The Signal, 1930-4-24, Page 3Save a Little Money by taking advantage of the Signal's clubbing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine published in the continent. Aiouat THE O1&MA1. PRINTING 00., LIMITICJ, Publishers. Geo. Williams Dealer 1n DOWD;lON, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire. Accident, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent Office, next to Bank of Commerce • Phone 53 li.ederich W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Car, Life and Fire InsurancL,' Nelson Street, Goderich Phone 292 P. O. Box 43S The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Houses and Lots in Godench end Fermi for Sale large .umber listed to choose from. Jost • few .f the many listed. fowl 1 1.2etory house, hardwood N.wrro cud interior finishing, hill modern; equipped, arranged for stens beat- ing. S11g:d.0Q Two-story house, fine eonaitism, glad,. apmtmnce. lights, toilet, garage. 1 1-2 atm" veneered ;eluent block house, fine condition grind location full modern wiii1ipd, easy terms frrr payment. I'rict• S2111111. Modern itucce house, complete, SS210.00. Number fine brick homes, modern equip- ped. Ask to are them. l'nces frim 1b00.(*1 to Wi00.00. Heau•ti apartment til rent. Fine 4-ete,ry red brick house, modern equipped, 2 lots, s_'OU. 1 1-2 ,tory gonad how*, l lot, S:i25. A tamp. Fine cottage, 'war Squsn•. 2 lots, S1111). ui.d•eri equipped Farms Large number listed for sake. P;w•cial-1110 acres choice land, with 10 acres vetnabke timer I:.nd buildings Clow. to t silage of Varna. Il,lr'n County, -1 index u. It It. sweat, cis,. to good markets. Price $4bt10.00, SIItU cash. 1100 acres clay !mai soil. 70 acres tun - bet, 1-2 nide to school, close to good village 12 miles to Goderich. Price e 118000.O'. Easy terns. 100 -acre fare, 5 1.2 miles Ir linJerich, goal buildings, will exchange for town ppro�ppeerty or well, easy terms. Price R3101t. See or write J. W. ARMMTKONl: Real Estate Box Nil Godrrirh fr YOUR VACATION THIS suMAeq Plan to enjoy the pleasures and convey iences. of an escorted tour this summer.Visit Jasper National Park. See the great Canadian Rockies... the Pacific Coast ...or Alaska. Or go east -the Maritimes and Old Quebec. Choice of datesand itineraries available. Full information, descriptive booklets and reservations from any agent of Canadian National Railways. GODERICH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 PEOPLE FLOCKING INTO FAMED PEACE RIVER COUNTRY 1 Rev. Wallace H. Moss Sees Bright Future Ahead of the We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds F..tiinate,. given on application Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Godench Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada 1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929 New Assurances paid for in 1929 -...•• _...$ h54,451,00() Total Assurance'' in force, 1)e'. 31, 11129 - 2,401,237,000 Atxaetm at December 31st, 1929 .••• -. 568,197,000 A safe and profitable company in which to insure. H. R. LONG, District Agent MONtiF-- l)ltice 115 . Residence 549 "Last Great West" Rot'. Wilhite 11. Moes, well known hi (ioderlch and dietrict, writes from llythc. Alir•rta, Aprll lith Lear Sir, -Perhaps you and some of your readers would Ise 'Ili eresltd to a little a t of things; in the fence ltiver cuig,, Before coming here.we used tip bear quite u alit about it ; Inst now, after actually living Lure, it would stem tbat all the world wus1 be htereal d in this particular part. \1'e have had numerous vlaitors, • rel - resetting cotuauultles in various parts of this ,rastinent and of the Old Country. if the tine things that are said aldtut the Peace River country by our visitors while here are repeat- ed to their respective constituencies. the present influx of settlers La err - Will 10 keep up. Chambers of com- merce have run their spe'c'ial ,lratus and been given motor trips through thla "least /lust West." la July of this year the United Church New Out- look- 2tlawlal Is going to in chide us In its Itinerary. Last rummer a group of educators frotu Chicago spent months soaking a detailed atudy of thla little corner of the earth. The result of such visits la that Peeve driver is fumed for its fertility and besot-. In appearamss It is k "'wood Ontario." - 1.1 is still pioneer. mthd you; we have only dirt rondo; must or the homes are shacks or ',alphas But in those set'tious which have been inhabited for a greater time. where there are better houses and barns and where there are rural tele- phones. cone se's what all of -this .t try cam be made. The attraction of the Peace River is not its present an increa.e of low quality product, prae{xrlly but its potential wraith. Fsner' sill be well advised to dirset ,owssfga Solite lgrle have been dieatlnted rttheir energies toward am increased and do out like 1t here, no doubt be- yield per acre of high-quality tubers enure they had heard sr many tall rather than nu Increase in acreage. 'torics shout It that they imagined • • garden of FAen ora place where money grows ou the trees. We have plenty of trees, but. they Have no dollar bills on their branchce; in fact, they repre- sent. to the hume-•teader, an expendi- ture of money Ke well as lots of hard work. %'.bat 1 wet out t.. describe Is the way people are flocking in. Mainly ddb's are farmers from Alberta, i•1te- katchrwan and Iiritleh Columbia who have had to leave their other laud Ie - cause of adverse conditions. Semi- have rude fr,sni ,Ihc Western States. 4Jrig- InaHy, the bulk of them cam.' from Huron and (truce -so they are of gond tooth. 'Last evening• we walked down to the railway and (chatted with a Inas from central Alberta. He and his family end three other families had lett one commUnity and were bound felt 'Fort 44t. John. iced'. 1 ' hundred ahem from llythc•). They had brought (our carloedui of effi'•h•. The 11.C. Government has ordered that there 1* no trn[fie on the highway while the roads are getting rid of the frost, and so these people must camp here at the end of the steel for a few days. Machinery, yews. horses, chickens in coops, shoot 1 I lttle children Of Interest to the Busy Farmer F•unii+ill ,1 by the Ontario Department of Agriculture • Aeid W1wphat. 1s Superphosphate I mhlpplug two cans of milk Pertain fertilizer •tlesua•o lu Outer- six cows -balf the number. sepueut cut in the cost of lti are welling superphosphate, claiming this to Ise it superior product to acid phosphate. The two oat is melon, uu+' told -this same, thing. This fertiliser lots been on the market for year. and ,ordinalrlly 1m guarnnite41 to contain 1:1 raisers for loss through Jls•asa•e In ler a'n1- available 1 .'spheric Kell. poultry 11'.. k.. annually ae'ordlug tti It can he Used puns' un tr•rluln 'roll" recent estimates. Must of this loss t. or in home -mixes! fertilizers. Large• cauwrl by flue internal {anisole and dally from with u eon - product ion. pito Foots the HW! Twenty-six a.�lliou dollars is the price paid by farmers :old psrultry quantities are used 111 making up Inlxld fertilizers. :+. sold by many f •rlilizer cotnlatnkw. The Calf to Iteta:ss Good judges of cattle can tell. almost at once, whether a calf i worth rearing or ant, chid that went after 1t Is burn. 'There are certain oigus 11:at l.•tonud be neglected. and by whist* they are gelded in waking their selection. A small unulcr.ized calf 1s out nue to )se retuiut`rt. for It will trot rarely' repay ths'''troulle in- volved in feeding and rsiring-into a store beast, and taas it hail better Is• taken to market as went as possible. A lively calf jumping and playing around its dam Is what nue likes to see, fur such._u calf is strong on healthy and should be pose eased of u strung 4otrwtitution. - aet'orilug je F. C. F:Ifor. Ibwhduu Poultry Ifusbaudmau, much of It i. lrrete'111illlt'. A good deal ..f It, he pilots out, cat, be eliminated by keeping yuuug t'hieks away from adult birds and uu ul■sulutely 1lean so11. . Use Canadian ('lover The used brunch of the Is.naiuiii 1M•parttuwt of Agriculture reports that the pr.aluction of rel clover seed ill 1 'al1adil In Brill was a nsrird for the oast quarter tetitur)•. One of the 111051 Imiwertant of the legume crops, rami clover grown from imported southern wad, pften proves disappointing through the extent to which It winter kills under severe uorth•rn conditions. 'Ch1s difficulty can be largely overcools through the pluutfltg of t'anadiat6' growis seed witch has become thonhtgir ly mail uutizeil, and which pr. Wove. plants hardy enough to survive the __ • Canadian whiter. .t Bowel supply of "Iuteuliuu to plant" surveys in the •411011 seed 1s now available. 1'niti•d States suggest au increase of - simplifying as Industry mix Is'r cent. U1 potato acreage. 11 1'ndombadf their are Isar man) this happens and a normal or Leavy ''tI,is of apples nota are.!Haug grown,) crop 1a harvested lower prices may be varieties the view• aprised !• 1:. F:. Mehr ealte•tel chest tnnrke•I ing seaas u. l ►n- 1 teal° pyrites for potatoes have been cosh, • commissioner of the Dominion allataetory this your, which alas Fruit ltrauch. 'There are many' varle'- tewpt growers to Incriasi• acreage. ties atthe and iitt`he which are pa he Sia; Poor and marginal potato land may come into ionullx•tlon and result 1,. posed. of on ole market, and theme un- doubtedly affect the +tole of more popular varieties. There should he too ne organized. systematic elimination of these iaser.earietlees 4,u a big stale. 1t has been starlet!. uud -during the past two years particularly there has Bolls shit Crepe been 3 lot of top -working of trees to Niuure w'e+ss to ince adnped entre better vedettes. Variety depends on 'Martel. uud there should be no phot• Ido to wr that Chef t her totter lag of orl•hurds without consulting one .valerate. that other plants lorrticulturists who are familiar with dant opt tolerate. w'uU•nueltius, Weeks the dlstrlN." berrea, struwlx•rrfes and some other __ plants grow very 'utisfu"torlly in as I/airy Icy-I'reduetr,. uc•itl soil ',providing it Is otherwise 1►uiry' pr.airylio11 In duets„ is slow fertile. !Potatoes are sionetl This wild dei 1 forging :tread, but chug' mrly' Bness. grow lower In an acid cull. This ofactan- '(1..' dairy aint cold storage branch of too. lime In is se sell ou the fact Il''' 11,•nliniuu "'quirt awl" of Agreal- gr s lime in the soft t•ncourr m. the titre reports toe increasing demand for growth 11i -cab. rs' y iasisich Laren' the %lent might really' Is termed the by• better f. Lime ,.•ally uudfees the Mt prelacy "1 the dairy Industry. Dair) better for potatoes wilco there Is Mt irna1Uctiun In t'anxdn h•n'toforr has Mid/. although the Nileflt 1+ never very lawn expr•s .d Iargcly In deme of ►rut- mnrkel. Better lime the still after the lace. ;horse and rtcnm. The modelI.ts potato crop than before it. Some grass- 1 of Inner and Cheese slows a decline rt sire very am n•sistall t, red psis Littutter whsle "miscellaneous fa.' - tall meadow oat grass and• bent grams'- iory Product." enol "milk ceu'nmed fay - being very high Invs the lbs. Timothy- fresh or othcrwisv' .bow-' a Lig In- Joes welo howe•v-.v. In mous soils crease. 11x,1 it 1s this increase which wLrre doves will nu longer grow. Is responsible fur the net grin in deb.) Koehn -Glen daring the past five years Life of Yam Sint the of over $13,01M►.IMM►. More (A -h milk It has been Londe that sixteen averngeIatoll crani are tieing 111151 today than lifewith of a grabs i binder is ivetep year'. ever h'f"m: 1.T crena comtImn•s 10 with n variation o[ five to thirty. grow In popular favor, and there is a thaw years. A spring -tooth harrow, atrllrltig hnreesr In the 'm4'111'1'4' milk ural around . under unlhtary w•n'Ice condition. Id' w.1ib'h Is ercal' pnar•sted fur sale h1 play about. (Me hent ws•tsrs 10 be all glial only about eight years, while 11 whtelnitcd. ..mden'. » cfu esti' es Stove is for "slegdug and tieing wagon will bold out for twenty-foetr ,ted pen -demi form. Snarlers. There were thirt;i7 setters' car- years! snrcey rageemitreently' in. i WHY A BACH-YARD GARDEN lost& etters' effetm on one freight 1 dlcat d that the average et of 11/0111; i thls week... family of six arrived from a ,10/-141.t cultivator was eight cent. Southern •iced'. on the List train, anti which was shod the lowest for uo) •Why i. h that millions of nevi insist being unable lo seellro room' in any implement. In some Instance's machiis'•'• a ' 1..11 g 11 tiny is ' of groundist o[ our titer hnsela apgrliasl to uv. 14o axle nlnaost eutln•ly .d meta aas't miler cuf1111110151191 year'' We took then in for one night ami fut not house) se`a'l to Inst a. Ions ala' K. ;loin chit it I' 1,0,11 111.1. they circ 1110.41 N111(.11 were Hensel, 1Iuwrver. other machlues with ninny small HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subteen bt•r. Renew your subscription now and make sure of one of these beautiful Calen- .lars. F:Ic:ll'11 '►'illltli )'F1Ut, NO. 20 the whole 'Ix in one room. They were reedy for n good seep, for they had not been aIle to get n lw•rth and the parts or pnt'ts eIth wood. Cloth 0 day 'arch was so 1111e11 that there leulhrr, badly need shelter. Binders l considers Ones.he grows •h1 term. of bole not ecru sitting rotor' for .'eery hillin binders iHass. wltlelt were 'sh•ltetrol'ere- $'able. nn'I'r'nts. laxly. thataired only mitts per .new for, It I. Ilealt.e he levy. 0, grow. to It is all very Interesting end one ri ills ass 1.3a c•ontpnred with _.3s for I Preston.. to show the flr-t mature lea likes t.. picture whet this croatry will repo eat for the first 'tilde enr of cont In hi. eonumleal, for the mon with it tin)' plot gets most of his green v,'getalde• from Gtrtnl'r 1'r stare. uud Minll):, 1 t tl e i ec l :Y' ri C CROP REPORTS and BUSINESS SUMMARIES DURING the season the Ban,. of Montreal tours periodical reports on trop conditions throughout Canada. Every month it publishes a "Business Summary" coeering business .ondin, ns in the Dominion and in the countries where the Bank has offices. Bath of these publications are sent free to all who leggiest to have their names placed on our mailing list. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Taal Assets m caters C Iye..SSo.oeu be in ten or fifteen yenrs 'here; when those it has Isrti developed n hit ami we Have Ewe In Condition get our crraat nutlet and n tnotnr road to Vancouver. A few years hence we The beet method) of ensuring strong will have 0 city somewhere, we think, ami vigor.sas bundle, wthch will do for In addition to fertile snit w -e hrf�ve,-w'ell from hirth, is tti have the ewe fu n goal ellmnte•, mineral wealth. 0 goal condign?' for lambing. l'i'my' of great waterfall in fact anrry'thing to exercise with a ligltt gnsit t-nixtfnre. make a elty except las►p1e. Ked they two or three pounds of silage er roots are coming flat. per efiiy and some good hay are whet We look forward. ellen week. to the mite 1111'1'. )fishers Milk is pill the new '1•ilurne• tihalrce•r. arrival of TheC•Slmwl and enjoy it Inm11. need• for the first two weeks. 'rind i' tchc erne ueighl.n• and mine. greatly. but thereafter a little grain nr hey' no miller where 'we may lice. lin.. Very slu.pn•ly yours. mhoald M• avnilabl.' for tBeui to uihl'I' ',axon from his old war garden to hi'' \1'. ff. Muss af. present parol' garlen and why he will contl11ite to midlands' hi. tin' conch Fruit (es, Promising of grand .o Tong us he era toner \ I•n•Ihnllwr)- sordes of c II 'tit'' fhcretn. In fruit enol vegeleble :Ohms unn11nncel i In -t week shoals! th:t on the while' there hits been ci•ry little n -Inter-, . klllh,g 111.1 mo.I of the trees soon tn' herr .'111110 thrnultll 1111111. well. .\ crop of apples welt up to the overage of {,lett yenta Is mein -tell -for lino. Fruit holding is told to be spiral beim, uoruat In quellly Inst. g otertslly well der•bg551 iNblgan+ oty•hari. wintered well 11141 amnll fruits and grope vltt.'s' ore ht excellent condition. A g'Ndl•snp- pty or benithy fruit buds i. npprlret -in the Burlington district, dal the mit- look for the fear crop Is not so prem ling with the ctilpthn of the I,tam fugt11,i distrlst. pcntchem ,phtcrnlly have .tInt "re'l aril. Good Stock l'ays "It is not grcnter total production ' glut Is beim; urged s1, much n' greater prole •tion tier nnitnnl, sued hem+ heaver and more 111•"fk�tpie tnst t ion of !Inn." Is (h',hf`/i'1:11 exA, the Deruilsment in nrging the rr al11, Wsy diets cntt'fwalgu this spring .\ • Y.1tcd Allen/ a y'ntpit farmer began ��©ai dne;a i naliac that the twelve ,-„ws 11n 1st- fnnn were n very on)inpiry hone, prods •bldg Sea two cans of milk 41nR' -•,g'ww4\4,1111 tonspr,d51tw11111(1soonn, --A P O R -- B in,Arnv,•ment wax tasted In the b4'r'1 �/ after the P,eorcr mw'm were wcrfisl mu town. 1t is Is'•auw• ht get. a thrill %'hell lie x111'' 11 l.,tttnl.,, Alla•'.'• it Ia•- ' fore 0 guest. and mummers. that he l hos grown it himself. in that little patch of grotnad. hack of the gnrnge There is. womethhag nlanit n lues. n 1111111NT pi r,ldi.h or ail ear of corn. Insure Your Automobile with F. WOOLLCOMBE OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET I. 1 'mesa ate! 1.0, .Mnaiu.'r. k,1,11 kdek Automobile Insurance See our rates before placing your Automobile Insurance. Insure with Companies that pay their losses. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance tt. pia ked nr polled n few tttl�ttics Iwdor.• 11 be serves(. that tnnksw such; trifis•s ills exismse, time. toll cult.'ore ti( no •iol-I RISK! rrIO-DAY the lure of easy profits is a drawing many into the whirlpool of risky speculation -- td -morrow the vision of wealth may bb rudely shattered. A few years hence, vl''l4ich will be yours -a comfortable balance in the Bank or vain regrets for hasty action 7 - The Royal Bank of Canada �i.-rit h Ile.,nrh - I. `. .�•`f .l .�, , Tt'.anagcr 111'1 - taNIMININammilir ya►ems Colds Was With One Treattnent RUBBED 011 throat and chest, Vicks does two things at once: (1) It is vaporized by the body heat and inhaled 'direct to the inflamed air passages, and (2) It stimulates the skin like gn old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the sorencsq ICKS Q1[lrh%lw/[L/ON✓ARS(/�E01'�ARLI 'fir a short time the young man was WRIGLEY'S i• good company on any trip. It's delicious flavor aide zest and enjoyment. The sugar sup- plies pep and energy when the day seems long. in short it's good 1 Brophey Bros. THE LEADING F-l'NEKAI. DIRECTORl4 ANi) EMBALMEK8 Ambulance ..nice .t all boon, day or night. PHONES: St''n- ,Iso I1,•'. - J. R. Wheeler Fiueeral Dlr,Aor and Embalmer All call' promptly •tteuded to day or night PHONES) Store :ta 5 Residence 355w lism11ton Street, Goderieh Let Your Children Share in Canada's Greatness CANADA is youthful, growing - continually growing. At pres- ent she is third among all nations in per capita wealth, the best place in the world in which to live. You would, of course, like to start your children on life's journey equipped to take advantage of the .great opportunities whirl will be offered them. Then, save regularly for the future of,�'our children and deposit your sayings in a hank. When your ,children start out for themselves you can so establish them in life that they will face the would confidently. And they should become substantial and prosperous citizens. The road to your children's future is open at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. f1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE w. n,ce a ...n"•w.N.aad THE STAItiDARD BANK qF CANADA 1 • -800 'BRANCHES IN CANADA • U