HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-07-20, Page 1• ,, , ,,, ,
$10 A Year In Advance $14 To U.S.A. and Foreign WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1977
Single Copy 25c 20 Pages
Sanitary sewers for the Village of.
Lucknow moved one step closer last
week when representatives of the
Bruce County Health Unit met with
Lucknow Village Council to discuss
recent testing which has been done
in several locations in the village.
Various discussions with various
councils have gone on since 1958
when a recommendation was put
forth by. Dr. D. R. Allen of Bruce
Co. Health Unit that a sewage
works was the only reasonable way
to clean up the sewage problems in
the main street area.
Various discussions were held
between the Ontario Water Resour-
ces Corrimission and the Lucknow
Municipal Council at 'several times
Seek Permission
To Excavate
Park Hill
Menibers of Lucknow Lions Club
met with Lucknow Village Council
on Tuesday of last week to further
discuss a proposal for building a
new community centre to serve the
Discussion ranged from the
necessity of an engineer's report on ^
the hill, before' excavation, to the
cost of installing hydro and water to
the new facility which is tentatively
slated for construction at the
south-west corner of the Caledon-
ian Park.
Members of the Lions Club
sought permission to proceed /pith
the excavation of the park hill; the
site of the new building, subject to
the municipalities reaching an
agreement on a cost sharing
formula for maintenance of the
facility after construction. This was
granted by council.
Reckless Driving
Critical, To. Seek
OPP Help
Speeding, lawns dup up, tire
squealing, reckless' driving within
the village comes and goes from
year to year according to the space
between the ears of the youthful
offenders. This year's crop seem to
have unusually large and empty
While Lucknow Village Council
are not certain that they can
improve the intelligence quota of
the problem individuals, it was
strongly felt at last week's council
meeting that a concentrated effort
by Ontario Provincial Police could
considerably help the problem
which is critical in Lucknow at the
moment .
The Kincardine Detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police was to
be contacted to emphasize a
problem which council feel should
be given immediate attention
before a fatality or serious injury
Council authorized the repair of
the cement base at the Lucknow
water tower, lietected while repairs
were being made to the interior of
the standpipe.
Council will request an explana-
tion from Bruce County Highways
committee the reasoning behind a
change in plan for reconstruction of
the county road north, scheduled
for this year, and will ask where
this diverted money was spent.
over the next few years. The policy
at that time by-the OWRC was to
include a whole municipality in a
sewage works, but serving portions.
of the village was hot looked upon
Lucknow Council's attitude, on
the other hand, was that sewage
facilities were needed only in the
downtown area, where it is low and
where drainage was difficult. On
more than one occasion, past
councils have requested surveys of
the problem areas.
The latest survey of the affected
area near the river was done by the
Ministry . of the Environment staff
from Owen Sound in November of
1976. Thirty-one manholes and
drain outlets were checked, most of
which empty directly into either
branch of the Lucknow River. The
major problem area is Campbell
Street, both sides, between Ross
and Outram Streets. In this area
there are approximately 30 stores
plus 25 apartments.
At least two businessmen have
indicated their wish to expand their
business or living accommodations,
but cannot get permission because
of the lack of land required for
private sewage disposal.
Six of the nine sampling points
on' the river between Wheeler and
Willoughby Street showed visual
evidence of sewage.
Few, if any, of the stores and
apartments on Campbell Street
have sufficient suitable land to
The trees to the south of the new
senior citizens' apartment building
on Walter Street in the village
provided the needed shade and
comfort for the official opening on
Friday morning at 11 o'clock.
The 20-unit two-storey residence
was designed by D. C. Stevens of
London and built by Don Riehl
Construction Ltd. of New Ham-
burg: Total cost for the project was
$372,069. The facility will serve the
install an approved sewage dispos-
al system that would adequately
serve their needs.
The latest survey reinforces the
findings of past surveys, that the
pollution of the river systems from
private sewage systems is still a
serious problem, and that the only
means of cleaning up the core area
Died Suddenly
Roy Graham, Goderich, formerly
of Kinloss Township, died sudden
ly at the home of his son Ron in
Goderich on Friday, July 15. He.
was 66.
The funeral service was held on
Monday, July 18 at 3 p.m. at the
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
Interment was in South KinlosS
Vacation Time
At. The Sentinel
A reminder about holidays at
The Lucknow Sentinel.
There will be no papers publish-
ed on August 3 or 10.
Next week's issue of The
Sentinel, July 27, will be the last
paper before the vacation period.
If you have an event to advertise
during the newspaper's holiday
period, nextmeek's issue is the one
you must use.
village of Lucknow and the
townships of Ashfield, West Wa-
wanosh and Kinloss.
Art Matthewman of Lochalsh,
with Ontario Housing, Lucknow
office, is the manager of the facility
while John Roulston is custodian.
24 residents are living in the apart-
ments. which arc all the same size,
all one bedroom.
The , building was financed by
Ontario Housing Corporation bor-
is by a municipal sewerage system.
The health unit urged the council
to enter into discussion with
representatives of ,the Ministry of
Environment to determine the size,
type and cost of a sewerage system
needed to overcome the pollution
problems within the village.
The feeling of Lucknow Municip-
al Councils in the past has tended
to be that while • sewerage was
needed in the core area, it was not
necessary in other areas of the
village. The government policy has
always tended to require that 95%
Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Hur-
on Bruce, provided The Sentinel
with this information on Monday.
The money, which was willed by
the late Alex MacKenzie of Kinloss
to be used in assisting the
education of male students at
Lucknow High School in 1942, was,
for many years administered by
local directors.
Several years ago the Public
rowing 90'per cent of the cost from
Central Morgage and Housing
Corp. and 10 per cent from the
Treasurer of Ontario. Rents are
geared to the income of tenants and
resulting operating losses are
shared by the three levels of
government: federal (50 per cent),
provincial (42 1/2 per cent) and
municipal ( 7 1 /2 per cent). Lucknow
will receive an annual grant from
Let Tender Of
$50,966.95 For
Inglis Street
Six tenders were received by
Lucknow Village Council for the
Inglis Street reconstruction project
in Lucknow.
Council and the village engineer
Burns Ross examined the tenders
on Tuesday night of last week and
awarded the contract to Wayne
Lowry Construction Co. of Huron
Township who submitted the low
tender of $50,966.95.
The high tender was $66,332.42,
The contract is subject to the
approval of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communica-
was many years of bureaucratic red
tape in which no one - benefitted
from the fund.
1 To make a long, painful story
short, an Ontario Supreme Court
judge, Master Dunn, has now ruled
that the boundaries to be served
under the MacKenzie'Fund will be
the village of Lucknow and the,
townships of Huron, Kinloss,
Culross, Ashfield, East and West
The original proposal by the
judge was that all students in Bruce
County benefit from the fund. Alan
Mill, solicitor for the local trustees,
rejected this original proposal and
the result was that the alternative
proposal, of the municipalities
listed, was accepted.
Victoria and Grey Trust Co. has
been named executor and given
unfettered discretion in determin-
ing who gets loans from the fund.
the collection of loans and any
other detail.
Recommend Fire
With Ashfield
The Ontario Fire Marshal's
office has called for sweeping
changes in. the Goderich fire
In' a report made available the
fire marshal's office says the
department should be completely
reorganized and a full-time chief
I hired.
it also recommends ending fire
aid to the southeast corner of
Ashfield Township until a formal
fire protection agreement is sign-
The report is the product of a
study the fire Marshal's office
conducted on the department fast
fall and recommends new equip-
ment from two way radios to
Ashfield and Goderich have
entered discussions concerning a
new agreement which would serve
the south west portion of the
The township has an agreement
with Lucknow which concerns the
north-easterly part of the municip-
Village Step Closer To Sewerage System,
Seek Further Information From Ministry
Officially Open New Senior Citizens' Apartments,
Facility Is Built At Cost Of $372,069
Freeze Lifted On
MacKenzie Fund
The complicated matter of the Trustee of Ontario decided that the
Alexander MacKenzie Educational fund could no longer be administ-
Endowment Fund has finally been erea in the normal fashion and a
resolved after many years in limbo. freeze was put on it. The result