orange juicy 4 blespontia It -U• jul(v- 1% cups sugar 44)r114. Few grains salt 1 pant mineral water Cut rhubarb 111 s II 4114.''s, ('Hol with water nu111 fruit is weft. Strati, through double thickness, of 4-440.• cloth, add orange juice, !chaos juice',i sugar syrup 111111 salt. When reedy to serve pour e0e1 a cake of 4'1 in a punch bowl, add mineral water and u1Ww• tm.got very e'dd )tale+.' glees - es : 24 putsch glasses. Halt and Half . Il1441ivi.nul Se•rel.el 'Fids is is yartttien of the ieipular fresh orange juice beverage- it tam been quite $Ie•0+wfully used by the wale futnataht, and is equally adapted for eerekw with meals. 'rhe use of fresh lemon Juice a.ds a Heng moat w•ehome to the breakfast patron. t4 e•up orange Juice • 1-8 cup Imam* Juice Sugar am e•hap testa water 11111 all Ingrrdlentts thoroughly, tad serve In a large glass. If desired very(' toll, crushed lee. ttaity replace part 411 cold water. forret fiurprlw !4 Junket tablet 1Fnsps.n told water l cup carrot pure , 1 cup milk (banged Fashion. In a paraphrase of :t famous line o1 Francois V upon, 1.. Petit . Paristeo asks: "When are the whiskers of yes- terday?" The paper then proceeds to answer the question: "The war did it; the wad perpetugte'd It; and now the safety razor has' made It perma- nent. The 'pollux' who so gallantly rushed to the front In 1914 returned a few months' later 'chauve avec la barb* rasre ' Thus hygiene began the work, which was soon completed by feminine comMlments at home, and we became a nation of priests --- at least as far as the absence of ca- pillary adornment was concerned. Then eame the safety razor 'from America, that land of the beardless Indian, and the thing was dope." More sedate la the explanation giv- en by another paper: "[haring the Last few years young Frenchmen hare taken to shaving much more compre- hensively than their Lathers did. The absolute clean shave le now wide- spread, and for the most part the moustaches to be seen are of tlse dhwtnutive military toothbrush var- iety A few Impressive whiskers mai still be seen at Montparnasse, but these who happen lei 1>e able to die' tlaguisb the few real artists amid the horde of idlers and worse by whom that alleged artistic milieu Is now leifest.d are aware that a hirsute em- barrassment of riches 1■ no longer regarded as • sure road to the Prta de Rome." Teva'. Nothing New. Robbed hair was the fashion 1,001 years ago, and the Vikings had .F - ready Invented a "zlppe?."'These in- teresting facts, together with many others of greater sclentlie Import- ance, have Deem established through the discovery near Tilsit, bast Prus- sia, of a great Viking burial place, dating from the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries Thos far elgtstg graves have been opened, and these dire but a small part of the total The Inds are unusually rich. Each man's pave contains three of Lour trots Mords, as many as a dozen lanais leads and knives bronze belt knee - Use, stirrups and snaffles. Now 711. women's t,ravee also 000tai■ bronze bracelets, rings. necklaces, eleverty worked brooch.. and head- bands In one of these graves a young woman with bobbed hair was round, as also "zippers." which were used to plays of buttons or pins to secure garments. The finds will he paced in the Pruselan Museum la Eonlgsberg. U. Y. Count Lbw. The total boundary line of the Dotted `;tater 1a 10,69e miles This tee/Aides the Canadian boundary line, 9,11411 miles; the Mexican border, 1,744 miles; the Atlantic roast line. 1,024 miles; the Gulf roast line 1,471 miles, and Ilse Pacific toast. 1,211 gaffes. How well you look! • / a0, ceiling Yea Min Io nsprsar s� au..',.' on/Own for 1M aantin,.d ~row J Imre ..u.wlu.*ed Group% use dad' &Ass d kwchrw. Only last ark a wen ere r Iib. eau on a Mu 0404114 apo AMA, 1 0,r tripping With nu04uhtw). Ila fret newer* was Use yeti I Io.a d. I .plod, ' Ya, 1 hale Mit Knoche* Salm to Gawk.' Ise said ho tet /.chap ' oft velour' and .oat2d dart W Krum. rArn *4415 writ day. I Winos reruswis d Si norAen ..tea. ' J A Y 0,00,., O. (*IOW 14460.,. ma• Io rr.•Hm. krorrb-.. Salt. i. ,.btaInable at drum ea/ d.•tnrtl.41•nt sent, in Canada at 7.'.r a hate. A nom. contains remain to het tis 4 or I aiuutln-gust bmttu tut half -resat a nap. The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure Chas. Black Phone 21:1 1,(Nlench "7.o .cows the prem. Is to tear 0Yt the ton4nts of the people." --Rupert 11ughes. Belt ['rush junket tablet and 4114114444.e in , told water. l'rt'tatre the clarrot puree by rubbing cooked carrot through a sieve. Add milk and season with welt. Warm 1111111 tuk'warns-nHf hot remove from Move and add dlss/lved junket tablet. Tarn into individual didhex and 144 S1111141 111 warm nein' moil firm -about ten minute's. Nerve warm ..r chilled to; {rreferrerl. Earth tremors slightly sheeted Iwai Angeles. about' the only thing remain - Ing that can. --Louisville 'l'ourlfl'- Journal Often flappers, 'Thr =allege 0f Mist Ar111R 1111 Ilk and W111I14 IMI.h. which was annoum•il In this taper a few weeks ago. was a mistake and we wish to rnrit•rt Gulden I Coln.) pep'►. Alum Dae Ilia Mark Gust (to heed waiter )- "That mart„Is certainly a Ione time .oming.- •Head Walter -"('an pm recognize the man who is Nerving you7" Gutert-' ::Nn. hut heves his finger print em the eine, p(1111'"' Jtns.klsn i Engle. matter, and on returning home *roe months later. was flahhergaeted 40 ins that the tower had grown to Its' present unmeitrtl height. The ether is that a toted builder, hevinf a quart- til7 of awe *tone on hall, Told the bttnaing committee that he could af- ford to bt/lld them a very high tower at a very low,,prlos. The committee rimed with the offer; and the result wars --what we now see. SPARR'S When you place your order wit► us for supplies you can be assured of receiving only the best that tan be procured in CHOICE GROCERIES MEATS BUTTER, EGOS. FRUITS, FRESH VEGETABLES. FLOUR, LARD, MAPLE SYRUP, ETC. ATrial 4h'b-r N.II('onsine• Silverwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED L.t your pn.t4r•tion t".tll i„ ouui look oursnol Where Cleanliness is Parietal! ('4)1. 1:1 h •'1 N. Ii• rVCre'BUOv WrLCnMf Sparr's Grocery "The "tore ..l N1timfarti"r1" Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 W}: DELIVER IN TOWN 4 The quality of Salada is the only premium offered -� "SALIBA" TEA Scraggly, unshaven beards are lite dull. unpolish0 ed shoes... both are entirely Out of keeping with your pride of perw1111111 appearance .. , M► keep your shoes at all times smart Milk "Nugget" which go waterproofs the shoes am it poliefelt, SHOE POLISH Vie NUGGET TIN nptne suit a trriot