The Signal, 1930-4-17, Page 8-7 .. s." Mta!'tr' t: Thursbcy. April 17, 1930. NEW JULIAN SALE Under -the -arm BAGS Smart, correct style. Just the thing to complete you' Easter costume. Exceptional Values. $1.00 up.. A full line of Made -in - Canada EASTER CARDS for your choice. +++++ 11 1 1 1 C •F•F-'--1-+•F=r•t••i•F•: COLE'S Book Store Be Consistent KEEL' YOUR PLL MBISG AND HEATING A$ CP T(3 DATE AS THE REST OF YOUR HOME Estimates cheerfully submitted John Pinder Phone 127. Box No. 131 THE SIGNAL, - `' GODERICH, ONT. r 084/44/41.04/440/**„ (('48 Hints on Gardening The garden pea Ls one of our mos popular vegetables, bis unfortunately 1n most 'cases we have only a few meals before the swlswt 1s over. Tbh • situation can be remedied to a very large ostein by planting Much earlier than usual. 1n rerrnt years. market gardeners and titanium -eclat growers have found that they eau Mite_ peas much earlier than they used to talo• slier possible, and that this early plautiug results in larger and lunger cropping. 4:enerally s1 ,aking. the first of Ili, garden paras can Ir• sown jus' as .. i, as the ground works up nicely. Soule 4.f the very be -t results hate been obtained welted' the M,,'4I was- h,Ut in before the last stiowstonu. In fact. many .-..mmeretul growers will tell ,you that unless you gat your leas iu early enough 'u receive 8 cnow'tu11 .r two, the crop will out he targe. .U: the plea family makes its lest growth limit.. the ..sal weather, awl the Bard u 14.11 is u" e8.4)4dion. TO olden' the maximum yield mud the Wilkes. .•:[sou, that is to hare your peas onlh,g in 40 the table for a month nstem,l of a few days. select at lust hree types, the carlit'st sort. 8 med- ian one. mad n late nue. Then. jn41 I LOOK HERE 1 DAVID BROW\ pays cash for good fat hens, goose feathers, muskrats. rte., etc. Cail him by telephone 270. NOTICE w. All owners a d occupiers of premises are hereby notified that all garbage, etc., must be' removed from their premises by May lit. 1930. F. G. WEIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. NOTICE The Boort of Health ask for the heany col operation of all citizens iu the enforcement of gUaran- ttine in the present epidemic of mumps. People in quarantined houses must not mingle with the public. The breadwinner under certain con- ,litionsis permitted by authority of M. 0. H. to attend his usual occupation, but should under no circum- stances attend arty public gathering or meeting. ' Unless these regulations are adhered to, th, Board will be compelled to enforce them. A. D. McLEAN, A. C. HUNTER, Chairman. A. 0. H FOR SALE ALL THE MATERIAL IN MY GRAIN WARE- HOUSE, HAMILTON STREET 50,000 Brick, 200 Joist, 2"x10''Illi', Studding, 1'' '-h..4it,g, Flooring, Poetaand square -Timber Elevator Equipment, Pulleys, Shafting, Belting and Buckets. 3 Sect:; of Scaler, 1 good :t -horsepower Gasoline Engine. 2 bag Trucks. I fireproof Safe, 25 1Vindows and Frames, a number of Doors, 500 Grain Rags. 1 Counter and Store Equipment; a lot of tin Sheeting, Office Equipment, stock of Cloy r and Grass Seeds. Royal Purple for stock and poultry. Everything must be sold, as the building is to be entirely. removed by May 1st. Goods -lay be seen at the premises. Will sell cheap. A. J. COOPER Announcement We wish to announce to the people of Goderich and district that we are now carrying on a General Planing Mill and Retail Business A complete stock of Building Material such as Cement, Lime. Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shingles carried in stock. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring and a full line of Builders' Supplies. Lowest prices in Ontario. Consult us before you buy. FRESH CAR OF, CEMENT JUST IN The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd'. 1 1. `13aech/('r, Prc.(i4lcnl) , Foot of Anglesey 'greet . Goderich . Telephone $1 • as soon as the ground works up nice- OBITUARY ly, pat In about one quarer of each packet, or posnWly It would be better to put In half of the earliest variety and a quarter of each of tide utter two. A week laser, sow the remainder I of the early peas and a quarter of the medium and the late varieties. In an- other week or ten days, waw another quarter of the medium and late apd re- peat this performance a week layer. This will give you u supply of {ryes which ' dhoul,I last from the very earliest part of the season until the very last, and 111 (eventide l«'ntiuns and at Rou,l year, this wHI wean a season of dose to u month. Peas Tike rich, open (soil, plenty of etiVivation, moisture and fertilizer. They may he grown ietwe•en rows of later matur- ing vegetables sued as corn, tomatoes, c8 bb144•es and Ia rsu111s, and they will tee out of the way before the others require fl)Il room. W tufa those peas which• grave to a height of twelve le eighteen laches. It is at good plan to Daunt in double row.. that Is two rows also' fifteen Inches apart wit twenty•four to flirt, inches spare b•- Uvcca the double rows. 'lt.' vim••. whet, inanted in Ills '4u>. will hello ..to support Bich other. • Rork Gardens Rock g+ad,•us are rapidly coming, into t,yiuc hi C'nada. • In manly r'- 8pe1i• this form of'gardeuiug Is 'he most fascinating of all: There are su flounce dainty little subje'Is th81 ran' be tared for in .in arca ..tering fess s,llo rfe 'y ,ads of space. •4the can either utv ui natural slope or huild au urtificlal 0111' for the location. In .1111.1lug the Yogi: g;unlel, 1111,' mint remember gait he. Is trying to creme 8 miniature rocky range alien 18 [lac natural ,environment 4.) most of -he plants used. It Is important that the stow.•" he placed informally- but In such - a nay that they will ire firmly-, imbed- ded 111 ti:,. 81111 1111.1 t1111t tile• soli be MISS ELIZA MONTGOMERY The death of (.Miss Elisa Moutgnm ery, formerly of Guduricb, occurred urred 01 April 4th at the home of A. E. ('hal lenger, I(kigerton, Alberta, Deceased I. survived by (her slater, Mrs. S. E. Me - !bleu of Edgerton. Alta., and a broth- er, Mr. Joseph Montgomery of Wolf Paint. Montana. Interment at. mud•• in Fhlgertun cemetery on Sunday after- noon, fternoon, April 9th. MRS. JOIILN WIt.1.18 There passed away in (loelerlch on ltiatnrday. April 12t11, `Martha M.4.on- nell, widow of the hue John Willis, In her eeveufy•seventh year. Deceased had Leen 111 for only three days and prior to that was well and active. She %vas born in Asbfleld tome hip, where she resided the greater part of i lar life. For the last ten years she lived in'Goelerich, Her husband pre- rteea8et her thirty-two years, and surviving are flirt•.. sous and four daughters: Edward Willis.' Iters. re R'illis, \ars. Amos Stewart, ed God- erich ; Frank Mrs. Join jolter'. tom or Ashfl•ld; Mr.. Robert Ih.mk and Mrs, Iter[ Grummet[, of $* ska- total. Sask. Two sisters also survive, .Mrs. S. Mc4'ullolIgh. ,.f Ashfield. and Mrs. Draper, of Alberta. The funeral took , (,late on Tuesday afternoon from the home' on l'aux•ron street to Port Albert cemetery. iter. 14. C. M.•- Denuld conducted the service. and (lie pallbearers were \le8srs. F:4)., Dens more and Frank Willis unit .lotus' ,Iola( -ton. Tions• presentat the fritter - :11 freru a distunrt• Iticaudcd bars. Lash - brook. Mr. and Mrs. Get. McCullough and Mr-. !,*bur211, of Lot4dou. !use of the word "reptile" today. The dinosaur which laid the eggs found I by 111e Andrews party was nine feet long. he said. -' Glatt Dtaeovered • The giant four -footed animal, how- ever, was discovered. This was the /!RASE 7Y) RENT 'FOR SEASON. taluchitherlum, a rhinoceros -like U Well watered. Apply to 1' ICY thing. which stood thirteen feet high ROBIS.VON, R.R. No. Ir Auburn, Ont. • at the shoulders. 'Phone 33-8 Blyth Central. Roney and fossils of animals never before known were fotua4 by the ex- pedition, the greatest 11418 teeing at Bastian designated the Flaming Cliffs. because of the bloat -rel rocks, I. J. It CARTER 01' TILE TOWN %% Melt, lighted by an ifteruaan sun. Sail)' of Kinloss, do hereby admit preeentel a picture of unuettail that 1 had no n•ason to accuse fleury ; beauty. At the bottom or these cliffs Kerr, of the Township of Wawanoeb v,•r1' found ,•%timers of the earliest •'f any fraud or other wrought) acct. form of animal life yet discovered an' 1 also admit that I had no reae4rn wtat- earth. a ever for causing any criminal Informa- ['elgde of wealth who are Interested 41011 10 be 4111d against the'eald Hetuy In Relent.. and archaedogy are hell.. Kerr or to cause him to be arrested. Ing the American museum send these•' 1, (herefore, welsh to publicly 814014'- 484)1411.1*'. into the remote and old- gaze to the said Henry Kerr for all i est part of the world- to discover and, trouble aux} lnenrveuleiee which has bring out the relics '.dowing Haat j 141.11 causal 111111 and I also 1ep1481 life existed on thi( pin net mllllons of. flint all news{apdel.4 which have pule years ago. The life stony of- these; Ilshel 11r4lw,rts ,urelg th,' 8814 thing'. Is written In the rotfs. Ilenrs K11e)rr which ntJghl rulfeud 4,%11 4. lujune Young goes to Join the tarty and 111'. rc(4itatlon *hall puhllsh this apwd• direct the motor 4rausl8orlatiuu back ugy and give 1t the same prominence lura the ,kes'rt. where It 1s'{wnsll.k' .'s was given to reports metal 1. to work only from April until (Sieber, Dated this 9th day of April. 1081), 14raut54' 4.f the fub•uwe (a)Id during RI1(14) s: J. 11. CARTER. .8h,'r months. Catherine Vonflatteu. Sones day. It is hops]. they may r find whit all of the archaeologists ut OTTCE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT the world are trying to find, 41144.114'04.1111'va bylaw was Patel by the MunIell or Ito' earil.•-t form of human Ilfc- pal ('uutell of the T(rw'u of Goderich the flrs1 elan. (.0 the seienth day of Aland'. 19:144, ----_- previdiug for the Moine of desa•uturea Wealth hurts children %%h.18 'icy to the :1411 t 0) 4$31410.184( thr*r get 400 lnneh of It." -John D. 21.s•1.1.' 4,011..11 1111 dulhlr-, far Moe 41.11 1"111/S.' ur teller. jr. 44trrlulslug at iter drptituu•ul kidderi -__ ---- motor truck. mounted un and including "Government 'e.4umissiuns reverie' a Chevrolet meatal- ene.hnlf-tau elms mending me1M418 for efficiency and sit: a(44 that such bylaw was regi'. economy ahonld practise what they tere.l lit the Ilk•glstry office of the pren4(h."--('barles G. Dawes. + Comity of Huron on the first day of April 110). ,any motion 'to quash or wet aside the nun} or any pert- thenad J4)IiX T. 111 KS4IN A former well -know'' resident of iluron muuty, 111 the pers18 of .11.101 Turnbull Dickson died on Saturday. tater. will rim Ira .•i. into thhe (entre -April , t11,_ in the 'pimento Gemmel of Ilei mound so that there will 44• hospital. Deceased W118 for n flambe! fall room for root des.4.''nle•nt .Incl refyvera a re-ldeut of 4; wlerich, i1i(1.1- moi4nrre supplies will not be e r off �jagtlle office of deputy registrar of 'there must be gad drainage, and. deeds. He W11.4 110r11 in the ^uwnship s1N'.'ial drainage will hart to tw. ;aro- of Tut-kersrulth, the youngest son of %bled tar some of the plants.. Wes I ler• the hue James Dickson. who was beaten Ihla•'tnt14w, br•suse they 11re afterwards appolUterl comity registrar tory Irregular. are the ir+'t to nv, but /111,1 move} 40 Goderich. .After the nor other mhti•rlal can he worked In. 11 pdntluen' of a new registrar. Mr. Ii.'•es•nr'. Before building your rock Dickson 'returnt,l to his farm near gerdetn. visit (wane of tlyse affair+ hl. )teaforth. and In 1913, after rhe death your !welly, or ar (cast 4••t a goal of his wife. he moved to Tonlntn• book on the subject.1'r44lticallc all wb'rr members of his famliy lived. W1'11.101'11 1184 .nitahle planting mater-, Ile I+ survived by three daughters hot }:0,91 Oh" has its infers -410g and two sons: Mrs. Lateran Gillies, of history. .cense M111/•. from the high y'„ronto: Miss Irene Dickson and Nissl Altitudes In Thibet. some from the Jeuuie Dickson. of :casket..a1: Dr. ilinantnyen Mountains and others from ,lames IHekw.n, o1 ('leceetnd, find John oar `ossa Canadian Roo-kles While 15icks,.u. of Tort►'o; ■Ise by one I there tire literally thousands of *1)881481 sister, Mrs. J. E. Tom, of Goiter -kb. of alpine Plants wonting from all the Mr. 151,1454,11 had. been In falling health world. the number mat nre proving the last two year8. The remains were hardy In Canada is limited. end the brnnght to S.•afortb and interment novice W01114 14' we'll adv4''I to eine fine himself at firs to any ..r sill of the fallowing c•trieti,•s wl.keh are '.l.• rained either as seed or plant.. .Aly -s-, sum ssentlle. eom4a.tum t yellow 4, .\Alis alpihus 4whih•l• Arabi: infan- ts, rietens (plink 4. nubretill. 1variouso, thew• Ifato•s, t. 15. Snuherland and annerb. (rose find wheel, (atanllnlha, Furl i1111 Ammar those present at the riving' Ipnrplel, 'aneentila ear4atlea, rimer 11 were Mr. and Mr-. 'ninon. bine awl white.. •. r.:, -tanto 1.•1111. I: ilii. •s Toronto: Miss Ire,.,. !Dirk - ..,.,lm '=""441. 1(1i,1.e with wile son. ''1 8aaJ.nto4on: 1Ir. .lamas t)ick- -lowers,4. 41044nnthn' x1110111, biennial. yeti. of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Jnlal ,or iigel. dianthus deltukles (rose`.. Dir*ono. of Tcrrnn•o; Mr. awl Mrs. M. oink 1. gtraophila repens lwhat. 1. hates, of Goderkta. 4,ellanthemnm mut ahlb (vaMona 4. yeti .empet'vlrens (white), ilnarial JOirN TiTOMPSOX LINK LATF:It •platen Ihlne(, Iyehnls alpina (bright; An old and highly esteemed resident :ow•1, Polluter alpdnum (mixe1 ver-1,rf Gr4lerleh was remover} by the death ions). plimida•.ortnuokIea (rosy lllacl, ,,,1 }rides, April 11th, of John 1'homp- ;,rlmnh► dpntleulata (white to llle).�son 1.Inklater. w'h4eb occurred' et the rase(, gp)narla or(varioPs bole), home of his son•In-law. Mr. Wm -axlfraga hybrids (various). .Ilene Ruston. Illucks street., Mr. I,Inklater -.'Unita (ross-pwlrplei, t1m1(14 'avl-= toils In his sest•Pnty-ninth year and had rrnga ( pink 1. Veronica meet rata; Isar( 111 for several months. 11e was ,blue•). violas In many pleasing (odors.horn at (Hamilton. Ont.. and when Three d1elightful phloxes obtainable In; wilt, young moved will, his family I only are Snhulata Ian white, t0 Collerrne township. where he re• ;.ir*k and lllacl, amnena (pink), 81,1w1 for M1( Reenter tart of his life. fivnriente (In white and pale loccnd ito apeut eleven year. at Stratford. .dr hluel. TO RENT APARTMENT TO RENT. -APPLY W MRS. HHRHERT McLEAN, Kingatoll street. PUBLIC NOTICE AUCTION MAL. CLEARING AUCTION BALE Olr H'Ol1F]®'HrOLD IDI"F)OC S. We have received Instructions io sell by public auction, at the old Royal (tank building, North street and the St}uare, on SATURDAY, APRiL 11hh at 1.:1() u'ctoek p.m., the household effects of the late S. MeV. I.1OY1) tonslating of patriot, llvingroom, dln- Ingrauu, (10440om- and kltcheu furni- ture. Tat MS: Cash. '1'. Gi)NDRY & SON, Auctioneers. ULBENTUKEK FOR FiAli Town of Goderich 1 tom« ,►;. . 1i1'11F.NT1'R. ES FbR SA•L14 t' 1414aa•r14.(1on• for the purchase of j3,04000 of 3 per tent. fire Welder truck hoods' and i20,lltII.48) of 3 per vent. Hydro 114444)44 of the Tush of God- erich will Ire retired by the Town Treasurer froth THURSDAY. A191,1i. 118)4, to TIiUDd- I1A5, AI•1111. 17th, MID'Flier,. are five lad0er 'r1..•k bunds rangi from $342.93 to =(lotus dee in front ,e t4. five• ye8utl. l '1'lllrte +111• twenty (hire Ele4tric 1smu.1, ranging Rom $4aN.�. to $l:ehi.43 disc In from one '0 twenty years. ')'hew. Is.ud' ore offered to (oral sal. -ri+s•rs au par yielding ' per tent, led l'is naw open for Itw,Iettlon .,t ' 'lows' Teasurer's office, sad af- ter pall 17(1, 4hux e 4'o•1I will allot thts.• N.'01:11"suLw•rip:lows ne ewarlly ac- rrl'(('d. HIRR:111 " mint be made ktthra three mouths af- 1.101.Tt)\.-1n Colborne t.wns11lp. on ter the first publication of til• ounce, Saturday. April 12. to Mr. and Mrs. *tad tunnel made nit -teeter. Wm. Dolton. a sun -George Frod4r- Dated at Geslerich this :ud day of Irk. - .April, 1930. DIED 1.. 1:. KNOX, Clerk, Town of (,,slprtih l.IN7►..tTER.-'lu Godericb, 4.n I'll - day. April 11111. John Thompson - Llnklater, in bis 79th year. TENDERS WANTED MONTGOMFIItY.-At Edger on. Al- lcrt , on April 4th, Miss Elisa Mout- I aTENDER. _ le inry, forrly of Girleric•b. - tme WILLIS.-in llalerk•h, ..0 Sa'urday, April 12th. Martha McConnell, wid- ow of the late John Willis, In her 7701 year. IOLMSN.-At Mose Jaw, Sask on tiwak place In Maltlandhauk cemetery on W(dnertlay. April 9821. 'he service tit the graveside being coah11•tel try It,•v. 1. it. Keine and Rev. W. i'. 19111,' The pallbearers were .lans Dlckw.u. John S. Dickson. lr, ft (:(tins, Mat - ••••.•••s•.•• MODEL THEATRE Week of April 21 to April 26 Manias and Tuesday - AL JOLSON and DAVEY LEE after wh4.•11 he returned to Colborne township. and for the lest twelve years ole matte him home in Goiter - 1 -h. nig wife predeceased hint twenty- nine years. and surviving ate two ..,,,os :111(1 four daughters: Wm. A., of Puyallup. Walsh :.1. 16•yon the home- stead; Mrs Marry Willtani' and Mrs. Irving limiter. al -o of Colborne town- ship: Jliss Jelarde 1.. Linklnter, of (lt- tawv: and Mrs. Wm. Ruston. of Gotl- snieh. in religion the devnsel was ill Presbyterian, and after the 'triton of , 19'2:4 he 4101.11 TM' n member of Victoria with Betty Bronson and Josephine sn'trt United ,•inured. In p14111Ps he tons m tfeym4•h l.lhPtal. 11,4. wa8 a fine Dunn Chr101811 gentleman anti wens widely The 444'11(1 - greaten entertainer in known for his kindness 4 4111' nge,l, and shut-ins, and many friends will a brilliantly emotional love story mourn hI• plsalnR• The funeral took with glittering Broadway as a beck- 1 plats on Snndny afterna,n from the ground. Appealing Davey lee intresidetlre ,ianRuston,. Mr. d Jir'.. uston. .iolson's greatest picture. A treat I ll4neks street. to Le•burn church and f,,r :all themes to Colborne cemetery fur In= torment.' Ret•. G. W. itutt hail (-harge, of the serfke at [h1' hon and con`The SiogingFool' .-hi, the soli, "Ivory Butt wastile eland service Mr. Rutt weal n'. •Istel by iter. A. C. Tiffin. The pall• Universal Western -"Death's Head' bearers were J. W. hunter. Thos. Told),it. T. 1'IAllips, Wm. 'White. 7lahldm MacKay '114(11 J. IT. MIllinn. , TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOI4.H Tender+ will be received up to anti Including ,April :I911, 1990, for the 'nxi,isg of gravel for the township of West Wa anosb, by the yard• per mile. Saturday, April 12th. Gordon Win- Tenders to be sealed and market field Howard, second son of Mr. •.Tri,ek• Tender." Geo. W. Holman of Goderic•h. .LtS. W. GiBSON, (toad Suplerintendelit, WANTED M-ti1) WANTED FUJI GENERAL housework. Apply to MAS. J. If. KELLY. St. Vincent street, Goderich. r1RE: }•}Iii : FIRE! --.NOW IS THE as time to .fire out your rags. rind adll kinds of junk such a- 10P4r•1' and bras-. Get right weight and cash. Drop n card at my expellee to li, Ii.tl.STEAD, Box 038. FOR SALE WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER tuft FOR SALE. --Government tenet. W. 1. YOUNG, R. R. 5, Go erleh. 'Phone 2020 Carlow central. R SAL::. -HALL Ri'TLEDGE ES- 'r.tTE property on . Palmerston .tract. .tppdy to HAY•:( A HAYS, Bar- risters, nonillion street, Oalerlch. I rl)R SALE.- O, A. C. \o. 21 RAR -1 ■ LEY: al1,, White Blossom sweet' closer. Seed reetely culled and cleaned. FRANK L YOUNG, R. R. :r, ([oderh•h. '('hone 2044 Carlow. hilt SALE. -FARM, 90 ACRES ON II Huron road• three miles east of G(Nlerieb: good barn 70 x 50, • red brick house, running waiter. hot and void; t hree-pleee- bathroom. 4'. E. GiROVES, (:atoned 1t. R. 1. Phone ..:13 on MI. colt SALE. --FARM 11F FiFTY ACRES on the north INnm,lory of Ashfield: good orchard. First.•Ins'. brick braise and g.owl' Karn. Will ex. albugo for town property. For partic- ulars apply to NEIL M(AJ.tM, Eldon FOX NEWS Matinee Monday at 3 p►, m. Evening admission-- Adults 35c; Child- ren 25c Matinee admission- Adults 25c: Child• ren 15c • Wednesday and, Thur.day- ALICE DAY and MAT MOORE Lilyan Tashman and Edmund Burns in a ViVneloits :ton .of a Polite: girl who used sl earn shovel ideas in h• r gold digging. A innritnl ntil-up involving husband. wife and (horn: beauty. "check' ' "Phyllis of the Follies)' GAYETY COMEDY 'The'Newlyweds Lose Snookums" Friday and Saturday - Lois Moran and Joseph Wagstaff Porescnt a connic,ll Into• stun• w•i111 the el*s.ie Kentucky nerdy as a breckgtouml and the nctunl Derby as n feature 1"A Song of Kentucky F.puode No. 11, ' A I .nal R'.Inning" Cartoon Conway Mntin4P8. Monday and Saturday at 3 p. m. a to monsters. the word "dinrssanr" he- tr ACIOIt Ol COLBORNE FAMILY Undersigned and endorsed Phone 27. hoc• s'ret, G(klerk•h. Ont. NI:.%n COLi.FA.IATE-.1N S•19A►OM ED cement 1,Irw•k house, Including piano, radio, telephone, battery -char CIO', and the ot5tlinnry furniture: lawn. girder!. fait trees. two garage.. "New l-'or.l" each. l'rbted at *11441) for .4kpucslekrksale. h, B. OX 322. ' Telephone 18.3. rot SALF:.-FARM OF 115 ACRES. lot Nu. 39. Gotlerleh township, two mile+ north of ay ed on Blue Water Dm"' 1.4 HOI,MF.:, Highway;'. god white Mick hone'' '1I,X'1y,ERS FOR DR.EI►(:IX4; with tok'p.hmle borne and arte,inl I SEALED TF;XDI,1,S, miltonter, F,tc. s+ addressed to OAc�--Hamilton street, r:odrrlch. well • 10 seeds of R(441 timber hem the k. byeth and ample. Apply to W. (, (render for 1►relghfg, (lollingn'oo4 1'444)7. It. it.:.l;aleriell. Phone e.4 ir:4^_ 11,1rls.our. (ant..`' will 18• r,rrlved nnt11 12 o'clock noon, (daylight saving), C('R S.tL.b:.-Tilt .I'ROP4RTY AT Tlusda)'..1pri1 29, 19:19. !l IternnIIh.r l..') ging to the estate T,'nilers • %Ii11 not he rnnaldPre! nn - „f the Joe ,inure. trout. Tads 0118.1,1,4 IP.4 mnok nn the forms Pftplprl1. l by the Auburn, 4)11". TENDER. T('SVXli1i1l' 41F WE$T NV.1WANtiSII The utwlersigne,l will ,•.rite tenders up to and km111(11ng April :kith. 19410, for pacer tA. 1perate•rone cnether for 41.0 township of West NVawanosh and all la 110r nee•ssary 40 pal: .•nylon graael 111 1.in, lit the ran]. Tender to lw Reeled and marked •Y•ru+tier Tend- er." •. JAR. W. 4IIBSON. Road Aulr'rintendcnt. Auburn. On'. TENDERS FOR COAL SEALF)I) TENI►Fnt4 addreseed to the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will 1' re (vire) at his office until' 12 o'clock seen, (daylight saving), Wednesday, �y 7, 1939, for the .upp17 of coal for the Dominion Building,. throughout the Province of tintarlo, Including the I try of Ottawn. Forms of tender with sner•Ifleatldns and eondltions attached can be ob- tained from O. W. .r'awaon, Pnrehaa- Ing Agent, De tirtmcnt of Public Works. Ottawa: and It. Winter, Dis- trict Resident Architect, 59-411 Vic.' torlit Street, Toronto, Ont. Tetnh'rs will not be a nsidered lin-. lees made on the forms mtppliy! by the Itepartment and In accordance with departmental speiflcntlnns and eon- dltions. rhe r1Rht to demand from the ane- eesafUi tenderer n deposit, not ex.! reeling 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. to .e•are ILP proper ntl- filinent of theeontr4444. In resorted. Sy order. . N. DEsiAnriiNS. Secreta ry-. 1aep:lrInl(I1 4.f Pn4,lie Works. (►[lawn, aprll 14. 111:.41. L I. KNOX, Town Treasurer, Goderich, Octad.. 1t. 1: 'rt IINElI, chairman Fluanet. Committee, hoderkih, Outeri°. A I'C'1TONLERINC THOMAS alt'\'DRY, OODERICH. IJ V1 tTOCJf AND OMBRAl A UCTiONZER ?eleptfon. No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and effort made to give antiatactloo Farmers' sale notes din•ounted. WESLEY W. FISHER, Aectluneer, will conduct sales anywhere. Fay terms are reasonable 8114 1 will us- deavor to give aattafactlun. Pbr• Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4, (1.1. erich. ELLIOTT MILLER Auctioneer iPbone 70, Lucknow S41h. topductel anywhere. Wide es- l.erienee ley very best 'Herta put forth 1n each and every aisle. DRi'(:LESM PRACTITIONER riIlROl'RA(TOR A. 1) DRUGLESS THERAPIST (.o4erleh, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magn•Ut bathe. Electronic electric treatmoots and chiropractic. Chronic organic ane nervous dlaeaiten. Lady In attendance. Once hours 2 to 5, sod 7 to 9 pia, excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATK1NSON Residence and once --Corner .f South street and Britannia road. CHARTER= ACCOUNTANT ;'RANK P. GIBBS, CIIART15RED as Aecunntaut. ill_' Ontario atsoit, Stratford. Phone 13.90. Rem 1390,1. MEDiCAI. DIt. F. J. R FORSTF:it, EYE. 14A1t. NOSE. TII1ROAT. i.e1P ib.11se t411 1'440011 New York Opa- thalmic and Aural H"splta4, aasloot st at MooreAPld 1174. Ruvpttel and Onlrlte Square Throat Howlpital. London, lib'. :a;t Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel - At At Hotel Belford, Go.lericb, on use evening of third Monday of used month till the following day. Tuesday, nt1pm. 1,'RN1ST M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bonding. Adelaide and Victoria atreetr, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5:401. (Continued from tame 1i gals. It enm' out In 1924 mrd has Peen unable to ,lo any work Sine•, ns n s •IonMflc entitled km reline on lsehnlf of the Chinese 4;merriment, heldit up. Andrews was In Peking when Yo4mtr, other marttlw'rs of the part) and their .palmers were ,tnppw•d. Tito: were hell for nine weeks 1'.• - fore being permitted to time 01rt with tine .pr•(rJons fossils mind a•c'('itmm' of earliest nnimal life they had obtained h1 the desert. • Allowed to ('ontlnue Work The (Chinese were rrnllhl." to under- stand the s,•h•ntlfie purpose of _the t .'xpinrnlbms 'end study. nn11 thought the fossils ink up had setter great cunmerchrl value. New. Yong had teen interne! by .tndrew•s, is rmisslnn for the work to go on has been given. The Mpurol. differ 4rently from the 4911(1.".)'. Young snarl, and they re- swsmhle the North Amerlene In4lnn. T11es lire enfimly from'hcir1' of'ls' rs, their,. diet eonaistIng of ment. milk and c1(4r's)'. They rale* no groin nor ve telnhle'': The nevemm paert7 lied to carrT an prrv'• the desert. het needed only amm140. !Hifi to,olthlrt meat'. ' because 11,1 -re erre many antelrgic.. Thr Mongols ore nomads, metier from place to place Dinosnnr, Ynwwg MI4 yesterday. I• n nam( applied to a variety of ratty 1rpf11*a. veryt)R in Are from mice • 1 111•0 •••• 'Ina as pinstke in that revert 8414 the 4 of three sere. of land. more or less, on +kprtment and In 44(r0r11anee with wliieli 1, situated n *et -en -monied frame the e.m(Iltione set forth therein. hnu.e In goo') ;tate of r('((,4r and naw, 4'0•mhtnel specification and farm of 11 414)4.41 frame barn, suitable for a tender ern be 0h4/1111e1 011 application -1a4/1e anti garfge. ten the property is, to ton• mldersignel. also at the office 1 ne44'r•fnllln4 spring of excellelt wilt- of the t.►lstrict. Engineer, })giilty ltnild- .r•. This property kin an 1110:1 1 1,4.11- Ing, Toronto, Ont, frau 411141 within three minute.' well Tenders mustinclude the towing of of elinreh. 1h -ho,) alndkttigiNFor forth- Ido plant 14) mill' from the work. IT pa 1111111#111 apq)ly to 11. 'R. i.ONO, The dredges and other pinna which Goderich. or JOHN it. LONG, .1.11, 4, nre Ia4011dn1 to he empinyel en this Galerleh, Ont. '' work, ahnIl hare leen duly registered in Cannde on or b•fpre the thirty DARY CHICKS AND HA'lrHING' first dos of De,vmber, 1929. or shall 1 GAB.- O.A.C'. funeral Rork+ n have Men ennatruet(rl and registered 1'0 tw•r 100. d '.WL(•gnrn: