The Signal, 1930-4-24, Page 1MAPS
COLORED. 2i+ x 92 it
25c each
Look over your supply of Offic,
Stationery and let us fill your order for
i.etterheac4s, BiIllleade, Kneelopee or
other requirements. A goal job at a
reasonable prier•
7Mle i%. C. T. U. will hold a home-
made baking sale on Friday, May
23rd. -t
d11r. Aj"( Inas lolrelu11:..d the
raskJent4 property on Britannia road
owned by Mr. 11. Thomps„u, of Toronto.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Hospital Auxiliary will be
held sit the public Library ou Monday,
April :Nth. at 4 p.w.
Mr. Hobert Young (las resigned front
the pa.ltion of Janitor of lludericb
Collegiate Institute and the board 1s
advertising for a auecersor.
1'ie regular mouthy meeting of Ilse
.'laltford Hospital Auxiliary will be
held at the home of Mrs. Albert Gold-
thorpe on Thursday, May bit, at 2 3
I,. alto
The Arthur Circle players are to
1'reaeutc "laps of Money" to the town
hall, %Ingham, on May Atli, udder the
attapleaa of the Order of the East(•rut
Mr.' A: W.. 11'Is•, of Toronto, lot,
sold his !ounce on Nelson curet to
Mra. Joseph Wbltely. The +ale wa-
• Made 1hrimgh F. Wo«dlr,tul•• 4 real
rotate agency. Humtlton strew.
The /loleriih 'Township 11o.pital
Auxiliary. Ix making a tr,lhr•Uou of
fruit fat ale hospital. Penton. having
denatlonw are ceyutrted to leave their
names with Mr4i. Con Bisset. Huron
road, ..r ;Miss M. Salkeld, Hayfield
road, by May 1st.
The Ahnek Chapter, 1.0.1Y.F:.. will
hold a !while bridge party at the
reeW('ne a of Mrs. Dudley Holmes.
Colborne street, nu Tuesday afternoon.
April 24th, ut 3 o'clock. I'rrsms get-
ting ap Inlrlea are asked to telephone
Sts. Holmes. »verybotly welcome.
1741• rregniar meeting of the G1tk•ri'h'
Women's Institute will be held In
MaeKay Hall on Thurslay. May lett
81 3 p.m. The roll call wi11 b• answered)
bt exchnnrd• of ,(4)11114 and slips. This
will to Ibe• annual meeting and the
eleetlon of offl(ers will. take place.
Amputation was found to 1'e ner•s-
nary In the ease of airs. J. iL ('4lben,e.
In whose leg a clot of blood had forme41.1 I
and the operation was performed,
?awl week'at %Ingham hie/pital. where
Mr.. Colborne Is under the are of (
her sn, IK. H. W. Colborne. The am-
emotion was between the knee and g
the ankle. Her anxious friend. In 4104- t
('11.14 are relieved to learn that 'Mrs. e
Colborne stood the operation well
and is continuing as Weil an could be
expected. m
The News of the Tow
Lurouragi►>,f Reports Presented at
Annual iludness Meeting
The annual congregational m4
of the Glxlerk•h Ilaptlat chord.
held In the basement of the char
Wtrhle,alay evening of last
There Was nn attendance of• u
fifty 1x•noon.. 'I be ladles of the co
gation nerved a bounteous supper,
after the supper hour the pastor,
W. T. Runt, read a {,u'r.tge of
turn and•tw•o of the deacons It
prayer. Thebus114e4$ part of the u
hog 'way then proeeded with.
The roll call of chum* mem
was read and forty-four ler
anlwenrl by quoting a 141,011.4&•ripIure or a verse of some h
The reports of the various logintions revealed that the• church
1118114oa le011rnging progress, For:3 A
pnriose. for fowl work f2.I
raised *During the year 19_1 and
for misslon'.. ,til the officers went
elected with the (•zee1tton of
j„Iturch (14rk. Geo. Miller sueeee.
The officers are as fullor' : 1
tons, \\'m. '(1111, life member: A.
baldewton am! A. Clinton. it/rt.--
term: Jaw. .\. Campbell and A.
kius, 144o year term; 11. fit /;riff
(leo. Johnston, ene-year terns: Mit
treasurer. Jas. Campbell: sate
teedent of Sunday school. 1f. S. Cr
nasintnut 'superintendent, Gtr,. Mill
et ing
ogre- MI', 'Douglas Nairn, of Toronto,
andHpent Easter In town. a
tier. Mise Evelyn (teed was 'home from
The Turon at the week -end.
v1 In Nle. (lolly Martie 'spent the week-
wet- end at her home at Lulus.
- Mr. lintel Ihwado, spent the week-
lersi cud at hw home at liruulford.
sung,, Mr, Chas. %\'alters, of Dcetroit, spent
e of lilt week -end at his hone here.
emu. Miss Mau' Wat..nt, ut Toronto, was'
dza .+ among the Eisler vlsilur.4 in town.
had, 'll«x Verna Armstruug, of W114141 -
.a11 stook, 4i,ited friends in town the past
WHsI ween,
It_ Fn' Mts. G(4.4 1ua Gmelin, of the Signal
• re-' -turf. spent Easter at her lame 114
the' Preston.
ling Miss Eal►th Wiggins is risitl,g
, friends at 'Toronto during the Easter
left- holidays. .
(t.- air. J. 11. Hughes, of -the Batik of
year, l'ou/n'erle .tart, 'spelt the Wrt•k-eud
%Vll- ut St. 'Thomas. t
and Mi„ Mary Johnston Is ho'trfr
'reit'Simi ford Normal sal
School 1Si
r the,
✓ ig- Easter vacation.•
iff : MIs, F:Ilnio,a le•uke•, of Lindsay,
er. • ,I.eot the week -end the guest of Mn.
Help Them \11 -the N14b•I Theo
Gillerirti. May Lith, 16(h, I
%diner Saturday.
.1 wnucler If any af_{te, Who hare
our faculties, realise ]'eat what
to the man
are u
y wtao
(u a
tuna*.•. We really owe them mu
and It la hard fur um to pay this un
earned debt as we so seldom have I
really brought home to ATP.
'When it is 'known that there are
n the county of Huron, approximately
200 crippled children. then and then
only w•tll the citizens of the town of
:oder) -h and the other t(pr.n% in the
utility realize juts what the effort of
he Lions Club of Cr'lerich' is doing
o help this (I Ing -and rg' .• n
oxer, clause.
We of the t.roduetkm will give t
people that attend this mum.
'morel show their dollar's worth
mtertalnnent, but the main ohJ.s-r
ie effort 8: a "hullI. the 11E14' 33
RE ,V,i,. lu✓TIl -THE PE1tFiHE
11tS AND THE 1'1'111.1(,WIN .\
ACRE OF THE .'7It11•PlED ('1111.
F)N OF TIi'E ('or TY.
Let n. all understand this and gi
olehe8rtcdly to this 11, deserving
11..' 14 going pint 0nc'e but twie
r Model Tlieat•re on the nights
8y 177th. pith tn.1 17th, and send a
e school ehllFren to the matinee
ltnrdny, the 17th.
('hanger in Railway Timetables
Changes In train twrrhw going Into
feet on the railway's at the beginning
next week affect Calerkh shIKh(Iy
e C.N.R. afternoon train 8111 leave
shaleh at 2.1:' Instead of 2.20. The
or,1ing train on tlw• C.N.R. will Len
ronto five minutes earlier, at 7.:
teed of 7.57.. The evening train 0
e C.P.R. will arrive at (7e«lerirh a
o'clock Instead of S.1:'. leaving To
to at 4.441 Instead of 3.13. Th
,ruing train from G(141e•rkh will s
4 at Toronto at 12 non 11144e/Ill o
ter. _- ..---
\ pretty welding took 'dace In
Peter'. church, Goclerich, on Wel-
111y morning, April 2:3x1, when
sv Itessle Grind, daughter of Mr.
1 Mrs. Itvlrnd (]rant of Ashfield
nship. wits united in mnrrlage to
. Benson t'hll1��l1lolm, 11,11 of Mr. and
s. John Chl'h.lm of Colborne town -
i' Rev. .1. 11. 1'hlalolm, of riarnln,
alter of the groom. perform.' the
cranny. The I.FIdr wee. 'Mendel by
• Florerie•e Me:Namara of Hamilton
Ile the groom was supported by
Jn11p.h ('hlsholm. After the vied -
• :1 reception was hekl tit *h.
rt. of'l1r. and Mrs. John Chisholm,
born. 1uNuh1p. The happy couple
t by tar on a honeymoon to
111i1111 Bpd Nhtgurn Fell., On their
Inn they will n-ide on the groom'•
11 In Collornc township,
T. C. Tretheivey, .
Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Straihau have
returned from Florida, where they
tre,l ',petit the winter, -
ilh. Miss Beatrice Henry. of Detroit.
sI« I't 1•:aster at the home of her father.
, Mr. W. 11. Henry. .-
1111, Mr. and 4I s. J. 11, SwafflekI bare
wr returned from Eustis, Florida, where
for -they spent the winter.
kr. Stanley • 1'I
ark • w
( (rut the week-
end 1
end at Turunio, the guest of his broth-
/ er, Mr. 1N,ugl4s Clarke.
' Mrs. 'Tilt 811(1 Miss Ruth Tilt. of
Preston, were week -end guests of Mr.
,and Mrs. A. 1,. Maxwell.
Miss Mary Clarke, of Toronto, stent
Easter nt her home, the parsonage of
North street United church,
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Witmer, of
Rochester, Mich., visited their sou, Mr.
11. ('. Whiner, at the week -end.
b1• Mi.a Gertrude I.umby, of Toronto.
vpenl Easter at the home of her pot-- n
'�� ants, Mr. and:Mra. Wm. Lumby.
of and fondly '-peal Easter whit Mi 11
Hawthorne'. mother at Seaforth.
S'1'. IIEI.H.N,J, Atilt 21: -Thr
Helen, I t w
art Der Mivacs. 1). AI a Susi
V. 'held, are agem ting their hoI.1ny•
lir. Lorne Woo*l., Mn. !infanta/Ili w'
WOoda, MINN C. Job1tstuu and Missy 411
!rent. 14',.41,' motored to Stamey i tit
lowouhlp and sport Saturday with' 31
frknds. , tl4
Miss Derotby Webster, of London, Si
Mime %llda Webster, of Toronto, and
Misses Doreen and Jean Webster, of
Wingham, are all home for the race -
Ham. of
Moises 'Mabel and Irene Wends, of of
Kitchener. are enjoying their holidays Th
At home. 4;,
.111s4.� `ado and Rena Coiling 14ud
' .Mrs. John ('4.Illrrg and children, of
(Hiles. were wt,itors fit the manse last
Miss \V. 11 Rutherford. of Tlmmlu+.
la ependlug her Easter holidays a!
Mr. ('harles SI4Julllin, of London,
is at home for the holiday.
Mr. Jas. Bowles, of London, Is a
visitor with his aunt. Mee. Chas.
Mims 1)4)10thy Mclluilliu, of Sand-
wich, is home for her t41eatlnn.
Qtev. 1) e'1'us lsh, Mrs. McTavish
Mid toys, oho and F:rnera,, or Exeter.
were !he gt*est1 of 1*.w-. T. 1'. and
M1•8. 11'ilkimon to the manse on lbw
Jnr. and Mrs. John Webster and
Miss Dorothy motored Io Toronto on
Monday. 'Ir. Webster 11. n delegate to
the Ontario Educational .\4s,s•Iatlon.
The Ilnrrls Mission Baud met Ire
the church on Snt*rdn), with an 11t-
ten'n11rn of twenty, 11nd the pr('sldt.nt.
Helen Auer, in the chair. The third
Ilonatione to C'hildeen'l Sh(•1
Auburn.. kallon,mnelc syrup:
Durdin, Nelson Street, barrel of a
!'arty'. Bakery, doz. hot cross
\\„111a11's .\8.4'lzltlun of North
!'lilted church_ Iwo boxes _yud
The matron of the Children's Shelter.
1 t••ful13- I1rk,1 (%''edges the fullow•I,i
donation,: From
Mr,. Janwr Julwetn', Mr. Morrison MacKay, of Toruuto,
R. 11 N'a'" . t t for Luster. •• tat 1111 coal solus and a duel 'then
pops Mr. Harty Creighton of It[auUurd 'Suumc4
Cantata, "Tice ('nteifixitut," Sung by
('heir and %1.ilulg (rusts
A ei 1 goodocaudienc11 t,'i attended
OH ed !hhe errn
t*'g ••t (.1011 Friday by the choir of
North street. 1 nittsd church. assisted
'by /kiting artists. Tire first part of
the program 4ou14l8lad of 4uslruw.u-
1'IIF: SIGN.11, 1'ItIN PING t' ). LIalLTF;1,, 1'W,lulhrr8.
bun.; spent tate week -end It town,
street airs• I'ller Spain is x1x•udiug u. \\eel ,
wk•hes 141th her d,nugh:ers and sou In Pe -
'1'111• \Ilse?:• Laura and. Ethel Fur-,
sfou," row. of Turontu, \\ert• amoug the
Easter visitors In town.
)Lits!• 1 ansa .Nut:* llarky nod air, J10 -
I trley, of sarlih,, are 11 to vn fur Ow
4'at)ou Laster ►•ueatluh._,
eery Ml -s Marguerite'Mellua!d Is sps•ud-
gi4en 111;; l:ii ter'holidays wit1, ]lis. 1tulo
441111 Wambold, Kitchener,
lir, A. G. Reid, of Sarnia, visited
her brother, Mr, . IIu11 McDonald..n1
ltrock etmet, this week.
"resets Miss Htdeu MI•Kay, of Louden
u the '14►u the week•en' with 11-r 141re111-.
Ite•4. Mr. and Mrs. S. M.•Kny,
Wow"- Mhos Eliza Fraser I. xp•ndh4g the
Can- 1<u,.er N.•. ;, all h 1,.•4 Ilii e', Mrs. Jolnl
114er• I'. I,au4er, lslq-l'oit, allt•b.
!omit Ui•s Ceumii•ve Spare. ist Lumina. I,
11- 14'tspyndlhg holiday. with her peri1118. 1
and .lir. teal AL•s:-John Spirr,
!lot' Miss We've lamprey, of Toronto,
miler ,pent the Baxter week -end with her e
r1 ly parents. Mr. and Mrs. Iterb, 1
Sacred Cantata
Tine cantata, '•1'tlgrM t'• 1'i
will 14 phvcm in the. C.4'ericll It
church on Thursday evening. -31a
under the 11usp1(')ua of the Sal
Army. '?'his c41utaf41• yeh1 h Is a
fine pteee of sat•Tid mu -k', is
by Kea forth and lI*'n tnleut,
local u•o,I,lluu•c. _\t lsyou adult
ch111I,reu 1a•.
Gaited Church Modenttor to 1
Much interest 4pling taken 1 to a;od.•rieh of the (tight
W. 1'. (;nun, D.1)„ of ,Toronto.
er,rarur of the United !'hutch u:
81111. win, will preach at the ani
spry ,1rrtl(-('s of North street c1
on Sunday next. The s•rvic(.s 441
111.141 at the usual hours, 11 a.m.
7 p.m. The choir, under the (lire(
of Mr. Donets, Cawldell, will n
special music and will be a•sls*t
4 imolai, .1 he l'ruclflxaon.--
was given. The untvk *ll* .uglout mt.
111 kteplug 'altli the sa.•ra'd cLnra -ler
and memories of the 4:13.
The visiting nal-i.-i:u,. Nen. 5L',
11. A. Clark, of. Strautord, contralto
'so1u1.1: Mr. Jauw- M,dly1/, of St.
Thor.:1-, tenor: Mr. 11'illhlm 1:. 1\'1!
hams, of Si. 'Phomas,' baritone. and
Mr. 11. A. 4'IprL, of Stratford, 4 loll''
51r. • D.. ''ampbell rewrii•nr1.! two
oreno moiler, from lir/shim, ,. playi.t
with hix usual 3uq.allly and good,
unite, and air ('1:r4', violin .,du 4414,
1101 gull 1«',•utrul i1, II 4•4•11.. but 1111,
rendered 4111. exquisite touch Ile&
(.elit'C. Mr.. 1'141'\ in her -11,', ''11e'
WI.. 1N•spisel". 1114411141 t, di-pla,IMI a'
tine quality of voice and 11-o a. power`
of Iuterpr•tntio, that hind.• an it i
n•sistill 1,;•44:,1 to the hearts of tine
u udleme '
Ito 16e1r duet, •"1'h,' lord Is in Ill.
'hare;" Mr. i11d11yr1 anal SIr. W111huu.•
4o^n at- 011.0 the warm aigirural alt
Mae amF4'44, ., and throng' t the
vetting their numbers were g1414 )11
manner that more than justified the
lgb encomiums that bad preveil(.1
hem. , 'Their neutrally fine rohe.
hoar,? the effect of thorough training.
nd were tla•hslluu, 111141 sympthctie.
-1111e *heir very cicnr •lltou and
he re'i'reit rendering of their parts•
rade their work highly devotional. - 1
I'he choir tinder the dlr..-1 lon or,
Ir. Cami..'h{ .fully sustained the
vitiation they lance gained for g,««l
luras work, 14)144' 1Ile ,odds 111111.
IlHrtel tes that fell to their share were
ell rendered.
Sir. Camph•11 1111.1 hl- rholr are to
• omen/totaled on the fine .u.rr•s- .
f • the ereuhlg's work.•
Mr. 1'n.nLlin Moore, soloist. Ut 5
irttrritt Ilonle and leltool ('lu
4 rho• la.t meting of the Vie
I1 • and School Club it was 41e
o hare a l Ihe- a•r 1'11 I Y'f ll,
l e Il 1•a rl
Ins. .\ thdinite date will he fixe)
I the next exw•latlre meeting. and fel
of the ('11111 8►e re:pested to ,sir(
{papers find magazines for this c.
tine. 1)141 drew and nag, also w'i4
necepted. Mr. I'almer. hunur*ry
1 dent, was delegated to represent
191tb lit the Plaster week roarer
I at Toronto. A reading on "The
of• Children" was kites by Sirs,
Mr tool wars e*juyell by t1ins,• pre-
trio- Mr. mull Mr.. Jac", ltihltty 8111 Mr• . u
and 31r-.• Wells, of Toronto, %Mitts! 1
their friend. In Ionia over the hoRda\
b Mn. harry Gime and Mi.. Jr,u' n
Iorta Giew•, of Seuforlh. 41,itd Mrs. I;lea'-
-Wed sister, Mrs. Allen M.lh'nald, *bi- ,
r to week.
1 at. Mho/ Olive Gnldrhor{e. of Toronto.'
04.41. w4.- In town for the En, ler week-eud.
• all the kue•t of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. 11. Ma, r1
Mee- },N all.
1 b• Miss Evelyn ('lark, who tmeht, al
we.1• Centralia. 1s spa'nding the ram1)•r' Q
41.' vacation 441111 her 'wreuts. Mr. ami' 44
thin 5144. Hobert Clark.
'lire Dr. W. U, Butt, of Toronto. t. oa •�"
Tay 4 i,it,r fur a few da, r t. r
•The i•ct•uiu • -- 11' -
ti seri ice of %'k'oria
street ('tilted church will .be with -
,1,3%,11 udst Sunday un a.-tvunt of by
ulnl5er,ary s(•(44(e,. at North 'street
1 1• soled church.
In Victoria Street United church un
Suuda*y' morning the pastor will preacii
Ids concluding message of the s
ou the 'Lurd'a Prayer, the subjea•
Ing "Temptation."
1'be In.:muful flowers timed cos the
lulph of K1I(' church last MundaJ
/1y air. R'un. Mti'rruth, sr., attd family
vier. In memory of the late \\'m. Me.
Cr'ath, sr., and the late W. J. ale- -
$er4kea in Knox chur'b next Male
hath w111'le in charge of the wlyl8ter.
NuIJ c• •f sertuulu: II a.m., "Tile
'.itt :` tlo- Spirit;" 7 paw.,
1 :u L. • sabbath school, and Bible
-.e. al :t. u'1'1.N•L.
'Phe Mer, 14(4. at the Itatptist• church
next Sunday w(11 le as follows: 1Y
a.m., school. l'ubli, worship at
11 nogg, and 7 p.m. Serowe subjects.
Morning. -The Facts of Death and
L'eytrr..tior' ;" evening, "The • Mi1114-
4 'ring .ttlgt•1a." -
Sp.nial ww•k-end w•r4ilrs will to
condueted• for the Salvation Army I.
Mr,. :\dJt. Sgimre1*'iggs, of London,
nut. Mrs. t: ivarobrlgg, ha. teen a Sal,
'aliou'Army officer for nary•.)ears,
and tells of her experiences In m8ny
part. -of the territory. • An- 1►tstruc-
nt.• and fu-pirIng.5414lr wa.•.oIhhl.t-
ed on Easter Monday be 14rigadler and
Mrs. Thos. 1lurton, of luw:.•u• (►ut,
'!here was a good attendance ha 5t.
George's church on 1:.««I Fridays.•reu-
ing, when the cantata ''Prayer. Promise
and Praise" t Ne(rllinger o ' was ren•
demi by the choir of the (')lurch
Ryder the dlrtr•tlou of Mr. 41. B.
1 4 +
)n I( urgnnllst and choirmaster.
J. M:1,Kay :111.1 Mr. Reg.
F'irler were the •su1u1'sth, and the
beautiful ni*osl•• of the cantata • wag
Hung throughout with eympwtioy and
t he -
I. Large eonglegnti,;14 were present at..
Vietorin street Coifed o-huKK•h ore' Sun-
lit/. (8,lw•,1 appropriate F:aster (works..
y�re/l'eld. .\t the tuurnlug s.•rvkw
RR^{wstor, IgA'. G. W 11u11, preaches!
a4 "The 1!1,4,1 1 'hri,t," 4111.1 in the
r« al ala \t. , i
ant. firma fair -only with hi. ',rot her. - '- -
1 Itec. Gorton nogg. OBLTUARY t
, Mr. and Mrs. 1'm•11 44,rlec and toting
Wtic. son. ..-'', "pf nt tit.• F,u•ter we(•Item1
lire.( 411th Mrs. Curlt.y''s 'wnmt-. Mr. an•1
n«1m Slrs N'. 4;riudnol.
:dh, -N11.s Nina 1Woadla•nmts•, of .Toronto
11,1 and Ali.. 1s,'rh' W,oll.,ml4. cif 1.114:111
the ,7rt.r ('osier 44x111 their p'retit-, lir
clot Bud Mr. 1' 1Won,11, on,b,.
x. o • strung.
R es
o •,e,-'
rf Kingsville. .
Mi.. I 1'
I ,r .r•
8 Strang. ,
a (f Lar
Mrs. g. Guelph, nn
,,,,,, .14n.1l,1g F::t.trr 11.11.11*,. 111 lite h.,*u-
fie• ••f their her. Mr.. iI. 1. Stratus'.
Ir,. Mrs. AI. N. Maelhamild and two
nrr''hlldr(m. of Itrn.nrls, are ,lending
t„ Easter Nvdek with h(ir pirt.ul,, Mr. tool
114•. .\Lego Ilrndt.r.or . '
Knox Chore' W. M. 8.
.\ very Interesting and enthetlll
nw,ttrig of Knox church :luxil
W.M.S., wits helot In the lecture
f the church on. Tumidity, April 1
Ie pre'4.l•n4. Mr'. (;,diem M •in•'I
residing. Ai the eonelu+ion ..f
-4)11(x4 meeting, Mr.. Aller! 'r:•
'141 very re len nrlf I and 4
nal Ir►s,1
« n
wiper h "Thr Easter afr'ssatte."
. J. MfaeKay slung "There is a Cr
111 Fur Away" with her u,na'
(sling and sympathy. A box of g
.r the aged people In the ('on
onto 111141 been prepared and •eat
em for F.ast•r. For this purl
t«y afternoon. have awn open? by
embers at the homes of the !411
the committee. mewing and kmitt
awls and other comforts dear
Ise hearts of older people. .3 shower
114•1.•. for the Mamlallivrav Mitt,
nd basalar in May was held at I
meting and a pleasant s«•Ial h.
is enjoyed when tea N114 •••14/Well
Mr. anti Mr•. Walter Jlu1thorn. 0
N pe
Miss ,\11n•Ih lletheringlon, uf, tau
T' N' wally), Ont., Is visiting at the home r.
i1[ n •r
1 a titer, Mrs. L Hetherington.
1>- Mr. Robert Hetherington:of Toronto, i A
wits an Easter visitor at the home'
vel of his mother, Mrs. I. Hetherington. f
11 Mr. Archie Jones and Mr. Harry I f,
*4) Klug. of Detroit, spent. Sunder a -4th i 11
11 I Mr. and- Mrs. 1/. 1.. Jones. North street,
• Mrs. G. 11. Smith and Miss Thur -
'n low. of Brantford, visited the mist
week at the borne of Mrs. Jas. Thnr
. . earning his suhJ.r•t N;1. "-\ Sabbath
ae ulog- Walk." a vlisxnlnle 111 t
talk, to Emmaus. A (ralure ole t
nortuing Wel he Nu, the reception
I ii,y4;IN\1Io'111'1111 N *JEWELL
Itegimlld Murton, nine sou of Mr. I i
and Mrs. lt.g. Jewell, 'Kenya. stns.*. ! t
G,el••rioh. .Ira,ale.l away suddenly mil •
• e:,«r.1 l'ri.la3 hoot 111t11.4. Reginald wits t
at •I.nnl fit.• pn•':4)ou, .,a�. 'I'lo4r-des. .
wleu he toe •nill.lily ill. In«•tors - r
min tlN buth( v n
1 4 , ul1 11
' lin ' . I
Thio to
r .no. Ids Ilfe, death lo•IrnC, g
attributed to a very -rar. dis•ns• In'
the form of en internal hemorrhage.; 1
The couug h*d Nvs ha his •etenth yen r. 1
Ih. was !sou In 4:nderlel. but dp eat e
the grenler part of his life In Cot 1
'wane township, where Ih.• parent. S.
were funning. Quite' re.eutly the
n10cw1 to Ge«leri,h and Reginald- to
tendwl Central .eh.ol 11,1,1 11140 w -ns 1
faithful 111tendlult of the prlrnnn
4111ss of Victoria street Sunday whom a
The foment' took ;Ince on. S 1.' i•1
afternoon, fr • the family resideno-, II
to Cullom,' oernetery. Itr4. Oonhe it
Haut cvn.ducte d the 11'rriee. and Ile•
{mill«d,r('rs nen. 1'. 'i\'orsrlh M.•Icl11 (•
4;e««1, ('erm8n ltrin'le•p and ,frn
I'riddl. .\uo'*g tine, b•inttiful floe,,);
tributes were an•11tits from Central
Home and, School ('lub, the teachers
of Central s,•Iu.«d. \'t'•toria 11.1.'•r<'
el ,s+ and %'imorhi slreel •1',11151
climrch. The sympathy of the ed,n,
mmmNy 1• exlended to the sorrowing
14(•14.• new members. six by letter au/
ix 011 1'rufeA,iun of (With. Thi's mak,•'. -
wenly five . new u,eu►a«•rs r..rliy.d
111. 4.
Jainmry L,t. In 1111411 loth I• !Jes.
et•eiVe* At Prion eltur.14. Sptela4
music of. appropriate au a{.1,re p elate nature wa.
14.•11 by the choir at $urwlay'. ,m-
elees. ',\ e4unrtene- Mrs: . AMU.' Mrs.•
'(.her, Mee.r..' H. Mew and .\. it. &m-
ey--sang In the morning, and In the
vetoing Mrs. Sutcliffe. Mrs, George
ta,s•hler, Messrs. ('Iws. !Iris -low and
'nt.y romped a quart.ttr-
largo' :A11nrolt of lows(( new•un-
,uidxl►1) crowded out IIu. work. In-
uring the "l.ogkw1er's" account of
,e L•(.* 5laritw• flub social. 1..ok for
Ile\1 Meek.
low. eh
Mr. Edward Field, of Toronto, is t
spending the Faster vacation at the tar
home of his parents, Dr. J. M. and Mr.'. 1311
Field. m
-Niko Beatrice Lauder, of St. Catb- wet
Seines, Is ptending Easter .holkk►yx
Pe at the home of her brother and sister
At bene.
to Mr' Keith Fletcher. travelling las- tit
I Fenger !agent of the Canadian I'acifle 111
f Ftnllway Company, was in town ore if,
e 14te•.dny.
r- 5Iles Ruth Martin is h..nte from Tor- � '11
t onto .to storm' the Easter vaentIunilnl
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 11., an
Martin. l
«.., n,
the Mrs, MacDonald. 514•s .tnne, S':u•.
lie•, IH Id. Alex. W. J. I'ntlers•n soul Mi+•
lig .\nnlr Aikens, of Acton. r, -ere Enter
t„' lisitery a t the home Of Mr. and :\lrs.
o - S. D. ('rufL
Ion Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shields 441111
441, (hile yon. necompantel try Mr. 411141
144' Mrs. Clayton Harrison 111141 • lit de
Mumbler. all of Detroit, gent the
week -end In (:(«I('rl(ii.
SFr(. .\ M. Itn*L of Detroit. 4wWuw•'
of the late Rev. William lay. ]tort.
r'k• formerly of Consume township, 1.
of 4isiliug la•r ,nn tit the Victoria arre"•I
Pr• pai•so11114,' for ii few weeks. -
eh• Iter. A. W. and Mrs. Itrown and so,
tut• Sidney. of 'Tlorndnl,, visited friend,
ril. In 1114 district this wtr'k, being the
''e guests of Mr..
Filly ... lt1•uml llt.r. ',
''r' Sidney went on up to Ashfield t.r
"' Attie as visit there.
lions Teams Ont Working
1Nlrilg the early port of the 81
rev teams comp...of of mctnber.
t. 1t«•nI I.Ionx Chili rlxitl11 YAM
pxull, ('reliton, Ihtshwcwnd, %Sri
p7'en. Ihlyfiekl, Itnwr(ield.. V*.r
logon. i4'nfor)li, Myth. .\nine
ckno-, Kli,ttlil, Kinlough, Belga
d \Ingham, calling upon 4:111 m
chapter of the study book, •'Sickness ('41
and Flenling,'' was read by hath lef
Ramage. .A duet, ••Ring for Easter lin
Day," env given t*w I.,ii ere and ret
Easter Munk at Knox t'hurrh
efore a large congregation net
dny evening the choir of litto.c
roil ...lig the reliant,. -Penitent...,
don ei 1.1 11, Maunder. Under
still al dirislion of the organi.t.
Douglas MaJor. /lie choir gave
exeellent rendition, showing a
plow common.' of, tonal effeets.
✓ the eito.t delicate ',softness to to
fortIssInti.. and 111 1111 tiMe
the ;tinging etrained or
/1 111•1»0100rnied the fact that she'
114 /1114.4re/04 Of' her art, in purity of
on. 1E4,4.1811y. In her serum' solo,
nem. be earried tile pert. with 1
nigh nrtistry. Mks Msrgaret Wit
matting the incidental mole. "11.,
beantifttl rendition. her tone
ereellently fitted to the tient)
of the well-known words. At. Orel
with exaniaiteness and heantr
now -that my gedeemer
41nek, is spending thi• Easter vacation
at the horny of lwr mother. „Mfrs. Ai
Torottos were week -end visitors at 1114
home .41 Mr. Jim' Mr.. Normun Mae-
, Key. Wellertley onset.
, Mr. end lire John Milian -noun awl
, (laughter Alive. of Brantford. were
vi.itors on Smodny nt the home of Mr.
Jan s awl business 1/11•11.
11 lostril show. In aid of Ho. 2.1.1 lIorder 4 ' it les Star : 31r. nod Sir •.
crippled children in Huron (mutt" 111. E. 1.14.ming. of the Winel.or Cottrt.
.111 tliti•e making lite trip were amazed „1„, la" pHH.H si,..Hait,„ 11H. 1,40.4 ph
, 111. HIP keen interest manife.tosl i') weeks in Etutiond.
those iipon whom they ettliosi. Ever •..all on April 2:',
3 - for home Nir. Fleming will go int
was not the toinstrel 4110W they wen.
1.supporting. but rather making 41 (1111-
ff1101/1 1141 'to Iloilo give the i•rippb•ti
life. All intliention. seem 10 poi
enirtelty house, -Mar 18. 1
roingements are is.itig 'made f,
•kti of tickets for surround':
-tr.. and every effort is being ma.
Not& from the Waterfront '
'be John 31,4'11rtne.3 Kennedy a
41 at 1,10 port froni Teitslo, obi/
n.% ii•rnmpn and unload(
ion. of eon! sit the !dant of th
knelt Elevator and Trati,it
y. steamer cleared Smola
it for Kitteardine with the. be
lie tug 31 1seforel of the lh•partnien
Wednemlny.•This Is /1 flofflery 41/
ter, 14011/.
110t definitely knon.n y4:t %111•1
(pt. Wtf+141 Winn -NW
W111 lentre Port.. The 11111•1,1•1•1•W
rot thore freighters, the Gmlericl
l're• rat. htlie arrived and .110,4
s are now toeing fitted (mt. 'Tin
e. five steltners width are making
oration, for the novigation sen
the other three being the ,FroTIZ
1 104114 SM11 11 nod the Quedoe.
ea.tern port of the harlsor.
is a continuation of the 1fe..".
!tete, 1t eXtie.lhel that the C
mole rornpany's dredge. will 4.4,m -
ween 17%010 hnd '11.000 efiseit of
fhb/ week. The good. heye been
ek nee freighter or the Camphi
mship bine. Is eXpentest
.ext few dare to take on a mrtro
I 111
M1•44 lirtlef• .114010011 and Dr. MI1 I'S
; 1. TOM, Of T0rmit,i. ere mending bite
I Easter holiday. at the home of Mr., t4,4%
j Mr Harry Torlor ha. retunied to' to
his home at Toronto after 'spending
the Eoster holidays with him mother.
; 1Itm. George Albert Green.
N. VII/e0e, Colborne town.hip.
140/141011. 111111 Mr. SIMI Mrs I Barry.
of Detroit. were rfeek-etol gue.ts of '1'1C.
Mr. .1 Nli•Intosh We(t velvet
atrong said Rummell Striekler, of Woeid "1..`
• lit lack. \\ere week-enit visitor. at tile. °I
1 home of Mr. find Niro. Wm.
Rank muff. Burlington. .pent En.ter ?Hs
Me., Thomas Gauley and ilattantet
_ now •• speieling week di theleri 1/
Sowerhy 81111 family.
Mr. Owl Mrs. fie°. Routh? fe tool
..4. Mph. motored from Toronto 0r1
Good Friday tind spent En•ter with
lirophey and (laughter l'egRY
r- to Toronto nitto them to spend. o week •
1111•41/1144y to their siunitner 10111111. in
M101..rlorenee Hatch. ..f
Mistake Corrected after Many Intr.
In making change .,•011111• fiZto
',lir tate John 1111114.r. of the Kingston
sorect grocery store, made 4,1 111144-1‘...
411/11141 n1111 11111•11O4 lo 1 111.
estate, who sash to nek •
ledge la The money Ita, 11411111to•o1
to the .31extootro Ai trite- Ilospitni for
foy.r el.. Ideal nplillietiee.
To Organize Town Athletic .t.Nociation
IleVootibIllee 41'1111 11 141,44,011
brought nt a recent meeting for tip.
ION ego lllll '11, 11113'for Al/WEW111 IA 4•011-
1111Z 11 moiling for Tuesdity eVe/11/M
111•411, 111 the tonn haft to emisider the
1,...ociation for tha. to.teritog of :01 the
fl ft.. color. crenm or erre?) flond
at $1.00. Specially prieed At ale
boa t
Hanoi ore .pooling the Ea.ter holt. Hulk
(Iny. with Mr. and Mr,. Donald :blur prei.
r -q• of Hayfield. the latter being a
.i.ter of Mrs. thittley.
11414 11/1111e0Ving as hi. many friend.
MN M.11/11.04, la :11.94111 nt
r 4111,1 their two childr.n. and Mfr.' Spat '"Irr'''Ilng: 1111"14 bilInge of opinion 011
Gli1111:111C11 l'IrWN:41111'. April Z.:.
The •W•NI.S. of Colon Cultist ehurch
In•ld their meeting III 111e 111,1104 of •
Nlis. Reg Johns:40i last Wednesday
; I- visiting n111, relatives here arid In
1;..31141.o4:41,.::loreitet. Ilitteh, of Winnipeg.
111.4. 114.11. 4.f Windsor.
4•111101/T 111.• 1:0•Ier varallott at the
Mr. 11101 Ke1111 ItooSR. of Tor
r end at lite home ltro. moss/
, motored and are simoi.
.11144 MlIrMllet P1'10111114 114 spending
the Easter in. -who, the 100414. of
Mr. Elgin Porter. of the,,Ilank•
ciontnerve Ann'. Titerrion. motorist
dewii and spent the *trek mid tit the
home of his/ father. Mr. Richard l'orter.
people.. Meet411'..4 W/14+ very woll at-
tended. Allbei Helen Davidson 44.41 *he
IiiPelloal? The topic 0 HA rt.i41 'Allan
thitiaption of this kind will obtain the re,ming mi.. m, 1„-htt,
et, enjoyed.
' this Kerning for 'Toronto
1 to 1* present at the marring'. of fled,
• The wohling will take !dye Sa;
'ami groom will h•ave for ellevelatal
'gritty Hanle.
trotilt1 Ilke after nn illness 44f elght
ttionths. We hoie soon to have better! ri„„
report.. of 1.trort
31.r fond Mrm Fred Nell I
vis, of Clinton. Were week -end visitors, f4.
at tile home of MY. anti Me.. Tho.• Men
Sir.. M. W. Cnrrle loss returned to ronnt
her home here after attending the the T
non, Mr. Arthur CArrie of TPrn^t^. for: mtor.
ten day. liefore coming on Gorierich.
with Mr, Datil Mnedel, Carlow Mimi
Mamie! heti Inn retirrned home tater
irpeitiling the wIriter With relative, at
Detroit and other pelat, in the Coifed
at Public. Warta. hns been plowed MI
the ton* pier anti will nicely be
ge ant Hoard
The roomy old AAP 114•/1•41•014 Mord
met at the ein tile.1.141y and
; 11 11 11 !ergo number of new ned lie
ferrml nimlientiosts '314. Charly., Green
of 'Intorno, repre.entin the Provin
chit '"met, wlth the 1.4tird
WnIne-day. reviewing .onte 11/41r
%Moldy and explaining whet We.
neeileil to conform vi ith Hoe regnire.
as the work of the thirrei emit%
AI he /I 1/1/40• 104' rcpre•eittalive her
offentlarwe of Ulm. 11114./0.1 011 In title .3
lett mewls •
.N11.6 lift
yey Puller and two children. itentild
01.• .4110.41,1 011 SoMoltly 11 Ole mime
.Mr. ntal Mt, .3iev. Watmia and her
*air tiny reetsitly 41444 1I1d M/S. WAt (.41
Mr. end iiinte. McIntyre rind It
.••/, 1 meet ii.ited with Mr. me Ser. , T
on Sunday. :rine
Nellie Irene? end Lee
home of it- n1111 Mr+ Meltit% n.
frit•tol. 111.4 Edith .141ollz
r. aad Kra. Amos Antirerr hare a
",tanaister A'h41 4111111• of.
1 to their home
11*. Knit.; Washingt,in tt•r
Hamilton fen in ,a,r Twine
117.. lii•r Ankli• sic/to-icy last
lam Homey, of Ginierich. 'shifted
lie saw Ill started ofvf•ratloto hart
formerly Mime /(fin
1111,4. from the hrom• mf her n hive.
. NI. Alleti, 1111 Wanda, last It.
r. 84111 Mr.. tiniith sad'
4•1111 with tht•Ir plAra.nto.
. John McLeod.
no ...item/tient 110,, flaw. Illresses.-4Five donen Troloses'.
ante proportion were plowed