HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-07-20, Page 12CARBOY 1977 FORD F150 PICKUP' 2-197F CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door hardtops 1976 CUTLASS 4 door, with air conditioning 1976 DART SWINGER, 2' door, 6 cylinder automatic 1976 CHRYSLER, 4 door 1976 DART, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA with air conditioning 1975 DODGE CHARGER with air conditioning 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop, with air conditioning 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY GRAND, 2 door hardtop 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY GRAND, custom, 4 door 1975 CUTLASS, 2 door hardtop 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1975 CHEV IMPALA, without air conditioning 1974 PONTIAC La "ANS, 4 door sedan 1974 DODGE MONACO, 2 door hardtop with air conditioning . 197d CHEV, A door sedan 1974 GMC VAN 1973 DCDGE .HALF TON, flat rack :973 CHRYSLER 1973 CCSGE COLT STATIONWAGON TON TOPPERS IN STOCK cEE THESE LND OTHERS ON OUR LOT HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. YTH PHONE 52374342 If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. Az, FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Opening new doors to small 111 business Bill Lichti one of our representatives will be at The Bedford Hotel, GODERICH on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month JULY 26 For prior information call 2 -1-5650 or write 1036 Ontario Street. Stratford THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1977 • PAGE iWILVE This Week In Ripley BY AB WYLDS. The sound of hammering was heard- in the north part of Ripley. coming from two locations namely the Ripley Grain Elevators and the Ripley Diamond Jubilee arena. Just recently Jim Scott of the 12th concession of Huron. two blocks, north of Ripley on the former Jim Brooks farm. and Harold Courtney of Pine River and: Ripley purchased this, elevator and are making renovaticins to handle the grain from the wheat fields in the district. For this 'purpose they have had a portable gtain drier installed and some remodelling in the elevator itself. 'This has involved carpentry work, electrical installations, and a general repair and clean up as the plant was unused last year. Noticed at work on the site in addition to the two owners were Don RoberiS'on of Purple Grove, Allan Gamble. Glen Huston of Pine River. Richard and Robert Rock of Ripley. The dismantling of the 'wooden frame of the Ripley Diamond 'Jubilee arena was almost complet- ed by Friday evening by Wayne Rhody of the tenth concession east. Mervin Arnold of Ben-ie. Steve Fair and Grant Frook, all working.' for. Bob Emerson of Purple Grove, who bought the rink. These men started at the west end and hammered loose the connecting wooden scantlings between the bolted lumber arches or trusses. Then by means of a tractor and ropes they pulled over each arch in turn as it was disconnected. These timber arches sat' on concrete blocks, which were poured on the 'spot by the Angus Murray-Angus McLav cement workmen. This rink was built by men from the steel company in Preston back in September and October in 1927. Since Canada was celebrating 60 years of Confederation, it was called the Ripley Diamond Jubilee arena - the first steel.covered rink in Western Ontario and built five years before the Maple Leaf Garden rink on Carlton Street in Toronto. A year ago Bob's brother, Dr. Jim Emerson, with a couple of workmen, took the metal siding and roof from the frame, sheet by sheet. Jim is now back in his former veterinary practice at Char-, ing Cross. By last weekend, all that remained standing of the Jubilee Arena was the east or front end. The material is being hauled to Purple Grove where Bob plans to use it to build a large cattle barn on his farm, the one on which the former Purple Grove Church once stood. In the weekly report last Saturday noon broadcast by Wing- ham radio station CKNX and sent out from the Ontario Stock Yards in Toronto. Leonard McInnes of the second concession in Kinloss, just east 'of the Huron boundary, was named as the owner of the cow bringing the top price for the week. It was shipped by Ripley drover Leonard Courtney of the Amberley area. * * * * * The Farnell' house, long a familar landmark on the sixth concession west in Huron Township, is no more. It has been taken down and the site cleared. The present owners of the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Brooks. are planning to Also on the sixth concession west, Richard, young son of Bill and Nina Wyld, is back home from Kincardine and District Hospital and the area folks are glad to learn this. Richard was outside the stable door when a cow rushing out trampled his head, almost tearing off his ear, as well as other injuries,. With prompt attention of the doctors and nurses, at the, hospital he is now on the road to recovery. * * * * * * The Ripley and Area Summer Play school for children from 4 to 10 years of age started on Monday of last Week. sponsored by the Ripley Huron Complex committee. The first day's registration list totalled 51. The leaders in charge are Barb Grubb of the 10th of •Huron, Bev Scott and Marilyn Stewart 'of Ripley. Last 'Wednesday morning they, along with the children, enjoyed themselVes outside in Gore Park, This play ground school runs till the middle of August. * * * *. * .* Ripley and area folks were sorry to learn from the London paper of the death of Mris. Thelma Robin son. age 54, who was the first cook in the new kitchen at the Ripley District High School back in 1964 and for a few years after., While in Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robinson and family lived in the house on mainstreet south where Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tout now reside. Their son David is a graduate of this school and their daughter Brenda also attended. Thelma passed away at her home in Woodstock on July 12th. The funeral service was held there last Friday afternoon follow- ed by interment in the Oxford Memorial Park cemetery. She is survived by her husband Clifford, and family - Brenda of Thessalon. David of Woodstock. Alice (Mrs. Graham Down) of Waterloo, Lor- raine and Craig at home, also two grandchildren and by two brothers. Clarence Shuttleworth of Arnprior and Raymond Shuttleworth of Utopia. Our thanks to Mrs. Mary (John C.) MacDonald for the newspaper clipping. At the school we remember Thelma's mother assisting her. The first kitchen equipment at the school was installed on Mrs. Robinson's suggestions. * * * * * * Attending the monthly meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Society held on Monday. July 11. were president Jack Farrell. treasurers Dorothy and Russ Brooks:. directors West Smith. John Gamble. Bob Osborne. Keith wander Hoek. Mrs. Nina Wyld. Mrs. Gladys Arnold. Bob Rutledge and secretary Ab Wylds. Further plans were made for the Ripley Huron Fall Fair to be held on the last Saturda:‘ in September. The next meeting will be on August Sth. * • * 0 * • % • iF'•-••• 1). • a n - - 1-1 r - e • ‘"1 vC*- - -.f Eas• chusetts. Mrs. White is a cousin of Marion. Also visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles, were Mr. and Mrs. John McCharles of Petrolia. • * * * * * Violet MacKenzie. Janice is stay- ing for a week with her grandmoth- er. On vacation in Central Ontario are Joe and Mary Fludder, daughter Cathy and her friend Brenda van Kooten. * * * ,* * * On a recent weekend in July. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Freeman Olson Gravel Pit 1% Miles West Of Dungannon t1,==4IC:=XIC=Clir===:01 t= CHOICE CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED Roth GRAVEL SAND, 3/4 STONE, TOP FILL . FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN GRAVEL OUR TONNE ARE OVER 10% LARGER THAN THE SHORT TONS This writer was informed last Friday evening by Bobby Robert- son of the 10th concession of Huron that the Liberals Were holding a party in' the Complex. Bob was on his way to it and so were many more _people as the cars streamed . into Ripley on their way to the Complex. * * * * * * Reg and Shirley McGrath of Hagersville motored through Rip- leY last Wednesday afternoon on their way from Owen ,Sound to Goderich. They stopped briefly to inspect her mother's, Mrs. Mae I Cotton's house,, at the east end of Malcolm Street in Ripley. It is that time of the tear again The Huron .Bruce Arts and Crafts Festi‘a: V• II: he head aga:n in the C'ar-:plex Centre the ,as: Fr'da\ and Seturda ,. In Ju::, Bart Paquerte rer--ds 'rat the are a.sc -.12:r2,17-.W -.k sae sae ta • ' sa • • .7t a fres- ar t a -..att Mrs. Violet MacKenzie returned I. to her home in Ripley on Tuesday last week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott of Huntington Woods.:. Michigan. Then Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, daught- ers Louise and janice of Peterbor- ' ough visited with his mother Mrs. erect a new home on the site. * * • * *